path: root/src
diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2021-08-26 18:59:07 +0200
committerArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2021-08-26 18:59:07 +0200
commit36672a40895573ec2b329bf04e195fd4e0955d9d (patch)
tree331ee328ba68d0dab11dc0ea51bc0b5cc4c3c20a /src
parent7395d6a6c0f327bc3e01a85b7b16a03a44884c63 (diff)
use NDSHeader struct, and expand it with the DSi shit
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 131 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/src/DSi_NAND.cpp b/src/DSi_NAND.cpp
index 304ede8..99fabe0 100644
--- a/src/DSi_NAND.cpp
+++ b/src/DSi_NAND.cpp
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ bool TitleExists(u32 category, u32 titleid)
return (res == FR_OK);
-void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, u8* header, u8* banner)
+void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, NDSHeader* header, NDSBanner* banner)
version = GetTitleVersion(category, titleid);
if (version == 0xFFFFFFFF)
@@ -749,11 +749,11 @@ void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, u8* header, u8* banne
u32 nread;
- f_read(&file, header, 0x1000, &nread);
+ f_read(&file, header, sizeof(NDSHeader), &nread);
if (banner)
- u32 banneraddr = *(u32*)&header[0x68];
+ u32 banneraddr = header->BannerOffset;
if (!banneraddr)
memset(banner, 0, 0x2400);
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, u8* header, u8* banne
f_lseek(&file, banneraddr);
- f_read(&file, banner, 0x2400, &nread);
+ f_read(&file, banner, sizeof(NDSBanner), &nread);
@@ -991,16 +991,16 @@ void DeleteTitle(u32 category, u32 titleid)
u32 GetTitleDataMask(u32 category, u32 titleid)
u32 version;
- u8 header[0x1000];
+ NDSHeader header;
- GetTitleInfo(category, titleid, version, header, nullptr);
+ GetTitleInfo(category, titleid, version, &header, nullptr);
if (version == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return 0;
u32 ret = 0;
- if (*(u32*)&header[0x238] != 0) ret |= (1 << TitleData_PublicSav);
- if (*(u32*)&header[0x23C] != 0) ret |= (1 << TitleData_PrivateSav);
- if (header[0x1BF] & 0x04) ret |= (1 << TitleData_BannerSav);
+ if (header.DSiPublicSavSize != 0) ret |= (1 << TitleData_PublicSav);
+ if (header.DSiPrivateSavSize != 0) ret |= (1 << TitleData_PrivateSav);
+ if (header.AppFlags & 0x04) ret |= (1 << TitleData_BannerSav);
return ret;
diff --git a/src/DSi_NAND.h b/src/DSi_NAND.h
index fbd7593..8c46434 100644
--- a/src/DSi_NAND.h
+++ b/src/DSi_NAND.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#define DSI_NAND_H
#include "types.h"
+#include "NDS_Header.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ void PatchTSC();
void ListTitles(u32 category, std::vector<u32>& titlelist);
bool TitleExists(u32 category, u32 titleid);
-void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, u8* header, u8* banner);
+void GetTitleInfo(u32 category, u32 titleid, u32& version, NDSHeader* header, NDSBanner* banner);
bool ImportTitle(const char* appfile, u8* tmd, bool readonly);
void DeleteTitle(u32 category, u32 titleid);
diff --git a/src/NDS_Header.h b/src/NDS_Header.h
index d2e70fa..48009ed 100644
--- a/src/NDS_Header.h
+++ b/src/NDS_Header.h
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ struct NDSHeader
u8 UnitCode;
u8 EncryptionSeedSelect;
u8 CardSize;
- u8 Reserved1[8];
+ u8 Reserved1[7];
+ u8 DSiCryptoFlags;
u8 NDSRegion;
u8 ROMVersion;
u8 Autostart;
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ struct NDSHeader
u32 ARM7EntryAddress;
u32 ARM7RAMAddress;
u32 ARM7Size;
u32 FNTOffset;
u32 FNTSize;
u32 FATOffset;
@@ -54,40 +55,133 @@ struct NDSHeader
u32 ARM9OverlaySize;
u32 ARM7OverlayOffset;
u32 ARM7OverlaySize;
u32 NormalCommandSettings;
u32 Key1CommandSettings;
u32 BannerOffset;
u16 SecureAreaCRC16;
u16 SecureAreaDelay;
// GBATEK lists the following two with a question mark
u32 ARM9AutoLoadListAddress;
u32 ARM7AutoLoadListAddress;
u64 SecureAreaDisable;
- u32 ROMSize;
+ u32 ROMSize; // excluding DSi area
u32 HeaderSize;
- u32 Unknown1;
- u8 Reserved2[52];
+ // GBATEK lists the following two with a question mark
+ u32 DSiARM9ParamTableOffset;
+ u32 DSiARM7ParamTableOffset;
+ // expressed in 0x80000-byte units
+ u16 NDSRegionEnd;
+ u16 DSiRegionStart;
+ // specific to NAND games
+ u16 NANDROMEnd;
+ u16 NANDRWStart;
+ u8 Reserved2[40];
u8 NintendoLogo[156];
u16 NintendoLogoCRC16;
u16 HeaderCRC16;
u32 DebugROMOffset;
u32 DebugSize;
u32 DebugRAMAddress;
u32 Reserved4;
- u8 Reserved5[144];
+ u8 Reserved5[16];
+ u32 DSiMBKSlots[5]; // global MBK1..MBK5 settings
+ u32 DSiARM9MBKAreas[3]; // local MBK6..MBK8 settings for ARM9
+ u32 DSiARM7MBKAreas[3]; // local MBK6..MBK8 settings for ARM7
+ u8 DSiMBKWriteProtect[3]; // global MBK9 setting
+ u8 DSiWRAMCntSetting; // global WRAMCNT setting
+ u32 DSiRegionMask;
+ u32 DSiPermissions;
+ u8 Reserved6[3];
+ u8 AppFlags; // flags at 1BF
+ u32 DSiARM9iROMOffset;
+ u32 Reserved7;
+ u32 DSiARM9iRAMAddress;
+ u32 DSiARM9iSize;
+ u32 DSiARM7iROMOffset;
+ u32 DSiSDMMCDeviceList;
+ u32 DSiARM7iRAMAddress;
+ u32 DSiARM7iSize;
+ u32 DSiDigestNTROffset;
+ u32 DSiDigestNTRSize;
+ u32 DSiDigestTWLOffset;
+ u32 DSiDigestTWLSize;
+ u32 DSiDigestSecHashtblOffset;
+ u32 DSiDigestSecHashtblSize;
+ u32 DSiDigestBlkHashtblOffset;
+ u32 DSiDigestBlkHashtblSize;
+ u32 DSiDigestSecSize; // sector size in bytes
+ u32 DSiDigestBlkSecCount; // sectors per block
+ u32 DSiBannerSize;
+ // ???
+ u8 DSiShared0Size;
+ u8 DSiShared1Size;
+ u8 DSiEULARatings;
+ u8 DSiUseRatings;
+ u32 DSiTotalROMSize;
+ u8 DSiShared2Size;
+ u8 DSiShared3Size;
+ u8 DSiShared4Size;
+ u8 DSiShared5Size;
+ // ???
+ u32 DSiARM9iParamTableOffset;
+ u32 DSiARM7iParamTableOffset;
+ u32 DSiModcrypt1Offset;
+ u32 DSiModcrypt1Size;
+ u32 DSiModcrypt2Offset;
+ u32 DSiModcrypt2Size;
+ u32 DSiTitleIDLow;
+ u32 DSiTitleIDHigh;
+ u32 DSiPublicSavSize;
+ u32 DSiPrivateSavSize;
+ u8 Reserved8[176];
+ u8 DSiAgeRatingFlags[16];
+ // 0x300 - hashes (SHA1-HMAC)
+ u8 DSiARM9Hash[20];
+ u8 DSiARM7Hash[20];
+ u8 DSiDigestMasterHash[20];
+ u8 BannerHash[20];
+ u8 DSiARM9iHash[20];
+ u8 DSiARM7iHash[20];
+ u8 HeaderBinariesHash[20]; // 0x160-byte header + ARM9/ARM7 binaries
+ u8 ARM9OverlayHash[20]; // ARM9 overlay and NitroFAT
+ u8 DSiARM9NoSecureHash[20]; // ARM9 binary without secure area
+ u8 Reserved9[2636];
+ // reserved and unchecked region at 0xE00
+ u8 Reserved10[384];
+ u8 HeaderSignature[128]; // RSA-SHA1 across 0x000..0xDFF
-static_assert(sizeof(NDSHeader) == 512, "NDSHeader is not 512 bytes!");
+static_assert(sizeof(NDSHeader) == 4096, "NDSHeader is not 4096 bytes!");
struct NDSBanner
diff --git a/src/frontend/qt_sdl/TitleManagerDialog.cpp b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/TitleManagerDialog.cpp
index 58b8971..25e0389 100644
--- a/src/frontend/qt_sdl/TitleManagerDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/TitleManagerDialog.cpp
@@ -106,29 +106,22 @@ TitleManagerDialog::~TitleManagerDialog()
void TitleManagerDialog::createTitleItem(u32 category, u32 titleid)
u32 version;
- u8 header[0x1000];
- u8 banner[0x2400];
+ NDSHeader header;
+ NDSBanner banner;
- DSi_NAND::GetTitleInfo(category, titleid, version, header, banner);
+ DSi_NAND::GetTitleInfo(category, titleid, version, &header, &banner);
- u8 icongfx[512];
- u16 iconpal[16];
- memcpy(icongfx, &banner[0x20], 512);
- memcpy(iconpal, &banner[0x220], 16*2);
u32 icondata[32*32];
- Frontend::ROMIcon(icongfx, iconpal, icondata);
+ Frontend::ROMIcon(banner.Icon, banner.Palette, icondata);
QImage iconimg((const uchar*)icondata, 32, 32, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QIcon icon(QPixmap::fromImage(iconimg.copy()));
// TODO: make it possible to select other languages?
- u16 titleraw[129];
- memcpy(titleraw, &banner[0x340], 128*sizeof(u16));
- titleraw[128] = '\0';
- QString title = QString::fromUtf16(titleraw);
+ QString title = QString::fromUtf16(banner.EnglishTitle, 128);
title.replace("\n", " · ");
char gamecode[5];
- *(u32*)&gamecode[0] = *(u32*)&header[0xC];
+ *(u32*)&gamecode[0] = *(u32*)&header.GameCode[0];
gamecode[4] = '\0';
char extra[128];
sprintf(extra, "\n(title ID: %s · %08x/%08x · version %08x)", gamecode, category, titleid, version);
@@ -136,9 +129,9 @@ void TitleManagerDialog::createTitleItem(u32 category, u32 titleid)
QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem(title + QString(extra));
item->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant((qulonglong)(((u64)category<<32) | (u64)titleid)));
- item->setData(Qt::UserRole+1, QVariant(*(u32*)&header[0x238])); // public.sav size
- item->setData(Qt::UserRole+2, QVariant(*(u32*)&header[0x23C])); // private.sav size
- item->setData(Qt::UserRole+3, QVariant((u32)((header[0x1BF] & 0x04) ? 0x4000 : 0))); // banner.sav size
+ item->setData(Qt::UserRole+1, QVariant(header.DSiPublicSavSize)); // public.sav size
+ item->setData(Qt::UserRole+2, QVariant(header.DSiPrivateSavSize)); // private.sav size
+ item->setData(Qt::UserRole+3, QVariant((u32)((header.AppFlags & 0x04) ? 0x4000 : 0))); // banner.sav size