path: root/api/user
diff options
authorlonkaars <l.leblansch@gmail.com>2021-04-16 16:57:26 +0200
committerlonkaars <l.leblansch@gmail.com>2021-04-16 16:57:26 +0200
commit07c2b124e4348b15f1e5ec18c6cdfd77248c6bc8 (patch)
treee4a29123d3ebedc1d25500390c904c66b3b02489 /api/user
parentaa2c999702dadba2afbcf2be9f597f890aafcc87 (diff)
spaces > tabs in python :(
Diffstat (limited to 'api/user')
6 files changed, 134 insertions, 134 deletions
diff --git a/api/user/avatar.py b/api/user/avatar.py
index bfbc097..3589653 100644
--- a/api/user/avatar.py
+++ b/api/user/avatar.py
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@ avatar = Blueprint('avatar', __name__)
@avatar.route('/avatar', methods=["GET"])
def get_avatar(token_id):
- user_id = request.args.get("id") or token_id
- if not user_id: return "", 400
- if not valid.user_id(user_id): return "", 403
+ user_id = request.args.get("id") or token_id
+ if not user_id: return "", 400
+ if not valid.user_id(user_id): return "", 403
- avatar_path = f"database/avatars/{user_id}.png"
- avatar = ""
- if exists(avatar_path):
- avatar = open(avatar_path, "rb").read()
- return Response(avatar or default_avatar, 200, mimetype="image/png")
+ avatar_path = f"database/avatars/{user_id}.png"
+ avatar = ""
+ if exists(avatar_path):
+ avatar = open(avatar_path, "rb").read()
+ return Response(avatar or default_avatar, 200, mimetype="image/png")
#TODO: pillow image size validation (client side resize)
@avatar.route('/avatar', methods=["POST"])
def update_avatar(user_id):
- if not request.data: return "", 400
+ if not request.data: return "", 400
- open(f"database/avatars/{user_id}.png", "wb") \
- .write(decode(request.data, "base64"))
+ open(f"database/avatars/{user_id}.png", "wb") \
+ .write(decode(request.data, "base64"))
- return "", 200
+ return "", 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", avatar]
diff --git a/api/user/games.py b/api/user/games.py
index da5f422..d3b650c 100644
--- a/api/user/games.py
+++ b/api/user/games.py
@@ -11,54 +11,54 @@ import json
# get total game outcome amount for user
def sum_games(user_id): #! SANITIZE USER_ID FIRST
- wld_querys = [
- ' '.join(
- [
- "select count(game_id)",
- "from games",
- "where",
- f"player_{x[0]}_id = \"{user_id}\" and",
- f"outcome = \"{x[1]}\"",
- ]
- ) for x in [(1, "w"), (1, "l"), (2, "w"), (2, "l")]
- ]
- wld_querys.insert(
- 0, ' '.join(
- [
- "select count(game_id)",
- "from games",
- "where",
- f"(player_1_id = \"{user_id}\" or player_2_id = \"{user_id}\") and",
- "outcome = \"d\"",
- ]
- )
- )
+ wld_querys = [
+ ' '.join(
+ [
+ "select count(game_id)",
+ "from games",
+ "where",
+ f"player_{x[0]}_id = \"{user_id}\" and",
+ f"outcome = \"{x[1]}\"",
+ ]
+ ) for x in [(1, "w"), (1, "l"), (2, "w"), (2, "l")]
+ ]
+ wld_querys.insert(
+ 0, ' '.join(
+ [
+ "select count(game_id)",
+ "from games",
+ "where",
+ f"(player_1_id = \"{user_id}\" or player_2_id = \"{user_id}\") and",
+ "outcome = \"d\"",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
- big_query = "select " + ", ".join([f"({query})" for query in wld_querys])
+ big_query = "select " + ", ".join([f"({query})" for query in wld_querys])
- results = cursor.execute(big_query).fetchone()
+ results = cursor.execute(big_query).fetchone()
- # win and lose are calculated from user_id's perspective (player_1_id, player_2_id in db)
- return {
- "draw": results[0],
- "win": results[1] + results[4],
- "lose": results[2] + results[3],
- "games": reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, results)
- }
+ # win and lose are calculated from user_id's perspective (player_1_id, player_2_id in db)
+ return {
+ "draw": results[0],
+ "win": results[1] + results[4],
+ "lose": results[2] + results[3],
+ "games": reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, results)
+ }
# get `count` games that `user_id` participated in, sorted by newest game
def fetch_games(user_id, count):
- game_ids = cursor.execute(
- "select game_id from games where player_1_id = ? or player_2_id = ? order by created desc",
- [user_id, user_id]
- ).fetchmany(count)
- export = []
+ game_ids = cursor.execute(
+ "select game_id from games where player_1_id = ? or player_2_id = ? order by created desc",
+ [user_id, user_id]
+ ).fetchmany(count)
+ export = []
- for game_id in game_ids:
- export.append(format_game(game_id[0], user_id))
+ for game_id in game_ids:
+ export.append(format_game(game_id[0], user_id))
- return export
+ return export
games = Blueprint('games', __name__)
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ games = Blueprint('games', __name__)
@games.route('/games', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index(user_id, viewer):
- return {
- "totals": sum_games(user_id),
- "games": fetch_games(user_id, 20)
- }, 200
+ return {
+ "totals": sum_games(user_id),
+ "games": fetch_games(user_id, 20)
+ }, 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", games]
diff --git a/api/user/info.py b/api/user/info.py
index a5e2aac..fc303a6 100644
--- a/api/user/info.py
+++ b/api/user/info.py
@@ -7,53 +7,53 @@ import json
# get relation to user_2_id from user_1_id's perspective
def get_relation_to(user_1_id, user_2_id):
- relation = cursor.execute("select * from social where " + \
- "(user_1_id = ? and user_2_id = ?) or " + \
- "(user_1_id = ? and user_2_id = ?)", [user_1_id, user_2_id, user_2_id, user_1_id]).fetchone()
- if not relation: return "none"
- if relation[2] == "friendship": return "friends"
- if relation[2] == "outgoing" and relation[0] == user_1_id:
- return "outgoing"
- if relation[2] == "outgoing" and relation[1] == user_1_id:
- return "incoming"
- if relation[2] == "block" and relation[0] == user_1_id: return "blocked"
- return "none"
+ relation = cursor.execute("select * from social where " + \
+ "(user_1_id = ? and user_2_id = ?) or " + \
+ "(user_1_id = ? and user_2_id = ?)", [user_1_id, user_2_id, user_2_id, user_1_id]).fetchone()
+ if not relation: return "none"
+ if relation[2] == "friendship": return "friends"
+ if relation[2] == "outgoing" and relation[0] == user_1_id:
+ return "outgoing"
+ if relation[2] == "outgoing" and relation[1] == user_1_id:
+ return "incoming"
+ if relation[2] == "block" and relation[0] == user_1_id: return "blocked"
+ return "none"
# get users friend count
def count_friends(user_id):
- query = cursor.execute(
- "select type from social where (user_1_id = ? or user_2_id = ?) and type = \"friendship\"",
- [user_id, user_id]
- ).fetchall()
- return len(query) #FIXME: use SQL count() instead of python's len()
+ query = cursor.execute(
+ "select type from social where (user_1_id = ? or user_2_id = ?) and type = \"friendship\"",
+ [user_id, user_id]
+ ).fetchall()
+ return len(query) #FIXME: use SQL count() instead of python's len()
# get user/info of `user_id` as `viewer` (id)
def format_user(user_id, viewer=''):
- user = cursor.execute(
- "select " + ", ".join(
- [
- "username",
- "user_id",
- "country",
- "registered",
- "status",
- ]
- ) + " from users where user_id = ?", [user_id]
- ).fetchone()
- formatted_user = {
- "username": user[0],
- "id": user[1],
- "country": user[2],
- "registered": user[3],
- "status": user[4],
- "friends": count_friends(user_id),
- "rating":
- get_rating(user_id), #TODO: calculate rating based on game analysis
- }
- if viewer: formatted_user["relation"] = get_relation_to(viewer, user_id)
- return formatted_user
+ user = cursor.execute(
+ "select " + ", ".join(
+ [
+ "username",
+ "user_id",
+ "country",
+ "registered",
+ "status",
+ ]
+ ) + " from users where user_id = ?", [user_id]
+ ).fetchone()
+ formatted_user = {
+ "username": user[0],
+ "id": user[1],
+ "country": user[2],
+ "registered": user[3],
+ "status": user[4],
+ "friends": count_friends(user_id),
+ "rating":
+ get_rating(user_id), #TODO: calculate rating based on game analysis
+ }
+ if viewer: formatted_user["relation"] = get_relation_to(viewer, user_id)
+ return formatted_user
info = Blueprint('info', __name__)
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ info = Blueprint('info', __name__)
@info.route('/info', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index(user_id, viewer):
- user = format_user(user_id, viewer)
- return user, 200
+ user = format_user(user_id, viewer)
+ return user, 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", info]
diff --git a/api/user/password.py b/api/user/password.py
index 51ab6db..731f7e4 100644
--- a/api/user/password.py
+++ b/api/user/password.py
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ password = Blueprint('password', __name__)
# this endpoint is unfinished
def index():
- data = request.get_json()
+ data = request.get_json()
- if not data["password"] or \
- not data["newPassword"]:
- return "", 400
+ if not data["password"] or \
+ not data["newPassword"]:
+ return "", 400
- return {}, 200
+ return {}, 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", password]
diff --git a/api/user/preferences.py b/api/user/preferences.py
index 2ca4a05..8779eaf 100644
--- a/api/user/preferences.py
+++ b/api/user/preferences.py
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ import json
# fill missing dict keys in preferences object
def format_preferences(prefs):
- return {
- "darkMode":
- prefs.get("darkMode") or False,
- "ruleset":
- resolve_ruleset(json.dumps(prefs.get("ruleset") or {}) or "default"),
- "userColors": {
- "diskA": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("diskA") or "",
- "diskB": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("diskB") or "",
- "background": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("background") or ""
- }
- }
+ return {
+ "darkMode":
+ prefs.get("darkMode") or False,
+ "ruleset":
+ resolve_ruleset(json.dumps(prefs.get("ruleset") or {}) or "default"),
+ "userColors": {
+ "diskA": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("diskA") or "",
+ "diskB": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("diskB") or "",
+ "background": prefs.get("userColors", {}).get("background") or ""
+ }
+ }
preferences = Blueprint('preferences', __name__)
@@ -26,27 +26,27 @@ preferences = Blueprint('preferences', __name__)
@preferences.route('/preferences', methods=["GET"])
def get_preferences(login):
- user_prefs = cursor.execute(
- "select preferences from users where user_id = ?", [login]
- ).fetchone()
- return {"preferences": format_preferences(json.loads(user_prefs[0]))}, 200
+ user_prefs = cursor.execute(
+ "select preferences from users where user_id = ?", [login]
+ ).fetchone()
+ return {"preferences": format_preferences(json.loads(user_prefs[0]))}, 200
@preferences.route('/preferences', methods=["POST"])
def index(login):
- data = request.get_json()
- new_preferences = data.get("newPreferences") or ""
+ data = request.get_json()
+ new_preferences = data.get("newPreferences") or ""
- formatted_json = format_preferences(new_preferences)
+ formatted_json = format_preferences(new_preferences)
- cursor.execute(
- "update users set preferences = ? where user_id = ?",
- [json.dumps(formatted_json), login]
- )
- connection.commit()
+ cursor.execute(
+ "update users set preferences = ? where user_id = ?",
+ [json.dumps(formatted_json), login]
+ )
+ connection.commit()
- return "", 200
+ return "", 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", preferences]
diff --git a/api/user/status.py b/api/user/status.py
index 219481a..050ed33 100644
--- a/api/user/status.py
+++ b/api/user/status.py
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ status = Blueprint('user_status', __name__)
@status.route('/status', methods=['POST'])
def index(user_id):
- data = request.get_json()
- status = data.get("status") or ""
- if not status: return "", 400
+ data = request.get_json()
+ status = data.get("status") or ""
+ if not status: return "", 400
- cursor.execute(
- "update users set status = ? where user_id = ?",
- [status[0:200], user_id]
- )
- connection.commit()
+ cursor.execute(
+ "update users set status = ? where user_id = ?",
+ [status[0:200], user_id]
+ )
+ connection.commit()
- return "", 200
+ return "", 200
dynamic_route = ["/user", status]