

important details

  • the client subfolder uses qmake to generate client/makefile, thus only client/client.pro should be tracked under version control, not client/makefile
  • the stm32 makefile uses git submodules to pull necessary files for compilation. make sure to initialize and sync the git submodules, or re-clone using the --recursive flag.


this project is currently being developed and tested on the host platforms listed below. toolchain installation scripts can be found in the scripts subdirectory.

Arch Linux
Windows 10
MacOS Monterey
(arm/apple m1)
STM32 makefile compilation yes yes ?
STM32 makefile upload yes yes ?
STM32 debugging (vscode) yes yes ?
STM32 editor autocomplete yes yes ?
QT client compilation (qmake) yes ? ?
QT client running yes ? ?
QT client debugging (vscode) yes ? ?
QT client editor autocomplete yes ? ?