path: root/src
diff options
authorStapleButter <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2017-08-28 20:27:56 +0200
committerStapleButter <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2017-08-28 20:27:56 +0200
commit183b8b58e0804f592be97ac6b7538024483f9c6d (patch)
tree8e2180f6f5b158fb6361dc9242ecd75e45be130d /src
parentee6daa0e626fe6004d5cc0e950cfe6dca35d7093 (diff)
3D: move shadow mask rendering to separate function, optimize it (it doesn't need to interpolate all vertex attributes)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp b/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
index 1894920..8a35e3f 100644
--- a/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
+++ b/src/GPU3D_Soft.cpp
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ void SetupPolygon(RendererPolygon* rp, Polygon* polygon)
-void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
+void RenderShadowMaskScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
Polygon* polygon = rp->PolyData;
@@ -1066,10 +1066,194 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
fnDepthTest = DepthTest_LessThan;
- if (polygon->IsShadowMask && !PrevIsShadowMask)
+ if (!PrevIsShadowMask)
memset(&StencilBuffer[256 * (y&0x1)], 0, 256);
- PrevIsShadowMask = polygon->IsShadowMask;
+ PrevIsShadowMask = true;
+ if (polygon->YTop != polygon->YBottom)
+ {
+ if (y >= polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVL]->FinalPosition[1] && rp->CurVL != polygon->VBottom)
+ {
+ SetupPolygonLeftEdge(rp, y);
+ }
+ if (y >= polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVR]->FinalPosition[1] && rp->CurVR != polygon->VBottom)
+ {
+ SetupPolygonRightEdge(rp, y);
+ }
+ }
+ Vertex *vlcur, *vlnext, *vrcur, *vrnext;
+ s32 xstart, xend;
+ bool l_filledge, r_filledge;
+ s32 l_edgelen, r_edgelen;
+ s32 l_edgecov, r_edgecov;
+ Interpolator<1>* interp_start;
+ Interpolator<1>* interp_end;
+ xstart = rp->XL;
+ xend = rp->XR;
+ // CHECKME: edge fill rules for opaque shadow mask polygons
+ if ((polyalpha < 31) || (RenderDispCnt & (3<<4)))
+ {
+ l_filledge = true;
+ r_filledge = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_filledge = (rp->SlopeL.Negative || !rp->SlopeL.XMajor);
+ r_filledge = (!rp->SlopeR.Negative && rp->SlopeR.XMajor) || (rp->SlopeR.Increment==0);
+ }
+ s32 wl = rp->SlopeL.Interp.Interpolate(polygon->FinalW[rp->CurVL], polygon->FinalW[rp->NextVL]);
+ s32 wr = rp->SlopeR.Interp.Interpolate(polygon->FinalW[rp->CurVR], polygon->FinalW[rp->NextVR]);
+ s32 zl = rp->SlopeL.Interp.InterpolateZ(polygon->FinalZ[rp->CurVL], polygon->FinalZ[rp->NextVL], polygon->WBuffer);
+ s32 zr = rp->SlopeR.Interp.InterpolateZ(polygon->FinalZ[rp->CurVR], polygon->FinalZ[rp->NextVR], polygon->WBuffer);
+ // if the left and right edges are swapped, render backwards.
+ if (xstart > xend)
+ {
+ vlcur = polygon->Vertices[rp->CurVR];
+ vlnext = polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVR];
+ vrcur = polygon->Vertices[rp->CurVL];
+ vrnext = polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVL];
+ interp_start = &rp->SlopeR.Interp;
+ interp_end = &rp->SlopeL.Interp;
+ rp->SlopeR.EdgeParams_YMajor(&l_edgelen, &l_edgecov);
+ rp->SlopeL.EdgeParams_YMajor(&r_edgelen, &r_edgecov);
+ s32 tmp;
+ tmp = xstart; xstart = xend; xend = tmp;
+ tmp = wl; wl = wr; wr = tmp;
+ tmp = zl; zl = zr; zr = tmp;
+ tmp = (s32)l_filledge; l_filledge = r_filledge; r_filledge = (bool)tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vlcur = polygon->Vertices[rp->CurVL];
+ vlnext = polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVL];
+ vrcur = polygon->Vertices[rp->CurVR];
+ vrnext = polygon->Vertices[rp->NextVR];
+ interp_start = &rp->SlopeL.Interp;
+ interp_end = &rp->SlopeR.Interp;
+ rp->SlopeL.EdgeParams(&l_edgelen, &l_edgecov);
+ rp->SlopeR.EdgeParams(&r_edgelen, &r_edgecov);
+ }
+ // color/texcoord attributes aren't needed for shadow masks
+ // all the pixels are guaranteed to have the same alpha
+ // even if a texture is used (decal blending is used for shadows)
+ // similarly, we can perform alpha test early (checkme)
+ if (wireframe) polyalpha = 31;
+ if (polyalpha <= RenderAlphaRef) return;
+ // in wireframe mode, there are special rules for equal Z (TODO)
+ int yedge = 0;
+ if (y == polygon->YTop) yedge = 0x4;
+ else if (y == polygon->YBottom-1) yedge = 0x8;
+ int edge;
+ s32 x = xstart;
+ Interpolator<0> interpX(xstart, xend+1, wl, wr);
+ if (x < 0) x = 0;
+ s32 xlimit;
+ // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
+ // draw nothing.
+ // part 1: left edge
+ edge = yedge | 0x1;
+ xlimit = xstart+l_edgelen; if (xlimit > 256) xlimit = 256;
+ for (; x < xlimit; x++)
+ {
+ u32 pixeladdr = FirstPixelOffset + (y*ScanlineWidth) + x;
+ interpX.SetX(x);
+ s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
+ u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ // checkme
+ if (!l_filledge)
+ continue;
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
+ StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
+ }
+ // part 2: polygon inside
+ edge = yedge;
+ xlimit = xend-r_edgelen+1; if (xlimit > 256) xlimit = 256;
+ if (wireframe && !edge) x = xlimit;
+ else for (; x < xlimit; x++)
+ {
+ u32 pixeladdr = FirstPixelOffset + (y*ScanlineWidth) + x;
+ interpX.SetX(x);
+ s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
+ u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
+ StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
+ }
+ // part 3: right edge
+ edge = yedge | 0x2;
+ xlimit = xend+1; if (xlimit > 256) xlimit = 256;
+ for (; x < xlimit; x++)
+ {
+ u32 pixeladdr = FirstPixelOffset + (y*ScanlineWidth) + x;
+ interpX.SetX(x);
+ s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
+ u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
+ // checkme
+ if (!r_filledge)
+ continue;
+ if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
+ StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
+ }
+ rp->XL = rp->SlopeL.Step();
+ rp->XR = rp->SlopeR.Step();
+void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
+ Polygon* polygon = rp->PolyData;
+ u32 polyattr = (polygon->Attr & 0x3F008000);
+ if (!polygon->FacingView) polyattr |= (1<<4);
+ u32 polyalpha = (polygon->Attr >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ bool wireframe = (polyalpha == 0);
+ bool (*fnDepthTest)(s32 dstz, s32 z, u32 dstattr);
+ if (polygon->Attr & (1<<14))
+ fnDepthTest = DepthTest_Equal;
+ else if (polygon->FacingView)
+ fnDepthTest = DepthTest_LessThan_FrontFacing;
+ else
+ fnDepthTest = DepthTest_LessThan;
+ PrevIsShadowMask = false;
if (polygon->YTop != polygon->YBottom)
@@ -1216,27 +1400,6 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
- if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
- {
- // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
- // draw nothing.
- // checkme
- if (polyalpha == 31)
- {
- if (!(RenderDispCnt & (1<<4)))
- {
- if (!l_filledge)
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
- StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
- continue;
- }
// if depth test against the topmost pixel fails, test
// against the pixel underneath
if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
@@ -1353,17 +1516,6 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
- if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
- {
- // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
- // draw nothing.
- if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
- StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
- continue;
- }
// if depth test against the topmost pixel fails, test
// against the pixel underneath
if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
@@ -1459,27 +1611,6 @@ void RenderPolygonScanline(RendererPolygon* rp, s32 y)
s32 z = interpX.InterpolateZ(zl, zr, polygon->WBuffer);
u32 dstattr = AttrBuffer[pixeladdr];
- if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
- {
- // for shadow masks: set stencil bits where the depth test fails.
- // draw nothing.
- // checkme
- if (polyalpha == 31)
- {
- if (!(RenderDispCnt & (1<<4)))
- {
- if (!r_filledge)
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
- StencilBuffer[256*(y&0x1) + x] = 1;
- continue;
- }
// if depth test against the topmost pixel fails, test
// against the pixel underneath
if (!fnDepthTest(DepthBuffer[pixeladdr], z, dstattr))
@@ -1587,7 +1718,12 @@ void RenderScanline(s32 y, int npolys)
Polygon* polygon = rp->PolyData;
if (y >= polygon->YTop && (y < polygon->YBottom || (y == polygon->YTop && polygon->YBottom == polygon->YTop)))
- RenderPolygonScanline(rp, y);
+ {
+ if (polygon->IsShadowMask)
+ RenderShadowMaskScanline(rp, y);
+ else
+ RenderPolygonScanline(rp, y);
+ }