path: root/src/libui_sdl/LAN_Socket.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* move platform specific config to platform specif ffile ayyyyyyyyyyygfghj;,gnxbfArisotura2019-03-15
* UDP: forward received dataArisotura2019-03-09
* * lay base for UDPArisotura2019-03-09
* properly close sockets, so that they can be reusedArisotura2019-03-09
* fix TCP checksum for odd lengthsArisotura2019-03-09
* better TCP sequence numbersArisotura2019-03-09
* somewhat better TCPArisotura2019-03-09
* receive data, tooArisotura2019-03-06
* send shit.Arisotura2019-03-06
* less shitty code.Arisotura2019-03-05
* * begin work on actual socket shitoArisotura2019-03-05
* finish (halfassed) DNS support.Arisotura2019-03-05
* start work on DNSArisotura2019-03-05
* start making things nicererArisotura2019-03-05
* make melonDS build againArisotura2019-03-04
* fixor Platform.cppArisotura2019-03-04
* nearly finish the split.Arisotura2019-03-04
* take it furtherArisotura2019-03-04
* start differenciating between direct and indirect LAN modes.Arisotura2019-03-04