path: root/src
diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-05-23 22:41:21 +0200
committerArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-05-23 22:41:21 +0200
commit3915b8cb4e37b63428335e0c86bc70c94d68c0ed (patch)
tree3e7c26acb416d77f6c93055ec895fcdf80befd09 /src
parentdb396e992b670fa419123474068e100c9f706b2f (diff)
botch the code
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/main.cpp b/src/libui_sdl/main.cpp
index f0d7b74..9f92595 100644
--- a/src/libui_sdl/main.cpp
+++ b/src/libui_sdl/main.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenGap[6];
uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenLayout[3];
uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenSizing[4];
+uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenFilter;
+uiMenuItem* MenuItem_LimitFPS;
SDL_Thread* EmuThread;
int EmuRunning;
volatile int EmuStatus;
@@ -985,8 +988,9 @@ void OnAreaDraw(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaDrawParams* params)
ScreenDrawInited = true;
ScreenBitmap[0] = uiDrawNewBitmap(params->Context, 256, 192);
ScreenBitmap[1] = uiDrawNewBitmap(params->Context, 256, 192);
+ printf("D2D bitmaps inited\n");
+if (!ScreenBitmap[0] || !ScreenBitmap[1]) printf("draw but no bitmaps :(\n");
if (!ScreenBitmap[0] || !ScreenBitmap[1]) return;
if (!GPU::Framebuffer[0][0]) return;
@@ -1847,10 +1851,19 @@ void OnOpenHotkeyConfig(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg)
+void zarg();
void OnOpenVideoSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg)
- DlgVideoSettings::Open();
+ //DlgVideoSettings::Open();
+ int zerp = EmuRunning;
+ EmuRunning = 3;
+ while (EmuStatus != 3);
+ uiControlDestroy(uiControl(window));
+ zarg();
+ EmuRunning = zerp;
void OnOpenAudioSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg)
@@ -2069,107 +2082,8 @@ void ApplyNewSettings(int type)
-int main(int argc, char** argv)
+void CreateMainWindowMenu()
- srand(time(NULL));
- printf("melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION "\n");
- printf(MELONDS_URL "\n");
- if (argc > 0 && strlen(argv[0]) > 0)
- {
- int len = strlen(argv[0]);
- while (len > 0)
- {
- if (argv[0][len] == '/') break;
- if (argv[0][len] == '\\') break;
- len--;
- }
- if (len > 0)
- {
- EmuDirectory = new char[len+1];
- strncpy(EmuDirectory, argv[0], len);
- EmuDirectory[len] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- EmuDirectory = new char[2];
- strcpy(EmuDirectory, ".");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- EmuDirectory = new char[2];
- strcpy(EmuDirectory, ".");
- }
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14543333/joystick-wont-work-using-sdl
- if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) < 0)
- {
- printf("SDL couldn't init rumble\n");
- }
- {
- printf("SDL shat itself :(\n");
- return 1;
- }
- SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE);
- uiInitOptions ui_opt;
- memset(&ui_opt, 0, sizeof(uiInitOptions));
- const char* ui_err = uiInit(&ui_opt);
- if (ui_err != NULL)
- {
- printf("libui shat itself :( %s\n", ui_err);
- uiFreeInitError(ui_err);
- return 1;
- }
- Config::Load();
- if (Config::AudioVolume < 0) Config::AudioVolume = 0;
- else if (Config::AudioVolume > 256) Config::AudioVolume = 256;
- if (!Platform::LocalFileExists("bios7.bin") ||
- !Platform::LocalFileExists("bios9.bin") ||
- !Platform::LocalFileExists("firmware.bin"))
- {
- uiMsgBoxError(
- "BIOS/Firmware not found",
- "One or more of the following required files don't exist or couldn't be accessed:\n\n"
- "bios7.bin -- ARM7 BIOS\n"
- "bios9.bin -- ARM9 BIOS\n"
- "firmware.bin -- firmware image\n\n"
- "Dump the files from your DS and place them in the directory you run melonDS from.\n"
- "Make sure that the files can be accessed.");
- uiUninit();
- SDL_Quit();
- return 0;
- }
- {
- FILE* f = Platform::OpenLocalFile("romlist.bin", "rb");
- if (f)
- {
- u32 data;
- fread(&data, 4, 1, f);
- fclose(f);
- if ((data >> 24) == 0) // old CRC-based list
- {
- uiMsgBoxError(NULL,
- "Your version of romlist.bin is outdated.",
- "Save memory type detection will not work correctly.\n\n"
- "You should use the latest version of romlist.bin (provided in melonDS release packages).");
- }
- }
- }
uiMenu* menu;
uiMenuItem* menuitem;
@@ -2327,14 +2241,178 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu);
- menuitem = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Screen filtering");
- uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnSetScreenFiltering, NULL);
- uiMenuItemSetChecked(menuitem, Config::ScreenFilter==1);
+ MenuItem_ScreenFilter = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Screen filtering");
+ uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenFilter, OnSetScreenFiltering, NULL);
+ MenuItem_LimitFPS = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Limit framerate");
+ uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_LimitFPS, OnSetLimitFPS, NULL);
+void zarg()
+ int w = Config::WindowWidth;
+ int h = Config::WindowHeight;
+ //if (w < 256) w = 256;
+ //if (h < 384) h = 384;
+ WindowWidth = w;
+ WindowHeight = h;
+ Screen_UseGL = Config::ScreenUseGL || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0);
+ _3DRenderer = Config::_3DRenderer;
+ GL_3DScale = Config::GL_ScaleFactor;
+ if (GL_3DScale < 1) GL_3DScale = 1;
+ else if (GL_3DScale > 8) GL_3DScale = 8;
+ MainWindow = uiNewWindow("melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION, w, h, Config::WindowMaximized, 1, 1);
+ uiWindowOnClosing(MainWindow, OnCloseWindow, NULL);
+ uiWindowSetDropTarget(MainWindow, 1);
+ uiWindowOnDropFile(MainWindow, OnDropFile, NULL);
+ uiWindowOnGetFocus(MainWindow, OnGetFocus, NULL);
+ uiWindowOnLoseFocus(MainWindow, OnLoseFocus, NULL);
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.Draw = OnAreaDraw;
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.MouseEvent = OnAreaMouseEvent;
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.MouseCrossed = OnAreaMouseCrossed;
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.DragBroken = OnAreaDragBroken;
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.KeyEvent = OnAreaKeyEvent;
+ MainDrawAreaHandler.Resize = OnAreaResize;
+ ScreenDrawInited = false;
+ ScreenCreateArea(Screen_UseGL);
+ ScreenRotation = Config::ScreenRotation;
+ ScreenGap = Config::ScreenGap;
+ ScreenLayout = Config::ScreenLayout;
+ ScreenSizing = Config::ScreenSizing;
+#define SANITIZE(var, min, max) if ((var < min) || (var > max)) var = 0;
+ SANITIZE(ScreenRotation, 0, 3);
+ SANITIZE(ScreenLayout, 0, 2);
+ SANITIZE(ScreenSizing, 0, 3);
+#undef SANITIZE
+ /*uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_SavestateSRAMReloc, Config::SavestateRelocSRAM?1:0);
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenRot[ScreenRotation], 1);
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[ScreenLayout], 1);
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[ScreenSizing], 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ if (ScreenGap == kScreenGap[i])
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenGap[i], 1);
+ }*/
+ OnSetScreenRotation(MenuItem_ScreenRot[ScreenRotation], MainWindow, (void*)&kScreenRot[ScreenRotation]);
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ printf("melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION "\n");
+ printf(MELONDS_URL "\n");
+ if (argc > 0 && strlen(argv[0]) > 0)
+ {
+ int len = strlen(argv[0]);
+ while (len > 0)
+ {
+ if (argv[0][len] == '/') break;
+ if (argv[0][len] == '\\') break;
+ len--;
+ }
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ EmuDirectory = new char[len+1];
+ strncpy(EmuDirectory, argv[0], len);
+ EmuDirectory[len] = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmuDirectory = new char[2];
+ strcpy(EmuDirectory, ".");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EmuDirectory = new char[2];
+ strcpy(EmuDirectory, ".");
+ }
+ // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14543333/joystick-wont-work-using-sdl
+ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) < 0)
+ {
+ printf("SDL couldn't init rumble\n");
+ }
+ {
+ printf("SDL shat itself :(\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE);
+ uiInitOptions ui_opt;
+ memset(&ui_opt, 0, sizeof(uiInitOptions));
+ const char* ui_err = uiInit(&ui_opt);
+ if (ui_err != NULL)
+ {
+ printf("libui shat itself :( %s\n", ui_err);
+ uiFreeInitError(ui_err);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Config::Load();
+ if (Config::AudioVolume < 0) Config::AudioVolume = 0;
+ else if (Config::AudioVolume > 256) Config::AudioVolume = 256;
+ if (!Platform::LocalFileExists("bios7.bin") ||
+ !Platform::LocalFileExists("bios9.bin") ||
+ !Platform::LocalFileExists("firmware.bin"))
+ {
+ uiMsgBoxError(
+ "BIOS/Firmware not found",
+ "One or more of the following required files don't exist or couldn't be accessed:\n\n"
+ "bios7.bin -- ARM7 BIOS\n"
+ "bios9.bin -- ARM9 BIOS\n"
+ "firmware.bin -- firmware image\n\n"
+ "Dump the files from your DS and place them in the directory you run melonDS from.\n"
+ "Make sure that the files can be accessed.");
+ uiUninit();
+ SDL_Quit();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ FILE* f = Platform::OpenLocalFile("romlist.bin", "rb");
+ if (f)
+ {
+ u32 data;
+ fread(&data, 4, 1, f);
+ fclose(f);
- menuitem = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Limit framerate");
- uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnSetLimitFPS, NULL);
- uiMenuItemSetChecked(menuitem, Config::LimitFPS==1);
+ if ((data >> 24) == 0) // old CRC-based list
+ {
+ uiMsgBoxError(NULL,
+ "Your version of romlist.bin is outdated.",
+ "Save memory type detection will not work correctly.\n\n"
+ "You should use the latest version of romlist.bin (provided in melonDS release packages).");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CreateMainWindowMenu();
int w = Config::WindowWidth;
int h = Config::WindowHeight;
@@ -2405,6 +2483,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
OnSetScreenRotation(MenuItem_ScreenRot[ScreenRotation], MainWindow, (void*)&kScreenRot[ScreenRotation]);
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenFilter, Config::ScreenFilter==1);
+ uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_LimitFPS, Config::LimitFPS==1);
SDL_AudioSpec whatIwant, whatIget;
memset(&whatIwant, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
whatIwant.freq = 47340;