path: root/src/test/Profiling.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/Profiling.cpp')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/Profiling.cpp b/src/test/Profiling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35f52dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/Profiling.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#include <chrono>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <crepe/api/Asset.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/Mediator.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h>
+#include <crepe/system/ParticleSystem.h>
+#include <crepe/system/PhysicsSystem.h>
+#include <crepe/system/RenderSystem.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#define private public
+#define protected public
+#include <crepe/api/Event.h>
+#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
+#include <crepe/api/ParticleEmitter.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Script.h>
+#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
+#include <crepe/facade/SDLContext.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h>
+#include <crepe/manager/EventManager.h>
+#include <crepe/system/CollisionSystem.h>
+#include <crepe/system/ScriptSystem.h>
+#include <crepe/types.h>
+#include <crepe/util/Log.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace testing;
+class TestScript : public Script {
+ bool oncollision(const CollisionEvent & test) {
+ Log::logf("Box {} script on_collision()", test.info.this_collider.game_object_id);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void init() {
+ subscribe<CollisionEvent>(
+ [this](const CollisionEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->oncollision(ev); });
+ }
+ void update() {
+ // Retrieve component from the same GameObject this script is on
+ }
+class DISABLED_ProfilingTest : public Test {
+ // Config for test
+ // Minimum amount to let test pass
+ const int min_gameobject_count = 100;
+ // Maximum amount to stop test
+ const int max_gameobject_count = 150;
+ // Amount of times a test runs to calculate average
+ const int average = 5;
+ // Maximum duration to stop test
+ const std::chrono::microseconds duration = 16000us;
+ Mediator m;
+ SDLContext sdl_context{m};
+ ResourceManager resman{m};
+ ComponentManager mgr{m};
+ // Add system used for profling tests
+ CollisionSystem collision_sys{m};
+ PhysicsSystem physics_sys{m};
+ ParticleSystem particle_sys{m};
+ RenderSystem render_sys{m};
+ ScriptSystem script_sys{m};
+ // Test data
+ std::map<std::string, std::chrono::microseconds> timings;
+ int game_object_count = 0;
+ std::chrono::microseconds total_time = 0us;
+ void SetUp() override {
+ GameObject do_not_use = mgr.new_object("DO_NOT_USE", "", {0, 0});
+ do_not_use.add_component<Camera>(ivec2{1080, 720}, vec2{2000, 2000},
+ Camera::Data{
+ .bg_color = Color::WHITE,
+ .zoom = 1.0f,
+ });
+ // initialize systems here:
+ //calls init
+ script_sys.update();
+ //creates window
+ render_sys.update();
+ }
+ // Helper function to time an update call and store its duration
+ template <typename Func>
+ std::chrono::microseconds time_function(const std::string & name, Func && func) {
+ auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ func();
+ auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ std::chrono::microseconds duration
+ = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - start);
+ timings[name] += duration;
+ return duration;
+ }
+ // Run and profile all systems, return the total time in milliseconds
+ std::chrono::microseconds run_all_systems() {
+ std::chrono::microseconds total_microseconds = 0us;
+ total_microseconds += time_function("PhysicsSystem", [&]() { physics_sys.update(); });
+ total_microseconds
+ += time_function("CollisionSystem", [&]() { collision_sys.update(); });
+ total_microseconds
+ += time_function("ParticleSystem", [&]() { particle_sys.update(); });
+ total_microseconds += time_function("RenderSystem", [&]() { render_sys.update(); });
+ return total_microseconds;
+ }
+ // Print timings of all functions
+ void log_timings() const {
+ std::string result = "\nFunction timings:\n";
+ for (const auto & [name, duration] : timings) {
+ result += name + " took " + std::to_string(duration.count() / 1000.0 / average)
+ + " ms (" + std::to_string(duration.count() / average) + " µs).\n";
+ }
+ result += "Total time: " + std::to_string(this->total_time.count() / 1000.0 / average)
+ + " ms (" + std::to_string(this->total_time.count() / average) + " µs)\n";
+ result += "Amount of gameobjects: " + std::to_string(game_object_count) + "\n";
+ GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << result;
+ }
+ void clear_timings() {
+ for (auto & [key, value] : timings) {
+ value = std::chrono::microseconds(0);
+ }
+ }
+TEST_F(DISABLED_ProfilingTest, Profiling_1) {
+ while (this->total_time / this->average < this->duration) {
+ {
+ //define gameobject used for testing
+ GameObject gameobject = mgr.new_object("gameobject", "", {0, 0});
+ }
+ this->game_object_count++;
+ this->total_time = 0us;
+ clear_timings();
+ for (int amount = 0; amount < this->average; amount++) {
+ this->total_time += run_all_systems();
+ }
+ if (this->game_object_count >= this->max_gameobject_count) break;
+ }
+ log_timings();
+ EXPECT_GE(this->game_object_count, this->min_gameobject_count);
+TEST_F(DISABLED_ProfilingTest, Profiling_2) {
+ while (this->total_time / this->average < this->duration) {
+ {
+ //define gameobject used for testing
+ GameObject gameobject = mgr.new_object(
+ "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0});
+ gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ .gravity_scale = 0.0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ });
+ gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{0, 0}, vec2{1, 1});
+ gameobject.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<TestScript>();
+ Sprite & test_sprite = gameobject.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset{"asset/texture/square.png"},
+ Sprite::Data{
+ .color = {0, 0, 0, 0},
+ .flip = {.flip_x = false, .flip_y = false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 1,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = {.y = 500},
+ });
+ }
+ this->game_object_count++;
+ this->total_time = 0us;
+ clear_timings();
+ for (int amount = 0; amount < this->average; amount++) {
+ this->total_time += run_all_systems();
+ }
+ if (this->game_object_count >= this->max_gameobject_count) break;
+ }
+ log_timings();
+ EXPECT_GE(this->game_object_count, this->min_gameobject_count);
+TEST_F(DISABLED_ProfilingTest, Profiling_3) {
+ while (this->total_time / this->average < this->duration) {
+ {
+ //define gameobject used for testing
+ GameObject gameobject = mgr.new_object(
+ "gameobject", "", {static_cast<float>(game_object_count * 2), 0});
+ gameobject.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data{
+ .gravity_scale = 0,
+ .body_type = Rigidbody::BodyType::STATIC,
+ });
+ gameobject.add_component<BoxCollider>(vec2{0, 0}, vec2{1, 1});
+ gameobject.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<TestScript>();
+ Sprite & test_sprite = gameobject.add_component<Sprite>(
+ Asset{"asset/texture/square.png"},
+ Sprite::Data{
+ .color = {0, 0, 0, 0},
+ .flip = {.flip_x = false, .flip_y = false},
+ .sorting_in_layer = 1,
+ .order_in_layer = 1,
+ .size = {.y = 500},
+ });
+ auto & test = gameobject.add_component<ParticleEmitter>(ParticleEmitter::Data{
+ .max_particles = 10,
+ .emission_rate = 100,
+ .end_lifespan = 100000,
+ .boundary{
+ .width = 1000,
+ .height = 1000,
+ .offset = vec2{0, 0},
+ .reset_on_exit = false,
+ },
+ .sprite = test_sprite,
+ });
+ }
+ render_sys.update();
+ this->game_object_count++;
+ this->total_time = 0us;
+ clear_timings();
+ for (int amount = 0; amount < this->average; amount++) {
+ this->total_time += run_all_systems();
+ }
+ if (this->game_object_count >= this->max_gameobject_count) break;
+ }
+ log_timings();
+ EXPECT_GE(this->game_object_count, this->min_gameobject_count);