path: root/src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c
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authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2020-05-29 21:36:26 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2020-05-29 21:36:26 +0200
commit0cadd4bd12bc824d010396c855fa450774e6f619 (patch)
tree7f404a52ff372a1e2e785db2b8cf11736f2f3212 /src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c
parentcd7487d53f8207277fc44f7983513fe6892a3409 (diff)
parent8ddd82ca2c7c8844a1d3c2cc7418d03976c9c52e (diff)
Merge pull request #635 from Arisotura/qt
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 462 deletions
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c b/src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d5e2de..0000000
--- a/src/libui_sdl/libui/unix/window.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-// 11 june 2015
-#include "uipriv_unix.h"
-struct uiWindow {
- uiUnixControl c;
- GtkWidget *widget;
- GtkContainer *container;
- GtkWindow *window;
- GtkWidget *vboxWidget;
- GtkContainer *vboxContainer;
- GtkBox *vbox;
- GtkWidget *childHolderWidget;
- GtkContainer *childHolderContainer;
- GtkWidget *menubar;
- uiControl *child;
- int margined;
- int width, height;
- int (*onClosing)(uiWindow *, void *);
- void *onClosingData;
- void (*onContentSizeChanged)(uiWindow *, void *);
- void *onContentSizeChangedData;
- void (*onDropFile)(uiWindow *, char *, void *);
- void *onDropFileData;
- void (*onGetFocus)(uiWindow *, void *);
- void *onGetFocusData;
- void (*onLoseFocus)(uiWindow *, void *);
- void *onLoseFocusData;
- gboolean fullscreen;
-static gboolean onClosing(GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *e, gpointer data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- // manually destroy the window ourselves; don't let the delete-event handler do it
- if ((*(w->onClosing))(w, w->onClosingData))
- uiControlDestroy(uiControl(w));
- // don't continue to the default delete-event handler; we destroyed the window by now
- return TRUE;
-static void onSizeAllocate(GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *allocation, gpointer data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- // TODO deal with spurious size-allocates
- (*(w->onContentSizeChanged))(w, w->onContentSizeChangedData);
-static gboolean onGetFocus(GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *e, gpointer data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- if (w->onGetFocus)
- w->onGetFocus(w, w->onGetFocusData);
-static gboolean onLoseFocus(GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *e, gpointer data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- if (w->onLoseFocus)
- w->onLoseFocus(w, w->onLoseFocusData);
-static int defaultOnClosing(uiWindow *w, void *data)
- return 0;
-static void defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged(uiWindow *w, void *data)
- // do nothing
-static void uiWindowDestroy(uiControl *c)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(c);
- // first hide ourselves
- gtk_widget_hide(w->widget);
- // now destroy the child
- if (w->child != NULL) {
- uiControlSetParent(w->child, NULL);
- uiUnixControlSetContainer(uiUnixControl(w->child), w->childHolderContainer, TRUE);
- uiControlDestroy(w->child);
- }
- // now destroy the menus, if any
- if (w->menubar != NULL)
- freeMenubar(w->menubar);
- gtk_widget_destroy(w->childHolderWidget);
- gtk_widget_destroy(w->vboxWidget);
- // and finally free ourselves
- // use gtk_widget_destroy() instead of g_object_unref() because GTK+ has internal references (see #165)
- gtk_widget_destroy(w->widget);
- uiFreeControl(uiControl(w));
-void uiWindowSetPosition(uiWindow *w, int x, int y)
- if (!w) return;
- gtk_window_move(w->window, x, y);
-void uiWindowPosition(uiWindow *w, int *x, int *y)
- if (!w) return;
- int xx, yy;
- gtk_window_get_position(w->window, &xx, &yy);
- if (x) *x = xx;
- if (y) *y = yy;
-uiControl *uiWindowParent(uiControl *c)
- return NULL;
-void uiWindowSetParent(uiControl *c, uiControl *parent)
- uiUserBugCannotSetParentOnToplevel("uiWindow");
-static int uiWindowToplevel(uiControl *c)
- return 1;
-static void uiWindowShow(uiControl *c)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(c);
- // don't use gtk_widget_show_all() as that will show all children, regardless of user settings
- // don't use gtk_widget_show(); that doesn't bring to front or give keyboard focus
- // (gtk_window_present() does call gtk_widget_show() though)
- gtk_window_present(w->window);
- // set the size properly
- int width = w->width;
- int height = w->height;
- if (w->menubar)
- {
- GtkRequisition min, nat;
- int menuheight;
- gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(w->menubar, &min, &nat);
- menuheight = min.height;
- if (nat.height > menuheight) menuheight = nat.height;
- height += menuheight;
- }
- gtk_window_resize(w->window, width, height);
-static void uiWindowSetFocus(uiControl* c)
- gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(uiWindow(c)->widget));
-// TODO?
-char *uiWindowTitle(uiWindow *w)
- return uiUnixStrdupText(gtk_window_get_title(w->window));
-void uiWindowSetTitle(uiWindow *w, const char *title)
- gtk_window_set_title(w->window, title);
-void uiWindowContentSize(uiWindow *w, int *width, int *height)
- GtkAllocation allocation;
- gtk_widget_get_allocation(w->childHolderWidget, &allocation);
- *width = allocation.width;
- *height = allocation.height;
-void uiWindowSetContentSize(uiWindow *w, int width, int height)
- GtkAllocation childAlloc;
- gint winWidth, winHeight;
- // we need to resize the child holder widget to the given size
- // we can't resize that without running the event loop
- // but we can do gtk_window_set_size()
- // so how do we deal with the differences in sizes?
- // simple arithmetic, of course!
- // from what I can tell, the return from gtk_widget_get_allocation(w->window) and gtk_window_get_size(w->window) will be the same
- // this is not affected by Wayland and not affected by GTK+ builtin CSD
- // so we can safely juse use them to get the real window size!
- // since we're using gtk_window_resize(), use the latter
- gtk_window_get_size(w->window, &winWidth, &winHeight);
- // now get the child holder widget's current allocation
- gtk_widget_get_allocation(w->childHolderWidget, &childAlloc);
- // and punch that out of the window size
- winWidth -= childAlloc.width;
- winHeight -= childAlloc.height;
- // now we just need to add the new size back in
- winWidth += width;
- winHeight += height;
- // and set it
- // this will not move the window in my tests, so we're good
- gtk_window_resize(w->window, winWidth, winHeight);
-int uiWindowMinimized(uiWindow *w)
- // TODO!!
- return 0;
-void uiWindowSetMinimized(uiWindow *w, int minimized)
- if (minimized)
- gtk_window_iconify(w->window);
- else
- gtk_window_deiconify(w->window);
-int uiWindowMaximized(uiWindow *w)
- return gtk_window_is_maximized(w->window);
-void uiWindowSetMaximized(uiWindow *w, int maximized)
- if (maximized)
- gtk_window_maximize(w->window);
- else
- gtk_window_unmaximize(w->window);
-int uiWindowFullscreen(uiWindow *w)
- return w->fullscreen;
-// TODO use window-state-event to track
-// TODO does this send an extra size changed?
-// TODO what behavior do we want?
-void uiWindowSetFullscreen(uiWindow *w, int fullscreen)
- w->fullscreen = fullscreen;
- if (w->fullscreen)
- gtk_window_fullscreen(w->window);
- else
- gtk_window_unfullscreen(w->window);
-void uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged(uiWindow *w, void (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data)
- w->onContentSizeChanged = f;
- w->onContentSizeChangedData = data;
-void uiWindowOnClosing(uiWindow *w, int (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data)
- w->onClosing = f;
- w->onClosingData = data;
-void uiWindowOnDropFile(uiWindow *w, void (*f)(uiWindow *, char *, void *), void *data)
- w->onDropFile = f;
- w->onDropFileData = data;
-void uiWindowOnGetFocus(uiWindow *w, void (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data)
- w->onGetFocus = f;
- w->onGetFocusData = data;
-void uiWindowOnLoseFocus(uiWindow *w, void (*f)(uiWindow *, void *), void *data)
- w->onLoseFocus = f;
- w->onLoseFocusData = data;
-int uiWindowBorderless(uiWindow *w)
- return gtk_window_get_decorated(w->window) == FALSE;
-void uiWindowSetBorderless(uiWindow *w, int borderless)
- gtk_window_set_decorated(w->window, borderless == 0);
-// TODO save and restore expands and aligns
-void uiWindowSetChild(uiWindow *w, uiControl *child)
- if (w->child != NULL) {
- uiControlSetParent(w->child, NULL);
- uiUnixControlSetContainer(uiUnixControl(w->child), w->childHolderContainer, TRUE);
- }
- w->child = child;
- if (w->child != NULL) {
- uiControlSetParent(w->child, uiControl(w));
- uiUnixControlSetContainer(uiUnixControl(w->child), w->childHolderContainer, FALSE);
- }
-int uiWindowMargined(uiWindow *w)
- return w->margined;
-void uiWindowSetMargined(uiWindow *w, int margined)
- w->margined = margined;
- setMargined(w->childHolderContainer, w->margined);
-static void onDragDataReceived(GtkWidget* widget, GdkDragContext* ctx, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData* data, guint info, guint time, gpointer userdata)
- uiWindow* w = (uiWindow*)userdata;
- if (gtk_selection_data_get_length(data) > 0 && gtk_selection_data_get_format(data) == 8)
- {
- gchar** files = gtk_selection_data_get_uris(data);
- if (files != NULL && files[0] != NULL)
- {
- // TODO: multi file support?
- gboolean success = FALSE;
- gchar* file = g_filename_from_uri(files[0], NULL, NULL);
- if (file)
- {
- if (w->onDropFile)
- w->onDropFile(w, file, w->onDropFileData);
- success = TRUE;
- g_free(file);
- }
- g_strfreev(files);
- gtk_drag_finish(ctx, success, FALSE, time);
- return;
- }
- if (files != NULL) g_strfreev(files);
- gtk_drag_finish(ctx, FALSE, FALSE, time);
- }
-void uiWindowSetDropTarget(uiWindow* w, int drop)
- if (!drop)
- {
- gtk_drag_dest_unset(w->widget);
- return;
- }
- GtkTargetEntry entry;
- entry.target = "text/uri-list";
- entry.flags = GTK_TARGET_OTHER_APP;
- entry.info = 1;
- // CHECKME: action copy?
- gtk_drag_dest_set(w->widget, GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, &entry, 1, GDK_ACTION_COPY|GDK_ACTION_MOVE);
- g_signal_connect(w->widget, "drag-data-received", G_CALLBACK(onDragDataReceived), w);
-uiWindow *uiNewWindow(const char *title, int width, int height, int maximized, int hasMenubar, int resizable)
- uiWindow *w;
- if (!resizable) maximized = 0;
- uiUnixNewControl(uiWindow, w);
- w->widget = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
- w->container = GTK_CONTAINER(w->widget);
- w->window = GTK_WINDOW(w->widget);
- gtk_window_set_title(w->window, title);
- gtk_window_resize(w->window, width, height);
- w->vboxWidget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0);
- w->vboxContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(w->vboxWidget);
- w->vbox = GTK_BOX(w->vboxWidget);
- // set the vbox as the GtkWindow child
- gtk_container_add(w->container, w->vboxWidget);
- if (hasMenubar) {
- w->menubar = makeMenubar(uiWindow(w));
- gtk_container_add(w->vboxContainer, w->menubar);
- }
- else
- w->menubar = NULL;
- w->childHolderWidget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0);
- w->childHolderContainer = GTK_CONTAINER(w->childHolderWidget);
- gtk_widget_set_hexpand(w->childHolderWidget, TRUE);
- gtk_widget_set_halign(w->childHolderWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
- gtk_widget_set_vexpand(w->childHolderWidget, TRUE);
- gtk_widget_set_valign(w->childHolderWidget, GTK_ALIGN_FILL);
- gtk_box_set_homogeneous(GTK_BOX(w->childHolderWidget), TRUE);
- gtk_container_add(w->vboxContainer, w->childHolderWidget);
- // show everything in the vbox, but not the GtkWindow itself
- gtk_widget_show_all(w->vboxWidget);
- // and connect our events
- g_signal_connect(w->widget, "delete-event", G_CALLBACK(onClosing), w);
- g_signal_connect(w->childHolderWidget, "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(onSizeAllocate), w);
- g_signal_connect(w->widget, "focus-in-event", G_CALLBACK(onGetFocus), w);
- g_signal_connect(w->widget, "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(onLoseFocus), w);
- uiWindowOnClosing(w, defaultOnClosing, NULL);
- uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged(w, defaultOnPositionContentSizeChanged, NULL);
- uiWindowOnDropFile(w, NULL, NULL);
- uiWindowOnGetFocus(w, NULL, NULL);
- uiWindowOnLoseFocus(w, NULL, NULL);
- // normally it's SetParent() that does this, but we can't call SetParent() on a uiWindow
- // TODO we really need to clean this up, especially since see uiWindowDestroy() above
- g_object_ref(w->widget);
- gtk_window_set_resizable(w->window, resizable?TRUE:FALSE);
- w->width = width;
- w->height = height;
- if (maximized)
- gtk_window_maximize(w->window);
- else
- gtk_window_set_position(w->window, GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
- return w;