path: root/src/crepe/system
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/crepe/system')
25 files changed, 2085 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94445c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include "manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "AISystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std::chrono;
+void AISystem::fixed_update() {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
+ RefVector<AI> ai_components = mgr.get_components_by_type<AI>();
+ float dt = loop_timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time().count();
+ // Loop through all AI components
+ for (AI & ai : ai_components) {
+ if (!ai.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rigidbodies
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(ai.game_object_id);
+ if (rigidbodies.empty()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "AI component must be attached to a GameObject with a Rigidbody component"
+ );
+ }
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody = rigidbodies.front().get();
+ if (!rigidbody.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rigidbody.data.mass <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Mass must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 force = this->calculate(ai, rigidbody);
+ // Calculate the acceleration (using the above calculated force)
+ vec2 acceleration = force / rigidbody.data.mass;
+ // Finally, update Rigidbody's velocity
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity += acceleration * dt;
+ }
+vec2 AISystem::calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody) {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ RefVector<Transform> transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(ai.game_object_id);
+ Transform & transform = transforms.front().get();
+ vec2 force;
+ // Run all the behaviors that are on, and stop if the force gets too high
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::FLEE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->flee(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::ARRIVE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::SEEK)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::PATH_FOLLOW)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->path_follow(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ return force;
+bool AISystem::accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add) {
+ float magnitude = running_total.length();
+ float magnitude_remaining = ai.max_force - magnitude;
+ if (magnitude_remaining <= 0.0f) {
+ // If the force is already at/above the max force, return false
+ return false;
+ }
+ float magnitude_to_add = force_to_add.length();
+ if (magnitude_to_add < magnitude_remaining) {
+ // If the force to add is less than the remaining force, add it
+ running_total += force_to_add;
+ } else {
+ // If the force to add is greater than the remaining force, add a fraction of it
+ force_to_add.normalize();
+ running_total += force_to_add * magnitude_remaining;
+ }
+ return true;
+vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity
+ vec2 desired_velocity = ai.seek_target - transform.position;
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity if the entity is within the panic distance
+ vec2 desired_velocity = transform.position - ai.flee_target;
+ if (desired_velocity.length_squared() > ai.square_flee_panic_distance) {
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
+ }
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity (taking into account the deceleration rate)
+ vec2 to_target = ai.arrive_target - transform.position;
+ float distance = to_target.length();
+ if (distance > 0.0f) {
+ if (ai.arrive_deceleration <= 0.0f) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Deceleration rate must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ float speed = distance / ai.arrive_deceleration;
+ speed = std::min(speed, rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity);
+ vec2 desired_velocity = to_target * (speed / distance);
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ }
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
+vec2 AISystem::path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) {
+ if (ai.path.empty()) {
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
+ }
+ // Get the target node
+ vec2 target = ai.path.at(ai.path_index);
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 to_target = target - transform.position;
+ if (to_target.length_squared() > ai.path_node_distance * ai.path_node_distance) {
+ // If the entity is not close enough to the target node, seek it
+ ai.seek_target = target;
+ ai.arrive_target = target;
+ } else {
+ // If the entity is close enough to the target node, move to the next node
+ ai.path_index++;
+ if (ai.path_index >= ai.path.size()) {
+ if (ai.path_loop) {
+ // If the path is looping, reset the path index
+ ai.path_index = 0;
+ } else {
+ // If the path is not looping, arrive at the last node
+ ai.path_index = ai.path.size() - 1;
+ return this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Seek the target node
+ return this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04807cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/AI.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "System.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI.
+ *
+ * The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI. The AISystem can be used to
+ * implement different behaviors such as seeking, fleeing, arriving, and path following.
+ */
+class AISystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ //! Update the AI system
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the total force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ */
+ vec2 calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody);
+ /**
+ * \brief Accumulate the force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param running_total The running total of the force
+ * \param force_to_add The force to add
+ * \return true if the force was added, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add);
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the seek force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The seek force
+ */
+ vec2 seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the flee force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The flee force
+ */
+ vec2 flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the arrive force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The arrive force
+ */
+ vec2 arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the path follow force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The path follow force
+ */
+ vec2 path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform);
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
index 4c40940..143d5d6 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
@@ -1,24 +1,44 @@
-#include <cstdint>
+#include <chrono>
-#include "api/Animator.h"
-#include "facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../api/Animator.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "AnimatorSystem.h"
-#include "ComponentManager.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std::chrono;
-void AnimatorSystem::update() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+void AnimatorSystem::frame_update() {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
RefVector<Animator> animations = mgr.get_components_by_type<Animator>();
- uint64_t tick = SDLContext::get_instance().get_ticks();
+ duration_t elapsed_time = timer.get_delta_time();
for (Animator & a : animations) {
if (!a.active) continue;
- // (10 frames per second)
- a.curr_row = (tick / 100) % a.row;
- a.spritesheet.mask.x = (a.curr_row * a.spritesheet.mask.w) + a.curr_col;
- a.spritesheet.mask = a.spritesheet.mask;
+ if (a.data.fps == 0) continue;
+ Animator::Data & ctx = a.data;
+ a.elapsed_time += elapsed_time;
+ duration_t frame_duration = 1000ms / ctx.fps;
+ int cycle_end = (ctx.cycle_end == -1) ? a.grid_size.x : ctx.cycle_end;
+ if (a.elapsed_time >= frame_duration) {
+ a.elapsed_time = 0ms;
+ a.frame++;
+ if (a.frame == cycle_end) {
+ a.frame = ctx.cycle_start;
+ if (!ctx.looping) {
+ a.active = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.row = ctx.cycle_start + a.frame;
+ a.spritesheet.mask.x = ctx.row * a.spritesheet.mask.w;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
index f8179a9..092e131 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
#include "System.h"
-// control if flip works with animation system
namespace crepe {
@@ -25,7 +22,7 @@ public:
* Animator components, moving the animations forward and managing their behavior (e.g.,
* looping).
- void update() override;
+ void frame_update() override;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2232f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "AudioSystem.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "../types.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void AudioSystem::fixed_update() {
+ ComponentManager & component_manager = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ RefVector<AudioSource> components
+ = component_manager.get_components_by_type<AudioSource>();
+ for (AudioSource & component : components) {
+ Sound & resource = resource_manager.get<Sound>(component.source);
+ this->diff_update(component, resource);
+ this->update_last(component);
+ }
+void AudioSystem::diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource) {
+ SoundContext & context = this->get_context();
+ if (component.active != component.last_active) {
+ if (!component.active) {
+ context.stop(component.voice);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (component.play_on_awake) component.oneshot_play = true;
+ }
+ if (!component.active) return;
+ if (component.oneshot_play) {
+ component.voice = context.play(resource);
+ context.set_loop(component.voice, component.loop);
+ context.set_volume(component.voice, component.volume);
+ component.oneshot_play = false;
+ }
+ if (component.oneshot_stop) {
+ context.stop(component.voice);
+ component.oneshot_stop = false;
+ }
+ if (component.volume != component.last_volume) {
+ context.set_volume(component.voice, component.volume);
+ }
+ if (component.loop != component.last_loop) {
+ context.set_loop(component.voice, component.loop);
+ }
+void AudioSystem::update_last(AudioSource & component) {
+ component.last_active = component.active;
+ component.last_loop = component.loop;
+ component.last_volume = component.volume;
+SoundContext & AudioSystem::get_context() {
+ if (this->context == nullptr) this->context = make_unique<SoundContext>();
+ return *this->context.get();
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56fc98c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../api/AudioSource.h"
+#include "../facade/Sound.h"
+#include "../facade/SoundContext.h"
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+class AudioSystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Update `last_*` members of \c component
+ *
+ * Copies all component properties stored for comparison between AudioSystem::update() calls
+ *
+ * \param component AudioSource component to update
+ */
+ void update_last(AudioSource & component);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compare update component
+ *
+ * Compares properties of \c component and \c data, and calls SoundContext functions where
+ * applicable.
+ *
+ * \param component AudioSource component to update
+ * \param resource Sound instance for AudioSource's Asset
+ */
+ void diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get SoundContext
+ *
+ * SoundContext is retrieved through this function instead of being a direct member of
+ * AudioSystem to aid with testability.
+ */
+ virtual SoundContext & get_context();
+ //! SoundContext
+ std::unique_ptr<SoundContext> context = nullptr;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
index d658b25..52369d0 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ AudioSystem.cpp
+ InputSystem.cpp
+ EventSystem.cpp
+ ReplaySystem.cpp
+ AISystem.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -14,5 +19,10 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ AudioSystem.h
+ InputSystem.h
+ EventSystem.h
+ ReplaySystem.h
+ AISystem.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
index c74ca1d..571ac70 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,604 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <optional>
+#include <utility>
+#include <variant>
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "api/BoxCollider.h"
+#include "api/CircleCollider.h"
+#include "api/Event.h"
+#include "api/Metadata.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "api/Vector2.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
+#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
#include "CollisionSystem.h"
+#include "types.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using enum Rigidbody::BodyType;
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo::operator-() const {
+ return {
+ .self = this->other,
+ .other = this->self,
+ .resolution = -this->resolution,
+ .resolution_direction = this->resolution_direction,
+ };
+void CollisionSystem::fixed_update() {
+ std::vector<CollisionInternal> all_colliders;
+ game_object_id_t id = 0;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rigidbodies = mgr.get_components_by_type<Rigidbody>();
+ // Collisions can only happen on object with a rigidbody
+ for (Rigidbody & rigidbody : rigidbodies) {
+ if (!rigidbody.active) continue;
+ id = rigidbody.game_object_id;
+ Transform & transform = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(id).front().get();
+ Metadata & metadata = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(id).front().get();
+ // Check if the boxcollider is active and has the same id as the rigidbody.
+ RefVector<BoxCollider> boxcolliders = mgr.get_components_by_type<BoxCollider>();
+ for (BoxCollider & boxcollider : boxcolliders) {
+ if (boxcollider.game_object_id != id) continue;
+ if (!boxcollider.active) continue;
+ all_colliders.push_back(
+ {.id = id,
+ .collider = collider_variant {boxcollider},
+ .info = {transform, rigidbody, metadata}}
+ );
+ }
+ // Check if the circlecollider is active and has the same id as the rigidbody.
+ RefVector<CircleCollider> circlecolliders
+ = mgr.get_components_by_type<CircleCollider>();
+ for (CircleCollider & circlecollider : circlecolliders) {
+ if (circlecollider.game_object_id != id) continue;
+ if (!circlecollider.active) continue;
+ all_colliders.push_back(
+ {.id = id,
+ .collider = collider_variant {circlecollider},
+ .info = {transform, rigidbody, metadata}}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Check between all colliders if there is a collision (collision handling)
+ std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>> collided
+ = this->gather_collisions(all_colliders);
+ // For the object convert the info and call the collision handler if needed
+ for (auto & collision_pair : collided) {
+ // Convert internal struct to external struct
+ CollisionInfo info
+ = this->get_collision_info(collision_pair.first, collision_pair.second);
+ // Determine if and/or what collison handler is needed.
+ this->determine_collision_handler(info);
+ }
+// Below is for collision detection
+std::vector<std::pair<CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal, CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal>>
+CollisionSystem::gather_collisions(std::vector<CollisionInternal> & colliders) {
+ // TODO:
+ // If no colliders skip
+ // Check if colliders has rigidbody if not skip
+ // TODO:
+ // If amount is higer than lets say 16 for now use quadtree otwerwise skip
+ // Quadtree code
+ // Quadtree is placed over the input vector
+ // Return data of collided colliders which are variants
+ std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>> collisions_ret;
+ //using visit to visit the variant to access the active and id.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < colliders.size(); ++i) {
+ for (size_t j = i + 1; j < colliders.size(); ++j) {
+ if (colliders[i].id == colliders[j].id) continue;
+ if (!should_collide(colliders[i], colliders[j])) continue;
+ CollisionInternalType type
+ = get_collider_type(colliders[i].collider, colliders[j].collider);
+ if (!detect_collision(colliders[i], colliders[j], type)) continue;
+ //fet
+ collisions_ret.emplace_back(colliders[i], colliders[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ return collisions_ret;
+bool CollisionSystem::should_collide(
+ const CollisionInternal & self, const CollisionInternal & other
+) const {
+ const Rigidbody::Data & self_rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody.data;
+ const Rigidbody::Data & other_rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody.data;
+ const Metadata & self_metadata = self.info.metadata;
+ const Metadata & other_metadata = other.info.metadata;
+ // Check collision layers
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_layers.contains(other_rigidbody.collision_layer)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_layers.contains(self_rigidbody.collision_layer)) return true;
+ // Check names
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_names.contains(other_metadata.name)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_names.contains(self_metadata.name)) return true;
+ // Check tags
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_tags.contains(other_metadata.tag)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_tags.contains(self_metadata.tag)) return true;
+ return false;
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInternalType CollisionSystem::get_collider_type(
+ const collider_variant & collider1, const collider_variant & collider2
+) const {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider1)) {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
+ return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE;
+ } else {
+ return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
+ return CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE;
+ } else {
+ return CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX;
+ }
+ }
+bool CollisionSystem::detect_collision(
+ CollisionInternal & self, CollisionInternal & other, const CollisionInternalType & type
+) {
+ vec2 resolution;
+ switch (type) {
+ case CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX: {
+ // Box-Box collision detection
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX2
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-box collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_box_box_detection(BOX1, BOX2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE: {
+ // Box-Circle collision detection
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE2
+ = {.collider
+ = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-circle collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_box_circle_detection(BOX1, CIRCLE2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ // Invert the resolution vector for proper collision response
+ resolution = -resolution;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE: {
+ // Circle-Circle collision detection
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE2
+ = {.collider
+ = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from circle-circle collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_circle_circle_detection(CIRCLE1, CIRCLE2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX: {
+ // Circle-Box collision detection
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX2
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-circle collision detection (order swapped)
+ resolution = this->get_box_circle_detection(BOX2, CIRCLE1);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CollisionInternalType::NONE:
+ // No collision detection needed if the type is NONE
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Store the calculated resolution vector for the 'self' collider
+ self.resolution = resolution;
+ // Calculate the resolution direction based on the rigidbody data
+ self.resolution_direction
+ = this->resolution_correction(self.resolution, self.info.rigidbody.data);
+ // For the 'other' collider, the resolution is the opposite direction of 'self'
+ other.resolution = -self.resolution;
+ other.resolution_direction = self.resolution_direction;
+ // Return true if a collision was detected and resolution was calculated
+ return true;
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_box_box_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const BoxColliderInternal & box2
+) const {
+ vec2 resolution {NAN, NAN};
+ // Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 pos1 = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box1.transform, box1.collider.offset);
+ vec2 pos2 = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box2.transform, box2.collider.offset);
+ // Scale dimensions
+ vec2 scaled_box1 = box1.collider.dimensions * box1.transform.scale;
+ vec2 scaled_box2 = box2.collider.dimensions * box2.transform.scale;
+ vec2 delta = pos2 - pos1;
+ // Calculate half-extents (half width and half height)
+ float half_width1 = scaled_box1.x / 2.0;
+ float half_height1 = scaled_box1.y / 2.0;
+ float half_width2 = scaled_box2.x / 2.0;
+ float half_height2 = scaled_box2.y / 2.0;
+ if (pos1.x + half_width1 > pos2.x - half_width2
+ && pos1.x - half_width1 < pos2.x + half_width2
+ && pos1.y + half_height1 > pos2.y - half_height2
+ && pos1.y - half_height1 < pos2.y + half_height2) {
+ resolution = {0, 0};
+ float overlap_x = (half_width1 + half_width2) - std::abs(delta.x);
+ float overlap_y = (half_height1 + half_height2) - std::abs(delta.y);
+ if (overlap_x > 0 && overlap_y > 0) {
+ // Determine the direction of resolution
+ if (overlap_x < overlap_y) {
+ // Resolve along the X-axis (smallest overlap)
+ resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
+ } else if (overlap_y < overlap_x) {
+ // Resolve along the Y-axis (smallest overlap)
+ resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
+ } else {
+ // Equal overlap, resolve both directions with preference
+ resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
+ resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return resolution;
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_box_circle_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box, const CircleColliderInternal & circle
+) const {
+ /// Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 box_pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box.transform, box.collider.offset);
+ vec2 circle_pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle.transform, circle.collider.offset);
+ // Scale dimensions
+ vec2 scaled_box = box.collider.dimensions * box.transform.scale;
+ float scaled_circle_radius = circle.collider.radius * circle.transform.scale;
+ // Calculate box half-extents
+ float half_width = scaled_box.x / 2.0f;
+ float half_height = scaled_box.y / 2.0f;
+ // Find the closest point on the box to the circle's center
+ float closest_x
+ = std::max(box_pos.x - half_width, std::min(circle_pos.x, box_pos.x + half_width));
+ float closest_y
+ = std::max(box_pos.y - half_height, std::min(circle_pos.y, box_pos.y + half_height));
+ float distance_x = circle_pos.x - closest_x;
+ float distance_y = circle_pos.y - closest_y;
+ float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
+ if (distance_squared < scaled_circle_radius * scaled_circle_radius) {
+ vec2 delta = circle_pos - box_pos;
+ // Clamp circle center to the nearest point on the box
+ vec2 closest_point;
+ closest_point.x = std::clamp(delta.x, -half_width, half_width);
+ closest_point.y = std::clamp(delta.y, -half_height, half_height);
+ // Find the vector from the circle center to the closest point
+ vec2 closest_delta = delta - closest_point;
+ float distance
+ = std::sqrt(closest_delta.x * closest_delta.x + closest_delta.y * closest_delta.y);
+ vec2 collision_normal = closest_delta / distance;
+ // Compute penetration depth
+ float penetration_depth = scaled_circle_radius - distance;
+ // Compute the resolution vector
+ return vec2 {collision_normal * penetration_depth};
+ }
+ // No collision
+ return vec2 {NAN, NAN};
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_circle_circle_detection(
+ const CircleColliderInternal & circle1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+) const {
+ // Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 final_position1
+ = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle1.transform, circle1.collider.offset);
+ vec2 final_position2
+ = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle2.transform, circle2.collider.offset);
+ // Scale dimensions
+ float scaled_circle1 = circle1.collider.radius * circle1.transform.scale;
+ float scaled_circle2 = circle2.collider.radius * circle2.transform.scale;
+ float distance_x = final_position1.x - final_position2.x;
+ float distance_y = final_position1.y - final_position2.y;
+ float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
+ // Calculate the sum of the radii
+ float radius_sum = scaled_circle1 + scaled_circle2;
+ // Check for collision (distance squared must be less than the square of the radius sum)
+ if (distance_squared < radius_sum * radius_sum) {
+ vec2 delta = final_position2 - final_position1;
+ // Compute the distance between the two circle centers
+ float distance = std::sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y);
+ // Compute the combined radii of the two circles
+ float combined_radius = scaled_circle1 + scaled_circle2;
+ // Compute the penetration depth
+ float penetration_depth = combined_radius - distance;
+ // Normalize the delta vector to get the collision direction
+ vec2 collision_normal = delta / distance;
+ // Compute the resolution vector
+ vec2 resolution = -collision_normal * penetration_depth;
+ return resolution;
+ }
+ // No collision
+ return vec2 {NAN, NAN};
+ ;
+CollisionSystem::resolution_correction(vec2 & resolution, const Rigidbody::Data & rigidbody) {
+ // Calculate the other value to move back correctly
+ // If only X or Y has a value determine what is should be to move back.
+ Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ // If both are not zero a perfect corner has been hit
+ if (resolution.x != 0 && resolution.y != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::BOTH;
+ // If x is not zero a horizontal action was latest action.
+ } else if (resolution.x != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::X_DIRECTION;
+ // If both are 0 resolution y should not be changed (y_velocity can be 0 by kinematic object movement)
+ if (rigidbody.linear_velocity.x != 0 && rigidbody.linear_velocity.y != 0)
+ resolution.y
+ = -rigidbody.linear_velocity.y * (resolution.x / rigidbody.linear_velocity.x);
+ } else if (resolution.y != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::Y_DIRECTION;
+ // If both are 0 resolution x should not be changed (x_velocity can be 0 by kinematic object movement)
+ if (rigidbody.linear_velocity.x != 0 && rigidbody.linear_velocity.y != 0)
+ resolution.x
+ = -rigidbody.linear_velocity.x * (resolution.y / rigidbody.linear_velocity.y);
+ }
+ return resolution_direction;
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo CollisionSystem::get_collision_info(
+ const CollisionInternal & in_self, const CollisionInternal & in_other
+) const {
+ crepe::CollisionSystem::ColliderInfo self {
+ .transform = in_self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = in_self.info.rigidbody,
+ .metadata = in_self.info.metadata,
+ };
+ crepe::CollisionSystem::ColliderInfo other {
+ .transform = in_other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = in_other.info.rigidbody,
+ .metadata = in_other.info.metadata,
+ };
+ struct CollisionInfo collision_info {
+ .self = self, .other = other, .resolution = in_self.resolution,
+ .resolution_direction = in_self.resolution_direction,
+ };
+ return collision_info;
+void CollisionSystem::determine_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ Rigidbody::BodyType self_type = info.self.rigidbody.data.body_type;
+ Rigidbody::BodyType other_type = info.other.rigidbody.data.body_type;
+ bool self_kinematic = info.self.rigidbody.data.kinematic_collision;
+ bool other_kinematic = info.other.rigidbody.data.kinematic_collision;
+ // Inverted collision info
+ CollisionInfo inverted = -info;
+ // If both objects are static skip handle call collision script
+ if (self_type == STATIC && other_type == STATIC) return;
+ // First body is not dynamic
+ if (self_type != DYNAMIC) {
+ bool static_collision = self_type == STATIC && other_type == DYNAMIC;
+ bool kinematic_collision
+ = self_type == KINEMATIC && other_type == DYNAMIC && self_kinematic;
+ // Handle collision
+ if (static_collision || kinematic_collision) this->static_collision_handler(inverted);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(inverted);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Second body is not dynamic
+ if (other_type != DYNAMIC) {
+ bool static_collision = other_type == STATIC;
+ bool kinematic_collision = other_type == KINEMATIC && other_kinematic;
+ // Handle collision
+ if (static_collision || kinematic_collision) this->static_collision_handler(info);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(info);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dynamic
+ // Handle collision
+ this->dynamic_collision_handler(info);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(info);
+void CollisionSystem::static_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ vec2 & transform_pos = info.self.transform.position;
+ float elasticity = info.self.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ vec2 & rigidbody_vel = info.self.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ // Move object back using calculate move back value
+ transform_pos += info.resolution;
+ switch (info.resolution_direction) {
+ case Direction::BOTH:
+ //bounce
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel = -rigidbody_vel * elasticity;
+ }
+ //stop movement
+ else {
+ rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::Y_DIRECTION:
+ // Bounce
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel.y = -rigidbody_vel.y * elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::X_DIRECTION:
+ // Bounce
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel.x = -rigidbody_vel.x * elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::NONE:
+ // Not possible
+ break;
+ }
+void CollisionSystem::dynamic_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ vec2 & self_transform_pos = info.self.transform.position;
+ vec2 & other_transform_pos = info.other.transform.position;
+ float self_elasticity = info.self.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ float other_elasticity = info.other.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ vec2 & self_rigidbody_vel = info.self.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ vec2 & other_rigidbody_vel = info.other.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ self_transform_pos += info.resolution / 2;
+ other_transform_pos += -(info.resolution / 2);
+ switch (info.resolution_direction) {
+ case Direction::BOTH:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel = -self_rigidbody_vel * self_elasticity;
+ } else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
+ }
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel = -other_rigidbody_vel * other_elasticity;
+ } else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::Y_DIRECTION:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.y = -self_rigidbody_vel.y * self_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ self_transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ }
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.y = -other_rigidbody_vel.y * other_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ other_transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::X_DIRECTION:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.x = -self_rigidbody_vel.x * self_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ self_transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ }
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.x = -other_rigidbody_vel.x * other_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ other_transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::NONE:
+ // Not possible
+ break;
+ }
-void CollisionSystem::update() {}
+void CollisionSystem::call_collision_events(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ CollisionEvent data(info);
+ CollisionEvent data_inverted(-info);
+ EventManager & emgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ emgr.trigger_event<CollisionEvent>(data, info.self.transform.game_object_id);
+ emgr.trigger_event<CollisionEvent>(data_inverted, info.other.transform.game_object_id);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
index c1a70d8..ff2d35f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
@@ -1,13 +1,303 @@
#pragma once
+#include <optional>
+#include <variant>
+#include <vector>
+#include "api/BoxCollider.h"
+#include "api/CircleCollider.h"
+#include "api/Event.h"
+#include "api/Metadata.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "api/Vector2.h"
+#include "Collider.h"
#include "System.h"
namespace crepe {
+//! A system responsible for detecting and handling collisions between colliders.
class CollisionSystem : public System {
using System::System;
- void update() override;
+ //! Enum representing movement directions during collision resolution.
+ enum class Direction {
+ //! No movement required.
+ //! Movement in the X direction.
+ //! Movement in the Y direction.
+ //! Movement in both X and Y directions.
+ };
+ //! Structure representing components of the collider
+ struct ColliderInfo {
+ Transform & transform;
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody;
+ Metadata & metadata;
+ };
+ /**
+ * \brief Structure representing detailed collision information between two colliders.
+ *
+ * Includes information about the colliding objects and the resolution data for handling the collision.
+ */
+ struct CollisionInfo {
+ ColliderInfo self;
+ ColliderInfo other;
+ //! The resolution vector for the collision.
+ vec2 resolution;
+ //! The direction of movement for resolving the collision.
+ Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ CollisionInfo operator-() const;
+ };
+ //! A variant type that can hold either a BoxCollider or a CircleCollider.
+ using collider_variant = std::variant<
+ std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>, std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>;
+ //! Enum representing the types of collider pairs for collision detection.
+ enum class CollisionInternalType {
+ };
+ /**
+ * \brief A structure to store the collision data of a single collider.
+ *
+ * This structure all components and id that are for needed within this system when calculating or handling collisions.
+ * The transform and rigidbody are mostly needed for location and rotation.
+ * In rigidbody additional info is written about what the body of the object is,
+ * and how it should respond on a collision.
+ */
+ struct CollisionInternal {
+ game_object_id_t id = 0;
+ collider_variant collider;
+ ColliderInfo info;
+ vec2 resolution;
+ Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ };
+ //! Structure of a collider with additional components
+ template <typename ColliderType>
+ struct ColliderInternal {
+ ColliderType & collider;
+ Transform & transform;
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody;
+ };
+ //! Predefined BoxColliderInternal. (System is only made for this type)
+ using BoxColliderInternal = ColliderInternal<BoxCollider>;
+ //! Predefined CircleColliderInternal. (System is only made for this type)
+ using CircleColliderInternal = ColliderInternal<CircleCollider>;
+ //! Updates the collision system by checking for collisions between colliders and handling them.
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Determines the type of collider pair from two colliders.
+ *
+ * Uses std::holds_alternative to identify the types of the provided colliders.
+ *
+ * \param collider1 First collider variant (BoxCollider or CircleCollider).
+ * \param collider2 Second collider variant (BoxCollider or CircleCollider).
+ * \return The combined type of the two colliders.
+ */
+ CollisionInternalType get_collider_type(
+ const collider_variant & collider1, const collider_variant & collider2
+ ) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Converts internal collision data into user-accessible collision information.
+ *
+ * This function processes collision data from two colliding entities and packages it
+ * into a structured format that is accessible for further use,
+ * such as resolving collisions and triggering user-defined collision scripts.
+ *
+ * \param data1 Collision data for the first collider.
+ * \param data2 Collision data for the second collider.
+ */
+ CollisionInfo
+ get_collision_info(const CollisionInternal & data1, const CollisionInternal & data2) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Corrects the collision resolution vector and determines its direction.
+ *
+ * This function adjusts the provided resolution vector based on the
+ * rigidbody's linear velocity to ensure consistent collision correction. If the resolution
+ * vector has only one non-zero component (either x or y), the missing component is computed
+ * based on the rigidbody's velocity. If both components are non-zero, it indicates a corner
+ * collision. The function also identifies the direction of the resolution and returns it.
+ *
+ * \param resolution resolution vector that needs to be corrected
+ * \param rigidbody rigidbody data used to correct resolution
+ * \return A Direction indicating the resolution direction
+ */
+ Direction resolution_correction(vec2 & resolution, const Rigidbody::Data & rigidbody);
+ /**
+ * \brief Determines the appropriate collision handler for a given collision event.
+ *
+ * This function identifies the correct collision resolution process based on the body types
+ * of the colliders involved in the collision. It delegates
+ * collision handling to specific handlers and calls collision event scripts
+ * as needed.
+ *
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
+ */
+ void determine_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
+ /**
+ * \brief Calls both collision script
+ *
+ * Calls both collision script to let user add additonal handling or handle full collision.
+ *
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
+ */
+ void call_collision_events(const CollisionInfo & info);
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles collisions involving static objects.
+ *
+ * This function resolves collisions between static and dynamic objects by adjusting
+ * the position of the static object and modifying the velocity of the dynamic object
+ * if elasticity is enabled. The position of the static object is corrected
+ * based on the collision resolution, and the dynamic object's velocity is adjusted
+ * accordingly to reflect the collision response.
+ *
+ * The handling includes stopping movement, applying bouncing based on the elasticity
+ * coefficient, and adjusting the position of the dynamic object if needed.
+ *
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
+ */
+ void static_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles collisions involving dynamic objects.
+ *
+ * Resolves collisions between two dynamic objects by adjusting their positions and modifying
+ * their velocities based on the collision resolution. If elasticity is enabled,
+ * the velocity of both objects is reversed and scaled by the respective elasticity coefficient.
+ * The positions of the objects are adjusted based on the collision resolution.
+ *
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
+ */
+ void dynamic_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
+ /**
+ * \brief Checks for collisions between colliders.
+ *
+ * This function checks all active colliders and identifies pairs of colliding objects.
+ * For each identified collision, the appropriate collision data is returned as pairs for further processing.
+ *
+ * \param colliders A collection of all active colliders.
+ * \return A list of collision pairs with their associated data.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>>
+ gather_collisions(std::vector<CollisionInternal> & colliders);
+ /**
+ * \brief Checks if the settings allow collision
+ *
+ * This function checks if there is any collison layer where each object is located in.
+ * After checking the layers it checks the names and at last the tags.
+ * if in all three sets nothing is found collision can not happen.
+ *
+ * \param this_rigidbody Rigidbody of first object
+ * \param other_rigidbody Rigidbody of second collider
+ * \param this_metadata Rigidbody of first object
+ * \param other_metadata Rigidbody of second object
+ * \return Returns true if there is at least one comparison found.
+ */
+ bool should_collide(
+ const CollisionInternal & self,
+ const CollisionInternal & other
+ ) const; //done
+ /**
+ * \brief Checks for collision between two colliders.
+ *
+ * This function determines whether two colliders are colliding based on their types.
+ * It calls the appropriate collision detection function based on the collider pair type and stores the collision resolution data.
+ * If a collision is detected, it returns true, otherwise false.
+ *
+ * \param first_info Collision data for the first collider.
+ * \param second_info Collision data for the second collider.
+ * \param type The type of collider pair.
+ * \return True if a collision is detected, otherwise false.
+ */
+ bool detect_collision(
+ CollisionInternal & first_info, CollisionInternal & second_info,
+ const CollisionInternalType & type
+ );
+ /**
+ * \brief Detects collisions between two BoxColliders.
+ *
+ * This function checks whether two `BoxCollider` are colliding based on their positions and scaled dimensions.
+ * If a collision is detected, it calculates the overlap along the X and Y axes and returns the resolution vector.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values.
+ * \param box1 Information about the first BoxCollider.
+ * \param box2 Information about the second BoxCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
+ */
+ vec2 get_box_box_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const BoxColliderInternal & box2
+ ) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Check collision for box on circle collider
+ *
+ * This function detects if a collision occurs between a rectangular box and a circular collider.
+ * If a collision is detected, the function calculates the resolution vector to resolve the collision.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values
+ *
+ * \param box1 Information about the BoxCollider.
+ * \param circle2 Information about the circleCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
+ */
+ vec2 get_box_circle_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+ ) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Check collision for circle on circle collider
+ *
+ * This function detects if a collision occurs between two circular colliders.
+ * If a collision is detected, it calculates the resolution vector to resolve the collision.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values.
+ *
+ * \param circle1 Information about the first circleCollider.
+ * \param circle2 Information about the second circleCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
+ */
+ vec2 get_circle_circle_detection(
+ const CircleColliderInternal & circle1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+ ) const;
+ * \brief Event triggered during a collision between objects.
+ */
+class CollisionEvent : public Event {
+ crepe::CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo info;
+ CollisionEvent(const crepe::CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo & collisionInfo)
+ : info(collisionInfo) {}
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e168ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "EventSystem.h"
+#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void EventSystem::fixed_update() {
+ EventManager & ev = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ ev.dispatch_events();
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae48d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief EventManager dispatch helper system
+ */
+class EventSystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ /**
+ * \brief Dispatch queued events
+ * \see EventManager::dispatch_events
+ */
+ void fixed_update() override;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be7eda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include "../api/Button.h"
+#include "../api/Config.h"
+#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "InputSystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void InputSystem::fixed_update() {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ SDLContext & context = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ std::vector<EventData> event_list = context.get_events();
+ const RefVector<Camera> cameras = mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
+ OptionalRef<Camera> curr_cam_ref;
+ // Find the active camera
+ for (Camera & cam : cameras) {
+ if (!cam.active) continue;
+ curr_cam_ref = cam;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!curr_cam_ref) return;
+ Camera & current_cam = curr_cam_ref;
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
+ vec2 camera_origin = cam_transform.position + current_cam.data.postion_offset
+ - (current_cam.viewport_size / 2);
+ for (const EventData & event : event_list) {
+ // Only calculate mouse coordinates for relevant events
+ if (event.event_type == EventType::MOUSE_DOWN
+ || event.event_type == EventType::MOUSE_UP
+ || event.event_type == EventType::MOUSE_MOVE
+ || event.event_type == EventType::MOUSE_WHEEL) {
+ this->handle_mouse_event(event, camera_origin, current_cam);
+ } else {
+ this->handle_non_mouse_event(event);
+ }
+ }
+void InputSystem::handle_mouse_event(
+ const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ vec2 adjusted_mouse;
+ adjusted_mouse.x = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_position.x + camera_origin.x;
+ adjusted_mouse.y = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_position.y + camera_origin.y;
+ // Check if the mouse is within the viewport
+ if ((adjusted_mouse.x < camera_origin.x
+ || adjusted_mouse.x > camera_origin.x + current_cam.viewport_size.x
+ || adjusted_mouse.y < camera_origin.y
+ || adjusted_mouse.y > camera_origin.y + current_cam.viewport_size.y))
+ return;
+ // Handle mouse-specific events
+ switch (event.event_type) {
+ case EventType::MOUSE_DOWN:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<MousePressEvent>({
+ .mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
+ .button = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button,
+ });
+ this->last_mouse_down_position = adjusted_mouse;
+ this->last_mouse_button = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button;
+ break;
+ case EventType::MOUSE_UP: {
+ event_mgr.queue_event<MouseReleaseEvent>({
+ .mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
+ .button = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button,
+ });
+ vec2 delta_move = adjusted_mouse - this->last_mouse_down_position;
+ int click_tolerance = Config::get_instance().input.click_tolerance;
+ if (this->last_mouse_button == event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button
+ && std::abs(delta_move.x) <= click_tolerance
+ && std::abs(delta_move.y) <= click_tolerance) {
+ event_mgr.queue_event<MouseClickEvent>({
+ .mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
+ .button = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button,
+ });
+ this->handle_click(
+ event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button, adjusted_mouse, current_cam
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EventType::MOUSE_MOVE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<MouseMoveEvent>({
+ .mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
+ .mouse_delta = event.data.mouse_data.rel_mouse_move,
+ });
+ this->handle_move(event, adjusted_mouse, current_cam);
+ break;
+ case EventType::MOUSE_WHEEL:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<MouseScrollEvent>({
+ .mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
+ .scroll_direction = event.data.mouse_data.scroll_direction,
+ .scroll_delta = event.data.mouse_data.scroll_delta,
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void InputSystem::handle_non_mouse_event(const EventData & event) {
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ switch (event.event_type) {
+ case EventType::KEY_DOWN:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<KeyPressEvent>(
+ {.repeat = event.data.key_data.key_repeat, .key = event.data.key_data.key}
+ );
+ break;
+ case EventType::KEY_UP:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<KeyReleaseEvent>({.key = event.data.key_data.key});
+ break;
+ case EventType::SHUTDOWN:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<ShutDownEvent>({});
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_EXPOSE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowExposeEvent>({});
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_RESIZE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowResizeEvent>(
+ WindowResizeEvent {.dimensions = event.data.window_data.resize_dimension}
+ );
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_MOVE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowMoveEvent>(
+ {.delta_move = event.data.window_data.move_delta}
+ );
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_MINIMIZE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowMinimizeEvent>({});
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_MAXIMIZE:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowMaximizeEvent>({});
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowFocusGainEvent>({});
+ break;
+ case EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_LOST:
+ event_mgr.queue_event<WindowFocusLostEvent>({});
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void InputSystem::handle_move(
+ const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ const RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ if (!button.active) continue;
+ const Transform & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
+ const Metadata & metadata
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ bool was_hovering = button.hover;
+ if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform, cam_transform)) {
+ button.hover = true;
+ if (!was_hovering) {
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonEnterEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
+ }
+ } else {
+ button.hover = false;
+ if (was_hovering) {
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonExitEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void InputSystem::handle_click(
+ const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ const RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ if (!button.active) continue;
+ const Metadata & metadata
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ const Transform & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform, cam_transform)) {
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonPressEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
+ }
+ }
+bool InputSystem::is_mouse_inside_button(
+ const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button, const Transform & transform,
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+) {
+ vec2 actual_pos = transform.position + button.offset;
+ if (!button.data.world_space) {
+ actual_pos += cam_transform.position;
+ }
+ vec2 half_dimensions = button.dimensions * transform.scale / 2;
+ return mouse_pos.x >= actual_pos.x - half_dimensions.x
+ && mouse_pos.x <= actual_pos.x + half_dimensions.x
+ && mouse_pos.y >= actual_pos.y - half_dimensions.y
+ && mouse_pos.y <= actual_pos.y + half_dimensions.y;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be62367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../api/Event.h"
+#include "../api/Metadata.h"
+#include "../facade/EventData.h"
+#include "../types.h"
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+class Camera;
+class Button;
+class Transform;
+//! Event triggered when a button is clicked
+class ButtonPressEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonPressEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
+//! Event triggered when the mouse enters a button
+class ButtonEnterEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonEnterEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
+//! Event triggered when the mouse leaves a button
+class ButtonExitEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonExitEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
+ * \brief Handles the processing of input events created by SDLContext
+ *
+ * This system processes events such as mouse clicks, mouse movement, and keyboard
+ * actions. It is responsible for detecting interactions with UI buttons and
+ * passing the corresponding events to the registered listeners.
+ */
+class InputSystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ /**
+ * \brief Updates the system, processing all input events.
+ * This method processes all events and triggers corresponding actions.
+ */
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ //! Stores the last position of the mouse when the button was pressed.
+ vec2 last_mouse_down_position;
+ // TODO: specify world/hud space and make regular `vec2`
+ //! Stores the last mouse button pressed.
+ MouseButton last_mouse_button = MouseButton::NONE;
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles mouse-related events.
+ * \param event The event data for the mouse event.
+ * \param camera_origin The origin position of the camera in world space.
+ * \param current_cam The currently active camera.
+ *
+ * This method processes mouse events, adjusts the mouse position to world coordinates,
+ * and triggers the appropriate mouse-specific event handling logic.
+ */
+ void handle_mouse_event(
+ const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles non-mouse-related events.
+ * \param event The event data for the non-mouse event.
+ *
+ * This method processes events that do not involve the mouse, such as keyboard events,
+ * window events, and shutdown events, and triggers the corresponding event actions.
+ */
+ void handle_non_mouse_event(const EventData & event);
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles the mouse click event.
+ * \param mouse_button The mouse button involved in the click.
+ * \param world_mouse_x The X coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param current_cam The current active camera.
+ *
+ * This method processes the mouse click event and triggers the corresponding button action.
+ */
+ void handle_click(
+ const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles the mouse movement event.
+ * \param event_data The event data containing information about the mouse movement.
+ * \param world_mouse_x The X coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param current_cam The current active camera.
+ *
+ * This method processes the mouse movement event and updates the button hover state.
+ */
+ void handle_move(
+ const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
+ /**
+ * \brief Checks if the mouse position is inside the bounds of the button.
+ * \param world_mouse_x The X coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param button The button to check.
+ * \param transform The transform component of the button.
+ * \param cam_transform the transform of the current active camera
+ * \return True if the mouse is inside the button, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool is_mouse_inside_button(
+ const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button, const Transform & transform,
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ );
+ /**
+ * \brief Handles the button press event, calling the on_click callback if necessary.
+ * \param button The button being pressed.
+ *
+ * This method triggers the on_click action for the button when it is pressed.
+ */
+ void handle_button_press(Button & button);
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
index 0e62a57..f026390 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
+#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
-#include "api/ParticleEmitter.h"
-#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "../api/ParticleEmitter.h"
+#include "../api/Transform.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
-#include "ComponentManager.h"
#include "ParticleSystem.h"
using namespace crepe;
-void ParticleSystem::update() {
+void ParticleSystem::fixed_update() {
// Get all emitters
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ float dt = loop_timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time().count();
RefVector<ParticleEmitter> emitters = mgr.get_components_by_type<ParticleEmitter>();
for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
@@ -21,106 +28,99 @@ void ParticleSystem::update() {
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(emitter.game_object_id).front().get();
// Emit particles based on emission_rate
- int updates = calculate_update(this->update_count, emitter.data.emission_rate);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < updates; i++) {
- emit_particle(emitter, transform);
+ emitter.spawn_accumulator += emitter.data.emission_rate * dt;
+ while (emitter.spawn_accumulator >= 1.0) {
+ this->emit_particle(emitter, transform);
+ emitter.spawn_accumulator -= 1.0;
// Update all particles
- for (Particle & particle : emitter.data.particles) {
+ for (Particle & particle : emitter.particles) {
if (particle.active) {
- particle.update();
+ particle.update(dt);
// Check if within boundary
- check_bounds(emitter, transform);
+ this->check_bounds(emitter, transform);
- this->update_count = (this->update_count + 1) % this->MAX_UPDATE_COUNT;
void ParticleSystem::emit_particle(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform & transform) {
constexpr float DEG_TO_RAD = M_PI / 180.0;
- vec2 initial_position = emitter.data.position + transform.position;
- float random_angle = generate_random_angle(emitter.data.min_angle, emitter.data.max_angle);
+ vec2 initial_position = AbsolutePosition::get_position(transform, emitter.data.offset);
+ float random_angle = this->generate_random_angle(
+ emitter.data.min_angle + transform.rotation,
+ emitter.data.max_angle + transform.rotation
+ );
- float random_speed = generate_random_speed(emitter.data.min_speed, emitter.data.max_speed);
+ float random_speed
+ = this->generate_random_speed(emitter.data.min_speed, emitter.data.max_speed);
float angle_radians = random_angle * DEG_TO_RAD;
vec2 velocity
= {random_speed * std::cos(angle_radians), random_speed * std::sin(angle_radians)};
- for (Particle & particle : emitter.data.particles) {
+ for (Particle & particle : emitter.particles) {
if (!particle.active) {
- particle.reset(emitter.data.end_lifespan, initial_position, velocity,
- random_angle);
+ particle.reset(
+ emitter.data.end_lifespan, initial_position, velocity, random_angle
+ );
-int ParticleSystem::calculate_update(int count, double emission) const {
- double integer_part = std::floor(emission);
- double fractional_part = emission - integer_part;
- if (fractional_part > 0) {
- int denominator = static_cast<int>(1.0 / fractional_part);
- return (count % denominator == 0) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- return static_cast<int>(emission);
void ParticleSystem::check_bounds(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform & transform) {
- vec2 offset = emitter.data.boundary.offset + transform.position + emitter.data.position;
- double half_width = emitter.data.boundary.width / 2.0;
- double half_height = emitter.data.boundary.height / 2.0;
+ vec2 offset = emitter.data.boundary.offset + transform.position + emitter.data.offset;
+ float half_width = emitter.data.boundary.width / 2.0;
+ float half_height = emitter.data.boundary.height / 2.0;
- const double LEFT = offset.x - half_width;
- const double RIGHT = offset.x + half_width;
- const double TOP = offset.y - half_height;
- const double BOTTOM = offset.y + half_height;
+ float left = offset.x - half_width;
+ float right = offset.x + half_width;
+ float top = offset.y - half_height;
+ float bottom = offset.y + half_height;
- for (Particle & particle : emitter.data.particles) {
+ for (Particle & particle : emitter.particles) {
const vec2 & position = particle.position;
- bool within_bounds = (position.x >= LEFT && position.x <= RIGHT && position.y >= TOP
- && position.y <= BOTTOM);
+ bool within_bounds
+ = (position.x >= left && position.x <= right && position.y >= top
+ && position.y <= bottom);
+ //if not within bounds do a reset or stop velocity
if (!within_bounds) {
if (emitter.data.boundary.reset_on_exit) {
particle.active = false;
} else {
particle.velocity = {0, 0};
- if (position.x < LEFT) particle.position.x = LEFT;
- else if (position.x > RIGHT) particle.position.x = RIGHT;
- if (position.y < TOP) particle.position.y = TOP;
- else if (position.y > BOTTOM) particle.position.y = BOTTOM;
+ if (position.x < left) particle.position.x = left;
+ else if (position.x > right) particle.position.x = right;
+ if (position.y < top) particle.position.y = top;
+ else if (position.y > bottom) particle.position.y = bottom;
-double ParticleSystem::generate_random_angle(double min_angle, double max_angle) const {
+float ParticleSystem::generate_random_angle(float min_angle, float max_angle) const {
if (min_angle == max_angle) {
return min_angle;
} else if (min_angle < max_angle) {
return min_angle
- + static_cast<double>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(max_angle - min_angle));
+ + static_cast<float>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(max_angle - min_angle));
} else {
- double angle_offset = (360 - min_angle) + max_angle;
- double random_angle
- = min_angle + static_cast<double>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(angle_offset));
+ float angle_offset = (360 - min_angle) + max_angle;
+ float random_angle
+ = min_angle + static_cast<float>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(angle_offset));
return (random_angle >= 360) ? random_angle - 360 : random_angle;
-double ParticleSystem::generate_random_speed(double min_speed, double max_speed) const {
+float ParticleSystem::generate_random_speed(float min_speed, float max_speed) const {
if (min_speed == max_speed) {
return min_speed;
} else {
return min_speed
- + static_cast<double>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(max_speed - min_speed));
+ + static_cast<float>(std::rand() % static_cast<int>(max_speed - min_speed));
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
index c647284..4296ff3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
@@ -20,31 +20,21 @@ public:
* \brief Updates all particle emitters by emitting particles, updating particle states, and
* checking bounds.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
* \brief Emits a particle from the specified emitter based on its emission properties.
- *
+ *
* \param emitter Reference to the ParticleEmitter.
* \param transform Const reference to the Transform component associated with the emitter.
void emit_particle(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform & transform);
- * \brief Calculates the number of times particles should be emitted based on emission rate
- * and update count.
- *
- * \param count Current update count.
- * \param emission Emission rate.
- * \return The number of particles to emit.
- */
- int calculate_update(int count, double emission) const;
- /**
* \brief Checks whether particles are within the emitter’s boundary, resets or stops
* particles if they exit.
- *
+ *
* \param emitter Reference to the ParticleEmitter.
* \param transform Const reference to the Transform component associated with the emitter.
@@ -52,29 +42,21 @@ private:
* \brief Generates a random angle for particle emission within the specified range.
- *
+ *
* \param min_angle Minimum emission angle in degrees.
* \param max_angle Maximum emission angle in degrees.
* \return Random angle in degrees.
- double generate_random_angle(double min_angle, double max_angle) const;
+ float generate_random_angle(float min_angle, float max_angle) const;
* \brief Generates a random speed for particle emission within the specified range.
- *
+ *
* \param min_speed Minimum emission speed.
* \param max_speed Maximum emission speed.
* \return Random speed.
- double generate_random_speed(double min_speed, double max_speed) const;
- //! Counter to count updates to determine how many times emit_particle is
- // called.
- unsigned int update_count = 0;
- //! Determines the lowest amount of emission rate (1000 = 0.001 = 1 particle per 1000
- // updates).
- static constexpr unsigned int MAX_UPDATE_COUNT = 100;
+ float generate_random_speed(float min_speed, float max_speed) const;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
index 514a4b3..62f8132 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
@@ -1,89 +1,98 @@
#include <cmath>
-#include "../ComponentManager.h"
#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "../api/Rigidbody.h"
#include "../api/Transform.h"
#include "../api/Vector2.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
#include "PhysicsSystem.h"
using namespace crepe;
-void PhysicsSystem::update() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+void PhysicsSystem::fixed_update() {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
RefVector<Rigidbody> rigidbodies = mgr.get_components_by_type<Rigidbody>();
- RefVector<Transform> transforms = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
+ float dt = loop_timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time().count();
- double gravity = Config::get_instance().physics.gravity;
+ float gravity = Config::get_instance().physics.gravity;
for (Rigidbody & rigidbody : rigidbodies) {
if (!rigidbody.active) continue;
+ Transform & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(rigidbody.game_object_id).front().get();
switch (rigidbody.data.body_type) {
case Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC:
- for (Transform & transform : transforms) {
- if (transform.game_object_id == rigidbody.game_object_id) {
+ if (transform.game_object_id == rigidbody.game_object_id) {
+ // Add gravity
- // Add gravity
- if (rigidbody.data.use_gravity) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- += (rigidbody.data.mass * rigidbody.data.gravity_scale
- * gravity);
- }
- // Add damping
- if (rigidbody.data.angular_damping != 0) {
- rigidbody.data.angular_velocity *= rigidbody.data.angular_damping;
- }
- if (rigidbody.data.linear_damping != vec2{0, 0}) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity *= rigidbody.data.linear_damping;
- }
+ if (rigidbody.data.mass <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Mass must be greater than 0");
+ }
- // Max velocity check
- if (rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
- > rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity) {
- rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
- = rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity;
- } else if (rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
- < -rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity) {
- rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
- = -rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity;
- }
+ if (gravity <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Config Gravity must be greater than 0");
+ }
- if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- > rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.x) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- = rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.x;
- } else if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- < -rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.x) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- = -rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.x;
- }
+ if (rigidbody.data.gravity_scale > 0 && !rigidbody.data.constraints.y) {
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
+ += (rigidbody.data.mass * rigidbody.data.gravity_scale * gravity
+ * dt);
+ }
+ // Add coefficient rotation
+ if (rigidbody.data.angular_velocity_coefficient > 0) {
+ rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
+ *= std::pow(rigidbody.data.angular_velocity_coefficient, dt);
+ }
- if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- > rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.y) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- = rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.y;
- } else if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- < -rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.y) {
- rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- = -rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.y;
- }
+ // Add coefficient movement horizontal
+ if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.x > 0
+ && !rigidbody.data.constraints.x) {
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
+ *= std::pow(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.x, dt);
+ }
- // Move object
- if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.rotation) {
- transform.rotation += rigidbody.data.angular_velocity;
- transform.rotation = std::fmod(transform.rotation, 360.0);
- if (transform.rotation < 0) {
- transform.rotation += 360.0;
- }
- }
- if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.x) {
- transform.position.x += rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x;
- }
- if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.y) {
- transform.position.y += rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y;
+ // Add coefficient movement horizontal
+ if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.y > 0
+ && !rigidbody.data.constraints.y) {
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
+ *= std::pow(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.y, dt);
+ }
+ // Max velocity check
+ if (rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
+ > rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity) {
+ rigidbody.data.angular_velocity = rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity;
+ } else if (rigidbody.data.angular_velocity
+ < -rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity) {
+ rigidbody.data.angular_velocity = -rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity;
+ }
+ // Set max velocity to maximum length
+ if (rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.length()
+ > rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity) {
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.normalize();
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ }
+ // Move object
+ if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.rotation) {
+ transform.rotation += rigidbody.data.angular_velocity * dt;
+ transform.rotation = std::fmod(transform.rotation, 360.0);
+ if (transform.rotation < 0) {
+ transform.rotation += 360.0;
+ if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.x) {
+ transform.position.x += rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x * dt;
+ }
+ if (!rigidbody.data.constraints.y) {
+ transform.position.y += rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y * dt;
+ }
case Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC:
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
index 227ab69..5ed624f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace crepe {
* \brief System that controls all physics
- *
+ *
* This class is a physics system that uses a rigidbody and transform to add physics to a game
* object.
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ public:
using System::System;
* \brief updates the physics system.
- *
+ *
* It calculates new velocties and changes the postion in the transform.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
index 11c9669..30bb422 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
@@ -2,28 +2,43 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
+#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
-#include "../ComponentManager.h"
#include "../api/Camera.h"
#include "../api/ParticleEmitter.h"
#include "../api/Sprite.h"
+#include "../api/Text.h"
#include "../api/Transform.h"
+#include "../facade/Font.h"
#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../facade/Texture.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "api/Text.h"
+#include "facade/Font.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
#include "RenderSystem.h"
+#include "types.h"
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
-void RenderSystem::clear_screen() { this->context.clear_screen(); }
-void RenderSystem::present_screen() { this->context.present_screen(); }
+void RenderSystem::clear_screen() {
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ctx.clear_screen();
-const Camera & RenderSystem::update_camera() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+void RenderSystem::present_screen() {
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ctx.present_screen();
+void RenderSystem::update_camera() {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
RefVector<Camera> cameras = mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
if (cameras.size() == 0) throw std::runtime_error("No cameras in current scene");
@@ -32,16 +47,18 @@ const Camera & RenderSystem::update_camera() {
if (!cam.active) continue;
const Transform & transform
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(cam.game_object_id).front().get();
- this->context.set_camera(cam);
- this->cam_pos = transform.position + cam.offset;
- return cam;
+ vec2 new_camera_pos = transform.position + cam.data.postion_offset;
+ ctx.update_camera_view(cam, new_camera_pos);
+ return;
throw std::runtime_error("No active cameras in current scene");
bool sorting_comparison(const Sprite & a, const Sprite & b) {
- if (a.sorting_in_layer < b.sorting_in_layer) return true;
- if (a.sorting_in_layer == b.sorting_in_layer) return a.order_in_layer < b.order_in_layer;
+ if (a.data.sorting_in_layer != b.data.sorting_in_layer)
+ return a.data.sorting_in_layer < b.data.sorting_in_layer;
+ if (a.data.order_in_layer != b.data.order_in_layer)
+ return a.data.order_in_layer < b.data.order_in_layer;
return false;
@@ -53,16 +70,41 @@ RefVector<Sprite> RenderSystem::sort(RefVector<Sprite> & objs) const {
return sorted_objs;
-void RenderSystem::update() {
+void RenderSystem::frame_update() {
+ this->render_text();
-bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Camera & cam,
- const double & scale) {
+void RenderSystem::render_text() {
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ RefVector<Text> texts = mgr.get_components_by_type<Text>();
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ if (!text.active) continue;
+ if (!text.font.has_value())
+ text.font.emplace(ctx.get_font_from_name(text.font_family));
+ const Font & font = resource_manager.get<Font>(text.font.value());
+ const auto & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(text.game_object_id).front().get();
+ ctx.draw_text(SDLContext::RenderText {
+ .text = text,
+ .font = font,
+ .transform = transform,
+ });
+ }
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform) {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ Texture & res = resource_manager.get<Texture>(sprite.source);
vector<reference_wrapper<ParticleEmitter>> emitters
= mgr.get_components_by_id<ParticleEmitter>(sprite.game_object_id);
@@ -70,53 +112,57 @@ bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Camera & cam,
bool rendering_particles = false;
for (const ParticleEmitter & em : emitters) {
- if (&em.data.sprite != &sprite) continue;
+ if (&em.sprite != &sprite) continue;
rendering_particles = true;
if (!em.active) continue;
- for (const Particle & p : em.data.particles) {
+ for (const Particle & p : em.particles) {
if (!p.active) continue;
+ if (p.time_in_life < em.data.begin_lifespan) continue;
- this->context.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext{
+ ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext {
.sprite = sprite,
- .cam = cam,
- .cam_pos = this->cam_pos,
+ .texture = res,
.pos = p.position,
- .angle = p.angle,
- .scale = scale,
+ .angle = p.angle + transform.rotation,
+ .scale = transform.scale,
return rendering_particles;
-void RenderSystem::render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Camera & cam,
- const Transform & tm) {
- this->context.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext{
+void RenderSystem::render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform) {
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ const Texture & res = resource_manager.get<Texture>(sprite.source);
+ vec2 pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(transform, sprite.data.position_offset);
+ ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext {
.sprite = sprite,
- .cam = cam,
- .cam_pos = this->cam_pos,
- .pos = tm.position,
- .angle = tm.rotation,
- .scale = tm.scale,
+ .texture = res,
+ .pos = pos,
+ .angle = transform.rotation,
+ .scale = transform.scale,
void RenderSystem::render() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
- const Camera & cam = this->update_camera();
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ this->update_camera();
RefVector<Sprite> sprites = mgr.get_components_by_type<Sprite>();
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
RefVector<Sprite> sorted_sprites = this->sort(sprites);
+ RefVector<Text> text_components = mgr.get_components_by_type<Text>();
for (const Sprite & sprite : sorted_sprites) {
if (!sprite.active) continue;
const Transform & transform
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(sprite.game_object_id).front().get();
- bool rendered_particles = this->render_particle(sprite, cam, transform.scale);
+ bool rendered_particles = this->render_particle(sprite, transform);
if (rendered_particles) continue;
- this->render_normal(sprite, cam, transform);
+ this->render_normal(sprite, transform);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
index 096d058..627a743 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
#include <cmath>
-#include "facade/SDLContext.h"
#include "System.h"
#include "types.h"
@@ -12,13 +10,12 @@ namespace crepe {
class Camera;
class Sprite;
class Transform;
+class Text;
- * \class RenderSystem
* \brief Manages rendering operations for all game objects.
* RenderSystem is responsible for rendering, clearing and presenting the screen, and
- * managing the active camera.
+ * managing the active camera.
class RenderSystem : public System {
@@ -27,7 +24,7 @@ public:
* \brief Updates the RenderSystem for the current frame.
* This method is called to perform all rendering operations for the current game frame.
- void update() override;
+ void frame_update() override;
//! Clears the screen in preparation for rendering.
@@ -37,51 +34,38 @@ private:
void present_screen();
//! Updates the active camera used for rendering.
- const Camera & update_camera();
+ void update_camera();
- //! Renders the whole screen
+ //! Renders all the sprites and particles
void render();
+ //! Renders all Text components
+ void render_text();
* \brief Renders all the particles on the screen from a given sprite.
* \param sprite renders the particles with given texture
- * \param tm the Transform component for scale. This is not a const reference because each
- * particle has a position and rotation that needs to overwrite the transform position and
- * rotation without overwriting the current transform. and because the transform
- * constructor is now protected i cannot make tmp inside
+ * \param transform the component that holds the position, rotation, and scale.
* \return true if particles have been rendered
- bool render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Camera & cam, const double & scale);
+ bool render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);
- * \brief renders a sprite with a Transform component on the screen
+ * \brief renders a sprite with a Transform component on the screen
* \param sprite the sprite component that holds all the data
- * \param tm the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
+ * \param transform the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
- void render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Camera & cam, const Transform & tm);
+ void render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);
* \brief sort a vector sprite objects with
- * \param objs the vector that will do a sorting algorithm on
+ * \param objs the vector that will do a sorting algorithm on
* \return returns a sorted reference vector
RefVector<Sprite> sort(RefVector<Sprite> & objs) const;
- /**
- * \todo Add text rendering using SDL_ttf for text components.
- * \todo Implement a text component and a button component.
- * \todo Consider adding text input functionality.
- */
- // FIXME: retrieve sdlcontext via mediator after #PR57
- SDLContext & context = SDLContext::get_instance();
- //! camera postion in the current scene
- vec2 cam_pos;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc3be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SystemManager.h"
+#include "EventSystem.h"
+#include "RenderSystem.h"
+#include "ReplaySystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ReplaySystem::fixed_update() {
+ ReplayManager & replay = this->mediator.replay_manager;
+ ReplayManager::State state = replay.get_state();
+ ReplayManager::State last_state = this->last_state;
+ this->last_state = state;
+ switch (state) {
+ case ReplayManager::IDLE:
+ break;
+ case ReplayManager::RECORDING: {
+ replay.frame_record();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ReplayManager::PLAYING: {
+ if (last_state != ReplayManager::PLAYING) this->playback_begin();
+ bool last = replay.frame_step();
+ if (last) this->playback_end();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ReplaySystem::playback_begin() {
+ SystemManager & systems = this->mediator.system_manager;
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ this->playback = {
+ .components = components.save(),
+ .systems = systems.save(),
+ };
+ systems.disable_all();
+ systems.get_system<RenderSystem>().active = true;
+ systems.get_system<ReplaySystem>().active = true;
+ systems.get_system<EventSystem>().active = true;
+void ReplaySystem::playback_end() {
+ SystemManager & systems = this->mediator.system_manager;
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ components.restore(this->playback.components);
+ systems.restore(this->playback.systems);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc8d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SystemManager.h"
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief ReplayManager helper system
+ *
+ * This system records and replays recordings using ReplayManager.
+ */
+class ReplaySystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ //! Last ReplayManager state
+ ReplayManager::State last_state = ReplayManager::IDLE;
+ /**
+ * \brief Playback snapshot
+ *
+ * When starting playback, the component state is saved and most systems are disabled. This
+ * struct stores the engine state before ReplayManager::play is called.
+ */
+ struct Snapshot {
+ ComponentManager::Snapshot components;
+ SystemManager::Snapshot systems;
+ };
+ //! Before playback snapshot
+ Snapshot playback;
+ //! Snapshot state and disable systems during playback
+ void playback_begin();
+ //! Restore state from before \c playback_begin()
+ void playback_end();
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
index 20a83f7..ed0c7cc 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
@@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
-#include "../ComponentManager.h"
#include "../api/BehaviorScript.h"
#include "../api/Script.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "ScriptSystem.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace crepe;
-void ScriptSystem::update() {
- dbg_trace();
+void ScriptSystem::fixed_update() {
+ LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
+ duration_t delta_time = timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time();
+ this->update(&Script::fixed_update, delta_time);
+void ScriptSystem::frame_update() {
+ LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
+ duration_t delta_time = timer.get_delta_time();
+ this->update(&Script::frame_update, delta_time);
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+void ScriptSystem::update(
+ void (Script::*update_function)(duration_t), const duration_t & delta_time
+) {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
RefVector<BehaviorScript> behavior_scripts = mgr.get_components_by_type<BehaviorScript>();
for (BehaviorScript & behavior_script : behavior_scripts) {
@@ -23,6 +35,7 @@ void ScriptSystem::update() {
script->initialized = true;
- script->update();
+ (*script.*update_function)(delta_time);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
index 936e9ca..257b615 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "System.h"
namespace crepe {
@@ -8,21 +10,28 @@ class Script;
* \brief Script system
- *
- * The script system is responsible for all \c BehaviorScript components, and
- * calls the methods on classes derived from \c Script.
+ *
+ * The script system is responsible for all \c BehaviorScript components, and calls the methods
+ * on classes derived from \c Script.
class ScriptSystem : public System {
using System::System;
+ //! Call Script::fixed_update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ //! Call Script::frame_update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ void frame_update() override;
- * \brief Call Script::update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ * \brief Call Script `*_update` member function on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
- * This routine updates all scripts sequentially using the Script::update()
- * method. It also calls Script::init() if this has not been done before on
- * the \c BehaviorScript instance.
+ * \note This routine also calls Script::init() if this has not been done before on the \c
+ * BehaviorScript instance.
- void update() override;
+ void update(void (Script::*update_function)(duration_t), const duration_t & delta_time);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/System.cpp b/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
index 937a423..ecc740d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "System.h"
using namespace crepe;
-System::System(ComponentManager & mgr) : component_manager(mgr) { dbg_trace(); }
+System::System(const Mediator & mediator) : mediator(mediator) {}
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/System.h b/src/crepe/system/System.h
index 28ea20e..e2ce7eb 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/System.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/System.h
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
namespace crepe {
class ComponentManager;
@@ -7,23 +9,24 @@ class ComponentManager;
* \brief Base ECS system class
- * This class is used as the base for all system classes. Classes derived from
- * System must implement the System::update() method and copy Script::Script
- * with the `using`-syntax.
+ * This class is used as the base for all system classes. Classes derived from System must
+ * implement the System::update() method and copy Script::Script with the `using`-syntax.
class System {
- /**
- * \brief Process all components this system is responsible for.
- */
- virtual void update() = 0;
+ //! Code that runs in the fixed loop
+ virtual void fixed_update() {};
+ //! Code that runs in the frame loop
+ virtual void frame_update() {};
+ //! Indicates that the update functions of this system should be run
+ bool active = true;
- System(ComponentManager &);
+ System(const Mediator & m);
virtual ~System() = default;
- ComponentManager & component_manager;
+ const Mediator & mediator;
} // namespace crepe