path: root/src/crepe/system
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/crepe/system')
7 files changed, 284 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c3fd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "api/LoopTimer.h"
+#include "manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "AISystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void AISystem::fixed_update() {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ LoopTimer & timer = mediator.timer;
+ RefVector<AI> ai_components = mgr.get_components_by_type<AI>();
+ //TODO: Use fixed loop dt (this is not available at master at the moment)
+ double dt = timer.get_delta_time();
+ // Loop through all AI components
+ for (AI & ai : ai_components) {
+ if (!ai.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rigidbodies
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(ai.game_object_id);
+ if (rigidbodies.empty()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "AI component must be attached to a GameObject with a Rigidbody component");
+ }
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody = rigidbodies.front().get();
+ if (!rigidbody.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rigidbody.data.mass <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Mass must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 force = this->calculate(ai, rigidbody);
+ // Calculate the acceleration (using the above calculated force)
+ vec2 acceleration = force / rigidbody.data.mass;
+ // Finally, update Rigidbody's velocity
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity += acceleration * dt;
+ }
+vec2 AISystem::calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody) {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ RefVector<Transform> transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(ai.game_object_id);
+ Transform & transform = transforms.front().get();
+ vec2 force;
+ // Run all the behaviors that are on, and stop if the force gets too high
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::FLEE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->flee(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::ARRIVE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::SEEK)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::PATH_FOLLOW)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->path_follow(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ return force;
+bool AISystem::accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add) {
+ float magnitude = running_total.length();
+ float magnitude_remaining = ai.max_force - magnitude;
+ if (magnitude_remaining <= 0.0f) {
+ // If the force is already at/above the max force, return false
+ return false;
+ }
+ float magnitude_to_add = force_to_add.length();
+ if (magnitude_to_add < magnitude_remaining) {
+ // If the force to add is less than the remaining force, add it
+ running_total += force_to_add;
+ } else {
+ // If the force to add is greater than the remaining force, add a fraction of it
+ force_to_add.normalize();
+ running_total += force_to_add * magnitude_remaining;
+ }
+ return true;
+vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity
+ vec2 desired_velocity = ai.seek_target - transform.position;
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity if the entity is within the panic distance
+ vec2 desired_velocity = transform.position - ai.flee_target;
+ if (desired_velocity.length_squared() > ai.square_flee_panic_distance) {
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+ }
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity (taking into account the deceleration rate)
+ vec2 to_target = ai.arrive_target - transform.position;
+ float distance = to_target.length();
+ if (distance > 0.0f) {
+ if (ai.arrive_deceleration <= 0.0f) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Deceleration rate must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ float speed = distance / ai.arrive_deceleration;
+ speed = std::min(speed, rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.length());
+ vec2 desired_velocity = to_target * (speed / distance);
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ }
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+vec2 AISystem::path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) {
+ if (ai.path.empty()) {
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+ }
+ // Get the target node
+ vec2 target = ai.path.at(ai.path_index);
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 to_target = target - transform.position;
+ if (to_target.length_squared() > ai.path_node_distance * ai.path_node_distance) {
+ // If the entity is not close enough to the target node, seek it
+ ai.seek_target = target;
+ ai.arrive_target = target;
+ } else {
+ // If the entity is close enough to the target node, move to the next node
+ ai.path_index++;
+ if (ai.path_index >= ai.path.size()) {
+ if (ai.path_loop) {
+ // If the path is looping, reset the path index
+ ai.path_index = 0;
+ } else {
+ // If the path is not looping, arrive at the last node
+ ai.path_index = ai.path.size() - 1;
+ return this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Seek the target node
+ return this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04807cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/AI.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "System.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI.
+ *
+ * The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI. The AISystem can be used to
+ * implement different behaviors such as seeking, fleeing, arriving, and path following.
+ */
+class AISystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ //! Update the AI system
+ void fixed_update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the total force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ */
+ vec2 calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody);
+ /**
+ * \brief Accumulate the force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param running_total The running total of the force
+ * \param force_to_add The force to add
+ * \return true if the force was added, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add);
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the seek force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The seek force
+ */
+ vec2 seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the flee force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The flee force
+ */
+ vec2 flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the arrive force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The arrive force
+ */
+ vec2 arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the path follow force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The path follow force
+ */
+ vec2 path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform);
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
index 8d6d8fa..02647f1 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AnimatorSystem.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ void AnimatorSystem::frame_update() {
int last_frame = ctx.row;
- int cycle_end = (ctx.cycle_end == -1) ? a.max_rows : ctx.cycle_end;
+ int cycle_end = (ctx.cycle_end == -1) ? a.grid_size.x : ctx.cycle_end;
int total_frames = cycle_end - ctx.cycle_start;
int curr_frame = static_cast<int>(elapsed_time / frame_duration) % total_frames;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
index 9b86069..d4e8b9f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ void AudioSystem::diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource) {
- if (component.play_on_awake)
- component.oneshot_play = true;
+ if (component.play_on_awake) component.oneshot_play = true;
if (!component.active) return;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
index 1336114..3473876 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ AISystem.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -22,4 +23,5 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ AISystem.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
index b31bd34..7796b47 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/InputSystem.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "../api/Button.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "util/Log.h"
#include "InputSystem.h"
@@ -9,7 +11,8 @@ using namespace crepe;
void InputSystem::fixed_update() {
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
EventManager & event_mgr = this->mediator.event_manager;
- std::vector<SDLContext::EventData> event_list = SDLContext::get_instance().get_events();
+ SDLContext & context = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ std::vector<SDLContext::EventData> event_list = context.get_events();
RefVector<Button> buttons = mgr.get_components_by_type<Button>();
RefVector<Camera> cameras = mgr.get_components_by_type<Camera>();
OptionalRef<Camera> curr_cam_ref;
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
index e147b9f..7e9dfc6 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/RenderSystem.cpp
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
#include "../api/Sprite.h"
#include "../api/Transform.h"
#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
+#include "../facade/Texture.h"
#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
#include "RenderSystem.h"
@@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const SDLContext::Came
ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager;
SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ Texture & res = resource_manager.get<Texture>(sprite.source);
vector<reference_wrapper<ParticleEmitter>> emitters
= mgr.get_components_by_id<ParticleEmitter>(sprite.game_object_id);
@@ -88,6 +92,7 @@ bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const SDLContext::Came
.sprite = sprite,
+ .texture = res,
.cam = cam,
.pos = p.position,
.angle = p.angle,
@@ -100,8 +105,12 @@ bool RenderSystem::render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const SDLContext::Came
void RenderSystem::render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const SDLContext::CameraValues & cam,
const Transform & tm) {
SDLContext & ctx = this->mediator.sdl_context;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ const Texture & res = resource_manager.get<Texture>(sprite.source);
.sprite = sprite,
+ .texture = res,
.cam = cam,
.pos = tm.position,
.angle = tm.rotation,