diff options
-rw-r--r--src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.hpp (renamed from src/crepe/api/LoopManager.hpp)28
346 files changed, 13075 insertions, 2670 deletions
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index 1ee37ec..9ebf218 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ AlignEscapedNewlines: DontAlign
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: All
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
PackConstructorInitializers: CurrentLine
+# only option that doesn't result in copious indentation
+AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
+SpaceBeforeCpp11BracedList: true
# vim: ft=yaml
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8bfb819..90dcffe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ CTestTestfile.cmake
diff --git a/Doxyfile b/Doxyfile
index 07c86d1..78f486b 100644
--- a/Doxyfile
+++ b/Doxyfile
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ TAB_SIZE = 2
HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET = src/doc/style.css
diff --git a/contributing.md b/contributing.md
index 5555892..d217410 100644
--- a/contributing.md
+++ b/contributing.md
@@ -19,6 +19,20 @@ that you can click on to open them.
an explanation as to why the code can not (reliably) be tested
- Non-bugfix pull requests must be approved by at least 2 reviewers before being
+- Pull requests should have the following labels (where appropriate)
+ |label|meaning|
+ |:-:|-|
+ |`fix me`|has feedback that should be resolved/discussed by its author|
+ |`review me`|needs additional reviewers (minimum of 2 per PR)|
+ |`do not review`|is actively being worked on or not ready for feedback|
+ |`high priority`|should be worked on before all the others|
+ - PRs start with the `review me` label
+ - Reviewers—
+ - Add the `fix me` label after adding comments
+ - Authors—
+ - Remove the `review me` label if the pull request has enough reviewers
+ - Add the `do not review` label while processing feedback / pushing
+ additional commits
- TODO: tagging / versions
@@ -163,40 +177,28 @@ that you can click on to open them.
- <details><summary>
- <code>using namespace</code> may not be used in header files (.h, .hpp), only
- in source files (.cpp).
+ <a href="https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/using_declaration">Using-declarations</a>
+ may not be used in header files (<code>.h</code>, <code>.hpp</code>), only in
+ source files (<code>.cpp</code>).
namespace crepe {
- void foo();
+ std::string foo();
- example.cpp:
- ```cpp
- #include "example.h"
- using namespace crepe;
- void foo() {}
- ```
+ using namespace std;
namespace crepe {
- template <typename T>
- T foo();
+ string foo();
- example.hpp:
- ```cpp
- #include "example.h"
- using namespace crepe;
- template <typename T>
- T foo();
- ```
- <details><summary>
diff --git a/game/.crepe-root b/game/.crepe-root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/.crepe-root
diff --git a/game/.gitignore b/game/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd69c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/game/CMakeLists.txt b/game/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a94beca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)
+set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
+project(game C CXX)
+add_subdirectory(../src crepe)
+target_sources(main PUBLIC
+ # enemy
+ enemy/BattleScript.cpp
+ enemy/EnemyPool.cpp
+ enemy/EnemyBulletScript.cpp
+ enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.cpp
+ enemy/EnemyBulletPool.cpp
+ enemy/EnemySubScene.cpp
+ enemy/EnemyScript.cpp
+ #background
+ background/AquariumSubScene.cpp
+ background/AquariumScript.cpp
+ background/BackgroundSubScene.cpp
+ background/ForestParallaxScript.cpp
+ background/ForestSubScene.cpp
+ background/HallwaySubScene.cpp
+ background/StartSubScene.cpp
+ background/HallwayScript.cpp
+ # mainscenes
+ GameScene.cpp
+ menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.cpp
+ menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.cpp
+ menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.cpp
+ menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.cpp
+ PreviewScene.cpp
+ main.cpp
+ # missile
+ missile/MissilePool.cpp
+ missile/MissileScript.cpp
+ missile/MissileSubScene.cpp
+ missile/AlertSubScene.cpp
+ missile/AlertScript.cpp
+ missile/SpawnEvent.cpp
+ #scheduling
+ scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.cpp
+ # Preview
+ preview/SmokeSubScene.cpp
+ preview/NpcSubScene.cpp
+ preview/NpcScript.cpp
+ preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.cpp
+ preview/PrevPlayerScript.cpp
+ preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.cpp
+ preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.cpp
+ preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.cpp
+ # scripts
+ GameScene.cpp
+ MoveCameraManualyScript.cpp
+ StartGameScript.cpp
+ QuitScript.cpp
+ # player
+ player/PlayerScript.cpp
+ player/PlayerSubScene.cpp
+ player/PlayerBulletPool.cpp
+ player/PlayerBulletScript.cpp
+ player/PlayerBulletSubScene.cpp
+ player/PlayerEndScript.cpp
+ player/PlayerAudioScript.cpp
+ # workers
+ workers/WorkersSubScene.cpp
+ workers/WorkerScript.cpp
+ workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.cpp
+ workers/CollisionScript.cpp
+ # menus
+ menus/BannerSubScene.cpp
+ menus/ButtonSubScene.cpp
+ menus/IButtonScript.cpp
+ menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.cpp
+ menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.cpp
+ menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.cpp
+ menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.cpp
+ menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.cpp
+ menus/IFloatingWindowScript.cpp
+ menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.cpp
+ menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.cpp
+ menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.cpp
+ menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.cpp
+ # coins
+ coins/CoinSubScene.cpp
+ coins/CoinPoolSubScene.cpp
+ coins/CoinSystemScript.cpp
+ coins/CoinScript.cpp
+ # hud
+ hud/HudSubScene.cpp
+ hud/HudScript.cpp
+ hud/SpeedScript.cpp
+ #random
+ Random.cpp
+target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC crepe)
+target_include_directories(main PRIVATE .)
diff --git a/game/Config.h b/game/Config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2b5fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/Config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.h"
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND = 3; // For all scenes
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND = 4; // For all scenes
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND = 5; // For all scenes
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_PARTICLES_BACKGROUND = 6; // For all scenes
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_COINS = 7; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES = 8; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK = 9; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER = 10; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT = 12; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int SORT_IN_LAY_PARTICLES_FOREGROUND = 15; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP = 1; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW = 2; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_BOT_HIGH = 3; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_PLAYER = 4; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS = 5; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_ZAPPER = 6; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_LASER = 7; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_MISSILE = 8; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_BULLET = 9; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_ENEMY = 10; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr int COLL_LAY_PLAYER_BULLET = 11; // Only for GameScene
+static constexpr float GAME_HEIGHT = 800; // In game units
+static constexpr float HALLWAY_HEIGHT = 450; // In game units
+static constexpr float VIEWPORT_X = 1100; // In game units
+// 'GAME_HEIGHT' (below) should be replaced by '500' when game development is finished
+static constexpr float VIEWPORT_Y = 500; // In game units
+// Font settings
+static constexpr const char * FONT = "Jetpackia";
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 FONTOFFSET = {0, 0};
+// Amount of coins in game
+static constexpr const char * TOTAL_COINS_GAME = "total_coins_game";
+// Amount of coins in current run
+static constexpr const char * TOTAL_COINS_RUN = "total_coins_run";
+// Distance
+static constexpr const char * DISTANCE_GAME = "distance_game";
+static constexpr const char * DISTANCE_RUN = "distance_run";
+// Player config
+static constexpr const char * PLAYER_NAME = "player";
+static constexpr int PLAYER_SPEED = 7500; // In game units
+static constexpr float PLAYER_GRAVITY_SCALE = 2.2; // factor
+static constexpr float PLAYER_HELP_KICK_SCALE = 0.2; // factor
+static constexpr float PLAYER_HELP_KICK_MAX = 0.3; // factor
+static constexpr const char * CAMERA_NAME = "camera";
+// Jetpack particles
+static constexpr const char * JETPACK_PARTICLES = "jetpack_particles";
+static constexpr bool DISABLE_REPLAY = false;
diff --git a/game/EngineConfig.h b/game/EngineConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a03a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/EngineConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
+static const crepe::Config ENGINE_CONFIG {
+ .log {
+ .level = crepe::Log::Level::DEBUG,
+ },
+ .physics {
+ // this division factor is now the amount of seconds it approximately takes to naturally
+ // fall from the ceiling to floor
+ .gravity = HALLWAY_HEIGHT / 0.5,
+ },
+ .window_settings {
+ .window_title = "Jetpack joyride clone",
+ },
diff --git a/game/Events.h b/game/Events.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf0be68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/Events.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/Event.h"
+struct EndGameEvent : public crepe::Event {};
diff --git a/game/GameScene.cpp b/game/GameScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7803c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/GameScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "GameScene.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "StartGameScript.h"
+#include "coins/CoinPoolSubScene.h"
+#include "coins/CoinSystemScript.h"
+#include "background/BackgroundSubScene.h"
+#include "enemy/BattleScript.h"
+#include "enemy/EnemyBulletPool.h"
+#include "enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.h"
+#include "enemy/EnemyPool.h"
+#include "enemy/EnemySubScene.h"
+#include "hud/HudScript.h"
+#include "hud/HudSubScene.h"
+#include "hud/SpeedScript.h"
+#include "menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.h"
+#include "missile/MissilePool.h"
+#include "missile/SpawnEvent.h"
+#include "player/PlayerBulletPool.h"
+#include "player/PlayerBulletSubScene.h"
+#include "player/PlayerSubScene.h"
+#include "prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.h"
+#include "scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.h"
+#include "workers/WorkersSubScene.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Asset.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void GameScene::load_scene() {
+ BackgroundSubScene background(*this);
+ GameObject camera = new_object(CAMERA_NAME, "camera", vec2(650, 0));
+ camera.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2(990, 720), vec2(VIEWPORT_X, VIEWPORT_Y),
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::BLACK,
+ }
+ );
+ //camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MoveCameraManualyScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CoinSystemScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<HudScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<SpeedScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<BattleScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MissileSpawnEventHandler>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<ObjectsScheduler>();
+ camera.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {});
+ AI & enemy_path_1 = camera.add_component<AI>(400);
+ enemy_path_1.make_oval_path(100, 100, camera.transform.position, 1.5708, true);
+ AI & enemy_path_2 = camera.add_component<AI>(400);
+ enemy_path_2.make_oval_path(100, 100, {0, 0}, 1.5708, true);
+ AI & enemy_path_3 = camera.add_component<AI>(400);
+ enemy_path_3.make_oval_path(100, 100, {0, 0}, 1.5708, true);
+ // camer.add_component<AI>
+ PlayerSubScene player(*this);
+ MissilePool missile_pool(*this);
+ WorkersSubScene workers(*this);
+ GameObject floor = new_object("floor", "game_world", vec2(0, 325));
+ floor.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP,
+ });
+ floor.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ GameObject floor_low = new_object("floor_low", "game_world", vec2(0, 350));
+ floor_low.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW,
+ });
+ floor_low.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ GameObject floor_high = new_object("floor_high", "game_world", vec2(0, 300));
+ floor_high.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_HIGH,
+ });
+ GameObject ceiling = new_object("ceiling", "game_world", vec2(0, -325));
+ ceiling.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP,
+ });
+ ceiling.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ ZapperPoolSubScene {*this};
+ GameObject start_game_script = new_object("start_game_script", "script", vec2(0, 0));
+ start_game_script.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<StartGameScript>();
+ //create coin pool
+ CoinPoolSubScene coin_system;
+ coin_system.create_coins(*this);
+ EnemyBulletPool enemy_bullet_pool;
+ enemy_bullet_pool.create_bullets(*this);
+ PlayerBulletPool player_bullet_pool;
+ player_bullet_pool.create_bullets(*this);
+ EnemyPool enemy_pool;
+ enemy_pool.create_enemies(*this);
+ HudSubScene hud;
+ hud.create(*this);
+ GameObject background_music = new_object("background_music", "audio", vec2(0, 0));
+ Asset background_music_asset {"asset/music/level.ogg"};
+ background_music.add_component<AudioSource>(background_music_asset);
+ GameObject boom_audio = new_object("boom_audio", "audio", vec2(0, 0));
+ Asset boom_audio_asset {"asset/sfx/window_smash.ogg"};
+ boom_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(boom_audio_asset);
+ EndGameSubScene endgamewindow;
+ endgamewindow.create(*this);
+string GameScene::get_name() const { return "scene1"; }
diff --git a/game/GameScene.h b/game/GameScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16e2919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/GameScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <string>
+class GameScene : public crepe::Scene {
+ void load_scene();
+ std::string get_name() const;
diff --git a/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.cpp b/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d75a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "MoveCameraManualyScript.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void MoveCameraManualyScript::init() {
+ subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->keypressed(ev);
+ });
+bool MoveCameraManualyScript::keypressed(const KeyPressEvent & event) {
+ if (event.key == Keycode::RIGHT) {
+ Transform & cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ cam.position.x += 100;
+ return true;
+ } else if (event.key == Keycode::LEFT) {
+ Transform & cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ cam.position.x -= 100;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.h b/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a09055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/MoveCameraManualyScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class MoveCameraManualyScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init();
+ bool keypressed(const crepe::KeyPressEvent & event);
diff --git a/game/PreviewScene.cpp b/game/PreviewScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc28192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/PreviewScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "PreviewScene.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "background/AquariumSubScene.h"
+#include "background/ForestSubScene.h"
+#include "background/HallwaySubScene.h"
+#include "background/StartSubScene.h"
+#include "hud/HudScript.h"
+#include "hud/HudSubScene.h"
+#include "hud/SpeedScript.h"
+#include "menus/ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "missile/MissilePool.h"
+#include "missile/SpawnEvent.h"
+#include "preview/NpcSubScene.h"
+#include "preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.h"
+#include "preview/SmokeSubScene.h"
+#include "missile/MissileSubScene.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Asset.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/ValueBroker.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PreviewScene::load_scene() {
+ StartSubScene start;
+ HallwaySubScene hallway;
+ ForestSubScene forest;
+ AquariumSubScene aquarium;
+ float begin_x = 400;
+ begin_x = start.create(*this, begin_x);
+ begin_x = hallway.create(*this, begin_x, 1, Color::YELLOW);
+ begin_x = aquarium.create(*this, begin_x);
+ begin_x = hallway.create(*this, begin_x, 2, Color::GREEN);
+ GameObject camera = new_object("camera", "camera", vec2(650, 0));
+ camera.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2(990, 720), vec2(VIEWPORT_X, VIEWPORT_Y),
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::BLACK,
+ }
+ );
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MissileSpawnEventHandler>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<HudScript>();
+ camera.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<SpeedScript>();
+ GameObject floor = new_object("floor", "game_world", vec2(0, 325));
+ floor.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP,
+ });
+ floor.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ GameObject floor_low = new_object("floor_low", "game_world", vec2(0, 350));
+ floor_low.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW,
+ });
+ floor_low.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ GameObject floor_high = new_object("floor_high", "game_world", vec2(0, 300));
+ floor_high.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_HIGH,
+ });
+ GameObject ceiling = new_object("ceiling", "game_world", vec2(0, -325));
+ ceiling.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP,
+ });
+ ceiling.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(INFINITY, 200));
+ GameObject world = this->new_object("world", "TAG", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ world.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ .collision_layer = 100,
+ });
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(100, INFINITY), vec2(VIEWPORT_X, VIEWPORT_Y));
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(100, INFINITY), vec2(100, VIEWPORT_Y));
+ PrevPlayerSubScene player(*this);
+ NpcSubScene npc(*this);
+ SmokeSubScene smoke(*this);
+ MissilePool mpool(*this);
+ HudSubScene hud;
+ hud.create(*this);
+ const float Y_POS_BUTTONS = -220;
+ const float X_POS_BUTTONS = -150;
+ const float X_POS_BUTTONS_SPACING = 145;
+ ButtonSubScene button;
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "BACK",
+ .text_width = 60,
+ .position = {X_POS_BUTTONS, Y_POS_BUTTONS},
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::NEXT,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::BACK,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = "Next button",
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "START REC",
+ .text_width = 130,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_START,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = "Next button",
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::YELLOW,
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "STOP REC",
+ .text_width = 120,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_STOP,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = "Next button",
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::BLUE,
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "REPLAY",
+ .text_width = 90,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_REPLAY,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = "Next button",
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::ORANGE,
+ }
+ );
+string PreviewScene::get_name() const { return "preview scene"; }
diff --git a/game/PreviewScene.h b/game/PreviewScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe911e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/PreviewScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <string>
+class PreviewScene : public crepe::Scene {
+ void load_scene();
+ std::string get_name() const;
diff --git a/game/QuitScript.cpp b/game/QuitScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c9f55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/QuitScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "QuitScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/KeyCodes.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+bool QuitScript::on_event(const KeyPressEvent & ev) {
+ if (Keycode::ESCAPE == ev.key) {
+ trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>(ShutDownEvent {});
+ }
+ return false;
+void QuitScript::init() {
+ subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_event(ev);
+ });
diff --git a/game/QuitScript.h b/game/QuitScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b79a744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/QuitScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class QuitScript : public crepe::Script {
+ bool on_event(const crepe::KeyPressEvent & ev);
+ void init();
diff --git a/game/Random.cpp b/game/Random.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64cf1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/Random.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "Random.h"
+float Random::f(float upper, float lower) {
+ float range = upper - lower;
+ float x = ((float) rand() / (float) (RAND_MAX)) * range;
+ return x + lower;
+double Random::d(double upper, double lower) {
+ double range = upper - lower;
+ double x = ((double) rand() / (double) (RAND_MAX)) * range;
+ return x + lower;
+int Random::i(int upper, int lower) {
+ int range = upper - lower;
+ int x = rand() % range;
+ return x + lower;
+unsigned Random::u(unsigned upper, unsigned lower) {
+ unsigned range = upper - lower;
+ unsigned x = rand() % range;
+ return x + lower;
+bool Random::b() { return rand() % 2; }
diff --git a/game/Random.h b/game/Random.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94f98d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/Random.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+class Random {
+ static float f(float upper = 1.0, float lower = 0.0);
+ static double d(double upper = 1.0, double lower = 0.0);
+ static int i(int upper, int lower = 0);
+ static unsigned u(unsigned upper, unsigned lower = 0);
+ static bool b();
diff --git a/game/StartGameScript.cpp b/game/StartGameScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d47e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/StartGameScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "StartGameScript.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "api/BehaviorScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void StartGameScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Transform & player_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").front();
+ // Create hole in wall and activate panic lamp
+ if (player_transform.position.x > 75 && !this->created_hole) {
+ Sprite & lamp_sprite = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("start_end").back();
+ lamp_sprite.active = true;
+ Sprite & hole_sprite = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("start_hole").front();
+ hole_sprite.active = true;
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> frags_rg
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("wall_fragment");
+ RefVector<Sprite> frags_sprite = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>("wall_fragment");
+ for (Rigidbody & frag_rg : frags_rg) {
+ frag_rg.active = true;
+ }
+ for (Sprite & frag_sprite : frags_sprite) {
+ frag_sprite.active = true;
+ }
+ RefVector<ParticleEmitter> smoke_emitters
+ = this->get_components_by_name<ParticleEmitter>("smoke_particles");
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : smoke_emitters) {
+ emitter.active = true;
+ }
+ AudioSource & boom_audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("boom_audio").front();
+ boom_audio.play();
+ BehaviorScript & player_audio_script
+ = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("player_audio").front();
+ player_audio_script.active = true;
+ this->created_hole = true;
+ }
+ // Take jetpack from jetpack stand
+ if (player_transform.position.x > 275 && !this->took_jetpack) {
+ Animator & jetpack_stand_anim
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("start_begin").back();
+ jetpack_stand_anim.next_anim();
+ Sprite & jetpack_sprite = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("player").back();
+ jetpack_sprite.active = true;
+ AudioSource & background_music
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("background_music").front();
+ background_music.play(true);
+ this->took_jetpack = true;
+ }
+ // Start camera movement, enable player jumping and disable this script
+ if (player_transform.position.x > 500) {
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("camera").front();
+ rb.data.linear_velocity = vec2(PLAYER_SPEED * 0.02, 0);
+ BehaviorScript & player_script
+ = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("player").front();
+ player_script.active = true;
+ BehaviorScript & this_script
+ = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("start_game_script").front();
+ this_script.active = false;
+ }
diff --git a/game/StartGameScript.h b/game/StartGameScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad62e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/StartGameScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class StartGameScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ bool created_hole = false;
+ bool took_jetpack = false;
diff --git a/game/background/AquariumScript.cpp b/game/background/AquariumScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e698e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/AquariumScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#include "AquariumScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void AquariumScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Transform & trans_cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ float cam_left_x = trans_cam.position.x - VIEWPORT_X / 2;
+ if (cam_left_x > this->start_x + this->lenght) {
+ //Move whole background 12000 to the right
+ RefVector<Transform> trans = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("background_aqua");
+ for (Transform & tran : trans) {
+ tran.position.x += 12000;
+ }
+ this->start_x += 12000;
+ }
diff --git a/game/background/AquariumScript.h b/game/background/AquariumScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b068628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/AquariumScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class AquariumScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ float start_x = 10200;
+ const float lenght = 3000;
diff --git a/game/background/AquariumSubScene.cpp b/game/background/AquariumSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a07daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/AquariumSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include "AquariumSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+float AquariumSubScene::create(Scene & scn, float begin_x) {
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x);
+ GameObject aquarium_begin
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_begin", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_begin_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_1_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_begin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_begin_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ GameObject aquarium_middle_1
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_middle", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_middle_1_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_middle_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_middle_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 400;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x - 200);
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_1, vec2(-400, 300), 2, 0.7f);
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_1, vec2(-100, 300), 4, 1.0f);
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_1, vec2(500, 300), 4, 0.9f);
+ GameObject aquarium_middle_2
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_middle", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_middle_2_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_middle_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_middle_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 400;
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_2, vec2(300, 300), 2, 0.6f);
+ GameObject aquarium_middle_3
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_middle", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_middle_3_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_middle_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_middle_3_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 4,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 400;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x - 200);
+ GameObject aquarium_middle_4
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_middle", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_middle_4_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_middle_4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_middle_4_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x);
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_4, vec2(175, 300), 4, 1.0f);
+ this->add_bubbles(aquarium_middle_4, vec2(200, 300), 4, 0.7f);
+ GameObject aquarium_end
+ = scn.new_object("aquarium_end", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset aquarium_end_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/glassTubeFG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ aquarium_end.add_component<Sprite>(
+ aquarium_end_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ return begin_x;
+void AquariumSubScene::add_background(Scene & scn, float begin_x) {
+ GameObject bg_1 = scn.new_object("aquarium_bg_1", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_1_1_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG1_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_1_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-200, 100),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_1_2_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG1_2_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_1_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(200, 100),
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject bg_2 = scn.new_object("aquarium_bg_2", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_2_1_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG2_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_2_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(200, -50),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_2_2_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG2_2_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_2_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-200, -50),
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject bg_3 = scn.new_object("aquarium_bg_3", "background_aqua", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_3_1_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG3_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(200, -200),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_3_2_asset {"asset/background/aquarium/AquariumBG3_2_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-200, -200),
+ }
+ );
+void AquariumSubScene::add_bubbles(
+ GameObject & obj, vec2 offset, int order_in_layer, float scale
+) {
+ Sprite & sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = order_in_layer,
+ .size = vec2(0, 12.5),
+ .scale_offset = scale,
+ }
+ );
+ obj.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ sprite,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .offset = offset,
+ .max_particles = 20,
+ .emission_rate = 1.2,
+ .min_speed = 50,
+ .max_speed = 100,
+ .min_angle = 265,
+ .max_angle = 275,
+ .force_over_time = vec2(0, -50),
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & sprite_small = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = order_in_layer,
+ .size = vec2(0, 7.5),
+ .scale_offset = scale,
+ }
+ );
+ obj.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ sprite_small,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .offset = offset,
+ .max_particles = 20,
+ .emission_rate = 0.8,
+ .min_speed = 50,
+ .max_speed = 100,
+ .min_angle = 265,
+ .max_angle = 275,
+ .force_over_time = vec2(0, -50),
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/game/background/AquariumSubScene.h b/game/background/AquariumSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dbb04e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/AquariumSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class GameObject;
+} // namespace crepe
+class AquariumSubScene {
+ float create(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x);
+ void add_background(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x);
+ void
+ add_bubbles(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset, int order_in_layer, float scale);
diff --git a/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.cpp b/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bbd977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "BackgroundSubScene.h"
+#include "AquariumScript.h"
+#include "AquariumSubScene.h"
+#include "ForestSubScene.h"
+#include "HallwayScript.h"
+#include "HallwaySubScene.h"
+#include "StartSubScene.h"
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+BackgroundSubScene::BackgroundSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ StartSubScene start;
+ HallwaySubScene hallway;
+ ForestSubScene forest;
+ AquariumSubScene aquarium;
+ float begin_x = 400;
+ begin_x = start.create(scn, begin_x);
+ begin_x = hallway.create(scn, begin_x, 1, Color::YELLOW);
+ begin_x = forest.create(scn, begin_x, "1");
+ begin_x += 3000;
+ begin_x = aquarium.create(scn, begin_x);
+ GameObject scripts = scn.new_object("scrips_background", "background");
+ scripts.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<HallwayScript>();
+ scripts.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<AquariumScript>();
diff --git a/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.h b/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bdac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/BackgroundSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class BackgroundSubScene {
+ BackgroundSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/background/CMakeLists.txt b/game/background/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d705f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+target_sources(main PUBLIC
+ AquariumSubScene.cpp
+ BackgroundSubScene.cpp
+ ForestParallaxScript.cpp
+ ForestSubScene.cpp
+ HallwaySubScene.cpp
+ StartSubScene.cpp
diff --git a/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.cpp b/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7470da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "ForestParallaxScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+ float begin_x, float end_x, std::string unique_bg_name
+ : begin_x(begin_x),
+ end_x(end_x),
+ name(unique_bg_name) {}
+void ForestParallaxScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ RefVector<Transform> vec_2
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("forest_bg_2_" + name);
+ RefVector<Transform> vec_3
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("forest_bg_3_" + name);
+ for (Transform & t : vec_2) {
+ if (t.position.x > end_x - 400) {
+ t.position.x = begin_x - 400;
+ }
+ }
+ for (Transform & t : vec_3) {
+ if (t.position.x > end_x - 400) {
+ t.position.x = begin_x - 400;
+ }
+ }
+ //Move whole background 12000 to the right
+ Transform & trans_cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ float cam_left_x = trans_cam.position.x - VIEWPORT_X / 2;
+ if (cam_left_x > this->start_x + this->lenght) {
+ //Move whole background 12000 to the right
+ RefVector<Transform> trans
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("background_forest");
+ for (Transform & tran : trans) {
+ tran.position.x += 12000;
+ }
+ this->start_x += 12000;
+ RefVector<Transform> trans_back
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("forest_background");
+ for (Transform & tran : trans_back) {
+ tran.position.x += 12000;
+ }
+ begin_x += 12000;
+ end_x += 12000;
+ }
diff --git a/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.h b/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d45fdd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/ForestParallaxScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ForestParallaxScript : public crepe::Script {
+ ForestParallaxScript(float begin_x, float end_x, std::string unique_bg_name);
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ float begin_x;
+ float end_x;
+ const std::string name;
+ float start_x = 4200;
+ const float lenght = 3000;
diff --git a/game/background/ForestSubScene.cpp b/game/background/ForestSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e48dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/ForestSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#include "ForestSubScene.h"
+#include "ForestParallaxScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+float ForestSubScene::create(Scene & scn, float begin_x, std::string unique_bg_name) {
+ GameObject script = scn.new_object("forest_script", "background_forest");
+ script.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<ForestParallaxScript>(
+ begin_x - 400, begin_x + 3000 + 400, unique_bg_name
+ );
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x, unique_bg_name);
+ GameObject begin = scn.new_object("forest_begin", "background_forest", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset begin_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestFG_1_TVOS.png"};
+ begin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ begin_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 800;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x, unique_bg_name);
+ GameObject middle_1
+ = scn.new_object("forest_middle", "background_forest", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_1_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 800;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x, unique_bg_name);
+ GameObject middle_2
+ = scn.new_object("forest_middle", "background_forest", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_2_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestFG_3_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 800;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x, unique_bg_name);
+ GameObject end = scn.new_object("forest_end", "background_forest", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset end_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestFG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ end.add_component<Sprite>(
+ end_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ this->add_background(scn, begin_x + 200, unique_bg_name);
+ return begin_x;
+void ForestSubScene::add_background(Scene & scn, float begin_x, std::string name) {
+ GameObject bg_1
+ = scn.new_object("forest_bg_1_" + name, "forest_background", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_1_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG1_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 800),
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject bg_2
+ = scn.new_object("forest_bg_2_" + name, "forest_background", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_2_1_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG2_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_2_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(200, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_2_2_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG2_2_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_2_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 400),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-200, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject bg_3
+ = scn.new_object("forest_bg_3_" + name, "forest_background", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset bg_3_1_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG3_1_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ .position_offset = vec2(300, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_3_2_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG3_2_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ .position_offset = vec2(100, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_3_3_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG3_3_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_3_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-100, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset bg_3_4_asset {"asset/background/forest/forestBG3_4_TVOS.png"};
+ bg_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bg_3_4_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACK_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-300, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ bg_2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(30, 0),
+ });
+ bg_3.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(40, 0),
+ });
diff --git a/game/background/ForestSubScene.h b/game/background/ForestSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a04001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/ForestSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class ForestSubScene {
+ float create(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x, std::string unique_bg_name);
+ void add_background(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x, std::string name);
diff --git a/game/background/HallwayScript.cpp b/game/background/HallwayScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5bb94c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/HallwayScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include "HallwayScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void HallwayScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Transform & trans_cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ float cam_left_x = trans_cam.position.x - VIEWPORT_X / 2;
+ if (cam_left_x > this->start_x + this->lenght) {
+ //Move whole background 6000 to the right
+ RefVector<Transform> trans = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("background_hall");
+ for (Transform & tran : trans) {
+ tran.position.x += 6000;
+ }
+ this->start_x += 6000;
+ //Change sector number
+ Animator & anim = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("hallway_begin").front();
+ int column = (current_sector - 1) / 4;
+ int row = (current_sector - 1) % 4;
+ anim.set_anim(column);
+ for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("hallway_begin");
+ switch (current_sector % 7) {
+ case 0:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::YELLOW;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::YELLOW;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::MAGENTA;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::MAGENTA;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::CYAN;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::CYAN;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::GREEN;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::GREEN;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::RED;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::RED;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::BLUE;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::BLUE;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ sprites[1].get().data.color = Color::WHITE;
+ sprites[2].get().data.color = Color::WHITE;
+ break;
+ }
+ current_sector++;
+ if (current_sector > 16) {
+ current_sector = 1;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/background/HallwayScript.h b/game/background/HallwayScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b2933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/HallwayScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class HallwayScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ float start_x = 1200;
+ const float lenght = 3000;
+ int current_sector = 2;
diff --git a/game/background/HallwaySubScene.cpp b/game/background/HallwaySubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31af2d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/HallwaySubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#include "HallwaySubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+float HallwaySubScene::create(
+ Scene & scn, float begin_x, unsigned int sector_num, Color sector_color
+) {
+ GameObject begin = scn.new_object("hallway_begin", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset begin_asset {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_1_TVOS.png"};
+ begin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ begin_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ this->add_sector_number(begin, vec2(-200, 0), sector_num, sector_color);
+ this->add_lamp(begin, vec2(330, -120), 11);
+ this->add_lamp(begin, vec2(430, -120), 9);
+ GameObject middle_1
+ = scn.new_object("hallway_middle", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_asset {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ GameObject middle_2
+ = scn.new_object("hallway_middle", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_asset_2 {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_asset_2,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 200;
+ GameObject middle_3
+ = scn.new_object("hallway_middle", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_asset_3 {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_asset_3,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 4,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 400;
+ this->add_lamp(middle_3, vec2(0, -120));
+ GameObject middle_4
+ = scn.new_object("hallway_middle", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset middle_asset_4 {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ middle_4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ middle_asset_4,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ GameObject end = scn.new_object("hallway_end", "background_hall", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset end_asset {"asset/background/hallway/hallway1FG_1_TVOS.png"};
+ end.add_component<Sprite>(
+ end_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 600;
+ return begin_x;
+void HallwaySubScene::add_lamp(GameObject & obj, vec2 offset, unsigned int fps) {
+ Asset lamp_asset {"asset/background/hallway/alarmLight_TVOS.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ lamp_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset lamp_glow_asset {"asset/background/hallway/alarmGlow_TVOS.png"};
+ Sprite & lamp_glow_sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ lamp_glow_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 300),
+ .position_offset = offset - vec2(65, -30),
+ }
+ );
+ obj.add_component<Animator>(
+ lamp_glow_sprite, ivec2(422, 384), uvec2(6, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = fps,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+void HallwaySubScene::add_sector_number(
+ GameObject & obj, vec2 offset, unsigned int sector_num, Color sector_color
+) {
+ Asset sector_text_asset {"asset/background/hallway/sectorText_TVOS.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ sector_text_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = sector_color,
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset sector_num_asset {"asset/background/hallway/sectorNumbers_TVOS.png"};
+ Sprite & sector_num_sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ sector_num_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = sector_color,
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset + vec2(200, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ Animator & sector_num_anim = obj.add_component<Animator>(
+ sector_num_sprite, ivec2(256, 128), uvec2(4, 4), Animator::Data {}
+ );
+ int column = (sector_num - 1) / 4;
+ int row = (sector_num - 1) % 4;
+ sector_num_anim.set_anim(column);
+ for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
+ sector_num_anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ sector_num_anim.pause();
diff --git a/game/background/HallwaySubScene.h b/game/background/HallwaySubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c38b4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/HallwaySubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class GameObject;
+class Color;
+} // namespace crepe
+class HallwaySubScene {
+ float create(
+ crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x, unsigned int sector_num, crepe::Color sector_color
+ );
+ void add_lamp(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset, unsigned int fps = 10);
+ void add_sector_number(
+ crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset, unsigned int sector_num,
+ crepe::Color sector_color
+ );
diff --git a/game/background/StartSubScene.cpp b/game/background/StartSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba80517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/StartSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+#include "StartSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+float StartSubScene::create(Scene & scn, float begin_x) {
+ this->create_wall_fragments(scn, begin_x - 300);
+ GameObject begin = scn.new_object("start_begin", "background", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset begin_asset {"asset/background/start/titleFG_1_TVOS.png"};
+ begin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ begin_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject hole = scn.new_object("start_hole", "background", vec2(begin_x - 250, 140));
+ Asset hole_asset {"asset/background/start/titleWallHole.png"};
+ Sprite & hole_sprite = hole.add_component<Sprite>(
+ hole_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ }
+ );
+ hole_sprite.active = false;
+ begin_x += 700;
+ this->add_table(begin, vec2(-150, 150));
+ this->add_light(begin, vec2(-125, -150));
+ this->add_jetpack_stand(begin, vec2(-125, 200));
+ GameObject end = scn.new_object("start_end", "background", vec2(begin_x, 0));
+ Asset end_asset {"asset/background/start/titleFG_2_TVOS.png"};
+ end.add_component<Sprite>(
+ end_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, GAME_HEIGHT),
+ }
+ );
+ begin_x += 100;
+ this->add_lamp(end, vec2(-350, -95));
+ return begin_x;
+void StartSubScene::add_lamp(GameObject & obj, vec2 offset, unsigned int fps) {
+ Asset lamp_asset {"asset/background/start/alarmLight_TVOS.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ lamp_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset lamp_glow_asset {"asset/background/start/alarmGlow_TVOS.png"};
+ Sprite & lamp_glow_sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ lamp_glow_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 300),
+ .position_offset = offset - vec2(65, -55),
+ }
+ );
+ lamp_glow_sprite.active = false;
+ obj.add_component<Animator>(
+ lamp_glow_sprite, ivec2(422, 384), uvec2(6, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = fps,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+void StartSubScene::add_table(GameObject & obj, vec2 offset) {
+ Asset table_asset {"asset/background/start/table.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ table_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset gramophone_asset {"asset/background/start/gramophone_TVOS.png"};
+ Sprite & gramophone_sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ gramophone_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset + vec2(0, -50),
+ }
+ );
+ obj.add_component<Animator>(
+ gramophone_sprite, ivec2(64, 128), uvec2(2, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 10,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+void StartSubScene::add_light(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset) {
+ Asset light_asset {"asset/background/start/title_light_TVOS.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ light_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 200),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset light_glow_asset {"asset/background/start/lightEffect2.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ light_glow_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset + vec2(0, 75),
+ }
+ );
+ Asset light_effect_asset {"asset/background/start/lightEffect.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ light_effect_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset + vec2(0, 350),
+ }
+ );
+void StartSubScene::add_jetpack_stand(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset) {
+ Asset jetpack_stand_asset {"asset/background/start/JetpackStand.png"};
+ Sprite & jetpeck_stand_sprite = obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ jetpack_stand_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 70),
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ }
+ );
+ obj.add_component<Animator>(
+ jetpeck_stand_sprite, ivec2(34, 46), uvec2(2, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 10,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ )
+ .pause();
+ Asset do_not_steal = {"asset/background/start/doNotTouchSign_TVOS.png"};
+ obj.add_component<Sprite>(
+ do_not_steal,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ .position_offset = offset + vec2(-75, -25),
+ }
+ );
+void StartSubScene::create_wall_fragments(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x) {
+ GameObject frag_1 = scn.new_object("frag_1", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 200));
+ Asset frag_1_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag1.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_1_sprite = frag_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_1_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_1_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_1_rb = frag_1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.6),
+ .angular_velocity = 500,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_1_rb.active = false;
+ frag_1.add_component<CircleCollider>(25);
+ GameObject frag_2 = scn.new_object("frag_2", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 180));
+ Asset frag_2_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag2.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_2_sprite = frag_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_2_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_2_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_2_rb = frag_2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.35, 0.4),
+ .angular_velocity = 400,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_2_rb.active = false;
+ frag_2.add_component<CircleCollider>(55);
+ GameObject frag_3 = scn.new_object("frag_3", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 170));
+ Asset frag_3_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag3.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_3_sprite = frag_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_3_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_3_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_3_rb = frag_3.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.3, 0.3),
+ .angular_velocity = 300,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_3_rb.active = false;
+ frag_3.add_component<CircleCollider>(35);
+ GameObject frag_4 = scn.new_object("frag_4", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 160));
+ Asset frag_4_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag4.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_4_sprite = frag_4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_4_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_4_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_4_rb = frag_4.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(700, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.2, 0.2),
+ .angular_velocity = 200,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_4_rb.active = false;
+ frag_4.add_component<CircleCollider>(60);
+ GameObject frag_5 = scn.new_object("frag_5", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 150));
+ Asset frag_5_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag5.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_5_sprite = frag_5.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_5_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_5_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_5_rb = frag_5.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(600, -500),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.25, 0.15),
+ .angular_velocity = 100,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_5_rb.active = false;
+ frag_5.add_component<CircleCollider>(5);
+ GameObject frag_6 = scn.new_object("frag_6", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 140));
+ Asset frag_6_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag6.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_6_sprite = frag_6.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_6_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_6_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_6_rb = frag_6.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(300, -800),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.35, 0.25),
+ .angular_velocity = 100,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_6_rb.active = false;
+ frag_6.add_component<CircleCollider>(30);
+ GameObject frag_7 = scn.new_object("frag_7", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 130));
+ Asset frag_7_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag7.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_7_sprite = frag_7.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_7_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_7_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_7_rb = frag_7.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -500),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.45, 0.6),
+ .angular_velocity = 800,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_7_rb.active = false;
+ frag_7.add_component<CircleCollider>(45);
+ GameObject frag_8 = scn.new_object("frag_8", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 120));
+ Asset frag_8_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag8.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_8_sprite = frag_8.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_8_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_8_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_8_rb = frag_8.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.6),
+ .angular_velocity = 500,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_8_rb.active = false;
+ frag_8.add_component<CircleCollider>(25);
+ GameObject frag_9 = scn.new_object("frag_9", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 110));
+ Asset frag_9_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag9.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_9_sprite = frag_9.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_9_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_9_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_9_rb = frag_9.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(200, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.25),
+ .angular_velocity = 500,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_9_rb.active = false;
+ frag_9.add_component<CircleCollider>(15);
+ GameObject frag_10 = scn.new_object("frag_10", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 100));
+ Asset frag_10_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag10.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_10_sprite = frag_10.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_10_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_10_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_10_rb = frag_10.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(400, -900),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.35, 0.4),
+ .angular_velocity = 300,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_10_rb.active = false;
+ frag_10.add_component<CircleCollider>(60);
+ GameObject frag_11 = scn.new_object("frag_11", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 70));
+ Asset frag_11_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag11.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_11_sprite = frag_11.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_11_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_11_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_11_rb = frag_11.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(600, -400),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.3, 0.3),
+ .angular_velocity = 200,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_11_rb.active = false;
+ frag_11.add_component<CircleCollider>(5);
+ GameObject frag_12 = scn.new_object("frag_12", "wall_fragment", vec2(begin_x, 80));
+ Asset frag_12_asset {"asset/background/start/StartWall_frag12.png"};
+ Sprite & frag_12_sprite = frag_12.add_component<Sprite>(
+ frag_12_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_FORE_BACKGROUND,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ frag_12_sprite.active = false;
+ Rigidbody & frag_12_rb = frag_12.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(500, -800),
+ .linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.25, 0.15),
+ .angular_velocity = 100,
+ .angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.55,
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 0.5,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_WALL_FRAGS,
+ });
+ frag_12_rb.active = false;
+ frag_12.add_component<CircleCollider>(50);
+ GameObject smoke_particles_1
+ = scn.new_object("smoke_particles", "particle_emitter", vec2(begin_x - 100, 200));
+ Asset smoke_asset_1 {"asset/particles/smoke.png"};
+ Sprite & smoke_sprite_1 = smoke_particles_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ smoke_asset_1,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(255, 255, 255, 50),
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 100),
+ }
+ );
+ ParticleEmitter & emitter_1 = smoke_particles_1.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ smoke_sprite_1,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .emission_rate = 20,
+ .min_speed = 40,
+ .max_speed = 100,
+ .min_angle = -30,
+ .max_angle = 10,
+ .end_lifespan = 4,
+ }
+ );
+ emitter_1.active = false;
+ GameObject smoke_particles_2
+ = scn.new_object("smoke_particles", "particle_emitter", vec2(begin_x - 100, 200));
+ Asset smoke_asset_2 {"asset/particles/smoke.png"};
+ Sprite & smoke_sprite_2 = smoke_particles_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ smoke_asset_2,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(255, 255, 255, 50),
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 70),
+ }
+ );
+ ParticleEmitter & emitter_2 = smoke_particles_2.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ smoke_sprite_2,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .emission_rate = 30,
+ .min_speed = 40,
+ .max_speed = 100,
+ .min_angle = -45,
+ .max_angle = 5,
+ .end_lifespan = 3,
+ }
+ );
+ emitter_2.active = false;
diff --git a/game/background/StartSubScene.h b/game/background/StartSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c83e3d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/background/StartSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class GameObject;
+} // namespace crepe
+class StartSubScene {
+ float create(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x);
+ void add_lamp(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset, unsigned int fps = 10);
+ void add_table(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset);
+ void add_light(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset);
+ void add_jetpack_stand(crepe::GameObject & obj, crepe::vec2 offset);
+ void create_wall_fragments(crepe::Scene & scn, float begin_x);
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.cpp b/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b5b70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "CoinPoolSubScene.h"
+#include "CoinSubScene.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void CoinPoolSubScene::create_coins(crepe::Scene & scn) {
+ int amount = 0;
+ CoinSubScene coin;
+ while (amount < this->MAXIMUM_AMOUNT) {
+ amount = coin.create(scn, amount);
+ }
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.h b/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07626d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinPoolSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class CoinPoolSubScene {
+ void create_coins(crepe::Scene & scn);
+ static constexpr int MAXIMUM_AMOUNT = 100;
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinScript.cpp b/game/coins/CoinScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..514f4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "CoinScript.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../hud/HudScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+bool CoinScript::on_collision(const CollisionEvent & collisionData) {
+ if (collisionData.info.other.metadata.tag != "coin") return false;
+ if (!this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>(collisionData.info.other.metadata.name)
+ .front()
+ .get()
+ .active)
+ return false;
+ this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>(collisionData.info.other.metadata.name)
+ .front()
+ .get()
+ .active
+ = false;
+ this->get_components_by_name<CircleCollider>(collisionData.info.other.metadata.name)
+ .front()
+ .get()
+ .active
+ = false;
+ this->amount++;
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_components_by_id<AudioSource>(
+ collisionData.info.other.metadata.game_object_id
+ )
+ .front();
+ audio.play();
+ this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>(collisionData.info.other.metadata.name)
+ .back()
+ .get()
+ .active
+ = true;
+ this->get_components_by_name<Animator>(collisionData.info.other.metadata.name)
+ .back()
+ .get()
+ .active
+ = true;
+ return false;
+void CoinScript::init() {
+ this->subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
+void CoinScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ this->trigger_event(GetCoinEvent {
+ .amount_of_coins = this->amount,
+ });
+bool CoinScript::save() {
+ SaveManager & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ savemgr.set(TOTAL_COINS_RUN, this->amount);
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinScript.h b/game/coins/CoinScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5718025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/Script.h"
+class CoinScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ bool on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & collisionData);
+ bool save();
+ int amount = 0;
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinSubScene.cpp b/game/coins/CoinSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d154819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include "CoinSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+int CoinSubScene::create(Scene & scn, int coin_counter) {
+ vec2 size = {20, 20};
+ string unique_name = "coin_" + to_string(coin_counter++);
+ GameObject coin = scn.new_object(unique_name.c_str(), "coin", vec2 {650, 0}, 0, 1);
+ coin.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC,
+ .kinematic_collision = false,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_PLAYER},
+ });
+ coin.add_component<CircleCollider>((size.x / 2) - 3).active = false;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Sprite> coin_sprite = coin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/coin/coin1_TVOS.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_COINS,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = size,
+ }
+ );
+ coin_sprite->active = false;
+ coin.add_component<Animator>(
+ coin_sprite, ivec2 {32, 32}, uvec2 {8, 1},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 15,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ coin.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset {"asset/sfx/coin_pickup_1.ogg"}).volume = 3;
+ Sprite & pick_up = coin.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/coin/coinCollect1_TVOS.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_COINS,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = size * 2,
+ }
+ );
+ pick_up.active = false;
+ coin.add_component<Animator>(
+ pick_up, ivec2 {64, 64}, uvec2 {5, 1},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = false,
+ }
+ )
+ .active
+ = false;
+ return coin_counter;
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinSubScene.h b/game/coins/CoinSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a1c60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class CoinSubScene {
+ int create(crepe::Scene & scn, int coin_counter);
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.cpp b/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9816c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#include "CoinSystemScript.h"
+#include <random>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void CoinSystemScript::init() { engine.seed(rd()); }
+void CoinSystemScript::add_location(const crepe::vec2 & location) {
+ coin_locations.push_back(CoinData(location));
+float CoinSystemScript::preset_1(const vec2 & begin_position) {
+ vec2 top = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - (this->ROW_OFFSET_1)};
+ vec2 bottom = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y + (this->ROW_OFFSET_1)};
+ // Add locations for the top row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) {
+ add_location(top);
+ top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the bottom row
+ bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) {
+ add_location(bottom);
+ bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the top row
+ top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) {
+ add_location(top);
+ top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the bottom row
+ bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) {
+ add_location(bottom);
+ bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1;
+ }
+ return bottom.x - begin_position.x;
+float CoinSystemScript::preset_2(const vec2 & begin_position) {
+ vec2 top
+ = {begin_position.x + this->COLUM_OFFSET_2, begin_position.y - this->ROW_OFFSET_2};
+ vec2 middle = begin_position;
+ vec2 bottom
+ = {begin_position.x + this->COLUM_OFFSET_2, begin_position.y + this->ROW_OFFSET_2};
+ // Add locations for the next set of the bottom row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2 - 2; ++i) {
+ add_location(bottom);
+ bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the middle row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2; ++i) {
+ add_location(middle);
+ middle.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the top row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2 - 2; ++i) {
+ add_location(top);
+ top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2;
+ }
+ return middle.x - begin_position.x;
+float CoinSystemScript::preset_3(const vec2 & begin_position) {
+ vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - (this->ROW_OFFSET_3)};
+ // Add locations for the top row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the bottom row
+ location.y += this->ROW_OFFSET_3;
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the top row
+ location.y += this->ROW_OFFSET_3;
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3;
+ }
+ return location.x - begin_position.x;
+float CoinSystemScript::preset_4(const vec2 & begin_position) {
+ vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y + (this->ROW_OFFSET_4)};
+ // Add locations for the top row
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the bottom row
+ location.y -= this->ROW_OFFSET_4;
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4;
+ }
+ // Add locations for the next set of the top row
+ location.y -= this->ROW_OFFSET_4;
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4;
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4;
+ }
+ return location.x - begin_position.x;
+float CoinSystemScript::preset_5(const vec2 & begin_position) {
+ vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - ROW_OFFSET_5 / 2};
+ for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_5; ++i) {
+ add_location(location);
+ location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_5;
+ }
+ return location.x - begin_position.x;
+void CoinSystemScript::frame_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ this->despawn_coins();
+ this->generate_locations();
+ this->spawn_coins();
+void CoinSystemScript::despawn_coins() {
+ // Get the current x-position of the CoinSystem's Transform component
+ float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x;
+ // Retrieve all active coin sprites tagged as "coin"
+ RefVector<Sprite> coin_sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>("coin");
+ for (Sprite & coin_sprite : coin_sprites) {
+ if (!coin_sprite.active) continue; // Skip inactive sprites
+ // Retrieve the corresponding Transform, Metadata, and CircleCollider components
+ Transform & coin_transform
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Transform>(coin_sprite.game_object_id).front().get();
+ Metadata & coin_metadata
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Metadata>(coin_sprite.game_object_id).front().get();
+ CircleCollider & coin_collider
+ = this->get_components_by_id<CircleCollider>(coin_sprite.game_object_id)
+ .front()
+ .get();
+ // Check if the coin is out of bounds based on DESPAWN_DISTANCE
+ if (coin_transform.position.x < position - this->DESPAWN_DISTANCE) {
+ // Find the coin in the coin_locations vector using its name
+ auto it = std::find_if(
+ coin_locations.begin(), coin_locations.end(),
+ [&coin_metadata](const CoinData & data) {
+ return data.name == coin_metadata.name;
+ }
+ );
+ // If a match is found, erase it from coin_locations
+ if (it != coin_locations.end()) {
+ coin_locations.erase(it);
+ coin_sprite.active = false;
+ coin_collider.active = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CoinSystemScript::spawn_coins() {
+ // Get the current x-position of the CoinSystem's Transform component
+ float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x;
+ // Iterate through the list of coin locations
+ for (auto & coin : coin_locations) {
+ // Skip this coin if it is already active
+ if (coin.active) continue;
+ // Skip this coin if it is not within the defined spawn area
+ if (coin.start_location.x < this->SPAWN_DISTANCE + position
+ || coin.start_location.x > this->SPAWN_AREA + this->SPAWN_DISTANCE + position)
+ continue;
+ // Retrieve all sprites tagged as "coin"
+ RefVector<Sprite> coin_sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>("coin");
+ // Check for an available (inactive) coin sprite
+ for (Sprite & coin_sprite : coin_sprites) {
+ // Skip this sprite if it is already active
+ if (coin_sprite.active) continue;
+ if (coin_sprite.data.order_in_layer == 1) {
+ coin_sprite.active = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Found an available (inactive) coin sprite
+ // Retrieve its associated components
+ Transform & coin_transform
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Transform>(coin_sprite.game_object_id)
+ .front()
+ .get();
+ Metadata & coin_metadata
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Metadata>(coin_sprite.game_object_id)
+ .front()
+ .get();
+ CircleCollider & coin_collider
+ = this->get_components_by_id<CircleCollider>(coin_sprite.game_object_id)
+ .front()
+ .get();
+ // Assign data and set active
+ coin.name = coin_metadata.name;
+ coin.active = true;
+ coin_sprite.active = true;
+ coin_collider.active = true;
+ coin_transform.position = coin.start_location;
+ // Break out of the inner loop since we've assigned this coin to an available sprite
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CoinSystemScript::generate_locations() {
+ float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x;
+ if (position + SPAWN_DISTANCE + SYSTEM_POSITION_OFFSET < this->system_position) return;
+ std::discrete_distribution<int> dist(weights.begin(), weights.end());
+ int selected_index = dist(engine);
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> space_dist(SPAWN_SPACING_MIN, SPAWN_SPACING_MAX);
+ float spacing = space_dist(engine);
+ // Call the corresponding function and return the new x position
+ this->system_position += functions[selected_index]({this->system_position, 0});
+ this->system_position += spacing;
diff --git a/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.h b/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c94273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/coins/CoinSystemScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <random>
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+class CoinSystemScript : public crepe::Script {
+ struct CoinData {
+ crepe::vec2 start_location = {0, 0};
+ std::string name = "";
+ bool active = false;
+ CoinData(crepe::vec2 start_location)
+ : start_location(start_location),
+ name(""),
+ active(false) {}
+ };
+ CoinSystemScript() {};
+ void init() override;
+ void frame_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ void add_location(const crepe::vec2 & location);
+ void despawn_coins();
+ void spawn_coins();
+ void generate_locations();
+ float preset_1(const crepe::vec2 & begin_position);
+ float preset_2(const crepe::vec2 & begin_position);
+ float preset_3(const crepe::vec2 & begin_position);
+ float preset_4(const crepe::vec2 & begin_position);
+ float preset_5(const crepe::vec2 & begin_position);
+ std::vector<std::function<float(const crepe::vec2 &)>> functions
+ = {[this](const crepe::vec2 & pos) { return preset_1(pos); },
+ [this](const crepe::vec2 & pos) { return preset_2(pos); },
+ [this](const crepe::vec2 & pos) { return preset_3(pos); },
+ [this](const crepe::vec2 & pos) { return preset_4(pos); },
+ [this](const crepe::vec2 & pos) { return preset_5(pos); }};
+ std::vector<int> weights = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
+ std::random_device rd;
+ std::default_random_engine engine;
+ float system_position = 1400;
+ static constexpr float SYSTEM_POSITION_OFFSET = 200;
+ static constexpr float SPAWN_SPACING_MIN = 400;
+ static constexpr float SPAWN_SPACING_MAX = 1000;
+ static constexpr float SPAWN_DISTANCE = 600;
+ static constexpr float DESPAWN_DISTANCE = 600;
+ static constexpr float SPAWN_AREA = 50;
+ std::vector<CoinData> coin_locations;
+ // preset one settings
+ // ***** *****
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ // ***** *****
+ static constexpr float ROW_OFFSET_1 = 100;
+ static constexpr float COLUM_OFFSET_1 = 25;
+ static constexpr int COLUM_AMOUNT_1 = 5;
+ // preset two settings
+ //
+ // ********
+ // **********
+ // ********
+ //
+ static constexpr float ROW_OFFSET_2 = 25;
+ static constexpr float COLUM_OFFSET_2 = 25;
+ static constexpr int COLUM_AMOUNT_2 = 10;
+ // preset three settings
+ // ***
+ //
+ // ***
+ //
+ // ***
+ static constexpr float ROW_OFFSET_3 = 100;
+ static constexpr float COLUM_OFFSET_3 = 25;
+ static constexpr int COLUM_AMOUNT_3 = 3;
+ // preset four settings
+ // ***
+ //
+ // ***
+ //
+ // ***
+ static constexpr float ROW_OFFSET_4 = 100;
+ static constexpr float COLUM_OFFSET_4 = 25;
+ static constexpr int COLUM_AMOUNT_4 = 3;
+ // preset five settings
+ //
+ // ***
+ //
+ static constexpr float ROW_OFFSET_5 = 25;
+ static constexpr float COLUM_OFFSET_5 = 25;
+ static constexpr int COLUM_AMOUNT_5 = 3;
diff --git a/game/enemy/BattleScript.cpp b/game/enemy/BattleScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798cbb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/BattleScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "BattleScript.h"
+#include "EnemyConfig.h"
+#include "EnemyScript.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace crepe;
+BattleScript::BattleScript() { engine.seed(rd()); }
+void BattleScript::init() {
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(2, 10);
+ int random_enemy_amount = dist(this->engine);
+ // this->create_battle(random_enemy_amount);
+ this->subscribe<BattleStartEvent>([this](const BattleStartEvent & e) -> bool {
+ return this->create_battle(e);
+ });
+void BattleScript::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ if (!battle_active) return;
+ bool enemies_alive = false;
+ RefVector<AI> enemy_ai = this->get_components_by_tag<AI>("enemy");
+ for (AI & ai : enemy_ai) {
+ if (ai.active) {
+ enemies_alive = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!enemies_alive) {
+ this->battle_active = false;
+ this->trigger_event<BattleWonEvent>();
+ }
+bool BattleScript::create_battle(const BattleStartEvent & e) {
+ this->battle_active = e.battle;
+ this->spawn_enemies(e.num_enemies);
+ return false;
+void BattleScript::spawn_enemies(int amount) {
+ RefVector<AI> enemy_ai = this->get_components_by_tag<AI>("enemy");
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(70, 150);
+ int spawned = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ENEMY_POOL_MAX; i++) {
+ AI & ai = enemy_ai[i];
+ Transform & enemy_transform
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Transform>(ai.game_object_id).front();
+ if (ai.active == true || enemy_transform.position != ENEMY_POOL_LOCATION) continue;
+ this->queue_event<SpawnEnemyEvent>(
+ SpawnEnemyEvent {
+ .speed = dist(engine),
+ .column = i,
+ },
+ ai.game_object_id
+ );
+ spawned++;
+ if (spawned >= amount) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/enemy/BattleScript.h b/game/enemy/BattleScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57aa16c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/BattleScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <random>
+struct BattleWonEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+struct BattleStartEvent : public crepe::Event {
+ int num_enemies = 0;
+ bool battle = false;
+class BattleScript : public crepe::Script {
+ BattleScript();
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ bool battle_active = false;
+ std::random_device rd;
+ std::default_random_engine engine;
+ void spawn_enemies(int amount);
+ bool create_battle(const BattleStartEvent & e);
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee4816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "EnemyBulletPool.h"
+#include "EnemyBulletSubScene.h"
+using namespace std;
+void EnemyBulletPool::create_bullets(crepe::Scene & scn) {
+ EnemyBulletSubScene bullet;
+ int amount = 0;
+ while (amount < this->MAXIMUM_AMOUNT) {
+ amount = bullet.create(scn, amount);
+ }
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.h b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee53fc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class EnemyBulletPool {
+ void create_bullets(crepe::Scene & scn);
+ static constexpr int MAXIMUM_AMOUNT = 20;
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d208a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "EnemyBulletScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "EnemyConfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void EnemyBulletScript::init() {
+ this->subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & e) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collide(e);
+ });
+void EnemyBulletScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Camera & camera = this->get_components_by_name<Camera>("camera").front();
+ Transform & cam_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ //move
+ transform.position += bullet_body.data.linear_velocity * dt.count();
+ vec2 half_screen = camera.viewport_size / 2;
+ float despawn_location = cam_transform.position.x - half_screen.x - 50;
+ if (transform.position.x < despawn_location) {
+ this->despawn_bullet();
+ }
+void EnemyBulletScript::despawn_bullet() {
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ bullet_body.active = false;
+ transform.position = ENEMY_BULLET_POOL_LOCATION;
+bool EnemyBulletScript::on_collide(const CollisionEvent & e) {
+ //cout << "collision happened with " << e.info.other.metadata.tag << endl;
+ this->despawn_bullet();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.h b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dab751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class EnemyBulletScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ bool on_collide(const crepe::CollisionEvent & e);
+ void despawn_bullet();
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc31ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "EnemyConfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include "../Random.h"
+#include "EnemyBulletScript.h"
+#include "EnemyBulletSubScene.h"
+#include "EnemyScript.h"
+#include "api/Color.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+int EnemyBulletSubScene::create(Scene & scn, int counter) {
+ string unique_name = "enemy_bullet_" + to_string(counter++);
+ GameObject bullet = scn.new_object(
+ unique_name.c_str(), "enemy_bullet", ENEMY_BULLET_POOL_LOCATION, 0, 1
+ );
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body = bullet.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2 {-300, 0},
+ .kinematic_collision = false,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_MISSILE, COLL_LAY_ZAPPER},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_BULLET
+ });
+ bullet_body.active = false;
+ BoxCollider & bullet_collider = bullet.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(40, 10));
+ //bullet_collider.active = false;
+ Asset bullet_asset {"asset/other_effects/effect_smgbullet_x2.png"};
+ Sprite & bullet_sprite = bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ bullet_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color::BLUE,
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(60, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ bullet.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<EnemyBulletScript>();
+ return counter;
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.h b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac78ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyBulletSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class EnemyBulletSubScene {
+ int create(crepe::Scene & scn, int counter);
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyConfig.h b/game/enemy/EnemyConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9fb469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+//button config
+// static constexpr crepe::vec2 PLAYER_BULLET_POOL_LOCATION = {0, -850};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 ENEMY_BULLET_POOL_LOCATION = {0, -750};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 ENEMY_POOL_LOCATION = {0, -650};
+static constexpr int ENEMY_POOL_MAX = 12;
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyPool.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemyPool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..135fc35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyPool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "EnemyPool.h"
+#include "EnemySubScene.h"
+using namespace std;
+void EnemyPool::create_enemies(crepe::Scene & scn) {
+ EnemySubScene enemy;
+ int amount = 0;
+ while (amount < ENEMY_POOL_MAX) {
+ amount = enemy.create(scn, amount);
+ }
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyPool.h b/game/enemy/EnemyPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd0b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "EnemyConfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class EnemyPool {
+ void create_enemies(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyScript.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemyScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0822c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+#include "EnemyScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../Random.h"
+#include "../enemy/EnemyConfig.h"
+#include "api/Color.h"
+#include "api/Sprite.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+#include <random>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+EnemyScript::EnemyScript() {
+ engine.seed(rd());
+ this->last_fired = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->shot_delay = std::chrono::duration<float>(1.5 + Random::f(2, 0));
+void EnemyScript::init() {
+ Metadata & meta = this->get_component<Metadata>();
+ this->subscribe<SpawnEnemyEvent>(
+ [this](const SpawnEnemyEvent & e) -> bool { return this->spawn_enemy(e); },
+ meta.game_object_id
+ );
+ this->subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & e) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collide(e);
+ });
+void EnemyScript::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ if (!spawned) return;
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ std::chrono::duration<float> elapsed_hit = now - last_hit;
+ //hit blink timer
+ if (elapsed_hit > blink_time) {
+ set_hit_blink(false);
+ }
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ if (!this->alive) {
+ Camera & camera = this->get_components_by_name<Camera>("camera").front();
+ Transform & cam_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ vec2 half_screen = camera.viewport_size / 2;
+ float x_value = cam_transform.position.x - half_screen.x - 100;
+ if (transform.position.x < x_value) {
+ this->despawn_enemy();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ Transform & player_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").front();
+ Rigidbody & enemy_body = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ AI & ai_component = this->get_component<AI>();
+ float direction_to_player_y = player_transform.position.y - transform.position.y;
+ float distance_to_player_y = std::abs(direction_to_player_y);
+ float adjustment_speed = speed * (distance_to_player_y / MAX_DISTANCE);
+ adjustment_speed = std::clamp(adjustment_speed, MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED);
+ Rigidbody & player_body = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("player").front();
+ // move path nodes
+ for (vec2 & path_node : ai_component.path) {
+ path_node.y += (direction_to_player_y > 0 ? 1 : -1) * adjustment_speed * dt.count();
+ path_node.x += player_body.data.linear_velocity.x * dt.count();
+ }
+ //bullet fire logic:
+ std::chrono::duration<float> elapsed = now - last_fired;
+ if (elapsed > shot_delay) {
+ this->shoot(transform.position);
+ last_fired = now;
+ this->shot_delay = std::chrono::duration<float>(Random::f(3, 1.5));
+ }
+bool EnemyScript::spawn_enemy(const SpawnEnemyEvent & e) {
+ this->speed = e.speed;
+ this->alive = true;
+ this->spawned = true;
+ this->health = 2;
+ RefVector<Animator> animators = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(0);
+ }
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 0;
+ }
+ Sprite & jetpack = sprites[2];
+ jetpack.data.position_offset.x = 20;
+ Sprite & gun = sprites[3];
+ gun.data.position_offset.x = -20;
+ AI & ai_component = this->get_component<AI>();
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Camera & camera = this->get_components_by_name<Camera>("camera").front();
+ Transform & cam_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ rb.data.collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP, COLL_LAY_PLAYER_BULLET};
+ rb.data.collision_layer = COLL_LAY_ENEMY;
+ vec2 half_screen = camera.viewport_size / 2;
+ float x_value = cam_transform.position.x + half_screen.x - 40 * (1 + e.column);
+ uniform_real_distribution<float> dist(
+ cam_transform.position.y - half_screen.y + 100,
+ cam_transform.position.y + half_screen.y - 100
+ );
+ float random_height = dist(engine);
+ vec2 spawn_location
+ = {cam_transform.position.x + camera.viewport_size.x / 2 + 100, random_height};
+ transform.position = spawn_location;
+ ai_component.path.clear();
+ ai_component.make_oval_path(10, 30, vec2 {x_value, random_height}, 1.5708, true);
+ ai_component.active = true;
+ this->last_fired = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ return false;
+void EnemyScript::set_hit_blink(bool status) {
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ if (status) {
+ sprite.data.color = Color::RED;
+ continue;
+ }
+ sprite.data.color = Color::WHITE;
+ }
+bool EnemyScript::on_collide(const CollisionEvent & e) {
+ if (!this->alive) return false;
+ if (e.info.other.metadata.tag == "player_bullet") {
+ this->health--;
+ last_hit = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ //Sprite& sprite;
+ set_hit_blink(true);
+ if (health <= 0) {
+ this->death();
+ }
+ }
+ //body_animator.play();
+ return false;
+void EnemyScript::death() {
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ Transform & tr = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ RefVector<Animator> animators = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(3);
+ }
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 15;
+ }
+ rb.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {0.5, 1};
+ rb.data.collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP};
+ rb.data.collision_layer = 0;
+ rb.data.gravity_scale = 1;
+ tr.rotation = 90;
+ AI & ai = this->get_component<AI>();
+ ai.active = false;
+ this->alive = false;
+ AI & ai_component = this->get_component<AI>();
+ ai_component.active = false;
+void EnemyScript::despawn_enemy() {
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ rb.data.gravity_scale = 0;
+ rb.data.linear_velocity = {0, 0};
+ transform.rotation = 0;
+ transform.position = ENEMY_POOL_LOCATION;
+ this->spawned = false;
+void EnemyScript::shoot(const vec2 & location) {
+ RefVector<Transform> bullet_transforms
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("enemy_bullet");
+ for (Transform & bullet_pos : bullet_transforms) {
+ if (bullet_pos.position.x == 0 && bullet_pos.position.y == -750) {
+ bullet_pos.position = location;
+ bullet_pos.position.x -= 20;
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(bullet_pos.game_object_id).front();
+ BoxCollider bullet_collider
+ = this->get_components_by_id<BoxCollider>(bullet_pos.game_object_id).front();
+ bullet_collider.active = true;
+ bullet_body.active = true;
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_component<AudioSource>();
+ audio.play();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemyScript.h b/game/enemy/EnemyScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be71a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemyScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <chrono>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <random>
+struct SpawnEnemyEvent : public crepe::Event {
+ float speed = 0;
+ int column = 0;
+class EnemyScript : public crepe::Script {
+ EnemyScript();
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ void shoot(const crepe::vec2 & position);
+ bool on_collide(const crepe::CollisionEvent & collisionData);
+ void despawn_enemy();
+ bool spawn_enemy(const SpawnEnemyEvent & e);
+ void death();
+ void set_hit_blink(bool status);
+ std::random_device rd;
+ std::default_random_engine engine;
+ bool alive = false;
+ bool spawned = false;
+ float speed = 50;
+ int health = 2;
+ const float MIN_SPEED = 20;
+ const float MAX_SPEED = 150;
+ const float MAX_DISTANCE = 200;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_fired;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_hit;
+ std::chrono::duration<float> shot_delay = std::chrono::duration<float>(0);
+ std::chrono::duration<float> blink_time = std::chrono::duration<float>(0.1);
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.cpp b/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6aecec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "EnemyConfig.h"
+#include "EnemyScript.h"
+#include "EnemySubScene.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+//#TODO add sound
+int EnemySubScene::create(Scene & scn, int enemy_counter) {
+ string unique_name = "enemy_" + to_string(enemy_counter++);
+ GameObject enemy = scn.new_object(unique_name.c_str(), "enemy", ENEMY_POOL_LOCATION, 0, 1);
+ enemy.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .max_linear_velocity = 400,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP, COLL_LAY_PLAYER_BULLET},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_ENEMY,
+ });
+ // normal body
+ Asset enemy_body_asset {"asset/workers/worker2Body.png"};
+ enemy.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(40, 60));
+ Sprite & enemy_body_sprite = enemy.add_component<Sprite>(
+ enemy_body_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ Animator & body_animator = enemy.add_component<Animator>(
+ enemy_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .col = 1,
+ .row = 0,
+ .looping = false,
+ }
+ );
+ body_animator.pause();
+ Asset enemy_head_asset {"asset/workers/worker2Head.png"};
+ Sprite & enemy_head_sprite = enemy.add_component<Sprite>(
+ enemy_head_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ enemy.add_component<Animator>(
+ enemy_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ //jetpack
+ //enemy.add_component<CircleCollider>(25, vec2(0, -20));
+ Asset enemy_jetpack_asset {"asset/barry/jetpackDefault.png"};
+ Sprite & enemy_jetpack_sprite = enemy.add_component<Sprite>(
+ enemy_jetpack_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 60),
+ .position_offset = vec2(20, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ enemy_jetpack_sprite.active = true;
+ enemy.add_component<Animator>(
+ enemy_jetpack_sprite, ivec2(32, 44), uvec2(4, 4),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ //gun
+ Asset enemy_pistol_asset {"asset/workers/gun.png"};
+ Sprite & enemy_pistol_sprite = enemy.add_component<Sprite>(
+ enemy_pistol_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 20),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-20, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ enemy.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/bike_gun_2.ogg")).volume = 0.1;
+ AI & ai_component = enemy.add_component<AI>(3000);
+ ai_component.path_follow_on();
+ ai_component.active = false;
+ BehaviorScript & enemy_script
+ = enemy.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<EnemyScript>();
+ //enemy_script.active = false;
+ return enemy_counter;
diff --git a/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.h b/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3899250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/enemy/EnemySubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class EnemySubScene {
+ int create(crepe::Scene & scn, int enemy_counter);
diff --git a/game/hud/HudConfig.h b/game/hud/HudConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facc298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/HudConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 TOP_LEFT = {-530, -230};
+static constexpr const char * HUD_DISTANCE = "hud_distance";
+static constexpr const char * HUD_BEST = "hud_best";
+static constexpr const char * HUD_COINS = "hud_coins";
+static constexpr const char * HUD_FPS = "hud_fps";
+// Distance
+static constexpr const char * DISTANCE_PLACEHOLDER = "0000m";
+static constexpr const char * DISTANCE_UNIT = "m";
+static constexpr int DISTANCE_LENGTH = 5;
+static constexpr float DISTANCE_CHAR_WIDTH = 12;
+static constexpr float STEP_SIZE_DISTANCE = 100;
+// BEST
+static constexpr const char * BEST = "BEST:";
+static constexpr int BEST_LENGTH = 5;
+static constexpr float BEST_CHAR_WIDTH = 10;
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 BEST_OFFSET = {0, 25};
+static constexpr const char * COINS = "0000";
+static constexpr int COINS_LENGTH = 4;
+static constexpr float COINS_CHAR_WIDTH = 10;
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 COINS_OFFSET = {0, 50};
+// FPS
+static constexpr const char * FPS = "00";
+static constexpr int FPS_LENGTH = 2;
+static constexpr float FPS_CHAR_WIDTH = 10;
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 FPS_OFFSET = {1030, 0};
diff --git a/game/hud/HudScript.cpp b/game/hud/HudScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4aeae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/HudScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#include "HudScript.h"
+#include "HudConfig.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../Events.h"
+#include "api/KeyCodes.h"
+#include "menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.h"
+#include <climits>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void HudScript::init() {
+ savemgr = &this->get_save_manager();
+ savemgr->set(TOTAL_COINS_RUN, 0);
+ Text & txt = this->get_components_by_name<Text>(HUD_BEST).front();
+ string record
+ = BEST + to_string(savemgr->get<int>(DISTANCE_GAME, 0).get()) + DISTANCE_UNIT;
+ txt.text = record;
+ txt.dimensions = {BEST_CHAR_WIDTH * record.size(), (BEST_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ txt.offset
+ = TOP_LEFT + FONTOFFSET + BEST_OFFSET + vec2 {record.size() * BEST_CHAR_WIDTH / 2, 0};
+ this->subscribe<GetCoinEvent>([this](const GetCoinEvent e) -> bool {
+ return this->get_coin(e);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->toggle_fps(ev);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<EndGameEvent>([this](const EndGameEvent e) -> bool {
+ return this->save();
+ });
+bool HudScript::toggle_fps(crepe::KeyPressEvent ev) {
+ if (ev.key != Keycode::D1) return false;
+ Text & txt_fps = this->get_components_by_name<Text>(HUD_FPS).front();
+ this->show_fps = !this->show_fps;
+ if (this->show_fps) {
+ txt_fps.active = true;
+ } else {
+ txt_fps.active = false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void HudScript::frame_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ // Distance
+ Text & txt_dt = this->get_components_by_name<Text>(HUD_DISTANCE).front();
+ Transform & tf = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>(PLAYER_NAME).front();
+ string distance
+ = to_string(static_cast<int>(tf.position.x / STEP_SIZE_DISTANCE)) + DISTANCE_UNIT;
+ this->distance_st = distance;
+ txt_dt.text = distance;
+ txt_dt.dimensions = {DISTANCE_CHAR_WIDTH * distance.size(), (DISTANCE_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ txt_dt.offset
+ = TOP_LEFT + FONTOFFSET + vec2 {distance.size() * DISTANCE_CHAR_WIDTH / 2, 0};
+ // Coins
+ Text & txt_co = this->get_components_by_name<Text>(HUD_COINS).front();
+ string amount_of_coins = to_string(this->coin_amount);
+ this->coin_amount_st = amount_of_coins;
+ txt_co.text = amount_of_coins;
+ txt_co.dimensions = {COINS_CHAR_WIDTH * amount_of_coins.size(), (COINS_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ + vec2 {amount_of_coins.size() * COINS_CHAR_WIDTH / 2, 0};
+ // FPS
+ Text & txt_fps = this->get_components_by_name<Text>(HUD_FPS).front();
+ float fps = this->get_loop_timer().get_fps();
+ string fps_amount = to_string(this->get_loop_timer().get_fps());
+ txt_fps.text = fps_amount;
+ txt_fps.dimensions = {FPS_CHAR_WIDTH * fps_amount.size(), (FPS_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ txt_fps.offset = TOP_LEFT + FONTOFFSET + FPS_OFFSET
+ + vec2 {fps_amount.size() * FPS_CHAR_WIDTH / 2, 0};
+ if (fps >= 30) txt_fps.data.text_color = Color::YELLOW;
+ if (fps >= 50) txt_fps.data.text_color = Color::GREEN;
+ if (fps < 30) txt_fps.data.text_color = Color::RED;
+bool HudScript::get_coin(const GetCoinEvent e) {
+ this->coin_amount = e.amount_of_coins;
+ return true;
+bool HudScript::save() {
+ SaveManager & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ savemgr.set(TOTAL_COINS_RUN, this->coin_amount);
+ savemgr.set(DISTANCE_RUN, this->distance_st);
+ this->trigger_event<ShowScoreEvent>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/hud/HudScript.h b/game/hud/HudScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b789db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/HudScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+struct GetCoinEvent : public crepe::Event {
+ int amount_of_coins;
+class HudScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ void frame_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ bool get_coin(const GetCoinEvent e);
+ bool toggle_fps(crepe::KeyPressEvent ev);
+ bool save();
+ crepe::SaveManager * savemgr;
+ bool show_fps = false;
+ int coin_amount = 0;
+ std::string coin_amount_st = "";
+ std::string distance_st = "";
diff --git a/game/hud/HudSubScene.cpp b/game/hud/HudSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc07b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/HudSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#include "HudSubScene.h"
+#include "HudConfig.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void HudSubScene::create(Scene & scn) {
+ // Distance
+ GameObject hud_dis = scn.new_object(HUD_DISTANCE);
+ crepe::vec2 size_distance
+ hud_dis.add_component<Text>(
+ size_distance, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ // Best
+ GameObject hud_best = scn.new_object(HUD_BEST);
+ crepe::vec2 size_best = {BEST_CHAR_WIDTH * BEST_LENGTH, (BEST_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ hud_best.add_component<Text>(
+ size_best, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::GREY,
+ },
+ );
+ // Coins
+ GameObject hud_coin = scn.new_object(HUD_COINS);
+ crepe::vec2 size_coin = {COINS_CHAR_WIDTH * COINS_LENGTH, (COINS_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ hud_coin.add_component<Text>(
+ size_coin, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::GOLD,
+ },
+ );
+ // Fps
+ GameObject hud_fps = scn.new_object(HUD_FPS);
+ crepe::vec2 size_fps = {FPS_CHAR_WIDTH * FPS_LENGTH, (FPS_CHAR_WIDTH) * 2};
+ hud_fps
+ .add_component<Text>(
+ size_fps, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::GREEN,
+ },
+ )
+ .active
+ = false;
diff --git a/game/hud/HudSubScene.h b/game/hud/HudSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd368e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/HudSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class HudSubScene {
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/hud/SpeedScript.cpp b/game/hud/SpeedScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ced47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/SpeedScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "SpeedScript.h"
+#include "../Events.h"
+#include "api/BehaviorScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/KeyCodes.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void SpeedScript::init() {
+ this->subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ if (ev.key != Keycode::HOME) return false;
+ LoopTimerManager & lp = this->get_loop_timer();
+ this->toggle = !this->toggle;
+ if (this->toggle) {
+ this->timescale = lp.get_time_scale();
+ lp.set_time_scale(0);
+ } else {
+ lp.set_time_scale(this->timescale);
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ this->subscribe<EndGameEvent>([this](const EndGameEvent e) {
+ this->get_component<BehaviorScript>().active = false;
+ return false;
+ });
+void SpeedScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ LoopTimerManager & lp = this->get_loop_timer();
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::PAGE_UP)) {
+ if (lp.get_time_scale() >= 2) return;
+ lp.set_time_scale(lp.get_time_scale() + 0.1);
+ }
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::PAGE_DOWN)) {
+ if (lp.get_time_scale() <= 0.5) return;
+ lp.set_time_scale(lp.get_time_scale() - 0.1);
+ }
diff --git a/game/hud/SpeedScript.h b/game/hud/SpeedScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40f7cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/hud/SpeedScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+class SpeedScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ crepe::SaveManager * savemgr;
+ bool toggle = false;
+ float timescale = 1;
diff --git a/game/main.cpp b/game/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95cb35c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <crepe/api/Engine.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include "EngineConfig.h"
+#include "GameScene.h"
+#include "PreviewScene.h"
+#include "menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.h"
+#include "menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+int main() {
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ Config::get_instance() = ENGINE_CONFIG;
+ Engine gameloop;
+ gameloop.add_scene<MainMenuScene>();
+ gameloop.add_scene<ShopMenuScene>();
+ gameloop.add_scene<GameScene>();
+ gameloop.add_scene<PreviewScene>();
+ return gameloop.main();
diff --git a/game/makefile b/game/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fedf7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+format: FORCE
+ $(MAKE) -C .. $@
diff --git a/game/menus/BannerSubScene.cpp b/game/menus/BannerSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..006a829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/BannerSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "BannerSubScene.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void BannerSubScene::create(Scene & scn, const Data & data) {
+ GameObject menu_banner = scn.new_object("menu_banner", "", {0, -414});
+ menu_banner.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {1100, 88},
+ }
+ );
+ menu_banner.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_2_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {1100, 66},
+ .position_offset {0, 77},
+ }
+ );
+ menu_banner.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/banner_bottom.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {1100, 7},
+ .position_offset {0, 113},
+ }
+ );
+ crepe::vec2 size
+ = {data.banner_title_width, (data.banner_title_width / data.banner_title.size()) * 2};
+ menu_banner.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ data.banner_title_offset + FONTOFFSET, data.banner_title
+ );
diff --git a/game/menus/BannerSubScene.h b/game/menus/BannerSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c194dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/BannerSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class BannerSubScene {
+ struct Data {
+ const std::string & banner_title = "NODATA";
+ const float banner_title_width = 100;
+ const crepe::vec2 & banner_title_offset = {0, 0};
+ };
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn, const Data & data);
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63a2777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.h"
+#include "ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include "ValueBroker.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ RefVector<AudioSource> audios
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("background_music");
+ for (AudioSource & audio : audios) {
+ audio.stop();
+ }
+ this->trigger_event<DeleteRecordingEvent>();
+ SaveManager & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<int> coins = savemgr.get<int>(TOTAL_COINS_RUN, 0);
+ ValueBroker<int> coins_game = savemgr.get<int>(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, 0);
+ savemgr.set(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, coins_game.get() + coins.get());
+ ValueBroker<int> distance = savemgr.get<int>(DISTANCE_RUN, 0);
+ ValueBroker<int> distance_game = savemgr.get<int>(DISTANCE_GAME, 0);
+ if (distance.get() > distance_game.get()) savemgr.set(DISTANCE_GAME, distance.get());
+ this->set_next_scene(MAINMENU_SCENE);
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.h b/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc3f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01cccbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include "../Events.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonReplaySubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<EndGameEvent>([this](const EndGameEvent & e) {
+ return this->set_recording();
+ });
+ this->subscribe<DeleteRecordingEvent>([this](const DeleteRecordingEvent & e) {
+ return this->delete_recording();
+ });
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return;
+ replay.record_start();
+bool ButtonReplaySubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ replay.play(this->recording);
+ return false;
+bool ButtonReplaySubScript::set_recording() {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ this->recording = replay.record_end();
+ return false;
+bool ButtonReplaySubScript::delete_recording() {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ replay.release(this->recording);
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.h b/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb8aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+struct DeleteRecordingEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+class ButtonReplaySubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ crepe::recording_t recording = 0;
+ bool set_recording();
+ bool delete_recording();
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6bcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ RefVector<AudioSource> audios
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("background_music");
+ this->set_next_scene(MAINMENU_SCENE);
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.h b/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fb2634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f395eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "ButtonSetShopSubScript.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonSetShopSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonSetShopSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ this->set_next_scene(SHOP_SCENE);
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.h b/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4017a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSetShopSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonSetShopSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0e980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include "mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonShowCreditsSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonShowCreditsSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ this->trigger_event<ShowCreditsEvent>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.h b/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c73c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonShowCreditsSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.cpp b/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fe6b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#include "ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript.h"
+#include "ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript.h"
+#include "ButtonSetShopSubScript.h"
+#include "ButtonShowCreditsSubScript.h"
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include "../preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "../preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.h"
+#include "../preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.h"
+#include "api/Asset.h"
+#include "mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.h"
+#include "menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.h"
+#include "menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Button.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonSubScene::create(Scene & scn, const Data & data) {
+ GameObject button_object
+ = scn.new_object("button", data.tag, data.position, 0, data.scale);
+ this->set_button_overlay(button_object, data);
+ this->btn_text(button_object, data);
+ this->set_script(button_object, data);
+ this->set_icon(button_object, data);
+void ButtonSubScene::btn_text(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ crepe::vec2 size = {data.text_width, (data.text_width / data.text.size()) * 2};
+ button_object.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ data.text_offset + FONTOFFSET, data.text
+ );
+void ButtonSubScene::set_script(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ switch (data.script_type) {
+ case ScriptSelect::PREVIEW:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::SHOP:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<ButtonSetShopSubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::MAINMENU:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonSetMainMenuSubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::NEXT:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonNextMainMenuSubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::REPLAY:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<ButtonReplaySubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::CREDITS_BACK:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CreditsSubScript>(data.tag
+ );
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::CREDITS_SHOW:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonShowCreditsSubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_REPLAY:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PreviewReplaySubScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_START:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PreviewStartRecSubScript>(
+ );
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::PREVIEW_STOP:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PreviewStopRecSubScript>(
+ );
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::SHOP_BULLET:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonBuySelectBulletScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::SHOP_BUBBLE:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>()
+ .set_script<ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript>();
+ break;
+ case ScriptSelect::NONE:
+ button_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<IButtonScript>();
+ break;
+ }
+void ButtonSubScene::set_icon(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ switch (data.icon_type) {
+ case IconSelect::SHOP:
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/buttonCoinsSmall.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer
+ = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 3 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .size = ICON_SIZE,
+ .position_offset = data.icon_offset,
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ break;
+ case IconSelect::COINS:
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/buttonCoinsSmall.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer
+ = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 3 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .size = ICON_SIZE,
+ .position_offset = data.icon_offset,
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ break;
+ case IconSelect::NONE:
+ break;
+ }
+void ButtonSubScene::set_button_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ switch (data.button_type) {
+ case ButtonSelect::LARGE:
+ this->large_btn_overlay(button_object, data);
+ break;
+ case ButtonSelect::BACK:
+ this->back_btn_overlay(button_object, data);
+ break;
+ case ButtonSelect::NEXT:
+ this->next_btn_overlay(button_object, data);
+ break;
+ }
+void ButtonSubScene::large_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/buttonBacking.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Button>(LARGE_OVERLAY_SIZE, Button::Data {});
+ if (!data.color_side) return;
+ this->btn_color_side(button_object, SIDE_PANEL_OFFSET, data);
+void ButtonSubScene::back_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/backbuttonright.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .position_offset = {20, 0},
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/backbuttonleft.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .position_offset = {-80, 0},
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Button>(
+ vec2 {
+ },
+ Button::Data {}
+ );
+void ButtonSubScene::next_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data) {
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/backbuttonright.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .position_offset = {-20, 0},
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/backbuttonleft.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .position_offset = {80, 0},
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Button>(
+ vec2 {
+ },
+ Button::Data {}
+ );
+void ButtonSubScene::btn_color_side(
+ crepe::GameObject & button_object, const vec2 & offset, const Data & data
+) {
+ Asset * selected;
+ Asset blue = Asset("asset/ui/buttonSmallBlue.png");
+ Asset orange = Asset("asset/ui/buttonSmallOrange.png");
+ Asset purple = Asset("asset/ui/buttonSmallPurple.png");
+ Asset yellow = Asset("asset/ui/buttonSmallYellow.png");
+ switch (data.btn_side_color) {
+ case ButtonSideColor::BLUE:
+ selected = &blue;
+ break;
+ case ButtonSideColor::ORANGE:
+ selected = &orange;
+ break;
+ case ButtonSideColor::PURPLE:
+ selected = &purple;
+ break;
+ case ButtonSideColor::YELLOW:
+ selected = &yellow;
+ break;
+ case ButtonSideColor::NONE:
+ selected = &blue;
+ break;
+ }
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ *selected,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 2 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .size = SIDE_PANEL_SIZE,
+ .position_offset = offset,
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
+ button_object.add_component<Sprite>(
+ *selected,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 2 + data.sorting_layer_offset,
+ .size = SIDE_PANEL_SIZE,
+ .position_offset = {-offset.x, offset.y},
+ .world_space = data.worldspace,
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.h b/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4c7223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/ButtonSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <string>
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class ButtonSubScene {
+ //script enum
+ enum class ScriptSelect {
+ };
+ //icon enum
+ enum class IconSelect {
+ };
+ //icon enum
+ enum class ButtonSelect {
+ };
+ enum class ButtonSideColor {
+ };
+ //data struct
+ struct Data {
+ const std::string & text = "NODATA";
+ const crepe::vec2 & text_offset = {0, 0};
+ const float text_width = 200;
+ const crepe::vec2 & icon_offset = {0, 0};
+ const IconSelect icon_type = IconSelect::NONE;
+ const crepe::vec2 & position = {0, 0};
+ const ScriptSelect script_type = ScriptSelect::NONE;
+ const ButtonSelect button_type = ButtonSelect::LARGE;
+ const float scale = 1;
+ const bool worldspace = true;
+ const bool color_side = true;
+ const std::string & tag = "";
+ const int sorting_layer_offset = 0;
+ const ButtonSideColor btn_side_color = ButtonSideColor::NONE;
+ };
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn, const Data & data);
+ void large_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void back_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void next_btn_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void btn_color_side(
+ crepe::GameObject & button_object, const crepe::vec2 & offset, const Data & data
+ );
+ void btn_text(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void set_script(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void set_icon(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ void set_button_overlay(crepe::GameObject & button_object, const Data & data);
+ static constexpr crepe::vec2 SIDE_PANEL_OFFSET = {113, 0};
diff --git a/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.cpp b/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4420bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#include "FloatingWindowSubScene.h"
+#include "MenusConfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void FloatingWindowSubScene::create(Scene & scn, const Data & data) {
+ const vec2 SIZE = {data.width, data.width * 0.75f};
+ const vec2 POSITION_CORRECTION = vec2 {0, -SIZE.y / 2} + data.offset;
+ const float THICKNESS_BANNER = 34;
+ const float MIDDLE_OFFSET_FACTOR_OFFSET = 1.2;
+ const float BOTTOM_OFFSET_X = 3;
+ const float BOTTOM_OFFSET_Y = -3;
+ GameObject floatingwindow = scn.new_object("FloatingWindow", data.group_tag);
+ // Top_middle
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset = POSITION_CORRECTION + vec2 {0, 0},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Left
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_left_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Right
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_right_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_middle_2
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_2_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset = POSITION_CORRECTION + vec2 {0, THICKNESS_BANNER},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Left_2
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_2_left_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset = POSITION_CORRECTION
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Right_2
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_2_right_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_middle_3
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_3_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset = POSITION_CORRECTION + vec2 {0, THICKNESS_BANNER * 2},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Left_3
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_3_left_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ + vec2 {-SIZE.x / 2 - THICKNESS_BANNER / 2, THICKNESS_BANNER * 2},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Top_Right_3
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/top_3_right_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Middle_Mid
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/middle_mid_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 7,
+ .size
+ + data.width_middle_offset,
+ SIZE.y},
+ .position_offset
+ + vec2 {0, THICKNESS_BANNER * 3 + SIZE.y / 2 - THICKNESS_BANNER / 2},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Middle_Left
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/middle_left_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Middle_Right
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/middle_right_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Bot_Middle
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/bot_middle_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 7,
+ .size
+ + data.width_middle_offset,
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Bot_Left
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/bot_left_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .size
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ // Bot_Right
+ floatingwindow.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/settings_container/bot_right_setting.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 8,
+ .size
+ .position_offset
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.h b/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b9de96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/FloatingWindowSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+class FloatingWindowSubScene {
+ struct Data {
+ const std::string group_tag = "";
+ float width = 200;
+ crepe::vec2 offset = {0, 0};
+ float width_middle_offset = 0;
+ };
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn, const Data & data);
diff --git a/game/menus/IButtonScript.cpp b/game/menus/IButtonScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34efbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/IButtonScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "IButtonScript.h"
+#include "system/InputSystem.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void IButtonScript::init() {
+ this->subscribe<ButtonExitEvent>([this](const ButtonExitEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_exit(e);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<ButtonEnterEvent>([this](const ButtonEnterEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_enter(e);
+ });
+bool IButtonScript::on_button_exit(const ButtonExitEvent & e) {
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.color = Color {255, 255, 255, 255};
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IButtonScript::on_button_enter(const ButtonEnterEvent & e) {
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.color = Color {200, 200, 200, 255};
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/IButtonScript.h b/game/menus/IButtonScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45375b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/IButtonScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class IButtonScript : public virtual crepe::Script {
+ virtual void init();
+ virtual bool on_button_exit(const crepe::ButtonExitEvent & e);
+ virtual bool on_button_enter(const crepe::ButtonEnterEvent & e);
diff --git a/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.cpp b/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b538ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#include "IFloatingWindowScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+void IFloatingWindowScript::init() { this->disable_all_sprites(); }
+void IFloatingWindowScript::disable_all_sprites() {
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(this->tag);
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.active = false;
+ }
+void IFloatingWindowScript::enable_all_sprites() {
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(this->tag);
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.active = true;
+ }
diff --git a/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.h b/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e39378f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/IFloatingWindowScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <string>
+class IFloatingWindowScript : public virtual crepe::Script {
+ virtual void init();
+ void disable_all_sprites();
+ void enable_all_sprites();
+ std::string tag = "";
diff --git a/game/menus/MenusConfig.h b/game/menus/MenusConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e357a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/MenusConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+//generic menu config
+static constexpr int STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER = 7;
+//Scene names
+static constexpr const char * START_SCENE = "scene1";
+static constexpr const char * PREVIEW_SCENE = "preview scene";
+static constexpr const char * SHOP_SCENE = "shopmenu";
+static constexpr const char * MAINMENU_SCENE = "mainmenu";
+//button config
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 LARGE_OVERLAY_SIZE = {250, 100};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 SMALL_OVERLAY_SIZE_RIGHT = {150, 100};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 SMALL_OVERLAY_SIZE_LEFT = {50, 100};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 SIDE_PANEL_SIZE = {50, 150};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 ICON_SIZE = {50, 50};
diff --git a/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.cpp b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33072a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include "EndGameSubScene.h"
+#include "EndGameSubScript.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "../FloatingWindowSubScene.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void EndGameSubScene::create(Scene & scn) {
+ const std::string TAG = "end_game_tag";
+ GameObject script = scn.new_object("script");
+ script.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<EndGameSubScript>(TAG);
+ // Window
+ FloatingWindowSubScene window;
+ window.create(
+ scn,
+ FloatingWindowSubScene::Data {
+ .group_tag = TAG,
+ .width = 500,
+ .offset = {0, -50},
+ .width_middle_offset = -2,
+ }
+ );
+ // Titel
+ const string TITEL_STRING = "GAME OVER";
+ GameObject titel = scn.new_object("titel", TAG);
+ crepe::vec2 size = {200, (200.0f / TITEL_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, -207} + FONTOFFSET, TITEL_STRING
+ );
+ const float Y_SPACING = 50;
+ const float Y_OFFSET = -100;
+ // Gold gathered
+ const string GOLD_STRING = "gold:0";
+ GameObject gold = scn.new_object("gold_endgame", TAG);
+ crepe::vec2 size_gold = {200, (200.0f / GOLD_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ gold.add_component<Text>(
+ size_gold, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::GOLD,
+ },
+ );
+ // Distance
+ const string DISTANCE_STRING = "0M";
+ GameObject distance = scn.new_object("distance_endgame", TAG);
+ crepe::vec2 size_distance = {200, (200.0f / DISTANCE_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ distance.add_component<Text>(
+ size_distance, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ // Highscore
+ GameObject highscore = scn.new_object("highscore_endgame", "highscore_tag_end");
+ crepe::vec2 size_highscore = {200, (200.0f / HIGHSCORE_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ highscore
+ .add_component<Text>(
+ size_highscore, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ )
+ .active
+ = false;
+ // Buttons
+ vec2 button_position = {190, 190};
+ ButtonSubScene button;
+ button.create(
+ scn,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "NEXT",
+ .text_width = 100,
+ .position = button_position,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::NEXT,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::NEXT,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = TAG,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ scn,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "REPLAY",
+ .text_width = 150,
+ .position = {-button_position.x, button_position.y},
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::REPLAY,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::BACK,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = TAG,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.h b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..204f3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class EndGameSubScene {
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6793f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include "EndGameSubScript.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../../Events.h"
+#include "../ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "../IFloatingWindowScript.h"
+#include "ValueBroker.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/Button.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+EndGameSubScript::EndGameSubScript(const std::string & tag) { this->tag = tag; }
+void EndGameSubScript::init() {
+ this->disable_all();
+ this->subscribe<EndGameEvent>([this](const EndGameEvent e) { return this->enable_all(); });
+ this->subscribe<EndGameEvent>([this](const EndGameEvent e) {
+ return this->reset_timescale();
+ });
+ this->subscribe<ShowScoreEvent>([this](const ShowScoreEvent e) {
+ return this->showscore();
+ });
+bool EndGameSubScript::disable_all() {
+ IFloatingWindowScript::disable_all_sprites();
+ RefVector<Button> buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(this->tag);
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ button.active = false;
+ }
+ RefVector<Text> texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(this->tag);
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ text.active = false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool EndGameSubScript::enable_all() {
+ IFloatingWindowScript::enable_all_sprites();
+ RefVector<Button> buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(this->tag);
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ button.active = true;
+ }
+ RefVector<Text> texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(this->tag);
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ text.active = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool EndGameSubScript::reset_timescale() {
+ this->get_loop_timer().set_time_scale(1);
+ return false;
+bool EndGameSubScript::showscore() {
+ // Gather text
+ Text & coins_text = this->get_components_by_name<Text>("gold_endgame").front().get();
+ Text & distance_text
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Text>("distance_endgame").front().get();
+ Text & highscore_text
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Text>("highscore_endgame").front().get();
+ highscore_text.active = false;
+ // Gather saved data
+ SaveManager & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<std::string> coins = savemgr.get<std::string>(TOTAL_COINS_RUN, "0");
+ ValueBroker<std::string> distance = savemgr.get<std::string>(DISTANCE_RUN, "0");
+ int distance_run = savemgr.get<int>(DISTANCE_RUN, 0).get();
+ int distance_game = savemgr.get<int>(DISTANCE_GAME, 0).get();
+ // Show highscore
+ if (distance_run > distance_game) highscore_text.active = true;
+ const float CHAR_SIZE_DIS = 20;
+ // Show distance
+ std::string distance_string = "DISTANCE:" + distance.get();
+ distance_text.text = distance_string;
+ crepe::vec2 size_distance
+ = {CHAR_SIZE_DIS * distance_string.size(),
+ (CHAR_SIZE_DIS * distance_string.size() / distance_string.size()) * 2};
+ distance_text.dimensions = size_distance;
+ const float CHAR_SIZE_COIN = 16;
+ // Show coins
+ std::string coins_string = "Coins:" + coins.get();
+ coins_text.text = coins_string;
+ crepe::vec2 size_coins
+ = {CHAR_SIZE_COIN * coins_string.size(),
+ (CHAR_SIZE_COIN * coins_string.size() / coins_string.size()) * 2};
+ coins_text.dimensions = size_coins;
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.h b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c25f6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/endgame/EndGameSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../IFloatingWindowScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+struct ShowScoreEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+class EndGameSubScript : public IFloatingWindowScript {
+ EndGameSubScript(const std::string & tag);
+ void init() override;
+ bool disable_all();
+ bool enable_all();
+ bool reset_timescale();
+ bool showscore();
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4dfc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ if (!this->transition) this->transition = true;
+ return false;
+const char * ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript::get_scene_name() const {
+ // Provide the next scene defined in MainMenuConfig
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d8149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ITransitionScript.h"
+#include "../IButtonScript.h"
+class ButtonTransitionPreviewSubScript : public ITransitionScript, public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ const char * get_scene_name() const override;
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65576ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#include "CreditsSubScene.h"
+#include "CreditsSubScript.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "../FloatingWindowSubScene.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void CreditsSubScene::create(Scene & scn) {
+ const std::string TAG = "credits_tag";
+ GameObject script = scn.new_object("script");
+ script.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CreditsSubScript>(TAG);
+ // Window
+ FloatingWindowSubScene window;
+ window.create(
+ scn,
+ FloatingWindowSubScene::Data {
+ .group_tag = TAG,
+ .width = 500,
+ .offset = {150, -50},
+ .width_middle_offset = -2,
+ }
+ );
+ // Titel
+ const string TITEL_STRING = "Credits";
+ GameObject titel = scn.new_object("titel", TAG);
+ crepe::vec2 size = {200, (200.0f / TITEL_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ vec2 {150, -207} + FONTOFFSET, TITEL_STRING
+ );
+ // Buttons
+ vec2 button_position = {190, 190};
+ ButtonSubScene button;
+ button.create(
+ scn,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "Back",
+ .text_width = 150,
+ .position = {-button_position.x + 150, button_position.y},
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::CREDITS_BACK,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::BACK,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .tag = TAG,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ }
+ );
+ const float SIZE_CHAR_NAMES = 10;
+ const float Y_OFFSET_NAMES_BEGIN = 100;
+ const float Y_OFFSET_NAMES = 30;
+ const string LOEK = "Loek Le Blansch";
+ crepe::vec2 size_loek
+ = {LOEK.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES, (LOEK.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES / LOEK.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size_loek, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ const string WOUTER = "Wouter Boerenkamps";
+ crepe::vec2 size_wouter
+ (WOUTER.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES / WOUTER.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size_wouter, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ const string JARO = "Jaro Rutjes";
+ crepe::vec2 size_jaro
+ = {JARO.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES, (JARO.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES / JARO.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size_jaro, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ const string MAX = "Max Smits";
+ crepe::vec2 size_max
+ = {MAX.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES, (MAX.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES / MAX.size()) * 2};
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size_max, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
+ const string NIELS = "Niels Stunnebrink";
+ crepe::vec2 size_niels
+ = {NIELS.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES, (NIELS.size() * SIZE_CHAR_NAMES / NIELS.size()) * 2
+ };
+ titel.add_component<Text>(
+ size_niels, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ );
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ff735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class CreditsSubScene {
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4224dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "CreditsSubScript.h"
+#include "../../Events.h"
+#include "../ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "../IFloatingWindowScript.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/Button.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+CreditsSubScript::CreditsSubScript(const std::string & tag) { this->tag = tag; }
+void CreditsSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<ShowCreditsEvent>([this](const ShowCreditsEvent & e) {
+ this->enable_all();
+ return false;
+ });
+ this->disable_all();
+bool CreditsSubScript::disable_all() {
+ IFloatingWindowScript::disable_all_sprites();
+ RefVector<Button> buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(this->tag);
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ button.active = false;
+ }
+ RefVector<Text> texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(this->tag);
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ text.active = false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CreditsSubScript::enable_all() {
+ IFloatingWindowScript::enable_all_sprites();
+ RefVector<Button> buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(this->tag);
+ for (Button & button : buttons) {
+ button.active = true;
+ }
+ RefVector<Text> texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(this->tag);
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ text.active = true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool CreditsSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->disable_all();
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f941a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/CreditsSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../IButtonScript.h"
+#include "../IFloatingWindowScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+struct ShowCreditsEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+class CreditsSubScript : public IFloatingWindowScript, public IButtonScript {
+ CreditsSubScript(const std::string & tag);
+ void init() override;
+ bool disable_all();
+ bool enable_all();
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54b0875
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "ITransitionScript.h"
+#include "MainMenuConfig.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ITransitionScript::frame_update(crepe::duration_t delta_time) {
+ if (this->transition) {
+ // cout << "transition:" << velocity << std::endl;
+ Transform & cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>(CAMERA_NAME).front();
+ RefVector<Transform> info_tf = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>(MENU_INFO_TAG);
+ for (Transform & tf : info_tf) {
+ tf.position.y -= VELOCITY_INFO_UP * delta_time.count();
+ }
+ if (velocity < VELOCITY_MAX && cam.position.x < SLOW_DOWN)
+ velocity += VELOCITY_STEP * delta_time.count();
+ else if (velocity > 20) velocity -= VELOCITY_STEP * delta_time.count();
+ if (cam.position.x < END) cam.position.x += (velocity * delta_time.count());
+ if (cam.position.x >= END) {
+ this->set_next_scene(this->get_scene_name());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a2ef90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/ITransitionScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ITransitionScript : public virtual crepe::Script {
+ void frame_update(crepe::duration_t delta_time) override;
+ virtual const char * get_scene_name() const = 0;
+ float velocity = 20;
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuConfig.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ca5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+//main menu config
+static constexpr float STARTMAP_OFFSET = 50;
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 MENU_OFFSET = {0, 0};
+static constexpr float MENU_BUTTON_SPACING = 10;
+static constexpr const char * MENU_BUTTON_NAME = "menu_button_background";
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 MENU_OFFSET_BUTTON = {-400, -200};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 MENU_OFFSET_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = {-400, 0};
+static constexpr const char * MENU_INFO_TAG = "menu_info";
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 MENU_OFFSET_INFO = {350, -365};
+static constexpr crepe::vec2 MENU_OFFSET_INFO_BACKGROUND = {350, -365}; //375
+//Moving to new scene (Start and Preview)
+static constexpr float SLOW_DOWN = 200;
+static constexpr float END = 300;
+static constexpr float VELOCITY_MAX = 200;
+static constexpr float VELOCITY_STEP = 200;
+static constexpr float VELOCITY_INFO_UP = 40;
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d2030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+#include "MainMenuScene.h"
+#include "CreditsSubScene.h"
+#include "MainMenuConfig.h"
+#include "QuitScript.h"
+#include "TransitionStartSubScript.h"
+#include "../ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../../background/HallwaySubScene.h"
+#include "../../background/StartSubScene.h"
+#include "../endgame/EndGameSubScene.h"
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void MainMenuScene::load_scene() {
+ ButtonSubScene button;
+ GameObject camera_object = this->new_object(CAMERA_NAME);
+ camera_object.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2(990, 720), vec2(1100, 800),
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::BLACK,
+ }
+ );
+ camera_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<TransitionStartSubScript>();
+ camera_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<QuitScript>();
+ //Button menu
+ GameObject menu_button = this->new_object(MENU_BUTTON_NAME, MENU_BUTTON_NAME, MENU_OFFSET);
+ menu_button.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/background.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 0,
+ .size = {300, 860},
+ }
+ );
+ vec2 pos_btn = MENU_OFFSET_BUTTON;
+ //Preview btn
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "PREVIEW",
+ .text_width = 200,
+ .position = pos_btn,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::PREVIEW,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::PURPLE,
+ }
+ );
+ //Shop btn
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "SHOP",
+ .text_offset = {-20, 0},
+ .text_width = 110,
+ .icon_offset = {60, 0},
+ .icon_type = ButtonSubScene::IconSelect::SHOP,
+ .position = pos_btn,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::ORANGE,
+ }
+ );
+ //Credits btn
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "CREDITS",
+ .text_offset = {0, 0},
+ .text_width = 200,
+ .position = pos_btn,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::CREDITS_SHOW,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::BLUE,
+ }
+ );
+ //Start of map
+ StartSubScene start;
+ HallwaySubScene hallway;
+ float begin_x = start.create(*this, STARTMAP_OFFSET);
+ begin_x = hallway.create(*this, begin_x, 1, Color::YELLOW);
+ //INFO menu
+ GameObject menu_info
+ menu_info.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/itemsButtonBlankDark.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 0,
+ .size = {250, 80},
+ .position_offset = MENU_OFFSET_INFO,
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
+ SaveManager & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ string number = std::to_string(savemgr.get<int>(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, 0).get());
+ float amount_number = static_cast<float>(number.size());
+ // savemgr.set(COIN_GAME_AMOUNT, amount);
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = number,
+ .text_offset = {-10 - (amount_number - 1) * 10, 0},
+ .text_width = amount_number * 20,
+ .icon_offset = {60, 0},
+ .icon_type = ButtonSubScene::IconSelect::COINS,
+ .position = MENU_OFFSET_INFO,
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP,
+ .scale = 0.6,
+ .worldspace = false,
+ .color_side = false,
+ .tag = MENU_INFO_TAG,
+ }
+ );
+ CreditsSubScene creditscene;
+ creditscene.create(*this);
+string MainMenuScene::get_name() const { return MAINMENU_SCENE; }
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eea90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/MainMenuScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <string>
+class MainMenuScene : public crepe::Scene {
+ void load_scene();
+ std::string get_name() const;
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.cpp b/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f737f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "TransitionStartSubScript.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void TransitionStartSubScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::SPACE) && this->transition == false)
+ this->transition = true;
+const char * TransitionStartSubScript::get_scene_name() const {
+ // Provide the next scene defined in MainMenuConfig
+ return START_SCENE;
diff --git a/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.h b/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9862ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/mainmenu/TransitionStartSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ITransitionScript.h"
+class TransitionStartSubScript : public ITransitionScript {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ const char * get_scene_name() const override;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.cpp b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..741afde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "ValueBroker.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include "menus/shop/Shopconfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ SaveManager & save = this->get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<int> buy_bullet = save.get<int>(BUY_BUBBLE_SAVE, 0);
+ if (!buy_bullet.get()) {
+ ValueBroker<int> coins = save.get<int>(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, 0);
+ if (coins.get() >= 1000) {
+ int coin = coins.get();
+ coin -= 1000;
+ save.set(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, coin);
+ save.set(BUY_BUBBLE_SAVE, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ save.set(JETPACK_PARTICLES, 1);
+ }
+ this->trigger_event<ShopUpdate>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.h b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce276ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonBuySelectBubbleScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.cpp b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30849c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "ValueBroker.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include "menus/shop/Shopconfig.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ButtonBuySelectBulletScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool ButtonBuySelectBulletScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ SaveManager & save = this->get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<int> buy_bullet = save.get<int>(BUY_BULLET_SAVE, 0);
+ if (!buy_bullet.get()) {
+ ValueBroker<int> coins = save.get<int>(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, 0);
+ if (coins.get() >= 0) {
+ int coin = coins.get();
+ coin -= 0;
+ save.set(TOTAL_COINS_GAME, coin);
+ save.set(BUY_BULLET_SAVE, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ save.set(JETPACK_PARTICLES, 0);
+ }
+ this->trigger_event<ShopUpdate>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.h b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86de0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ButtonBuySelectBulletScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class ButtonBuySelectBulletScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ bool transition = false;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.cpp b/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a545fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#include "ShopLoadScript.h"
+#include "Shopconfig.h"
+#include "api/Button.h"
+#include "api/Sprite.h"
+#include "api/Text.h"
+#include "manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include <crepe/ValueBroker.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ShopLoadScript::init() {
+ this->update();
+ this->subscribe<ShopUpdate>([this](const ShopUpdate e) { return this->update(); });
+bool ShopLoadScript::update() {
+ SaveManager & save = this->get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<int> buy_bullet = save.get<int>(BUY_BULLET_SAVE, 0);
+ ValueBroker<int> buy_bubble = save.get<int>(BUY_BUBBLE_SAVE, 0);
+ if (buy_bullet.get()) {
+ auto sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto btn : buttons) {
+ btn.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto txt : texts) {
+ txt.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto sprites1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites1) {
+ sprite.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto buttons1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto btn : buttons1) {
+ btn.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto texts1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto txt : texts1) {
+ txt.get().active = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto btn : buttons) {
+ btn.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(SELECT_BULLET);
+ for (auto txt : texts) {
+ txt.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto sprites1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites1) {
+ sprite.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto buttons1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto btn : buttons1) {
+ btn.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto texts1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(BUY_BULLET);
+ for (auto txt : texts1) {
+ txt.get().active = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buy_bubble.get()) {
+ auto sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto btn : buttons) {
+ btn.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto txt : texts) {
+ txt.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto sprites1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites1) {
+ sprite.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto buttons1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto btn : buttons1) {
+ btn.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto texts1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto txt : texts1) {
+ txt.get().active = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto buttons = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto btn : buttons) {
+ btn.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto texts = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(SELECT_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto txt : texts) {
+ txt.get().active = false;
+ }
+ auto sprites1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto sprite : sprites1) {
+ sprite.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto buttons1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Button>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto btn : buttons1) {
+ btn.get().active = true;
+ }
+ auto texts1 = this->get_components_by_tag<Text>(BUY_BUBBLE);
+ for (auto txt : texts1) {
+ txt.get().active = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.h b/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17bf1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+class ShopLoadScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ bool update();
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.cpp b/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4975a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#include "ShopMenuScene.h"
+#include "../../Config.h"
+#include "../ButtonSubScene.h"
+#include "../MenusConfig.h"
+#include "api/BehaviorScript.h"
+#include "menus/BannerSubScene.h"
+#include "menus/shop/ShopLoadScript.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "Shopconfig.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ShopMenuScene::load_scene() {
+ GameObject camera_object = this->new_object(CAMERA_NAME);
+ camera_object.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2(990, 720), vec2(1100, 800),
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::RED,
+ }
+ );
+ BannerSubScene banner;
+ banner.create(
+ *this,
+ {
+ .banner_title = "SHOP",
+ .banner_title_width = 200,
+ .banner_title_offset = {0, 65},
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject menu_background = this->new_object("menu_background");
+ menu_background.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/background.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 0,
+ .size = {1100, 860},
+ .position_offset {0},
+ }
+ );
+ menu_background.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<ShopLoadScript>();
+ ButtonSubScene button;
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "BACK",
+ .text_width = 115,
+ .position = {-400, -350},
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::MAINMENU,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::BACK,
+ .scale = 0.8,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 1,
+ }
+ );
+ const float CHAR_SIZE = 16;
+ const float CHAR_SIZE_COIN = 16;
+ crepe::vec2 size;
+ GameObject shop_item_bullet = this->new_object("bullet", "shop_item", vec2(-100, 0));
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .angle_offset = 30,
+ .position_offset = {0, 0},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .angle_offset = 10,
+ .position_offset = {-10, -30},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .angle_offset = -10,
+ .position_offset = {-40, 30},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .angle_offset = 0,
+ .position_offset = {10, 15},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .angle_offset = -5,
+ .position_offset = {45, -5},
+ }
+ );
+ const string BULLETS_STRING = "BULLETS";
+ size
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, -75}, BULLETS_STRING
+ );
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/buttonCoinsSmall.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 45},
+ .position_offset = {25, 75},
+ }
+ );
+ const string BULLETS_GOLD_STRING = "0";
+ size
+ shop_item_bullet.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ .text_color = Color::GOLD,
+ },
+ vec2 {-5, 75}, BULLETS_GOLD_STRING
+ );
+ GameObject shop_item_bubble = this->new_object("bubble", "shop_item", vec2(100, 0));
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 10},
+ .position_offset = {0, 0},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 10},
+ .position_offset = {-50, -20},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .position_offset = {45, -40},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .position_offset = {-20, 40},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 15},
+ .position_offset = {15, -25},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 10},
+ .position_offset = {10, 5},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 10},
+ .position_offset = {-5, -20},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .position_offset = {15, -40},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 20},
+ .position_offset = {-20, 10},
+ }
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 15},
+ .position_offset = {30, -25},
+ }
+ );
+ const string BUBBLE_STRING = "BUBBLE";
+ size
+ (CHAR_SIZE * BUBBLE_STRING.size() / BUBBLE_STRING.size()) * 2};
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ .text_color = Color::WHITE,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, -75}, BUBBLE_STRING
+ );
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset("asset/ui/buttonCoinsSmall.png"),
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = STARTING_SORTING_IN_LAYER + 1,
+ .size = {0, 45},
+ .position_offset = {45, 75},
+ }
+ );
+ const string BUBBLE_GOLD_STRING = "1000";
+ size
+ shop_item_bubble.add_component<Text>(
+ size, FONT,
+ Text::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ .text_color = Color::GOLD,
+ },
+ vec2 {-10, 75}, BUBBLE_GOLD_STRING
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "BUY",
+ .text_width = 100,
+ .position = vec2(-100, 120),
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP_BULLET,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.4,
+ .tag = BUY_BULLET,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::PURPLE
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "BUY",
+ .text_width = 100,
+ .position = vec2(100, 120),
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP_BUBBLE,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.4,
+ .tag = BUY_BUBBLE,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::PURPLE
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "SELECT",
+ .text_width = 100,
+ .position = vec2(-100, 120),
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP_BULLET,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.4,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::PURPLE
+ }
+ );
+ button.create(
+ *this,
+ ButtonSubScene::Data {
+ .text = "SELECT",
+ .text_width = 100,
+ .position = vec2(100, 120),
+ .script_type = ButtonSubScene::ScriptSelect::SHOP_BUBBLE,
+ .button_type = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSelect::LARGE,
+ .scale = 0.4,
+ .sorting_layer_offset = 20,
+ .btn_side_color = ButtonSubScene::ButtonSideColor::PURPLE
+ }
+ );
+string ShopMenuScene::get_name() const { return SHOP_SCENE; }
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.h b/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34c05ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/ShopMenuScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class ShopMenuScene : public crepe::Scene {
+ void load_scene();
+ std::string get_name() const;
diff --git a/game/menus/shop/Shopconfig.h b/game/menus/shop/Shopconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a686242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/menus/shop/Shopconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/Event.h"
+static constexpr const char * BUY_BULLET = "BUY_BULLET";
+static constexpr const char * SELECT_BULLET = "SELECT_BULLET";
+static constexpr const char * BUY_BUBBLE = "BUY_BUBBLE";
+static constexpr const char * SELECT_BUBBLE = "SELECT_BUBBLE";
+static constexpr const char * BUY_BULLET_SAVE = "BUY_BULLET_SAVE";
+static constexpr const char * BUY_BUBBLE_SAVE = "BUY_BUBBLE_SAVE";
+struct ShopUpdate : public crepe::Event {};
diff --git a/game/missile/AlertScript.cpp b/game/missile/AlertScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e6f5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/AlertScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "AlertScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+void AlertScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ const auto & cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get();
+ //missile transform
+ const auto & this_transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ auto missile_transforms = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("missile");
+ const auto & this_collider = this->get_component<CircleCollider>();
+ auto alert_sprites = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("missile_alert");
+ auto alert_transforms = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("missile_alert");
+ int idx = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < missile_transforms.size(); ++i) {
+ const auto & missile_transform = missile_transforms[i].get();
+ if (this_transform.game_object_id == missile_transform.game_object_id) {
+ idx = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ auto & alert_transform = alert_transforms[idx].get();
+ alert_transform.position.x = cam.position.x + (VIEWPORT_X / 2 - 100);
+ alert_transform.position.y = this_transform.position.y;
+ // check if transform is in camera view
+ if (this_transform.position.x > cam.position.x - (VIEWPORT_X / 2)
+ && this_transform.position.x < cam.position.x + (VIEWPORT_X / 2)) {
+ alert_sprites[idx].get().active = false;
+ }
diff --git a/game/missile/AlertScript.h b/game/missile/AlertScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b0b3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/AlertScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class AlertScript : public crepe::Script {
+ bool has_alert = false;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/missile/AlertSubScene.cpp b/game/missile/AlertSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bce5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/AlertSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "AlertSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+MissileAlert::MissileAlert(Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject alert = scn.new_object("missile_alert", "missile_alert", {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ Asset missile_alert_ss {"asset/obstacles/missile/missileAlert.png"};
+ auto & missile_alert_sprite = alert.add_component<Sprite>(
+ missile_alert_ss,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .size = {0, 100},
+ }
+ );
+ auto & missile_alert_anim = alert.add_component<Animator>(
+ missile_alert_sprite, ivec2 {64, 64}, uvec2 {4, 2},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 15,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ missile_alert_anim.set_anim(1);
+ missile_alert_sprite.active = false;
diff --git a/game/missile/AlertSubScene.h b/game/missile/AlertSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ea288f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/AlertSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class MissileAlert {
+ MissileAlert(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/missile/MissilePool.cpp b/game/missile/MissilePool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f03c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissilePool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "MissilePool.h"
+#include "MissileSubScene.h"
+#include "missile/AlertSubScene.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace crepe;
+MissilePool::MissilePool(Scene & scn) {
+ int amount = 0;
+ MissileSubScene missile;
+ while (amount < this->MAX_MISSILE_COUNT) {
+ MissileAlert alert(scn);
+ missile.create(scn);
+ amount++;
+ }
diff --git a/game/missile/MissilePool.h b/game/missile/MissilePool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..296701e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissilePool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class MissilePool {
+ MissilePool(crepe::Scene & scn);
+ static constexpr unsigned int MAX_MISSILE_COUNT = 5;
diff --git a/game/missile/MissileScript.cpp b/game/missile/MissileScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aa4eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissileScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#include "MissileScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/KeyCodes.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace crepe;
+void MissileScript::init() {
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
+ this->seeking_disabled = false;
+void MissileScript::kill_missile() {
+ auto animations = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ auto sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ auto collider = this->get_component<CircleCollider>();
+ auto & this_script = this->get_components<BehaviorScript>().front().get();
+ animations[0].get().active = false;
+ animations[1].get().active = false;
+ animations[2].get().active = true;
+ sprites[0].get().active = false;
+ sprites[1].get().active = false;
+ sprites[2].get().active = true;
+ collider.active = false;
+ this_script.active = false;
+ this->seeking_disabled = false;
+void MissileScript::activate() {
+ auto anim = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ auto sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ sprites[0].get().active = true;
+ sprites[1].get().active = true;
+ sprites[2].get().active = false;
+ anim[0].get().active = true;
+ anim[1].get().active = true;
+ anim[2].get().stop();
+bool MissileScript::on_collision(const CollisionEvent & ev) {
+ auto & explosion_sound = this->get_components<AudioSource>().back().get();
+ this->kill_missile();
+ explosion_sound.play();
+ return false;
+bool MissileScript::is_in_x_range(const Transform & missile, const Transform & player) {
+ return fabs(missile.position.x - player.position.x) <= this->X_RANGE;
+void MissileScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ auto & explosion_anim = this->get_components<Animator>().back().get();
+ auto & missile = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ auto & m_ai = this->get_component<AI>();
+ const auto & player = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").front().get();
+ const auto & cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get();
+ const auto & velocity = this->get_component<Rigidbody>().data.linear_velocity;
+ // check if animation is at the end
+ if (explosion_anim.data.row == 7) {
+ this->activate();
+ this->seeking_disabled = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (missile.position.x < (cam.position.x - VIEWPORT_X / 1.8)) {
+ this->kill_missile();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this->seeking_disabled) {
+ m_ai.seek_off();
+ } else {
+ m_ai.seek_target = player.position;
+ m_ai.seek_on();
+ if (is_in_x_range(missile, player)) {
+ this->seeking_disabled = true;
+ m_ai.seek_off();
+ }
+ }
+ vec2 angle_pos = velocity;
+ float angle = atan2(angle_pos.y, angle_pos.x) * (180 / M_PI);
+ missile.rotation = angle;
+ missile.position += velocity * dt.count();
diff --git a/game/missile/MissileScript.h b/game/missile/MissileScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a492e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissileScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class MissileScript : public crepe::Script {
+ bool on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & ev);
+ bool seeking_disabled;
+ // will be used to calculate when ai will be stopped
+ static constexpr int X_RANGE = 90;
+ bool is_in_x_range(const crepe::Transform & missile, const crepe::Transform & player);
+ void kill_missile();
+ void activate();
+ void init();
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/missile/MissileSubScene.cpp b/game/missile/MissileSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d325050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissileSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#include "MissileSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../missile/MissileScript.h"
+#include "Random.h"
+#include "missile/AlertScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+void MissileSubScene::create(crepe::Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject missle = scn.new_object("missile", "missile", {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ Asset missle_ss {"asset/obstacles/missile/missile.png"};
+ Asset missle_thruster_ss {"asset/obstacles/missile/missileEffects.png"};
+ Asset missile_explosion_ss {"asset/obstacles/missile/missileExplosion.png"};
+ Asset explosion_sound {"asset/sfx/rocket_explode_1.ogg"};
+ Asset missile_fire {"asset/sfx/missile_launch.ogg"};
+ missle.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MissileScript>().active = false;
+ missle.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<AlertScript>();
+ auto & sound = missle.add_component<AudioSource>(missile_fire);
+ sound.volume = 0.5;
+ auto & sound2 = missle.add_component<AudioSource>(explosion_sound);
+ sound2.volume = 3;
+ // sprites
+ auto & missle_sprite = missle.add_component<Sprite>(
+ missle_ss,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .size = {0, 35},
+ }
+ );
+ auto & missle_thruster_sprite = missle.add_component<Sprite>(
+ missle_thruster_ss,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .size = {0, 35},
+ .position_offset = {-20, 0},
+ }
+ );
+ auto & missile_explosion_sprite = missle.add_component<Sprite>(
+ missile_explosion_ss,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .size = {0, 50},
+ }
+ );
+ // Animations
+ missle.add_component<Animator>(
+ missle_sprite, ivec2 {32, 32}, uvec2 {4, 1},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 15,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ missle.add_component<Animator>(
+ missle_thruster_sprite, ivec2 {64, 64}, uvec2 {4, 2},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 15,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ auto & explosion_anim = missle.add_component<Animator>(
+ missile_explosion_sprite, ivec2 {64, 64}, uvec2 {8, 1},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 10,
+ }
+ );
+ missile_explosion_sprite.active = false;
+ explosion_anim.active = false;
+ missle.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC,
+ .max_linear_velocity = Random::f(250, 200),
+ .kinematic_collision = false,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_PLAYER, COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_MISSILE,
+ });
+ missle.add_component<CircleCollider>(3).active = false;
+ auto & missle_ai = missle.add_component<AI>(1000);
diff --git a/game/missile/MissileSubScene.h b/game/missile/MissileSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea422a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/MissileSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class MissileSubScene {
+ MissileSubScene() = default;
+ void create(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/missile/SpawnEvent.cpp b/game/missile/SpawnEvent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6109686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/SpawnEvent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#include "SpawnEvent.h"
+#include "Random.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace crepe;
+void MissileSpawnEventHandler::init() {
+ subscribe<MissileSpawnEvent>([this](const MissileSpawnEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_event(ev);
+ });
+bool MissileSpawnEventHandler::on_event(const MissileSpawnEvent & event) {
+ auto alert_sprites = this->get_components_by_name<Sprite>("missile_alert");
+ auto missile_transforms = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("missile");
+ auto colliders = this->get_components_by_name<CircleCollider>("missile");
+ auto missile_behaviorscripts = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("missile");
+ auto missile_audiosources = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("missile");
+ auto & camera_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < missile_transforms.size(); ++i) {
+ BehaviorScript & script = missile_behaviorscripts[i * 2].get();
+ if (script.active) continue;
+ script.active = true;
+ colliders[i].get().active = true;
+ missile_audiosources[i * 2].get().play();
+ auto & transform = missile_transforms[i].get();
+ transform.position.x = camera_transform.position.x + this->MISSILE_OFFSET;
+ transform.position.y = Random::i(this->MAX_RANGE, this->MIN_RANGE);
+ auto & alert_sprite = alert_sprites[i].get();
+ alert_sprite.active = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/missile/SpawnEvent.h b/game/missile/SpawnEvent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b1987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/missile/SpawnEvent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include "../Config.h"
+struct MissileSpawnEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+class MissileSpawnEventHandler : public crepe::Script {
+ static constexpr int MISSILE_OFFSET = VIEWPORT_X;
+ static constexpr int MIN_RANGE = -150;
+ static constexpr int MAX_RANGE = 150;
+ void init();
+ bool on_event(const MissileSpawnEvent & ev);
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.cpp b/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5f630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "PlayerAudioScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PlayerAudioScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Animator & animator = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("player").front();
+ if (animator.data.col == 0) {
+ if (animator.data.row != this->last_row) {
+ if (animator.data.row == 0) {
+ // right footstep
+ if (current_footstep == 0) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(0);
+ audio.play();
+ } else if (current_footstep == 1) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(2);
+ audio.play();
+ } else if (current_footstep == 2) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(4);
+ audio.play();
+ } else if (current_footstep == 3) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(6);
+ audio.play();
+ }
+ } else if (animator.data.row == 2) {
+ // left footstep
+ if (current_footstep == 0) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(1);
+ audio.play();
+ current_footstep = 1;
+ } else if (current_footstep == 1) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(3);
+ audio.play();
+ current_footstep = 2;
+ } else if (current_footstep == 2) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(5);
+ audio.play();
+ current_footstep = 3;
+ } else if (current_footstep == 3) {
+ AudioSource & audio
+ = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player_audio").at(7);
+ audio.play();
+ current_footstep = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ this->last_row = animator.data.row;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this->last_row = -1;
+ }
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.h b/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764cb20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerAudioScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PlayerAudioScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ int last_row = -1;
+ int current_footstep = 0;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.cpp b/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5285ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "PlayerBulletPool.h"
+#include "PlayerBulletSubScene.h"
+using namespace std;
+void PlayerBulletPool::create_bullets(crepe::Scene & scn) {
+ PlayerBulletSubScene bullet;
+ int amount = 0;
+ while (amount < this->MAXIMUM_AMOUNT) {
+ amount = bullet.create(scn, amount);
+ }
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.h b/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9618d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+class PlayerBulletPool {
+ void create_bullets(crepe::Scene & scn);
+ static constexpr int MAXIMUM_AMOUNT = 20;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.cpp b/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a823375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include "PlayerBulletScript.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PlayerBulletScript::init() {
+ this->subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & e) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collide(e);
+ });
+void PlayerBulletScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Camera & camera = this->get_components_by_name<Camera>("camera").front();
+ Transform & cam_transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front();
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ transform.rotation += bullet_body.data.angular_velocity * dt.count();
+ transform.position += bullet_body.data.linear_velocity * dt.count();
+ vec2 half_screen = camera.viewport_size / 2;
+ float despawn_location = cam_transform.position.x + half_screen.x + 50;
+ if (transform.position.x > despawn_location) {
+ this->despawn_bullet();
+ }
+void PlayerBulletScript::despawn_bullet() {
+ Transform & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ bullet_body.active = false;
+ BehaviorScript & bullet_script = this->get_component<BehaviorScript>();
+ bullet_script.active = false;
+ transform.position = {0, -850};
+bool PlayerBulletScript::on_collide(const CollisionEvent & e) {
+ this->despawn_bullet();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.h b/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PlayerBulletScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init() override;
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) override;
+ bool on_collide(const crepe::CollisionEvent & e);
+ void despawn_bullet();
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.cpp b/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82ce4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include <string>
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AI.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include "PlayerBulletScript.h"
+#include "PlayerBulletSubScene.h"
+#include "PlayerScript.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+int PlayerBulletSubScene::create(Scene & scn, int counter) {
+ string unique_name = "player_bullet_" + to_string(counter++);
+ GameObject player_bullet
+ = scn.new_object(unique_name.c_str(), "player_bullet", vec2 {0, -850}, 0, 1);
+ Rigidbody & player_bullet_body = player_bullet.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2 {450, 0},
+ .angular_velocity = 300,
+ .kinematic_collision = false,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_ENEMY, COLL_LAY_ZAPPER},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_PLAYER_BULLET,
+ });
+ player_bullet_body.active = false;
+ BoxCollider & player_bullet_collider
+ = player_bullet.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(30, 30));
+ Asset player_bullet_asset {"asset/other_effects/crepe.png"};
+ Sprite & player_bullet_sprite = player_bullet.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_bullet_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(30, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ player_bullet.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PlayerBulletScript>().active
+ = false;
+ return counter;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.h b/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72eda62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerBulletSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class PlayerBulletSubScene {
+ int create(crepe::Scene & scn, int counter);
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerEndScript.cpp b/game/player/PlayerEndScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fd350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerEndScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include "PlayerEndScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../Events.h"
+#include "manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PlayerEndScript::init() {
+ Rigidbody & rb_player = this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("player").front();
+ rb_player.data.elasticity_coefficient = 0.7;
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
+bool PlayerEndScript::on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & ev) {
+ if (ev.info.other.metadata.name == "floor") {
+ Transform & transform_player
+ = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").front();
+ RefVector<Animator> anim_player = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("player");
+ Rigidbody & rb_player = this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("player").front();
+ Rigidbody & rb_camera = this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("camera").front();
+ float dt = this->get_loop_timer().get_fixed_delta_time().count();
+ if (jump == 0) {
+ int random_number = rand() % 4;
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(6);
+ for (int i = 0; i < random_number; i++) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (jump == 1) {
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ }
+ if (jump == 0) {
+ rb_player.data.angular_velocity = 16000 * dt;
+ rb_player.data.angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.7;
+ jump++;
+ } else if (jump == 1) {
+ jump++;
+ } else if (jump == 2) {
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rb_back_forest
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("forest_background");
+ for (Rigidbody & rb : rb_back_forest) {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
+ }
+ rb_player.data.angular_velocity = 0;
+ rb_player.data.elasticity_coefficient = 0;
+ if (rb_player.data.linear_velocity.x != 0) {
+ rb_player.data.linear_velocity = vec2(PLAYER_SPEED * dt, 0);
+ }
+ rb_player.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
+ rb_camera.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(7);
+ }
+ if (transform_player.rotation > 0 && transform_player.rotation < 90) {
+ // Do not call next_anim()
+ } else if (transform_player.rotation > 90 && transform_player.rotation < 180) {
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ } else if (transform_player.rotation > 180 && transform_player.rotation < 270) {
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (Animator & anim : anim_player) {
+ anim.next_anim();
+ anim.next_anim();
+ anim.next_anim();
+ }
+ }
+ jump++;
+ }
+ if (rb_player.data.linear_velocity.x < 5 && jump == 3) {
+ this->trigger_event<EndGameEvent>();
+ jump++;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerEndScript.h b/game/player/PlayerEndScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ea8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerEndScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PlayerEndScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init();
+ bool on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & ev);
+ int jump = 0;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerScript.cpp b/game/player/PlayerScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cbe8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#include "PlayerScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../enemy/BattleScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PlayerScript::init() {
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
+ subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ if (ev.repeat) return false;
+ return this->on_key_down(ev);
+ });
+ subscribe<KeyReleaseEvent>([this](const KeyReleaseEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_key_up(ev);
+ });
+ this->last_fired = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ this->body = get_component<Rigidbody>();
+bool PlayerScript::on_key_down(const KeyPressEvent & ev) {
+ if (ev.key == Keycode::SPACE) {
+ const vec2 UP = {0, -1};
+ this->help_kick(UP);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool PlayerScript::on_key_up(const KeyReleaseEvent & ev) {
+ if (ev.key == Keycode::SPACE) {
+ const vec2 DOWN = {0, 1};
+ this->help_kick(DOWN);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PlayerScript::help_kick(const vec2 & direction) {
+ // softly "kick" the player (at start/end of flight)
+ vec2 & velocity = this->body->data.linear_velocity;
+ float kick_amount = std::min(
+ velocity.length() * PLAYER_HELP_KICK_SCALE, engine_gravity * PLAYER_HELP_KICK_MAX
+ );
+ velocity += direction * kick_amount;
+bool PlayerScript::on_collision(const CollisionEvent & ev) {
+ BehaviorScript & play_scr = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("player").front();
+ BehaviorScript & end_scr = this->get_components_by_name<BehaviorScript>("player").back();
+ RefVector<Animator> animators = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("player");
+ RefVector<ParticleEmitter> emitters
+ = this->get_components_by_name<ParticleEmitter>("player");
+ if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "zapper") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = true;
+ anim.set_anim(4);
+ anim.data.looping = true;
+ prev_anim = 0;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 0;
+ }
+ play_scr.active = false;
+ end_scr.active = true;
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player").at(0);
+ audio.play();
+ return false;
+ } else if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "laser") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = true;
+ anim.set_anim(4);
+ anim.data.looping = true;
+ prev_anim = 0;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 0;
+ }
+ play_scr.active = false;
+ end_scr.active = true;
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player").at(1);
+ audio.play();
+ return false;
+ } else if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "missile"
+ || ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "enemy_bullet") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = true;
+ anim.set_anim(5);
+ anim.data.looping = true;
+ prev_anim = 0;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 0;
+ }
+ play_scr.active = false;
+ end_scr.active = true;
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player").at(2);
+ audio.play();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+void PlayerScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ RefVector<Animator> animators = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("player");
+ RefVector<ParticleEmitter> emitters
+ = this->get_components_by_name<ParticleEmitter>("player");
+ Transform & transform = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").front();
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.boundary.offset = vec2(0, -transform.position.y);
+ }
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->body;
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::ENTER)) {
+ auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ std::chrono::duration<float> elapsed = now - last_fired;
+ if (elapsed > shot_delay) {
+ this->shoot(transform.position, 0);
+ last_fired = now;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::SPACE)) {
+ rb.add_force_linear(
+ vec2(0, -1) * (engine_gravity * PLAYER_GRAVITY_SCALE * dt.count())
+ );
+ if (prev_anim != 1) {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = true;
+ anim.set_anim(1);
+ anim.data.looping = true;
+ prev_anim = 1;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 30;
+ }
+ }
+ AudioSource & audio = this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("player").at(
+ 3 + current_jetpack_sound
+ );
+ audio.play();
+ current_jetpack_sound++;
+ if (current_jetpack_sound > 7) {
+ current_jetpack_sound = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (transform.position.y == 200) {
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->body;
+ if (prev_anim != 0 && rb.data.linear_velocity.x != 0) {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = true;
+ anim.set_anim(0);
+ anim.data.looping = true;
+ prev_anim = 0;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (prev_anim != 2) {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.set_anim(2);
+ anim.data.looping = false;
+ prev_anim = 2;
+ }
+ for (ParticleEmitter & emitter : emitters) {
+ emitter.data.emission_rate = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void PlayerScript::shoot(const vec2 & location, float angle) {
+ RefVector<Transform> bullet_transforms
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("player_bullet");
+ for (Transform & bullet_pos : bullet_transforms) {
+ if (bullet_pos.position.x == 0 && bullet_pos.position.y == -850) {
+ bullet_pos.position = location;
+ bullet_pos.position.x += 20;
+ Rigidbody & bullet_body
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(bullet_pos.game_object_id).front();
+ BoxCollider bullet_collider
+ = this->get_components_by_id<BoxCollider>(bullet_pos.game_object_id).front();
+ bullet_body.active = true;
+ BehaviorScript & bullet_script
+ = this->get_components_by_id<BehaviorScript>(bullet_pos.game_object_id)
+ .front();
+ bullet_script.active = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerScript.h b/game/player/PlayerScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7dedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PlayerScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init();
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ bool on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & ev);
+ bool on_key_down(const crepe::KeyPressEvent & ev);
+ bool on_key_up(const crepe::KeyReleaseEvent & ev);
+ // bool on_key_up(const crepe::KeyReleaseEvent& ev);
+ void shoot(const crepe::vec2 & location, float angle);
+ void help_kick(const crepe::vec2 & direction);
+ int prev_anim = 0;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_fired;
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_switched;
+ std::chrono::duration<float> shot_delay = std::chrono::duration<float>(0.5);
+ std::chrono::duration<float> switch_delay = std::chrono::duration<float>(0.01);
+ int current_jetpack_sound = 0;
+ float & engine_gravity = crepe::Config::get_instance().physics.gravity;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Rigidbody> body;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerSubScene.cpp b/game/player/PlayerSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0142e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#include "PlayerSubScene.h"
+#include "PlayerAudioScript.h"
+#include "PlayerEndScript.h"
+#include "PlayerScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../coins/CoinScript.h"
+#include <crepe/ValueBroker.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+PlayerSubScene::PlayerSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject player = scn.new_object("player", "player", vec2(-100, 200));
+ SaveManager & save = scn.get_save_manager();
+ ValueBroker<int> particle_type = save.get<int>(JETPACK_PARTICLES, 0);
+ string player_bullet_string;
+ string player_bullet_x2_string;
+ string player_shell_string;
+ if (particle_type.get() == 0) {
+ player_bullet_string = "asset/other_effects/effect_smgbullet.png";
+ player_bullet_x2_string = "asset/other_effects/effect_smgbullet_x2.png";
+ player_shell_string = "asset/other_effects/effect_rocketmgshell_TVOS.png";
+ } else {
+ player_bullet_string = "asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png";
+ player_bullet_x2_string = "asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png";
+ player_shell_string = "asset/background/aquarium/bubble.png";
+ }
+ Asset player_bullet {player_bullet_string};
+ Sprite & player_bullet_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_bullet,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 6),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(player_bullet_sprite, ParticleEmitter::Data{
+ .offset = vec2(-15, 15),
+ .emission_rate = 0,
+ .min_speed = 300,
+ .max_speed = 500,
+ .min_angle = 85,
+ .max_angle = 100,
+ .boundary = ParticleEmitter::Boundary {
+ .height = 400,
+ .reset_on_exit = true,
+ },
+ });
+ Asset player_bullet_x2 {player_bullet_x2_string};
+ Sprite & player_bullet_x2_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_bullet_x2,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 12),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(player_bullet_x2_sprite, ParticleEmitter::Data{
+ .offset = vec2(-15, 15),
+ .emission_rate = 0,
+ .min_speed = 300,
+ .max_speed = 500,
+ .min_angle = 85,
+ .max_angle = 100,
+ .boundary = ParticleEmitter::Boundary {
+ .height = 400,
+ .reset_on_exit = true,
+ },
+ });
+ Asset player_shell {player_shell_string};
+ Sprite & player_shell_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_shell,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 12),
+ .angle_offset = 90,
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(player_shell_sprite, ParticleEmitter::Data{
+ .offset = vec2(-15, 15),
+ .emission_rate = 0,
+ .min_speed = 200,
+ .max_speed = 500,
+ .min_angle = 110,
+ .max_angle = 120,
+ .force_over_time = vec2(0, 1000),
+ .boundary = ParticleEmitter::Boundary {
+ .height = 400,
+ .reset_on_exit = true,
+ },
+ });
+ Asset player_body_asset {"asset/barry/defaultBody.png"};
+ Sprite & player_body_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_body_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 35));
+ Asset player_head_asset {"asset/barry/defaultHead.png"};
+ Sprite & player_head_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_head_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<CircleCollider>(25, vec2(0, -20));
+ Asset player_jetpack_asset {"asset/barry/jetpackDefault.png"};
+ Sprite & player_jetpack_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_jetpack_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 60),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-20, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ player_jetpack_sprite.active = false;
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_jetpack_sprite, ivec2(32, 44), uvec2(4, 4),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(40, 50), vec2(-20, 0));
+ player.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1.0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(PLAYER_SPEED * 0.02, 0),
+ .collision_layers
+ },
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_PLAYER,
+ });
+ player.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PlayerScript>().active = false;
+ player.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CoinScript>();
+ player.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PlayerEndScript>().active = false;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/dud_zapper_lp.ogg"));
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/dud_zapper_pop.ogg"));
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/dud_fire.ogg"));
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_01.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_02.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_03.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_04.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_05.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_06.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_07.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ player.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/jetpack_firecracker_lp_08.ogg")).volume
+ = 0.1;
+ GameObject player_audio = scn.new_object("player_audio", "player_audio", vec2(0, 0));
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_left_1.ogg")).volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_right_1.ogg"))
+ .volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_left_2.ogg")).volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_right_2.ogg"))
+ .volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_left_3.ogg")).volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_right_3.ogg"))
+ .volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_left_4.ogg")).volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset("asset/sfx/barefoot_step_right_4.ogg"))
+ .volume
+ = 3.0;
+ player_audio.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PlayerAudioScript>().active
+ = false;
diff --git a/game/player/PlayerSubScene.h b/game/player/PlayerSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf94c32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/player/PlayerSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class PlayerSubScene {
+ PlayerSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/prefab/CMakeLists.txt b/game/prefab/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c36ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+target_sources(main PUBLIC
+ ZapperObject.cpp
+ ZapperPoolSubScene.cpp
+ ZapperPoolScript.cpp
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperObject.cpp b/game/prefab/ZapperObject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24bbbd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperObject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "ZapperObject.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+ZapperObject::ZapperObject(crepe::GameObject && base)
+ : GameObject(std::move(base)),
+ sprite {
+ .orb_start = add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/obstacles/zapper/orbAnim.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50) * SCALE,
+ }
+ ),
+ .orb_end = add_component<Sprite>(
+ sprite.orb_start.source,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, true},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50) * SCALE,
+ }
+ ),
+ .glow_start = add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/obstacles/zapper/regular_zappers/glow.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = -1,
+ .size = vec2(128, 128) * SCALE,
+ }
+ ),
+ .glow_end = add_component<Sprite>(
+ sprite.glow_start.source,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .flip = {true, true},
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = -1,
+ .size = vec2(128, 128) * SCALE,
+ }
+ ),
+ .beam = add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/obstacles/zapper/regular_zappers/zapEffect.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_OBSTACLES,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 40 * SCALE),
+ .angle_offset = 90,
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ animator {
+ .orb_start = add_component<Animator>(
+ sprite.orb_start, ivec2(62, 42), uvec2(4, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 10,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ ),
+ .orb_end = add_component<Animator>(
+ sprite.orb_end, ivec2(62, 42), uvec2(4, 1), animator.orb_start.data
+ ),
+ .glow_start = add_component<Animator>(
+ sprite.glow_start, ivec2(128, 128), uvec2(16, 1),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 30,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ ),
+ .glow_end = add_component<Animator>(
+ sprite.glow_end, ivec2(128, 128), uvec2(16, 1), animator.glow_start.data
+ ),
+ },
+ body {add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::KINEMATIC,
+ .kinematic_collision = false,
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_ZAPPER,
+ })},
+ collider {add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(0, 0))} {
+ this->set_active(false);
+void ZapperObject::place(const crepe::vec2 & position, float rotation, float length) {
+ this->transform.position = position;
+ this->transform.rotation = rotation;
+ vec2 offset = vec2(0, 1) * length / 2;
+ this->sprite.orb_start.data.position_offset = offset;
+ this->sprite.glow_start.data.position_offset = offset;
+ this->sprite.orb_end.data.position_offset = -offset;
+ this->sprite.glow_end.data.position_offset = -offset;
+ this->sprite.beam.data.size.x = length;
+ this->collider.dimensions = offset.rotate(rotation) * 2 + vec2(30, 30) * SCALE;
+void ZapperObject::set_active(bool active) {
+ this->sprite.orb_start.active = active;
+ this->sprite.orb_end.active = active;
+ this->sprite.glow_start.active = active;
+ this->sprite.glow_end.active = active;
+ this->sprite.beam.active = active;
+ this->animator.orb_start.active = active;
+ this->animator.orb_end.active = active;
+ this->animator.glow_start.active = active;
+ this->animator.glow_end.active = active;
+ this->body.active = active;
+ this->collider.active = active;
+ this->active = active;
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperObject.h b/game/prefab/ZapperObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42edc51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperObject.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+class ZapperObject : public crepe::GameObject {
+ ZapperObject(crepe::GameObject &&);
+ bool active = true;
+ struct {
+ crepe::Sprite & orb_start;
+ crepe::Sprite & orb_end;
+ crepe::Sprite & glow_start;
+ crepe::Sprite & glow_end;
+ crepe::Sprite & beam;
+ } sprite;
+ struct {
+ crepe::Animator & orb_start;
+ crepe::Animator & orb_end;
+ crepe::Animator & glow_start;
+ crepe::Animator & glow_end;
+ } animator;
+ crepe::Rigidbody & body;
+ crepe::BoxCollider & collider;
+ static constexpr float SCALE = 0.8;
+ void place(const crepe::vec2 & position, float rotation, float length);
+ void set_active(bool active);
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.cpp b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b832ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../Random.h"
+#include "ZapperPoolScript.h"
+#include "ZapperPoolSubScene.h"
+#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+ZapperPoolScript::ZapperPoolScript(std::vector<ZapperObject> && pool) : pool(pool) {}
+void ZapperPoolScript::init() {
+ subscribe<CreateZapperEvent>([this](const CreateZapperEvent &) {
+ this->spawn_random();
+ return true;
+ });
+ camera_transform = get_components_by_name<Transform>(CAMERA_NAME).back();
+ camera_camera = get_components_by_name<Camera>(CAMERA_NAME).back();
+void ZapperPoolScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t) {
+ float threshold
+ = camera_transform->position.x - camera_camera->viewport_size.x / 2 - OFFSCREEN_MARGIN;
+ for (ZapperObject & zapper : this->pool) {
+ if (!zapper.active) continue;
+ if (zapper.transform.position.x < threshold) zapper.set_active(false);
+ }
+void ZapperPoolScript::spawn_random() {
+ OptionalRef<ZapperObject> zapper = this->get_next_zapper();
+ if (!zapper) return; // pool exhausted
+ bool horizontal = Random::b();
+ vec2 pos;
+ float rotation, length;
+ pos.x
+ = camera_transform->position.x + camera_camera->viewport_size.x / 2 + OFFSCREEN_MARGIN;
+ if (horizontal) {
+ rotation = 90;
+ length = Random::f(400, 200);
+ pos.y = Random::f(0.5, -0.5) * HALLWAY_HEIGHT;
+ // align zapper to right edge of camera
+ pos.x -= MAX_LENGTH - (length / 2);
+ } else {
+ rotation = 0;
+ length = Random::f(200, 75);
+ // ensure zapper doesn't crash into ceiling or floor
+ pos.y = Random::f(0.5, -0.5) * (HALLWAY_HEIGHT - length);
+ // align zapper to right edge of camera
+ pos.x -= MAX_LENGTH;
+ }
+ zapper->place(pos, rotation, length);
+ zapper->set_active(true);
+OptionalRef<ZapperObject> ZapperPoolScript::get_next_zapper() {
+ for (ZapperObject & zapper : this->pool) {
+ if (zapper.active) continue;
+ return zapper;
+ }
+ return {};
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.h b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2208c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include "ZapperObject.h"
+#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
+class ZapperPoolSubScene;
+class ZapperPoolScript : public crepe::Script {
+ ZapperPoolScript(std::vector<ZapperObject> && pool);
+ void init();
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t);
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ std::vector<ZapperObject> pool;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Transform> camera_transform;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Camera> camera_camera;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<ZapperObject> get_next_zapper();
+ void spawn_random();
+ static constexpr float MAX_LENGTH = 400;
+ static constexpr float OFFSCREEN_MARGIN = 50 + MAX_LENGTH;
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.cpp b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a52aa75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include "ZapperPoolScript.h"
+#include "ZapperPoolSubScene.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+ZapperPoolSubScene::ZapperPoolSubScene(Scene & scene)
+ : controller {scene.new_object("controller")} {
+ vector<ZapperObject> pool;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < this->POOL_SIZE; i++)
+ pool.emplace_back(scene.new_object("zapper", "zapper"));
+ BehaviorScript & behavior = this->controller.add_component<BehaviorScript>();
+ behavior.set_script<ZapperPoolScript>(std::move(pool));
diff --git a/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.h b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f6e297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/util/OptionalRef.h>
+class CreateZapperEvent : public crepe::Event {};
+class ZapperPoolSubScene {
+ ZapperPoolSubScene(crepe::Scene & scene);
+ crepe::GameObject controller;
+ static constexpr size_t POOL_SIZE = 4;
diff --git a/game/preview/NpcScript.cpp b/game/preview/NpcScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86117d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/NpcScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "NpcScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace crepe;
+void NpcScript::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ auto & rb = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ auto npc = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ auto & transform = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ if (transform.position.x < 200) {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity.x *= -1;
+ }
+ if (transform.position.x > 700) {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity.x *= -1;
+ }
+ if (rb.data.linear_velocity.x < 0) {
+ npc.front().get().data.flip = {true, false};
+ npc.back().get().data.flip = {true, false};
+ } else {
+ npc.front().get().data.flip = {false, false};
+ npc.back().get().data.flip = {false, false};
+ }
diff --git a/game/preview/NpcScript.h b/game/preview/NpcScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d278f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/NpcScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class NpcScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/preview/NpcSubScene.cpp b/game/preview/NpcSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ededb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/NpcSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include "NpcSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "NpcScript.h"
+#include <crepe/ValueBroker.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+NpcSubScene::NpcSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject npc = scn.new_object("npc", "npc_tag", vec2 {500, 0}, 0, 1);
+ Asset npc_body {"asset/workers/worker1Body.png"};
+ Asset npc_head {"asset/workers/worker1Head.png"};
+ auto & npc_body_sprite = npc.add_component<Sprite>(
+ npc_body,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .size = {0, 50},
+ }
+ );
+ auto & npc_head_sprite = npc.add_component<Sprite>(
+ npc_head,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .size = {0, 50},
+ .position_offset = {0, -20},
+ }
+ );
+ npc.add_component<Animator>(
+ npc_body_sprite, ivec2 {32, 32}, uvec2 {4, 8},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ npc.add_component<Animator>(
+ npc_head_sprite, ivec2 {32, 32}, uvec2 {4, 8},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ npc.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {40, 50});
+ npc.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .mass = 10,
+ .gravity_scale = 1,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = {-50, 0},
+ //.max_linear_velocity = 40,
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP, 100},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_PLAYER,
+ });
+ npc.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<NpcScript>();
diff --git a/game/preview/NpcSubScene.h b/game/preview/NpcSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a226195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/NpcSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class NpcSubScene {
+ NpcSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.cpp b/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae25dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#include "PrevPlayerScript.h"
+#include "../missile/SpawnEvent.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+bool PrevPlayerScript::key_pressed(const KeyPressEvent & ev) {
+ switch (ev.key) {
+ case Keycode::A:
+ this->get_component<Rigidbody>().data.linear_velocity.x = -move_speed;
+ this->body->data.flip = {true, false};
+ this->head->data.flip = {true, false};
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D:
+ this->get_component<Rigidbody>().data.linear_velocity.x = move_speed;
+ this->body->data.flip = {false, false};
+ this->head->data.flip = {false, false};
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D0:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(0);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(0);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D1:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(1);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(1);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D2:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(2);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(2);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D3:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(3);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(3);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D4:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(4);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(4);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D5:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(5);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(5);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D6:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(6);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(6);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::D7:
+ this->body_anim->set_anim(7);
+ this->head_anim->set_anim(7);
+ break;
+ case Keycode::LEFT:
+ this->get_component<Transform>().rotation += 10;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::RIGHT:
+ this->get_component<Transform>().rotation -= 10;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::UP:
+ this->head->data.position_offset += 10;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::DOWN:
+ this->head->data.position_offset -= 10;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::P:
+ this->get_components_by_name<AudioSource>("background_music").front().get().active
+ = true;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::J:
+ this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get().position.x
+ -= move_speed;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::K:
+ this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get().position.y
+ -= move_speed;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::L:
+ this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get().position.x
+ += move_speed;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::I:
+ this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get().position.y
+ += move_speed;
+ break;
+ case Keycode::M:
+ trigger_event<MissileSpawnEvent>(MissileSpawnEvent {});
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrevPlayerScript::init() {
+ this->rb = get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ auto animations = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ body_anim = animations[0];
+ head_anim = animations[1];
+ auto sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ body = sprites[0];
+ head = sprites[1];
+ subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->key_pressed(ev);
+ });
+ subscribe<KeyPressEvent>([this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ if (ev.repeat) return false;
+ return this->on_key_down(ev);
+ });
+ subscribe<KeyReleaseEvent>([this](const KeyReleaseEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_key_up(ev);
+ });
+void PrevPlayerScript::fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt) {
+ if (this->get_key_state(Keycode::SPACE)) {
+ this->rb->add_force_linear(
+ vec2(0, -1) * (engine_gravity * PLAYER_GRAVITY_SCALE * dt.count())
+ );
+ }
+ auto & savemgr = this->get_save_manager();
+ const auto & pos = this->get_component<Transform>().position;
+ savemgr.set("player_x", pos.x);
+ savemgr.set("player_y", pos.y);
+bool PrevPlayerScript::on_key_down(const KeyPressEvent & ev) {
+ if (ev.key == Keycode::SPACE) {
+ const vec2 UP = {0, -1};
+ this->help_kick(UP);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool PrevPlayerScript::on_key_up(const KeyReleaseEvent & ev) {
+ if (ev.key == Keycode::SPACE) {
+ const vec2 DOWN = {0, 1};
+ this->help_kick(DOWN);
+ }
+ return false;
+void PrevPlayerScript::help_kick(const vec2 & direction) {
+ // softly "kick" the player (at start/end of flight)
+ vec2 & velocity = this->rb->data.linear_velocity;
+ float kick_amount = std::min(
+ velocity.length() * PLAYER_HELP_KICK_SCALE, engine_gravity * PLAYER_HELP_KICK_MAX
+ );
+ velocity += direction * kick_amount;
diff --git a/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.h b/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae66449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PrevPlayerScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/util/OptionalRef.h>
+class PrevPlayerScript : public crepe::Script {
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Animator> head_anim;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Animator> body_anim;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Sprite> head;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Sprite> body;
+ float move_speed = 100;
+ void init();
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
+ bool key_pressed(const crepe::KeyPressEvent & ev);
+ bool on_key_down(const crepe::KeyPressEvent & ev);
+ bool on_key_up(const crepe::KeyReleaseEvent & ev);
+ void help_kick(const crepe::vec2 & direction);
+ float & engine_gravity = crepe::Config::get_instance().physics.gravity;
+ crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::Rigidbody> rb;
diff --git a/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.cpp b/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..074cfb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include "PrevPlayerSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "PrevPlayerScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/ValueBroker.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/SaveManager.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+PrevPlayerSubScene::PrevPlayerSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject player = scn.new_object("player", "player", vec2 {800, -100}, 0, 1);
+ Asset player_body_asset {"asset/barry/defaultBody.png"};
+ Sprite & player_body_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_body_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset player_head_asset {"asset/barry/defaultHead.png"};
+ Sprite & player_head_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_head_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Asset player_jetpack_asset {"asset/barry/jetpackDefault.png"};
+ Sprite & player_jetpack_sprite = player.add_component<Sprite>(
+ player_jetpack_asset,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_PLAYER,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 60),
+ .position_offset = vec2(-20, 0),
+ }
+ );
+ player_jetpack_sprite.active = false;
+ player.add_component<Animator>(
+ player_jetpack_sprite, ivec2(32, 44), uvec2(4, 4),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = 5,
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ player.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 1,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(100, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP, 100},
+ .collision_layer = COLL_LAY_PLAYER,
+ });
+ player.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(40, 50));
+ player.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PrevPlayerScript>();
+ GameObject music = scn.new_object("background_music", "background_music");
+ AudioSource & audio = music.add_component<AudioSource>(Asset {"asset/music/level.ogg"});
+ audio.loop = true;
+ audio.play_on_awake = true;
+ audio.active = false;
diff --git a/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.h b/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a61f341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PrevPlayerSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class PrevPlayerSubScene {
+ PrevPlayerSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.cpp b/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580a608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "PreviewReplaySubScript.h"
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "menus/ButtonReplaySubScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PreviewReplaySubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+ this->subscribe<StopPreviewRecording>([this](const StopPreviewRecording & e) {
+ return this->stop_recording();
+ });
+ this->subscribe<DeleteRecordingEvent>([this](const DeleteRecordingEvent & e) {
+ return this->delete_recording();
+ });
+ this->subscribe<StartPreviewRecording>([this](const StartPreviewRecording & e) {
+ return this->start_recording();
+ });
+bool PreviewReplaySubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ replay.play(this->recording);
+ return false;
+bool PreviewReplaySubScript::start_recording() {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ if (record_saved) {
+ this->stop_recording();
+ this->delete_recording();
+ }
+ replay.record_start();
+ this->record_started = true;
+ return false;
+bool PreviewReplaySubScript::stop_recording() {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ if (this->record_started) this->recording = replay.record_end();
+ this->record_saved = true;
+ return false;
+bool PreviewReplaySubScript::delete_recording() {
+ if (DISABLE_REPLAY) return false;
+ if (this->record_started) this->stop_recording();
+ if (this->record_saved) replay.release(this->recording);
+ this->record_saved = false;
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.h b/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b78c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewReplaySubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "menus/IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+struct StartPreviewRecording : public crepe::Event {};
+struct StopPreviewRecording : public crepe::Event {};
+class PreviewReplaySubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
+ crepe::recording_t recording = 0;
+ bool start_recording();
+ bool stop_recording();
+ bool delete_recording();
+ bool record_saved = false;
+ bool record_started = false;
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.cpp b/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a2f54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "PreviewStartRecSubScript.h"
+#include "PreviewReplaySubScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PreviewStartRecSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool PreviewStartRecSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ this->trigger_event<StartPreviewRecording>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.h b/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a54a085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewStartRecSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "menus/IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PreviewStartRecSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.cpp b/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a229da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "PreviewStopRecSubScript.h"
+#include "PreviewReplaySubScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/AudioSource.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PreviewStopRecSubScript::init() {
+ IButtonScript::init();
+ this->subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([this](const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ return this->on_button_press(e);
+ });
+bool PreviewStopRecSubScript::on_button_press(const ButtonPressEvent & e) {
+ this->trigger_event<StopPreviewRecording>();
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.h b/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2dd73b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/PreviewStopRecSubScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "menus/IButtonScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PreviewStopRecSubScript : public IButtonScript {
+ void init() override;
+ bool on_button_press(const crepe::ButtonPressEvent & e);
diff --git a/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.cpp b/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e363f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#include "SmokeSubScene.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+SmokeSubScene::SmokeSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ GameObject smoke = scn.new_object("smoke_particle", "TAG", vec2 {500, -210}, 0, 1);
+ Asset smoke_ss {"asset/particles/smoke.png"};
+ auto & smoke_sprite = smoke.add_component<Sprite>(
+ smoke_ss,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .size = {0, 30},
+ }
+ );
+ smoke.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ smoke_sprite,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .offset = {0, -60},
+ .max_particles = 10,
+ .emission_rate = 25,
+ .min_angle = 60,
+ .max_angle = 120,
+ .begin_lifespan = 1,
+ .end_lifespan = 2,
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.h b/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93d8a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/preview/SmokeSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class SmokeSubScene {
+ SmokeSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
diff --git a/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.cpp b/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f58c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#include "ObjectsScheduler.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "../Random.h"
+#include "../enemy/EnemyScript.h"
+#include "../missile/SpawnEvent.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "enemy/BattleScript.h"
+#include "prefab/ZapperPoolSubScene.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void ObjectsScheduler::preset_0() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->amount_of_boss_fights; i++) {
+ this->trigger_event<MissileSpawnEvent>(MissileSpawnEvent {});
+ }
+ if (this->amount_of_boss_fights >= 1) {
+ this->trigger_event<BattleStartEvent>(BattleStartEvent {
+ .num_enemies = Random::i(this->amount_of_boss_fights, 0),
+ .battle = false,
+ });
+ }
+void ObjectsScheduler::preset_1() {
+ trigger_event<MissileSpawnEvent>(MissileSpawnEvent {});
+ if (this->amount_of_boss_fights >= 3) {
+ this->trigger_event<BattleStartEvent>(BattleStartEvent {
+ .num_enemies = Random::i(1, 0),
+ .battle = false,
+ });
+ }
+void ObjectsScheduler::preset_2() {
+ trigger_event<CreateZapperEvent>(CreateZapperEvent {});
+ if (this->amount_of_boss_fights >= 2) {
+ this->trigger_event<BattleStartEvent>(BattleStartEvent {
+ .num_enemies = Random::i(2, 1),
+ .battle = false,
+ });
+ }
+void ObjectsScheduler::preset_3() { trigger_event<CreateZapperEvent>(CreateZapperEvent {}); }
+void ObjectsScheduler::preset_4() {}
+void ObjectsScheduler::boss_fight_1() {
+ this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("camera").front().get().data.linear_velocity.x = 0;
+ this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("player").front().get().data.linear_velocity.x = 0;
+ this->amount_of_boss_fights++;
+ this->trigger_event<BattleStartEvent>(BattleStartEvent {
+ .num_enemies = amount_of_boss_fights,
+ .battle = true,
+ });
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rb_back_forest
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("forest_background");
+ for (Rigidbody & rb : rb_back_forest) {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity.x = 0;
+ }
+bool ObjectsScheduler::boss_fight_1_event() {
+ this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("camera").front().get().data.linear_velocity.x
+ = PLAYER_SPEED * 0.02;
+ this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("player").front().get().data.linear_velocity.x
+ = PLAYER_SPEED * 0.02;
+ bool first = true;
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rb_back_forest
+ = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("forest_background");
+ for (Rigidbody & rb : rb_back_forest) {
+ if (first == true) {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity.x = 30;
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ rb.data.linear_velocity.x = 40;
+ first = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void ObjectsScheduler::init() {
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { preset_0(); });
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { preset_1(); });
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { preset_2(); });
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { preset_3(); });
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { preset_4(); });
+ this->obstacles.push_back([this]() { boss_fight_1(); });
+ // subscribe to battlewonevent
+ this->subscribe<BattleWonEvent>([this](const BattleWonEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->boss_fight_1_event();
+ });
+void ObjectsScheduler::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ int pos_x
+ = (int) this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").front().get().position.x;
+ int boss_check = (pos_x - this->start_offset) / this->boss_fight_interval;
+ if (boss_check > this->last_boss_check) {
+ this->obstacles.back()();
+ this->last_boss_check = boss_check;
+ }
+ int obstacle_check = (pos_x - this->start_offset) / this->obstacle_interval;
+ if (obstacle_check > this->last_obstacle_check) {
+ this->obstacles[Random::i(this->obstacles.size() - 1, 0)]();
+ this->last_obstacle_check = obstacle_check;
+ }
diff --git a/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.h b/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ada8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/scheduler/ObjectsScheduler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/Script.h"
+#include <functional>
+#include <vector>
+class ObjectsScheduler : public crepe::Script {
+ std::vector<std::function<void()>> obstacles;
+ int last_boss_check = 0;
+ int last_obstacle_check = 0;
+ int boss_fight_interval = 5000;
+ int obstacle_interval = 350;
+ int start_offset = 1300;
+ int amount_of_boss_fights = 0;
+ void preset_0();
+ void preset_1();
+ void preset_2();
+ void preset_3();
+ void preset_4();
+ void boss_fight_1();
+ bool boss_fight_1_event();
+ void init();
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/util/scrollgen b/game/util/scrollgen
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0389107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/util/scrollgen
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+die() {
+ echo "$@"
+ exit 1
+check_command() {
+ cmd="$1"
+ command -v "$cmd" > /dev/null || die "command '$cmd' not found"
+check_command magick
+check_command identify
+[ "$#" -eq 2 ] || die "usage: $0 <input image> <frame count>"
+[ -e "$INPUT" ] || die "file not found: $INPUT"
+[ "$FRAMES" -gt 0 ] || die "invalid frame count: $FRAMES"
+tile_width=$(identify -format "%w" "$INPUT")
+tile_height=$(identify -format "%h" "$INPUT")
+magick -size "${tile_width}x$(( $tile_height * $FRAMES ))" 'xc:#ff00ff00' "$OUTPUT"
+for i in $(seq 0 $(( $FRAMES - 1 ))); do
+ offset_x=$(( $tile_width * $i / $FRAMES ))
+ offset_y=$(( i * $tile_height ))
+ magick "$OUTPUT" "$INPUT" -geometry "+${offset_x}+${offset_y}" -composite "$OUTPUT"
+ magick "$OUTPUT" "$INPUT" -geometry "+$(( $offset_x - $tile_width ))+${offset_y}" -composite "$OUTPUT"
+ echo "+${offset_x}+${offset_y}"
+# magick -size ${total_width}x${sprite_height} xc:none canvas.png
diff --git a/game/workers/CollisionScript.cpp b/game/workers/CollisionScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372bfec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/CollisionScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "CollisionScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void CollisionScript::init() {
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
+bool CollisionScript::on_collision(const CollisionEvent & ev) {
+ RefVector<Animator> animators = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprites = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ Rigidbody & rb = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
+ Transform & tr = this->get_component<Transform>();
+ BehaviorScript & bs_panic = this->get_components<BehaviorScript>().front();
+ if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "zapper") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(3);
+ }
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 15;
+ }
+ rb.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {0.5, 0.5};
+ tr.rotation = 90;
+ bs_panic.active = false;
+ return false;
+ } else if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "laser") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(3);
+ }
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 15;
+ }
+ rb.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {0.5, 0.5};
+ tr.rotation = 90;
+ bs_panic.active = false;
+ return false;
+ } else if (ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "missile"
+ || ev.info.other.metadata.tag == "enemy_bullet") {
+ for (Animator & anim : animators) {
+ anim.active = false;
+ anim.set_anim(3);
+ }
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprites) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 15;
+ }
+ rb.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {0.5, 0.5};
+ tr.rotation = 90;
+ bs_panic.active = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/game/workers/CollisionScript.h b/game/workers/CollisionScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70c5fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/CollisionScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class CollisionScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void init();
+ bool on_collision(const crepe::CollisionEvent & ev);
diff --git a/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.cpp b/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baa48df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "PanicFromPlayerScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void PanicFromPlayerScript::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ Animator & anim_player = this->get_components_by_name<Animator>("player").front();
+ if (anim_player.data.col == 1) {
+ Transform & trans_player = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("player").back();
+ Transform & trans_worker = this->get_components<Transform>().back();
+ float result_x = trans_player.position.x - trans_worker.position.x;
+ if (result_x < 100 && result_x > -20) {
+ RefVector<Animator> anim_worker = this->get_components<Animator>();
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprite_worker = this->get_components<Sprite>();
+ Rigidbody & rb_worker = this->get_components<Rigidbody>().back();
+ if (anim_worker.front().get().data.col != 1) {
+ anim_worker.front().get().set_anim(1);
+ anim_worker.back().get().set_anim(1);
+ anim_worker.front().get().data.fps = 10;
+ anim_worker.back().get().data.fps = 10;
+ }
+ if (result_x < 0) {
+ float min_value = 8000;
+ float max_value = 10000;
+ float value = min_value
+ + static_cast<float>(rand())
+ / (static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX / (max_value - min_value)));
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x = value * dt.count();
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ } else {
+ float min_value = -4000;
+ float max_value = -5000;
+ float value = min_value
+ + static_cast<float>(rand())
+ / (static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX / (max_value - min_value)));
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x = value * dt.count();
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.h b/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d173e89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/PanicFromPlayerScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class PanicFromPlayerScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/workers/WorkerScript.cpp b/game/workers/WorkerScript.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0bfc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/WorkerScript.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#include "WorkerScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "api/BehaviorScript.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void WorkerScript::fixed_update(duration_t dt) {
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rb_workers = this->get_components_by_tag<Rigidbody>("worker");
+ RefVector<Transform> trans_workers = this->get_components_by_tag<Transform>("worker");
+ Rigidbody & rb_cam = this->get_components_by_name<Rigidbody>("camera").back();
+ Transform & trans_cam = this->get_components_by_name<Transform>("camera").back();
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (Rigidbody & rb_worker : rb_workers) {
+ Transform & trans_worker = trans_workers.at(counter);
+ float result_x = rb_cam.data.linear_velocity.x - rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x;
+ if (result_x > 0) {
+ float left_cam_pos_x = trans_cam.position.x - VIEWPORT_X / 2;
+ if (trans_worker.position.x < left_cam_pos_x - 1000) {
+ trans_worker.position.x = left_cam_pos_x + VIEWPORT_X + 1000;
+ do {
+ float min_value = -2500 * dt.count();
+ float max_value = 2500 * dt.count();
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x
+ = min_value
+ + static_cast<float>(rand())
+ / (static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX / (max_value - min_value)));
+ } while (rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x < 500 * dt.count()
+ && rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x > -500 * dt.count());
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprite_worker
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Sprite>(trans_worker.game_object_id);
+ RefVector<Animator> animator_worker
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Animator>(trans_worker.game_object_id);
+ BehaviorScript & bs_panic
+ = this->get_components_by_id<BehaviorScript>(trans_worker.game_object_id)
+ .front();
+ if (rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x < 0) {
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ animator_worker.front().get().data.fps
+ = -rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.back().get().data.fps
+ = -rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.front().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.back().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.front().get().active = true;
+ animator_worker.back().get().active = true;
+ } else {
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ animator_worker.front().get().data.fps
+ = rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.back().get().data.fps
+ = rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.front().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.back().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.front().get().active = true;
+ animator_worker.back().get().active = true;
+ }
+ trans_worker.rotation = 0;
+ bs_panic.active = true;
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {1, 1};
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprite_worker) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ float right_cam_pos_x = trans_cam.position.x + VIEWPORT_X / 2;
+ if (trans_worker.position.x > right_cam_pos_x + 1000) {
+ do {
+ float min_value = -2500 * dt.count();
+ float max_value = 2500 * dt.count();
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x
+ = min_value
+ + static_cast<float>(rand())
+ / (static_cast<float>(RAND_MAX / (max_value - min_value)));
+ } while (rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x < 500 * dt.count()
+ && rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x > -500 * dt.count());
+ RefVector<Sprite> sprite_worker
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Sprite>(trans_worker.game_object_id);
+ RefVector<Animator> animator_worker
+ = this->get_components_by_id<Animator>(trans_worker.game_object_id);
+ BehaviorScript & bs_panic
+ = this->get_components_by_id<BehaviorScript>(trans_worker.game_object_id)
+ .front();
+ if (rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x < 0) {
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = true;
+ animator_worker.front().get().data.fps
+ = -rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.back().get().data.fps
+ = -rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.front().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.back().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.front().get().active = true;
+ animator_worker.back().get().active = true;
+ } else {
+ sprite_worker.front().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ sprite_worker.back().get().data.flip.flip_x = false;
+ animator_worker.front().get().data.fps
+ = rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.back().get().data.fps
+ = rb_worker.data.linear_velocity.x / 5;
+ animator_worker.front().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.back().get().set_anim(0);
+ animator_worker.front().get().active = true;
+ animator_worker.back().get().active = true;
+ }
+ trans_worker.rotation = 0;
+ bs_panic.active = true;
+ rb_worker.data.linear_velocity_coefficient = {1, 1};
+ for (Sprite & sprite : sprite_worker) {
+ sprite.data.position_offset.x = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ counter++;
+ }
diff --git a/game/workers/WorkerScript.h b/game/workers/WorkerScript.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae4a6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/WorkerScript.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+class WorkerScript : public crepe::Script {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t dt);
diff --git a/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.cpp b/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54996d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+#include "WorkersSubScene.h"
+#include "CollisionScript.h"
+#include "PanicFromPlayerScript.h"
+#include "WorkerScript.h"
+#include "../Config.h"
+#include "api/GameObject.h"
+#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+WorkersSubScene::WorkersSubScene(Scene & scn) {
+ this->worker1(scn, 1200, -50);
+ this->worker2(scn, 1300, 20);
+ this->worker3(scn, 1400, -40);
+ this->worker4(scn, 7250, 50);
+ this->worker5(scn, 3400, -20);
+ this->worker6(scn, 2000, 30);
+ this->worker7(scn, 3725, 35);
+ this->worker8(scn, 2200, -15);
+ GameObject script = scn.new_object("workers_script");
+ script.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<WorkerScript>();
+void WorkersSubScene::worker1(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_1 = scn.new_object("worker_1", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_1_body_sprite = worker_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Body.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 0,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_1.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_1_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_1_head_sprite = worker_1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_1.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_1_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_1.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ });
+ worker_1.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_1.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_1_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_1_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker2(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_2 = scn.new_object("worker_2", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_2_body_sprite = worker_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Body.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_2.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_2_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_2_head_sprite = worker_2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 3,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_2.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_2_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_2.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ });
+ worker_2.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_2.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_2_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_2_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker3(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_3 = scn.new_object("worker_3", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_3_body_sprite = worker_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Body.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 4,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_3.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_3_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_3_head_sprite = worker_3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_3.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_3_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_3.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_3.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_TOP},
+ });
+ worker_3.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_3.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_3_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_3_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker4(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_4 = scn.new_object("worker_4", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_4_body_sprite = worker_4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Body.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 6,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_4.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_4_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_4_head_sprite = worker_4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 7,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_4.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_4_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_4.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_4.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_HIGH},
+ });
+ worker_4.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_4.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_4_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_4_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker5(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_5 = scn.new_object("worker_5", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_5_body_sprite = worker_5.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/workerFatBody.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 8,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_5.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_5_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_5_head_sprite = worker_5.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 9,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_5.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_5_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_5.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_5.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_HIGH},
+ });
+ worker_5.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_5.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_5_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_5_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker6(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_6 = scn.new_object("worker_6", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_6_body_sprite = worker_6.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/workerFatBody.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 10,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_6.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_6_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_6_head_sprite = worker_6.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 11,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_6.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_6_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_6.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_6.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW},
+ });
+ worker_6.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_6.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_6_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_6_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker7(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_7 = scn.new_object("worker_7", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_7_body_sprite = worker_7.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/workerTallBody.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 12,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_7.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_7_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_7_head_sprite = worker_7.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker1Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_BACK,
+ .order_in_layer = 13,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_7.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_7_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_7.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_7.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW},
+ });
+ worker_7.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_7.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_7_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_7_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
+void WorkersSubScene::worker8(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed) {
+ GameObject worker_8 = scn.new_object("worker_8", "worker", vec2(start_x, 200));
+ Sprite & worker_8_body_sprite = worker_8.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/workerTallBody.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 14,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_8.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_8_body_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ Sprite & worker_8_head_sprite = worker_8.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/workers/worker2Head.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .sorting_in_layer = SORT_IN_LAY_WORKERS_FRONT,
+ .order_in_layer = 15,
+ .size = vec2(0, 50),
+ .position_offset = vec2(0, -20),
+ }
+ );
+ worker_8.add_component<Animator>(
+ worker_8_head_sprite, ivec2(32, 32), uvec2(4, 8),
+ Animator::Data {
+ .fps = static_cast<unsigned int>(abs(init_speed) / 5),
+ .looping = true,
+ }
+ );
+ worker_8.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2(50, 50));
+ worker_8.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
+ .gravity_scale = 20,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
+ .linear_velocity = vec2(init_speed, 0),
+ .collision_layers = {COLL_LAY_BOT_LOW},
+ });
+ worker_8.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<PanicFromPlayerScript>();
+ worker_8.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionScript>();
+ if (init_speed < 0) {
+ worker_8_body_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ worker_8_head_sprite.data.flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, false};
+ }
diff --git a/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.h b/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6692d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/workers/WorkersSubScene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class Scene;
+class WorkersSubScene {
+ WorkersSubScene(crepe::Scene & scn);
+ void worker1(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker2(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker3(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker4(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker5(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker6(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker7(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
+ void worker8(crepe::Scene & scn, float start_x, float init_speed);
diff --git a/mwe/ecs-homemade/inc/ComponentManager.hpp b/mwe/ecs-homemade/inc/ComponentManager.hpp
index af9c3a1..7d26df4 100644
--- a/mwe/ecs-homemade/inc/ComponentManager.hpp
+++ b/mwe/ecs-homemade/inc/ComponentManager.hpp
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ void ComponentManager::DeleteComponents() {
template <typename T>
-ComponentManager::GetComponentsByID(std::uint32_t id) const {
+std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<T>> ComponentManager::GetComponentsByID(std::uint32_t id
+) const {
//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
std::type_index type = typeid(T);
diff --git a/mwe/ecs-homemade/src/ComponentManager.cpp b/mwe/ecs-homemade/src/ComponentManager.cpp
index 33ba12e..835bdda 100644
--- a/mwe/ecs-homemade/src/ComponentManager.cpp
+++ b/mwe/ecs-homemade/src/ComponentManager.cpp
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ ComponentManager::ComponentManager() {}
void ComponentManager::DeleteAllComponentsOfId(std::uint32_t id) {
for (auto & [type, componentArray] :
mComponents) { //Loop through all the types (in the unordered_map<>)
- if (id
- < componentArray
- .size()) { //Make sure that the id (that we are looking for) is within the boundaries of the vector<>
+ if (id < componentArray.size(
+ )) { //Make sure that the id (that we are looking for) is within the boundaries of the vector<>
componentArray[id].clear(); //Clear the components at this specific id
diff --git a/mwe/events/include/event.h b/mwe/events/include/event.h
index ee1bf52..6df98ee 100644
--- a/mwe/events/include/event.h
+++ b/mwe/events/include/event.h
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ public:
virtual ~Event() = default;
virtual std::uint32_t getEventType() const = 0;
virtual std::string toString() const;
- void addArgument(const std::string & key,
- const std::variant<int, std::string, float> & value);
+ void
+ addArgument(const std::string & key, const std::variant<int, std::string, float> & value);
std::variant<int, std::string, float> getArgument(const std::string & key) const;
diff --git a/mwe/events/include/eventHandler.h b/mwe/events/include/eventHandler.h
index 3a83b15..8598cee 100644
--- a/mwe/events/include/eventHandler.h
+++ b/mwe/events/include/eventHandler.h
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ private:
template <typename EventType>
class EventHandlerWrapper : public IEventHandlerWrapper {
- explicit EventHandlerWrapper(const EventHandler<EventType> & handler,
- const bool destroyOnSuccess = false)
+ explicit EventHandlerWrapper(
+ const EventHandler<EventType> & handler, const bool destroyOnSuccess = false
+ )
: m_handler(handler),
m_destroyOnSuccess(destroyOnSuccess) {
@@ -42,5 +43,5 @@ private:
EventHandler<EventType> m_handler;
const std::string m_handlerType;
- bool m_destroyOnSuccess{false};
+ bool m_destroyOnSuccess {false};
diff --git a/mwe/events/include/eventManager.h b/mwe/events/include/eventManager.h
index 30e927f..43906e8 100644
--- a/mwe/events/include/eventManager.h
+++ b/mwe/events/include/eventManager.h
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ public:
void shutdown();
- void subscribe(int eventType, std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper> && handler,
- int eventId);
+ void
+ subscribe(int eventType, std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper> && handler, int eventId);
void unsubscribe(int eventType, const std::string & handlerName, int eventId);
void triggerEvent(const Event & event_, int eventId);
void queueEvent(std::unique_ptr<Event> && event_, int eventId);
@@ -35,19 +35,23 @@ private:
template <typename EventType>
-inline void subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, int eventId = 0,
- const bool unsubscribeOnSuccess = false) {
+inline void subscribe(
+ const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, int eventId = 0,
+ const bool unsubscribeOnSuccess = false
+) {
std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper> handler
= std::make_unique<EventHandlerWrapper<EventType>>(callback, unsubscribeOnSuccess);
- EventManager::getInstance().subscribe(EventType::getStaticEventType(), std::move(handler),
- eventId);
+ EventManager::getInstance().subscribe(
+ EventType::getStaticEventType(), std::move(handler), eventId
+ );
template <typename EventType>
inline void unsubscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, int eventId = 0) {
const std::string handlerName = callback.target_type().name();
- EventManager::getInstance().unsubscribe(EventType::getStaticEventType(), handlerName,
- eventId);
+ EventManager::getInstance().unsubscribe(
+ EventType::getStaticEventType(), handlerName, eventId
+ );
inline void triggerEvent(const Event & triggeredEvent, int eventId = 0) {
@@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ inline void triggerEvent(const Event & triggeredEvent, int eventId = 0) {
inline void queueEvent(std::unique_ptr<Event> && queuedEvent, int eventId = 0) {
- EventManager::getInstance().queueEvent(std::forward<std::unique_ptr<Event>>(queuedEvent),
- eventId);
+ EventManager::getInstance().queueEvent(
+ std::forward<std::unique_ptr<Event>>(queuedEvent), eventId
+ );
diff --git a/mwe/events/src/event.cpp b/mwe/events/src/event.cpp
index 0040c73..5177199 100644
--- a/mwe/events/src/event.cpp
+++ b/mwe/events/src/event.cpp
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
// Event class methods
Event::Event(std::string eventType) { eventData["eventType"] = eventType; }
-void Event::addArgument(const std::string & key,
- const std::variant<int, std::string, float> & value) {
+void Event::addArgument(
+ const std::string & key, const std::variant<int, std::string, float> & value
+) {
eventData[key] = value;
diff --git a/mwe/events/src/eventManager.cpp b/mwe/events/src/eventManager.cpp
index 9e7d880..b77a0a3 100644
--- a/mwe/events/src/eventManager.cpp
+++ b/mwe/events/src/eventManager.cpp
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
void EventManager::shutdown() { subscribers.clear(); }
-void EventManager::subscribe(int eventType, std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper> && handler,
- int eventId) {
+void EventManager::subscribe(
+ int eventType, std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper> && handler, int eventId
+) {
if (eventId) {
int, std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IEventHandlerWrapper>>>>::
diff --git a/mwe/events/src/loopManager.cpp b/mwe/events/src/loopManager.cpp
index c58a5e7..7be10df 100644
--- a/mwe/events/src/loopManager.cpp
+++ b/mwe/events/src/loopManager.cpp
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ void onKey(const KeyPressedEvent & e) {
std::cout << "keycode pressed: " << keyCode << std::endl;
void onMouse(const MousePressedEvent & e) {
- fprintf(stderr, "mouse Position X: %d Y: %d\n", e.getMousePosition().first,
- e.getMousePosition().second);
+ fprintf(
+ stderr, "mouse Position X: %d Y: %d\n", e.getMousePosition().first,
+ e.getMousePosition().second
+ );
void LoopManager::setup() {
gameRunning = window.initWindow();
diff --git a/mwe/events/src/uiObject.cpp b/mwe/events/src/uiObject.cpp
index 947d1a2..6b5b326 100644
--- a/mwe/events/src/uiObject.cpp
+++ b/mwe/events/src/uiObject.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Text::Text(int width, int height)
: UIObject(width, height),
- color{255, 255, 255} { // Default size and color
+ color {255, 255, 255} { // Default size and color
alignment.horizontal = Alignment::Horizontal::CENTER;
alignment.vertical = Alignment::Vertical::MIDDLE;
alignment.mode = Alignment::PositioningMode::RELATIVE;
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ TextInput::TextInput(int width, int height)
- textColor{255, 255, 255},
- backgroundColor{0, 0, 0},
+ textColor {255, 255, 255},
+ backgroundColor {0, 0, 0},
font(nullptr) {
alignment.horizontal = Alignment::Horizontal::LEFT;
diff --git a/mwe/events/src/window.cpp b/mwe/events/src/window.cpp
index af2b627..5cdd425 100644
--- a/mwe/events/src/window.cpp
+++ b/mwe/events/src/window.cpp
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ bool WindowManager::initWindow() {
return false;
+ window = SDL_CreateWindow(
+ );
if (!window) {
std::cerr << "Error creating SDL Window.\n";
return false;
diff --git a/mwe/gameloop/include/gameObject.h b/mwe/gameloop/include/gameObject.h
index 2764215..1955b59 100644
--- a/mwe/gameloop/include/gameObject.h
+++ b/mwe/gameloop/include/gameObject.h
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
class GameObject {
- GameObject(std::string name, float x, float y, float width, float height, float velX,
- float velY);
+ GameObject(
+ std::string name, float x, float y, float width, float height, float velX, float velY
+ );
std::string getName() const;
float getX() const;
float getY() const;
diff --git a/mwe/gameloop/src/gameObject.cpp b/mwe/gameloop/src/gameObject.cpp
index 809e25f..31503d1 100644
--- a/mwe/gameloop/src/gameObject.cpp
+++ b/mwe/gameloop/src/gameObject.cpp
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ void GameObject::setVelX(float value) { velX = value; }
void GameObject::setVelY(float value) { velY = value; }
-GameObject::GameObject(std::string name, float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float velX, float velY)
+ std::string name, float x, float y, float width, float height, float velX, float velY
: name(name),
diff --git a/mwe/gameloop/src/loopManager.cpp b/mwe/gameloop/src/loopManager.cpp
index fb06995..70cea4c 100644
--- a/mwe/gameloop/src/loopManager.cpp
+++ b/mwe/gameloop/src/loopManager.cpp
@@ -18,11 +18,13 @@ void LoopManager::processInput() {
if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
gameRunning = false;
} else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_i) {
- LoopTimer::getInstance().setGameScale(LoopTimer::getInstance().getGameScale()
- + 0.1);
+ LoopTimer::getInstance().setGameScale(
+ LoopTimer::getInstance().getGameScale() + 0.1
+ );
} else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_k) {
- LoopTimer::getInstance().setGameScale(LoopTimer::getInstance().getGameScale()
- - 0.1);
+ LoopTimer::getInstance().setGameScale(
+ LoopTimer::getInstance().getGameScale() - 0.1
+ );
diff --git a/mwe/gameloop/src/window.cpp b/mwe/gameloop/src/window.cpp
index 8f802e1..df17773 100644
--- a/mwe/gameloop/src/window.cpp
+++ b/mwe/gameloop/src/window.cpp
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ bool WindowManager::initWindow() {
fprintf(stderr, "Error inititalising SDL.\n");
return false;
+ window = SDL_CreateWindow(
+ );
if (!window) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating SDL Window. \n");
return false;
diff --git a/mwe/resource-manager/main.cpp b/mwe/resource-manager/main.cpp
index 1910af8..e83d35f 100644
--- a/mwe/resource-manager/main.cpp
+++ b/mwe/resource-manager/main.cpp
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ int main() {
SDL_Event event;
- SDL_Window * window = SDL_CreateWindow("Tessting resources", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,
+ SDL_Window * window = SDL_CreateWindow(
+ );
SDL_Renderer * renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
diff --git a/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.cpp b/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.cpp
index 17792a6..82f8f24 100644
--- a/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.cpp
+++ b/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.cpp
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ MapLayer::MapLayer() {}
MapLayer::~MapLayer() { m_subsets.clear(); }
-bool MapLayer::create(const tmx::Map & map, std::uint32_t layerIndex,
- const std::vector<TextureMap *> & textures) {
+bool MapLayer::create(
+ const tmx::Map & map, std::uint32_t layerIndex, const std::vector<TextureMap *> & textures
+) {
const auto & layers = map.getLayers();
assert(layers[layerIndex]->getType() == tmx::Layer::Type::Tile);
@@ -68,9 +69,10 @@ bool MapLayer::create(const tmx::Map & map, std::uint32_t layerIndex,
vert = {{tilePosX + mapTileSize.x, tilePosY}, vertColour, {u + uNorm, v}};
- vert = {{tilePosX + mapTileSize.x, tilePosY + mapTileSize.y},
- vertColour,
- {u + uNorm, v + vNorm}};
+ vert
+ = {{tilePosX + mapTileSize.x, tilePosY + mapTileSize.y},
+ vertColour,
+ {u + uNorm, v + vNorm}};
@@ -89,7 +91,9 @@ bool MapLayer::create(const tmx::Map & map, std::uint32_t layerIndex,
void MapLayer::draw(SDL_Renderer * renderer) const {
for (const auto & s : m_subsets) {
- SDL_RenderGeometry(renderer, s.texture, s.vertexData.data(),
- static_cast<std::int32_t>(s.vertexData.size()), nullptr, 0);
+ SDL_RenderGeometry(
+ renderer, s.texture, s.vertexData.data(),
+ static_cast<std::int32_t>(s.vertexData.size()), nullptr, 0
+ );
diff --git a/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.h b/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.h
index fb656ed..2adbc0f 100644
--- a/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.h
+++ b/mwe/resource-manager/map_layer.h
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ public:
explicit MapLayer();
- bool create(const tmx::Map &, std::uint32_t index,
- const std::vector<TextureMap *> & textures);
+ bool
+ create(const tmx::Map &, std::uint32_t index, const std::vector<TextureMap *> & textures);
void draw(SDL_Renderer *) const;
diff --git a/mwe/resource-manager/stb_image.h b/mwe/resource-manager/stb_image.h
index 3462f3a..43fa6a6 100644
--- a/mwe/resource-manager/stb_image.h
+++ b/mwe/resource-manager/stb_image.h
@@ -409,9 +409,12 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct {
int (*read)(
void * user, char * data,
- int size); // fill 'data' with 'size' bytes. return number of bytes actually read
- void (*skip)(void * user,
- int n); // skip the next 'n' bytes, or 'unget' the last -n bytes if negative
+ int size
+ ); // fill 'data' with 'size' bytes. return number of bytes actually read
+ void (*skip)(
+ void * user,
+ int n
+ ); // skip the next 'n' bytes, or 'unget' the last -n bytes if negative
int (*eof)(void * user); // returns nonzero if we are at end of file/data
} stbi_io_callbacks;
@@ -420,24 +423,29 @@ typedef struct {
// 8-bits-per-channel interface
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user,
- int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_file(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load(
+ char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels
+STBIDEF stbi_uc *
+stbi_load_from_file(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
// for stbi_load_from_file, file pointer is left pointing immediately after image
#ifndef STBI_NO_GIF
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_gif_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int ** delays,
- int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp,
- int req_comp);
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_gif_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp,
+ int req_comp
@@ -449,17 +457,22 @@ STBIDEF int stbi_convert_wchar_to_utf8(char * buffer, size_t bufferlen, const wc
// 16-bits-per-channel interface
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user,
- int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_from_file_16(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16(
+ char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_from_file_16(
+ FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels
@@ -467,17 +480,21 @@ STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_from_file_16(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * chann
// float-per-channel interface
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x,
- int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
+STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_file(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels);
+STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf(
+ char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels
+STBIDEF float *
+stbi_loadf_from_file(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels);
@@ -507,10 +524,11 @@ STBIDEF const char * stbi_failure_reason(void);
STBIDEF void stbi_image_free(void * retval_from_stbi_load);
// get image dimensions & components without fully decoding
-STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp);
-STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x,
- int * y, int * comp);
+stbi_info_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
+STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * comp
STBIDEF int stbi_is_16_bit_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len);
STBIDEF int stbi_is_16_bit_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user);
@@ -542,17 +560,18 @@ STBIDEF void stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread(int flag_true_if_should_fli
// ZLIB client - used by PNG, available for other purposes
-STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(const char * buffer, int len,
- int initial_size, int * outlen);
-STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(const char * buffer, int len,
- int initial_size, int * outlen,
- int parse_header);
+STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(
+ const char * buffer, int len, int initial_size, int * outlen
+STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(
+ const char * buffer, int len, int initial_size, int * outlen, int parse_header
STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc(const char * buffer, int len, int * outlen);
STBIDEF int stbi_zlib_decode_buffer(char * obuffer, int olen, const char * ibuffer, int ilen);
STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_malloc(const char * buffer, int len, int * outlen);
-STBIDEF int stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_buffer(char * obuffer, int olen, const char * ibuffer,
- int ilen);
+stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_buffer(char * obuffer, int olen, const char * ibuffer, int ilen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@@ -910,68 +929,79 @@ typedef struct {
#ifndef STBI_NO_JPEG
static int stbi__jpeg_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__jpeg_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__jpeg_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__jpeg_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_PNG
static int stbi__png_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__png_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__png_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__png_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
static int stbi__png_is16(stbi__context * s);
#ifndef STBI_NO_BMP
static int stbi__bmp_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__bmp_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__bmp_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__bmp_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_TGA
static int stbi__tga_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__tga_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__tga_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__tga_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_PSD
static int stbi__psd_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__psd_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri, int bpc);
+static void * stbi__psd_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri,
+ int bpc
static int stbi__psd_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
static int stbi__psd_is16(stbi__context * s);
#ifndef STBI_NO_HDR
static int stbi__hdr_test(stbi__context * s);
-static float * stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static float * stbi__hdr_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__hdr_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_PIC
static int stbi__pic_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__pic_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__pic_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__pic_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_GIF
static int stbi__gif_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__gif_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
-static void * stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z,
- int * comp, int req_comp);
+static void * stbi__gif_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+static void * stbi__load_gif_main(
+ stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp, int req_comp
static int stbi__gif_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_PNM
static int stbi__pnm_test(stbi__context * s);
-static void * stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri);
+static void * stbi__pnm_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
static int stbi__pnm_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp);
static int stbi__pnm_is16(stbi__context * s);
@@ -1135,8 +1165,10 @@ STBIDEF void stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load_thread(int flag_true_if_should_fli
: stbi__vertically_flip_on_load_global)
-static void * stbi__load_main(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri, int bpc) {
+static void * stbi__load_main(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri,
+ int bpc
+) {
memset(ri, 0,
sizeof(*ri)); // make sure it's initialized if we add new fields
ri->bits_per_channel = 8; // default is 8 so most paths don't have to be changed
@@ -1198,9 +1230,8 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__convert_16_to_8(stbi__uint16 * orig, int w, int h, int ch
if (reduced == NULL) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory");
for (i = 0; i < img_len; ++i)
- reduced[i]
- = (stbi_uc) ((orig[i] >> 8)
- & 0xFF); // top half of each byte is sufficient approx of 16->8 bit scaling
+ reduced[i] = (stbi_uc) ((orig[i] >> 8) & 0xFF
+ ); // top half of each byte is sufficient approx of 16->8 bit scaling
return reduced;
@@ -1215,10 +1246,8 @@ static stbi__uint16 * stbi__convert_8_to_16(stbi_uc * orig, int w, int h, int ch
if (enlarged == NULL) return (stbi__uint16 *) stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory");
for (i = 0; i < img_len; ++i)
- enlarged[i]
- = (stbi__uint16) ((orig[i] << 8)
- + orig
- [i]); // replicate to high and low byte, maps 0->0, 255->0xffff
+ enlarged[i] = (stbi__uint16) ((orig[i] << 8) + orig[i]
+ ); // replicate to high and low byte, maps 0->0, 255->0xffff
return enlarged;
@@ -1248,8 +1277,8 @@ static void stbi__vertical_flip(void * image, int w, int h, int bytes_per_pixel)
#ifndef STBI_NO_GIF
-static void stbi__vertical_flip_slices(void * image, int w, int h, int z,
- int bytes_per_pixel) {
+static void
+stbi__vertical_flip_slices(void * image, int w, int h, int z, int bytes_per_pixel) {
int slice;
int slice_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel;
@@ -1261,8 +1290,9 @@ static void stbi__vertical_flip_slices(void * image, int w, int h, int z,
-static unsigned char * stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp, int req_comp) {
+static unsigned char * stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__result_info ri;
void * result = stbi__load_main(s, x, y, comp, req_comp, &ri, 8);
@@ -1272,8 +1302,9 @@ static unsigned char * stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(stbi__context * s, int *
STBI_ASSERT(ri.bits_per_channel == 8 || ri.bits_per_channel == 16);
if (ri.bits_per_channel != 8) {
- result = stbi__convert_16_to_8((stbi__uint16 *) result, *x, *y,
- req_comp == 0 ? *comp : req_comp);
+ result = stbi__convert_16_to_8(
+ (stbi__uint16 *) result, *x, *y, req_comp == 0 ? *comp : req_comp
+ );
ri.bits_per_channel = 8;
@@ -1287,8 +1318,9 @@ static unsigned char * stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(stbi__context * s, int *
return (unsigned char *) result;
-static stbi__uint16 * stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp, int req_comp) {
+static stbi__uint16 * stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__result_info ri;
void * result = stbi__load_main(s, x, y, comp, req_comp, &ri, 16);
@@ -1298,8 +1330,9 @@ static stbi__uint16 * stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(stbi__context * s, int *
STBI_ASSERT(ri.bits_per_channel == 8 || ri.bits_per_channel == 16);
if (ri.bits_per_channel != 16) {
- result = stbi__convert_8_to_16((stbi_uc *) result, *x, *y,
- req_comp == 0 ? *comp : req_comp);
+ result = stbi__convert_8_to_16(
+ (stbi_uc *) result, *x, *y, req_comp == 0 ? *comp : req_comp
+ );
ri.bits_per_channel = 16;
@@ -1315,8 +1348,8 @@ static stbi__uint16 * stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(stbi__context * s, int *
#if !defined(STBI_NO_HDR) && !defined(STBI_NO_LINEAR)
-static void stbi__float_postprocess(float * result, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+static void
+stbi__float_postprocess(float * result, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
if (stbi__vertically_flip_on_load && result != NULL) {
int channels = req_comp ? req_comp : *comp;
stbi__vertical_flip(result, *x, *y, channels * sizeof(float));
@@ -1328,19 +1361,22 @@ static void stbi__float_postprocess(float * result, int * x, int * y, int * comp
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8)
-__declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall MultiByteToWideChar(unsigned int cp, unsigned long flags,
- const char * str, int cbmb,
- wchar_t * widestr, int cchwide);
+__declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall MultiByteToWideChar(
+ unsigned int cp, unsigned long flags, const char * str, int cbmb, wchar_t * widestr,
+ int cchwide
STBI_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) int __stdcall WideCharToMultiByte(
unsigned int cp, unsigned long flags, const wchar_t * widestr, int cchwide, char * str,
- int cbmb, const char * defchar, int * used_default);
+ int cbmb, const char * defchar, int * used_default
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(STBI_WINDOWS_UTF8)
-STBIDEF int stbi_convert_wchar_to_utf8(char * buffer, size_t bufferlen,
- const wchar_t * input) {
- return WideCharToMultiByte(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, input, -1, buffer, (int) bufferlen, NULL,
- NULL);
+stbi_convert_wchar_to_utf8(char * buffer, size_t bufferlen, const wchar_t * input) {
+ return WideCharToMultiByte(
+ 65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, input, -1, buffer, (int) bufferlen, NULL, NULL
+ );
@@ -1350,13 +1386,16 @@ static FILE * stbi__fopen(char const * filename, char const * mode) {
wchar_t wMode[64];
wchar_t wFilename[1024];
if (0
- == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, filename, -1, wFilename,
- sizeof(wFilename) / sizeof(*wFilename)))
+ == MultiByteToWideChar(
+ 65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, filename, -1, wFilename,
+ sizeof(wFilename) / sizeof(*wFilename)
+ ))
return 0;
if (0
- == MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, mode, -1, wMode,
- sizeof(wMode) / sizeof(*wMode)))
+ == MultiByteToWideChar(
+ 65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, mode, -1, wMode, sizeof(wMode) / sizeof(*wMode)
+ ))
return 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
@@ -1373,8 +1412,8 @@ static FILE * stbi__fopen(char const * filename, char const * mode) {
return f;
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi_uc *
+stbi_load(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
FILE * f = stbi__fopen(filename, "rb");
unsigned char * result;
if (!f) return stbi__errpuc("can't fopen", "Unable to open file");
@@ -1395,8 +1434,8 @@ STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_file(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * comp, in
return result;
-STBIDEF stbi__uint16 * stbi_load_from_file_16(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi__uint16 *
+stbi_load_from_file_16(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
stbi__uint16 * result;
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_file(&s, f);
@@ -1408,8 +1447,8 @@ STBIDEF stbi__uint16 * stbi_load_from_file_16(FILE * f, int * x, int * y, int *
return result;
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi_us *
+stbi_load_16(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
FILE * f = stbi__fopen(filename, "rb");
stbi__uint16 * result;
if (!f) return (stbi_us *) stbi__errpuc("can't fopen", "Unable to open file");
@@ -1420,39 +1459,45 @@ STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16(char const * filename, int * x, int * y, int * co
#endif //!STBI_NO_STDIO
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * channels_in_file, int desired_channels) {
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_mem(&s, buffer, len);
return stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(&s, x, y, channels_in_file, desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user,
- int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
- int desired_channels) {
+STBIDEF stbi_us * stbi_load_16_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * channels_in_file,
+ int desired_channels
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_callbacks(&s, (stbi_io_callbacks *) clbk, user);
return stbi__load_and_postprocess_16bit(&s, x, y, channels_in_file, desired_channels);
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp, int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_mem(&s, buffer, len);
return stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(&s, x, y, comp, req_comp);
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user,
- int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_callbacks(&s, (stbi_io_callbacks *) clbk, user);
return stbi__load_and_postprocess_8bit(&s, x, y, comp, req_comp);
#ifndef STBI_NO_GIF
-STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_gif_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int ** delays,
- int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_gif_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp,
+ int req_comp
+) {
unsigned char * result;
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_mem(&s, buffer, len);
@@ -1467,8 +1512,8 @@ STBIDEF stbi_uc * stbi_load_gif_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int
-static float * stbi__loadf_main(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+static float *
+stbi__loadf_main(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
unsigned char * data;
#ifndef STBI_NO_HDR
if (stbi__hdr_test(s)) {
@@ -1483,15 +1528,17 @@ static float * stbi__loadf_main(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp,
return stbi__errpf("unknown image type", "Image not of any known type, or corrupt");
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp, int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_memory(
+ stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_mem(&s, buffer, len);
return stbi__loadf_main(&s, x, y, comp, req_comp);
-STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x,
- int * y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
+STBIDEF float * stbi_loadf_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * clbk, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_callbacks(&s, (stbi_io_callbacks *) clbk, user);
return stbi__loadf_main(&s, x, y, comp, req_comp);
@@ -1745,8 +1792,9 @@ static stbi_uc stbi__compute_y(int r, int g, int b) {
&& defined(STBI_NO_PNM)
// nothing
-static unsigned char * stbi__convert_format(unsigned char * data, int img_n, int req_comp,
- unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
+static unsigned char * stbi__convert_format(
+ unsigned char * data, int img_n, int req_comp, unsigned int x, unsigned int y
+) {
int i, j;
unsigned char * good;
@@ -1843,8 +1891,9 @@ static stbi__uint16 stbi__compute_y_16(int r, int g, int b) {
#if defined(STBI_NO_PNG) && defined(STBI_NO_PSD)
// nothing
-static stbi__uint16 * stbi__convert_format16(stbi__uint16 * data, int img_n, int req_comp,
- unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
+static stbi__uint16 * stbi__convert_format16(
+ stbi__uint16 * data, int img_n, int req_comp, unsigned int x, unsigned int y
+) {
int i, j;
stbi__uint16 * good;
@@ -1920,8 +1969,9 @@ static stbi__uint16 * stbi__convert_format16(stbi__uint16 * data, int img_n, int
- return (stbi__uint16 *) stbi__errpuc("unsupported",
- "Unsupported format conversion");
+ return (stbi__uint16 *) stbi__errpuc(
+ "unsupported", "Unsupported format conversion"
+ );
#undef STBI__CASE
@@ -2079,10 +2129,13 @@ typedef struct {
// kernels
void (*idct_block_kernel)(stbi_uc * out, int out_stride, short data[64]);
- void (*YCbCr_to_RGB_kernel)(stbi_uc * out, const stbi_uc * y, const stbi_uc * pcb,
- const stbi_uc * pcr, int count, int step);
- stbi_uc * (*resample_row_hv_2_kernel)(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far,
- int w, int hs);
+ void (*YCbCr_to_RGB_kernel)(
+ stbi_uc * out, const stbi_uc * y, const stbi_uc * pcb, const stbi_uc * pcr, int count,
+ int step
+ );
+ stbi_uc * (*resample_row_hv_2_kernel)(
+ stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs
+ );
} stbi__jpeg;
static int stbi__build_huffman(stbi__huffman * h, int * count) {
@@ -2215,8 +2268,9 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(stbi__jpeg * j, stbi__huffman * h)
c = ((j->code_buffer >> (32 - k)) & stbi__bmask[k]) + h->delta[k];
if (c < 0 || c >= 256) // symbol id out of bounds!
return -1;
- STBI_ASSERT((((j->code_buffer) >> (32 - h->size[c])) & stbi__bmask[h->size[c]])
- == h->code[c]);
+ (((j->code_buffer) >> (32 - h->size[c])) & stbi__bmask[h->size[c]]) == h->code[c]
+ );
// convert the id to a symbol
j->code_bits -= k;
@@ -2280,9 +2334,10 @@ static const stbi_uc stbi__jpeg_dezigzag[64 + 15]
63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63};
// decode one 64-entry block--
-static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hdc,
- stbi__huffman * hac, stbi__int16 * fac, int b,
- stbi__uint16 * dequant) {
+static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(
+ stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hdc, stbi__huffman * hac,
+ stbi__int16 * fac, int b, stbi__uint16 * dequant
+) {
int diff, dc, k;
int t;
@@ -2314,8 +2369,9 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman
k += (r >> 4) & 15; // run
s = r & 15; // combined length
if (s > j->code_bits)
- return stbi__err("bad huffman code",
- "Combined length longer than code bits available");
+ return stbi__err(
+ "bad huffman code", "Combined length longer than code bits available"
+ );
j->code_buffer <<= s;
j->code_bits -= s;
// decode into unzigzag'd location
@@ -2340,8 +2396,8 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman
return 1;
-static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hdc,
- int b) {
+static int
+stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hdc, int b) {
int diff, dc;
int t;
if (j->spec_end != 0) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG");
@@ -2371,8 +2427,9 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi_
// @OPTIMIZE: store non-zigzagged during the decode passes,
// and only de-zigzag when dequantizing
-static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hac,
- stbi__int16 * fac) {
+static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(
+ stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi__huffman * hac, stbi__int16 * fac
+) {
int k;
if (j->spec_start == 0) return stbi__err("can't merge dc and ac", "Corrupt JPEG");
@@ -2395,8 +2452,9 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi_
k += (r >> 4) & 15; // run
s = r & 15; // combined length
if (s > j->code_bits)
- return stbi__err("bad huffman code",
- "Combined length longer than code bits available");
+ return stbi__err(
+ "bad huffman code", "Combined length longer than code bits available"
+ );
j->code_buffer <<= s;
j->code_bits -= s;
zig = stbi__jpeg_dezigzag[k++];
@@ -2443,7 +2501,8 @@ static int stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(stbi__jpeg * j, short data[64], stbi_
int r, s;
int rs = stbi__jpeg_huff_decode(
- hac); // @OPTIMIZE see if we can use the fast path here, advance-by-r is so slow, eh
+ hac
+ ); // @OPTIMIZE see if we can use the fast path here, advance-by-r is so slow, eh
if (rs < 0) return stbi__err("bad huffman code", "Corrupt JPEG");
s = rs & 15;
r = rs >> 4;
@@ -2691,18 +2750,24 @@ static void stbi__idct_simd(stbi_uc * out, int out_stride, short data[64]) {
= dct_const(stbi__f2f(0.5411961f), stbi__f2f(0.5411961f) + stbi__f2f(-1.847759065f));
__m128i rot0_1
= dct_const(stbi__f2f(0.5411961f) + stbi__f2f(0.765366865f), stbi__f2f(0.5411961f));
- __m128i rot1_0 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(1.175875602f) + stbi__f2f(-0.899976223f),
- stbi__f2f(1.175875602f));
- __m128i rot1_1 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(1.175875602f),
- stbi__f2f(1.175875602f) + stbi__f2f(-2.562915447f));
- __m128i rot2_0 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f) + stbi__f2f(0.298631336f),
- stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f));
- __m128i rot2_1 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f),
- stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f) + stbi__f2f(3.072711026f));
- __m128i rot3_0 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f) + stbi__f2f(2.053119869f),
- stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f));
- __m128i rot3_1 = dct_const(stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f),
- stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f) + stbi__f2f(1.501321110f));
+ __m128i rot1_0 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(1.175875602f) + stbi__f2f(-0.899976223f), stbi__f2f(1.175875602f)
+ );
+ __m128i rot1_1 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(1.175875602f), stbi__f2f(1.175875602f) + stbi__f2f(-2.562915447f)
+ );
+ __m128i rot2_0 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f) + stbi__f2f(0.298631336f), stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f)
+ );
+ __m128i rot2_1 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f), stbi__f2f(-1.961570560f) + stbi__f2f(3.072711026f)
+ );
+ __m128i rot3_0 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f) + stbi__f2f(2.053119869f), stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f)
+ );
+ __m128i rot3_1 = dct_const(
+ stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f), stbi__f2f(-0.390180644f) + stbi__f2f(1.501321110f)
+ );
// rounding biases in column/row passes, see stbi__idct_block for explanation.
__m128i bias_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(512);
@@ -3091,13 +3156,15 @@ static int stbi__parse_entropy_coded_data(stbi__jpeg * z) {
for (j = 0; j < h; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
int ha = z->img_comp[n].ha;
- if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block(z, data, z->huff_dc + z->img_comp[n].hd,
- z->huff_ac + ha, z->fast_ac[ha], n,
- z->dequant[z->img_comp[n].tq]))
+ if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block(
+ z, data, z->huff_dc + z->img_comp[n].hd, z->huff_ac + ha,
+ z->fast_ac[ha], n, z->dequant[z->img_comp[n].tq]
+ ))
return 0;
- z->idct_block_kernel(z->img_comp[n].data + z->img_comp[n].w2 * j * 8
- + i * 8,
- z->img_comp[n].w2, data);
+ z->idct_block_kernel(
+ z->img_comp[n].data + z->img_comp[n].w2 * j * 8 + i * 8,
+ z->img_comp[n].w2, data
+ );
// every data block is an MCU, so countdown the restart interval
if (--z->todo <= 0) {
if (z->code_bits < 24) stbi__grow_buffer_unsafe(z);
@@ -3124,14 +3191,16 @@ static int stbi__parse_entropy_coded_data(stbi__jpeg * z) {
int x2 = (i * z->img_comp[n].h + x) * 8;
int y2 = (j * z->img_comp[n].v + y) * 8;
int ha = z->img_comp[n].ha;
- if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block(z, data,
- z->huff_dc + z->img_comp[n].hd,
- z->huff_ac + ha, z->fast_ac[ha],
- n, z->dequant[z->img_comp[n].tq]))
+ if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block(
+ z, data, z->huff_dc + z->img_comp[n].hd,
+ z->huff_ac + ha, z->fast_ac[ha], n,
+ z->dequant[z->img_comp[n].tq]
+ ))
return 0;
- z->idct_block_kernel(z->img_comp[n].data
- + z->img_comp[n].w2 * y2 + x2,
- z->img_comp[n].w2, data);
+ z->idct_block_kernel(
+ z->img_comp[n].data + z->img_comp[n].w2 * y2 + x2,
+ z->img_comp[n].w2, data
+ );
@@ -3162,12 +3231,14 @@ static int stbi__parse_entropy_coded_data(stbi__jpeg * z) {
= z->img_comp[n].coeff + 64 * (i + j * z->img_comp[n].coeff_w);
if (z->spec_start == 0) {
if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(
- z, data, &z->huff_dc[z->img_comp[n].hd], n))
+ z, data, &z->huff_dc[z->img_comp[n].hd], n
+ ))
return 0;
} else {
int ha = z->img_comp[n].ha;
- if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(z, data, &z->huff_ac[ha],
- z->fast_ac[ha]))
+ if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_ac(
+ z, data, &z->huff_ac[ha], z->fast_ac[ha]
+ ))
return 0;
// every data block is an MCU, so countdown the restart interval
@@ -3195,7 +3266,8 @@ static int stbi__parse_entropy_coded_data(stbi__jpeg * z) {
short * data = z->img_comp[n].coeff
+ 64 * (x2 + y2 * z->img_comp[n].coeff_w);
if (!stbi__jpeg_decode_block_prog_dc(
- z, data, &z->huff_dc[z->img_comp[n].hd], n))
+ z, data, &z->huff_dc[z->img_comp[n].hd], n
+ ))
return 0;
@@ -3231,9 +3303,10 @@ static void stbi__jpeg_finish(stbi__jpeg * z) {
short * data
= z->img_comp[n].coeff + 64 * (i + j * z->img_comp[n].coeff_w);
stbi__jpeg_dequantize(data, z->dequant[z->img_comp[n].tq]);
- z->idct_block_kernel(z->img_comp[n].data + z->img_comp[n].w2 * j * 8
- + i * 8,
- z->img_comp[n].w2, data);
+ z->idct_block_kernel(
+ z->img_comp[n].data + z->img_comp[n].w2 * j * 8 + i * 8,
+ z->img_comp[n].w2, data
+ );
@@ -3283,7 +3356,8 @@ static int stbi__process_marker(stbi__jpeg * z, int m) {
if (n > 256)
return stbi__err(
"bad DHT header",
- "Corrupt JPEG"); // Loop over i < n would write past end of values!
+ "Corrupt JPEG"
+ ); // Loop over i < n would write past end of values!
L -= 17;
if (tc == 0) {
if (!stbi__build_huffman(z->huff_dc + th, sizes)) return 0;
@@ -3410,13 +3484,16 @@ static int stbi__process_frame_header(stbi__jpeg * z, int scan) {
if (Lf < 11) return stbi__err("bad SOF len", "Corrupt JPEG"); // JPEG
p = stbi__get8(s);
if (p != 8)
- return stbi__err("only 8-bit",
- "JPEG format not supported: 8-bit only"); // JPEG baseline
+ return stbi__err(
+ "only 8-bit",
+ "JPEG format not supported: 8-bit only"
+ ); // JPEG baseline
s->img_y = stbi__get16be(s);
if (s->img_y == 0)
return stbi__err(
"no header height",
- "JPEG format not supported: delayed height"); // Legal, but we don't handle it--but neither does IJG
+ "JPEG format not supported: delayed height"
+ ); // Legal, but we don't handle it--but neither does IJG
s->img_x = stbi__get16be(s);
if (s->img_x == 0) return stbi__err("0 width", "Corrupt JPEG"); // JPEG requires
if (s->img_y > STBI_MAX_DIMENSIONS)
@@ -3493,8 +3570,9 @@ static int stbi__process_frame_header(stbi__jpeg * z, int scan) {
z->img_comp[i].linebuf = NULL;
z->img_comp[i].raw_data = stbi__malloc_mad2(z->img_comp[i].w2, z->img_comp[i].h2, 15);
if (z->img_comp[i].raw_data == NULL)
- return stbi__free_jpeg_components(z, i + 1,
- stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"));
+ return stbi__free_jpeg_components(
+ z, i + 1, stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory")
+ );
// align blocks for idct using mmx/sse
z->img_comp[i].data = (stbi_uc *) (((size_t) z->img_comp[i].raw_data + 15) & ~15);
if (z->progressive) {
@@ -3504,8 +3582,9 @@ static int stbi__process_frame_header(stbi__jpeg * z, int scan) {
= stbi__malloc_mad3(z->img_comp[i].w2, z->img_comp[i].h2, sizeof(short), 15);
if (z->img_comp[i].raw_coeff == NULL)
- return stbi__free_jpeg_components(z, i + 1,
- stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory"));
+ return stbi__free_jpeg_components(
+ z, i + 1, stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory")
+ );
z->img_comp[i].coeff = (short *) (((size_t) z->img_comp[i].raw_coeff + 15) & ~15);
@@ -3603,13 +3682,14 @@ static int stbi__decode_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg * j) {
// static jfif-centered resampling (across block boundaries)
-typedef stbi_uc * (*resample_row_func)(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in0, stbi_uc * in1, int w,
- int hs);
+typedef stbi_uc * (*resample_row_func)(
+ stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in0, stbi_uc * in1, int w, int hs
#define stbi__div4(x) ((stbi_uc) ((x) >> 2))
-static stbi_uc * resample_row_1(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w,
- int hs) {
+static stbi_uc *
+resample_row_1(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
@@ -3617,8 +3697,8 @@ static stbi_uc * resample_row_1(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_f
return in_near;
-static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_v_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far,
- int w, int hs) {
+static stbi_uc *
+stbi__resample_row_v_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
// need to generate two samples vertically for every one in input
int i;
@@ -3626,8 +3706,8 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_v_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_u
return out;
-static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_h_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far,
- int w, int hs) {
+static stbi_uc *
+stbi__resample_row_h_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
// need to generate two samples horizontally for every one in input
int i;
stbi_uc * input = in_near;
@@ -3656,8 +3736,8 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_h_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_u
#define stbi__div16(x) ((stbi_uc) ((x) >> 4))
-static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_hv_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far,
- int w, int hs) {
+static stbi_uc *
+stbi__resample_row_hv_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
// need to generate 2x2 samples for every one in input
int i, t0, t1;
if (w == 1) {
@@ -3681,8 +3761,9 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_hv_2(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_
#if defined(STBI_SSE2) || defined(STBI_NEON)
-static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_hv_2_simd(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near,
- stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
+static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_hv_2_simd(
+ stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs
+) {
// need to generate 2x2 samples for every one in input
int i = 0, t0, t1;
@@ -3797,8 +3878,8 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_hv_2_simd(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near,
-static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_generic(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far,
- int w, int hs) {
+static stbi_uc *
+stbi__resample_row_generic(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, stbi_uc * in_far, int w, int hs) {
// resample with nearest-neighbor
int i, j;
@@ -3810,8 +3891,10 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__resample_row_generic(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc * in_near, st
// this is a reduced-precision calculation of YCbCr-to-RGB introduced
// to make sure the code produces the same results in both SIMD and scalar
#define stbi__float2fixed(x) (((int) ((x) * 4096.0f + 0.5f)) << 8)
-static void stbi__YCbCr_to_RGB_row(stbi_uc * out, const stbi_uc * y, const stbi_uc * pcb,
- const stbi_uc * pcr, int count, int step) {
+static void stbi__YCbCr_to_RGB_row(
+ stbi_uc * out, const stbi_uc * y, const stbi_uc * pcb, const stbi_uc * pcr, int count,
+ int step
+) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int y_fixed = (y[i] << 20) + (1 << 19); // rounding
@@ -3846,8 +3929,10 @@ static void stbi__YCbCr_to_RGB_row(stbi_uc * out, const stbi_uc * y, const stbi_
#if defined(STBI_SSE2) || defined(STBI_NEON)
-static void stbi__YCbCr_to_RGB_simd(stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc const * y, stbi_uc const * pcb,
- stbi_uc const * pcr, int count, int step) {
+static void stbi__YCbCr_to_RGB_simd(
+ stbi_uc * out, stbi_uc const * y, stbi_uc const * pcb, stbi_uc const * pcr, int count,
+ int step
+) {
int i = 0;
#ifdef STBI_SSE2
@@ -4031,8 +4116,8 @@ static stbi_uc stbi__blinn_8x8(stbi_uc x, stbi_uc y) {
return (stbi_uc) ((t + (t >> 8)) >> 8);
-static stbi_uc * load_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg * z, int * out_x, int * out_y, int * comp,
- int req_comp) {
+static stbi_uc *
+load_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg * z, int * out_x, int * out_y, int * comp, int req_comp) {
int n, decode_n, is_rgb;
z->s->img_n = 0; // make stbi__cleanup_jpeg safe
@@ -4107,8 +4192,10 @@ static stbi_uc * load_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg * z, int * out_x, int * out_y, int *
for (k = 0; k < decode_n; ++k) {
stbi__resample * r = &res_comp[k];
int y_bot = r->ystep >= (r->vs >> 1);
- coutput[k] = r->resample(z->img_comp[k].linebuf, y_bot ? r->line1 : r->line0,
- y_bot ? r->line0 : r->line1, r->w_lores, r->hs);
+ coutput[k] = r->resample(
+ z->img_comp[k].linebuf, y_bot ? r->line1 : r->line0,
+ y_bot ? r->line0 : r->line1, r->w_lores, r->hs
+ );
if (++r->ystep >= r->vs) {
r->ystep = 0;
r->line0 = r->line1;
@@ -4206,8 +4293,9 @@ static stbi_uc * load_jpeg_image(stbi__jpeg * z, int * out_x, int * out_y, int *
-static void * stbi__jpeg_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__jpeg_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
unsigned char * result;
stbi__jpeg * j = (stbi__jpeg *) stbi__malloc(sizeof(stbi__jpeg));
if (!j) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory");
@@ -4432,8 +4520,10 @@ stbi_inline static int stbi__zhuffman_decode(stbi__zbuf * a, stbi__zhuffman * z)
return stbi__zhuffman_decode_slowpath(a, z);
-static int stbi__zexpand(stbi__zbuf * z, char * zout,
- int n) // need to make room for n bytes
+static int stbi__zexpand(
+ stbi__zbuf * z, char * zout,
+ int n
+) // need to make room for n bytes
char * q;
unsigned int cur, limit, old_limit;
@@ -4500,7 +4590,8 @@ static int stbi__parse_huffman_block(stbi__zbuf * a) {
if (z >= 286)
return stbi__err(
"bad huffman code",
- "Corrupt PNG"); // per DEFLATE, length codes 286 and 287 must not appear in compressed data
+ "Corrupt PNG"
+ ); // per DEFLATE, length codes 286 and 287 must not appear in compressed data
z -= 257;
len = stbi__zlength_base[z];
if (stbi__zlength_extra[z]) len += stbi__zreceive(a, stbi__zlength_extra[z]);
@@ -4508,7 +4599,8 @@ static int stbi__parse_huffman_block(stbi__zbuf * a) {
if (z < 0 || z >= 30)
return stbi__err(
"bad huffman code",
- "Corrupt PNG"); // per DEFLATE, distance codes 30 and 31 must not appear in compressed data
+ "Corrupt PNG"
+ ); // per DEFLATE, distance codes 30 and 31 must not appear in compressed data
dist = stbi__zdist_base[z];
if (stbi__zdist_extra[z]) dist += stbi__zreceive(a, stbi__zdist_extra[z]);
if (zout - a->zout_start < dist) return stbi__err("bad dist", "Corrupt PNG");
@@ -4617,8 +4709,10 @@ static int stbi__parse_zlib_header(stbi__zbuf * a) {
if ((cmf * 256 + flg) % 31 != 0)
return stbi__err("bad zlib header", "Corrupt PNG"); // zlib spec
if (flg & 32)
- return stbi__err("no preset dict",
- "Corrupt PNG"); // preset dictionary not allowed in png
+ return stbi__err(
+ "no preset dict",
+ "Corrupt PNG"
+ ); // preset dictionary not allowed in png
if (cm != 8)
return stbi__err("bad compression",
"Corrupt PNG"); // DEFLATE required for png
@@ -4692,8 +4786,9 @@ static int stbi__do_zlib(stbi__zbuf * a, char * obuf, int olen, int exp, int par
return stbi__parse_zlib(a, parse_header);
-STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(const char * buffer, int len,
- int initial_size, int * outlen) {
+STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(
+ const char * buffer, int len, int initial_size, int * outlen
+) {
stbi__zbuf a;
char * p = (char *) stbi__malloc(initial_size);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
@@ -4712,9 +4807,9 @@ STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc(char const * buffer, int len, int * outle
return stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize(buffer, len, 16384, outlen);
-STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(const char * buffer, int len,
- int initial_size, int * outlen,
- int parse_header) {
+STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(
+ const char * buffer, int len, int initial_size, int * outlen, int parse_header
+) {
stbi__zbuf a;
char * p = (char *) stbi__malloc(initial_size);
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
@@ -4752,8 +4847,8 @@ STBIDEF char * stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_malloc(char const * buffer, int len, in
-STBIDEF int stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_buffer(char * obuffer, int olen, const char * ibuffer,
- int ilen) {
+stbi_zlib_decode_noheader_buffer(char * obuffer, int olen, const char * ibuffer, int ilen) {
stbi__zbuf a;
a.zbuffer = (stbi_uc *) ibuffer;
a.zbuffer_end = (stbi_uc *) ibuffer + ilen;
@@ -4831,8 +4926,8 @@ static const stbi_uc stbi__depth_scale_table[9] = {0, 0xff, 0x55, 0, 0x11, 0, 0,
// adds an extra all-255 alpha channel
// dest == src is legal
// img_n must be 1 or 3
-static void stbi__create_png_alpha_expand8(stbi_uc * dest, stbi_uc * src, stbi__uint32 x,
- int img_n) {
+static void
+stbi__create_png_alpha_expand8(stbi_uc * dest, stbi_uc * src, stbi__uint32 x, int img_n) {
int i;
// must process data backwards since we allow dest==src
if (img_n == 1) {
@@ -4852,9 +4947,10 @@ static void stbi__create_png_alpha_expand8(stbi_uc * dest, stbi_uc * src, stbi__
// create the png data from post-deflated data
-static int stbi__create_png_image_raw(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * raw, stbi__uint32 raw_len,
- int out_n, stbi__uint32 x, stbi__uint32 y, int depth,
- int color) {
+static int stbi__create_png_image_raw(
+ stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * raw, stbi__uint32 raw_len, int out_n, stbi__uint32 x,
+ stbi__uint32 y, int depth, int color
+) {
int bytes = (depth == 16 ? 2 : 1);
stbi__context * s = a->s;
stbi__uint32 i, j, stride = x * out_n * bytes;
@@ -4869,8 +4965,10 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image_raw(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * raw, stbi__uint32
int width = x;
STBI_ASSERT(out_n == s->img_n || out_n == s->img_n + 1);
- a->out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(x, y, output_bytes,
- 0); // extra bytes to write off the end into
+ a->out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(
+ x, y, output_bytes,
+ 0
+ ); // extra bytes to write off the end into
if (!a->out) return stbi__err("outofmem", "Out of memory");
// note: error exits here don't need to clean up a->out individually,
@@ -4937,11 +5035,13 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image_raw(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * raw, stbi__uint32
case STBI__F_paeth:
for (k = 0; k < filter_bytes; ++k)
cur[k] = STBI__BYTECAST(
- raw[k] + prior[k]); // prior[k] == stbi__paeth(0,prior[k],0)
+ raw[k] + prior[k]
+ ); // prior[k] == stbi__paeth(0,prior[k],0)
for (k = filter_bytes; k < nk; ++k)
- cur[k] = STBI__BYTECAST(raw[k]
- + stbi__paeth(cur[k - filter_bytes], prior[k],
- prior[k - filter_bytes]));
+ cur[k] = STBI__BYTECAST(
+ raw[k]
+ + stbi__paeth(cur[k - filter_bytes], prior[k], prior[k - filter_bytes])
+ );
case STBI__F_avg_first:
memcpy(cur, raw, filter_bytes);
@@ -5022,16 +5122,18 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image_raw(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * raw, stbi__uint32
return 1;
-static int stbi__create_png_image(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * image_data,
- stbi__uint32 image_data_len, int out_n, int depth, int color,
- int interlaced) {
+static int stbi__create_png_image(
+ stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * image_data, stbi__uint32 image_data_len, int out_n, int depth,
+ int color, int interlaced
+) {
int bytes = (depth == 16 ? 2 : 1);
int out_bytes = out_n * bytes;
stbi_uc * final;
int p;
if (!interlaced)
- return stbi__create_png_image_raw(a, image_data, image_data_len, out_n, a->s->img_x,
- a->s->img_y, depth, color);
+ return stbi__create_png_image_raw(
+ a, image_data, image_data_len, out_n, a->s->img_x, a->s->img_y, depth, color
+ );
// de-interlacing
final = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad3(a->s->img_x, a->s->img_y, out_bytes, 0);
@@ -5047,8 +5149,9 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * image_data,
y = (a->s->img_y - yorig[p] + yspc[p] - 1) / yspc[p];
if (x && y) {
stbi__uint32 img_len = ((((a->s->img_n * x * depth) + 7) >> 3) + 1) * y;
- if (!stbi__create_png_image_raw(a, image_data, image_data_len, out_n, x, y, depth,
- color)) {
+ if (!stbi__create_png_image_raw(
+ a, image_data, image_data_len, out_n, x, y, depth, color
+ )) {
return 0;
@@ -5056,8 +5159,10 @@ static int stbi__create_png_image(stbi__png * a, stbi_uc * image_data,
for (i = 0; i < x; ++i) {
int out_y = j * yspc[p] + yorig[p];
int out_x = i * xspc[p] + xorig[p];
- memcpy(final + out_y * a->s->img_x * out_bytes + out_x * out_bytes,
- a->out + (j * x + i) * out_bytes, out_bytes);
+ memcpy(
+ final + out_y * a->s->img_x * out_bytes + out_x * out_bytes,
+ a->out + (j * x + i) * out_bytes, out_bytes
+ );
@@ -5270,8 +5375,9 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png * z, int scan, int req_comp) {
z->depth = stbi__get8(s);
if (z->depth != 1 && z->depth != 2 && z->depth != 4 && z->depth != 8
&& z->depth != 16)
- return stbi__err("1/2/4/8/16-bit only",
- "PNG not supported: 1/2/4/8/16-bit only");
+ return stbi__err(
+ "1/2/4/8/16-bit only", "PNG not supported: 1/2/4/8/16-bit only"
+ );
color = stbi__get8(s);
if (color > 6) return stbi__err("bad ctype", "Corrupt PNG");
if (color == 3 && z->depth == 16) return stbi__err("bad ctype", "Corrupt PNG");
@@ -5385,15 +5491,17 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png * z, int scan, int req_comp) {
raw_len = bpl * s->img_y * s->img_n /* pixels */
+ s->img_y /* filter mode per row */;
z->expanded = (stbi_uc *) stbi_zlib_decode_malloc_guesssize_headerflag(
- (char *) z->idata, ioff, raw_len, (int *) &raw_len, !is_iphone);
+ (char *) z->idata, ioff, raw_len, (int *) &raw_len, !is_iphone
+ );
if (z->expanded == NULL) return 0; // zlib should set error
z->idata = NULL;
if ((req_comp == s->img_n + 1 && req_comp != 3 && !pal_img_n) || has_trans)
s->img_out_n = s->img_n + 1;
else s->img_out_n = s->img_n;
- if (!stbi__create_png_image(z, z->expanded, raw_len, s->img_out_n, z->depth,
- color, interlace))
+ if (!stbi__create_png_image(
+ z, z->expanded, raw_len, s->img_out_n, z->depth, color, interlace
+ ))
return 0;
if (has_trans) {
if (z->depth == 16) {
@@ -5432,8 +5540,9 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png * z, int scan, int req_comp) {
invalid_chunk[2] = STBI__BYTECAST(c.type >> 8);
invalid_chunk[3] = STBI__BYTECAST(c.type >> 0);
- return stbi__err(invalid_chunk,
- "PNG not supported: unknown PNG chunk type");
+ return stbi__err(
+ invalid_chunk, "PNG not supported: unknown PNG chunk type"
+ );
stbi__skip(s, c.length);
@@ -5443,25 +5552,30 @@ static int stbi__parse_png_file(stbi__png * z, int scan, int req_comp) {
-static void * stbi__do_png(stbi__png * p, int * x, int * y, int * n, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void *
+stbi__do_png(stbi__png * p, int * x, int * y, int * n, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri) {
void * result = NULL;
if (req_comp < 0 || req_comp > 4) return stbi__errpuc("bad req_comp", "Internal error");
if (stbi__parse_png_file(p, STBI__SCAN_load, req_comp)) {
if (p->depth <= 8) ri->bits_per_channel = 8;
else if (p->depth == 16) ri->bits_per_channel = 16;
- return stbi__errpuc("bad bits_per_channel",
- "PNG not supported: unsupported color depth");
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "bad bits_per_channel", "PNG not supported: unsupported color depth"
+ );
result = p->out;
p->out = NULL;
if (req_comp && req_comp != p->s->img_out_n) {
if (ri->bits_per_channel == 8)
- result = stbi__convert_format((unsigned char *) result, p->s->img_out_n,
- req_comp, p->s->img_x, p->s->img_y);
+ result = stbi__convert_format(
+ (unsigned char *) result, p->s->img_out_n, req_comp, p->s->img_x,
+ p->s->img_y
+ );
- result = stbi__convert_format16((stbi__uint16 *) result, p->s->img_out_n,
- req_comp, p->s->img_x, p->s->img_y);
+ result = stbi__convert_format16(
+ (stbi__uint16 *) result, p->s->img_out_n, req_comp, p->s->img_x,
+ p->s->img_y
+ );
p->s->img_out_n = req_comp;
if (result == NULL) return result;
@@ -5479,8 +5593,9 @@ static void * stbi__do_png(stbi__png * p, int * x, int * y, int * n, int req_com
return result;
-static void * stbi__png_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__png_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
stbi__png p;
p.s = s;
return stbi__do_png(&p, x, y, comp, req_comp, ri);
@@ -5667,12 +5782,16 @@ static void * stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context * s, stbi__bmp_data * info) {
if (compress == 1 || compress == 2)
return stbi__errpuc("BMP RLE", "BMP type not supported: RLE");
if (compress >= 4)
- return stbi__errpuc("BMP JPEG/PNG",
- "BMP type not supported: unsupported "
- "compression"); // this includes PNG/JPEG modes
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "BMP type not supported: unsupported "
+ "compression"
+ ); // this includes PNG/JPEG modes
if (compress == 3 && info->bpp != 16 && info->bpp != 32)
- return stbi__errpuc("bad BMP",
- "bad BMP"); // bitfields requires 16 or 32 bits/pixel
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "bad BMP",
+ "bad BMP"
+ ); // bitfields requires 16 or 32 bits/pixel
stbi__get32le(s); // discard sizeof
stbi__get32le(s); // discard hres
stbi__get32le(s); // discard vres
@@ -5723,8 +5842,9 @@ static void * stbi__bmp_parse_header(stbi__context * s, stbi__bmp_data * info) {
return (void *) 1;
-static void * stbi__bmp_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__bmp_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
stbi_uc * out;
unsigned int mr = 0, mg = 0, mb = 0, ma = 0, all_a;
stbi_uc pal[256][4];
@@ -5804,8 +5924,9 @@ static void * stbi__bmp_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, in
if (info.hsz != 12) stbi__get8(s);
pal[i][3] = 255;
- stbi__skip(s, info.offset - info.extra_read - info.hsz
- - psize * (info.hsz == 12 ? 3 : 4));
+ stbi__skip(
+ s, info.offset - info.extra_read - info.hsz - psize * (info.hsz == 12 ? 3 : 4)
+ );
if (info.bpp == 1) width = (s->img_x + 7) >> 3;
else if (info.bpp == 4) width = (s->img_x + 1) >> 1;
else if (info.bpp == 8) width = s->img_x;
@@ -6023,8 +6144,9 @@ static int stbi__tga_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp) {
tga_comp = stbi__tga_get_comp(tga_colormap_bpp, 0, NULL);
} else {
- tga_comp = stbi__tga_get_comp(tga_bits_per_pixel,
- (tga_image_type == 3) || (tga_image_type == 11), NULL);
+ tga_comp = stbi__tga_get_comp(
+ tga_bits_per_pixel, (tga_image_type == 3) || (tga_image_type == 11), NULL
+ );
if (!tga_comp) {
@@ -6087,8 +6209,9 @@ static void stbi__tga_read_rgb16(stbi__context * s, stbi_uc * out) {
// so let's treat all 15 and 16bit TGAs as RGB with no alpha.
-static void * stbi__tga_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__tga_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
// read in the TGA header stuff
int tga_offset = stbi__get8(s);
int tga_indexed = stbi__get8(s);
@@ -6325,8 +6448,10 @@ static int stbi__psd_decode_rle(stbi__context * s, stbi_uc * p, int pixelCount)
return 1;
-static void * stbi__psd_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri, int bpc) {
+static void * stbi__psd_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri,
+ int bpc
+) {
int pixelCount;
int channelCount, compression;
int channel, i;
@@ -6349,8 +6474,9 @@ static void * stbi__psd_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, in
// Read the number of channels (R, G, B, A, etc).
channelCount = stbi__get16be(s);
if (channelCount < 0 || channelCount > 16)
- return stbi__errpuc("wrong channel count",
- "Unsupported number of channels in PSD image");
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "wrong channel count", "Unsupported number of channels in PSD image"
+ );
// Read the rows and columns of the image.
h = stbi__get32be(s);
@@ -6575,8 +6701,8 @@ static void stbi__copyval(int channel, stbi_uc * dest, const stbi_uc * src) {
if (channel & mask) dest[i] = src[i];
-static stbi_uc * stbi__pic_load_core(stbi__context * s, int width, int height, int * comp,
- stbi_uc * result) {
+static stbi_uc *
+stbi__pic_load_core(stbi__context * s, int width, int height, int * comp, stbi_uc * result) {
int act_comp = 0, num_packets = 0, y, chained;
stbi__pic_packet packets[10];
@@ -6632,8 +6758,9 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__pic_load_core(stbi__context * s, int width, int height, i
count = stbi__get8(s);
if (stbi__at_eof(s))
- return stbi__errpuc("bad file",
- "file too short (pure read count)");
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "bad file", "file too short (pure read count)"
+ );
if (count > left) count = (stbi_uc) left;
@@ -6650,8 +6777,9 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__pic_load_core(stbi__context * s, int width, int height, i
while (left > 0) {
int count = stbi__get8(s), i;
if (stbi__at_eof(s))
- return stbi__errpuc("bad file",
- "file too short (mixed read count)");
+ return stbi__errpuc(
+ "bad file", "file too short (mixed read count)"
+ );
if (count >= 128) { // Repeated
stbi_uc value[4];
@@ -6684,8 +6812,9 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__pic_load_core(stbi__context * s, int width, int height, i
return result;
-static void * stbi__pic_load(stbi__context * s, int * px, int * py, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__pic_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * px, int * py, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
stbi_uc * result;
int i, x, y, internal_comp;
@@ -6780,8 +6909,9 @@ static int stbi__gif_test(stbi__context * s) {
return r;
-static void stbi__gif_parse_colortable(stbi__context * s, stbi_uc pal[256][4], int num_entries,
- int transp) {
+static void stbi__gif_parse_colortable(
+ stbi__context * s, stbi_uc pal[256][4], int num_entries, int transp
+) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i) {
pal[i][2] = stbi__get8(s);
@@ -6957,8 +7087,9 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__process_gif_raster(stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g) {
// this function is designed to support animated gifs, although stb_image doesn't support it
// two back is the image from two frames ago, used for a very specific disposal format
-static stbi_uc * stbi__gif_load_next(stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g, int * comp,
- int req_comp, stbi_uc * two_back) {
+static stbi_uc * stbi__gif_load_next(
+ stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi_uc * two_back
+) {
int dispose;
int first_frame;
int pi;
@@ -6983,8 +7114,10 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__gif_load_next(stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g, int * com
// background colour is only used for pixels that are not rendered first frame, after that "background"
// color refers to the color that was there the previous frame.
memset(g->out, 0x00, 4 * pcount);
- memset(g->background, 0x00,
- 4 * pcount); // state of the background (starts transparent)
+ memset(
+ g->background, 0x00,
+ 4 * pcount
+ ); // state of the background (starts transparent)
memset(g->history, 0x00,
pcount); // pixels that were affected previous frame
first_frame = 1;
@@ -7066,8 +7199,10 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__gif_load_next(stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g, int * com
if (g->lflags & 0x80) {
- stbi__gif_parse_colortable(s, g->lpal, 2 << (g->lflags & 7),
- g->eflags & 0x01 ? g->transparent : -1);
+ stbi__gif_parse_colortable(
+ s, g->lpal, 2 << (g->lflags & 7),
+ g->eflags & 0x01 ? g->transparent : -1
+ );
g->color_table = (stbi_uc *) g->lpal;
} else if (g->flags & 0x80) {
g->color_table = (stbi_uc *) g->pal;
@@ -7101,8 +7236,8 @@ static stbi_uc * stbi__gif_load_next(stbi__context * s, stbi__gif * g, int * com
if (len == 4) {
g->eflags = stbi__get8(s);
g->delay = 10
- * stbi__get16le(
- s); // delay - 1/100th of a second, saving as 1/1000ths.
+ * stbi__get16le(s
+ ); // delay - 1/100th of a second, saving as 1/1000ths.
// unset old transparent
if (g->transparent >= 0) {
@@ -7148,8 +7283,9 @@ static void * stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(stbi__gif * g, stbi_uc * out, int **
return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory");
-static void * stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z,
- int * comp, int req_comp) {
+static void * stbi__load_gif_main(
+ stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int * y, int * z, int * comp, int req_comp
+) {
if (stbi__gif_test(s)) {
int layers = 0;
stbi_uc * u = 0;
@@ -7188,8 +7324,9 @@ static void * stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int
if (delays) {
- int * new_delays = (int *) STBI_REALLOC_SIZED(*delays, delays_size,
- sizeof(int) * layers);
+ int * new_delays = (int *) STBI_REALLOC_SIZED(
+ *delays, delays_size, sizeof(int) * layers
+ );
if (!new_delays) return stbi__load_gif_main_outofmem(&g, out, delays);
*delays = new_delays;
delays_size = layers * sizeof(int);
@@ -7231,8 +7368,9 @@ static void * stbi__load_gif_main(stbi__context * s, int ** delays, int * x, int
-static void * stbi__gif_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__gif_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
stbi_uc * u = 0;
stbi__gif g;
memset(&g, 0, sizeof(g));
@@ -7336,8 +7474,9 @@ static void stbi__hdr_convert(float * output, stbi_uc * input, int req_comp) {
-static float * stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static float * stbi__hdr_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
char buffer[STBI__HDR_BUFLEN];
char * token;
int valid = 0;
@@ -7404,8 +7543,9 @@ static float * stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, i
stbi_uc rgbe[4];
stbi__getn(s, rgbe, 4);
- stbi__hdr_convert(hdr_data + j * width * req_comp + i * req_comp, rgbe,
- req_comp);
+ stbi__hdr_convert(
+ hdr_data + j * width * req_comp + i * req_comp, rgbe, req_comp
+ );
} else {
@@ -7472,8 +7612,9 @@ static float * stbi__hdr_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, i
for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
- stbi__hdr_convert(hdr_data + (j * width + i) * req_comp, scanline + i * 4,
- req_comp);
+ stbi__hdr_convert(
+ hdr_data + (j * width + i) * req_comp, scanline + i * 4, req_comp
+ );
if (scanline) STBI_FREE(scanline);
@@ -7689,8 +7830,9 @@ static int stbi__pnm_test(stbi__context * s) {
return 1;
-static void * stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp,
- stbi__result_info * ri) {
+static void * stbi__pnm_load(
+ stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, int req_comp, stbi__result_info * ri
+) {
stbi_uc * out;
@@ -7710,8 +7852,9 @@ static void * stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, in
if (!stbi__mad4sizes_valid(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, ri->bits_per_channel / 8, 0))
return stbi__errpuc("too large", "PNM too large");
- out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad4(s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, ri->bits_per_channel / 8,
- 0);
+ out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__malloc_mad4(
+ s->img_n, s->img_x, s->img_y, ri->bits_per_channel / 8, 0
+ );
if (!out) return stbi__errpuc("outofmem", "Out of memory");
if (!stbi__getn(s, out, s->img_n * s->img_x * s->img_y * (ri->bits_per_channel / 8))) {
@@ -7720,8 +7863,9 @@ static void * stbi__pnm_load(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp, in
if (req_comp && req_comp != s->img_n) {
if (ri->bits_per_channel == 16) {
- out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__convert_format16((stbi__uint16 *) out, s->img_n, req_comp,
- s->img_x, s->img_y);
+ out = (stbi_uc *) stbi__convert_format16(
+ (stbi__uint16 *) out, s->img_n, req_comp, s->img_x, s->img_y
+ );
} else {
out = stbi__convert_format(out, s->img_n, req_comp, s->img_x, s->img_y);
@@ -7753,8 +7897,10 @@ static int stbi__pnm_getinteger(stbi__context * s, char * c) {
value = value * 10 + (*c - '0');
*c = (char) stbi__get8(s);
if ((value > 214748364) || (value == 214748364 && *c > '7'))
- return stbi__err("integer parse overflow",
- "Parsing an integer in the PPM header overflowed a 32-bit int");
+ return stbi__err(
+ "integer parse overflow",
+ "Parsing an integer in the PPM header overflowed a 32-bit int"
+ );
return value;
@@ -7795,8 +7941,9 @@ static int stbi__pnm_info(stbi__context * s, int * x, int * y, int * comp) {
maxv = stbi__pnm_getinteger(s, &c); // read max value
if (maxv > 65535)
- return stbi__err("max value > 65535",
- "PPM image supports only 8-bit and 16-bit images");
+ return stbi__err(
+ "max value > 65535", "PPM image supports only 8-bit and 16-bit images"
+ );
else if (maxv > 255) return 16;
else return 8;
@@ -7902,15 +8049,16 @@ STBIDEF int stbi_is_16_bit_from_file(FILE * f) {
#endif // !STBI_NO_STDIO
-STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y,
- int * comp) {
+stbi_info_from_memory(stbi_uc const * buffer, int len, int * x, int * y, int * comp) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_mem(&s, buffer, len);
return stbi__info_main(&s, x, y, comp);
-STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_callbacks(stbi_io_callbacks const * c, void * user, int * x,
- int * y, int * comp) {
+STBIDEF int stbi_info_from_callbacks(
+ stbi_io_callbacks const * c, void * user, int * x, int * y, int * comp
+) {
stbi__context s;
stbi__start_callbacks(&s, (stbi_io_callbacks *) c, user);
return stbi__info_main(&s, x, y, comp);
diff --git a/src/crepe/Collider.h b/src/crepe/Collider.h
index 42ccfd4..4344f15 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Collider.h
+++ b/src/crepe/Collider.h
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
namespace crepe {
+ * \brief Base collider class
+ */
class Collider : public Component {
Collider(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & offset);
diff --git a/src/crepe/Component.cpp b/src/crepe/Component.cpp
index acfd35c..ae76e65 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Component.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/Component.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
#include "Component.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
Component::Component(game_object_id_t id) : game_object_id(id) {}
+Component & Component::operator=(const Component & other) {
+ this->active = other.active;
+ return *this;
+unique_ptr<Component> Component::save() const {
+ return unique_ptr<Component>(new Component(*this));
+void Component::restore(const Component & snapshot) { *this = snapshot; }
diff --git a/src/crepe/Component.h b/src/crepe/Component.h
index eff5a58..52e06d5 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Component.h
+++ b/src/crepe/Component.h
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include <memory>
#include "types.h"
namespace crepe {
@@ -32,11 +34,33 @@ protected:
//! Only ComponentManager can create components
friend class ComponentManager;
- Component(const Component &) = delete;
+ // components are never moved
Component(Component &&) = delete;
- virtual Component & operator=(const Component &) = delete;
virtual Component & operator=(Component &&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * \name ReplayManager (Memento) functions
+ * \{
+ */
+ /**
+ * \brief Save a snapshot of this component's state
+ * \note This function should only be implemented on components that should be saved/restored
+ * by ReplayManager.
+ * \returns Unique pointer to a deep copy of this component
+ */
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Component> save() const;
+ //! Copy constructor (used by \c save())
+ Component(const Component &) = default;
+ /**
+ * \brief Restore this component from a snapshot
+ * \param snapshot Data to fill this component with (as returned by \c save())
+ */
+ virtual void restore(const Component & snapshot);
+ //! Copy assignment operator (used by \c restore())
+ virtual Component & operator=(const Component &);
+ //! \}
virtual ~Component() = default;
diff --git a/src/crepe/Particle.cpp b/src/crepe/Particle.cpp
index b340826..27fa97f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Particle.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/Particle.cpp
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
using namespace crepe;
-void Particle::reset(unsigned int lifespan, const vec2 & position, const vec2 & velocity,
- float angle) {
+void Particle::reset(
+ unsigned int lifespan, const vec2 & position, const vec2 & velocity, float angle
+) {
// Initialize the particle state
this->time_in_life = 0;
this->lifespan = lifespan;
diff --git a/src/crepe/Particle.h b/src/crepe/Particle.h
index ee0cd66..c013de5 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Particle.h
+++ b/src/crepe/Particle.h
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ public:
* \param velocity The initial velocity of the particle.
* \param angle The angle of the particle's trajectory or orientation.
- void reset(unsigned int lifespan, const vec2 & position, const vec2 & velocity,
- float angle);
+ void
+ reset(unsigned int lifespan, const vec2 & position, const vec2 & velocity, float angle);
* \brief Updates the particle's state.
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp b/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp
index 2195249..2fedaf4 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ namespace crepe {
AI::AI(game_object_id_t id, float max_force) : Component(id), max_force(max_force) {}
-void AI::make_circle_path(float radius, const vec2 & center, float start_angle,
- bool clockwise) {
+void AI::make_circle_path(
+ float radius, const vec2 & center, float start_angle, bool clockwise
+) {
if (radius <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Radius must be greater than 0");
@@ -25,19 +26,25 @@ void AI::make_circle_path(float radius, const vec2 & center, float start_angle,
if (clockwise) {
for (float i = start_angle; i < 2 * M_PI + start_angle; i += step) {
- path.push_back(vec2{static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
- static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))});
+ path.push_back(vec2 {
+ static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))
+ });
} else {
for (float i = start_angle; i > start_angle - 2 * M_PI; i -= step) {
- path.push_back(vec2{static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
- static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))});
+ path.push_back(vec2 {
+ static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))
+ });
-void AI::make_oval_path(float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center, float start_angle,
- bool clockwise, float rotation) {
+void AI::make_oval_path(
+ float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center, float start_angle, bool clockwise,
+ float rotation
+) {
if (radius_x <= 0 && radius_y <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Radius must be greater than 0");
@@ -73,14 +80,16 @@ void AI::make_oval_path(float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center, flo
if (clockwise) {
for (float i = start_angle; i < 2 * M_PI + start_angle; i += step) {
- vec2 point = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
- static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
+ vec2 point
+ = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
path.push_back(rotate_point(point, center));
} else {
for (float i = start_angle; i > start_angle - 2 * M_PI; i -= step) {
- vec2 point = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
- static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
+ vec2 point
+ = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
path.push_back(rotate_point(point, center));
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AI.h b/src/crepe/api/AI.h
index c780a91..bee11b3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/AI.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AI.h
@@ -70,8 +70,10 @@ public:
* \param start_angle The start angle of the circle (in radians)
* \param clockwise The direction of the circle
- void make_circle_path(float radius, const vec2 & center = {0, 0}, float start_angle = 0,
- bool clockwise = true);
+ void make_circle_path(
+ float radius, const vec2 & center = {0, 0}, float start_angle = 0,
+ bool clockwise = true
+ );
* \brief Make an oval path (for the path following behavior)
@@ -84,8 +86,10 @@ public:
* \param clockwise The direction of the oval
* \param rotation The rotation of the oval (in radians)
- void make_oval_path(float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center = {0, 0},
- float start_angle = 0, bool clockwise = true, float rotation = 0);
+ void make_oval_path(
+ float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center = {0, 0}, float start_angle = 0,
+ bool clockwise = true, float rotation = 0
+ );
//! The maximum force that can be applied to the entity (higher values will make the entity adjust faster)
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Animator.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Animator.cpp
index 4ce4bf0..c558d86 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Animator.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Animator.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-#include "util/Log.h"
+#include "util/dbg.h"
#include "Animator.h"
#include "Component.h"
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
using namespace crepe;
-Animator::Animator(game_object_id_t id, Sprite & spritesheet, const ivec2 & single_frame_size,
- const uvec2 & grid_size, const Animator::Data & data)
+ game_object_id_t id, Sprite & spritesheet, const ivec2 & single_frame_size,
+ const uvec2 & grid_size, const Animator::Data & data
: Component(id),
@@ -52,6 +54,6 @@ void Animator::set_anim(int col) {
void Animator::next_anim() {
Animator::Data & ctx = this->data;
- ctx.row = ctx.row++ % this->grid_size.x;
+ ctx.row = ++ctx.row % this->grid_size.x;
this->spritesheet.mask.x = ctx.row * this->spritesheet.mask.w;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Animator.h b/src/crepe/api/Animator.h
index 5918800..95539d3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Animator.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Animator.h
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "../types.h"
#include "Component.h"
@@ -83,8 +84,10 @@ public:
* This constructor sets up the Animator with the given parameters, and initializes the
* animation system.
- Animator(game_object_id_t id, Sprite & spritesheet, const ivec2 & single_frame_size,
- const uvec2 & grid_size, const Animator::Data & data);
+ Animator(
+ game_object_id_t id, Sprite & spritesheet, const ivec2 & single_frame_size,
+ const uvec2 & grid_size, const Animator::Data & data
+ );
~Animator(); // dbg_trace
@@ -97,6 +100,12 @@ private:
//! The maximum number of rows and columns inside the spritesheet
const uvec2 grid_size;
+ // the time elapsed from a frame duration
+ duration_t elapsed_time = {};
+ // frame counter
+ unsigned int frame = 0;
//! Uses the spritesheet
friend AnimatorSystem;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Asset.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Asset.cpp
index e148367..bab82e7 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Asset.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Asset.cpp
@@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ string Asset::whereami() const noexcept {
bool Asset::operator==(const Asset & other) const noexcept { return this->src == other.src; }
size_t std::hash<const Asset>::operator()(const Asset & asset) const noexcept {
- return std::hash<string>{}(asset.get_path());
+ return std::hash<string> {}(asset.get_path());
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Asset.h b/src/crepe/api/Asset.h
index bfd0ac7..d802e83 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Asset.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Asset.h
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ private:
* \brief Locate asset path, or throw exception if it cannot be found
- * This function resolves asset locations relative to crepe::Config::root_pattern if it is
+ * This function resolves asset locations relative to Config::asset::root_pattern if it is
* set and \p src is a relative path. If \p src is an absolute path, it is canonicalized.
* This function only returns if the file can be found.
* \param src Arbitrary path to resource file
- * \returns \p src if crepe::Config::root_pattern is empty
+ * \returns \p src if Config::asset::root_pattern is empty
* \returns Canonical path to \p src
* \throws std::runtime_error if root_pattern cannot be found
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h
index b20e490..eaa56e8 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ private:
typeof(loop) last_loop = loop;
//! \}
//! This source's voice handle
- SoundHandle voice{};
+ SoundHandle voice {};
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.cpp b/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.cpp
index d22afdf..af7572c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ BehaviorScript::BehaviorScript(game_object_id_t id, Mediator & mediator)
template <>
BehaviorScript & GameObject::add_component<BehaviorScript>() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
- return mgr.add_component<BehaviorScript>(this->id, mgr.mediator);
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ return mgr.add_component<BehaviorScript>(this->id, this->mediator);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.hpp b/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.hpp
index b9bb1e2..353d5e2 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/BehaviorScript.hpp
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
#include <type_traits>
-#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "BehaviorScript.h"
#include "Script.h"
@@ -11,7 +9,6 @@ namespace crepe {
template <class T, typename... Args>
BehaviorScript & BehaviorScript::set_script(Args &&... args) {
- dbg_trace();
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Script, T>::value);
this->script = std::unique_ptr<Script>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.cpp b/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.cpp
index a893d41..f6b358d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
using namespace crepe;
-BoxCollider::BoxCollider(game_object_id_t game_object_id, const vec2 & dimensions,
- const vec2 & offset)
+ game_object_id_t game_object_id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset
: Collider(game_object_id, offset),
dimensions(dimensions) {}
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.h b/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.h
index d643e7f..229b90f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/BoxCollider.h
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ namespace crepe {
class BoxCollider : public Collider {
- BoxCollider(game_object_id_t game_object_id, const vec2 & dimensions,
- const vec2 & offset = {0, 0});
+ BoxCollider(
+ game_object_id_t game_object_id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset = {0, 0}
+ );
//! Width and height of the box collider
vec2 dimensions;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Button.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Button.cpp
index 305922c..8eadd89 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Button.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Button.cpp
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
namespace crepe {
-Button::Button(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset,
- const std::function<void()> & on_click)
+ game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const Data & data, const vec2 & offset
: UIObject(id, dimensions, offset),
- on_click(on_click) {}
+ data(data) {}
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Button.h b/src/crepe/api/Button.h
index 08f5dec..e986c04 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Button.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Button.h
@@ -1,57 +1,60 @@
#pragma once
-#include <functional>
+#include "../types.h"
#include "UIObject.h"
namespace crepe {
-//! Represents a clickable UI button, derived from the UiObject class.
+ * \brief Button component.
+ *
+ * This component creates a clickable surface at the transform location with the specified width and height.
+ *
+ * The Button can be used in scripts by subscribing a EventHandler to the following events:
+ * - ButtonPressEvent
+ * - ButtonEnterEvent
+ * - ButtonExitEvent
+ * \see EventManager
+ *
+ */
class Button : public UIObject {
+ struct Data {
+ //! variable indicating if transform is relative to camera(false) or world(true)
+ bool world_space = false;
+ };
* \brief Constructs a Button with the specified game object ID and dimensions.
* \param id The unique ID of the game object associated with this button.
* \param dimensions The width and height of the UIObject
* \param offset The offset relative this GameObjects Transform
- * \param on_click callback function that will be invoked when the button is clicked.
+ * \param data additional data the button has
- Button(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset,
- const std::function<void()> & on_click);
- // TODO: create separate toggle button class
- /**
- * \brief The callback function to be executed when the button is clicked.
- *
- * This function is invoked whenever the button is clicked. It can be set to any
- * function that matches the signature `void()`.
- */
- std::function<void()> on_click = nullptr;
+ Button(
+ game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const Data & data,
+ const vec2 & offset = {0, 0}
+ );
- * \brief Callback function to be executed when the mouse enters the button's boundaries.
+ * \brief Get the maximum number of instances for this component
- * This function is triggered when the mouse cursor moves over the button, allowing
- * custom actions like visual effects, highlighting, or sound effects.
+ * Since the button Event transfers the GameObject Metadata it will be the same for each button so only one button is allowed per GameObject
+ *
+ * \return 1
- std::function<void()> on_mouse_enter = nullptr;
+ virtual int get_instances_max() const { return 1; }
- /**
- * \brief Callback function to be executed when the mouse exits the button's boundaries.
- *
- * This function is triggered when the mouse cursor moves out of the button's area,
- * allowing custom actions like resetting visual effects or playing exit-related effects.
- */
- std::function<void()> on_mouse_exit = nullptr;
+ Data data;
- //! friend relation for is_pressed and hover variables
+ //! friend relation hover variable
friend class InputSystem;
//! Indicates whether the mouse is currently hovering over the button
bool hover = false;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
index e8d6f92..2bee3fb 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
- LoopManager.cpp
+ Engine.cpp
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
- LoopManager.h
+ Engine.h
+ Engine.hpp
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Camera.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Camera.cpp
index 179dc18..b1466b5 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Camera.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Camera.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "util/Log.h"
+#include "util/dbg.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Component.h"
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
using namespace crepe;
-Camera::Camera(game_object_id_t id, const ivec2 & screen, const vec2 & viewport_size,
- const Data & data)
+ game_object_id_t id, const ivec2 & screen, const vec2 & viewport_size, const Data & data
: Component(id),
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Camera.h b/src/crepe/api/Camera.h
index 54d9a73..3191b04 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Camera.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Camera.h
@@ -44,8 +44,10 @@ public:
* \param viewport_size is the view of the world in game units
* \param data the camera component data
- Camera(game_object_id_t id, const ivec2 & screen, const vec2 & viewport_size,
- const Camera::Data & data);
+ Camera(
+ game_object_id_t id, const ivec2 & screen, const vec2 & viewport_size,
+ const Camera::Data & data
+ );
~Camera(); // dbg_trace only
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.cpp b/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.cpp
index 90ab5e7..e72800c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
using namespace crepe;
-CircleCollider::CircleCollider(game_object_id_t game_object_id, float radius,
- const vec2 & offset)
+ game_object_id_t game_object_id, float radius, const vec2 & offset
: Collider(game_object_id, offset),
radius(radius) {}
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.h b/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.h
index 22da836..e6ad4fa 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/CircleCollider.h
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ namespace crepe {
class CircleCollider : public Collider {
- CircleCollider(game_object_id_t game_object_id, float radius,
- const vec2 & offset = {0, 0});
+ CircleCollider(
+ game_object_id_t game_object_id, float radius, const vec2 & offset = {0, 0}
+ );
//! Radius of the circle collider.
float radius;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Color.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Color.cpp
index 29bd77a..d0e3b35 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Color.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Color.cpp
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
using namespace crepe;
-const Color Color::WHITE{0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
-const Color Color::RED{0xff, 0x00, 0x00};
-const Color Color::GREEN{0x00, 0xff, 0x00};
-const Color Color::BLUE{0x00, 0x00, 0xff};
-const Color Color::BLACK{0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
-const Color Color::CYAN{0x00, 0xff, 0xff};
-const Color Color::YELLOW{0xff, 0xff, 0x00};
-const Color Color::MAGENTA{0xff, 0x00, 0xff};
+const Color Color::WHITE {0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+const Color Color::RED {0xff, 0x00, 0x00};
+const Color Color::GREEN {0x00, 0xff, 0x00};
+const Color Color::BLUE {0x00, 0x00, 0xff};
+const Color Color::BLACK {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+const Color Color::CYAN {0x00, 0xff, 0xff};
+const Color Color::YELLOW {0xff, 0xff, 0x00};
+const Color Color::MAGENTA {0xff, 0x00, 0xff};
+const Color Color::GREY {0x80, 0x80, 0x80};
+const Color Color::GOLD {249, 205, 91};
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Color.h b/src/crepe/api/Color.h
index 84edb5c..dbfd0ed 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Color.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Color.h
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ struct Color {
static const Color MAGENTA;
static const Color YELLOW;
static const Color BLACK;
+ static const Color GREY;
+ static const Color GOLD;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Components.h b/src/crepe/api/Components.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa0663d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Components.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "AI.h"
+#include "Animator.h"
+#include "AudioSource.h"
+#include "BehaviorScript.h"
+#include "BoxCollider.h"
+#include "Button.h"
+#include "Camera.h"
+#include "CircleCollider.h"
+#include "Metadata.h"
+#include "ParticleEmitter.h"
+#include "Rigidbody.h"
+#include "Sprite.h"
+#include "Text.h"
+#include "Transform.h"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Config.h b/src/crepe/api/Config.h
index 6b9e3ca..ab8bb59 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Config.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Config.h
@@ -2,25 +2,22 @@
#include <string>
+#include "../types.h"
#include "../util/Log.h"
-#include "types.h"
namespace crepe {
* \brief Global configuration interface
- * This class stores engine default settings. Properties on this class are only supposed to be
- * modified *before* execution is handed over from the game programmer to the engine (i.e. the
- * main loop is started).
+ * This struct stores both engine default settings and global configuration parameters.
struct Config final {
//! Retrieve handle to global Config instance
static Config & get_instance();
//! Logging-related settings
- struct {
+ struct log { // NOLINT
* \brief Log level
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ struct Config final {
Log::Level level = Log::Level::INFO;
- * \brief Colored log output
+ * \brief Enable colored log output
* Enables log coloring using ANSI escape codes.
@@ -36,7 +33,7 @@ struct Config final {
} log;
//! Save manager
- struct {
+ struct savemgr { // NOLINT
* \brief Save file location
@@ -46,8 +43,8 @@ struct Config final {
std::string location = "save.crepe.db";
} savemgr;
- //! physics-related settings
- struct {
+ //! Physics-related settings
+ struct physics { // NOLINT
* \brief gravity value of physics system
@@ -56,15 +53,16 @@ struct Config final {
float gravity = 10;
} physics;
- //! default window settings
- struct {
- //! default screen size in pixels
+ //! Default window settings
+ struct window_settings { // NOLINT
+ //! Default window size (in pixels)
ivec2 default_size = {1280, 720};
- std::string window_title = "Jetpack joyride clone";
+ //! Default window title
+ std::string window_title = "crepe window";
} window_settings;
//! Asset loading options
- struct {
+ struct asset { // NOLINT
* \brief Pattern to match for Asset base directory
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ struct Config final {
* This config option is the font size at which all fonts will be loaded initially.
- unsigned int size = 16;
+ unsigned int size = 100;
} font;
//! Configuration for click tolerance.
struct {
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Engine.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Engine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bbe51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Engine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "Engine.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+int Engine::main() noexcept {
+ try {
+ this->setup();
+ } catch (const exception & e) {
+ Log::logf(Log::Level::ERROR, "Uncaught exception in setup: {}\n", e.what());
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ try {
+ this->loop();
+ } catch (const exception & e) {
+ Log::logf(Log::Level::ERROR, "Uncaught exception in main loop: {}\n", e.what());
+ this->event_manager.trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>();
+ }
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+void Engine::setup() {
+ this->loop_timer.start();
+ this->scene_manager.load_next_scene();
+ this->event_manager.subscribe<ShutDownEvent>([this](const ShutDownEvent & event) {
+ this->game_running = false;
+ // propagate to possible user ShutDownEvent listeners
+ return false;
+ });
+void Engine::loop() {
+ LoopTimerManager & timer = this->loop_timer;
+ SystemManager & systems = this->system_manager;
+ while (this->game_running) {
+ timer.update();
+ while (timer.get_lag() >= timer.get_fixed_delta_time()) {
+ try {
+ systems.fixed_update();
+ } catch (const exception & e) {
+ Log::logf(
+ Log::Level::WARNING, "Uncaught exception in fixed update function: {}\n",
+ e.what()
+ );
+ }
+ timer.advance_fixed_elapsed_time();
+ }
+ try {
+ systems.frame_update();
+ this->scene_manager.load_next_scene();
+ } catch (const exception & e) {
+ Log::logf(
+ Log::Level::WARNING, "Uncaught exception in frame update function: {}\n",
+ e.what()
+ );
+ }
+ timer.enforce_frame_rate();
+ }
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Engine.h b/src/crepe/api/Engine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..452a856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Engine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SaveManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SceneManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SystemManager.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief Main game entrypoint
+ *
+ * This class is responsible for managing the game loop, including initialization and updating.
+ */
+class Engine {
+ /**
+ * \brief Engine entrypoint
+ *
+ * This function is called by the game programmer after registering all scenes
+ *
+ * \returns process exit code
+ */
+ int main() noexcept;
+ //! \copydoc SceneManager::add_scene
+ template <typename T>
+ void add_scene();
+ /**
+ * \brief Setup function for one-time initialization.
+ *
+ * This function initializes necessary components for the game.
+ */
+ void setup();
+ /**
+ * \brief Main game loop function.
+ *
+ * This function runs the main loop, handling game updates and rendering.
+ */
+ void loop();
+ //! Game loop condition
+ bool game_running = true;
+ //! Global context
+ Mediator mediator;
+ //! SystemManager
+ SystemManager system_manager {mediator};
+ //! SDLContext instance
+ SDLContext sdl_context {mediator};
+ //! Resource manager instance
+ ResourceManager resource_manager {mediator};
+ //! Component manager instance
+ ComponentManager component_manager {mediator};
+ //! Scene manager instance
+ SceneManager scene_manager {mediator};
+ //! LoopTimerManager instance
+ LoopTimerManager loop_timer {mediator};
+ //! EventManager instance
+ EventManager event_manager {mediator};
+ //! Save manager instance
+ SaveManager save_manager {mediator};
+ //! ReplayManager instance
+ ReplayManager replay_manager {mediator};
+} // namespace crepe
+#include "Engine.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Engine.hpp b/src/crepe/api/Engine.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2fdc0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Engine.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Engine.h"
+namespace crepe {
+template <class T>
+void Engine::add_scene() {
+ this->scene_manager.add_scene<T>();
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Event.h b/src/crepe/api/Event.h
index 73bf461..7d4df21 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Event.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Event.h
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
#include <string>
-#include "api/KeyCodes.h"
#include "types.h"
+#include "KeyCodes.h"
namespace crepe {
- * \brief Base class for all event types in the system.
+ * \brief Base struct for all event types in the system.
-class Event {};
+struct Event {};
* \brief Event triggered when a key is pressed.
-class KeyPressEvent : public Event {
+struct KeyPressEvent : public Event {
//! false if first time press, true if key is repeated
bool repeat = false;
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when a key is released.
-class KeyReleaseEvent : public Event {
+struct KeyReleaseEvent : public Event {
//! The key that was released.
Keycode key = Keycode::NONE;
@@ -37,8 +36,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when a mouse button is pressed.
-class MousePressEvent : public Event {
+struct MousePressEvent : public Event {
//! mouse position in world coordinates (game units).
vec2 mouse_pos = {0, 0};
@@ -49,8 +47,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when a mouse button is clicked (press and release).
-class MouseClickEvent : public Event {
+struct MouseClickEvent : public Event {
//! mouse position in world coordinates (game units).
vec2 mouse_pos = {0, 0};
@@ -61,8 +58,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when a mouse button is released.
-class MouseReleaseEvent : public Event {
+struct MouseReleaseEvent : public Event {
//! mouse position in world coordinates (game units).
vec2 mouse_pos = {0, 0};
@@ -73,8 +69,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when the mouse is moved.
-class MouseMoveEvent : public Event {
+struct MouseMoveEvent : public Event {
//! mouse position in world coordinates (game units).
vec2 mouse_pos = {0, 0};
//! The change in mouse position relative to the last position (in pixels).
@@ -84,8 +79,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered when the mouse is moved.
-class MouseScrollEvent : public Event {
+struct MouseScrollEvent : public Event {
//! mouse position in world coordinates (game units) when the scroll happened.
vec2 mouse_pos = {0, 0};
//! scroll direction (-1 = down, 1 = up)
@@ -95,31 +89,21 @@ public:
- * \brief Event triggered when text is submitted, e.g., from a text input.
- */
-class TextSubmitEvent : public Event {
- //! The submitted text.
- std::string text = "";
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the application is shutting down.
-class ShutDownEvent : public Event {};
+struct ShutDownEvent : public Event {};
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window is overlapped by another window.
* When two windows overlap the bottom window gets distorted and that window has to be redrawn.
-class WindowExposeEvent : public Event {};
+struct WindowExposeEvent : public Event {};
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window is resized.
-class WindowResizeEvent : public Event {
+struct WindowResizeEvent : public Event {
//! new window dimensions
ivec2 dimensions = {0, 0};
@@ -127,8 +111,7 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window is moved.
-class WindowMoveEvent : public Event {
+struct WindowMoveEvent : public Event {
//! The change in position relative to the last position (in pixels).
ivec2 delta_move = {0, 0};
@@ -136,12 +119,12 @@ public:
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window is minimized.
-class WindowMinimizeEvent : public Event {};
+struct WindowMinimizeEvent : public Event {};
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window is maximized
-class WindowMaximizeEvent : public Event {};
+struct WindowMaximizeEvent : public Event {};
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window gained focus
@@ -149,7 +132,7 @@ class WindowMaximizeEvent : public Event {};
* This event is triggered when the window receives focus, meaning it becomes the active window
* for user interaction.
-class WindowFocusGainEvent : public Event {};
+struct WindowFocusGainEvent : public Event {};
* \brief Event triggered to indicate the window lost focus
@@ -157,6 +140,6 @@ class WindowFocusGainEvent : public Event {};
* This event is triggered when the window loses focus, meaning it is no longer the active window
* for user interaction.
-class WindowFocusLostEvent : public Event {};
+struct WindowFocusLostEvent : public Event {};
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.cpp b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.cpp
index 9ef4682..100e210 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.cpp
@@ -7,20 +7,19 @@
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
-GameObject::GameObject(ComponentManager & component_manager, game_object_id_t id,
- const std::string & name, const std::string & tag,
- const vec2 & position, double rotation, double scale)
+ Mediator & mediator, game_object_id_t id, const std::string & name,
+ const std::string & tag, const vec2 & position, double rotation, double scale
: id(id),
- component_manager(component_manager) {
- // Add Transform and Metadata components
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
- mgr.add_component<Transform>(this->id, position, rotation, scale);
- mgr.add_component<Metadata>(this->id, name, tag);
+ mediator(mediator),
+ transform(mediator.component_manager->add_component<Transform>(
+ this->id, position, rotation, scale
+ )),
+ metadata(mediator.component_manager->add_component<Metadata>(this->id, name, tag)) {}
void GameObject::set_parent(const GameObject & parent) {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
// Set parent on own Metadata component
RefVector<Metadata> this_metadata = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(this->id);
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ void GameObject::set_parent(const GameObject & parent) {
void GameObject::set_persistent(bool persistent) {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
mgr.set_persistent(this->id, persistent);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.h b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.h
index ff80f49..043913a 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.h
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
namespace crepe {
-class ComponentManager;
+class Mediator;
+class Transform;
+class Metadata;
* \brief Represents a GameObject
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ private:
* This constructor creates a new GameObject. It creates a new Transform and Metadata
* component and adds them to the ComponentManager.
- * \param component_manager Reference to component_manager
+ * \param mediator Reference to mediator
* \param id The id of the GameObject
* \param name The name of the GameObject
* \param tag The tag of the GameObject
@@ -28,13 +30,22 @@ private:
* \param rotation The rotation of the GameObject
* \param scale The scale of the GameObject
- GameObject(ComponentManager & component_manager, game_object_id_t id,
- const std::string & name, const std::string & tag, const vec2 & position,
- double rotation, double scale);
+ GameObject(
+ Mediator & mediator, game_object_id_t id, const std::string & name,
+ const std::string & tag, const vec2 & position, double rotation, double scale
+ );
//! ComponentManager instances GameObject
friend class ComponentManager;
+ //! The id of the GameObject
+ const game_object_id_t id;
+ //! This entity's transform
+ Transform & transform;
+ //! This entity's metadata
+ Metadata & metadata;
* \brief Set the parent of this GameObject
@@ -68,12 +79,8 @@ public:
void set_persistent(bool persistent = true);
- //! The id of the GameObject
- const game_object_id_t id;
- ComponentManager & component_manager;
+ Mediator & mediator;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.hpp b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.hpp
index a6b45b0..69f7d73 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/GameObject.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/GameObject.hpp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace crepe {
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T & GameObject::add_component(Args &&... args) {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
return mgr.add_component<T>(this->id, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a78019..0000000
--- a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
-#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
-#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
-#include "../system/AISystem.h"
-#include "../system/AnimatorSystem.h"
-#include "../system/AudioSystem.h"
-#include "../system/CollisionSystem.h"
-#include "../system/InputSystem.h"
-#include "../system/ParticleSystem.h"
-#include "../system/PhysicsSystem.h"
-#include "../system/RenderSystem.h"
-#include "../system/ScriptSystem.h"
-#include "../util/Log.h"
-#include "LoopManager.h"
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-LoopManager::LoopManager() {
- this->load_system<AnimatorSystem>();
- this->load_system<CollisionSystem>();
- this->load_system<ParticleSystem>();
- this->load_system<PhysicsSystem>();
- this->load_system<RenderSystem>();
- this->load_system<ScriptSystem>();
- this->load_system<InputSystem>();
- this->event_manager.subscribe<ShutDownEvent>(
- [this](const ShutDownEvent & event) { return this->on_shutdown(event); });
- this->load_system<AudioSystem>();
- this->load_system<AISystem>();
-void LoopManager::start() {
- this->setup();
- this->loop();
-void LoopManager::setup() {
- this->game_running = true;
- this->loop_timer.start();
- this->scene_manager.load_next_scene();
-void LoopManager::loop() {
- try {
- while (game_running) {
- this->loop_timer.update();
- while (this->loop_timer.get_lag() >= this->loop_timer.get_fixed_delta_time()) {
- this->fixed_update();
- this->loop_timer.advance_fixed_elapsed_time();
- }
- this->frame_update();
- this->loop_timer.enforce_frame_rate();
- }
- } catch (const exception & e) {
- Log::logf(Log::Level::ERROR, "Exception caught in main loop: {}", e.what());
- this->event_manager.trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>(ShutDownEvent{});
- }
-// will be called at a fixed interval
-void LoopManager::fixed_update() {
- this->get_system<InputSystem>().update();
- this->event_manager.dispatch_events();
- this->get_system<ScriptSystem>().update();
- this->get_system<ParticleSystem>().update();
- this->get_system<AISystem>().update();
- this->get_system<PhysicsSystem>().update();
- this->get_system<CollisionSystem>().update();
- this->get_system<AudioSystem>().update();
-// will be called every frame
-void LoopManager::frame_update() {
- this->scene_manager.load_next_scene();
- this->get_system<AnimatorSystem>().update();
- //render
- this->get_system<RenderSystem>().update();
-bool LoopManager::on_shutdown(const ShutDownEvent & e) {
- this->game_running = false;
- // propagate to possible user ShutDownEvent listeners
- return false;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d23cbf..0000000
--- a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <memory>
-#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
-#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
-#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
-#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
-#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
-#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
-#include "../manager/SaveManager.h"
-#include "../manager/SceneManager.h"
-#include "../system/System.h"
-namespace crepe {
- * \brief Main game loop manager
- *
- * This class is responsible for managing the game loop, including initialization and updating.
- */
-class LoopManager {
- LoopManager();
- /**
- * \brief Start the gameloop
- *
- * This is the start of the engine where the setup is called and then the loop keeps running until the game stops running.
- * The Game programmer needs to call this function to run the game. This should be done after creating and adding all scenes.
- */
- void start();
- /**
- * \brief Add a new concrete scene to the scene manager
- *
- * \tparam T Type of concrete scene
- */
- template <typename T>
- void add_scene();
- /**
- * \brief Setup function for one-time initialization.
- *
- * This function initializes necessary components for the game.
- */
- void setup();
- /**
- * \brief Main game loop function.
- *
- * This function runs the main loop, handling game updates and rendering.
- */
- void loop();
- /**
- * \brief Per-frame update.
- *
- * Updates the game state based on the elapsed time since the last frame.
- */
- virtual void frame_update();
- /**
- * \brief Fixed update executed at a fixed rate.
- *
- * This function updates physics and game logic based on LoopTimer's fixed_delta_time.
- */
- virtual void fixed_update();
- //! Indicates whether the game is running.
- bool game_running = false;
- //! Global context
- Mediator mediator;
- //! SDLContext instance
- SDLContext sdl_context{mediator};
- //! Component manager instance
- ComponentManager component_manager{mediator};
- //! Scene manager instance
- SceneManager scene_manager{mediator};
- //! LoopTimerManager instance
- LoopTimerManager loop_timer{mediator};
- //! EventManager instance
- EventManager event_manager{mediator};
- //! Resource manager instance
- ResourceManager resource_manager{mediator};
- //! Save manager instance
- SaveManager save_manager{mediator};
- /**
- * \brief Callback function for ShutDownEvent
- *
- * This function sets the game_running variable to false, stopping the gameloop and therefor quitting the game.
- */
- bool on_shutdown(const ShutDownEvent & e);
- /**
- * \brief Collection of System instances
- *
- * This map holds System instances indexed by the system's class typeid. It is filled in the
- * constructor of LoopManager using LoopManager::load_system.
- */
- std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::unique_ptr<System>> systems;
- /**
- * \brief Initialize a system
- * \tparam T System type (must be derivative of \c System)
- */
- template <class T>
- void load_system();
- /**
- * \brief Retrieve a reference to ECS system
- * \tparam T System type
- * \returns Reference to system instance
- * \throws std::runtime_error if the System is not initialized
- */
- template <class T>
- T & get_system();
-} // namespace crepe
-#include "LoopManager.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.cpp b/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.cpp
index 4f54bbd..341c1e2 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.cpp
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
#include "api/Sprite.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
-ParticleEmitter::ParticleEmitter(game_object_id_t game_object_id, const Sprite & sprite,
- const Data & data)
+ game_object_id_t game_object_id, const Sprite & sprite, const Data & data
: Component(game_object_id),
data(data) {
@@ -12,3 +14,16 @@ ParticleEmitter::ParticleEmitter(game_object_id_t game_object_id, const Sprite &
+unique_ptr<Component> ParticleEmitter::save() const {
+ return unique_ptr<Component> {new ParticleEmitter(*this)};
+void ParticleEmitter::restore(const Component & snapshot) {
+ *this = static_cast<const ParticleEmitter &>(snapshot);
+ParticleEmitter & ParticleEmitter::operator=(const ParticleEmitter & other) {
+ this->particles = other.particles;
+ return *this;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h b/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h
index 8ac2e72..1edd2b5 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h
@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@ public:
//! Configuration data for particle emission settings.
Data data;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Component> save() const;
+ ParticleEmitter(const ParticleEmitter &) = default;
+ virtual void restore(const Component & snapshot);
+ virtual ParticleEmitter & operator=(const ParticleEmitter &);
//! Only ParticleSystem can move and read particles
friend ParticleSystem;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Rigidbody.h b/src/crepe/api/Rigidbody.h
index 6900295..b63d941 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Rigidbody.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Rigidbody.h
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
+#include <string>
#include "../Component.h"
@@ -120,26 +121,49 @@ public:
* above 0.0.
- float elastisity_coefficient = 0.0;
+ float elasticity_coefficient = 0.0;
- * \brief Offset of all colliders relative to the object's transform position.
+ * \brief Enables collision handling for objects colliding with kinematic objects.
+ *
+ * Enables collision handling for objects colliding with kinematic objects in the collision system.
+ * If `kinematic_collision` is true, dynamic objects cannot pass through this kinematic object.
+ * This ensures that kinematic objects delegate collision handling to the collision system.
+ */
+ bool kinematic_collision = true;
+ /**
+ * \brief Defines the collision layers a GameObject interacts with.
- * The `offset` defines a positional shift applied to all colliders associated with the object, relative to the object's
- * transform position. This allows for the colliders to be placed at a different position than the object's actual
- * position, without modifying the object's transform itself.
+ * The `collision_layers` represent the set of layers the GameObject can detect collisions with.
+ * Each element in this set corresponds to a layer ID. The GameObject will only collide with other
+ * GameObjects that belong to one these layers.
+ */
+ std::set<int> collision_layers = {0};
+ /**
+ * \brief Specifies the collision layer of the GameObject.
+ * The `collision_layer` indicates the single layer that this GameObject belongs to.
+ * This determines which layers other objects must match to detect collisions with this object.
- vec2 offset;
+ int collision_layer = 0;
* \brief Defines the collision layers of a GameObject.
- * The `collision_layers` specifies the layers that the GameObject will collide with.
- * Each element represents a layer ID, and the GameObject will only detect
- * collisions with other GameObjects that belong to these layers.
+ * The `collision_names` specifies where the GameObject will collide with.
+ * Each element represents a name from the Metadata of the gameobject.
- std::set<int> collision_layers = {0};
+ std::set<std::string> collision_names;
+ /**
+ * \brief Defines the collision layers of a GameObject.
+ *
+ * The `collision_tags` specifies where the GameObject will collide with.
+ * Each element represents a tag from the Metadata of the gameobject.
+ */
+ std::set<std::string> collision_tags;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Scene.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Scene.cpp
index ad729d2..84da7e8 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Scene.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Scene.cpp
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ using namespace crepe;
SaveManager & Scene::get_save_manager() const { return mediator->save_manager; }
-GameObject Scene::new_object(const std::string & name, const std::string & tag,
- const vec2 & position, double rotation, double scale) {
+GameObject Scene::new_object(
+ const std::string & name, const std::string & tag, const vec2 & position, double rotation,
+ double scale
+) {
// Forward the call to ComponentManager's new_object method
return mediator->component_manager->new_object(name, tag, position, rotation, scale);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Scene.h b/src/crepe/api/Scene.h
index dcca9d4..b50a0fc 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Scene.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Scene.h
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ private:
OptionalRef<Mediator> mediator;
//! \}
* \brief Retrieve the reference to the SaveManager instance
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ protected:
SaveManager & get_save_manager() const;
//! \copydoc ComponentManager::new_object
- GameObject new_object(const std::string & name, const std::string & tag = "",
- const vec2 & position = {0, 0}, double rotation = 0,
- double scale = 1);
+ GameObject new_object(
+ const std::string & name, const std::string & tag = "", const vec2 & position = {0, 0},
+ double rotation = 0, double scale = 1
+ );
//! \copydoc ResourceManager::set_persistent
void set_persistent(const Asset & asset, bool persistent);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
index 85016f5..06b535f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
#include "../manager/SceneManager.h"
#include "Script.h"
using namespace crepe;
@@ -19,6 +20,21 @@ void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<CollisionEvent> & callback) {
this->subscribe_internal(callback, this->game_object_id);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonExitEvent> & callback) {
+ this->subscribe_internal(callback, this->game_object_id);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonPressEvent> & callback) {
+ this->subscribe_internal(callback, this->game_object_id);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonEnterEvent> & callback) {
+ this->subscribe_internal(callback, this->game_object_id);
void Script::set_next_scene(const string & name) {
SceneManager & mgr = this->mediator->scene_manager;
@@ -28,6 +44,26 @@ SaveManager & Script::get_save_manager() const { return this->mediator->save_man
LoopTimerManager & Script::get_loop_timer() const { return this->mediator->loop_timer; }
+void Script::replay::record_start() {
+ ReplayManager & mgr = this->mediator->replay_manager;
+ return mgr.record_start();
+recording_t Script::replay::record_end() {
+ ReplayManager & mgr = this->mediator->replay_manager;
+ return mgr.record_end();
+void Script::replay::play(recording_t recording) {
+ ReplayManager & mgr = this->mediator->replay_manager;
+ return mgr.play(recording);
+void Script::replay::release(recording_t recording) {
+ ReplayManager & mgr = this->mediator->replay_manager;
+ return mgr.release(recording);
const keyboard_state_t & Script::get_keyboard_state() const {
SDLContext & sdl_context = this->mediator->sdl_context;
return sdl_context.get_keyboard_state();
@@ -40,4 +76,3 @@ bool Script::get_key_state(Keycode key) const noexcept {
return false;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.h b/src/crepe/api/Script.h
index a87af4e..b000d9d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.h
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
#include "../system/CollisionSystem.h"
+#include "../system/InputSystem.h"
#include "../types.h"
+#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "../util/OptionalRef.h"
namespace crepe {
@@ -46,14 +49,23 @@ protected:
virtual void init() {}
- * \brief Script update function (empty by default)
+ * \brief Script fixed update function (empty by default)
* \param delta_time Time since last fixed update
- * This function is called during the ScriptSystem::update() routine if the \c BehaviorScript
- * component holding this script instance is active.
+ * \note This function is called during the ScriptSystem::update() routine if the \c
+ * BehaviorScript component holding this script instance is active.
- virtual void update(duration_t delta_time) {}
+ virtual void fixed_update(duration_t delta_time) {}
+ /**
+ * \brief Script frame update function (empty by default)
+ *
+ * \param delta_time Time since last frame update
+ *
+ * \note This function is called during the ScriptSystem::update() routine if the \c
+ * BehaviorScript component holding this script instance is active.
+ */
+ virtual void frame_update(duration_t delta_time) {}
//! \}
//! ScriptSystem calls \c init() and \c update()
@@ -61,93 +73,121 @@ protected:
- * \name Utility functions
+ * \name Component query functions
+ * \see ComponentManager
* \{
* \brief Get single component of type \c T on this game object
- *
* \tparam T Type of component
- *
* \returns Reference to component
- *
* \throws std::runtime_error if this game object does not have a component with type \c T
template <typename T>
T & get_component() const;
- // TODO: make get_component calls for component types that can have more than 1 instance
- // cause compile-time errors
* \brief Get all components of type \c T on this game object
- *
* \tparam T Type of component
- *
* \returns List of component references
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components() const;
- /**
- * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_id
- * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_id
- */
+ //! \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_id
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const;
- /**
- * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_name
- * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_name
- */
+ //! \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_name
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components_by_name(const std::string & name) const;
- /**
- * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag
- * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag
- */
+ //! \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const;
+ //! \}
- * \brief Log a message using Log::logf
- *
- * \tparam Args Log::logf parameters
- * \param args Log::logf parameters
+ * \name Logging functions
+ * \see Log
+ * \{
- template <typename... Args>
- void logf(Args &&... args);
+ //! \copydoc Log::logf
+ template <class... Args>
+ void logf(const Log::Level & level, std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args);
+ //! \copydoc Log::logf
+ template <class... Args>
+ void logf(std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args);
+ // \}
- * \brief Subscribe to an event with an explicit channel
- * \see EventManager::subscribe
+ * \name Event manager functions
+ * \see EventManager
+ * \{
+ //! \copydoc EventManager::subscribe
template <typename EventType>
void subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, event_channel_t channel);
- /**
- * \brief Subscribe to an event on EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL
- * \see EventManager::subscribe
- */
+ //! \copydoc EventManager::subscribe
template <typename EventType>
void subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback);
+ //! \copydoc EventManager::trigger_event
+ template <typename EventType>
+ void trigger_event(
+ const EventType & event = {}, event_channel_t channel = EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL
+ );
+ //! \copydoc EventManager::queue_event
+ template <typename EventType>
+ void queue_event(
+ const EventType & event = {}, event_channel_t channel = EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL
+ );
+ //! \}
- * \brief Set the next scene using SceneManager
- * \see SceneManager::set_next_scene
+ * \name Scene-related functions
+ * \see SceneManager
+ * \{
+ //! \copydoc SceneManager::set_next_scene
void set_next_scene(const std::string & name);
+ //! \}
+ /**
+ * \name Save data management functions
+ * \see SaveManager
+ * \{
+ */
//! Retrieve SaveManager reference
SaveManager & get_save_manager() const;
+ //! \}
+ /**
+ * \name Timing functions
+ * \see LoopTimerManager
+ * \{
+ */
//! Retrieve LoopTimerManager reference
LoopTimerManager & get_loop_timer() const;
+ //! \}
+ //! Replay management functions
+ struct replay { // NOLINT
+ //! \copydoc ReplayManager::record_start
+ void record_start();
+ //! \copydoc ReplayManager::record_end
+ recording_t record_end();
+ //! \copydoc ReplayManager::play
+ void play(recording_t);
+ //! \copydoc ReplayManager::release
+ void release(recording_t);
+ private:
+ OptionalRef<Mediator> & mediator;
+ replay(OptionalRef<Mediator> & mediator) : mediator(mediator) {}
+ friend class Script;
+ } replay {mediator};
* \brief Utility function to retrieve the keyboard state
* \see SDLContext::get_keyboard_state
* \return current keyboard state map with Keycode as key and bool as value(true = pressed, false = not pressed)
- *
const keyboard_state_t & get_keyboard_state() const;
@@ -155,7 +195,6 @@ protected:
* \see SDLContext::get_keyboard_state
* \return Keycode state (true if pressed, false if not pressed).
- *
bool get_key_state(Keycode key) const noexcept;
@@ -234,7 +273,42 @@ void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<CollisionEvent> & callback);
template <>
void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<CollisionEvent> & callback, event_channel_t)
= delete;
+ * \brief Subscribe to ButtonPressEvent for the current GameObject
+ *
+ * This is a template specialization for Script::subscribe which automatically sets the event
+ * channel so the callback handler is only called for ButtonPressEvent events that apply to the
+ * current GameObject the parent BehaviorScript is attached to.
+ */
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonPressEvent> & callback);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonPressEvent> & callback, event_channel_t)
+ = delete;
+ * \brief Subscribe to ButtonExitEvent for the current GameObject
+ *
+ * This is a template specialization for Script::subscribe which automatically sets the event
+ * channel so the callback handler is only called for ButtonExitEvent events that apply to the
+ * current GameObject the parent BehaviorScript is attached to.
+ */
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonExitEvent> & callback);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonExitEvent> & callback, event_channel_t)
+ = delete;
+ * \brief Subscribe to ButtonEnterEvent for the current GameObject
+ *
+ * This is a template specialization for Script::subscribe which automatically sets the event
+ * channel so the callback handler is only called for ButtonEnterEvent events that apply to the
+ * current GameObject the parent BehaviorScript is attached to.
+ */
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonEnterEvent> & callback);
+template <>
+void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<ButtonEnterEvent> & callback, event_channel_t)
+ = delete;
} // namespace crepe
#include "Script.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp b/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
index 225a51c..c7fa6ff 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
#include "BehaviorScript.h"
#include "Script.h"
@@ -13,7 +14,8 @@ T & Script::get_component() const {
RefVector<T> all_components = this->get_components<T>();
if (all_components.size() < 1)
throw runtime_error(
- format("Script: no component found with type = {}", typeid(T).name()));
+ format("Script: no component found with type = {}", typeid(T).name())
+ );
return all_components.back().get();
@@ -23,22 +25,39 @@ RefVector<T> Script::get_components() const {
return this->get_components_by_id<T>(this->game_object_id);
-template <typename... Args>
-void Script::logf(Args &&... args) {
- Log::logf(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+template <class... Args>
+void Script::logf(const Log::Level & level, std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args) {
+ Log::logf(level, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+template <class... Args>
+void Script::logf(std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args &&... args) {
+ Log::logf(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename EventType>
-void Script::subscribe_internal(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback,
- event_channel_t channel) {
+void Script::subscribe_internal(
+ const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, event_channel_t channel
+) {
EventManager & mgr = this->mediator->event_manager;
subscription_t listener = mgr.subscribe<EventType>(
[this, callback](const EventType & data) -> bool {
+ // check if (parent) BehaviorScript component is active
bool & active = this->active;
if (!active) return false;
+ // check if replay manager is playing (if initialized)
+ try {
+ ReplayManager & replay = this->mediator->replay_manager;
+ if (replay.get_state() == ReplayManager::PLAYING) return false;
+ } catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
+ }
+ // call user-provided callback
return callback(data);
- channel);
+ channel
+ );
@@ -52,6 +71,18 @@ void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback) {
this->subscribe_internal(callback, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
+template <typename EventType>
+void Script::trigger_event(const EventType & event, event_channel_t channel) {
+ EventManager & mgr = this->mediator->event_manager;
+ mgr.trigger_event(event, channel);
+template <typename EventType>
+void Script::queue_event(const EventType & event, event_channel_t channel) {
+ EventManager & mgr = this->mediator->event_manager;
+ mgr.queue_event(event, channel);
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> Script::get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const {
Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Sprite.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Sprite.cpp
index ba684ba..3c77e2e 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Sprite.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Sprite.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <cmath>
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "api/Asset.h"
#include "Component.h"
@@ -19,3 +19,16 @@ Sprite::Sprite(game_object_id_t id, const Asset & texture, const Sprite::Data &
Sprite::~Sprite() { dbg_trace(); }
+unique_ptr<Component> Sprite::save() const { return unique_ptr<Component>(new Sprite(*this)); }
+void Sprite::restore(const Component & snapshot) {
+ *this = static_cast<const Sprite &>(snapshot);
+Sprite & Sprite::operator=(const Sprite & snapshot) {
+ this->active = snapshot.active;
+ this->data = snapshot.data;
+ this->mask = snapshot.mask;
+ return *this;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Sprite.h b/src/crepe/api/Sprite.h
index a2409c2..3565bed 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Sprite.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Sprite.h
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ public:
FlipSettings flip;
//! Layer sorting level of the sprite
- const int sorting_in_layer = 0;
+ int sorting_in_layer = 0;
//! Order within the sorting layer
- const int order_in_layer = 0;
+ int order_in_layer = 0;
* \brief width and height of the sprite in game units
@@ -66,6 +66,16 @@ public:
//! independent sprite offset position
vec2 position_offset;
+ /**
+ * \brief gives the user the option to render this in world space or in camera space
+ *
+ * - if true will this be rendered in world space this means that the sprite can be
+ * rendered off the screen
+ * - if false --> will the sprite be rendered in camera space. this means that the
+ * coordinates given on the \c Sprite and \c Transform will be inside the camera
+ */
+ bool world_space = true;
@@ -109,6 +119,12 @@ private:
//! Render area of the sprite this will also be adjusted by the AnimatorSystem if an Animator
// object is present in GameObject. this is in sprite pixels
Rect mask;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Component> save() const;
+ Sprite(const Sprite &) = default;
+ virtual void restore(const Component & snapshot);
+ virtual Sprite & operator=(const Sprite &);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Text.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Text.cpp
index 54a4370..e5cc39d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Text.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Text.cpp
@@ -1,12 +1,27 @@
-#include "../facade/FontFacade.h"
+#include "../types.h"
#include "Text.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
-Text::Text(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset,
- const std::string & font_family, const Data & data, const std::string & text)
+ game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const std::string & font_family,
+ const Data & data, const vec2 & offset, const std::string & text
: UIObject(id, dimensions, offset),
font_family(font_family) {}
+unique_ptr<Component> Text::save() const { return unique_ptr<Component>(new Text(*this)); }
+void Text::restore(const Component & snapshot) { *this = static_cast<const Text &>(snapshot); }
+Text & Text::operator=(const Text & snapshot) {
+ this->active = snapshot.active;
+ this->data = snapshot.data;
+ this->text = snapshot.text;
+ this->font_family = snapshot.font_family;
+ return *this;
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Text.h b/src/crepe/api/Text.h
index c30dc80..859490e 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Text.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Text.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <optional>
#include <string>
-#include "../Component.h"
+#include "../types.h"
#include "Asset.h"
#include "Color.h"
@@ -19,22 +19,8 @@ class Text : public UIObject {
//! Text data that does not have to be set in the constructor
struct Data {
- /**
- * \brief fontsize for text rendering
- *
- * \note this is not the actual font size that is loaded in.
- *
- * Since SDL_TTF requires the font size when loading in the font it is not possible to switch the font size.
- * The default font size that is loaded is set in the Config.
- * Instead this value is used to upscale the font texture which can cause blurring or distorted text when upscaling or downscaling too much.
- */
- unsigned int font_size = 16;
- //! Layer sorting level of the text
- const int sorting_in_layer = 0;
- //! Order within the sorting text
- const int order_in_layer = 0;
+ //! variable indicating if transform is relative to camera(false) or world(true)
+ bool world_space = false;
//! Label text color.
Color text_color = Color::BLACK;
@@ -50,8 +36,10 @@ public:
* \param data Data struct containing extra text parameters.
* \param font Optional font asset that can be passed or left empty.
- Text(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset,
- const std::string & font_family, const Data & data, const std::string & text = "");
+ Text(
+ game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const std::string & font_family,
+ const Data & data, const vec2 & offset = {0, 0}, const std::string & text = ""
+ );
//! Label text.
std::string text = "";
@@ -61,6 +49,12 @@ public:
std::optional<Asset> font;
//! Data instance
Data data;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Component> save() const;
+ Text(const Text &) = default;
+ virtual void restore(const Component & snapshot);
+ virtual Text & operator=(const Text &);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Transform.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Transform.cpp
index a85b792..b70174c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Transform.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Transform.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "Transform.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
Transform::Transform(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & point, double rotation, double scale)
: Component(id),
@@ -11,3 +12,11 @@ Transform::Transform(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & point, double rotation, d
scale(scale) {
+unique_ptr<Component> Transform::save() const {
+ return unique_ptr<Component> {new Transform(*this)};
+void Transform::restore(const Component & snapshot) {
+ *this = static_cast<const Transform &>(snapshot);
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Transform.h b/src/crepe/api/Transform.h
index 7ee6d65..a6f3486 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Transform.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Transform.h
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ protected:
virtual int get_instances_max() const { return 1; }
//! ComponentManager instantiates all components
friend class ComponentManager;
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<Component> save() const;
+ Transform(const Transform &) = default;
+ virtual void restore(const Component & snapshot);
+ virtual Transform & operator=(const Transform &) = default;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/UIObject.h b/src/crepe/api/UIObject.h
index f7f4fba..0d9b1f7 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/UIObject.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/UIObject.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public:
* \param dimensions width and height of the UIObject
* \param offset Offset relative to the GameObject Transform
- UIObject(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset);
+ UIObject(game_object_id_t id, const vec2 & dimensions, const vec2 & offset = {0, 0});
//! Width and height of the UIObject
vec2 dimensions;
//! Position offset relative to this GameObjects Transform
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
index bf9d124..6613641 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include <format>
namespace crepe {
//! 2D vector
@@ -11,55 +13,55 @@ struct Vector2 {
T y = 0;
//! Subtracts another vector from this vector and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator-(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator-(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
//! Subtracts a scalar value from both components of this vector and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator-(T scalar) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator-(T scalar) const;
//! Adds another vector to this vector and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator+(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator+(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
//! Adds a scalar value to both components of this vector and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator+(T scalar) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator+(T scalar) const;
//! Multiplies this vector by another vector element-wise and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator*(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator*(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
//! Multiplies this vector by a scalar and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator*(T scalar) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator*(T scalar) const;
//! Divides this vector by another vector element-wise and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator/(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator/(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
//! Divides this vector by a scalar and returns the result.
- Vector2 operator/(T scalar) const;
+ Vector2<T> operator/(T scalar) const;
//! Adds another vector to this vector and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator+=(const Vector2<T> & other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator+=(const Vector2<T> & other);
//! Adds a scalar value to both components of this vector and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator+=(T other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator+=(T other);
//! Subtracts another vector from this vector and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator-=(const Vector2<T> & other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator-=(const Vector2<T> & other);
//! Subtracts a scalar value from both components of this vector and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator-=(T other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator-=(T other);
//! Multiplies this vector by another vector element-wise and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator*=(const Vector2<T> & other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator*=(const Vector2<T> & other);
//! Multiplies this vector by a scalar and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator*=(T other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator*=(T other);
//! Divides this vector by another vector element-wise and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator/=(const Vector2<T> & other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator/=(const Vector2<T> & other);
//! Divides this vector by a scalar and updates this vector.
- Vector2 & operator/=(T other);
+ Vector2<T> & operator/=(T other);
//! Returns the negation of this vector.
- Vector2 operator-() const;
+ Vector2<T> operator-() const;
//! Checks if this vector is equal to another vector.
bool operator==(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
@@ -89,9 +91,20 @@ struct Vector2 {
T distance_squared(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
//! Returns the perpendicular vector to this vector.
- Vector2 perpendicular() const;
+ Vector2<T> perpendicular() const;
+ //! Checks if both components of the vector are NaN.
+ bool is_nan() const;
+ //! Rotate this vector clockwise by \c deg degrees
+ Vector2<T> rotate(float deg) const;
} // namespace crepe
+template <typename T>
+struct std::formatter<crepe::Vector2<T>> : std::formatter<std::string> {
+ format_context::iterator format(crepe::Vector2<T> vec, format_context & ctx) const;
#include "Vector2.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
index ff53cb0..30441d2 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
@@ -163,4 +163,24 @@ Vector2<T> Vector2<T>::perpendicular() const {
return {-y, x};
+template <class T>
+bool Vector2<T>::is_nan() const {
+ return std::isnan(x) && std::isnan(y);
+template <class T>
+Vector2<T> Vector2<T>::rotate(float deg) const {
+ float rad = -deg / 180 * M_PI;
+ return {
+ x * std::cos(rad) - y * std::sin(rad),
+ x * std::sin(rad) + y * std::cos(rad),
+ };
} // namespace crepe
+template <typename T>
+std::formatter<crepe::Vector2<T>>::format(crepe::Vector2<T> vec, format_context & ctx) const {
+ return formatter<string>::format(std::format("{{{}, {}}}", vec.x, vec.y), ctx);
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/DB.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/DB.cpp
index ae2d4bc..7a3e473 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/DB.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/DB.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include <cstring>
-#include "util/Log.h"
+#include "util/dbg.h"
#include "DB.h"
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/FontFacade.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/FontFacade.cpp
index 87f95ab..e284f5a 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/FontFacade.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/FontFacade.cpp
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ Asset FontFacade::get_font_asset(const string & font_family) {
= FcNameParse(reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>(font_family.c_str()));
if (raw_pattern == NULL) throw runtime_error("Failed to create font pattern.");
- unique_ptr<FcPattern, function<void(FcPattern *)>> pattern{
- raw_pattern, [](FcPattern * p) { FcPatternDestroy(p); }};
+ unique_ptr<FcPattern, function<void(FcPattern *)>> pattern {
+ raw_pattern, [](FcPattern * p) { FcPatternDestroy(p); }
+ };
FcConfig * config = FcConfigGetCurrent();
if (config == NULL) throw runtime_error("Failed to get current Fontconfig configuration.");
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.cpp
index fffbe34..6c93fb2 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_blendmode.h>
+#include <SDL2/SDL_hints.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_keycode.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_pixels.h>
@@ -11,7 +12,6 @@
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
@@ -20,8 +20,12 @@
#include "../api/Color.h"
#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "../api/Sprite.h"
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
+#include "api/Text.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "facade/Font.h"
#include "manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
#include "SDLContext.h"
#include "Texture.h"
@@ -32,17 +36,15 @@ using namespace std;
SDLContext::SDLContext(Mediator & mediator) {
- if (TTF_Init() == -1) {
- throw runtime_error(format("SDL_ttf initialization failed: {}", TTF_GetError()));
- }
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) {
throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: SDL_Init error: {}", SDL_GetError()));
auto & cfg = Config::get_instance().window_settings;
- SDL_Window * tmp_window
- = SDL_CreateWindow(cfg.window_title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
- SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, cfg.default_size.x, cfg.default_size.y, 0);
+ SDL_Window * tmp_window = SDL_CreateWindow(
+ cfg.default_size.x, cfg.default_size.y, 0
+ );
if (!tmp_window) {
throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: SDL_Window error: {}", SDL_GetError()));
@@ -51,8 +53,8 @@ SDLContext::SDLContext(Mediator & mediator) {
SDL_Renderer * tmp_renderer
= SDL_CreateRenderer(this->game_window.get(), -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
if (!tmp_renderer) {
- throw runtime_error(
- format("SDLContext: SDL_CreateRenderer error: {}", SDL_GetError()));
+ throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: SDL_CreateRenderer error: {}", SDL_GetError())
+ );
@@ -63,6 +65,10 @@ SDLContext::SDLContext(Mediator & mediator) {
throw runtime_error("SDLContext: SDL_image could not initialize!");
+ if (TTF_Init() == -1) {
+ throw runtime_error(format("SDL_ttf initialization failed: {}", TTF_GetError()));
+ }
mediator.sdl_context = *this;
@@ -75,8 +81,8 @@ SDLContext::~SDLContext() {
// TODO: how are we going to ensure that these are called from the same
// thread that SDL_Init() was called on? This has caused problems for me
// before.
- IMG_Quit();
+ IMG_Quit();
@@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ const keyboard_state_t & SDLContext::get_keyboard_state() {
MouseButton SDLContext::sdl_to_mousebutton(Uint8 sdl_button) {
static const std::array<MouseButton, 5> MOUSE_BUTTON_LOOKUP_TABLE = [] {
- std::array<MouseButton, 5> table{};
+ std::array<MouseButton, 5> table {};
table[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE;
@@ -137,6 +143,8 @@ SDL_FRect SDLContext::get_dst_rect(const DestinationRectangleData & ctx) const {
= (ctx.sprite.aspect_ratio == 0) ? ctx.texture.get_ratio() : ctx.sprite.aspect_ratio;
vec2 size = data.size;
+ vec2 screen_pos = ctx.pos;
if (data.size.x == 0 && data.size.y != 0) {
size.x = data.size.y * aspect_ratio;
@@ -145,12 +153,17 @@ SDL_FRect SDLContext::get_dst_rect(const DestinationRectangleData & ctx) const {
size *= cam_aux_data.render_scale * ctx.img_scale * data.scale_offset;
- vec2 screen_pos = (ctx.pos + data.position_offset - cam_aux_data.cam_pos
- + (cam_aux_data.zoomed_viewport) / 2)
- * cam_aux_data.render_scale
- - size / 2 + cam_aux_data.bar_size;
+ if (ctx.sprite.data.world_space) {
+ screen_pos = (screen_pos - cam_aux_data.cam_pos + cam_aux_data.zoomed_viewport / 2)
+ * cam_aux_data.render_scale
+ - size / 2 + cam_aux_data.bar_size;
+ } else {
+ screen_pos
+ = (screen_pos + cam_aux_data.zoomed_viewport / 2) * cam_aux_data.render_scale
+ - size / 2 + cam_aux_data.bar_size;
+ }
- return SDL_FRect{
+ return SDL_FRect {
.x = screen_pos.x,
.y = screen_pos.y,
.w = size.x,
@@ -159,6 +172,7 @@ SDL_FRect SDLContext::get_dst_rect(const DestinationRectangleData & ctx) const {
void SDLContext::draw(const RenderContext & ctx) {
const Sprite::Data & data = ctx.sprite.data;
SDL_RendererFlip render_flip
= (SDL_RendererFlip) ((SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL * data.flip.flip_x)
@@ -174,7 +188,7 @@ void SDLContext::draw(const RenderContext & ctx) {
srcrect_ptr = &srcrect;
- SDL_FRect dstrect = this->get_dst_rect(SDLContext::DestinationRectangleData{
+ SDL_FRect dstrect = this->get_dst_rect(SDLContext::DestinationRectangleData {
.sprite = ctx.sprite,
.texture = ctx.texture,
.pos = ctx.pos,
@@ -184,8 +198,65 @@ void SDLContext::draw(const RenderContext & ctx) {
double angle = ctx.angle + data.angle_offset;
this->set_color_texture(ctx.texture, ctx.sprite.data.color);
- SDL_RenderCopyExF(this->game_renderer.get(), ctx.texture.get_img(), srcrect_ptr, &dstrect,
- angle, NULL, render_flip);
+ SDL_RenderCopyExF(
+ this->game_renderer.get(), ctx.texture.get_img(), srcrect_ptr, &dstrect, angle, NULL,
+ render_flip
+ );
+void SDLContext::draw_text(const RenderText & data) {
+ const Text & text = data.text;
+ const Font & font = data.font;
+ vec2 absoluut_pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(data.transform, data.text.offset);
+ std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, std::function<void(SDL_Surface *)>> font_surface;
+ std::unique_ptr<SDL_Texture, std::function<void(SDL_Texture *)>> font_texture;
+ SDL_Color color {
+ .r = text.data.text_color.r,
+ .g = text.data.text_color.g,
+ .b = text.data.text_color.b,
+ .a = text.data.text_color.a,
+ };
+ SDL_Surface * tmp_font_surface
+ = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.get_font(), text.text.c_str(), color);
+ if (tmp_font_surface == NULL) {
+ throw runtime_error(format("draw_text: font surface error: {}", SDL_GetError()));
+ }
+ font_surface = {tmp_font_surface, [](SDL_Surface * surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); }};
+ SDL_Texture * tmp_font_texture
+ = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(this->game_renderer.get(), font_surface.get());
+ if (tmp_font_texture == NULL) {
+ throw runtime_error(format("draw_text: font texture error: {}", SDL_GetError()));
+ }
+ font_texture
+ = {tmp_font_texture, [](SDL_Texture * texture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); }};
+ vec2 size = text.dimensions * cam_aux_data.render_scale * data.transform.scale;
+ vec2 screen_pos = absoluut_pos;
+ if (text.data.world_space) {
+ screen_pos = (screen_pos - cam_aux_data.cam_pos + (cam_aux_data.zoomed_viewport) / 2)
+ * cam_aux_data.render_scale
+ - size / 2 + cam_aux_data.bar_size;
+ } else {
+ screen_pos
+ = (screen_pos + (cam_aux_data.zoomed_viewport) / 2) * cam_aux_data.render_scale
+ - size / 2 + cam_aux_data.bar_size;
+ }
+ SDL_FRect dstrect {
+ .x = screen_pos.x,
+ .y = screen_pos.y,
+ .w = size.x,
+ .h = size.y,
+ };
+ SDL_RenderCopyExF(
+ this->game_renderer.get(), font_texture.get(), NULL, &dstrect, data.transform.rotation,
+ );
void SDLContext::update_camera_view(const Camera & cam, const vec2 & new_pos) {
@@ -231,8 +302,10 @@ void SDLContext::update_camera_view(const Camera & cam, const vec2 & new_pos) {
render_scale.x = render_scale.y = scale;
- SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->game_renderer.get(), cam_data.bg_color.r, cam_data.bg_color.g,
- cam_data.bg_color.b, cam_data.bg_color.a);
+ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(
+ this->game_renderer.get(), cam_data.bg_color.r, cam_data.bg_color.g,
+ cam_data.bg_color.b, cam_data.bg_color.a
+ );
SDL_Rect bg = {
.x = 0,
@@ -367,11 +440,12 @@ std::vector<EventData> SDLContext::get_events() {
return event_list;
-void SDLContext::handle_window_event(const SDL_WindowEvent & window_event,
- std::vector<EventData> & event_list) {
+void SDLContext::handle_window_event(
+ const SDL_WindowEvent & window_event, std::vector<EventData> & event_list
+) {
switch (window_event.event) {
- event_list.push_back(EventData{EventType::WINDOW_EXPOSE});
+ event_list.push_back(EventData {EventType::WINDOW_EXPOSE});
@@ -395,16 +469,16 @@ void SDLContext::handle_window_event(const SDL_WindowEvent & window_event,
- event_list.push_back(EventData{EventType::WINDOW_MINIMIZE});
+ event_list.push_back(EventData {EventType::WINDOW_MINIMIZE});
- event_list.push_back(EventData{EventType::WINDOW_MAXIMIZE});
+ event_list.push_back(EventData {EventType::WINDOW_MAXIMIZE});
- event_list.push_back(EventData{EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN});
+ event_list.push_back(EventData {EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_GAIN});
- event_list.push_back(EventData{EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_LOST});
+ event_list.push_back(EventData {EventType::WINDOW_FOCUS_LOST});
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.h b/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.h
index b687f87..bc118f9 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.h
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SDLContext.h
@@ -12,18 +12,21 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include "../types.h"
+#include "EventData.h"
#include "api/Camera.h"
#include "api/Color.h"
#include "api/KeyCodes.h"
#include "api/Sprite.h"
#include "api/Transform.h"
-#include "types.h"
#include "EventData.h"
#include "FontFacade.h"
+#include "types.h"
namespace crepe {
class Texture;
+class Text;
+class Font;
class Mediator;
@@ -71,12 +74,11 @@ public:
const double & scale;
- /**
- * \brief Gets the singleton instance of SDLContext.
- * \return Reference to the SDLContext instance.
- */
- static SDLContext & get_instance();
+ struct RenderText {
+ const Text & text;
+ const Font & font;
+ const Transform & transform;
+ };
SDLContext(const SDLContext &) = delete;
@@ -114,8 +116,9 @@ public:
* This method checks if any window events are triggered and adds them to the event_list.
- void handle_window_event(const SDL_WindowEvent & window_event,
- std::vector<EventData> & event_list);
+ void handle_window_event(
+ const SDL_WindowEvent & window_event, std::vector<EventData> & event_list
+ );
* \brief Converts an SDL scan code to the custom Keycode type.
@@ -186,6 +189,13 @@ public:
void draw(const RenderContext & ctx);
+ /**
+ * \brief draws a text to the screen
+ *
+ * \param data Reference to the rendering data needed to draw
+ */
+ void draw_text(const RenderText & data);
//! Clears the screen, preparing for a new frame.
void clear_screen();
@@ -245,7 +255,7 @@ private:
//! instance of the font_facade
- FontFacade font_facade{};
+ FontFacade font_facade {};
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
index 97e455e..b1e6463 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "../api/Asset.h"
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "Sound.h"
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
index b1f8cb3..5091e07 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "SoundContext.h"
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/Texture.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/Texture.cpp
index b63403d..06caa54 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/Texture.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/Texture.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-#include "../util/Log.h"
-#include "facade/SDLContext.h"
-#include "manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "../Resource.h"
+#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "../types.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
-#include "Resource.h"
+#include "SDLContext.h"
#include "Texture.h"
-#include "types.h"
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ Texture::~Texture() {
const ivec2 & Texture::get_size() const noexcept { return this->size; }
const float & Texture::get_ratio() const noexcept { return this->aspect_ratio; }
SDL_Texture * Texture::get_img() const noexcept { return this->texture.get(); }
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
index f73e165..48e444f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ ReplayManager.cpp
+ SystemManager.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -21,5 +23,8 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ ReplayManager.h
+ SystemManager.h
+ SystemManager.hpp
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
index df30d27..245419d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "../api/GameObject.h"
#include "../api/Metadata.h"
#include "../types.h"
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "ComponentManager.h"
@@ -46,14 +46,16 @@ void ComponentManager::delete_all_components() {
this->next_id = 0;
-GameObject ComponentManager::new_object(const string & name, const string & tag,
- const vec2 & position, double rotation, double scale) {
+GameObject ComponentManager::new_object(
+ const string & name, const string & tag, const vec2 & position, double rotation,
+ double scale
+) {
// Find the first available id (taking persistent objects into account)
while (this->persistent[this->next_id]) {
- GameObject object{*this, this->next_id, name, tag, position, rotation, scale};
+ GameObject object {this->mediator, this->next_id, name, tag, position, rotation, scale};
return object;
@@ -64,11 +66,38 @@ void ComponentManager::set_persistent(game_object_id_t id, bool persistent) {
set<game_object_id_t> ComponentManager::get_objects_by_name(const string & name) const {
- return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>(
- [name](const Metadata & data) { return data.name == name; });
+ return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>([name](const Metadata & data) {
+ return data.name == name;
+ });
set<game_object_id_t> ComponentManager::get_objects_by_tag(const string & tag) const {
- return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>(
- [tag](const Metadata & data) { return data.tag == tag; });
+ return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>([tag](const Metadata & data) {
+ return data.tag == tag;
+ });
+ComponentManager::Snapshot ComponentManager::save() {
+ Snapshot snapshot {};
+ for (const auto & [type, by_id_index] : this->components) {
+ for (game_object_id_t id = 0; id < by_id_index.size(); id++) {
+ const auto & components = by_id_index[id];
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < components.size(); index++) {
+ const Component & component = *components[index];
+ snapshot.components.push_back(SnapshotComponent {
+ .type = type,
+ .id = id,
+ .index = index,
+ .component = component.save(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return snapshot;
+void ComponentManager::restore(const Snapshot & snapshot) {
+ for (const SnapshotComponent & info : snapshot.components) {
+ this->components[info.type][info.id][info.index]->restore(*info.component);
+ }
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
index 19a8e81..2eb1f7e 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
@@ -21,13 +21,6 @@ class GameObject;
* This class manages all components. It provides methods to add, delete and get components.
class ComponentManager : public Manager {
- // TODO: This relation should be removed! I (loek) believe that the scene manager should
- // create/destroy components because the GameObject's are stored in concrete Scene classes,
- // which will in turn call GameObject's destructor, which will in turn call
- // ComponentManager::delete_components_by_id or something. This is a pretty major change, so
- // here is a comment and temporary fix instead :tada:
- friend class SceneManager;
ComponentManager(Mediator & mediator);
~ComponentManager(); // dbg_trace
@@ -45,16 +38,12 @@ public:
* \note This method automatically assigns a new entity ID
- GameObject new_object(const std::string & name, const std::string & tag = "",
- const vec2 & position = {0, 0}, double rotation = 0,
- double scale = 1);
+ GameObject new_object(
+ const std::string & name, const std::string & tag = "", const vec2 & position = {0, 0},
+ double rotation = 0, double scale = 1
+ );
- /**
- * GameObject is used as an interface to add/remove components, and the game programmer is
- * supposed to use it instead of interfacing with the component manager directly.
- */
- friend class GameObject;
* \brief Add a component to the ComponentManager
@@ -154,6 +143,40 @@ public:
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const;
+ //! Snapshot of single component (including path in \c components)
+ struct SnapshotComponent {
+ //! \c components path
+ std::type_index type;
+ //! \c components path
+ game_object_id_t id;
+ //! \c components path
+ size_t index;
+ //! Actual component snapshot
+ std::unique_ptr<Component> component;
+ };
+ //! Snapshot of the entire component manager state
+ struct Snapshot {
+ //! All components
+ std::vector<SnapshotComponent> components;
+ // TODO: some kind of hash code that ensures components exist in all the same places as
+ // this snapshot
+ };
+ /**
+ * \name ReplayManager (Memento) functions
+ * \{
+ */
+ /**
+ * \brief Save a snapshot of the component manager state
+ * \returns Deep copy of the component manager's internal state
+ */
+ Snapshot save();
+ /**
+ * \brief Restore component manager from a snapshot
+ * \param snapshot Snapshot to restore from (as returned by \c save())
+ */
+ void restore(const Snapshot & snapshot);
+ //! \}
* \brief Get object IDs by predicate function
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
index 9e70865..6d32edb 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ template <class T, typename... Args>
T & ComponentManager::add_component(game_object_id_t id, Args &&... args) {
using namespace std;
- static_assert(is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
- "add_component must recieve a derivative class of Component");
+ static_assert(
+ is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
+ "add_component must recieve a derivative class of Component"
+ );
// Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
type_index type = typeid(T);
@@ -40,8 +42,8 @@ T & ComponentManager::add_component(game_object_id_t id, Args &&... args) {
// Check if the vector size is not greater than get_instances_max
int max_instances = instance->get_instances_max();
if (max_instances != -1 && components[type][id].size() >= max_instances) {
- throw std::runtime_error(
- "Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type");
+ throw std::runtime_error("Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type"
+ );
// store its unique_ptr in the vector<>
@@ -95,8 +97,10 @@ template <typename T>
RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const {
using namespace std;
- static_assert(is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
- "get_components_by_id must recieve a derivative class of Component");
+ static_assert(
+ is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
+ "get_components_by_id must recieve a derivative class of Component"
+ );
type_index type = typeid(T);
if (!this->components.contains(type)) return {};
@@ -170,8 +174,8 @@ ComponentManager::get_objects_by_predicate(const std::function<bool(const T &)>
template <typename T>
-ComponentManager::get_components_by_ids(const std::set<game_object_id_t> & ids) const {
+RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_ids(const std::set<game_object_id_t> & ids
+) const {
using namespace std;
RefVector<T> out = {};
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.h
index 639e37f..5766a0c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.h
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ public:
* \return A unique subscription ID associated with the registered callback.
template <typename EventType>
- subscription_t subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback,
- event_channel_t channel = CHANNEL_ALL);
+ subscription_t
+ subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, event_channel_t channel = CHANNEL_ALL);
* \brief Unsubscribe a previously registered callback.
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ private:
* \brief Represents an entry in the event queue.
struct QueueEntry {
- std::unique_ptr<Event> event; ///< The event instance.
+ std::unique_ptr<Event, std::function<void(Event *)>> event; ///< The event instance.
event_channel_t channel = CHANNEL_ALL; ///< The channel associated with the event.
std::type_index type; ///< The type of the event.
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.hpp
index a5f4556..1f44943 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/EventManager.hpp
@@ -5,24 +5,31 @@
namespace crepe {
template <typename EventType>
-subscription_t EventManager::subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback,
- event_channel_t channel) {
+EventManager::subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback, event_channel_t channel) {
std::type_index event_type = typeid(EventType);
std::unique_ptr<EventHandlerWrapper<EventType>> handler
= std::make_unique<EventHandlerWrapper<EventType>>(callback);
std::vector<CallbackEntry> & handlers = this->subscribers[event_type];
- handlers.emplace_back(CallbackEntry{
- .callback = std::move(handler), .channel = channel, .id = subscription_counter});
+ handlers.emplace_back(CallbackEntry {
+ .callback = std::move(handler), .channel = channel, .id = subscription_counter
+ });
return subscription_counter;
template <typename EventType>
void EventManager::queue_event(const EventType & event, event_channel_t channel) {
- static_assert(std::is_base_of<Event, EventType>::value,
- "EventType must derive from Event");
+ static_assert(
+ std::is_base_of<Event, EventType>::value, "EventType must derive from Event"
+ );
- .event = std::make_unique<EventType>(event),
+ // unique_ptr w/ custom destructor implementation is used because the base Event interface
+ // can't be polymorphic (= have default virtual destructor)
+ .event = {
+ new EventType(event),
+ [](Event * ev) { delete static_cast<EventType *>(ev); },
+ },
.channel = channel,
.type = typeid(EventType),
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.cpp
index a6e4788..b4cd07f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
-#include "../util/Log.h"
+#include "../util/dbg.h"
#include "LoopTimerManager.h"
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ LoopTimerManager::LoopTimerManager(Mediator & mediator) : Manager(mediator) {
void LoopTimerManager::start() {
this->last_frame_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
- this->elapsed_time = elapsed_time_t{0};
- this->elapsed_fixed_time = elapsed_time_t{0};
- this->delta_time = duration_t{0};
+ this->elapsed_time = elapsed_time_t {0};
+ this->elapsed_fixed_time = elapsed_time_t {0};
+ this->delta_time = duration_t {0};
void LoopTimerManager::update() {
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h
index 76b02d3..279d6b2 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
namespace crepe {
+class Engine;
typedef std::chrono::duration<float> duration_t;
typedef std::chrono::duration<unsigned long long, std::micro> elapsed_time_t;
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ public:
//! Friend relation to use start,enforce_frame_rate,get_lag,update,advance_fixed_update.
- friend class LoopManager;
+ friend class Engine;
* \brief Start the loop timer.
@@ -155,17 +157,17 @@ private:
//! Time scale for speeding up or slowing down the game (0 = pause, < 1 = slow down, 1 = normal speed, > 1 = speed up).
float time_scale = 1;
//! Maximum delta time in seconds to avoid large jumps.
- duration_t maximum_delta_time{0.25};
+ duration_t maximum_delta_time {0.25};
//! Delta time for the current frame in seconds.
- duration_t delta_time{0.0};
+ duration_t delta_time {0.0};
//! Target time per frame in seconds
- duration_t frame_target_time{1.0 / target_fps};
+ duration_t frame_target_time {1.0 / target_fps};
//! Fixed delta time for fixed updates in seconds.
- duration_t fixed_delta_time{1.0 / 50.0};
+ duration_t fixed_delta_time {1.0 / 50.0};
//! Total elapsed game time in microseconds.
- elapsed_time_t elapsed_time{0};
+ elapsed_time_t elapsed_time {0};
//! Total elapsed time for fixed updates in microseconds.
- elapsed_time_t elapsed_fixed_time{0};
+ elapsed_time_t elapsed_fixed_time {0};
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point time_point_t;
//! Time of the last frame.
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h b/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
index a336410..842f1de 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class LoopTimerManager;
class SaveManager;
class ResourceManager;
class SDLContext;
+class ReplayManager;
+class SystemManager;
* Struct to pass references to classes that would otherwise need to be singletons down to
@@ -32,6 +34,8 @@ struct Mediator {
OptionalRef<LoopTimerManager> loop_timer;
OptionalRef<SaveManager> save_manager;
OptionalRef<ResourceManager> resource_manager;
+ OptionalRef<ReplayManager> replay_manager;
+ OptionalRef<SystemManager> system_manager;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..090a94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include <format>
+#include "Manager.h"
+#include "ReplayManager.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+ReplayManager::ReplayManager(Mediator & mediator) : Manager(mediator) {
+ mediator.replay_manager = *this;
+void ReplayManager::record_start() {
+ if (this->state == RECORDING) this->release(this->id);
+ this->id++;
+ this->memory[this->id] = make_unique<Recording>();
+ this->recording = *this->memory.at(this->id);
+ this->state = RECORDING;
+recording_t ReplayManager::record_end() {
+ this->state = IDLE;
+ return this->id;
+void ReplayManager::play(recording_t handle) {
+ if (!this->memory.contains(handle))
+ throw out_of_range(format("ReplayManager: no recording for handle {}", handle));
+ this->recording = *this->memory.at(handle);
+ this->recording->frame = 0;
+ this->state = PLAYING;
+void ReplayManager::release(recording_t handle) {
+ if (!this->memory.contains(handle)) return;
+ this->memory.erase(handle);
+void ReplayManager::frame_record() {
+ if (this->state != RECORDING)
+ throw runtime_error("ReplayManager: frame_step called while not playing");
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ Recording & recording = this->recording;
+ recording.frames.push_back(components.save());
+ recording.frame++;
+bool ReplayManager::frame_step() {
+ if (this->state != PLAYING)
+ throw runtime_error("ReplayManager: frame_step called while not playing");
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ Recording & recording = this->recording;
+ ComponentManager::Snapshot & frame = recording.frames.at(recording.frame);
+ components.restore(frame);
+ recording.frame++;
+ if (recording.frame < recording.frames.size()) return false;
+ // end of recording
+ recording.frame = 0;
+ this->state = IDLE;
+ this->recording.clear();
+ return true;
+ReplayManager::State ReplayManager::get_state() const { return this->state; }
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06a58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ReplayManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "../util/OptionalRef.h"
+#include "ComponentManager.h"
+#include "Manager.h"
+namespace crepe {
+//! Handle to recording held by ReplayManager
+typedef size_t recording_t;
+ * \brief Replay manager
+ *
+ * The replay manager is responsible for creating, storing and restoring ComponentManager
+ * snapshots. Sequential snapshots can be recorded and replayed in combination with
+ * ReplaySystem.
+ */
+class ReplayManager : public Manager {
+ // TODO: Delete recordings at end of scene
+ ReplayManager(Mediator & mediator);
+ //! Start a new recording
+ void record_start();
+ /**
+ * \brief End the latest recording started by \c record_start()
+ * \returns Handle to recording
+ */
+ recording_t record_end();
+ /**
+ * \brief Play a recording
+ * \param handle Handle to recording (as returned by \c record_end())
+ */
+ void play(recording_t handle);
+ /**
+ * \brief Delete a recording from memory
+ * \param handle Handle to recording (as returned by \c record_end())
+ */
+ void release(recording_t handle);
+ //! Internal state
+ enum State {
+ IDLE, //!< Not doing anything
+ RECORDING, //!< Currently recording
+ PLAYING, //!< Currently playing back a recording
+ };
+ //! Get current internal state
+ State get_state() const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Record a single frame to the current recording
+ *
+ * This function is called by ReplaySystem after the game programmer has called \c
+ * record_start()
+ */
+ void frame_record();
+ /**
+ * \brief Play the next frame of the current recording
+ *
+ * \returns `true` if the recording is finished playing
+ * \returns `false` if there are more frames
+ *
+ * This function also automatically resets the internal state from PLAYING to IDLE at the end
+ * of a recording.
+ */
+ bool frame_step();
+ /**
+ * \brief Recording data
+ */
+ struct Recording {
+ //! Current frame being shown
+ size_t frame = 0;
+ //! All frames in recording
+ std::vector<ComponentManager::Snapshot> frames;
+ };
+ //! Internal state
+ State state = IDLE;
+ //! Current recording handle
+ recording_t id = -1;
+ //! Current recording data
+ OptionalRef<Recording> recording;
+ //! Recording storage
+ std::unordered_map<recording_t, std::unique_ptr<Recording>> memory;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp
index a141a46..5713183 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "util/Log.h"
+#include "util/dbg.h"
#include "ResourceManager.h"
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp
index cf5c949..4ca6be0 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp
@@ -9,17 +9,20 @@ namespace crepe {
template <typename T>
T & ResourceManager::get(const Asset & asset) {
using namespace std;
- static_assert(is_base_of<Resource, T>::value,
- "cache must recieve a derivative class of Resource");
+ static_assert(
+ is_base_of<Resource, T>::value, "cache must recieve a derivative class of Resource"
+ );
CacheEntry & entry = this->get_entry(asset);
if (entry.resource == nullptr) entry.resource = make_unique<T>(asset, this->mediator);
T * concrete_resource = dynamic_cast<T *>(entry.resource.get());
if (concrete_resource == nullptr)
- throw runtime_error(format("ResourceManager: mismatch between requested type and "
- "actual type of resource ({})",
- asset.get_path()));
+ throw runtime_error(format(
+ "ResourceManager: mismatch between requested type and "
+ "actual type of resource ({})",
+ asset.get_path()
+ ));
return *concrete_resource;
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/SceneManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/SceneManager.cpp
index d4ca90b..e6f92db 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/SceneManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SceneManager.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ void SceneManager::load_next_scene() {
// next scene not set
if (this->next_scene.empty()) return;
- auto it = find_if(this->scenes.begin(), this->scenes.end(),
- [&next_scene = this->next_scene](unique_ptr<Scene> & scene) {
- return scene.get()->get_name() == next_scene;
- });
+ auto it = find_if(
+ this->scenes.begin(), this->scenes.end(),
+ [&next_scene = this->next_scene](unique_ptr<Scene> & scene) {
+ return scene.get()->get_name() == next_scene;
+ }
+ );
// next scene not found
if (it == this->scenes.end()) return;
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eabc022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "../system/AISystem.h"
+#include "../system/AnimatorSystem.h"
+#include "../system/AudioSystem.h"
+#include "../system/CollisionSystem.h"
+#include "../system/EventSystem.h"
+#include "../system/InputSystem.h"
+#include "../system/ParticleSystem.h"
+#include "../system/PhysicsSystem.h"
+#include "../system/RenderSystem.h"
+#include "../system/ReplaySystem.h"
+#include "../system/ScriptSystem.h"
+#include "SystemManager.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+SystemManager::SystemManager(Mediator & mediator) : Manager(mediator) {
+ this->load_system<InputSystem>();
+ this->load_system<EventSystem>();
+ this->load_system<ScriptSystem>();
+ this->load_system<ParticleSystem>();
+ this->load_system<AISystem>();
+ this->load_system<PhysicsSystem>();
+ this->load_system<CollisionSystem>();
+ this->load_system<AudioSystem>();
+ this->load_system<AnimatorSystem>();
+ this->load_system<RenderSystem>();
+ this->load_system<ReplaySystem>();
+ this->mediator.system_manager = *this;
+void SystemManager::fixed_update() {
+ for (System & system : this->system_order) {
+ if (!system.active) continue;
+ system.fixed_update();
+ }
+void SystemManager::frame_update() {
+ for (System & system : this->system_order) {
+ if (!system.active) continue;
+ system.frame_update();
+ }
+SystemManager::Snapshot SystemManager::save() {
+ Snapshot snapshot;
+ for (auto & [type, system] : this->systems) {
+ snapshot[type] = system->active;
+ }
+ return snapshot;
+void SystemManager::restore(const Snapshot & snapshot) {
+ for (auto & [type, active] : snapshot) {
+ this->systems[type]->active = active;
+ }
+void SystemManager::disable_all() {
+ for (auto & [type, system] : this->systems) {
+ system->active = false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..614d90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <typeindex>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "../system/System.h"
+#include "Manager.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief Collection of all systems
+ *
+ * This manager aggregates all systems and provides utility functions to retrieve references to
+ * and update systems.
+ */
+class SystemManager : public Manager {
+ SystemManager(Mediator &);
+ /**
+ * \brief Per-frame update.
+ *
+ * Updates the game state based on the elapsed time since the last frame.
+ */
+ void frame_update();
+ /**
+ * \brief Fixed update executed at a fixed rate.
+ *
+ * This function updates physics and game logic based on LoopTimer's fixed_delta_time.
+ */
+ void fixed_update();
+ /**
+ * \brief Collection of System instances
+ *
+ * This map holds System instances indexed by the system's class typeid. It is filled in the
+ * constructor of \c SystemManager using SystemManager::load_system.
+ */
+ std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::unique_ptr<System>> systems;
+ /**
+ * \brief Collection of System instances
+ *
+ * This map holds System instances indexed by the system's class typeid. It is filled in the
+ * constructor of \c SystemManager using SystemManager::load_system.
+ */
+ std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<System>> system_order;
+ /**
+ * \brief Initialize a system
+ * \tparam T System type (must be derivative of \c System)
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ void load_system();
+ /**
+ * \brief Retrieve a reference to ECS system
+ * \tparam T System type
+ * \returns Reference to system instance
+ * \throws std::runtime_error if the System is not initialized
+ */
+ template <class T>
+ T & get_system();
+ /**
+ * \brief SystemManager snapshot
+ *
+ * The SystemManager snapshot only stores which systems are active
+ */
+ typedef std::unordered_map<std::type_index, bool> Snapshot;
+ /**
+ * \brief Save a snapshot of the systems' state
+ * \returns Copy of each system's active property
+ */
+ Snapshot save();
+ /**
+ * \brief Restore system active state from a snapshot
+ * \param snapshot Snapshot to restore from (as returned by \c save())
+ */
+ void restore(const Snapshot & snapshot);
+ //! Disable all systems
+ void disable_all();
+} // namespace crepe
+#include "SystemManager.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.hpp
index 266758a..addd274 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SystemManager.hpp
@@ -4,26 +4,20 @@
#include <format>
#include <memory>
-#include "../system/System.h"
-#include "LoopManager.h"
+#include "SystemManager.h"
namespace crepe {
template <class T>
-void LoopManager::add_scene() {
- this->scene_manager.add_scene<T>();
-template <class T>
-T & LoopManager::get_system() {
+T & SystemManager::get_system() {
using namespace std;
- static_assert(is_base_of<System, T>::value,
- "get_system must recieve a derivative class of System");
+ static_assert(
+ is_base_of<System, T>::value, "get_system must recieve a derivative class of System"
+ );
const type_info & type = typeid(T);
if (!this->systems.contains(type))
- throw runtime_error(format("LoopManager: {} is not initialized", type.name()));
+ throw runtime_error(format("SystemManager: {} is not initialized", type.name()));
System * system = this->systems.at(type).get();
T * concrete_system = dynamic_cast<T *>(system);
@@ -33,16 +27,18 @@ T & LoopManager::get_system() {
template <class T>
-void LoopManager::load_system() {
+void SystemManager::load_system() {
using namespace std;
- static_assert(is_base_of<System, T>::value,
- "load_system must recieve a derivative class of System");
+ static_assert(
+ is_base_of<System, T>::value, "load_system must recieve a derivative class of System"
+ );
const type_info & type = typeid(T);
if (this->systems.contains(type))
- throw runtime_error(format("LoopManager: {} is already initialized", type.name()));
+ throw runtime_error(format("SystemManager: {} is already initialized", type.name()));
System * system = new T(this->mediator);
this->systems[type] = unique_ptr<System>(system);
+ this->system_order.push_back(*this->systems[type]);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
index 680dbb8..94445c7 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std::chrono;
-void AISystem::update() {
+void AISystem::fixed_update() {
const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ void AISystem::update() {
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(ai.game_object_id);
if (rigidbodies.empty()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
- "AI component must be attached to a GameObject with a Rigidbody component");
+ "AI component must be attached to a GameObject with a Rigidbody component"
+ );
Rigidbody & rigidbody = rigidbodies.front().get();
if (!rigidbody.active) {
@@ -110,8 +111,8 @@ bool AISystem::accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & forc
return true;
-vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
- const Transform & transform) const {
+vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
// Calculate the desired velocity
vec2 desired_velocity = ai.seek_target - transform.position;
@@ -120,12 +121,12 @@ vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
-vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
- const Transform & transform) const {
+vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
// Calculate the desired velocity if the entity is within the panic distance
vec2 desired_velocity = transform.position - ai.flee_target;
if (desired_velocity.length_squared() > ai.square_flee_panic_distance) {
- return vec2{0, 0};
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
@@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
-vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
- const Transform & transform) const {
+vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform)
+ const {
// Calculate the desired velocity (taking into account the deceleration rate)
vec2 to_target = ai.arrive_target - transform.position;
float distance = to_target.length();
@@ -150,12 +151,12 @@ vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
- return vec2{0, 0};
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
vec2 AISystem::path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) {
if (ai.path.empty()) {
- return vec2{0, 0};
+ return vec2 {0, 0};
// Get the target node
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
index d5f8a8e..04807cf 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
using System::System;
//! Update the AI system
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
index 107b25d..143d5d6 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
@@ -1,42 +1,44 @@
+#include <chrono>
#include "../api/Animator.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
-#include <chrono>
#include "AnimatorSystem.h"
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std::chrono;
-void AnimatorSystem::update() {
+void AnimatorSystem::frame_update() {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
RefVector<Animator> animations = mgr.get_components_by_type<Animator>();
- float elapsed_time = duration_cast<duration<float>>(timer.get_elapsed_time()).count();
+ duration_t elapsed_time = timer.get_delta_time();
for (Animator & a : animations) {
if (!a.active) continue;
if (a.data.fps == 0) continue;
Animator::Data & ctx = a.data;
- float frame_duration = 1.0f / ctx.fps;
- int last_frame = ctx.row;
+ a.elapsed_time += elapsed_time;
+ duration_t frame_duration = 1000ms / ctx.fps;
int cycle_end = (ctx.cycle_end == -1) ? a.grid_size.x : ctx.cycle_end;
- int total_frames = cycle_end - ctx.cycle_start;
- int curr_frame = static_cast<int>(elapsed_time / frame_duration) % total_frames;
+ if (a.elapsed_time >= frame_duration) {
+ a.elapsed_time = 0ms;
+ a.frame++;
+ if (a.frame == cycle_end) {
+ a.frame = ctx.cycle_start;
+ if (!ctx.looping) {
+ a.active = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- ctx.row = ctx.cycle_start + curr_frame;
+ ctx.row = ctx.cycle_start + a.frame;
a.spritesheet.mask.x = ctx.row * a.spritesheet.mask.w;
- a.spritesheet.mask.y = (ctx.col * a.spritesheet.mask.h);
- if (!ctx.looping && curr_frame == ctx.cycle_start && last_frame == total_frames - 1) {
- a.active = false;
- }
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
index 7d3f565..092e131 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public:
* Animator components, moving the animations forward and managing their behavior (e.g.,
* looping).
- void update() override;
+ void frame_update() override;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
index b1aa0f8..3c2232f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
-void AudioSystem::update() {
+void AudioSystem::fixed_update() {
ComponentManager & component_manager = this->mediator.component_manager;
ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
RefVector<AudioSource> components
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ void AudioSystem::diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource) {
if (component.oneshot_play) {
component.voice = context.play(resource);
+ context.set_loop(component.voice, component.loop);
+ context.set_volume(component.voice, component.volume);
component.oneshot_play = false;
if (component.oneshot_stop) {
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
index 2ddc443..56fc98c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace crepe {
class AudioSystem : public System {
using System::System;
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
index 0e2db76..52369d0 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ EventSystem.cpp
+ ReplaySystem.cpp
@@ -20,5 +22,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ EventSystem.h
+ ReplaySystem.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
index af8adce..571ac70 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
+#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
@@ -15,15 +16,25 @@
#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
#include "api/Transform.h"
#include "api/Vector2.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
+#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
-#include "Collider.h"
#include "CollisionSystem.h"
#include "types.h"
-#include "util/OptionalRef.h"
using namespace crepe;
+using enum Rigidbody::BodyType;
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo::operator-() const {
+ return {
+ .self = this->other,
+ .other = this->self,
+ .resolution = -this->resolution,
+ .resolution_direction = this->resolution_direction,
+ };
-void CollisionSystem::update() {
+void CollisionSystem::fixed_update() {
std::vector<CollisionInternal> all_colliders;
game_object_id_t id = 0;
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
@@ -33,15 +44,17 @@ void CollisionSystem::update() {
if (!rigidbody.active) continue;
id = rigidbody.game_object_id;
Transform & transform = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(id).front().get();
+ Metadata & metadata = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(id).front().get();
// Check if the boxcollider is active and has the same id as the rigidbody.
RefVector<BoxCollider> boxcolliders = mgr.get_components_by_type<BoxCollider>();
for (BoxCollider & boxcollider : boxcolliders) {
if (boxcollider.game_object_id != id) continue;
if (!boxcollider.active) continue;
- all_colliders.push_back({.id = id,
- .collider = collider_variant{boxcollider},
- .transform = transform,
- .rigidbody = rigidbody});
+ all_colliders.push_back(
+ {.id = id,
+ .collider = collider_variant {boxcollider},
+ .info = {transform, rigidbody, metadata}}
+ );
// Check if the circlecollider is active and has the same id as the rigidbody.
RefVector<CircleCollider> circlecolliders
@@ -49,312 +62,461 @@ void CollisionSystem::update() {
for (CircleCollider & circlecollider : circlecolliders) {
if (circlecollider.game_object_id != id) continue;
if (!circlecollider.active) continue;
- all_colliders.push_back({.id = id,
- .collider = collider_variant{circlecollider},
- .transform = transform,
- .rigidbody = rigidbody});
+ all_colliders.push_back(
+ {.id = id,
+ .collider = collider_variant {circlecollider},
+ .info = {transform, rigidbody, metadata}}
+ );
- // Check between all colliders if there is a collision
+ // Check between all colliders if there is a collision (collision handling)
std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>> collided
= this->gather_collisions(all_colliders);
- // For both objects call the collision handler
+ // For the object convert the info and call the collision handler if needed
for (auto & collision_pair : collided) {
- this->collision_handler_request(collision_pair.first, collision_pair.second);
- this->collision_handler_request(collision_pair.second, collision_pair.first);
+ // Convert internal struct to external struct
+ CollisionInfo info
+ = this->get_collision_info(collision_pair.first, collision_pair.second);
+ // Determine if and/or what collison handler is needed.
+ this->determine_collision_handler(info);
-void CollisionSystem::collision_handler_request(CollisionInternal & this_data,
- CollisionInternal & other_data) {
+// Below is for collision detection
+std::vector<std::pair<CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal, CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal>>
+CollisionSystem::gather_collisions(std::vector<CollisionInternal> & colliders) {
- CollisionInternalType type
- = this->get_collider_type(this_data.collider, other_data.collider);
- std::pair<vec2, CollisionSystem::Direction> resolution_data
- = this->collision_handler(this_data, other_data, type);
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
- OptionalRef<Metadata> this_metadata
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(this_data.id).front().get();
- OptionalRef<Metadata> other_metadata
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(other_data.id).front().get();
- OptionalRef<Collider> this_collider;
- OptionalRef<Collider> other_collider;
- switch (type) {
- case CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX: {
- this_collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(this_data.collider);
- other_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other_data.collider);
- break;
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE: {
- this_collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(this_data.collider);
- other_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other_data.collider);
- break;
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX: {
- this_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(this_data.collider);
- other_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other_data.collider);
- break;
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE: {
- this_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(this_data.collider);
- other_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other_data.collider);
- break;
+ // TODO:
+ // If no colliders skip
+ // Check if colliders has rigidbody if not skip
+ // TODO:
+ // If amount is higer than lets say 16 for now use quadtree otwerwise skip
+ // Quadtree code
+ // Quadtree is placed over the input vector
+ // Return data of collided colliders which are variants
+ std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>> collisions_ret;
+ //using visit to visit the variant to access the active and id.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < colliders.size(); ++i) {
+ for (size_t j = i + 1; j < colliders.size(); ++j) {
+ if (colliders[i].id == colliders[j].id) continue;
+ if (!should_collide(colliders[i], colliders[j])) continue;
+ CollisionInternalType type
+ = get_collider_type(colliders[i].collider, colliders[j].collider);
+ if (!detect_collision(colliders[i], colliders[j], type)) continue;
+ //fet
+ collisions_ret.emplace_back(colliders[i], colliders[j]);
+ return collisions_ret;
- // collision info
- crepe::CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo collision_info{
- .this_collider = this_collider,
- .this_transform = this_data.transform,
- .this_rigidbody = this_data.rigidbody,
- .this_metadata = this_metadata,
- .other_collider = other_collider,
- .other_transform = other_data.transform,
- .other_rigidbody = other_data.rigidbody,
- .other_metadata = other_metadata,
- .resolution = resolution_data.first,
- .resolution_direction = resolution_data.second,
- };
+bool CollisionSystem::should_collide(
+ const CollisionInternal & self, const CollisionInternal & other
+) const {
+ const Rigidbody::Data & self_rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody.data;
+ const Rigidbody::Data & other_rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody.data;
+ const Metadata & self_metadata = self.info.metadata;
+ const Metadata & other_metadata = other.info.metadata;
+ // Check collision layers
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_layers.contains(other_rigidbody.collision_layer)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_layers.contains(self_rigidbody.collision_layer)) return true;
+ // Check names
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_names.contains(other_metadata.name)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_names.contains(self_metadata.name)) return true;
+ // Check tags
+ if (self_rigidbody.collision_tags.contains(other_metadata.tag)) return true;
+ if (other_rigidbody.collision_tags.contains(self_metadata.tag)) return true;
- // Determine if static needs to be called
- this->determine_collision_handler(collision_info);
+ return false;
-std::pair<vec2, CollisionSystem::Direction>
-CollisionSystem::collision_handler(CollisionInternal & data1, CollisionInternal & data2,
- CollisionInternalType type) {
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInternalType CollisionSystem::get_collider_type(
+ const collider_variant & collider1, const collider_variant & collider2
+) const {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider1)) {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
+ return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE;
+ } else {
+ return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
+ return CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE;
+ } else {
+ return CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX;
+ }
+ }
+bool CollisionSystem::detect_collision(
+ CollisionInternal & self, CollisionInternal & other, const CollisionInternalType & type
+) {
vec2 resolution;
switch (type) {
case CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX: {
- const BoxCollider & collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(data1.collider);
- const BoxCollider & collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(data2.collider);
- vec2 collider_pos1 = this->get_current_position(collider1.offset, data1.transform,
- data1.rigidbody);
- vec2 collider_pos2 = this->get_current_position(collider2.offset, data2.transform,
- data2.rigidbody);
- resolution = this->get_box_box_resolution(collider1, collider2, collider_pos1,
- collider_pos2);
+ // Box-Box collision detection
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX2
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-box collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_box_box_detection(BOX1, BOX2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
case CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE: {
- const BoxCollider & collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(data1.collider);
- const CircleCollider & collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(data2.collider);
- vec2 collider_pos1 = this->get_current_position(collider1.offset, data1.transform,
- data1.rigidbody);
- vec2 collider_pos2 = this->get_current_position(collider2.offset, data2.transform,
- data2.rigidbody);
- resolution = -this->get_circle_box_resolution(collider2, collider1, collider_pos2,
- collider_pos1);
+ // Box-Circle collision detection
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE2
+ = {.collider
+ = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-circle collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_box_circle_detection(BOX1, CIRCLE2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ // Invert the resolution vector for proper collision response
+ resolution = -resolution;
case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE: {
- const CircleCollider & collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(data1.collider);
- const CircleCollider & collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(data2.collider);
- vec2 collider_pos1 = this->get_current_position(collider1.offset, data1.transform,
- data1.rigidbody);
- vec2 collider_pos2 = this->get_current_position(collider2.offset, data2.transform,
- data2.rigidbody);
- resolution = this->get_circle_circle_resolution(collider1, collider2,
- collider_pos1, collider_pos2);
+ // Circle-Circle collision detection
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE2
+ = {.collider
+ = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from circle-circle collision detection
+ resolution = this->get_circle_circle_detection(CIRCLE1, CIRCLE2);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX: {
- const CircleCollider & collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(data1.collider);
- const BoxCollider & collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(data2.collider);
- vec2 collider_pos1 = this->get_current_position(collider1.offset, data1.transform,
- data1.rigidbody);
- vec2 collider_pos2 = this->get_current_position(collider2.offset, data2.transform,
- data2.rigidbody);
- resolution = this->get_circle_box_resolution(collider1, collider2, collider_pos1,
- collider_pos2);
+ // Circle-Box collision detection
+ const CircleColliderInternal CIRCLE1
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(self.collider),
+ .transform = self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = self.info.rigidbody};
+ const BoxColliderInternal BOX2
+ = {.collider = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(other.collider),
+ .transform = other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = other.info.rigidbody};
+ // Get resolution vector from box-circle collision detection (order swapped)
+ resolution = this->get_box_circle_detection(BOX2, CIRCLE1);
+ // If no collision (NaN values), return false
+ if (resolution.is_nan()) return false;
+ case CollisionInternalType::NONE:
+ // No collision detection needed if the type is NONE
+ return false;
+ break;
+ // Store the calculated resolution vector for the 'self' collider
+ self.resolution = resolution;
+ // Calculate the resolution direction based on the rigidbody data
+ self.resolution_direction
+ = this->resolution_correction(self.resolution, self.info.rigidbody.data);
+ // For the 'other' collider, the resolution is the opposite direction of 'self'
+ other.resolution = -self.resolution;
+ other.resolution_direction = self.resolution_direction;
+ // Return true if a collision was detected and resolution was calculated
+ return true;
- Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
- if (resolution.x != 0 && resolution.y != 0) {
- resolution_direction = Direction::BOTH;
- } else if (resolution.x != 0) {
- resolution_direction = Direction::X_DIRECTION;
- //checks if the other velocity has a value and if this object moved
- if (data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x != 0
- && data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y != 0)
- resolution.y = -data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- * (resolution.x / data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x);
- } else if (resolution.y != 0) {
- resolution_direction = Direction::Y_DIRECTION;
- //checks if the other velocity has a value and if this object moved
- if (data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x != 0
- && data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y != 0)
- resolution.x = -data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- * (resolution.y / data1.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y);
- }
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_box_box_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const BoxColliderInternal & box2
+) const {
+ vec2 resolution {NAN, NAN};
+ // Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 pos1 = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box1.transform, box1.collider.offset);
+ vec2 pos2 = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box2.transform, box2.collider.offset);
- return std::make_pair(resolution, resolution_direction);
+ // Scale dimensions
+ vec2 scaled_box1 = box1.collider.dimensions * box1.transform.scale;
+ vec2 scaled_box2 = box2.collider.dimensions * box2.transform.scale;
+ vec2 delta = pos2 - pos1;
-vec2 CollisionSystem::get_box_box_resolution(const BoxCollider & box_collider1,
- const BoxCollider & box_collider2,
- const vec2 & final_position1,
- const vec2 & final_position2) const {
- vec2 resolution; // Default resolution vector
- vec2 delta = final_position2 - final_position1;
- // Compute half-dimensions of the boxes
- float half_width1 = box_collider1.dimensions.x / 2.0;
- float half_height1 = box_collider1.dimensions.y / 2.0;
- float half_width2 = box_collider2.dimensions.x / 2.0;
- float half_height2 = box_collider2.dimensions.y / 2.0;
- // Calculate overlaps along X and Y axes
- float overlap_x = (half_width1 + half_width2) - std::abs(delta.x);
- float overlap_y = (half_height1 + half_height2) - std::abs(delta.y);
- // Check if there is a collision should always be true
- if (overlap_x > 0 && overlap_y > 0) {
- // Determine the direction of resolution
- if (overlap_x < overlap_y) {
- // Resolve along the X-axis (smallest overlap)
- resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
- } else if (overlap_y < overlap_x) {
- // Resolve along the Y-axis (smallest overlap)
- resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
- } else {
- // Equal overlap, resolve both directions with preference
- resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
- resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
+ // Calculate half-extents (half width and half height)
+ float half_width1 = scaled_box1.x / 2.0;
+ float half_height1 = scaled_box1.y / 2.0;
+ float half_width2 = scaled_box2.x / 2.0;
+ float half_height2 = scaled_box2.y / 2.0;
+ if (pos1.x + half_width1 > pos2.x - half_width2
+ && pos1.x - half_width1 < pos2.x + half_width2
+ && pos1.y + half_height1 > pos2.y - half_height2
+ && pos1.y - half_height1 < pos2.y + half_height2) {
+ resolution = {0, 0};
+ float overlap_x = (half_width1 + half_width2) - std::abs(delta.x);
+ float overlap_y = (half_height1 + half_height2) - std::abs(delta.y);
+ if (overlap_x > 0 && overlap_y > 0) {
+ // Determine the direction of resolution
+ if (overlap_x < overlap_y) {
+ // Resolve along the X-axis (smallest overlap)
+ resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
+ } else if (overlap_y < overlap_x) {
+ // Resolve along the Y-axis (smallest overlap)
+ resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
+ } else {
+ // Equal overlap, resolve both directions with preference
+ resolution.x = (delta.x > 0) ? -overlap_x : overlap_x;
+ resolution.y = (delta.y > 0) ? -overlap_y : overlap_y;
+ }
return resolution;
-vec2 CollisionSystem::get_circle_circle_resolution(const CircleCollider & circle_collider1,
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider2,
- const vec2 & final_position1,
- const vec2 & final_position2) const {
- vec2 delta = final_position2 - final_position1;
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_box_circle_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box, const CircleColliderInternal & circle
+) const {
+ /// Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 box_pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(box.transform, box.collider.offset);
+ vec2 circle_pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle.transform, circle.collider.offset);
- // Compute the distance between the two circle centers
- float distance = std::sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y);
+ // Scale dimensions
+ vec2 scaled_box = box.collider.dimensions * box.transform.scale;
+ float scaled_circle_radius = circle.collider.radius * circle.transform.scale;
- // Compute the combined radii of the two circles
- float combined_radius = circle_collider1.radius + circle_collider2.radius;
+ // Calculate box half-extents
+ float half_width = scaled_box.x / 2.0f;
+ float half_height = scaled_box.y / 2.0f;
- // Compute the penetration depth
- float penetration_depth = combined_radius - distance;
+ // Find the closest point on the box to the circle's center
+ float closest_x
+ = std::max(box_pos.x - half_width, std::min(circle_pos.x, box_pos.x + half_width));
+ float closest_y
+ = std::max(box_pos.y - half_height, std::min(circle_pos.y, box_pos.y + half_height));
- // Normalize the delta vector to get the collision direction
- vec2 collision_normal = delta / distance;
+ float distance_x = circle_pos.x - closest_x;
+ float distance_y = circle_pos.y - closest_y;
+ float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
+ if (distance_squared < scaled_circle_radius * scaled_circle_radius) {
+ vec2 delta = circle_pos - box_pos;
- // Compute the resolution vector
- vec2 resolution = -collision_normal * penetration_depth;
+ // Clamp circle center to the nearest point on the box
+ vec2 closest_point;
+ closest_point.x = std::clamp(delta.x, -half_width, half_width);
+ closest_point.y = std::clamp(delta.y, -half_height, half_height);
- return resolution;
+ // Find the vector from the circle center to the closest point
+ vec2 closest_delta = delta - closest_point;
+ float distance
+ = std::sqrt(closest_delta.x * closest_delta.x + closest_delta.y * closest_delta.y);
+ vec2 collision_normal = closest_delta / distance;
+ // Compute penetration depth
+ float penetration_depth = scaled_circle_radius - distance;
+ // Compute the resolution vector
+ return vec2 {collision_normal * penetration_depth};
+ }
+ // No collision
+ return vec2 {NAN, NAN};
-vec2 CollisionSystem::get_circle_box_resolution(const CircleCollider & circle_collider,
- const BoxCollider & box_collider,
- const vec2 & circle_position,
- const vec2 & box_position) const {
- vec2 delta = circle_position - box_position;
+vec2 CollisionSystem::get_circle_circle_detection(
+ const CircleColliderInternal & circle1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+) const {
+ // Get current positions of colliders
+ vec2 final_position1
+ = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle1.transform, circle1.collider.offset);
+ vec2 final_position2
+ = AbsolutePosition::get_position(circle2.transform, circle2.collider.offset);
- // Compute half-dimensions of the box
- float half_width = box_collider.dimensions.x / 2.0f;
- float half_height = box_collider.dimensions.y / 2.0f;
+ // Scale dimensions
+ float scaled_circle1 = circle1.collider.radius * circle1.transform.scale;
+ float scaled_circle2 = circle2.collider.radius * circle2.transform.scale;
- // Clamp circle center to the nearest point on the box
- vec2 closest_point;
- closest_point.x = std::clamp(delta.x, -half_width, half_width);
- closest_point.y = std::clamp(delta.y, -half_height, half_height);
+ float distance_x = final_position1.x - final_position2.x;
+ float distance_y = final_position1.y - final_position2.y;
+ float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
+ // Calculate the sum of the radii
+ float radius_sum = scaled_circle1 + scaled_circle2;
- // Find the vector from the circle center to the closest point
- vec2 closest_delta = delta - closest_point;
+ // Check for collision (distance squared must be less than the square of the radius sum)
+ if (distance_squared < radius_sum * radius_sum) {
+ vec2 delta = final_position2 - final_position1;
- // Normalize the delta to get the collision direction
- float distance
- = std::sqrt(closest_delta.x * closest_delta.x + closest_delta.y * closest_delta.y);
- vec2 collision_normal = closest_delta / distance;
+ // Compute the distance between the two circle centers
+ float distance = std::sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y);
- // Compute penetration depth
- float penetration_depth = circle_collider.radius - distance;
+ // Compute the combined radii of the two circles
+ float combined_radius = scaled_circle1 + scaled_circle2;
- // Compute the resolution vector
- vec2 resolution = collision_normal * penetration_depth;
+ // Compute the penetration depth
+ float penetration_depth = combined_radius - distance;
- return resolution;
+ // Normalize the delta vector to get the collision direction
+ vec2 collision_normal = delta / distance;
+ // Compute the resolution vector
+ vec2 resolution = -collision_normal * penetration_depth;
+ return resolution;
+ }
+ // No collision
+ return vec2 {NAN, NAN};
+ ;
+CollisionSystem::resolution_correction(vec2 & resolution, const Rigidbody::Data & rigidbody) {
+ // Calculate the other value to move back correctly
+ // If only X or Y has a value determine what is should be to move back.
+ Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ // If both are not zero a perfect corner has been hit
+ if (resolution.x != 0 && resolution.y != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::BOTH;
+ // If x is not zero a horizontal action was latest action.
+ } else if (resolution.x != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::X_DIRECTION;
+ // If both are 0 resolution y should not be changed (y_velocity can be 0 by kinematic object movement)
+ if (rigidbody.linear_velocity.x != 0 && rigidbody.linear_velocity.y != 0)
+ resolution.y
+ = -rigidbody.linear_velocity.y * (resolution.x / rigidbody.linear_velocity.x);
+ } else if (resolution.y != 0) {
+ resolution_direction = Direction::Y_DIRECTION;
+ // If both are 0 resolution x should not be changed (x_velocity can be 0 by kinematic object movement)
+ if (rigidbody.linear_velocity.x != 0 && rigidbody.linear_velocity.y != 0)
+ resolution.x
+ = -rigidbody.linear_velocity.x * (resolution.y / rigidbody.linear_velocity.y);
+ }
+ return resolution_direction;
-void CollisionSystem::determine_collision_handler(CollisionInfo & info) {
- // Check rigidbody type for static
- if (info.this_rigidbody.data.body_type == Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC) return;
- // If second body is static perform the static collision handler in this system
- if (info.other_rigidbody.data.body_type == Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC) {
- this->static_collision_handler(info);
+CollisionSystem::CollisionInfo CollisionSystem::get_collision_info(
+ const CollisionInternal & in_self, const CollisionInternal & in_other
+) const {
+ crepe::CollisionSystem::ColliderInfo self {
+ .transform = in_self.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = in_self.info.rigidbody,
+ .metadata = in_self.info.metadata,
- // Call collision event for user
- CollisionEvent data(info);
- EventManager & emgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
- emgr.trigger_event<CollisionEvent>(data, info.this_collider.game_object_id);
+ crepe::CollisionSystem::ColliderInfo other {
+ .transform = in_other.info.transform,
+ .rigidbody = in_other.info.rigidbody,
+ .metadata = in_other.info.metadata,
+ };
+ struct CollisionInfo collision_info {
+ .self = self, .other = other, .resolution = in_self.resolution,
+ .resolution_direction = in_self.resolution_direction,
+ };
+ return collision_info;
-void CollisionSystem::static_collision_handler(CollisionInfo & info) {
+void CollisionSystem::determine_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ Rigidbody::BodyType self_type = info.self.rigidbody.data.body_type;
+ Rigidbody::BodyType other_type = info.other.rigidbody.data.body_type;
+ bool self_kinematic = info.self.rigidbody.data.kinematic_collision;
+ bool other_kinematic = info.other.rigidbody.data.kinematic_collision;
+ // Inverted collision info
+ CollisionInfo inverted = -info;
+ // If both objects are static skip handle call collision script
+ if (self_type == STATIC && other_type == STATIC) return;
+ // First body is not dynamic
+ if (self_type != DYNAMIC) {
+ bool static_collision = self_type == STATIC && other_type == DYNAMIC;
+ bool kinematic_collision
+ = self_type == KINEMATIC && other_type == DYNAMIC && self_kinematic;
+ // Handle collision
+ if (static_collision || kinematic_collision) this->static_collision_handler(inverted);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(inverted);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Second body is not dynamic
+ if (other_type != DYNAMIC) {
+ bool static_collision = other_type == STATIC;
+ bool kinematic_collision = other_type == KINEMATIC && other_kinematic;
+ // Handle collision
+ if (static_collision || kinematic_collision) this->static_collision_handler(info);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(info);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Dynamic
+ // Handle collision
+ this->dynamic_collision_handler(info);
+ // Call scripts
+ this->call_collision_events(info);
+void CollisionSystem::static_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ vec2 & transform_pos = info.self.transform.position;
+ float elasticity = info.self.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ vec2 & rigidbody_vel = info.self.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
// Move object back using calculate move back value
- info.this_transform.position += info.resolution;
+ transform_pos += info.resolution;
switch (info.resolution_direction) {
case Direction::BOTH:
- if (info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient > 0) {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity
- = -info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity
- * info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient;
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel = -rigidbody_vel * elasticity;
//stop movement
else {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity = {0, 0};
+ rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
case Direction::Y_DIRECTION:
// Bounce
- if (info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient > 0) {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- = -info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y
- * info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient;
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel.y = -rigidbody_vel.y * elasticity;
// Stop movement
else {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y = 0;
- info.this_transform.position.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
case Direction::X_DIRECTION:
// Bounce
- if (info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient > 0) {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- = -info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x
- * info.this_rigidbody.data.elastisity_coefficient;
+ if (elasticity > 0) {
+ rigidbody_vel.x = -rigidbody_vel.x * elasticity;
// Stop movement
else {
- info.this_rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x = 0;
- info.this_transform.position.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
case Direction::NONE:
@@ -363,213 +525,80 @@ void CollisionSystem::static_collision_handler(CollisionInfo & info) {
-std::vector<std::pair<CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal, CollisionSystem::CollisionInternal>>
-CollisionSystem::gather_collisions(std::vector<CollisionInternal> & colliders) {
+void CollisionSystem::dynamic_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info) {
- // TODO:
- // If no colliders skip
- // Check if colliders has rigidbody if not skip
+ vec2 & self_transform_pos = info.self.transform.position;
+ vec2 & other_transform_pos = info.other.transform.position;
+ float self_elasticity = info.self.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ float other_elasticity = info.other.rigidbody.data.elasticity_coefficient;
+ vec2 & self_rigidbody_vel = info.self.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ vec2 & other_rigidbody_vel = info.other.rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
- // TODO:
- // If amount is higer than lets say 16 for now use quadtree otwerwise skip
- // Quadtree code
- // Quadtree is placed over the input vector
+ self_transform_pos += info.resolution / 2;
+ other_transform_pos += -(info.resolution / 2);
- // Return data of collided colliders which are variants
- std::vector<std::pair<CollisionInternal, CollisionInternal>> collisions_ret;
- //using visit to visit the variant to access the active and id.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < colliders.size(); ++i) {
- for (size_t j = i + 1; j < colliders.size(); ++j) {
- if (colliders[i].id == colliders[j].id) continue;
- if (!have_common_layer(colliders[i].rigidbody.data.collision_layers,
- colliders[j].rigidbody.data.collision_layers))
- continue;
- CollisionInternalType type
- = get_collider_type(colliders[i].collider, colliders[j].collider);
- if (!get_collision(
- {
- .collider = colliders[i].collider,
- .transform = colliders[i].transform,
- .rigidbody = colliders[i].rigidbody,
- },
- {
- .collider = colliders[j].collider,
- .transform = colliders[j].transform,
- .rigidbody = colliders[j].rigidbody,
- },
- type))
- continue;
- collisions_ret.emplace_back(colliders[i], colliders[j]);
- }
- }
- return collisions_ret;
-bool CollisionSystem::have_common_layer(const std::set<int> & layers1,
- const std::set<int> & layers2) {
+ switch (info.resolution_direction) {
+ case Direction::BOTH:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel = -self_rigidbody_vel * self_elasticity;
+ } else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
+ }
- // Check if any number is equal in the layers
- for (int num : layers1) {
- if (layers2.contains(num)) {
- // Common layer found
- return true;
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel = -other_rigidbody_vel * other_elasticity;
+ } else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel = {0, 0};
+ }
- }
- }
- // No common layer found
- return false;
+ case Direction::Y_DIRECTION:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.y = -self_rigidbody_vel.y * self_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ self_transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ }
-CollisionSystem::get_collider_type(const collider_variant & collider1,
- const collider_variant & collider2) const {
- if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider1)) {
- if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
- return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE;
- } else {
- return CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX;
- }
- } else {
- if (std::holds_alternative<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(collider2)) {
- return CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE;
- } else {
- return CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX;
- }
- }
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.y = -other_rigidbody_vel.y * other_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.y = 0;
+ other_transform_pos.x -= info.resolution.x;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::X_DIRECTION:
+ if (self_elasticity > 0) {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.x = -self_rigidbody_vel.x * self_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ self_rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ self_transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ }
-bool CollisionSystem::get_collision(const CollisionInternal & first_info,
- const CollisionInternal & second_info,
- CollisionInternalType type) const {
- switch (type) {
- case CollisionInternalType::BOX_BOX: {
- const BoxCollider & box_collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(first_info.collider);
- const BoxCollider & box_collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(second_info.collider);
- return this->get_box_box_collision(box_collider1, box_collider2,
- first_info.transform, second_info.transform,
- second_info.rigidbody, second_info.rigidbody);
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::BOX_CIRCLE: {
- const BoxCollider & box_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(first_info.collider);
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(second_info.collider);
- return this->get_box_circle_collision(
- box_collider, circle_collider, first_info.transform, second_info.transform,
- second_info.rigidbody, second_info.rigidbody);
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_CIRCLE: {
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider1
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(first_info.collider);
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider2
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(second_info.collider);
- return this->get_circle_circle_collision(
- circle_collider1, circle_collider2, first_info.transform,
- second_info.transform, second_info.rigidbody, second_info.rigidbody);
- }
- case CollisionInternalType::CIRCLE_BOX: {
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>(first_info.collider);
- const BoxCollider & box_collider
- = std::get<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>>(second_info.collider);
- return this->get_box_circle_collision(
- box_collider, circle_collider, first_info.transform, second_info.transform,
- second_info.rigidbody, second_info.rigidbody);
- }
+ if (other_elasticity > 0) {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.x = -other_rigidbody_vel.x * other_elasticity;
+ }
+ // Stop movement
+ else {
+ other_rigidbody_vel.x = 0;
+ other_transform_pos.y -= info.resolution.y;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Direction::NONE:
+ // Not possible
+ break;
- return false;
-bool CollisionSystem::get_box_box_collision(const BoxCollider & box1, const BoxCollider & box2,
- const Transform & transform1,
- const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const {
- // Get current positions of colliders
- vec2 final_position1 = this->get_current_position(box1.offset, transform1, rigidbody1);
- vec2 final_position2 = this->get_current_position(box2.offset, transform2, rigidbody2);
- // Calculate half-extents (half width and half height)
- float half_width1 = box1.dimensions.x / 2.0;
- float half_height1 = box1.dimensions.y / 2.0;
- float half_width2 = box2.dimensions.x / 2.0;
- float half_height2 = box2.dimensions.y / 2.0;
- // Check if the boxes overlap along the X and Y axes
- return (final_position1.x + half_width1 > final_position2.x - half_width2
- && final_position1.x - half_width1 < final_position2.x + half_width2
- && final_position1.y + half_height1 > final_position2.y - half_height2
- && final_position1.y - half_height1 < final_position2.y + half_height2);
-bool CollisionSystem::get_box_circle_collision(const BoxCollider & box1,
- const CircleCollider & circle2,
- const Transform & transform1,
- const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const {
- // Get current positions of colliders
- vec2 final_position1 = this->get_current_position(box1.offset, transform1, rigidbody1);
- vec2 final_position2 = this->get_current_position(circle2.offset, transform2, rigidbody2);
- // Calculate box half-extents
- float half_width = box1.dimensions.x / 2.0;
- float half_height = box1.dimensions.y / 2.0;
- // Find the closest point on the box to the circle's center
- float closest_x = std::max(final_position1.x - half_width,
- std::min(final_position2.x, final_position1.x + half_width));
- float closest_y = std::max(final_position1.y - half_height,
- std::min(final_position2.y, final_position1.y + half_height));
- // Calculate the distance squared between the circle's center and the closest point on the box
- float distance_x = final_position2.x - closest_x;
- float distance_y = final_position2.y - closest_y;
- float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
- // Compare distance squared with the square of the circle's radius
- return distance_squared < circle2.radius * circle2.radius;
-bool CollisionSystem::get_circle_circle_collision(const CircleCollider & circle1,
- const CircleCollider & circle2,
- const Transform & transform1,
- const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const {
- // Get current positions of colliders
- vec2 final_position1 = this->get_current_position(circle1.offset, transform1, rigidbody1);
- vec2 final_position2 = this->get_current_position(circle2.offset, transform2, rigidbody2);
- float distance_x = final_position1.x - final_position2.x;
- float distance_y = final_position1.y - final_position2.y;
- float distance_squared = distance_x * distance_x + distance_y * distance_y;
- // Calculate the sum of the radii
- float radius_sum = circle1.radius + circle2.radius;
- // Check if the distance between the centers is less than or equal to the sum of the radii
- return distance_squared < radius_sum * radius_sum;
-vec2 CollisionSystem::get_current_position(const vec2 & collider_offset,
- const Transform & transform,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody) const {
- // Get the rotation in radians
- float radians1 = transform.rotation * (M_PI / 180.0);
- // Calculate total offset with scale
- vec2 total_offset = (rigidbody.data.offset + collider_offset) * transform.scale;
- // Rotate
- float rotated_total_offset_x1
- = total_offset.x * cos(radians1) - total_offset.y * sin(radians1);
- float rotated_total_offset_y1
- = total_offset.x * sin(radians1) + total_offset.y * cos(radians1);
- // Final positions considering scaling and rotation
- return (transform.position + vec2(rotated_total_offset_x1, rotated_total_offset_y1));
+void CollisionSystem::call_collision_events(const CollisionInfo & info) {
+ CollisionEvent data(info);
+ CollisionEvent data_inverted(-info);
+ EventManager & emgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ emgr.trigger_event<CollisionEvent>(data, info.self.transform.game_object_id);
+ emgr.trigger_event<CollisionEvent>(data_inverted, info.other.transform.game_object_id);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
index 5b136c6..ff2d35f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h
@@ -23,33 +23,6 @@ public:
using System::System;
- //! A variant type that can hold either a BoxCollider or a CircleCollider.
- using collider_variant = std::variant<std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>,
- std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>;
- //! Enum representing the types of collider pairs for collision detection.
- enum class CollisionInternalType {
- };
- /**
- * \brief A structure to store the collision data of a single collider.
- *
- * This structure all components and id that are for needed within this system when calculating or handeling collisions.
- * The transform and rigidbody are mostly needed for location and rotation.
- * In rigidbody additional info is written about what the body of the object is,
- * and how it should respond on a collision.
- */
- struct CollisionInternal {
- game_object_id_t id = 0;
- collider_variant collider;
- Transform & transform;
- Rigidbody & rigidbody;
- };
//! Enum representing movement directions during collision resolution.
enum class Direction {
//! No movement required.
@@ -59,33 +32,77 @@ private:
//! Movement in the Y direction.
//! Movement in both X and Y directions.
+ //! Structure representing components of the collider
+ struct ColliderInfo {
+ Transform & transform;
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody;
+ Metadata & metadata;
+ };
* \brief Structure representing detailed collision information between two colliders.
* Includes information about the colliding objects and the resolution data for handling the collision.
struct CollisionInfo {
- Collider & this_collider;
- Transform & this_transform;
- Rigidbody & this_rigidbody;
- Metadata & this_metadata;
- Collider & other_collider;
- Transform & other_transform;
- Rigidbody & other_rigidbody;
- Metadata & other_metadata;
+ ColliderInfo self;
+ ColliderInfo other;
//! The resolution vector for the collision.
vec2 resolution;
//! The direction of movement for resolving the collision.
Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ CollisionInfo operator-() const;
+ //! A variant type that can hold either a BoxCollider or a CircleCollider.
+ using collider_variant = std::variant<
+ std::reference_wrapper<BoxCollider>, std::reference_wrapper<CircleCollider>>;
+ //! Enum representing the types of collider pairs for collision detection.
+ enum class CollisionInternalType {
+ };
+ /**
+ * \brief A structure to store the collision data of a single collider.
+ *
+ * This structure all components and id that are for needed within this system when calculating or handling collisions.
+ * The transform and rigidbody are mostly needed for location and rotation.
+ * In rigidbody additional info is written about what the body of the object is,
+ * and how it should respond on a collision.
+ */
+ struct CollisionInternal {
+ game_object_id_t id = 0;
+ collider_variant collider;
+ ColliderInfo info;
+ vec2 resolution;
+ Direction resolution_direction = Direction::NONE;
+ };
+ //! Structure of a collider with additional components
+ template <typename ColliderType>
+ struct ColliderInternal {
+ ColliderType & collider;
+ Transform & transform;
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody;
+ };
+ //! Predefined BoxColliderInternal. (System is only made for this type)
+ using BoxColliderInternal = ColliderInternal<BoxCollider>;
+ //! Predefined CircleColliderInternal. (System is only made for this type)
+ using CircleColliderInternal = ColliderInternal<CircleCollider>;
//! Updates the collision system by checking for collisions between colliders and handling them.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
@@ -97,117 +114,94 @@ private:
* \param collider2 Second collider variant (BoxCollider or CircleCollider).
* \return The combined type of the two colliders.
- CollisionInternalType get_collider_type(const collider_variant & collider1,
- const collider_variant & collider2) const;
- /**
- * \brief Calculates the current position of a collider.
- *
- * Combines the Collider offset, Transform position, and Rigidbody offset to compute the position of the collider.
- *
- * \param collider_offset The offset of the collider.
- * \param transform The Transform of the associated game object.
- * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody of the associated game object.
- * \return The calculated position of the collider.
- */
- vec2 get_current_position(const vec2 & collider_offset, const Transform & transform,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody) const;
+ CollisionInternalType get_collider_type(
+ const collider_variant & collider1, const collider_variant & collider2
+ ) const;
- * \brief Handles collision resolution between two colliders.
+ * \brief Converts internal collision data into user-accessible collision information.
- * Processes collision data and adjusts objects to resolve collisions and/or calls the user oncollision script function.
+ * This function processes collision data from two colliding entities and packages it
+ * into a structured format that is accessible for further use,
+ * such as resolving collisions and triggering user-defined collision scripts.
* \param data1 Collision data for the first collider.
* \param data2 Collision data for the second collider.
- void collision_handler_request(CollisionInternal & data1, CollisionInternal & data2);
+ CollisionInfo
+ get_collision_info(const CollisionInternal & data1, const CollisionInternal & data2) const;
- * \brief Resolves collision between two colliders and calculates the movement required.
+ * \brief Corrects the collision resolution vector and determines its direction.
- * Determines the displacement and direction needed to separate colliders based on their types.
+ * This function adjusts the provided resolution vector based on the
+ * rigidbody's linear velocity to ensure consistent collision correction. If the resolution
+ * vector has only one non-zero component (either x or y), the missing component is computed
+ * based on the rigidbody's velocity. If both components are non-zero, it indicates a corner
+ * collision. The function also identifies the direction of the resolution and returns it.
- * \param data1 Collision data for the first collider.
- * \param data2 Collision data for the second collider.
- * \param type The type of collider pair.
- * \return A pair containing the resolution vector and direction for the first collider.
+ * \param resolution resolution vector that needs to be corrected
+ * \param rigidbody rigidbody data used to correct resolution
+ * \return A Direction indicating the resolution direction
- std::pair<vec2, Direction> collision_handler(CollisionInternal & data1,
- CollisionInternal & data2,
- CollisionInternalType type);
+ Direction resolution_correction(vec2 & resolution, const Rigidbody::Data & rigidbody);
- * \brief Calculates the resolution vector for two BoxColliders.
+ * \brief Determines the appropriate collision handler for a given collision event.
- * Computes the displacement required to separate two overlapping BoxColliders.
+ * This function identifies the correct collision resolution process based on the body types
+ * of the colliders involved in the collision. It delegates
+ * collision handling to specific handlers and calls collision event scripts
+ * as needed.
- * \param box_collider1 The first BoxCollider.
- * \param box_collider2 The second BoxCollider.
- * \param position1 The position of the first BoxCollider.
- * \param position2 The position of the second BoxCollider.
- * \return The resolution vector for the collision.
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
- vec2 get_box_box_resolution(const BoxCollider & box_collider1,
- const BoxCollider & box_collider2, const vec2 & position1,
- const vec2 & position2) const;
+ void determine_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
- * \brief Calculates the resolution vector for two CircleCollider.
+ * \brief Calls both collision script
- * Computes the displacement required to separate two overlapping CircleCollider.
+ * Calls both collision script to let user add additonal handling or handle full collision.
- * \param circle_collider1 The first CircleCollider.
- * \param circle_collider2 The second CircleCollider.
- * \param final_position1 The position of the first CircleCollider.
- * \param final_position2 The position of the second CircleCollider.
- * \return The resolution vector for the collision.
+ * \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
- vec2 get_circle_circle_resolution(const CircleCollider & circle_collider1,
- const CircleCollider & circle_collider2,
- const vec2 & final_position1,
- const vec2 & final_position2) const;
+ void call_collision_events(const CollisionInfo & info);
- * \brief Calculates the resolution vector for two CircleCollider.
- *
- * Computes the displacement required to separate two overlapping CircleCollider.
+ * \brief Handles collisions involving static objects.
- * \param circle_collider The first CircleCollider.
- * \param box_collider The second CircleCollider.
- * \param circle_position The position of the CircleCollider.
- * \param box_position The position of the BoxCollider.
- * \return The resolution vector for the collision.
- */
- vec2 get_circle_box_resolution(const CircleCollider & circle_collider,
- const BoxCollider & box_collider,
- const vec2 & circle_position,
- const vec2 & box_position) const;
- /**
- * \brief Determines the appropriate collision handler for a collision.
+ * This function resolves collisions between static and dynamic objects by adjusting
+ * the position of the static object and modifying the velocity of the dynamic object
+ * if elasticity is enabled. The position of the static object is corrected
+ * based on the collision resolution, and the dynamic object's velocity is adjusted
+ * accordingly to reflect the collision response.
- * Decides the correct resolution process based on the dynamic or static nature of the colliders involved.
+ * The handling includes stopping movement, applying bouncing based on the elasticity
+ * coefficient, and adjusting the position of the dynamic object if needed.
* \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
- void determine_collision_handler(CollisionInfo & info);
+ void static_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
- * \brief Handles collisions involving static objects.
+ * \brief Handles collisions involving dynamic objects.
- * Resolves collisions by adjusting positions and modifying velocities if bounce is enabled.
+ * Resolves collisions between two dynamic objects by adjusting their positions and modifying
+ * their velocities based on the collision resolution. If elasticity is enabled,
+ * the velocity of both objects is reversed and scaled by the respective elasticity coefficient.
+ * The positions of the objects are adjusted based on the collision resolution.
* \param info Collision information containing data about both colliders.
- void static_collision_handler(CollisionInfo & info);
+ void dynamic_collision_handler(const CollisionInfo & info);
* \brief Checks for collisions between colliders.
- * Identifies collisions and generates pairs of colliding objects for further processing.
+ * This function checks all active colliders and identifies pairs of colliding objects.
+ * For each identified collision, the appropriate collision data is returned as pairs for further processing.
* \param colliders A collection of all active colliders.
* \return A list of collision pairs with their associated data.
@@ -216,86 +210,84 @@ private:
gather_collisions(std::vector<CollisionInternal> & colliders);
- * \brief Checks if two collision layers have at least one common layer.
+ * \brief Checks if the settings allow collision
- * This function checks if there is any overlapping layer between the two inputs.
- * It compares each layer from the first input to see
- * if it exists in the second input. If at least one common layer is found,
- * the function returns true, indicating that the two colliders share a common
- * collision layer.
+ * This function checks if there is any collison layer where each object is located in.
+ * After checking the layers it checks the names and at last the tags.
+ * if in all three sets nothing is found collision can not happen.
- * \param layers1 all collision layers for the first collider.
- * \param layers2 all collision layers for the second collider.
- * \return Returns true if there is at least one common layer, false otherwise.
+ * \param this_rigidbody Rigidbody of first object
+ * \param other_rigidbody Rigidbody of second collider
+ * \param this_metadata Rigidbody of first object
+ * \param other_metadata Rigidbody of second object
+ * \return Returns true if there is at least one comparison found.
- bool have_common_layer(const std::set<int> & layers1, const std::set<int> & layers2);
+ bool should_collide(
+ const CollisionInternal & self,
+ const CollisionInternal & other
+ ) const; //done
* \brief Checks for collision between two colliders.
- * Calls the appropriate collision detection function based on the collider types.
+ * This function determines whether two colliders are colliding based on their types.
+ * It calls the appropriate collision detection function based on the collider pair type and stores the collision resolution data.
+ * If a collision is detected, it returns true, otherwise false.
* \param first_info Collision data for the first collider.
* \param second_info Collision data for the second collider.
* \param type The type of collider pair.
* \return True if a collision is detected, otherwise false.
- bool get_collision(const CollisionInternal & first_info,
- const CollisionInternal & second_info,
- CollisionInternalType type) const;
+ bool detect_collision(
+ CollisionInternal & first_info, CollisionInternal & second_info,
+ const CollisionInternalType & type
+ );
* \brief Detects collisions between two BoxColliders.
- * \param box1 The first BoxCollider.
- * \param box2 The second BoxCollider.
- * \param transform1 Transform of the first object.
- * \param transform2 Transform of the second object.
- * \param rigidbody1 Rigidbody of the first object.
- * \param rigidbody2 Rigidbody of the second object.
- * \return True if a collision is detected, otherwise false.
+ * This function checks whether two `BoxCollider` are colliding based on their positions and scaled dimensions.
+ * If a collision is detected, it calculates the overlap along the X and Y axes and returns the resolution vector.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values.
+ * \param box1 Information about the first BoxCollider.
+ * \param box2 Information about the second BoxCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
- bool get_box_box_collision(const BoxCollider & box1, const BoxCollider & box2,
- const Transform & transform1, const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const;
+ vec2 get_box_box_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const BoxColliderInternal & box2
+ ) const;
* \brief Check collision for box on circle collider
- * \param box1 The BoxCollider
- * \param circle2 The CircleCollider
- * \param transform1 Transform of the first object.
- * \param transform2 Transform of the second object.
- * \param rigidbody1 Rigidbody of the first object.
- * \param rigidbody2 Rigidbody of the second object.
- * \return True if a collision is detected, otherwise false.
+ * This function detects if a collision occurs between a rectangular box and a circular collider.
+ * If a collision is detected, the function calculates the resolution vector to resolve the collision.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values
+ *
+ * \param box1 Information about the BoxCollider.
+ * \param circle2 Information about the circleCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
- bool get_box_circle_collision(const BoxCollider & box1, const CircleCollider & circle2,
- const Transform & transform1, const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const;
+ vec2 get_box_circle_detection(
+ const BoxColliderInternal & box1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+ ) const;
* \brief Check collision for circle on circle collider
- * \param circle1 First CircleCollider
- * \param circle2 Second CircleCollider
- * \param transform1 Transform of the first object.
- * \param transform2 Transform of the second object.
- * \param rigidbody1 Rigidbody of the first object.
- * \param rigidbody2 Rigidbody of the second object.
- * \return True if a collision is detected, otherwise false.
+ * This function detects if a collision occurs between two circular colliders.
+ * If a collision is detected, it calculates the resolution vector to resolve the collision.
+ * If no collision is detected, it returns a vector with NaN values.
- * \return status of collision
+ * \param circle1 Information about the first circleCollider.
+ * \param circle2 Information about the second circleCollider.
+ * \return If colliding, returns the resolution vector; otherwise, returns {NaN, NaN}.
- bool get_circle_circle_collision(const CircleCollider & circle1,
- const CircleCollider & circle2,
- const Transform & transform1,
- const Transform & transform2,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody1,
- const Rigidbody & rigidbody2) const;
+ vec2 get_circle_circle_detection(
+ const CircleColliderInternal & circle1, const CircleColliderInternal & circle2
+ ) const;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e168ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#include "EventSystem.h"
+#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void EventSystem::fixed_update() {
+ EventManager & ev = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ ev.dispatch_events();
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae48d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/EventSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief EventManager dispatch helper system
+ */
+class EventSystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ /**
+ * \brief Dispatch queued events
+ * \see EventManager::dispatch_events
+ */
+ void fixed_update() override;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
index fca540f..be7eda6 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
#include "../api/Button.h"
+#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
-#include "util/Log.h"
#include "InputSystem.h"
using namespace crepe;
-void InputSystem::update() {
+void InputSystem::fixed_update() {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
SDLContext & context = this->mediator.sdl_context;
std::vector<EventData> event_list = context.get_events();
- RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
- RefVector<Camera> cameras = mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
+ const RefVector<Camera> cameras = mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
OptionalRef<Camera> curr_cam_ref;
// Find the active camera
@@ -26,9 +24,8 @@ void InputSystem::update() {
if (!curr_cam_ref) return;
Camera & current_cam = curr_cam_ref;
- RefVector<Transform> transform_vec
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id);
- Transform & cam_transform = transform_vec.front().get();
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
vec2 camera_origin = cam_transform.position + current_cam.data.postion_offset
- (current_cam.viewport_size / 2);
@@ -47,12 +44,13 @@ void InputSystem::update() {
-void InputSystem::handle_mouse_event(const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin,
- const Camera & current_cam) {
+void InputSystem::handle_mouse_event(
+ const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
vec2 adjusted_mouse;
adjusted_mouse.x = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_position.x + camera_origin.x;
- adjusted_mouse.x = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_position.y + camera_origin.y;
+ adjusted_mouse.y = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_position.y + camera_origin.y;
// Check if the mouse is within the viewport
if ((adjusted_mouse.x < camera_origin.x
|| adjusted_mouse.x > camera_origin.x + current_cam.viewport_size.x
@@ -85,7 +83,9 @@ void InputSystem::handle_mouse_event(const EventData & event, const vec2 & camer
.mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
.button = event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button,
- this->handle_click(event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button, adjusted_mouse);
+ this->handle_click(
+ event.data.mouse_data.mouse_button, adjusted_mouse, current_cam
+ );
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void InputSystem::handle_mouse_event(const EventData & event, const vec2 & camer
.mouse_pos = adjusted_mouse,
.mouse_delta = event.data.mouse_data.rel_mouse_move,
- this->handle_move(event, adjusted_mouse);
+ this->handle_move(event, adjusted_mouse, current_cam);
case EventType::MOUSE_WHEEL:
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ void InputSystem::handle_non_mouse_event(const EventData & event) {
case EventType::KEY_DOWN:
- {.repeat = event.data.key_data.key_repeat, .key = event.data.key_data.key});
+ {.repeat = event.data.key_data.key_repeat, .key = event.data.key_data.key}
+ );
case EventType::KEY_UP:
event_mgr.queue_event<KeyReleaseEvent>({.key = event.data.key_data.key});
@@ -130,11 +131,13 @@ void InputSystem::handle_non_mouse_event(const EventData & event) {
case EventType::WINDOW_RESIZE:
- WindowResizeEvent{.dimensions = event.data.window_data.resize_dimension});
+ WindowResizeEvent {.dimensions = event.data.window_data.resize_dimension}
+ );
case EventType::WINDOW_MOVE:
- {.delta_move = event.data.window_data.move_delta});
+ {.delta_move = event.data.window_data.move_delta}
+ );
case EventType::WINDOW_MINIMIZE:
@@ -153,63 +156,70 @@ void InputSystem::handle_non_mouse_event(const EventData & event) {
-void InputSystem::handle_move(const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos) {
+void InputSystem::handle_move(
+ const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
- RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ const RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
for (Button & button : buttons) {
if (!button.active) continue;
- RefVector<Transform> transform_vec
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id);
- Transform & transform(transform_vec.front().get());
+ const Transform & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
+ const Metadata & metadata
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(button.game_object_id).front();
bool was_hovering = button.hover;
- if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform)) {
+ if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform, cam_transform)) {
button.hover = true;
- if (!button.on_mouse_enter) continue;
if (!was_hovering) {
- button.on_mouse_enter();
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonEnterEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
} else {
button.hover = false;
- // Trigger the on_exit callback if the hover state just changed to false
- if (!button.on_mouse_exit) continue;
if (was_hovering) {
- button.on_mouse_exit();
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonExitEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
-void InputSystem::handle_click(const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos) {
+void InputSystem::handle_click(
+ const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+) {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
- RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
+ EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
+ const RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(current_cam.game_object_id).front();
for (Button & button : buttons) {
if (!button.active) continue;
- if (!button.on_click) continue;
- RefVector<Transform> transform_vec
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id);
- Transform & transform = transform_vec.front().get();
- if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform)) {
- button.on_click();
+ const Metadata & metadata
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ const Transform & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(button.game_object_id).front();
+ if (this->is_mouse_inside_button(mouse_pos, button, transform, cam_transform)) {
+ event_mgr.trigger_event<ButtonPressEvent>(metadata, metadata.game_object_id);
-bool InputSystem::is_mouse_inside_button(const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button,
- const Transform & transform) {
- int actual_x = transform.position.x + button.offset.x;
- int actual_y = transform.position.y + button.offset.y;
- int half_width = button.dimensions.x / 2;
- int half_height = button.dimensions.y / 2;
+bool InputSystem::is_mouse_inside_button(
+ const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button, const Transform & transform,
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+) {
+ vec2 actual_pos = transform.position + button.offset;
+ if (!button.data.world_space) {
+ actual_pos += cam_transform.position;
+ }
+ vec2 half_dimensions = button.dimensions * transform.scale / 2;
- // Check if the mouse is within the button's boundaries
- return mouse_pos.x >= actual_x - half_width && mouse_pos.x <= actual_x + half_width
- && mouse_pos.y >= actual_y - half_height && mouse_pos.y <= actual_y + half_height;
+ return mouse_pos.x >= actual_pos.x - half_dimensions.x
+ && mouse_pos.x <= actual_pos.x + half_dimensions.x
+ && mouse_pos.y >= actual_pos.y - half_dimensions.y
+ && mouse_pos.y <= actual_pos.y + half_dimensions.y;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h
index eefd9fe..be62367 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.h
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
-#include "../api/Config.h"
+#include "../api/Event.h"
+#include "../api/Metadata.h"
#include "../facade/EventData.h"
#include "../types.h"
-#include "../util/OptionalRef.h"
#include "System.h"
@@ -13,6 +12,37 @@ namespace crepe {
class Camera;
class Button;
class Transform;
+//! Event triggered when a button is clicked
+class ButtonPressEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonPressEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
+//! Event triggered when the mouse enters a button
+class ButtonEnterEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonEnterEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
+//! Event triggered when the mouse leaves a button
+class ButtonExitEvent : public Event {
+ //! Metadata of the button.
+ const Metadata & metadata;
+ /**
+ * \param metadata Metadata of the button pressed
+ */
+ ButtonExitEvent(const Metadata & metadata) : metadata(metadata) {};
* \brief Handles the processing of input events created by SDLContext
@@ -28,7 +58,7 @@ public:
* \brief Updates the system, processing all input events.
* This method processes all events and triggers corresponding actions.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
//! Stores the last position of the mouse when the button was pressed.
@@ -46,8 +76,9 @@ private:
* This method processes mouse events, adjusts the mouse position to world coordinates,
* and triggers the appropriate mouse-specific event handling logic.
- void handle_mouse_event(const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin,
- const Camera & current_cam);
+ void handle_mouse_event(
+ const EventData & event, const vec2 & camera_origin, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
* \brief Handles non-mouse-related events.
* \param event The event data for the non-mouse event.
@@ -61,20 +92,26 @@ private:
* \param mouse_button The mouse button involved in the click.
* \param world_mouse_x The X coordinate of the mouse in world space.
* \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param current_cam The current active camera.
* This method processes the mouse click event and triggers the corresponding button action.
- void handle_click(const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos);
+ void handle_click(
+ const MouseButton & mouse_button, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
* \brief Handles the mouse movement event.
* \param event_data The event data containing information about the mouse movement.
* \param world_mouse_x The X coordinate of the mouse in world space.
* \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
+ * \param current_cam The current active camera.
* This method processes the mouse movement event and updates the button hover state.
- void handle_move(const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos);
+ void handle_move(
+ const EventData & event_data, const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Camera & current_cam
+ );
* \brief Checks if the mouse position is inside the bounds of the button.
@@ -82,10 +119,13 @@ private:
* \param world_mouse_y The Y coordinate of the mouse in world space.
* \param button The button to check.
* \param transform The transform component of the button.
+ * \param cam_transform the transform of the current active camera
* \return True if the mouse is inside the button, false otherwise.
- bool is_mouse_inside_button(const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button,
- const Transform & transform);
+ bool is_mouse_inside_button(
+ const vec2 & mouse_pos, const Button & button, const Transform & transform,
+ const Transform & cam_transform
+ );
* \brief Handles the button press event, calling the on_click callback if necessary.
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
index 35a1d41..f026390 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.cpp
@@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
#include "../api/Transform.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
#include "ParticleSystem.h"
using namespace crepe;
-void ParticleSystem::update() {
+void ParticleSystem::fixed_update() {
// Get all emitters
const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
@@ -48,9 +49,11 @@ void ParticleSystem::update() {
void ParticleSystem::emit_particle(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform & transform) {
constexpr float DEG_TO_RAD = M_PI / 180.0;
- vec2 initial_position = emitter.data.offset + transform.position;
- float random_angle
- = this->generate_random_angle(emitter.data.min_angle, emitter.data.max_angle);
+ vec2 initial_position = AbsolutePosition::get_position(transform, emitter.data.offset);
+ float random_angle = this->generate_random_angle(
+ emitter.data.min_angle + transform.rotation,
+ emitter.data.max_angle + transform.rotation
+ );
float random_speed
= this->generate_random_speed(emitter.data.min_speed, emitter.data.max_speed);
@@ -61,8 +64,9 @@ void ParticleSystem::emit_particle(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform &
for (Particle & particle : emitter.particles) {
if (!particle.active) {
- particle.reset(emitter.data.end_lifespan, initial_position, velocity,
- random_angle);
+ particle.reset(
+ emitter.data.end_lifespan, initial_position, velocity, random_angle
+ );
@@ -80,8 +84,9 @@ void ParticleSystem::check_bounds(ParticleEmitter & emitter, const Transform & t
for (Particle & particle : emitter.particles) {
const vec2 & position = particle.position;
- bool within_bounds = (position.x >= left && position.x <= right && position.y >= top
- && position.y <= bottom);
+ bool within_bounds
+ = (position.x >= left && position.x <= right && position.y >= top
+ && position.y <= bottom);
//if not within bounds do a reset or stop velocity
if (!within_bounds) {
if (emitter.data.boundary.reset_on_exit) {
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
index 154521d..4296ff3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
* \brief Updates all particle emitters by emitting particles, updating particle states, and
* checking bounds.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
index 3b3b8ab..62f8132 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
using namespace crepe;
-void PhysicsSystem::update() {
+void PhysicsSystem::fixed_update() {
const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
LoopTimerManager & loop_timer = mediator.loop_timer;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
index 26152a5..5ed624f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public:
* It calculates new velocties and changes the postion in the transform.
- void update() override;
+ void fixed_update() override;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
index 62d42ec..30bb422 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
#include "../facade/Texture.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "api/Text.h"
+#include "facade/Font.h"
+#include "util/AbsolutePosition.h"
#include "RenderSystem.h"
#include "types.h"
@@ -67,14 +70,37 @@ RefVector<Sprite> RenderSystem::sort(RefVector<Sprite> & objs) const {
return sorted_objs;
-void RenderSystem::update() {
+void RenderSystem::frame_update() {
+ this->render_text();
-bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const double & scale) {
+void RenderSystem::render_text() {
+ SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ RefVector<Text> texts = mgr.get_components_by_type<Text>();
+ for (Text & text : texts) {
+ if (!text.active) continue;
+ if (!text.font.has_value())
+ text.font.emplace(ctx.get_font_from_name(text.font_family));
+ const Font & font = resource_manager.get<Font>(text.font.value());
+ const auto & transform
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(text.game_object_id).front().get();
+ ctx.draw_text(SDLContext::RenderText {
+ .text = text,
+ .font = font,
+ .transform = transform,
+ });
+ }
+bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform) {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
@@ -92,29 +118,30 @@ bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const double & scale)
for (const Particle & p : em.particles) {
if (!p.active) continue;
+ if (p.time_in_life < em.data.begin_lifespan) continue;
- ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext{
+ ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext {
.sprite = sprite,
.texture = res,
.pos = p.position,
- .angle = p.angle,
- .scale = scale,
+ .angle = p.angle + transform.rotation,
+ .scale = transform.scale,
return rendering_particles;
-void RenderSystem::render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & tm) {
+void RenderSystem::render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform) {
SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
const Texture & res = resource_manager.get<Texture>(sprite.source);
- ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext{
+ vec2 pos = AbsolutePosition::get_position(transform, sprite.data.position_offset);
+ ctx.draw(SDLContext::RenderContext {
.sprite = sprite,
.texture = res,
- .pos = tm.position,
- .angle = tm.rotation,
- .scale = tm.scale,
+ .pos = pos,
+ .angle = transform.rotation,
+ .scale = transform.scale,
@@ -126,35 +153,16 @@ void RenderSystem::render() {
ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
RefVector<Sprite> sorted_sprites = this->sort(sprites);
RefVector<Text> text_components = mgr.get_components_by_type<Text>();
- for (Text & text : text_components) {
- const Transform & transform
- = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(text.game_object_id).front().get();
- this->render_text(text, transform);
- }
for (const Sprite & sprite : sorted_sprites) {
if (!sprite.active) continue;
const Transform & transform
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(sprite.game_object_id).front().get();
- bool rendered_particles = this->render_particle(sprite, transform.scale);
+ bool rendered_particles = this->render_particle(sprite, transform);
if (rendered_particles) continue;
this->render_normal(sprite, transform);
-void RenderSystem::render_text(Text & text, const Transform & tm) {
- SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
- if (!text.font.has_value()) {
- text.font.emplace(ctx.get_font_from_name(text.font_family));
- }
- ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
- if (!text.font.has_value()) {
- return;
- }
- const Asset & font_asset = text.font.value();
- const Font & res = resource_manager.get<Font>(font_asset);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
index 56a0553..627a743 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public:
* \brief Updates the RenderSystem for the current frame.
* This method is called to perform all rendering operations for the current game frame.
- void update() override;
+ void frame_update() override;
//! Clears the screen in preparation for rendering.
@@ -36,34 +36,28 @@ private:
//! Updates the active camera used for rendering.
void update_camera();
- //! Renders the whole screen
+ //! Renders all the sprites and particles
void render();
+ //! Renders all Text components
+ void render_text();
* \brief Renders all the particles on the screen from a given sprite.
* \param sprite renders the particles with given texture
- * \param tm the Transform component for scale. This is not a const reference because each
- * particle has a position and rotation that needs to overwrite the transform position and
- * rotation without overwriting the current transform. and because the transform
- * constructor is now protected i cannot make tmp inside
+ * \param transform the component that holds the position, rotation, and scale.
* \return true if particles have been rendered
- bool render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const double & scale);
- /**
- * \brief Renders all Text components
- *
- * \param text The text component to be rendered.
- * \param tm the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
- */
- void render_text(Text & text, const Transform & tm);
+ bool render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);
* \brief renders a sprite with a Transform component on the screen
* \param sprite the sprite component that holds all the data
- * \param tm the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
+ * \param transform the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
- void render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & tm);
+ void render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);
* \brief sort a vector sprite objects with
@@ -72,12 +66,6 @@ private:
* \return returns a sorted reference vector
RefVector<Sprite> sort(RefVector<Sprite> & objs) const;
- /**
- * \todo Add text rendering using SDL_ttf for text components.
- * \todo Implement a text component and a button component.
- * \todo Consider adding text input functionality.
- */
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc3be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SystemManager.h"
+#include "EventSystem.h"
+#include "RenderSystem.h"
+#include "ReplaySystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void ReplaySystem::fixed_update() {
+ ReplayManager & replay = this->mediator.replay_manager;
+ ReplayManager::State state = replay.get_state();
+ ReplayManager::State last_state = this->last_state;
+ this->last_state = state;
+ switch (state) {
+ case ReplayManager::IDLE:
+ break;
+ case ReplayManager::RECORDING: {
+ replay.frame_record();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ReplayManager::PLAYING: {
+ if (last_state != ReplayManager::PLAYING) this->playback_begin();
+ bool last = replay.frame_step();
+ if (last) this->playback_end();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void ReplaySystem::playback_begin() {
+ SystemManager & systems = this->mediator.system_manager;
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ this->playback = {
+ .components = components.save(),
+ .systems = systems.save(),
+ };
+ systems.disable_all();
+ systems.get_system<RenderSystem>().active = true;
+ systems.get_system<ReplaySystem>().active = true;
+ systems.get_system<EventSystem>().active = true;
+void ReplaySystem::playback_end() {
+ SystemManager & systems = this->mediator.system_manager;
+ ComponentManager & components = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ components.restore(this->playback.components);
+ systems.restore(this->playback.systems);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc8d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../manager/ReplayManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SystemManager.h"
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief ReplayManager helper system
+ *
+ * This system records and replays recordings using ReplayManager.
+ */
+class ReplaySystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ //! Last ReplayManager state
+ ReplayManager::State last_state = ReplayManager::IDLE;
+ /**
+ * \brief Playback snapshot
+ *
+ * When starting playback, the component state is saved and most systems are disabled. This
+ * struct stores the engine state before ReplayManager::play is called.
+ */
+ struct Snapshot {
+ ComponentManager::Snapshot components;
+ SystemManager::Snapshot systems;
+ };
+ //! Before playback snapshot
+ Snapshot playback;
+ //! Snapshot state and disable systems during playback
+ void playback_begin();
+ //! Restore state from before \c playback_begin()
+ void playback_end();
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
index 0605c7a..ed0c7cc 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.cpp
@@ -7,11 +7,22 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace crepe;
-void ScriptSystem::update() {
- dbg_trace();
+void ScriptSystem::fixed_update() {
+ LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
+ duration_t delta_time = timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time();
+ this->update(&Script::fixed_update, delta_time);
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
+void ScriptSystem::frame_update() {
LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer;
+ duration_t delta_time = timer.get_delta_time();
+ this->update(&Script::frame_update, delta_time);
+void ScriptSystem::update(
+ void (Script::*update_function)(duration_t), const duration_t & delta_time
+) {
+ ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
RefVector<BehaviorScript> behavior_scripts = mgr.get_components_by_type<BehaviorScript>();
for (BehaviorScript & behavior_script : behavior_scripts) {
@@ -25,7 +36,6 @@ void ScriptSystem::update() {
script->initialized = true;
- duration_t delta_time = timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time();
- script->update(delta_time);
+ (*script.*update_function)(delta_time);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
index 3db1b1e..257b615 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "System.h"
namespace crepe {
@@ -9,20 +11,27 @@ class Script;
* \brief Script system
- * The script system is responsible for all \c BehaviorScript components, and
- * calls the methods on classes derived from \c Script.
+ * The script system is responsible for all \c BehaviorScript components, and calls the methods
+ * on classes derived from \c Script.
class ScriptSystem : public System {
using System::System;
+ //! Call Script::fixed_update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ //! Call Script::frame_update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ void frame_update() override;
- * \brief Call Script::update() on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
+ * \brief Call Script `*_update` member function on all active \c BehaviorScript instances
- * This routine updates all scripts sequentially using the Script::update()
- * method. It also calls Script::init() if this has not been done before on
- * the \c BehaviorScript instance.
+ * \note This routine also calls Script::init() if this has not been done before on the \c
+ * BehaviorScript instance.
- void update() override;
+ void update(void (Script::*update_function)(duration_t), const duration_t & delta_time);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/System.h b/src/crepe/system/System.h
index 063dfbf..e2ce7eb 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/System.h
+++ b/src/crepe/system/System.h
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@ class ComponentManager;
class System {
- /**
- * \brief Process all components this system is responsible for.
- */
- virtual void update() = 0;
+ //! Code that runs in the fixed loop
+ virtual void fixed_update() {};
+ //! Code that runs in the frame loop
+ virtual void frame_update() {};
+ //! Indicates that the update functions of this system should be run
+ bool active = true;
System(const Mediator & m);
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.cpp b/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29ade23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "AbsolutePosition.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+vec2 AbsolutePosition::get_position(const Transform & transform, const vec2 & offset) {
+ // Get the rotation in radians
+ float radians1 = transform.rotation * (M_PI / 180.0);
+ // Calculate total offset with scale
+ vec2 total_offset = offset * transform.scale;
+ // Rotate
+ float rotated_total_offset_x1
+ = total_offset.x * cos(radians1) - total_offset.y * sin(radians1);
+ float rotated_total_offset_y1
+ = total_offset.x * sin(radians1) + total_offset.y * cos(radians1);
+ // Final positions considering scaling and rotation
+ return (transform.position + vec2(rotated_total_offset_x1, rotated_total_offset_y1));
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.h b/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857c1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/util/AbsolutePosition.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief A class for calculating the absolute position of an object.
+ *
+ * This class provides a utility function to get the position of an object in the world space,
+ * taking into account the transform and any additional offset.
+ */
+class AbsolutePosition {
+ /**
+ * \brief Get the absolute position of an object.
+ *
+ * This function calculates the absolute position by combining the transform position with an optional offset.
+ *
+ * \param transform The transform of the object, which contains its position, rotation, and scale.
+ * \param offset The offset to apply to the object's position (in local space).
+ * \return The absolute position of the object as a 2D vector.
+ */
+ static vec2 get_position(const Transform & transform, const vec2 & offset);
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/util/CMakeLists.txt
index 94ed906..33160a7 100644
--- a/src/crepe/util/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/util/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ AbsolutePosition.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -11,5 +12,6 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ AbsolutePosition.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/Log.cpp b/src/crepe/util/Log.cpp
index 84d80a8..ce25a1d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/util/Log.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/util/Log.cpp
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "Log.h"
+#include "LogColor.h"
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/Log.h b/src/crepe/util/Log.h
index fc0bb3a..b43fe30 100644
--- a/src/crepe/util/Log.h
+++ b/src/crepe/util/Log.h
@@ -2,27 +2,6 @@
#include <format>
-// allow user to disable debug macros
-#include "LogColor.h"
-// utility macros
-#define _crepe_logf_here(level, fmt, ...) \
- crepe::Log::logf(level, "{}" fmt, \
- crepe::LogColor().fg_white(false).str(std::format( \
- "{} ({}:{})", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE_NAME__, __LINE__)), \
- __VA_ARGS__)
-// very illegal global function-style macros
-#define dbg_logf(fmt, ...) _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::DEBUG, ": " fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define dbg_log(str) _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::DEBUG, ": {}", str)
-#define dbg_trace() _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::TRACE, "", "")
namespace crepe {
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/dbg.h b/src/crepe/util/dbg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e448070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/util/dbg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Log.h"
+#include "LogColor.h"
+// utility macros
+#define _crepe_logf_here(level, fmt, ...) \
+ crepe::Log::logf( \
+ level, "{}" fmt, \
+ crepe::LogColor().fg_white(false).str( \
+ std::format("{} ({}:{})", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE_NAME__, __LINE__) \
+ ), \
+ __VA_ARGS__ \
+ )
+// very illegal global function-style macros
+#define dbg_logf(fmt, ...) _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::DEBUG, ": " fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define dbg_log(str) _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::DEBUG, ": {}", str)
+#define dbg_trace() _crepe_logf_here(crepe::Log::Level::TRACE, "", "")
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/bgm.dox b/src/doc/feature/bgm.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968abb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/feature/bgm.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// vim:ft=doxygen
+namespace crepe {
+\defgroup feature_bgm Playing background music
+\ingroup feature
+\brief Add background music to a scene using the AudioSource component
+This page shows how to implement background music using the AudioSource
+\see AudioSource
+\par Example
+\note This example assumes you already have a GameObject. If not, read
+\"\ref feature_gameobject\" first.
+\todo Merge #60
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/config.dox b/src/doc/feature/config.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae3a054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/feature/config.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// vim:ft=doxygen
+namespace crepe {
+\defgroup feature_config Engine configuration
+\ingroup feature
+\brief Configure default values and global options
+Default values and options that apply to the engine globally are read from a
+singleton struct named Config.
+\see Config
+\par Example
+Configuration options may be set individually or by assigning a [designated
+initializer list][desginit]. All of Config's members have default values and can
+safely be omitted from initializer lists.
+[desginit]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/aggregate_initialization#Designated_initializers
+#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
+int main() {
+ auto & config = crepe::Config::get_instance();
+ // Designated initializer list
+ config = {
+ // specify options here
+ };
+ // Reset default options
+ config = {};
+ // Set specific option
+ config.log.color = false;
+\par Options
+\noop Display config properties in monospace font
+tr td:first-child { font-family: monospace; }
+|\ref Config::asset::root_pattern ".asset.root_pattern"|\copybrief Config::asset::root_pattern|
+|\ref Config::log::color ".log.color"|\copybrief Config::log::color|
+|\ref Config::log::level ".log.level"|\copybrief Config::log::level|
+|\ref Config::physics::gravity ".physics.gravity"|\copybrief Config::physics::gravity|
+|\ref Config::savemgr::location ".savemgr.location"|\copybrief Config::savemgr::location|
+|\ref Config::window_settings::default_size ".window_settings.default_size"|\copybrief Config::window_settings::default_size|
+|\ref Config::window_settings::window_title ".window_settings.window_title"|\copybrief Config::window_settings::window_title|
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/gameobject.dox b/src/doc/feature/gameobject.dox
index c561874..ac3927c 100644
--- a/src/doc/feature/gameobject.dox
+++ b/src/doc/feature/gameobject.dox
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
namespace crepe {
-\defgroup feature_gameobject GameObjects
+\defgroup feature_gameobject Entity basics
\ingroup feature
-\brief GameObject to create a Scene
+\brief Building game entities using a GameObject
GameObjects are the fundamental building blocks of a Scene. They represent entities
in the game world and can have various components attached to them to define their
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/scene.dox b/src/doc/feature/scene.dox
index 4124e37..b680eec 100644
--- a/src/doc/feature/scene.dox
+++ b/src/doc/feature/scene.dox
@@ -40,31 +40,28 @@ added to the loop/scene manger via loop_mgr::add_scene<>(). The templated
argument should define the concrete scene to be added.
-#include <crepe/api/LoopManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Engine.h>
#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
-#include <crepe/types.h>
using namespace crepe;
class MyScene : public Scene {
void load_scene() {
- ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
- GameObject object1 = mgr.new_object("object1", "tag_my_scene", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object2 = mgr.new_object("object2", "tag_my_scene", vec2{1, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object1 = new_object("object1", "tag_my_scene", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object2 = new_object("object2", "tag_my_scene", vec2{1, 0}, 0, 1);
string get_name() const { return "my_scene"; }
int main() {
- LoopManager loop_mgr;
+ Engine foo;
// Add the scenes to the loop manager
- loop_mgr.add_scene<MyScene>();
+ foo.add_scene<MyScene>();
- loop_mgr.start();
+ return foo.main();
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/script.dox b/src/doc/feature/script.dox
index d25a63b..162b0f5 100644
--- a/src/doc/feature/script.dox
+++ b/src/doc/feature/script.dox
@@ -2,19 +2,14 @@
namespace crepe {
-\defgroup feature_script Scripting
+\defgroup feature_script Scripting basics
\ingroup feature
-\brief User-defined scripts for game objects
+\brief Create a concrete Script and attach it to a GameObject
Scripts can be used to implement game behavior, and allow arbitrary code to run
as part of the game loop. Scripts are implemented as derivative classes of
-Script, which are added to game objects using the BehaviorScript \ref Component
-\todo This section is incomplete:
-- Utility functions to get components/events/etc inside script
-- How to listen for events
-- Extensions of script (keylistener)
+Script, which are added to \ref GameObject "game objects" using the \ref
+BehaviorScript \ref Component "component".
\see Script
\see BehaviorScript
@@ -22,11 +17,14 @@ Script, which are added to game objects using the BehaviorScript \ref Component
\par Example
-First, define a class that inherits from Script. This class acts as an
-interface, and has two functions (\ref Script::init "\c init()" and \ref
-Script::update "\c update()"), which may be implemented (they are empty by
-default). From now on, this derivative class will be referred to as a *concrete
+\note This example assumes you already have a GameObject. If not, read
+\"\ref feature_gameobject\" first.
+First, define a class (anywhere) that inherits from Script. The Script class
+acts as an interface, and has three functions (\ref Script::init "\c init()",
+\ref Script::fixed_update "\c fixed_update()" and \ref Script::frame_update
+"\c frame_update()"), which *may* be implemented (they are empty by default).
+From now on, this derivative class will be referred to as a *concrete script*.
#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
@@ -36,25 +34,33 @@ class MyScript : public crepe::Script {
void init() {
// called once
- void update() {
+ void fixed_update(crepe::duration_t delta_time) {
// called on fixed update
+ void frame_update(crepe::duration_t delta_time) {
+ // called for every rendered frame
+ }
-Concrete scripts can be instantiated and attached to \ref GameObject
-"game objects" using the BehaviorScript \ref Component "component".
+After defining a concrete script, it can be instantiated and attached to \ref
+feature_gameobject "game objects" during \ref feature_scene
+"scene initialization" using a BehaviorScript component:
using namespace crepe;
-GameObject obj = component_manager.new_object("name");
+GameObject obj;
-// create BehaviorScript instance
+// Create a BehaviorScript component to hold MyScript
BehaviorScript & behavior_script = obj.add_component<BehaviorScript>();
-// attach (and instantiate) MyScript to behavior_script
+// Instantiate (and attach) MyScript to behavior_script
-// the above can also be done in a single call for convenience:
+The above can also be done in a single call for convenience:
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/script_ecs.dox b/src/doc/feature/script_ecs.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd3376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/feature/script_ecs.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// vim:ft=doxygen
+namespace crepe {
+\defgroup feature_script_ecs Using ECS inside Script
+\ingroup feature
+\brief Query the component manager inside a concrete Script
+Script provides several methods to request references to components during
+runtime. These methods may be used in cases where it is either not practical or
+impossible to manually pass the references required to implement a certain
+\see Script
+\see ComponentManager
+\par Example
+\note This example assumes you already have a concrete Script. If not, read
+\"\ref feature_script\" first.
+The component manager can be queried for components inside Script using the
+following methods:
+- For requesting components on the same GameObject as this Script instance:
+ - Script::get_component(): \copybrief Script::get_component
+ - Script::get_components(): \copybrief Script::get_components
+- For requesting components in the current Scene:
+ - Script::get_components_by_id(): \copybrief Script::get_components_by_id
+ - Script::get_components_by_name(): \copybrief Script::get_components_by_name
+ - Script::get_components_by_tag(): \copybrief Script::get_components_by_tag
+#include <crepe/util/Log.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+class MyScript : public Script {
+ void show_self() {
+ Metadata & own_metadata = get_component<Metadata>();
+ logf("My name is {}", own_metadata.name);
+ }
+ void list_enemies() {
+ RefVector<Metadata> enemies = get_components_by_tag<Metadata>("enemy");
+ logf("There are {} enemies:", enemies.size());
+ for (const Metadata & enemy : enemies) {
+ logf("- {}", enemy.name);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/doc/feature/sfx.dox b/src/doc/feature/sfx.dox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5c9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/feature/sfx.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// vim:ft=doxygen
+namespace crepe {
+\defgroup feature_sfx Playing sound effects
+\ingroup feature
+\brief Fire a sound effect using the AudioSource component
+This page shows how to implement one-shot sound effects using the AudioSource
+component's 'fire and forget'-style API.
+\see AudioSource
+\par Example
+\note This example assumes you already have a GameObject to attach the
+AudioSource component to, and uses a Script to control the AudioSource instance.
+Separate pages describing these features in more detail can be found at \"\ref
+feature_gameobject\" and \"\ref feature_script\" respectively.
+\todo Merge #60
diff --git a/src/doc/features.dox b/src/doc/features.dox
index 21a040a..56d17c7 100644
--- a/src/doc/features.dox
+++ b/src/doc/features.dox
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
-table.memberdecls { display: none; }
-ul { margin: 1ex 0pt; }
+{ display: none; }
+{ margin: 1ex 0pt; }
@@ -14,15 +18,52 @@ ul { margin: 1ex 0pt; }
This page lists engine features and contains usage instructions for each
-\par Features
+- Basics
+ - \todo Hello world / engine initialization
-- Scripting
- - \ref feature_script \n\copybrief feature_script
+ - \ref feature_config \n\copybrief feature_config
-- Game flow management
+- Scenes
- \ref feature_scene \n\copybrief feature_scene
+ - \todo Navigating between scenes
+- Input
+ - \todo Key/Mouse events (w/ Script)
-- Entity
+- Actors / game objects
- \ref feature_gameobject \n\copybrief feature_gameobject
+- \todo HUD
+- Animation
+ - \todo Animation using spritesheet
+ - \todo Particle effects
+- Save data
+ - \ref feature_savemgr \n\copybrief feature_savemgr
+- Audio
+ - \ref feature_sfx \n\copybrief feature_sfx
+ - \ref feature_bgm \n\copybrief feature_bgm
+- \todo AI
+- \todo Physics
+- Scripting
+ - \ref feature_script \n\copybrief feature_script
+ - \ref feature_script_ecs \n\copybrief feature_script_ecs
+ - \todo Subscribing to *any* event inside Script
+ - \todo Creating and dispatching custom events
+- \todo Replay
+- Utilities
+ - \todo Logging
+ - \ref feature_proxy \n\copybrief feature_proxy
diff --git a/src/doc/index.dox b/src/doc/index.dox
index 7796f34..342db98 100644
--- a/src/doc/index.dox
+++ b/src/doc/index.dox
@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@
Welcome to the documentation for the crêpe game engine.
-\see feature
+\see \ref install "Engine installation instructions"
+\see \ref feature "Example code and usage instructions"
+\see [API documentation](annotated.html)
+\noop No bold links in "See also" section
+<style> .section.see a { font-weight: normal; } </style>
diff --git a/src/doc/layout.xml b/src/doc/layout.xml
index 6336655..c98c790 100644
--- a/src/doc/layout.xml
+++ b/src/doc/layout.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<tab type="mainpage" visible="yes" title="Intro"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref install" title="Installation"/>
<tab type="user" url="@ref feature" title="Features"/>
- <tab type="user" url="@ref internal" title="Internals"/>
+ <!-- <tab type="user" url="@ref internal" title="Internals"/> -->
<tab type="pages" visible="no" title="" intro=""/>
<tab type="topics" visible="no" title="" intro=""/>
<tab type="modules" visible="no" title="" intro="">
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<tab type="interfaceindex" visible="$ALPHABETICAL_INDEX" title=""/>
<tab type="interfacehierarchy" visible="yes" title="" intro=""/>
- <tab type="classes" visible="yes" title="">
+ <tab type="classes" visible="yes" title="API">
<tab type="classlist" visible="yes" title="" intro=""/>
<tab type="classindex" visible="$ALPHABETICAL_INDEX" title=""/>
<tab type="hierarchy" visible="yes" title="" intro=""/>
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
<inheritancegraph visible="yes"/>
<collaborationgraph visible="yes"/>
+ <publicmethods title=""/>
<nestedclasses visible="yes" title=""/>
<publictypes title=""/>
<services title=""/>
@@ -58,7 +59,6 @@
<signals title=""/>
<publicattributes title=""/>
<publicstaticattributes title=""/>
- <publicmethods title=""/>
<publicstaticmethods title=""/>
<protectedtypes title=""/>
<protectedslots title=""/>
diff --git a/src/doc/style.css b/src/doc/style.css
index c12240c..efc669b 100644
--- a/src/doc/style.css
+++ b/src/doc/style.css
@@ -4,3 +4,30 @@ a[href="namespaces.html"]
{ display: none; }
h2.groupheader { margin-top: revert; }
+dl {
+ padding: 4px 12px !important;
+ border-radius: 8px !important;
+ border: 0 !important;
+dt {
+ margin-bottom: 0.5ex;
+a:hover {
+ text-decoration: revert !important;
+ background: unset !important;
+dl.section.user {
+ padding: 0 !important;
+ border-radius: 0 !important;
+ margin-top: 0;
+dl.section.see dt,
+dl.section.user dt {
+ font-size: 130%;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5ex;
+ margin-top: 1.5ex;
diff --git a/src/example/AITest.cpp b/src/example/AITest.cpp
index 93ba500..4c4e25e 100644
--- a/src/example/AITest.cpp
+++ b/src/example/AITest.cpp
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ class Script1 : public Script {
void init() {
- subscribe<ShutDownEvent>(
- [this](const ShutDownEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->shutdown(ev); });
- subscribe<MouseMoveEvent>(
- [this](const MouseMoveEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->mousemove(ev); });
+ subscribe<ShutDownEvent>([this](const ShutDownEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->shutdown(ev);
+ });
+ subscribe<MouseMoveEvent>([this](const MouseMoveEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->mousemove(ev);
+ });
@@ -43,21 +45,23 @@ public:
Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
- GameObject game_object1 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject game_object2 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject game_object1 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject game_object2 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
- Asset img{"asset/texture/test_ap43.png"};
+ Asset img {"asset/texture/test_ap43.png"};
Sprite & test_sprite = game_object1.add_component<Sprite>(
- img, Sprite::Data{
- .color = Color::MAGENTA,
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 2,
- .order_in_layer = 2,
- .size = {0, 100},
- .angle_offset = 0,
- .position_offset = {0, 0},
- });
+ img,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color::MAGENTA,
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 2,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = {0, 100},
+ .angle_offset = 0,
+ .position_offset = {0, 0},
+ }
+ );
AI & ai = game_object1.add_component<AI>(3000);
// ai.arrive_on();
@@ -65,17 +69,19 @@ public:
ai.make_oval_path(500, 1000, {0, -1000}, 1.5708, true);
ai.make_oval_path(1000, 500, {0, 500}, 4.7124, false);
- game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.mass = 0.1f,
.max_linear_velocity = 40,
- game_object2.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{1080, 720}, vec2{5000, 5000},
- Camera::Data{
- .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
- .zoom = 1,
- });
+ game_object2.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {1080, 720}, vec2 {5000, 5000},
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
+ .zoom = 1,
+ }
+ );
string get_name() const override { return "Scene1"; }
diff --git a/src/example/CMakeLists.txt b/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
index f62414e..afe6cb7 100644
--- a/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ function(add_example target_name)
diff --git a/src/example/FontExample.cpp b/src/example/FontExample.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a334b1..0000000
--- a/src/example/FontExample.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/LoopManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Text.h>
-#include <crepe/facade/Font.h>
-#include <crepe/facade/SDLContext.h>
-#include <crepe/manager/EventManager.h>
-#include <crepe/manager/Mediator.h>
-#include <crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h>
-#include <exception>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-using namespace std::chrono;
-class TestScript : public Script {
- steady_clock::time_point start_time;
- virtual void init() override { start_time = steady_clock::now(); }
- virtual void update() override {
- auto now = steady_clock::now();
- auto elapsed = duration_cast<seconds>(now - start_time).count();
- if (elapsed >= 5) {
- Mediator & med = mediator;
- EventManager & event_mgr = med.event_manager;
- event_mgr.trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>();
- }
- }
-class TestScene : public Scene {
- void load_scene() override {
- GameObject text_object = this->new_object("test", "test", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- text_object.add_component<Text>(vec2(100, 100), vec2(0, 0), "OpenSymbol",
- Text::Data{});
- text_object.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<TestScript>();
- text_object.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{300, 300}, vec2{100, 100}, Camera::Data{});
- }
- std::string get_name() const override { return "hey"; }
-int main() {
- // Config& config = Config::get_instance();
- // config.log.level = Log::Level::TRACE;
- LoopManager engine;
- engine.add_scene<TestScene>();
- engine.start();
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/example/button.cpp b/src/example/button.cpp
index 4220588..ea7f528 100644
--- a/src/example/button.cpp
+++ b/src/example/button.cpp
@@ -21,14 +21,16 @@ using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Mediator mediator;
- ComponentManager mgr{mediator};
- RenderSystem sys{mediator};
- EventManager event_mgr{mediator};
- InputSystem input_sys{mediator};
- SDLContext sdl_context{mediator};
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("camera", "camera", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ ComponentManager mgr {mediator};
+ RenderSystem sys {mediator};
+ EventManager event_mgr {mediator};
+ InputSystem input_sys {mediator};
+ SDLContext sdl_context {mediator};
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("camera", "camera", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
auto & camera = obj.add_component<Camera>(
- ivec2{500, 500}, vec2{500, 500}, Camera::Data{.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f});
+ ivec2 {500, 500}, vec2 {500, 500},
+ Camera::Data {.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f}
+ );
auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
while (true) {
const keyboard_state_t & keyboard_state = sdl_context.get_keyboard_state();
diff --git a/src/example/game.cpp b/src/example/game.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3975650..0000000
--- a/src/example/game.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-#include "api/CircleCollider.h"
-#include "api/ParticleEmitter.h"
-#include "api/Scene.h"
-#include "manager/ComponentManager.h"
-#include "manager/Mediator.h"
-#include "types.h"
-#include <crepe/api/BoxCollider.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/LoopManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Vector2.h>
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-class MyScript1 : public Script {
- bool flip = false;
- bool oncollision(const CollisionEvent & test) {
- Log::logf("Box {} script on_collision()", test.info.this_collider.game_object_id);
- return true;
- }
- bool keypressed(const KeyPressEvent & test) {
- Log::logf("Box script keypressed()");
- switch (test.key) {
- case Keycode::A: {
- Rigidbody & tf = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- tf.data.linear_velocity.x -= 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::W: {
- Rigidbody & tf = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- // tf.data.linear_velocity.y -= 1;
- tf.add_force_linear({0, -1});
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::S: {
- Rigidbody & tf = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- tf.data.linear_velocity.y += 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::D: {
- Rigidbody & tf = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- tf.data.linear_velocity.x += 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::E: {
- if (flip) {
- flip = false;
- this->get_component<BoxCollider>().active = true;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[0].get().active = true;
- this->get_component<CircleCollider>().active = false;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[1].get().active = false;
- } else {
- flip = true;
- this->get_component<BoxCollider>().active = false;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[0].get().active = false;
- this->get_component<CircleCollider>().active = true;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[1].get().active = true;
- }
- //add collider switch
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::Q: {
- Rigidbody & rg = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- rg.data.angular_velocity = 1;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void init() {
- Log::logf("init");
- subscribe<CollisionEvent>(
- [this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->oncollision(ev); });
- subscribe<KeyPressEvent>(
- [this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->keypressed(ev); });
- }
- void update(duration_t) {
- Rigidbody & tf = this->get_component<Rigidbody>();
- Log::logf("linear_velocity.x {}", tf.data.linear_velocity.x);
- Log::logf("linear_velocity.y {}", tf.data.linear_velocity.y);
- // tf.data.linear_velocity = {0,0};
- }
-class MyScript2 : public Script {
- bool flip = false;
- bool oncollision(const CollisionEvent & test) {
- Log::logf("Box {} script on_collision()", test.info.this_collider.game_object_id);
- return true;
- }
- bool keypressed(const KeyPressEvent & test) {
- Log::logf("Box script keypressed()");
- switch (test.key) {
- case Keycode::LEFT: {
- Transform & tf = this->get_component<Transform>();
- tf.position.x -= 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::UP: {
- Transform & tf = this->get_component<Transform>();
- tf.position.y -= 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::DOWN: {
- Transform & tf = this->get_component<Transform>();
- tf.position.y += 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::RIGHT: {
- Transform & tf = this->get_component<Transform>();
- tf.position.x += 1;
- break;
- }
- case Keycode::PAUSE: {
- if (flip) {
- flip = false;
- this->get_component<BoxCollider>().active = true;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[0].get().active = true;
- this->get_component<CircleCollider>().active = false;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[1].get().active = false;
- } else {
- flip = true;
- this->get_component<BoxCollider>().active = false;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[0].get().active = false;
- this->get_component<CircleCollider>().active = true;
- this->get_components<Sprite>()[1].get().active = true;
- }
- //add collider switch
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void init() {
- Log::logf("init");
- subscribe<CollisionEvent>(
- [this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->oncollision(ev); });
- subscribe<KeyPressEvent>(
- [this](const KeyPressEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->keypressed(ev); });
- }
- void update() {
- // Retrieve component from the same GameObject this script is on
- }
-class ConcreteScene1 : public Scene {
- using Scene::Scene;
- void load_scene() {
- Color color(0, 0, 0, 255);
- float screen_size_width = 320;
- float screen_size_height = 240;
- float world_collider = 1000;
- //define playable world
- GameObject world = new_object(
- "Name", "Tag", vec2{screen_size_width / 2, screen_size_height / 2}, 0, 1);
- world.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
- .mass = 0,
- .gravity_scale = 0,
- .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
- .offset = {0, 0},
- });
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(
- vec2{world_collider, world_collider},
- vec2{0, 0 - (screen_size_height / 2 + world_collider / 2)}); // Top
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(
- vec2{world_collider, world_collider},
- vec2{0, screen_size_height / 2 + world_collider / 2}); // Bottom
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(
- vec2{world_collider, world_collider},
- vec2{0 - (screen_size_width / 2 + world_collider / 2), 0}); // Left
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(
- vec2{world_collider, world_collider},
- vec2{screen_size_width / 2 + world_collider / 2, 0}); // right
- world.add_component<Camera>(
- ivec2{static_cast<int>(screen_size_width), static_cast<int>(screen_size_height)},
- vec2{screen_size_width, screen_size_height},
- Camera::Data{
- .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
- .zoom = 1,
- });
- GameObject game_object1 = new_object(
- "Name", "Tag", vec2{screen_size_width / 2, screen_size_height / 2}, 0, 1);
- game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
- .mass = 1,
- .gravity_scale = 1,
- .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
- .linear_velocity = {0, 1},
- .constraints = {0, 0, 0},
- .elastisity_coefficient = 0,
- .offset = {0, 0},
- });
- // add box with boxcollider
- game_object1.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{20, 20});
- game_object1.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MyScript1>();
- Asset img1{"asset/texture/square.png"};
- game_object1.add_component<Sprite>(img1, Sprite::Data{
- .size = {20, 20},
- });
- //add circle with cirlcecollider deactiveated
- game_object1.add_component<CircleCollider>(10).active = false;
- Asset img2{"asset/texture/circle.png"};
- game_object1
- .add_component<Sprite>(img2,
- Sprite::Data{
- .size = {20, 20},
- })
- .active
- = false;
- GameObject game_object2 = new_object(
- "Name", "Tag", vec2{screen_size_width / 2, screen_size_height / 2}, 0, 1);
- game_object2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
- .mass = 1,
- .gravity_scale = 0,
- .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
- .linear_velocity = {0, 0},
- .constraints = {0, 0, 0},
- .elastisity_coefficient = 1,
- .offset = {0, 0},
- });
- // add box with boxcollider
- game_object2.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{20, 20});
- game_object2.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<MyScript2>();
- game_object2.add_component<Sprite>(img1, Sprite::Data{
- .size = {20, 20},
- });
- //add circle with cirlcecollider deactiveated
- game_object2.add_component<CircleCollider>(10).active = false;
- game_object2
- .add_component<Sprite>(img2,
- Sprite::Data{
- .size = {20, 20},
- })
- .active
- = false;
- Asset img5{"asset/texture/square.png"};
- GameObject particle = new_object(
- "Name", "Tag", vec2{screen_size_width / 2, screen_size_height / 2}, 0, 1);
- auto & particle_image = particle.add_component<Sprite>(img5, Sprite::Data{
- .size = {5, 5},
- });
- auto & test
- = particle.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(particle_image, ParticleEmitter::Data{
- .offset = {0, 0},
- .max_particles = 256,
- .emission_rate = 1,
- .min_speed = 10,
- .max_speed = 20,
- .min_angle = -20,
- .max_angle = 20,
- .begin_lifespan = 0,
- .end_lifespan = 5,
- });
- }
- string get_name() const { return "scene1"; }
-int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
- LoopManager gameloop;
- gameloop.add_scene<ConcreteScene1>();
- gameloop.start();
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/example/loadfont.cpp b/src/example/loadfont.cpp
index e459332..dd7caff 100644
--- a/src/example/loadfont.cpp
+++ b/src/example/loadfont.cpp
@@ -15,19 +15,21 @@ int main() {
// SDLFontContext font_facade;
Mediator mediator;
- FontFacade font_facade{};
- SDLContext sdl_context{mediator};
+ FontFacade font_facade {};
+ SDLContext sdl_context {mediator};
// ComponentManager component_manager{mediator};
- ResourceManager resource_manager{mediator};
+ ResourceManager resource_manager {mediator};
try {
// Correct way to create a unique pointer for Text
std::unique_ptr<Text> label = std::make_unique<Text>(
- 1, vec2(100, 100), vec2(0, 0), "OpenSymbol", Text::Data{}, "test text");
+ 1, vec2(100, 100), vec2(0, 0), "OpenSymbol", Text::Data {}, "test text"
+ );
// std::cout << "Path: " << label->font.get_path() << std::endl;
Asset asset1 = font_facade.get_font_asset("OpenSymbol");
std::cout << asset1.get_path() << std::endl;
std::unique_ptr<Text> label2 = std::make_unique<Text>(
- 1, vec2(100, 100), vec2(0, 0), "fsaafdafsdafsdafsdasfdds", Text::Data{});
+ 1, vec2(100, 100), vec2(0, 0), "fsaafdafsdafsdafsdasfdds", Text::Data {}
+ );
Asset asset = Asset("test test");
std::cout << label->font.value().get_path() << std::endl;
diff --git a/src/example/rendering_particle.cpp b/src/example/rendering_particle.cpp
index add43f4..e6b31a7 100644
--- a/src/example/rendering_particle.cpp
+++ b/src/example/rendering_particle.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
#include "api/Asset.h"
+#include "api/Text.h"
#include <crepe/Component.h>
#include <crepe/api/Animator.h>
#include <crepe/api/Button.h>
#include <crepe/api/Camera.h>
#include <crepe/api/Color.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Engine.h>
#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/LoopManager.hpp>
#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
@@ -13,7 +16,6 @@
#include <crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h>
#include <crepe/manager/Mediator.h>
#include <crepe/types.h>
-#include <iostream>
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
@@ -21,53 +23,52 @@ using namespace std;
class TestScene : public Scene {
void load_scene() {
- cout << "TestScene" << endl;
- Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
- ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
- GameObject game_object = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject game_object = new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
Color color(255, 255, 255, 255);
- Asset img{"asset/spritesheet/spritesheet_test.png"};
+ Asset img {"asset/spritesheet/pokemon_spritesheet.png"};
Sprite & test_sprite = game_object.add_component<Sprite>(
- img, Sprite::Data{
- .color = color,
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 2,
- .order_in_layer = 2,
- .size = {0, 100},
- .angle_offset = 0,
- .position_offset = {0, 0},
- });
- //auto & anim = game_object.add_component<Animator>(test_sprite,ivec2{32, 64}, uvec2{4,1}, Animator::Data{});
- //anim.set_anim(0);
+ img,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = color,
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 2,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ .size = {1, 0},
+ .angle_offset = 0,
+ .position_offset = {0, 1},
+ .world_space = false,
+ }
+ );
- auto & cam = game_object.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{720, 1280}, vec2{400, 400},
- Camera::Data{
- .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
- });
+ auto & anim = game_object.add_component<Animator>(
+ test_sprite, ivec2 {56, 56}, uvec2 {4, 4},
+ Animator::Data {
+ .looping = 0,
+ }
+ );
- function<void()> on_click = [&]() { cout << "button clicked" << std::endl; };
- function<void()> on_enter = [&]() { cout << "enter" << std::endl; };
- function<void()> on_exit = [&]() { cout << "exit" << std::endl; };
+ anim.set_anim(1);
+ anim.pause();
+ anim.next_anim();
- auto & button
- = game_object.add_component<Button>(vec2{200, 200}, vec2{0, 0}, on_click, false);
- button.on_mouse_enter = on_enter;
- button.on_mouse_exit = on_exit;
- button.is_toggle = true;
- button.active = true;
+ auto & cam = game_object.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {1280, 720}, vec2 {5, 5},
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
+ .postion_offset = {1000, 1000},
+ }
+ );
string get_name() const { return "TestScene"; };
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
- LoopManager engine;
+ Engine engine;
- engine.start();
+ engine.main();
return 0;
diff --git a/src/example/replay.cpp b/src/example/replay.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a6502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/example/replay.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <crepe/api/Config.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Engine.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+class AnimationScript : public Script {
+ Transform * transform;
+ float t = 0;
+ void init() { transform = &get_component<Transform>(); }
+ void update() {
+ t += 0.05;
+ transform->position = {sin(t), cos(t)};
+ }
+class Timeline : public Script {
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ recording_t recording;
+ void update() {
+ switch (i++) {
+ default:
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ logf("record start");
+ replay.record_start();
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ logf("record end, playing recording");
+ this->recording = replay.record_end();
+ replay.play(this->recording);
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ logf("done, releasing recording");
+ replay.release(this->recording);
+ break;
+ case 72:
+ logf("exit");
+ queue_event<ShutDownEvent>();
+ break;
+ };
+ }
+class TestScene : public Scene {
+ using Scene::Scene;
+ void load_scene() {
+ Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ GameObject cam = mgr.new_object("cam");
+ cam.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {640, 480}, vec2 {3, 3},
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
+ }
+ );
+ GameObject square = mgr.new_object("square");
+ square.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset {"asset/texture/square.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .size = {0.5, 0.5},
+ }
+ );
+ square.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<AnimationScript>();
+ GameObject scapegoat = mgr.new_object("");
+ scapegoat.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<Timeline>();
+ }
+ string get_name() const { return "scene1"; }
+int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
+ Config & cfg = Config::get_instance();
+ cfg.log.level = Log::Level::DEBUG;
+ Engine engine;
+ engine.add_scene<TestScene>();
+ return engine.main();
diff --git a/src/test/AssetTest.cpp b/src/test/AssetTest.cpp
index 93fd6a9..f41e9de 100644
--- a/src/test/AssetTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/AssetTest.cpp
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ using namespace std;
using namespace crepe;
using namespace testing;
-TEST(AssetTest, Existant) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Asset{"asset/texture/img.png"}); }
+TEST(AssetTest, Existant) { ASSERT_NO_THROW(Asset {"asset/texture/img.png"}); }
-TEST(AssetTest, Nonexistant) { ASSERT_ANY_THROW(Asset{"asset/nonexistant"}); }
+TEST(AssetTest, Nonexistant) { ASSERT_ANY_THROW(Asset {"asset/nonexistant"}); }
TEST(AssetTest, Rootless) {
Config & cfg = Config::get_instance();
string arbitrary = "\\/this is / /../passed through as-is";
- Asset asset{arbitrary};
+ Asset asset {arbitrary};
ASSERT_EQ(arbitrary, asset.get_path());
diff --git a/src/test/AudioTest.cpp b/src/test/AudioTest.cpp
index 48bba1b..e548221 100644
--- a/src/test/AudioTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/AudioTest.cpp
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ private:
Mediator mediator;
- ComponentManager component_manager{mediator};
- ResourceManager resource_manager{mediator};
+ ComponentManager component_manager {mediator};
+ ResourceManager resource_manager {mediator};
- TestAudioSystem system{mediator};
+ TestAudioSystem system {mediator};
TestSoundContext & context = system.context;
@@ -50,16 +50,18 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, Default) {
EXPECT_CALL(context, stop(_)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, _)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, _)).Times(0);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, Play) {
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, play(_)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, _)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, _)).Times(0);
@@ -67,12 +69,14 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, Play) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, play(_)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, _)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, _)).Times(1);
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, Stop) {
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
@@ -85,12 +89,12 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, Stop) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, stop(_)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, Volume) {
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
@@ -103,12 +107,12 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, Volume) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, component.volume)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, Looping) {
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
@@ -121,33 +125,36 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, Looping) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, component.loop)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, StopOnDeactivate) {
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, stop(_)).Times(1);
component.active = false;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(AudioTest, PlayOnActive) {
component.active = false;
component.play_on_awake = true;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(context, play(_)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, _)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, _)).Times(1);
component.active = true;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
@@ -156,6 +163,8 @@ TEST_F(AudioTest, PlayImmediately) {
EXPECT_CALL(context, play(_)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_volume(_, _)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(context, set_loop(_, _)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
diff --git a/src/test/CMakeLists.txt b/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
index 11b4ca9..ea92d96 100644
--- a/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ target_sources(test_main PUBLIC
- LoopManagerTest.cpp
+ # LoopManagerTest.cpp
@@ -24,4 +24,5 @@ target_sources(test_main PUBLIC
+ ReplayManagerTest.cpp
diff --git a/src/test/CollisionTest.cpp b/src/test/CollisionTest.cpp
index baa95c1..c571c1a 100644
--- a/src/test/CollisionTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/CollisionTest.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ public:
void init() {
- subscribe<CollisionEvent>(
- [this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->on_collision(ev); });
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->on_collision(ev);
+ });
void update() {
// Retrieve component from the same GameObject this script is on
@@ -50,11 +51,11 @@ public:
class CollisionTest : public Test {
Mediator m;
- EventManager event_mgr{m};
- ComponentManager mgr{m};
- CollisionSystem collision_sys{m};
- ScriptSystem script_sys{m};
- LoopTimerManager loop_timer{m};
+ EventManager event_mgr {m};
+ ComponentManager mgr {m};
+ CollisionSystem collision_sys {m};
+ ScriptSystem script_sys {m};
+ LoopTimerManager loop_timer {m};
GameObject world = mgr.new_object("world", "", {50, 50});
GameObject game_object1 = mgr.new_object("object1", "", {50, 50});
@@ -64,51 +65,48 @@ public:
CollisionHandler * script_object2_ref = nullptr;
void SetUp() override {
- world.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ world.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
// TODO: remove unrelated properties:
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
- .offset = {0, 0},
// Create a box with an inner size of 10x10 units
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{0, -100}); // Top
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{0, 100}); // Bottom
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{-100, 0}); // Left
- world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{100, 0}); // right
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {0, -100}); // Top
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {0, 100}); // Bottom
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {-100, 0}); // Left
+ world.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {100, 0}); // right
- game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.mass = 1,
.gravity_scale = 0.01,
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
.linear_velocity = {0, 0},
.constraints = {0, 0, 0},
- .elastisity_coefficient = 1,
- .offset = {0, 0},
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 1,
.collision_layers = {0},
- game_object1.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{10, 10}, vec2{0, 0});
+ game_object1.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {10, 10}, vec2 {0, 0});
BehaviorScript & script_object1
= game_object1.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionHandler>(1);
script_object1_ref = static_cast<CollisionHandler *>(script_object1.script.get());
ASSERT_NE(script_object1_ref, nullptr);
- game_object2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ game_object2.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.mass = 1,
.gravity_scale = 0.01,
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
.linear_velocity = {0, 0},
.constraints = {0, 0, 0},
- .elastisity_coefficient = 1,
- .offset = {0, 0},
+ .elasticity_coefficient = 1,
.collision_layers = {0},
- game_object2.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{10, 10}, vec2{0, 0});
+ game_object2.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {10, 10}, vec2 {0, 0});
BehaviorScript & script_object2
= game_object2.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<CollisionHandler>(2);
script_object2_ref = static_cast<CollisionHandler *>(script_object2.script.get());
ASSERT_NE(script_object2_ref, nullptr);
// Ensure Script::init() is called on all BehaviorScript instances
- script_sys.update();
+ script_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -116,14 +114,14 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_example) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -131,22 +129,22 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_both_no_velocity) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::BOTH);
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 10);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -10);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::BOTH);
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
tf.position = {50, 30};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -154,24 +152,26 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_x_direction_no_velocity) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION
+ );
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
tf.position = {45, 30};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -179,24 +179,26 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_y_direction_no_velocity) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION
+ );
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
tf.position = {50, 25};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -204,16 +206,16 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_both) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::BOTH);
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 10);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 10);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -10);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::BOTH);
@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_both) {
rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -231,19 +233,21 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_x_direction) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION
+ );
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
@@ -252,7 +256,7 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_x_direction) {
rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -260,19 +264,21 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_y_direction) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION
+ );
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_dynamic_y_direction) {
rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -289,21 +295,19 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_both) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::BOTH);
- script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
- // is static should not be called
- FAIL();
- };
+ script_object2_ref->test_fn
+ = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) { collision_happend = true; };
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
tf.position = {50, 30};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.body_type = crepe::Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC;
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -311,15 +315,16 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_x_direction) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, -5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, 5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::X_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
// is static should not be called
- FAIL();
+ //FAIL();
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
@@ -328,7 +333,7 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_x_direction) {
rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.body_type = crepe::Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC;
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
@@ -336,15 +341,16 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_y_direction) {
bool collision_happend = false;
script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.self.transform.game_object_id, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.y, -5);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution_direction,
- crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION);
+ ev.info.resolution_direction, crepe::CollisionSystem::Direction::Y_DIRECTION
+ );
script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&collision_happend](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
// is static should not be called
- FAIL();
+ //FAIL();
Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
@@ -353,40 +359,6 @@ TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_y_direction) {
rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
rg2.data.body_type = crepe::Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC;
- collision_sys.update();
- EXPECT_TRUE(collision_happend);
-TEST_F(CollisionTest, collision_box_box_static_multiple) { //todo check visually
- bool collision_happend = false;
- float offset_value = 0;
- float resolution = 0;
- script_object1_ref->test_fn = [&](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
- collision_happend = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.game_object_id, 1);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.this_collider.offset.x, offset_value);
- EXPECT_EQ(ev.info.resolution.x, resolution);
- };
- script_object2_ref->test_fn = [&](const CollisionEvent & ev) {
- // is static should not be called
- FAIL();
- };
- EXPECT_FALSE(collision_happend);
- Transform & tf = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1).front().get();
- tf.position = {45, 30};
- Rigidbody & rg1 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(1).front().get();
- rg1.data.linear_velocity = {10, 10};
- Rigidbody & rg2 = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(2).front().get();
- rg2.data.body_type = crepe::Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC;
- BoxCollider & bxc = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<BoxCollider>(1).front().get();
- bxc.offset = {5, 0};
- this->game_object1.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{-5, 0}, vec2{10, 10});
- offset_value = 5;
- resolution = 10;
- collision_sys.update();
- offset_value = -5;
- resolution = 10;
- tf.position = {55, 30};
- collision_sys.update();
+ collision_sys.fixed_update();
diff --git a/src/test/ECSTest.cpp b/src/test/ECSTest.cpp
index af2b7b0..92436a9 100644
--- a/src/test/ECSTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ECSTest.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class ECSTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator m;
- ComponentManager mgr{m};
+ ComponentManager mgr {m};
class TestComponent : public Component {
using Component::Component;
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public:
TEST_F(ECSTest, createGameObject) {
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, createGameObject) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, deleteAllGameObjects) {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, deleteAllGameObjects) {
EXPECT_EQ(metadata.size(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(transform.size(), 0);
- GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("body2", "person2", vec2{1, 0}, 5, 1);
+ GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("body2", "person2", vec2 {1, 0}, 5, 1);
metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, deleteAllGameObjects) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, deleteGameObject) {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, deleteGameObject) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, manyGameObjects) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, i);
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, i);
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, manyGameObjects) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000 - 5000; i++) {
string tag = "person" + to_string(i);
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", tag, vec2{0, 0}, i, 0);
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("body", tag, vec2 {0, 0}, i, 0);
metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, manyGameObjects) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
string name = "body" + to_string(i);
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object(name, "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 0);
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object(name, "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 0);
metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, manyGameObjects) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, getComponentsByID) {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(0);
vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transform = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(1);
@@ -217,19 +217,21 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, getComponentsByID) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, tooMuchComponents) {
try {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- obj0.add_component<Transform>(vec2{10, 10}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ obj0.add_component<Transform>(vec2 {10, 10}, 0, 1);
} catch (const exception & e) {
- EXPECT_EQ(e.what(),
- string("Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type"));
+ e.what(), string("Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type")
+ );
try {
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
obj1.add_component<Metadata>("body", "person");
} catch (const exception & e) {
- EXPECT_EQ(e.what(),
- string("Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type"));
+ e.what(), string("Exceeded maximum number of instances for this component type")
+ );
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
@@ -241,11 +243,11 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, tooMuchComponents) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, partentChild) {
- GameObject body = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject right_leg = mgr.new_object("rightLeg", "person", vec2{1, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject left_leg = mgr.new_object("leftLeg", "person", vec2{1, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject right_foot = mgr.new_object("rightFoot", "person", vec2{2, 2}, 0, 1);
- GameObject left_foot = mgr.new_object("leftFoot", "person", vec2{2, 2}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject body = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject right_leg = mgr.new_object("rightLeg", "person", vec2 {1, 1}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject left_leg = mgr.new_object("leftLeg", "person", vec2 {1, 1}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject right_foot = mgr.new_object("rightFoot", "person", vec2 {2, 2}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject left_foot = mgr.new_object("leftFoot", "person", vec2 {2, 2}, 0, 1);
// Set the parent of each GameObject
@@ -290,10 +292,10 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, partentChild) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, persistent) {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("obj0", "obj0", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("obj1", "obj1", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("obj0", "obj0", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("obj1", "obj1", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("obj2", "obj2", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("obj2", "obj2", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
@@ -329,8 +331,8 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, persistent) {
EXPECT_EQ(transform[0].get().position.x, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(transform[0].get().position.y, 0);
- GameObject obj3 = mgr.new_object("obj3", "obj3", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 5);
- GameObject obj4 = mgr.new_object("obj4", "obj4", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 5);
+ GameObject obj3 = mgr.new_object("obj3", "obj3", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 5);
+ GameObject obj4 = mgr.new_object("obj4", "obj4", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 5);
metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
@@ -358,10 +360,10 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, persistent) {
TEST_F(ECSTest, resetPersistent) {
- GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("obj0", "obj0", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("obj1", "obj1", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj0 = mgr.new_object("obj0", "obj0", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj1 = mgr.new_object("obj1", "obj1", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("obj2", "obj2", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject obj2 = mgr.new_object("obj2", "obj2", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
@@ -466,3 +468,17 @@ TEST_F(ECSTest, ComponentsByTag) {
EXPECT_EQ(objects.size(), 3);
+TEST_F(ECSTest, Snapshot) {
+ GameObject foo = mgr.new_object("foo");
+ foo.transform.position = {1, 1};
+ ComponentManager::Snapshot snapshot = mgr.save();
+ foo.transform.position = {0, 0};
+ mgr.restore(snapshot);
+ EXPECT_EQ(foo.transform.position, (vec2 {1, 1}));
diff --git a/src/test/EventTest.cpp b/src/test/EventTest.cpp
index f8be3fe..6105679 100644
--- a/src/test/EventTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/EventTest.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using namespace crepe;
class EventManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator mediator;
- EventManager event_mgr{mediator};
+ EventManager event_mgr {mediator};
void SetUp() override {
// Clear any existing subscriptions or events before each test
@@ -30,18 +30,20 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventSubscription) {
// Verify subscription (not directly verifiable; test by triggering event)
- KeyPressEvent{
+ KeyPressEvent {
.repeat = true,
.key = Keycode::A,
- 1);
+ 1
+ );
- KeyPressEvent{
+ KeyPressEvent {
.repeat = true,
.key = Keycode::A,
- EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
+ EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL
+ );
TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_trigger_all_channels) {
bool triggered = false;
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_trigger_all_channels) {
event_mgr.subscribe<MouseClickEvent>(mouse_handler, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
- MouseClickEvent click_event{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
+ MouseClickEvent click_event {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
event_mgr.trigger_event<MouseClickEvent>(click_event, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_trigger_one_channel) {
event_mgr.subscribe<MouseClickEvent>(mouse_handler, test_channel);
- MouseClickEvent click_event{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
+ MouseClickEvent click_event {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
event_mgr.trigger_event<MouseClickEvent>(click_event, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_callback_propagation) {
// Test event
- MouseClickEvent click_event{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
+ MouseClickEvent click_event {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE};
event_mgr.subscribe<MouseClickEvent>(mouse_handler_true, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
event_mgr.subscribe<MouseClickEvent>(mouse_handler_false, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
@@ -151,10 +153,12 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_queue_dispatch) {
event_mgr.subscribe<MouseClickEvent>(mouse_handler2, test_channel);
- MouseClickEvent{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE});
+ MouseClickEvent {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE}
+ );
- MouseClickEvent{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE},
- test_channel);
+ MouseClickEvent {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE},
+ test_channel
+ );
@@ -188,7 +192,8 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_unsubscribe) {
// Queue events
- MouseClickEvent{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE});
+ MouseClickEvent {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE}
+ );
// Dispatch events - both handlers should be triggered
@@ -204,7 +209,8 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_unsubscribe) {
// Queue the same event again
- MouseClickEvent{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE});
+ MouseClickEvent {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE}
+ );
// Dispatch events - only handler 2 should be triggered, handler 1 should NOT
@@ -219,7 +225,8 @@ TEST_F(EventManagerTest, EventManagerTest_unsubscribe) {
// Queue the event again
- MouseClickEvent{.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE});
+ MouseClickEvent {.mouse_pos = {100, 200}, .button = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE}
+ );
// Dispatch events - no handler should be triggered
diff --git a/src/test/InputTest.cpp b/src/test/InputTest.cpp
index 2d844d4..a1fe59a 100644
--- a/src/test/InputTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/InputTest.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h>
#include <crepe/system/RenderSystem.h>
#define protected public
#define private public
@@ -29,22 +28,24 @@ using namespace crepe;
class InputTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator mediator;
- ComponentManager mgr{mediator};
- SDLContext sdl_context{mediator};
+ ComponentManager mgr {mediator};
+ SDLContext sdl_context {mediator};
- InputSystem input_system{mediator};
- ResourceManager resman{mediator};
- RenderSystem render{mediator};
- EventManager event_manager{mediator};
+ InputSystem input_system {mediator};
+ ResourceManager resman {mediator};
+ RenderSystem render {mediator};
+ EventManager event_manager {mediator};
//GameObject camera;
+ vec2 offset = {100, 200};
void SetUp() override {
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("camera", "camera", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- auto & camera
- = obj.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{500, 500}, vec2{500, 500},
- Camera::Data{.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f});
- render.update();
+ GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("camera", "camera", offset, 0, 1);
+ auto & camera = obj.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {500, 500}, vec2 {500, 500},
+ Camera::Data {.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f}
+ );
+ render.frame_update();
//mediator.event_manager = event_manager;
//mediator.component_manager = mgr;
@@ -76,8 +77,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseDown) {
EventHandler<MousePressEvent> on_mouse_down = [&](const MousePressEvent & event) {
mouse_triggered = true;
//middle of the screen = 0,0
- EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos.x, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos.y, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos, offset);
EXPECT_EQ(event.button, MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE);
return false;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseDown) {
event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseUp) {
bool function_triggered = false;
EventHandler<MouseReleaseEvent> on_mouse_release = [&](const MouseReleaseEvent & e) {
function_triggered = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos.x, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos.y, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos, offset);
EXPECT_EQ(e.button, MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE);
return false;
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseUp) {
event.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
@@ -125,8 +124,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseMove) {
bool function_triggered = false;
EventHandler<MouseMoveEvent> on_mouse_move = [&](const MouseMoveEvent & e) {
function_triggered = true;
- EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos.x, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos.y, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_pos, offset);
EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_delta.x, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(e.mouse_delta.y, 10);
return false;
@@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseMove) {
event.motion.yrel = 10;
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
@@ -168,7 +166,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, KeyDown) {
test_event.key.repeat = 1; // Set repeat flag
- input_system.update(); // Process the event
+ input_system.fixed_update(); // Process the event
event_manager.dispatch_events(); // Dispatch events to handlers
EXPECT_TRUE(function_triggered); // Check if the handler was triggered
@@ -189,7 +187,7 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, KeyUp) {
event.key.keysym.scancode = SDL_SCANCODE_B;
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
@@ -199,58 +197,115 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, MouseClick) {
EventHandler<MouseClickEvent> on_mouse_click = [&](const MouseClickEvent & event) {
on_click_triggered = true;
EXPECT_EQ(event.button, MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE);
- EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos.x, 0);
- EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos.y, 0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.mouse_pos, offset);
return false;
this->simulate_mouse_click(250, 250, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
TEST_F(InputTest, testButtonClick) {
- GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
bool button_clicked = false;
- std::function<void()> on_click = [&]() { button_clicked = true; };
- auto & button = button_obj.add_component<Button>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{0, 0}, on_click);
+ event_manager.subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([&](const ButtonPressEvent & event) {
+ button_clicked = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.metadata.game_object_id, button_obj.id);
+ return false;
+ });
+ auto & button
+ = button_obj.add_component<Button>(vec2 {100, 100}, Button::Data {}, vec2 {0, 0});
bool hover = false;
button.active = true;
this->simulate_mouse_click(999, 999, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
this->simulate_mouse_click(250, 250, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
-TEST_F(InputTest, testButtonHover) {
- GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+TEST_F(InputTest, buttonPositionCamera) {
+ GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {50, 50}, 0, 1);
bool button_clicked = false;
- std::function<void()> on_click = [&]() { button_clicked = true; };
- auto & button = button_obj.add_component<Button>(vec2{100, 100}, vec2{0, 0}, on_click);
- button.active = true;
+ event_manager.subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([&](const ButtonPressEvent & event) {
+ button_clicked = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.metadata.game_object_id, button_obj.id);
+ return false;
+ });
+ auto & button = button_obj.add_component<Button>(
+ vec2 {10, 10},
+ Button::Data {
+ .world_space = false,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, 0}
+ );
- // Mouse not on button
- SDL_Event event;
- SDL_zero(event);
- event.type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION;
- event.motion.x = 700;
- event.motion.y = 700;
- event.motion.xrel = 10;
- event.motion.yrel = 10;
- SDL_PushEvent(&event);
+ bool hover = false;
+ button.active = true;
+ this->simulate_mouse_click(999, 999, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ input_system.fixed_update();
+ event_manager.dispatch_events();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(button_clicked);
- input_system.update();
+ this->simulate_mouse_click(300, 300, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ input_system.fixed_update();
- EXPECT_FALSE(button.hover);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(button_clicked);
+TEST_F(InputTest, buttonPositionWorld) {
+ GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {50, 50}, 0, 1);
+ bool button_clicked = false;
+ event_manager.subscribe<ButtonPressEvent>([&](const ButtonPressEvent & event) {
+ button_clicked = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.metadata.game_object_id, button_obj.id);
+ return false;
+ });
+ auto & button = button_obj.add_component<Button>(
+ vec2 {10, 10},
+ Button::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, 0}
+ );
+ bool hover = false;
+ button.active = true;
+ this->simulate_mouse_click(999, 999, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ input_system.fixed_update();
+ event_manager.dispatch_events();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(button_clicked);
+ this->simulate_mouse_click(300, 300, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
+ input_system.fixed_update();
+ event_manager.dispatch_events();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(button_clicked);
+TEST_F(InputTest, testButtonHover) {
+ GameObject button_obj = mgr.new_object("body", "person", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ bool button_hover = false;
+ event_manager.subscribe<ButtonEnterEvent>([&](const ButtonEnterEvent & event) {
+ button_hover = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.metadata.game_object_id, button_obj.id);
+ return false;
+ });
+ event_manager.subscribe<ButtonExitEvent>([&](const ButtonExitEvent & event) {
+ button_hover = false;
+ EXPECT_EQ(event.metadata.game_object_id, button_obj.id);
+ return false;
+ });
+ auto & button = button_obj.add_component<Button>(
+ vec2 {100, 100},
+ Button::Data {
+ .world_space = true,
+ },
+ vec2 {0, 0}
+ );
// Mouse on button
SDL_Event hover_event;
@@ -261,7 +316,22 @@ TEST_F(InputTest, testButtonHover) {
hover_event.motion.yrel = 10;
- input_system.update();
+ input_system.fixed_update();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(button_hover);
+ // Mouse not on button
+ SDL_Event event;
+ SDL_zero(event);
+ event.type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION;
+ event.motion.x = 500;
+ event.motion.y = 500;
+ event.motion.xrel = 10;
+ event.motion.yrel = 10;
+ SDL_PushEvent(&event);
+ input_system.fixed_update();
+ event_manager.dispatch_events();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(button.hover);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(button_hover);
diff --git a/src/test/LoopManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/LoopManagerTest.cpp
index df132ae..302d96c 100644
--- a/src/test/LoopManagerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/LoopManagerTest.cpp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include <thread>
#define private public
#define protected public
-#include <crepe/api/LoopManager.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Engine.h>
#include <crepe/manager/EventManager.h>
#include <crepe/manager/LoopTimerManager.h>
using namespace std::chrono;
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using namespace crepe;
class DISABLED_LoopManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
- class TestGameLoop : public crepe::LoopManager {
+ class TestGameLoop : public crepe::Engine {
MOCK_METHOD(void, fixed_update, (), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, frame_update, (), (override));
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ TEST_F(DISABLED_LoopManagerTest, ShutDown) {
// Start the loop in a separate thread
std::thread loop_thread([&]() { test_loop.start(); });
- test_loop.event_manager.trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>(ShutDownEvent{});
+ test_loop.event_manager.trigger_event<ShutDownEvent>(ShutDownEvent {});
// Wait for the loop thread to finish
diff --git a/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp b/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
index 7bd6305..52e412e 100644
--- a/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ using namespace crepe;
class LoopTimerTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator mediator;
- LoopTimerManager loop_timer{mediator};
+ LoopTimerManager loop_timer {mediator};
void SetUp() override { loop_timer.start(); }
diff --git a/src/test/ParticleTest.cpp b/src/test/ParticleTest.cpp
index 9263e00..eee7a73 100644
--- a/src/test/ParticleTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ParticleTest.cpp
@@ -22,45 +22,49 @@ class ParticlesTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator m;
- ComponentManager component_manager{m};
- ParticleSystem particle_system{m};
- LoopTimerManager loop_timer{m};
+ ComponentManager component_manager {m};
+ ParticleSystem particle_system {m};
+ LoopTimerManager loop_timer {m};
void SetUp() override {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Transform>> transforms
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(0);
if (transforms.empty()) {
- GameObject game_object = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 0);
+ GameObject game_object = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 0);
Color color(0, 0, 0, 0);
auto s1 = Asset("asset/texture/img.png");
Sprite & test_sprite = game_object.add_component<Sprite>(
- s1, Sprite::Data{
- .color = color,
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{true, true},
- .size = {10, 10},
- });
+ s1,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = color,
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {true, true},
+ .size = {10, 10},
+ }
+ );
- game_object.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(test_sprite,
- ParticleEmitter::Data{
- .offset = {0, 0},
- .max_particles = 100,
- .emission_rate = 0,
- .min_speed = 0,
- .max_speed = 0,
- .min_angle = 0,
- .max_angle = 0,
- .begin_lifespan = 0,
- .end_lifespan = 0,
- .force_over_time = vec2{0, 0},
- .boundary{
- .width = 0,
- .height = 0,
- .offset = vec2{0, 0},
- .reset_on_exit = false,
- },
- });
+ game_object.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
+ test_sprite,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .offset = {0, 0},
+ .max_particles = 100,
+ .emission_rate = 0,
+ .min_speed = 0,
+ .max_speed = 0,
+ .min_angle = 0,
+ .max_angle = 0,
+ .begin_lifespan = 0,
+ .end_lifespan = 0,
+ .force_over_time = vec2 {0, 0},
+ .boundary {
+ .width = 0,
+ .height = 0,
+ .offset = vec2 {0, 0},
+ .reset_on_exit = false,
+ },
+ }
+ );
transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(0);
Transform & transform = transforms.front().get();
@@ -78,8 +82,8 @@ public:
emitter.data.max_angle = 0;
emitter.data.begin_lifespan = 0;
emitter.data.end_lifespan = 0;
- emitter.data.force_over_time = vec2{0, 0};
- emitter.data.boundary = {0, 0, vec2{0, 0}, false};
+ emitter.data.force_over_time = vec2 {0, 0};
+ emitter.data.boundary = {0, 0, vec2 {0, 0}, false};
for (auto & particle : emitter.particles) {
particle.active = false;
@@ -97,18 +101,18 @@ TEST_F(ParticlesTest, spawnParticle) {
emitter.data.max_angle = 0.1;
emitter.data.max_speed = 10;
emitter.data.max_angle = 10;
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
//check if nothing happend
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[0].active, false);
emitter.data.emission_rate = 50;
//check particle spawnes
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[0].active, true);
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[1].active, true);
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[2].active, true);
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[3].active, true);
for (auto & particle : emitter.particles) {
@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ TEST_F(ParticlesTest, moveParticleHorizontal) {
emitter.data.max_angle = 0;
emitter.data.emission_rate = 50;
for (int a = 1; a < emitter.data.boundary.width / 2; a++) {
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[0].position.x, a);
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ TEST_F(ParticlesTest, moveParticleVertical) {
emitter.data.max_angle = 90;
emitter.data.emission_rate = 50;
for (int a = 1; a < emitter.data.boundary.width / 2; a++) {
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[0].position.y, a);
@@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ TEST_F(ParticlesTest, boundaryParticleReset) {
emitter.data.max_angle = 90;
emitter.data.emission_rate = 1;
for (int a = 0; a < emitter.data.boundary.width / 2 + 1; a++) {
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_EQ(emitter.particles[0].active, false);
@@ -198,15 +202,19 @@ TEST_F(ParticlesTest, boundaryParticleStop) {
emitter.data.max_angle = 90;
emitter.data.emission_rate = 1;
for (int a = 0; a < emitter.data.boundary.width / 2 + 1; a++) {
- particle_system.update();
+ particle_system.fixed_update();
const double TOLERANCE = 0.01;
EXPECT_NEAR(emitter.particles[0].velocity.x, 0, TOLERANCE);
EXPECT_NEAR(emitter.particles[0].velocity.y, 0, TOLERANCE);
if (emitter.particles[0].velocity.x != 0)
- EXPECT_NEAR(std::abs(emitter.particles[0].position.x),
- emitter.data.boundary.height / 2, TOLERANCE);
+ std::abs(emitter.particles[0].position.x), emitter.data.boundary.height / 2,
+ );
if (emitter.particles[0].velocity.y != 0)
- EXPECT_NEAR(std::abs(emitter.particles[0].position.y), emitter.data.boundary.width / 2,
+ std::abs(emitter.particles[0].position.y), emitter.data.boundary.width / 2,
+ );
diff --git a/src/test/PhysicsTest.cpp b/src/test/PhysicsTest.cpp
index 3afb3c7..85eb6d5 100644
--- a/src/test/PhysicsTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/PhysicsTest.cpp
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@ class PhysicsTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator m;
- ComponentManager component_manager{m};
- PhysicsSystem system{m};
- LoopTimerManager loop_timer{m};
+ ComponentManager component_manager {m};
+ PhysicsSystem system {m};
+ LoopTimerManager loop_timer {m};
void SetUp() override {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager;
vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transforms
= mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(0);
if (transforms.empty()) {
- auto entity = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 0);
- entity.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ auto entity = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 0);
+ entity.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.mass = 1,
.gravity_scale = 1,
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::DYNAMIC,
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ TEST_F(PhysicsTest, gravity) {
EXPECT_EQ(transform.position.y, 0);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.position.y, 0.0004, 0.0001);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.position.y, 0.002, 0.001);
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ TEST_F(PhysicsTest, max_velocity) {
rigidbody.add_force_linear({100, 100});
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y, 7.07, 0.01);
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x, 7.07, 0.01);
EXPECT_EQ(rigidbody.data.angular_velocity, 10);
rigidbody.add_force_linear({-100, -100});
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y, -7.07, 0.01);
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x, -7.07, 0.01);
EXPECT_EQ(rigidbody.data.angular_velocity, -10);
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ TEST_F(PhysicsTest, movement) {
rigidbody.add_force_linear({1, 1});
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.position.x, 0.02, 0.001);
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.position.y, 0.02, 0.001);
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.rotation, 0.02, 0.001);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ TEST_F(PhysicsTest, movement) {
rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.x = 0.5;
rigidbody.data.linear_velocity_coefficient.y = 0.5;
rigidbody.data.angular_velocity_coefficient = 0.5;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.x, 0.98, 0.01);
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.linear_velocity.y, 0.98, 0.01);
EXPECT_NEAR(rigidbody.data.angular_velocity, 0.98, 0.01);
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@ TEST_F(PhysicsTest, movement) {
rigidbody.data.angular_velocity_coefficient = 0;
rigidbody.data.max_angular_velocity = 1000;
rigidbody.data.angular_velocity = 360;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.rotation, 7.24, 0.01);
rigidbody.data.angular_velocity = -360;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.rotation, 0.04, 0.001);
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
EXPECT_NEAR(transform.rotation, 352.84, 0.01);
diff --git a/src/test/Profiling.cpp b/src/test/Profiling.cpp
index 16736b8..d8bd09d 100644
--- a/src/test/Profiling.cpp
+++ b/src/test/Profiling.cpp
@@ -32,14 +32,15 @@ using namespace testing;
class TestScript : public Script {
bool oncollision(const CollisionEvent & test) {
- Log::logf("Box {} script on_collision()", test.info.this_collider.game_object_id);
+ Log::logf("Box {} script on_collision()", test.info.self.transform.game_object_id);
return true;
void init() {
- subscribe<CollisionEvent>(
- [this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->oncollision(ev); });
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>([this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool {
+ return this->oncollision(ev);
+ });
- void update() {
+ void fixed_update() {
// Retrieve component from the same GameObject this script is on
@@ -50,22 +51,24 @@ public:
// Minimum amount to let test pass
const int min_gameobject_count = 100;
// Maximum amount to stop test
- const int max_gameobject_count = 150;
+ const int max_gameobject_count = 3000;
// Amount of times a test runs to calculate average
const int average = 5;
// Maximum duration to stop test
const std::chrono::microseconds duration = 16000us;
Mediator m;
- SDLContext sdl_context{m};
- ResourceManager resman{m};
- ComponentManager mgr{m};
+ SDLContext sdl_context {m};
+ ResourceManager resman {m};
+ ComponentManager mgr {m};
// Add system used for profling tests
- CollisionSystem collision_sys{m};
- PhysicsSystem physics_sys{m};
- ParticleSystem particle_sys{m};
- RenderSystem render_sys{m};
- ScriptSystem script_sys{m};
+ EventManager evmgr {m};
+ LoopTimerManager loopmgr {m};
+ CollisionSystem collision_sys {m};
+ PhysicsSystem physics_sys {m};
+ ParticleSystem particle_sys {m};
+ RenderSystem render_sys {m};
+ ScriptSystem script_sys {m};
// Test data
std::map<std::string, std::chrono::microseconds> timings;
@@ -75,16 +78,18 @@ public:
void SetUp() override {
GameObject do_not_use = mgr.new_object("DO_NOT_USE", "", {0, 0});
- do_not_use.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{1080, 720}, vec2{2000, 2000},
- Camera::Data{
- .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
- .zoom = 1.0f,
- });
+ do_not_use.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {1080, 720}, vec2 {2000, 2000},
+ Camera::Data {
+ .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
+ .zoom = 1.0f,
+ }
+ );
// initialize systems here:
//calls init
- script_sys.update();
+ script_sys.fixed_update();
//creates window
- render_sys.update();
+ render_sys.frame_update();
// Helper function to time an update call and store its duration
@@ -102,12 +107,14 @@ public:
// Run and profile all systems, return the total time in milliseconds
std::chrono::microseconds run_all_systems() {
std::chrono::microseconds total_microseconds = 0us;
- total_microseconds += time_function("PhysicsSystem", [&]() { physics_sys.update(); });
- += time_function("CollisionSystem", [&]() { collision_sys.update(); });
+ += time_function("PhysicsSystem", [&]() { physics_sys.fixed_update(); });
- += time_function("ParticleSystem", [&]() { particle_sys.update(); });
- total_microseconds += time_function("RenderSystem", [&]() { render_sys.update(); });
+ += time_function("CollisionSystem", [&]() { collision_sys.fixed_update(); });
+ total_microseconds
+ += time_function("ParticleSystem", [&]() { particle_sys.fixed_update(); });
+ total_microseconds
+ += time_function("RenderSystem", [&]() { render_sys.frame_update(); });
return total_microseconds;
@@ -164,23 +171,25 @@ TEST_F(DISABLED_ProfilingTest, Profiling_2) {
//define gameobject used for testing
GameObject gameobject = mgr.new_object(
- "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0});
- gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0}
+ );
+ gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.gravity_scale = 0.0,
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
- gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{0, 0}, vec2{1, 1});
+ gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {0, 0}, vec2 {1, 1});
Sprite & test_sprite = gameobject.add_component<Sprite>(
- Asset{"asset/texture/square.png"},
- Sprite::Data{
+ Asset {"asset/texture/square.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
.color = {0, 0, 0, 0},
.flip = {.flip_x = false, .flip_y = false},
.sorting_in_layer = 1,
.order_in_layer = 1,
.size = {.y = 500},
- });
+ }
+ );
@@ -203,37 +212,41 @@ TEST_F(DISABLED_ProfilingTest, Profiling_3) {
//define gameobject used for testing
GameObject gameobject = mgr.new_object(
- "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0});
- gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0}
+ );
+ gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data {
.gravity_scale = 0,
.body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
- gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{0, 0}, vec2{1, 1});
+ gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2 {0, 0}, vec2 {1, 1});
Sprite & test_sprite = gameobject.add_component<Sprite>(
- Asset{"asset/texture/square.png"},
- Sprite::Data{
+ Asset {"asset/texture/square.png"},
+ Sprite::Data {
.color = {0, 0, 0, 0},
.flip = {.flip_x = false, .flip_y = false},
.sorting_in_layer = 1,
.order_in_layer = 1,
.size = {.y = 500},
- });
+ }
+ );
auto & test = gameobject.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(
- test_sprite, ParticleEmitter::Data{
- .max_particles = 10,
- .emission_rate = 100,
- .end_lifespan = 100000,
- .boundary{
- .width = 1000,
- .height = 1000,
- .offset = vec2{0, 0},
- .reset_on_exit = false,
- },
- });
+ test_sprite,
+ ParticleEmitter::Data {
+ .max_particles = 10,
+ .emission_rate = 100,
+ .end_lifespan = 100000,
+ .boundary {
+ .width = 1000,
+ .height = 1000,
+ .offset = vec2 {0, 0},
+ .reset_on_exit = false,
+ },
+ }
+ );
- render_sys.update();
+ render_sys.frame_update();
this->total_time = 0us;
diff --git a/src/test/RenderSystemTest.cpp b/src/test/RenderSystemTest.cpp
index b4519cb..bdd87ee 100644
--- a/src/test/RenderSystemTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/RenderSystemTest.cpp
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ class RenderSystemTest : public Test {
Mediator m;
- ComponentManager mgr{m};
- SDLContext ctx{m};
- ResourceManager resource_manager{m};
- RenderSystem sys{m};
+ ComponentManager mgr {m};
+ SDLContext ctx {m};
+ ResourceManager resource_manager {m};
+ RenderSystem sys {m};
GameObject entity1 = this->mgr.new_object("name");
GameObject entity2 = this->mgr.new_object("name");
GameObject entity3 = this->mgr.new_object("name");
@@ -40,44 +40,52 @@ public:
auto s2 = Asset("asset/texture/img.png");
auto s3 = Asset("asset/texture/img.png");
auto s4 = Asset("asset/texture/img.png");
- auto & sprite1
- = entity1.add_component<Sprite>(s1, Sprite::Data{
- .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 5,
- .order_in_layer = 5,
- .size = {10, 10},
- });
+ auto & sprite1 = entity1.add_component<Sprite>(
+ s1,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 5,
+ .order_in_layer = 5,
+ .size = {10, 10},
+ }
+ );
EXPECT_EQ(sprite1.data.order_in_layer, 5);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite1.data.sorting_in_layer, 5);
- auto & sprite2
- = entity2.add_component<Sprite>(s2, Sprite::Data{
- .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 2,
- .order_in_layer = 1,
- });
+ auto & sprite2 = entity2.add_component<Sprite>(
+ s2,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 2,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ }
+ );
EXPECT_EQ(sprite2.data.sorting_in_layer, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite2.data.order_in_layer, 1);
- auto & sprite3
- = entity3.add_component<Sprite>(s3, Sprite::Data{
- .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 1,
- .order_in_layer = 2,
- });
+ auto & sprite3 = entity3.add_component<Sprite>(
+ s3,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 1,
+ .order_in_layer = 2,
+ }
+ );
EXPECT_EQ(sprite3.data.sorting_in_layer, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite3.data.order_in_layer, 2);
- auto & sprite4
- = entity4.add_component<Sprite>(s4, Sprite::Data{
- .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
- .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings{false, false},
- .sorting_in_layer = 1,
- .order_in_layer = 1,
- });
+ auto & sprite4 = entity4.add_component<Sprite>(
+ s4,
+ Sprite::Data {
+ .color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0),
+ .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 1,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ }
+ );
EXPECT_EQ(sprite4.data.sorting_in_layer, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite4.data.order_in_layer, 1);
@@ -85,7 +93,7 @@ public:
TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, NoCamera) {
// No camera
- EXPECT_ANY_THROW({ this->sys.update(); });
+ EXPECT_ANY_THROW({ this->sys.frame_update(); });
TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, make_sprites) {}
@@ -128,8 +136,10 @@ TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, sorting_sprites) {
TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Update) {
- entity1.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{100, 100}, vec2{100, 100},
- Camera::Data{.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f});
+ entity1.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {100, 100},
+ Camera::Data {.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f}
+ );
vector<reference_wrapper<Sprite>> sprites = this->mgr.get_components_by_type<Sprite>();
ASSERT_EQ(sprites.size(), 4);
@@ -139,7 +149,7 @@ TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Update) {
EXPECT_EQ(sprites[2].get().game_object_id, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(sprites[3].get().game_object_id, 3);
- this->sys.update();
+ this->sys.frame_update();
vector<reference_wrapper<Sprite>> sprites = this->mgr.get_components_by_type<Sprite>();
ASSERT_EQ(sprites.size(), 4);
@@ -157,8 +167,10 @@ TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Camera) {
EXPECT_NE(cameras.size(), 1);
- entity1.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{100, 100}, vec2{100, 100},
- Camera::Data{.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f});
+ entity1.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {100, 100},
+ Camera::Data {.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f}
+ );
auto cameras = this->mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
EXPECT_EQ(cameras.size(), 1);
@@ -167,8 +179,10 @@ TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Camera) {
//TODO improve with newer version
TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Color) {
- entity1.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{100, 100}, vec2{100, 100},
- Camera::Data{.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f});
+ entity1.add_component<Camera>(
+ ivec2 {100, 100}, vec2 {100, 100},
+ Camera::Data {.bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1.0f}
+ );
auto & sprite = this->mgr.get_components_by_id<Sprite>(entity1.id).front().get();
//ASSERT_NE(sprite.texture.texture.get(), nullptr);
@@ -178,7 +192,7 @@ TEST_F(RenderSystemTest, Color) {
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.g, Color::GREEN.g);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.b, Color::GREEN.b);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.a, Color::GREEN.a);
- this->sys.update();
+ this->sys.frame_update();
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.r, Color::GREEN.r);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.g, Color::GREEN.g);
EXPECT_EQ(sprite.data.color.b, Color::GREEN.b);
diff --git a/src/test/ReplayManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/ReplayManagerTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2619eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/ReplayManagerTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/ReplayManager.h>
+#include <crepe/system/ReplaySystem.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace testing;
+class ReplayManagerTest : public Test {
+ Mediator mediator;
+ ComponentManager component_manager {mediator};
+ ReplayManager replay_manager {mediator};
+ ReplaySystem replay_system {mediator};
+ GameObject entity = component_manager.new_object("foo");
+ Transform & entity_transform
+ = component_manager.get_components_by_id<Transform>(entity.id).back();
+ Metadata & entity_metadata
+ = component_manager.get_components_by_id<Metadata>(entity.id).back();
+TEST_F(ReplayManagerTest, Default) {
+ // replay_manager.record_start();
+ // replay_system.fixed_update();
+ // entity_transform.position += {1, 1};
+ // replay_system.fixed_update();
+ // entity_transform.position += {1, 1};
+ // replay_system.fixed_update();
+ // recording_t recording = replay_manager.record_end();
diff --git a/src/test/ResourceManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/ResourceManagerTest.cpp
index 965eeab..e5a7fad 100644
--- a/src/test/ResourceManagerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ResourceManagerTest.cpp
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ class ResourceManagerTest : public Test {
Mediator mediator;
- ResourceManager resource_manager{mediator};
+ ResourceManager resource_manager {mediator};
class Unrelated : public Resource {
using Resource::Resource;
- Asset asset_a{"asset/texture/img.png"};
- Asset asset_b{"asset/texture/ERROR.png"};
+ Asset asset_a {"asset/texture/img.png"};
+ Asset asset_b {"asset/texture/ERROR.png"};
class TestResource : public Resource {
diff --git a/src/test/SaveManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/SaveManagerTest.cpp
index 7609e69..fd53200 100644
--- a/src/test/SaveManagerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/SaveManagerTest.cpp
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ class SaveManagerTest : public Test {
using SaveManager::SaveManager;
// in-memory database for testing
- DB db{};
+ DB db {};
virtual DB & get_db() override { return this->db; }
- TestSaveManager mgr{m};
+ TestSaveManager mgr {m};
TEST_F(SaveManagerTest, ReadWrite) {
diff --git a/src/test/SceneManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/SceneManagerTest.cpp
index 480e07a..e58ce36 100644
--- a/src/test/SceneManagerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/SceneManagerTest.cpp
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ using namespace crepe;
class ConcreteScene1 : public Scene {
void load_scene() {
- GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object2 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2{1, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object3 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2{2, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object2 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2 {1, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object3 = new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", vec2 {2, 0}, 0, 1);
string get_name() const { return "scene1"; }
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ public:
class ConcreteScene2 : public Scene {
void load_scene() {
- GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object2 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2{0, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object3 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2{0, 2}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object4 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2{0, 3}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object2 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2 {0, 1}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object3 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2 {0, 2}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object4 = new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", vec2 {0, 3}, 0, 1);
string get_name() const { return "scene2"; }
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public:
ConcreteScene3(const string & name) : name(name) {}
void load_scene() {
- GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_3", "tag_scene_3", vec2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
+ GameObject object1 = new_object("scene_3", "tag_scene_3", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1);
string get_name() const { return name; }
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ class SceneManagerTest : public ::testing::Test {
Mediator m;
- ComponentManager component_mgr{m};
- SceneManager scene_mgr{m};
+ ComponentManager component_mgr {m};
+ SceneManager scene_mgr {m};
TEST_F(SceneManagerTest, loadScene) {
diff --git a/src/test/ScriptEventTest.cpp b/src/test/ScriptEventTest.cpp
index c1b4028..8b4a72d 100644
--- a/src/test/ScriptEventTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ScriptEventTest.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class ScriptEventTest : public ScriptTest {
EventManager & event_manager = mediator.event_manager;
- class MyEvent : public Event {};
+ struct MyEvent : public Event {};
TEST_F(ScriptEventTest, Default) {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ TEST_F(ScriptEventTest, Default) {
return true;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
behaviorscript.active = false;
EXPECT_EQ(0, event_count);
diff --git a/src/test/ScriptSaveManagerTest.cpp b/src/test/ScriptSaveManagerTest.cpp
index 64403c4..e2debae 100644
--- a/src/test/ScriptSaveManagerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ScriptSaveManagerTest.cpp
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ public:
using SaveManager::SaveManager;
// in-memory database for testing
- DB db{};
+ DB db {};
virtual DB & get_db() override { return this->db; }
- TestSaveManager save_mgr{mediator};
+ TestSaveManager save_mgr {mediator};
TEST_F(ScriptSaveManagerTest, GetSaveManager) {
diff --git a/src/test/ScriptSceneTest.cpp b/src/test/ScriptSceneTest.cpp
index 2568049..7d01f14 100644
--- a/src/test/ScriptSceneTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ScriptSceneTest.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ using namespace testing;
class ScriptSceneTest : public ScriptTest {
- SceneManager scene_manager{mediator};
+ SceneManager scene_manager {mediator};
class MyScene : public Scene {};
diff --git a/src/test/ScriptTest.cpp b/src/test/ScriptTest.cpp
index 846e398..40aa25c 100644
--- a/src/test/ScriptTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ScriptTest.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ void ScriptTest::SetUp() {
TEST_F(ScriptTest, Default) {
MyScript & script = this->script;
EXPECT_CALL(script, init()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(script, update(_)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, fixed_update(_)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, frame_update(_)).Times(0);
TEST_F(ScriptTest, UpdateOnce) {
@@ -38,16 +39,23 @@ TEST_F(ScriptTest, UpdateOnce) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(script, init()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(script, update(_)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, fixed_update(_)).Times(1);
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(script, init()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(script, update(_)).Times(1);
- system.update();
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, fixed_update(_)).Times(1);
+ system.fixed_update();
+ }
+ {
+ InSequence seq;
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, frame_update(_)).Times(1);
+ system.frame_update();
@@ -59,18 +67,18 @@ TEST_F(ScriptTest, UpdateInactive) {
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(script, init()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(script, update(_)).Times(0);
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, fixed_update(_)).Times(0);
behaviorscript.active = false;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
InSequence seq;
EXPECT_CALL(script, init()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_CALL(script, update(_)).Times(1);
+ EXPECT_CALL(script, fixed_update(_)).Times(1);
behaviorscript.active = true;
- system.update();
+ system.fixed_update();
diff --git a/src/test/ScriptTest.h b/src/test/ScriptTest.h
index f3dbda4..f953aab 100644
--- a/src/test/ScriptTest.h
+++ b/src/test/ScriptTest.h
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ protected:
static constexpr const char * OBJ_NAME = "foo";
- crepe::ComponentManager component_manager{mediator};
- crepe::ScriptSystem system{mediator};
- crepe::EventManager event_mgr{mediator};
- crepe::LoopTimerManager loop_timer{mediator};
- crepe::SaveManager save_manager{mediator};
+ crepe::ComponentManager component_manager {mediator};
+ crepe::ScriptSystem system {mediator};
+ crepe::EventManager event_mgr {mediator};
+ crepe::LoopTimerManager loop_timer {mediator};
+ crepe::SaveManager save_manager {mediator};
crepe::GameObject entity = component_manager.new_object(OBJ_NAME);
class MyScript : public crepe::Script {
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ public:
MOCK_METHOD(void, init, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, update, (crepe::duration_t), (override));
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, fixed_update, (crepe::duration_t), (override));
+ MOCK_METHOD(void, frame_update, (crepe::duration_t), (override));
crepe::OptionalRef<crepe::BehaviorScript> behaviorscript;
diff --git a/src/test/ValueBrokerTest.cpp b/src/test/ValueBrokerTest.cpp
index e6bb058..5928c37 100644
--- a/src/test/ValueBrokerTest.cpp
+++ b/src/test/ValueBrokerTest.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ public:
int write_count = 0;
int value = 0;
- ValueBroker<int> broker{
+ ValueBroker<int> broker {
[this](const int & target) -> void {
this->value = target;
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public:
return this->value;
- Proxy<int> proxy{broker};
+ Proxy<int> proxy {broker};
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_EQ(read_count, 0);
diff --git a/src/test/Vector2Test.cpp b/src/test/Vector2Test.cpp
index 1e21af9..b17f95a 100644
--- a/src/test/Vector2Test.cpp
+++ b/src/test/Vector2Test.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <crepe/api/Vector2.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
using namespace crepe;
@@ -530,3 +531,12 @@ TEST_F(Vector2Test, Perpendicular) {
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(result4.x, -4.0f);
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(result4.y, 3.0f);
+TEST_F(Vector2Test, Rotate) {
+ vec2 foo {0, 1};
+ foo = foo.rotate(90);
+ const float GOOD_ENOUGH = 0.001;