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# Introduction
-# Problem statement
+\<inleiding iemand?\>
-The following is the original project description (translated to English):
+# Problem statement
-> I would like to bring to market a vehicle that can drive independently from A
-> to B. The vehicle must take into account traffic rules, road signs, traffic
-> lights, etc. Research is being conducted using a small cart, the Pololu Zumo
-> 32U4, on which a camera module Nicla Vision is mounted. The aim is to
-> investigate the most appropriate method of recognizing the road, traffic
-> signs and traffic lights. This should be demonstrated with a proof of
-> concept. The cart does not need to drive fast, so the image processing does
-> not need to be very fast. Assume one frame per second (or faster).
+The following is the original project description (translated to English).
+References have been added in superscript that link to requirements set in
+section \ref{specifications}.
+> I would like to bring to market a vehicle that can drive
+> independently\req{autonomous} from A to B. The vehicle must take into account
+> traffic rules\req{traffic-rules}, road signs\req{signs}, traffic
+> lights\req{traffic-lights}, etc. Research is being conducted using a small
+> cart, the Pololu Zumo 32U4\req{zumo}, on which a camera module Nicla
+> Vision\req{nicla} is mounted. The aim is to investigate the most appropriate
+> method of recognizing the road, traffic signs and traffic lights. This should
+> be demonstrated with a proof of concept. The cart does not need to drive
+> fast\req{drspeed}, so the image processing\req{mvision} does not need to be
+> very fast. Assume one frame per second (or faster)\req{imspeed}.
# Specifications
+The following is a list of specifications derived from the original project
+description in section \ref{problem-statement}.
+ \item \label{req:autonomous}
+ The vehicle is autonomous
+ \item
+ The vehicle can detect how its positioned and orientated relative to a road
+ \item \label{req:traffic-rules}
+ The vehicle conforms to the following set of traffic rules
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Driving when not on a road is not allowed
+ \item The vehicle can follow a road by steering itself accordingly
+ \item Driving off the road is only allowed when necessary for the camera to
+ keep seeing the road
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item \label{req:traffic-lights}
+ The vehicle handles traffic lights in the following way
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Stop at a red traffic light
+ \item Speed up at an orange traffic light
+ \item Continue driving normally at a green traffic light
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item \label{req:signs}
+ The vehicle acts on traffic signs in the following way
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Stop at a stop sign, and continue driving after a few seconds
+ \item Turn left at a left sign
+ \item Turn right at a right sign
+ \item Slow down at a low speed limit sign
+ \item Speed up to normal speed at a high speed limit sign
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item \label{req:zumo}
+ The vehicle used is a Pololu Zumo 32U4
+ \item \label{req:nicla}
+ The camera module used is an Arduino Nicla Vision
+ \item \label{req:mvision}
+ Computer vision / image processing is used as the only input
+ \item \label{req:drspeed}
+ There is no minimum speed the car has to drive at
+ \item \label{req:imspeed}
+ The image processing pipeline runs at 1 frame per second or higher
+ \item
+ The Zumo displays the name of the last detected sign on it's OLED display
# Architecture
+## Overview
+![Architecture overview (level 0)
+Figure \ref{fig:architecture-level-0} shows the hardware used in this project.
+Both the Pololu Zumo 32U4 (referred to as just "Zumo"), and the Arduino Nicla
+Vision ("Nicla") have additional sensors and/or outputs on-board, but are
+## Distribution of features
+Because creating a software architecture that does all machine vision-related
+tasks on the Nicla, and all driving related tasks on the Zumo would create
+significant overhead, and because the microcontroller on the Zumo is
+significantly harder to debug than the Nicla, a monolithic architecture was
+chosen. In this architecture, both the detection of 'traffic objects' and the
+decisionmaking on how to handle each object is done on the Nicla board.
+Figure \ref{fig:architecture-level-0} shows that a bidirectional communication
+line exists between the Zumo and Nicla. This line is only used to send control
+commands to the Zumo. Section \ref{niclazumo-communication-protocol} describes
+which commands are sent over these lines.
## Nicla/Zumo communication protocol
The communication protocol used to control the Zumo from the Nicla uses UART to
-send ranged numbers in a single byte. Figure \ref{tab:protocol-ranges} shows
+send ranged numbers in a single byte. Table \ref{tab:protocol-ranges} shows
which number ranges correspond to which controls.
@@ -37,16 +113,16 @@ Steering & \texttt{0x20} - \texttt{0xff}\\
\caption{Protocol command ranges}
### Signs
The Zumo stores the last sign received, and displays it's name on the OLED
-display using the lookup table in figure \ref{tab:protocol-signs}. The sign ID
+display using the lookup table in table \ref{tab:protocol-signs}. The sign ID
is calculated by subtracting the start offset of the sign command range from
-the command as shown in figure \ref{tab:protocol-ranges}.
+the command as shown in table \ref{tab:protocol-ranges}.
@@ -65,7 +141,7 @@ the command as shown in figure \ref{tab:protocol-ranges}.
\caption{Sign lookup table}
### Speed
@@ -184,6 +260,32 @@ nog niet}.
+## Compiling and linking code for the Zumo
+This section tries to answer the question "What are possible debugging options
+for code running on the Zumo robot?".
+Debugging running code can usually be done using an on-device debugger, and a
+program that interfaces with the debugger and gcc on a computer. Because gcc
+only gives valuable information when it has access to the executable file
+running on the microcontroller, an attempt at making a makefile-based toolchain
+was made.
+Pololu provides C++ libraries for controlling various parts of the Zumo's
+hardware. These libraries make use of functions and classes that are part of
+the Arduino core library. The Arduino libraries are all open source, and can in
+theory be compiled and linked using make, but this would take more effort than
+it's worth, since the Zumo has very little responsibility in the end product.
+Because making a custom build system would take too much time, and because the
+Zumo robot's code is very simple, unit tests are used to debug the Zumo's code.
+For compiling and uploading the full Zumo firmware, the Arduino IDE is used in
+combination with the standard Pololu boards and Libraries.
# Conclusion
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