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diff --git a/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp b/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
index 3771088..23441b1 100644
--- a/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
+++ b/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
@@ -981,26 +981,244 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
int yedge = 0;
if (y == polygon->YTop) yedge = 0x4;
else if (y == polygon->YBottom-1) yedge = 0x8;
+ int edge;
+ s32 x = xstart;
Interpolator interpX(xstart, xend+1, wl, wr, 8);
-//printf("%d: edge %d %d, %d %d\n", y, l_edgelen, r_edgelen, l_edgecov, r_edgecov);
- // TODO: split this based on edge/middle
- for (s32 x = xstart; x <= xend; x++)
+ // part 1: left edge
+ edge = yedge | 0x1;
+ for (; x < xstart+l_edgelen; x++)
if (x < 0) continue;
if (x > 255) break;
- int edge = yedge;
- if (x < xstart+l_edgelen) edge |= 0x1;
- else if (x > xend-r_edgelen) edge |= 0x2;
+ u32 pixeladdr = 258*3 + 1 + (y*258*3) + x;
+ u32 attr = (polygon->Attr & 0x3F008000) | edge;
- // wireframe polygons. really ugly, but works
- if (wireframe && edge==0)
+ // check stencil buffer for shadows
+ if (polygon->IsShadow)
- x = xend-r_edgelen;
+ if (StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] == 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ interpX.SetX(x);
+ s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
+ if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
+ {
+ // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
+ // draw nothing.
+ // checkme
+ if (polyalpha == 31)
+ {
+ if (!wireframe && !(RenderDispCnt & (1<<4)))
+ {
+ if (!l_filledge)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
+ // if depth test against the topmost pixel fails, test
+ // against the pixel underneath
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ {
+ pixeladdr += 258;
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ continue;
+ }
+ u32 vr = interpX.Interpolate(rl, rr);
+ u32 vg = interpX.Interpolate(gl, gr);
+ u32 vb = interpX.Interpolate(bl, br);
+ s16 s = interpX.Interpolate(sl, sr);
+ s16 t = interpX.Interpolate(tl, tr);
+ u32 color = RenderPixel(polygon, vr>>3, vg>>3, vb>>3, s, t);
+ u8 alpha = color >> 24;
+ // alpha test
+ if (alpha <= RenderAlphaRef) continue;
+ if (alpha == 31)
+ {
+ if (RenderDispCnt & (1<<4))
+ {
+ // anti-aliasing: all edges are rendered
+ if (edge)
+ {
+ // calculate coverage
+ // TODO: optimize
+ s32 cov = 31;
+ /*if (edge & 0x1)
+ {if(y==48||true)printf("[y%d] coverage for %d: %d / %d = %d %d %08X %d %08X\n", y, x, x-xstart, l_edgelen,
+ ((x - xstart) << 5) / (l_edgelen), ((x - xstart) *31) / (l_edgelen), rp->SlopeL.Increment, l_edgecov,
+ rp->SlopeL.DX());
+ cov = l_edgecov;
+ if (cov == -1) cov = ((x - xstart) << 5) / l_edgelen;
+ }
+ else if (edge & 0x2)
+ {
+ cov = r_edgecov;
+ if (cov == -1) cov = ((xend - x) << 5) / r_edgelen;
+ }cov=31;*/
+ attr |= (cov << 8);
+ // push old pixel down if needed
+ // we only need to do it for opaque edge pixels, since
+ // this only serves for antialiasing
+ ColorBuffer[pixeladdr+258] = ColorBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ DepthBuffer[pixeladdr+258] = DepthBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ AttrBuffer[pixeladdr+258] = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // edge fill rules for opaque pixels
+ if (!wireframe)
+ {
+ if (!l_filledge)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ DepthBuffer[pixeladdr] = z;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ attr |= (1<<30);
+ if (polygon->IsShadow) dstattr |= (1<<30);
+ // skip if polygon IDs are equal
+ // note: this only happens if the destination pixel was translucent
+ // or always when drawing a shadow
+ // (the GPU keeps track of which pixels are translucent, regardless of
+ // the destination alpha)
+ // TODO: they say that there are two separate polygon ID buffers. verify that.
+ if ((dstattr & 0x7F000000) == (attr & 0x7F000000))
+ continue;
+ // fog flag
+ if (!(dstattr & (1<<15)))
+ attr &= ~(1<<15);
+ color = AlphaBlend(color, ColorBuffer[pixeladdr], alpha);
+ if (polygon->Attr & (1<<11))
+ DepthBuffer[pixeladdr] = z;
+ }
+ ColorBuffer[pixeladdr] = color;
+ AttrBuffer[pixeladdr] = attr;
+ }
+ // part 2: polygon inside
+ edge = yedge;
+ if (wireframe && !edge) x = xend-r_edgelen+1;
+ else for (; x <= xend-r_edgelen; x++)
+ {
+ if (x < 0) continue;
+ if (x > 255) break;
+ u32 pixeladdr = 258*3 + 1 + (y*258*3) + x;
+ u32 attr = (polygon->Attr & 0x3F008000) | edge;
+ // check stencil buffer for shadows
+ if (polygon->IsShadow)
+ {
+ if (StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] == 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ interpX.SetX(x);
+ s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
+ if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
+ {
+ // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
+ // draw nothing.
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if depth test against the topmost pixel fails, test
+ // against the pixel underneath
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ {
+ pixeladdr += 258;
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z))
+ continue;
+ }
+ u32 vr = interpX.Interpolate(rl, rr);
+ u32 vg = interpX.Interpolate(gl, gr);
+ u32 vb = interpX.Interpolate(bl, br);
+ s16 s = interpX.Interpolate(sl, sr);
+ s16 t = interpX.Interpolate(tl, tr);
+ u32 color = RenderPixel(polygon, vr>>3, vg>>3, vb>>3, s, t);
+ u8 alpha = color >> 24;
+ // alpha test
+ if (alpha <= RenderAlphaRef) continue;
+ if (alpha == 31)
+ {
+ DepthBuffer[pixeladdr] = z;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ attr |= (1<<30);
+ if (polygon->IsShadow) dstattr |= (1<<30);
+ // skip if polygon IDs are equal
+ // note: this only happens if the destination pixel was translucent
+ // or always when drawing a shadow
+ // (the GPU keeps track of which pixels are translucent, regardless of
+ // the destination alpha)
+ // TODO: they say that there are two separate polygon ID buffers. verify that.
+ if ((dstattr & 0x7F000000) == (attr & 0x7F000000))
+ continue;
+ // fog flag
+ if (!(dstattr & (1<<15)))
+ attr &= ~(1<<15);
+ color = AlphaBlend(color, ColorBuffer[pixeladdr], alpha);
+ if (polygon->Attr & (1<<11))
+ DepthBuffer[pixeladdr] = z;
+ }
+ ColorBuffer[pixeladdr] = color;
+ AttrBuffer[pixeladdr] = attr;
+ }
+ // part 3: right edge
+ edge = yedge | 0x2;
+ for (; x <= xend; x++)
+ {
+ if (x < 0) continue;
+ if (x > 255) break;
u32 pixeladdr = 258*3 + 1 + (y*258*3) + x;
u32 attr = (polygon->Attr & 0x3F008000) | edge;
@@ -1025,9 +1243,7 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
if (!wireframe && !(RenderDispCnt & (1<<4)))
- if ((edge & 0x1) && !l_filledge)
- continue;
- if ((edge & 0x2) && !r_filledge)
+ if (!r_filledge)
@@ -1098,9 +1314,7 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
// edge fill rules for opaque pixels
if (!wireframe)
- if ((edge & 0x1) && !l_filledge)
- continue;
- if ((edge & 0x2) && !r_filledge)
+ if (!r_filledge)