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\title{Research document}
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ A game engine is not the game itself but a platform with which games are built.
should provide the functionalities with which the game is constructed. The purpose of
a game engine is not to create data out of nothing. Instead, data is read, and the
correlating features and effects are generated. However, the engine is also used to
-create these files, referred to as ``assets.'' The game engine must be able to accept
+create these files, referred to as ``assets''. The game engine must be able to accept
a certain format of these assets---whether levels, sprites, or textures---and convert
them into usable data.
@@ -44,31 +43,194 @@ layers are divided into the following categories:\noparbreak
performance profiling.
\item[Scripting layer] Runs scripts, such as Lua or Python.
\item[Memory systems] Handles and monitors memory usage.
- \item[\gls{ecs}] Provides a modular way to create game objects, add physics, and
- define how the engine interacts with objects.
\item[Physics] Adds specific physics to objects.
\item[Audio] Processes audio.
\item[AI] Provides artificial inteligent behavior.
-A game engine must have the ability to keep track and update several game objects. To
-do this most game engines employ an \gls{ecs} model which uses modulair components to
-give entities properties and features. The need for an entity component system arises
-because multiple game objects are required to create a scene in a game. These game
-objects exist within the scene and perform actions, such as a UI display for a score.
-This game object does not need to be rendered; it could be a script running in the
-background. It could also be a player sprite that is controlled. These entities need
-to be aware of other entities, for example, during collisions. For this to function,
-a scene is required to host all game objects. Within this scene, the game objects
-must be stored efficiently, and entities must be provided with the required behavior,
-such as audio, position, or physics. To create diverse entities with specific
-functions: A scene can contain many different kinds of entities, each with different
-properties and functions. But no matter how different each entity is, it remains an
-entity. To assign properties and functions to entities, components are used. Entt is
-an example of an \gls{ecs}.
-% TODO: ref?entt
+The above mentioned layers should be structured, somehow. One of the requirements is
+that the game engine's API uses a so-called gameObject (with one or more
+component(s)). The gameObject is described in more detail at
+There are multiple structures that could be used to structure a game engine. It's of
+course possible to use inheritance. A major disadvantages of inheritance is that it's
+not flexible. However, the provided class diagram of the game engine's API already
+specifies that composition should be used (in stead of inheritance). So, let's take a
+look at structures that use composition.
+The Decorator design pattern (as shown in \cref{fig:decorator}) could be used to
+structure the game engine. A gameObject's propperties/behavior is determined by one
+(or more) components. The Decorator design pattern allows to modify an object's
+propperties/behavior by adding one (or more) Decorators. The object that is modified,
+could be the gameObject and the components could be the Decorators. This is not
+exactly the same as the required API, but it's very close. A major disadvantage of
+such Decorator design pattern, is that the interface of all components should be the
+same (they should share the same methods), because the client (which is the scene in
+our case) can only call/reach the components through the interface. This would
+require very general methods (at the interface), which might make the programming
+harder \autocite{man:DecoratorDesignPattern}.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/DecoratorDesignPattern.png}
+ \caption{Decorator design pattern}
+ Source: \autocite{img:Decorator}
+ \label{fig:decorator}
+The Extension Objects design pattern (as shown in \cref{fig:extension objects}) could
+also be used to structure the game engine. The Extension Objects design pattern
+allows to modify an object's propperties/behavior by adding one (or more) Extensions.
+The object that is modified, could be the gameObject and the components could be the
+Extensions. This is quite the same as the required API. An advantage is, that the
+client (which is the scene in our case) can call all kind of different Extension's
+methods (depending on the kind of Externsion, e.g.~the method \codeinline{render()}
+for the sprite Extension and the method \codeinline{update()} for the script
+Extension). In other words, the interfaces of the different Extensions should not be
+the same. This is way more flexible than the Decorator design pattern. A disadvantage
+is that the data and functionality are in the same class (namely inside the Extion's
+methods), so it's not sepperated. Another disadvantage is that the Extension Objects
+design pattern can be quite slow, because objects are scattered in memory (and it is
+very hard to quickly get their memory address)
+\autocite{man:ExtensionObjectDesignPattern, man:extionsionObjectsStackOverflow}.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ExtensionObjects.jpg}
+ \caption{Extension Objects design pattern}
+ Source: \autocite{img:extionsionObjects}
+ \label{fig:extension objects}
+Another (very popular) design pattern to structure the game engine, is the Entity
+Component System (\gls{ecs}) (as shown in \cref{fig:ECS Block Diagram}). The
+\gls{ecs} is made out of three main subsystems, namely entities, components and
+systems. Entities are just IDs. An entity is made out of a gameObject and one (or
+more) components. Components are the classes that hold the data. The components
+determine what kind of entity it is (e.g.~a sprite, audio, and so on). Systems take
+care of the behavior of the entities. Systems mainly read and write the enity's
+components data. The \gls{ecs} clearly distinguishes the data (components) from the
+functionality (systems), which is an advantage.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ECSBlockDiagram.png}
+ \caption{ECS design pattern}
+ Source: \autocite{img:ECSBlockDiagram}
+ \label{fig:ECS Block Diagram}
+The \gls{ecs} is normally equipped with a component manager (as shown in
+\cref{fig:ECS Component manager}). The component manager keeps track of the entities
+(Alien, Player, Target, etc in \cref{fig:ECS Component manager}) and the connected
+components (Position, Movement, Render, etc in \cref{fig:ECS Component manager}). The
+component manager stores two lists (key value pairs). The key of the first list is
+the ID of an entity, and the value of this list are the connected components. The key
+of the second list is the component, and the value of this list are the entities that
+have this component. These two lists make it possible to very quickly gather
+components or entities. This makes the \gls{ecs} very fast, which is of course an
+advantage \autocite{man:ECSComponentManager}.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ECSComponentManager.png}
+ \caption{ECS Component manager}
+ Source: \autocite{img:ECSComponentSystem}
+ \label{fig:ECS Component manager}
+Another aspect that makes the \gls{ecs} very fast, is that a system can handle all
+components (of the same type) together at once. This is possible because all entities
+are independent of each other.
+There are many ways of implementing the systems. Some say that each component type
+has their own system. This interpretation of the systems does not take the interplay
+of different component types, into account. A less restrictive approach is to let
+different systems deal with all components they should be concerned with. For
+instance a Physics Systems should be aware of Collision Components and Rigidbody
+Components, as both probably contain necessary information regarding physics
+simulation. It's best to see systems as ``closed environments''. That is, they do not
+take ownership of entities nor components. They do access them through independent
+manager objects, which in turn will take care of the entities and components
+life-cycle \autocite{man:ECSExplanation}.
+Sometimes systems, entities and even components need to cummincate with each other.
+This might be very hard because systems, entities and components are more or less
+independent. One option is to use an event systems. A system, entity and component
+can raise an event and other systems, entities and components can react to that
+event. This is what makes the \gls{ecs} a complicated system (disadvantage)
+There are many C/C++ libraries available, completely dedicated to \gls{ecs}. The most
+popular libraries are shown in \cref{tab:popularECSLibraries}. The popularity is
+based on the amount of stars on GitHub.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{ll@{\qquad}lr}
+ \toprule
+ \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Short Description} & \textbf{Stars} & \textbf{License}\\
+ \midrule
+ EnTT & Fast and reliable entity-component system & 10k & MIT\\
+ Flecs & A Multithreaded Entity Component System & 6.3k & MIT\\
+ EntityX & Fast, type-safe C++ entity component system & 2.2k & MIT\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Popular \gls{ecs} libraries}
+ Source: \autocite{github:awesome-ecs}
+ \label{tab:popularECSLibraries}
+TODO: Add library benchmark to find the best library.
+It is, of course, not necessary to use a library to implement an \gls{ecs}
+architecture. However, it seems very hard to achieve the same performance as a
+library \autocite{github:ecsfaq}.
+One of the requirements of our customer, is that the game engine's structure is
+similar to Unity. The customer has created a class diagram of the game engine's API,
+which is (of course) very similar to Unity. One of the most important parts of the
+class diagram is a so-called gameObject (with several components). It's needed to
+understand the exact meaning/function of these gameObjects, that's why this research
+question arose.
+A gameObject is the most important concept in Unity. Every object in a game is a
+GameObject, from characters and collectible items to the lights, cameras and special
+effects. However, a gameObject itself can't do anything on its own. A gameObject
+needs to be given properties before it can become a character, an envirnment, or a
+special effect. \autocite{man:unityGameobjects}
+A gameObject can be seen as a container for components. Components are the properties
+of the gameObject. A few examples of components are sprites, animators, audioSources,
+and so on. Multiple (different) components can be assigned to a single gameObject
+(e.g.~a sprite and an audioSource).
+Since we now know that a gameObject needs components to do something, it's obvious
+that there should be a way to add components to a gameObject. Some components
+(e.g.~the behaviorScript component) should also be able to reference to its
+Each gameObject always has one transform class. The transform class describes the
+position, rotation, and scale within the scene. Some component use this information
+to e.g.~scale a sprite. Other components eddit this information to e.g.~model
+gravity. \autocite{man:unityTransformClass}
+A gameObject can have one (or multiple) children gameObject(s). All children
+gameObjects, of course, also have one transform class. However, the position,
+rotation, and scale of this class, is always the same as the child's parent. A child
+can not have more than one parent. \autocite{man:unityTransformClass}
@@ -103,23 +265,18 @@ software, emulators, and popular games, including Valve's award-winning catalog
many Humble Bundle games.''} \gls{sdl2} is written in the C programming language, and
therefore, structs and functions are used instead of objects and methods.
-The advantages of \gls{sdl2} are:\noparbreak
- \item Controller support is provided.
- \item 2D and 3D rendering are supported.
- \item Broad multiplatform support is offered, including older consoles such as the
- Wii.
- \item Low-level control is available.
- \item A large community ensures wide usage.
- \item Extended libraries can be used to add functionalities, such as SDL\_Mixer for
- sound.
-The disadvantages of \gls{sdl2} are:\noparbreak
- \item A limited built-in 2D renderer is provided.
- \item Extended libraries require setup.
+ \pro{Controller support is provided.}
+ \pro{2D and 3D rendering are supported.}
+ \pro{Broad multiplatform support is offered, including older consoles such as the
+ Wii.}
+ \pro{Low-level control is available.}
+ \pro{A large community ensures wide usage.}
+ \pro{Extended libraries can be used to add functionalities, such as SDL\_Mixer for
+ sound.}
+ \con{A limited built-in 2D renderer is provided.}
+ \con{Extended libraries require setup.}
@@ -127,24 +284,19 @@ The disadvantages of \gls{sdl2} are:\noparbreak
network, system, and window. This framework, written in C++, was designed to simplify
game development.
-The advantages of \gls{sfml} are:
- \item Object-oriented design is provided since it is written in C++.
- \item A built-in 2D renderer is available for ease of use.
- \item A built-in audio system is included.
- \item Cross-platform support is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
- \item Networking capabilities are provided for multiplayer or networked
- applications.
-The disadvantages of \gls{sfml} are:
- \item The 2D rendering engine may experience performance issues in large-scale
- games.
- \item The community is smaller compared to \gls{sdl2}.
- \item No native 3D support is provided.
- \item Not all image formats are supported.
+ \pro{Object-oriented design is provided since it is written in C++.}
+ \pro{A built-in 2D renderer is available for ease of use.}
+ \pro{A built-in audio system is included.}
+ \pro{Cross-platform support is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.}
+ \pro{Networking capabilities are provided for multiplayer or networked
+ applications.}
+ \con{The 2D rendering engine may experience performance issues in large-scale
+ games.}
+ \con{The community is smaller compared to \gls{sdl2}.}
+ \con{No native 3D support is provided.}
+ \con{Not all image formats are supported.}
@@ -152,7 +304,7 @@ for audio some options could be: FMOD, Wwise, or iirKlang
-\section{resource manager}
+\section{Resource manager}
@@ -214,7 +366,7 @@ Unity supports many different image formats:
-\section{Event manager}
+\section{Event manager/game loop}
@@ -222,15 +374,77 @@ Unity supports many different image formats:
+% TODO: this entire section
+\section{Profiling and debugging}
+% Which profiling and debugging features are wanted?
+% How to provide those profiling and debugging features?
+% Can most of the profiling/debugging be handled by external tools?
+% Ideas:
+% - flame graph
+% - watchtable (combine w/ fps/speed control overlay?)
+% - debug printing utility functions
+ \pro{Source code does not need to be modified for profiling}
+ \con{Execution speed is severely impacted}
+The game engine is required to have an audio system
+\autocite[\ref{req:audio}]{crepe:requirements}. Since writing a custom real-time
+audio mixing engine is outside the scope of this project\mref, this section compares
+various standalone audio libraries for suitability in the engine.
+After searching for libraries (search terms: `dynamic/adaptive audio', `real-time
+audio', `audio library', `game audio engine'), several libraries were found. These
+libraries were checked against the audio engine requirements
+\autocite{crepe:requirements} and then tested by writing the same benchmark-style
+\gls{poc} using the remaining qualifying libraries:\noparbreak
+ \item Load a background track (Ogg Vorbis)
+ \item Load three short samples (WAV)
+ \item Start the background track
+ \item Play each sample sequentially while pausing and resuming the background track
+ \item Play all samples simultaniously
+ \item Stop all audio and exit
+Of these libraries the following were determined to be unsuitable for use in this
+project due to various reasons:\noparbreak
+ \item[FMOD \autocite{lib:fmod}] Is proprietary (violates \cref{req:lib:license})
+ \item[PortAudio \autocite{lib:portaudio}] Does not handle mixing
+ \item[miniaudio \autocite{lib:miniaudio}] With finished \gls{poc}, but dropped due
+ to very limited codec support (WAV, MP3 and FLAC only); Also does not have an
+ \gls{api} reference (only programming manual)
+ \item[YSE \autocite{lib:yse}] Attempted to write \gls{poc}, but CMake configuration
+ in repository is broken; This project seems to have been abandoned
+The only library that remained after these tests is SoLoud \autocite{lib:soloud}. It
+is Zlib/LibPng licensed and provides a high-level object-oriented C++ \gls{api}.
+Due to a severe shortage of libraries that fit our requirements, SoLoud appears to be
+the most suitable (and only) audio library for use in this project.
@@ -238,9 +452,15 @@ Unity supports many different image formats:
@@ -248,6 +468,12 @@ Unity supports many different image formats: