path: root/src/libui_sdl
diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-03-04 21:11:25 +0100
committerArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-03-04 21:11:25 +0100
commit0392f8736b5f02a831b8cf6cecf8f1d4f823fb38 (patch)
tree590889576fdb2ac7dedd9361c4969c454fceca6e /src/libui_sdl
parent8448e6bea0c19c384d217fea34592db315929536 (diff)
nearly finish the split.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libui_sdl')
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 902 deletions
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/LAN_PCap.cpp b/src/libui_sdl/LAN_PCap.cpp
index b6bbdc5..9928ce9 100644
--- a/src/libui_sdl/LAN_PCap.cpp
+++ b/src/libui_sdl/LAN_PCap.cpp
@@ -78,25 +78,9 @@ void* PCapLib = NULL;
pcap_t* PCapAdapter = NULL;
AdapterData* PCapAdapterData;
-u8 PCapPacketBuffer[2048];
-int PCapPacketLen;
-volatile int PCapRXNum;
-u16 IPv4ID;
-typedef struct
- u8 DestIP[4];
- u16 DestPort;
- // 0: unused
- // 1: connected
- u8 Status;
-} TCPSocket;
-TCPSocket TCPSocketList[64];
+u8 PacketBuffer[2048];
+int PacketLen;
+volatile int RXNum;
#define LOAD_PCAP_FUNC(sym) \
@@ -124,12 +108,8 @@ bool Init()
PCapLib = NULL;
PCapAdapter = NULL;
- PCapPacketLen = 0;
- PCapRXNum = 0;
- IPv4ID = 1;
- memset(TCPSocketList, 0, sizeof(TCPSocketList));
+ PacketLen = 0;
+ RXNum = 0;
for (int i = 0; PCapLibNames[i]; i++)
@@ -295,73 +275,6 @@ bool Init()
- for (int ntries = 0; ntries < 4; ntries++)
- {
- bool good = false;
- // get router MAC
- printf("DHCP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
- PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[0], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[1],
- PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[2], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[3]);
- u8 arp[64];
- u8* out = &arp[0];
- *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF;
- *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6); out += 6;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0806); out += 2;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0001); out += 2;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0800); out += 2;
- *out++ = 6;
- *out++ = 4;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0001); out += 2;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6); out += 6;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->IP_v4, 4); out += 4;
- *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0;
- *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4, 4); out += 4;
- u32 len = (u32)(out - &arp[0]);
- pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, arp, len);
- for (int t = 0; t < 16; t++)
- {
- struct pcap_pkthdr hdr;
- const u8* rep = pcap_next(PCapAdapter, &hdr);
- if (!rep) continue;
- if (hdr.len < 0x2A) continue;
- if (memcmp(&rep[0], PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6))
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[12]) != 0x0806)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[14]) != 0x0001)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[16]) != 0x0800)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[18]) != 0x0604)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[20]) != 0x0002)
- continue;
- if (memcmp(&rep[28], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4, 4))
- continue;
- printf("DHCP MAC: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n",
- rep[22], rep[23], rep[24],
- rep[25], rep[26], rep[27]);
- memcpy(PCapAdapterData->DHCP_MAC, &rep[22], 6);
- good = true;
- break;
- }
- if (good) break;
- }
if (pcap_setnonblock(PCapAdapter, 1, errbuf) < 0)
printf("PCap: failed to set nonblocking mode\n");
@@ -387,104 +300,6 @@ void DeInit()
-bool HandleIncomingIPFrame(u8* data, int len)
- const u32 serverip = 0x0A404001;
- const u32 clientip = 0x0A404010;
- if (memcmp(&data[0x1E], PCapAdapterData->IP_v4, 4))
- return false;
- u8 protocol = data[0x17];
- //memcpy(&data[6], &PCapAdapterData->DHCP_MAC[0], 6);
- memcpy(&data[0], Wifi::GetMAC(), 6);
- data[6] = 0x00; data[7] = 0xAB; data[8] = 0x33;
- data[9] = 0x28; data[10] = 0x99; data[11] = 0x44;
- *(u32*)&data[0x1E] = htonl(clientip);
- u8* ipheader = &data[0xE];
- u8* protoheader = &data[0x22];
- // IP checksum
- u32 tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[i]);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = htons(tmp);
- if (protocol == 0x11)
- {
- u32 udplen = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[4]);
- // UDP checksum
- tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[6] = 0;
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
- tmp += ntohs(0x1100);
- tmp += udplen;
- for (u8* i = protoheader; i < &protoheader[udplen-1]; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
- if (udplen & 1) tmp += (protoheader[udplen-1] << 8);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- if (tmp == 0) tmp = 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[6] = htons(tmp);
- }
- else if (protocol == 0x06)
- {
- u32 tcplen = ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[2]) - 0x14;
- u16 srcport = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[0]);
- u16 dstport = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[2]);
- u16 flags = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[12]);
- // TODO: check if they send a FIN, I guess
- int sockid = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(TCPSocketList)/sizeof(TCPSocket)); i++)
- {
- TCPSocket* sock = &TCPSocketList[i];
- if (sock->Status == 1 && !memcmp(&sock->DestIP, &ipheader[12], 4) && sock->DestPort == srcport)
- {
- sockid = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sockid == -1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- // TCP checksum
- tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[16] = 0;
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
- tmp += ntohs(0x0600);
- tmp += tcplen;
- for (u8* i = protoheader; i < &protoheader[tcplen-1]; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
- if (tcplen & 1) tmp += (protoheader[tcplen-1] << 8);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[16] = htons(tmp);
- }
- return false;
void RXCallback(u_char* blarg, const struct pcap_pkthdr* header, const u_char* data)
@@ -492,447 +307,9 @@ void RXCallback(u_char* blarg, const struct pcap_pkthdr* header, const u_char* d
if (header->len > 2048-64) return;
- PCapPacketLen = header->len;
- memcpy(PCapPacketBuffer, data, PCapPacketLen);
- PCapRXNum = 1;
- if (!Config::DirectLAN)
- {
- u16 ethertype = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0xC]);
- if (ethertype == 0x0800) // IPv4
- {
- if (HandleIncomingIPFrame(PCapPacketBuffer, header->len))
- PCapRXNum = 0;
- }
- }
-u32 zarp=0;
-bool HandleDHCPFrame(u8* data, int len)
- const u32 serverip = 0x0A404001;
- const u32 clientip = 0x0A404010;
- u8 type = 0xFF;
- u32 transid = *(u32*)&data[0x2E];
- u8* options = &data[0x11A];
- for (;;)
- {
- if (options >= &data[len]) break;
- u8 opt = *options++;
- if (opt == 255) break;
- u8 len = *options++;
- switch (opt)
- {
- case 53: // frame type
- type = options[0];
- break;
- }
- options += len;
- }
- if (type == 0xFF)
- {
- printf("DHCP: bad frame\n");
- return false;
- }
- printf("DHCP: frame type %d, transid %08X\n", type, transid);
- if (type == 1 || // discover
- type == 3) // request
- {
- u8 resp[512];
- u8* out = &resp[0];
- // ethernet
- memcpy(out, &data[6], 6); out += 6;
- *out++ = 0x00; *out++ = 0xAB; *out++ = 0x33;
- *out++ = 0x28; *out++ = 0x99; *out++ = 0x44;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0800); out += 2;
- // IP
- u8* ipheader = out;
- *out++ = 0x45;
- *out++ = 0x00;
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // total length
- *(u16*)out = htons(IPv4ID); out += 2; IPv4ID++;
- *out++ = 0x00;
- *out++ = 0x00;
- *out++ = 0x80; // TTL
- *out++ = 0x11; // protocol (UDP)
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // checksum
- *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // source IP
- if (type == 1)
- {
- *(u32*)out = htonl(0xFFFFFFFF); out += 4; // destination IP
- }
- else if (type == 3)
- {
- *(u32*)out = htonl(clientip); out += 4; // destination IP
- }
- // UDP
- u8* udpheader = out;
- *(u16*)out = htons(67); out += 2; // source port
- *(u16*)out = htons(68); out += 2; // destination port
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // length
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // checksum
- // DHCP
- u8* body = out;
- *out++ = 0x02;
- *out++ = 0x01;
- *out++ = 0x06;
- *out++ = 0x00;
- *(u32*)out = transid; out += 4;
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // seconds elapsed
- *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(0x00000000); out += 4; // client IP
- *(u32*)out = htonl(clientip); out += 4; // your IP
- *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // server IP
- *(u32*)out = htonl(0x00000000); out += 4; // gateway IP
- memcpy(out, &data[6], 6); out += 6;
- memset(out, 0, 10); out += 10;
- memset(out, 0, 192); out += 192;
- *(u32*)out = 0x63538263; out += 4; // DHCP magic
- // DHCP options
- *out++ = 53; *out++ = 1;
- *out++ = (type==1) ? 2 : 5; // DHCP type: offer/ack
- *out++ = 1; *out++ = 4;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(0xFFFFFF00); out += 4; // subnet mask
- *out++ = 3; *out++ = 4;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // router
- *out++ = 51; *out++ = 4;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(442030); out += 4; // lease time
- *out++ = 54; *out++ = 4;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // DHCP server
- u8 numdns = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- if (*(u32*)&PCapAdapterData->DNS[i][0] != 0)
- numdns++;
- }
- *out++ = 6; *out++ = 4*numdns;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- {
- u32 dnsip = *(u32*)&PCapAdapterData->DNS[i][0];
- if (dnsip != 0)
- {
- *(u32*)out = dnsip; out += 4;
- }
- }
- *out++ = 0xFF;
- memset(out, 0, 20); out += 20;
- // lengths
- u32 framelen = (u32)(out - &resp[0]);
- if (framelen & 1) { *out++ = 0; framelen++; }
- *(u16*)&ipheader[2] = htons(framelen - 0xE);
- *(u16*)&udpheader[4] = htons(framelen - (0xE + 0x14));
- // IP checksum
- u32 tmp = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[i]);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = htons(tmp);
- // UDP checksum
- // (note: normally not mandatory, but some older sgIP versions require it)
- tmp = 0;
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
- tmp += ntohs(0x1100);
- tmp += (u32)(out - udpheader);
- for (u8* i = udpheader; i < out; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- if (tmp == 0) tmp = 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&udpheader[6] = htons(tmp);
- // TODO: if there is already a packet queued, this will overwrite it
- // that being said, this will only happen during DHCP setup, so probably
- // not a big deal
- PCapPacketLen = framelen;
- memcpy(PCapPacketBuffer, resp, PCapPacketLen);
- PCapRXNum = 1;
- // DEBUG!!
- //pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
- //pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, resp, framelen);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool HandleIPFrame(u8* data, int len)
- const u32 serverip = 0x0A404001;
- const u32 clientip = 0x0A404010;
- // debug
- //pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
- u8 protocol = data[0x17];
- // any kind of IPv4 frame that isn't DHCP
- // we do NAT and forward it to the network
- // like:
- // melonRouter -> host
- // destination MAC set to host MAC
- // source MAC set to melonRouter MAC
- memcpy(&data[0], &PCapAdapterData->DHCP_MAC[0], 6);
- memcpy(&data[6], &PCapAdapterData->MAC[0], 6);
- *(u32*)&data[0x1A] = *(u32*)&PCapAdapterData->IP_v4[0];
- u8* ipheader = &data[0xE];
- u8* protoheader = &data[0x22];
- // IP checksum
- u32 tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[i]);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = htons(tmp);
- if (protocol == 0x11)
- {
- u32 udplen = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[4]);
- // UDP checksum
- tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[6] = 0;
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
- tmp += ntohs(0x1100);
- tmp += udplen;
- for (u8* i = protoheader; i < &protoheader[udplen]; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- if (tmp == 0) tmp = 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[6] = htons(tmp);
- }
- else if (protocol == 0x06)
- {
- u32 tcplen = ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[2]) - 0x14;
- u16 srcport = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[0]);
- u16 dstport = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[2]);
- u16 flags = ntohs(*(u16*)&protoheader[12]);
- if (flags & 0x002) // SYN
- {
- int sockid = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(TCPSocketList)/sizeof(TCPSocket)); i++)
- {
- TCPSocket* sock = &TCPSocketList[i];
- if (sock->Status == 1 && !memcmp(&sock->DestIP, &ipheader[16], 4) && sock->DestPort == dstport)
- {
- printf("LANMAGIC: duplicate TCP socket\n");
- sockid = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sockid == -1)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(TCPSocketList)/sizeof(TCPSocket)); i++)
- {
- TCPSocket* sock = &TCPSocketList[i];
- if (sock->Status == 0)
- {
- sockid = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (sockid == -1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- printf("LANMAGIC: opening TCP socket #%d to %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n",
- sockid,
- ipheader[16], ipheader[17], ipheader[18], ipheader[19],
- dstport);
- // keep track of it
- // (TODO: also keep track of source port?)
- TCPSocket* sock = &TCPSocketList[sockid];
- sock->Status = 1;
- memcpy(sock->DestIP, &ipheader[16], 4);
- sock->DestPort = dstport;
- }
- else
- {
- int sockid = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(TCPSocketList)/sizeof(TCPSocket)); i++)
- {
- TCPSocket* sock = &TCPSocketList[i];
- if (sock->Status == 1 && !memcmp(&sock->DestIP, &ipheader[16], 4) && sock->DestPort == dstport)
- {
- sockid = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (sockid == -1)
- {
- printf("LANMAGIC: bad TCP packet\n");
- return true;
- }
- if (flags & 0x001) // FIN
- {
- // TODO: cleverer termination?
- // also timeout etc
- TCPSocketList[sockid].Status = 0;
- }
- }
- // TCP checksum
- tmp = 0;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[16] = 0;
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
- tmp += ntohs(0x0600);
- tmp += tcplen;
- for (u8* i = protoheader; i < &protoheader[tcplen]; i += 2)
- tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
- while (tmp >> 16)
- tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
- tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
- if (tmp == 0) tmp = 0xFFFF;
- *(u16*)&protoheader[16] = htons(tmp);
- }
- return false;
-bool HandleARPFrame(u8* data, int len)
- const u32 serverip = 0x0A404001;
- const u32 clientip = 0x0A404010;
- u16 protocol = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x10]);
- if (protocol != 0x0800) return false;
- u16 op = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x14]);
- u32 targetip = ntohl(*(u32*)&data[0x26]);
- // TODO: handle ARP to the client
- // this only handles ARP to the DHCP/router
- if (op == 1 && targetip == serverip)
- {
- // opcode 1=req 2=reply
- // sender MAC
- // sender IP
- // target MAC
- // target IP
- u8 resp[64];
- u8* out = &resp[0];
- // ethernet
- memcpy(out, &data[6], 6); out += 6;
- *out++ = 0x00; *out++ = 0xAB; *out++ = 0x33;
- *out++ = 0x28; *out++ = 0x99; *out++ = 0x44;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0806); out += 2;
- // ARP
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0001); out += 2; // hardware type
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0800); out += 2; // protocol
- *out++ = 6; // MAC address size
- *out++ = 4; // IP address size
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0002); out += 2; // opcode
- *out++ = 0x00; *out++ = 0xAB; *out++ = 0x33;
- *out++ = 0x28; *out++ = 0x99; *out++ = 0x44;
- *(u32*)out = htonl(targetip); out += 4;
- memcpy(out, &data[0x16], 6+4); out += 6+4;
- u32 framelen = (u32)(out - &resp[0]);
- // TODO: if there is already a packet queued, this will overwrite it
- // that being said, this will only happen during DHCP setup, so probably
- // not a big deal
- PCapPacketLen = framelen;
- memcpy(PCapPacketBuffer, resp, PCapPacketLen);
- PCapRXNum = 1;
- // also broadcast them to the network
- pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
- pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, resp, framelen);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool HandlePacket(u8* data, int len)
- u16 ethertype = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0xC]);
- if (ethertype == 0x0800) // IPv4
- {
- u8 protocol = data[0x17];
- if (protocol == 0x11) // UDP
- {
- u16 srcport = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x22]);
- u16 dstport = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x24]);
- if (srcport == 68 && dstport == 67) // DHCP
- {
- printf("LANMAGIC: DHCP packet\n");
- return HandleDHCPFrame(data, len);
- }
- }
- printf("LANMAGIC: IP frame, doing NAT\n");
- return HandleIPFrame(data, len);
- }
- else if (ethertype == 0x0806) // ARP
- {
- printf("LANMAGIC: ARP\n");
- return HandleARPFrame(data, len);
- }
- return false;
+ PacketLen = header->len;
+ memcpy(PacketBuffer, data, PacketLen);
+ RXNum = 1;
int SendPacket(u8* data, int len)
@@ -946,12 +323,6 @@ int SendPacket(u8* data, int len)
return 0;
- if (!Config::DirectLAN)
- {
- if (HandlePacket(data, len))
- return len;
- }
pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
// TODO: check success
return len;
@@ -963,11 +334,11 @@ int RecvPacket(u8* data)
return 0;
int ret = 0;
- if (PCapRXNum > 0)
+ if (RXNum > 0)
- memcpy(data, PCapPacketBuffer, PCapPacketLen);
- ret = PCapPacketLen;
- PCapRXNum = 0;
+ memcpy(data, PacketBuffer, PacketLen);
+ ret = PacketLen;
+ RXNum = 0;
pcap_dispatch(PCapAdapter, 1, RXCallback, NULL);
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/LAN_Socket.cpp b/src/libui_sdl/LAN_Socket.cpp
index d1e99e1..45c5c5b 100644
--- a/src/libui_sdl/LAN_Socket.cpp
+++ b/src/libui_sdl/LAN_Socket.cpp
@@ -21,17 +21,10 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
-#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include "Wifi.h"
#include "LAN_Socket.h"
#include "../Config.h"
-#ifdef __WIN32__
- #include <iphlpapi.h>
- // Linux includes go here
namespace LAN_Socket
@@ -65,271 +58,22 @@ TCPSocket TCPSocketList[16];
bool Init()
// TODO: how to deal with cases where an adapter is unplugged or changes config??
- if (PCapLib) return true;
+ //if (PCapLib) return true;
- PCapLib = NULL;
- PCapAdapter = NULL;
- PCapPacketLen = 0;
- PCapRXNum = 0;
+ //Lib = NULL;
+ PacketLen = 0;
+ RXNum = 0;
IPv4ID = 1;
memset(TCPSocketList, 0, sizeof(TCPSocketList));
- for (int i = 0; PCapLibNames[i]; i++)
- {
- void* lib = SDL_LoadObject(PCapLibNames[i]);
- if (!lib) continue;
- if (!TryLoadPCap(lib))
- {
- SDL_UnloadObject(lib);
- continue;
- }
- printf("PCap: lib %s, init successful\n", PCapLibNames[i]);
- PCapLib = lib;
- break;
- }
- if (PCapLib == NULL)
- {
- printf("PCap: init failed\n");
- return false;
- }
- char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
- int ret;
- pcap_if_t* alldevs;
- ret = pcap_findalldevs(&alldevs, errbuf);
- if (ret < 0 || alldevs == NULL)
- {
- printf("PCap: no devices available\n");
- return false;
- }
- pcap_if_t* dev = alldevs;
- while (dev) { NumAdapters++; dev = dev->next; }
- Adapters = new AdapterData[NumAdapters];
- memset(Adapters, 0, sizeof(AdapterData)*NumAdapters);
- AdapterData* adata = &Adapters[0];
- dev = alldevs;
- while (dev)
- {
- adata->Internal = dev;
- // hax
- int len = strlen(dev->name);
- len -= 12; if (len > 127) len = 127;
- strncpy(adata->DeviceName, &dev->name[12], len);
- adata->DeviceName[len] = '\0';
- dev = dev->next;
- adata++;
- }
-#ifdef __WIN32__
- ULONG bufsize = 16384;
- IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES* buf = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufsize);
- ULONG uret = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, buf, &bufsize);
- {
- HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf);
- buf = (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufsize);
- uret = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, buf, &bufsize);
- }
- if (uret != ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- printf("GetAdaptersAddresses() shat itself: %08X\n", ret);
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < NumAdapters; i++)
- {
- adata = &Adapters[i];
- while (addr)
- {
- if (strcmp(addr->AdapterName, adata->DeviceName))
- {
- addr = addr->Next;
- continue;
- }
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, addr->FriendlyName, 127, adata->FriendlyName, 127, NULL, NULL);
- adata->FriendlyName[127] = '\0';
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, addr->Description, 127, adata->Description, 127, NULL, NULL);
- adata->Description[127] = '\0';
- if (addr->PhysicalAddressLength != 6)
- {
- printf("weird MAC addr length %d for %s\n", addr->PhysicalAddressLength, addr->AdapterName);
- }
- else
- memcpy(adata->MAC, addr->PhysicalAddress, 6);
- IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* ipaddr = addr->FirstUnicastAddress;
- while (ipaddr)
- {
- SOCKADDR* sa = ipaddr->Address.lpSockaddr;
- if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- struct in_addr sa4 = ((sockaddr_in*)sa)->sin_addr;
- memcpy(adata->IP_v4, &sa4.S_un.S_addr, 4);
- }
- ipaddr = ipaddr->Next;
- }
- IP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS* dnsaddr = addr->FirstDnsServerAddress;
- int ndns = 0;
- while (dnsaddr)
- {
- SOCKADDR* sa = dnsaddr->Address.lpSockaddr;
- if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET)
- {
- struct in_addr sa4 = ((sockaddr_in*)sa)->sin_addr;
- memcpy(adata->DNS[ndns++], &sa4.S_un.S_addr, 4);
- }
- if (ndns >= 8) break;
- dnsaddr = dnsaddr->Next;
- }
- if (addr->Dhcpv4Enabled && addr->Dhcpv4Server.lpSockaddr)
- {
- SOCKADDR* sa = addr->Dhcpv4Server.lpSockaddr;
- struct in_addr sa4 = ((sockaddr_in*)sa)->sin_addr;
- memcpy(adata->DHCP_IP_v4, &sa4.S_un.S_addr, 4);
- }
- else
- memset(adata->DHCP_IP_v4, 0, 4);
- break;
- }
- }
- HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf);
- // TODO
-#endif // __WIN32__
- // open pcap device
- PCapAdapterData = &Adapters[0];
- for (int i = 0; i < NumAdapters; i++)
- {
- if (!strncmp(Adapters[i].DeviceName, Config::LANDevice, 128))
- PCapAdapterData = &Adapters[i];
- }
- dev = (pcap_if_t*)PCapAdapterData->Internal;
- PCapAdapter = pcap_open_live(dev->name, 2048, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 1, errbuf);
- if (!PCapAdapter)
- {
- printf("PCap: failed to open adapter\n");
- return false;
- }
- pcap_freealldevs(alldevs);
- for (int ntries = 0; ntries < 4; ntries++)
- {
- bool good = false;
- // get router MAC
- printf("DHCP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
- PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[0], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[1],
- PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[2], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4[3]);
- u8 arp[64];
- u8* out = &arp[0];
- *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF;
- *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF; *out++ = 0xFF;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6); out += 6;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0806); out += 2;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0001); out += 2;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0800); out += 2;
- *out++ = 6;
- *out++ = 4;
- *(u16*)out = htons(0x0001); out += 2;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6); out += 6;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->IP_v4, 4); out += 4;
- *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0;
- *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0; *out++ = 0;
- memcpy(out, PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4, 4); out += 4;
- u32 len = (u32)(out - &arp[0]);
- pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, arp, len);
- for (int t = 0; t < 16; t++)
- {
- struct pcap_pkthdr hdr;
- const u8* rep = pcap_next(PCapAdapter, &hdr);
- if (!rep) continue;
- if (hdr.len < 0x2A) continue;
- if (memcmp(&rep[0], PCapAdapterData->MAC, 6))
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[12]) != 0x0806)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[14]) != 0x0001)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[16]) != 0x0800)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[18]) != 0x0604)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(*(u16*)&rep[20]) != 0x0002)
- continue;
- if (memcmp(&rep[28], PCapAdapterData->DHCP_IP_v4, 4))
- continue;
- printf("DHCP MAC: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n",
- rep[22], rep[23], rep[24],
- rep[25], rep[26], rep[27]);
- memcpy(PCapAdapterData->DHCP_MAC, &rep[22], 6);
- good = true;
- break;
- }
- if (good) break;
- }
- if (pcap_setnonblock(PCapAdapter, 1, errbuf) < 0)
- {
- printf("PCap: failed to set nonblocking mode\n");
- pcap_close(PCapAdapter); PCapAdapter = NULL;
- return false;
- }
return true;
void DeInit()
- if (PCapLib)
- {
- if (PCapAdapter)
- {
- pcap_close(PCapAdapter);
- PCapAdapter = NULL;
- }
- SDL_UnloadObject(PCapLib);
- PCapLib = NULL;
- }
+ //
bool HandleIncomingIPFrame(u8* data, int len)