path: root/components
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'components')
3 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/components/play-skip.shapeshifter b/components/play-skip.shapeshifter
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd84a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/play-skip.shapeshifter
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/play-skip.tsx b/components/play-skip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8493710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/play-skip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+export default function PlaySkipIconAni() {
+ return <div className='shapeshifter play-pause ani'>
+ <svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 456 24' width='456' height='24'>
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+ />
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+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M33.173 17.879l8.371-5.118c.265-.162.427-.45.427-.761s-.162-.599-.427-.761l-8.371-5.118c-.122-.074-.263-.114-.407-.114-.431 0-.78.349-.78.78v10.426c0 .431.349. 0 .285-.04.407-.114z'
+ />
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+ d='M64.807 11.387c.338.427.266 1.049-.161 1.387l-3.869 3.065c-.427.339-1.049.267-1.387-.16-.338-.428-.267-1.049.161-1.387l3.869-3.066c.427-.338 1.048-.267 1.387.161z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M59.39 8.321c.338-.427.96-.499 1.387-.16l3.869 3.065c.427.338.499.96.161 1.387-.339.428-.96.499-1.387.161l-3.869-3.066c-.428-.338-.499-.959-.161-1.387z'
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+ d='M57.122 17.853l8.32-5.092c.265-.162.427-.45.427-.761s-.162-.599-.427-.761l-8.32-5.092c-.123-.074-.264-.114-.408-.114-.431 0-.78.349-.78.78v10.374c0 .431.349. 0 .285-.04.408-.114z'
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+ />
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+ />
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+ d='M176.009 17.29l7.206-4.524c.263-.165.423-.454.423-.766s-.16-.601-.423-.766l-7.206-4.524c-.124-.078-.268-.12-.414-.12-.429 0-.776.348-.776.776v9.268c0 .428.347.776.776.776.146 0 .29-.042.414-.12z'
+ />
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+ />
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+ d='M207.232 6.731c.485-.134.988.15 1.122.635l1.219 4.39c.135.485-.149.987-.634 1.122-.485.135-.987-.15-1.122-.634l-1.219-4.391c-.135-.484.15-.987.634-1.122z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M199.799 17.185l6.997-4.418c.263-.166.423-.455.423-.767s-.16-.601-.423-.767l-6.997-4.418c-.124-.078-.268-.12-.414-.12-.429 0-.775.347-.775.775v9.06c0 .428.346.775.775.775.146 0 .29-.042.414-.12z'
+ />
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+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M231.698 6.539c.503-.1.991.228 1.09.73l.898 4.551c.099.503-.228.991-.731 1.09-.502.099-.99-.228-1.09-.73l-.897-4.552c-.1-.502.228-.99.73-1.089z'
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+ />
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+ d='M223.639 17.103l6.836-4.335c.263-.167.423-.456.423-.768s-.16-.601-.423-.768l-6.836-4.335c-.124-.079-.268-.121-.416-.121-.427 0-.774.346-.774.774v8.9c0 .428.347.774.774.774.148 0 .292-.042.416-.121z'
+ />
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+ d='M256.967 11.065c.516.072.877.549.805 1.065l-.651 4.675c-.072.516-.55.876-1.066.804-.516-.072-.876-.549-.804-1.065l.651-4.674c.072-.516.549-.877 1.065-.805z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M256.055 6.391c.516-.072.994.288 1.066.804l.651 4.675c.072.516-.289.993-.805 1.065-.516.072-.993-.289-1.065-.805l-.651-4.674c-.072-.516.288-.993.804-1.065z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M247.516 17.041l6.713-4.272c.263-.167.422-.457.422-.769s-.159-.602-.422-.769l-6.713-4.272c-.124-.079-.269-.122-.416-.122-.428 0-.774.347-.774.774v8.778c0 .427.346.774.774.774.147 0 .292-.043.416-.122z'
+ />
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+ <g>
+ <path
+ d='M280.977 11.046c.526.051.912.52.861 1.046l-.462 4.769c-.051.527-.52.913-1.046.862-.527-.051-.913-.52-.861-1.046l.462-4.769c.051-.527.519-.913 1.046-.862z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M280.33 6.277c.526-.051.995.335 1.046.862l.462 4.769c.051.526-.335.995-.861 1.046-.527.051-.995-.335-1.046-.862l-.462-4.769c-.052-.526.334-.995.861-1.046z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M271.422 16.994l6.618-4.225c.263-.167.422-.457.422-.769s-.159-.602-.422-.769l-6.618-4.225c-.125-.079-.27-.122-.417-.122-.428 0-.774.347-.774.774v8.684c0 .427.346.774.774.774.147 0 .292-.043.417-.122z'
+ />
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+ <g>
+ <path
+ d='M304.984 11.032c.535.035.94.497.905 1.031l-.317 4.842c-.035.534-.497.94-1.032.905-.534-.035-.939-.497-.904-1.032l.316-4.841c.035-.535.498-.94 1.032-.905z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M304.54 6.19c.535-.035.997.371 1.032.905l.317 4.842c.035.534-.37.996-.905 1.031-.534.035-.997-.37-1.032-.905l-.316-4.841c-.035-.535.37-.997.904-1.032z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M295.349 16.957l6.546-4.188c.263-.167.422-.457.422-.769s-.159-.602-.422-.769l-6.546-4.188c-.125-.079-.269-.122-.417-.122-.427 0-.774.346-.774.773v8.612c0 .427.347.773.774.773.148 0 .292-.043.417-.122z'
+ />
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+ d='M328.99 11.021c.54.023.961.48.938 1.02l-.207 4.897c-.023.541-.48.961-1.021.938-.54-.023-.96-.48-.938-1.021l.207-4.896c.023-.541.48-.961 1.021-.938z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
+ <path
+ d='M328.7 6.124c.541-.023.998.397 1.021.938l.207 4.897c.023.54-.398.997-.938 1.02-.541.023-.998-.397-1.021-.938l-.207-4.896c-.022-.541.398-.998.938-1.021z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M319.294 16.929l6.491-4.159c.262-.168.422-.458.422-.77s-.16-.602-.422-.77l-6.491-4.159c-.125-.08-.27-.123-.417-.123-.428 0-.774.346-.774.774v8.556c0 .428.346.774.774.774.147 0 .292-.043.417-.123z'
+ />
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+ d='M376.997 11.007c.548.007.987.458.98 1.006l-.067 4.967c-.007.548-.458.987-1.007.98-.548-.007-.987-.458-.98-1.007l.067-4.966c.007-.549.458-.988 1.007-.98z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M367.224 16.894l6.421-4.124c.263-.168.422-.458.422-.77s-.159-.602-.422-.77l-6.421-4.124c-.125-.08-.27-.123-.418-.123-.427 0-.773.346-.773.773v8.488c0 .427.346.773.773.773.148 0 .293-.043.418-.123z'
+ />
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+ d='M400.999 11.003c.55.003.994.452.991 1.003l-.028 4.986c-.003.55-.452.994-1.003.991-.55-.003-.994-.452-.991-1.003l.028-4.986c.003-.55.452-.994 1.003-.991z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M400.959 6.017c.551-.003 1 .441 1.003.991l.028 4.986c.003.551-.441 1-.991 1.003-.551.003-1-.441-1.003-.991l-.028-4.986c-.003-.551.441-1 .991-1.003z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M391.205 16.884l6.402-4.114c.262-.168.421-.458.421-.77s-.159-.602-.421-.77l-6.402-4.114c-.125-.08-.27-.123-.418-.123-.427 0-.773.346-.773.773v8.468c0 .427.346.773.773.773.148 0 .293-.043.418-.123z'
+ />
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+ <g>
+ <path
+ d='M425 11.001c.551 0 .998.449.998 1l-.007 4.997c-.001.552-.449.999-1.001.998-.551-.001-.998-.449-.998-1.001l.007-4.996c.001-.552.449-.999 1.001-.998z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M424.99 6.004c.552-.001 1 .446 1.001.998l.007 4.997c0 .551-.447 1-.998 1-.552.001-1-.446-1.001-.998l-.007-4.996c0-.552.447-1 .998-1.001z'
+ fill-rule='evenodd'
+ />
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+ d='M415.194 16.879l6.392-4.109c.262-.168.421-.458.421-.77s-.159-.602-.421-.77l-6.392-4.109c-.125-.08-.27-.123-.418-.123-.427 0-.773.346-.773.773v8.458c0 .427.346.773.773.773.148 0 .293-.043.418-.123z'
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+ d='M449 11c.552 0 1 .448 1 1v5c0 .552-.448 1-1 1s-1-.448-1-1v-5c0-.552.448-1 1-1z'
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+ <path
+ d='M449 6c.552 0 1 .448 1 1v5c0 .552-.448 1-1 1s-1-.448-1-1V7c0-.552.448-1 1-1z'
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+ </svg>
+ </div>;
diff --git a/components/play-skip_60fps.css b/components/play-skip_60fps.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae3a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/play-skip_60fps.css
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+@keyframes skip {
+ 0% { left: 0px; }
+ 100% { left: -432px; }
+@keyframes play {
+ 0% { left: -432px; }
+ 100% { left: 0px; }
+.shapeshifter {
+ width: 24px;
+ height: 24px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: relative;
+ line-height: 0;
+.shapeshifter svg {
+ position: absolute;
+ fill: currentColor;
+ left: 0;
+ animation-name: var(--ani-state);
+ animation-fill-mode: both;
+ animation-duration: 200ms;
+ animation-timing-function: steps(18);
+ animation-play-state: running;