path: root/src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c
diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2020-05-29 21:36:26 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2020-05-29 21:36:26 +0200
commit0cadd4bd12bc824d010396c855fa450774e6f619 (patch)
tree7f404a52ff372a1e2e785db2b8cf11736f2f3212 /src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c
parentcd7487d53f8207277fc44f7983513fe6892a3409 (diff)
parent8ddd82ca2c7c8844a1d3c2cc7418d03976c9c52e (diff)
Merge pull request #635 from Arisotura/qt
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c b/src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e703bee..0000000
--- a/src/libui_sdl/libui/test/page15.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// 15 june 2016
-#include "test.h"
-static uiAreaHandler borderAH;
-static int borderAHInit = 0;
-static double lastx = -1, lasty = -1;
-struct trect {
- double left;
- double top;
- double right;
- double bottom;
- int in;
-#define tsetrect(re, l, t, r, b) re.left = l; re.top = t; re.right = r; re.bottom = b; re.in = lastx >= re.left && lastx < re.right && lasty >= re.top && lasty < re.bottom
-struct tareas {
- struct trect move;
- struct trect alsomove;
- struct trect leftresize;
- struct trect topresize;
- struct trect rightresize;
- struct trect bottomresize;
- struct trect topleftresize;
- struct trect toprightresize;
- struct trect bottomleftresize;
- struct trect bottomrightresize;
- struct trect close;
-static void filltareas(double awid, double aht, struct tareas *ta)
- tsetrect(ta->move, 20, 20, awid - 20, 20 + 30);
- tsetrect(ta->alsomove, 30, 200, 100, 270);
- tsetrect(ta->leftresize, 5, 20, 15, aht - 20);
- tsetrect(ta->topresize, 20, 5, awid - 20, 15);
- tsetrect(ta->rightresize, awid - 15, 20, awid - 5, aht - 20);
- tsetrect(ta->bottomresize, 20, aht - 15, awid - 20, aht - 5);
- tsetrect(ta->topleftresize, 5, 5, 15, 15);
- tsetrect(ta->toprightresize, awid - 15, 5, awid - 5, 15);
- tsetrect(ta->bottomleftresize, 5, aht - 15, 15, aht - 5);
- tsetrect(ta->bottomrightresize, awid - 15, aht - 15, awid - 5, aht - 5);
- tsetrect(ta->close, 130, 200, 200, 270);
-static void drawtrect(uiDrawContext *c, struct trect tr, double r, double g, double bl)
- uiDrawPath *p;
- uiDrawBrush b;
- memset(&b, 0, sizeof (uiDrawBrush));
- b.Type = uiDrawBrushTypeSolid;
- b.R = r;
- b.G = g;
- b.B = bl;
- b.A = 1.0;
- if (tr.in) {
- b.R += b.R * 0.75;
- b.G += b.G * 0.75;
- b.B += b.B * 0.75;
- }
- p = uiDrawNewPath(uiDrawFillModeWinding);
- uiDrawPathAddRectangle(p,
- tr.left,
- tr.top,
- tr.right - tr.left,
- tr.bottom - tr.top);
- uiDrawPathEnd(p);
- uiDrawFill(c, p, &b);
- uiDrawFreePath(p);
-static void handlerDraw(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaDrawParams *p)
- struct tareas ta;
- filltareas(p->AreaWidth, p->AreaHeight, &ta);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.move, 0, 0.5, 0);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.alsomove, 0, 0.5, 0);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.leftresize, 0, 0, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.topresize, 0, 0, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.rightresize, 0, 0, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.bottomresize, 0, 0, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.topleftresize, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.toprightresize, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.bottomleftresize, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.bottomrightresize, 0, 0.5, 0.5);
- drawtrect(p->Context, ta.close, 0.5, 0, 0);
- // TODO add current position prints here
-static void handlerMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler *a, uiArea *area, uiAreaMouseEvent *e)
- struct tareas ta;
- lastx = e->X;
- lasty = e->Y;
- filltareas(e->AreaWidth, e->AreaHeight, &ta);
- // redraw our highlighted rect
- uiAreaQueueRedrawAll(area);
- if (e->Down != 1)
- return;
- if (ta.move.in || ta.alsomove.in) {
- uiAreaBeginUserWindowMove(area);
- return;
- }
-#define resize(cond, edge) if (cond) { uiAreaBeginUserWindowResize(area, edge); return; }
- resize(ta.leftresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeLeft)
- resize(ta.topresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeTop)
- resize(ta.rightresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeRight)
- resize(ta.bottomresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeBottom)
- resize(ta.topleftresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeTopLeft)
- resize(ta.toprightresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeTopRight)
- resize(ta.bottomleftresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomLeft)
- resize(ta.bottomrightresize.in, uiWindowResizeEdgeBottomRight)
- if (ta.close.in) {
- // TODO
- return;
- }
-static void handlerMouseCrossed(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, int left)
-static void handlerDragBroken(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a)
-static int handlerKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler *ah, uiArea *a, uiAreaKeyEvent *e)
- return 0;
-static void borderWindowOpen(uiButton *b, void *data)
- uiWindow *w;
- uiArea *a;
- if (!borderAHInit) {
- borderAH.Draw = handlerDraw;
- borderAH.MouseEvent = handlerMouseEvent;
- borderAH.MouseCrossed = handlerMouseCrossed;
- borderAH.DragBroken = handlerDragBroken;
- borderAH.KeyEvent = handlerKeyEvent;
- borderAHInit = 1;
- }
- w = uiNewWindow("Border Resize Test", 300, 500, 0);
- uiWindowSetBorderless(w, 1);
- a = uiNewArea(&borderAH);
-// uiWindowSetChild(w, uiControl(a));
-{uiBox *b;
-//TODO why is this hack needed? GTK+ issue
- uiControlShow(uiControl(w));
-static uiSpinbox *width, *height;
-static uiCheckbox *fullscreen;
-static void sizeWidth(uiSpinbox *s, void *data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- int xp, yp;
- uiWindowContentSize(w, &xp, &yp);
- xp = uiSpinboxValue(width);
- uiWindowSetContentSize(w, xp, yp);
-static void sizeHeight(uiSpinbox *s, void *data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- int xp, yp;
- uiWindowContentSize(w, &xp, &yp);
- yp = uiSpinboxValue(height);
- uiWindowSetContentSize(w, xp, yp);
-static void updatesize(uiWindow *w)
- int xp, yp;
- uiWindowContentSize(w, &xp, &yp);
- uiSpinboxSetValue(width, xp);
- uiSpinboxSetValue(height, yp);
- // TODO on OS X this is updated AFTER sending the size change, not before
- uiCheckboxSetChecked(fullscreen, uiWindowFullscreen(w));
-void onSize(uiWindow *w, void *data)
- printf("size\n");
- updatesize(w);
-void setFullscreen(uiCheckbox *cb, void *data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- uiWindowSetFullscreen(w, uiCheckboxChecked(fullscreen));
- updatesize(w);
-static void borderless(uiCheckbox *c, void *data)
- uiWindow *w = uiWindow(data);
- uiWindowSetBorderless(w, uiCheckboxChecked(c));
-uiBox *makePage15(uiWindow *w)
- uiBox *page15;
- uiBox *hbox;
- uiButton *button;
- uiCheckbox *checkbox;
- page15 = newVerticalBox();
- hbox = newHorizontalBox();
- uiBoxAppend(page15, uiControl(hbox), 0);
- uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewLabel("Size")), 0);
- width = uiNewSpinbox(INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
- uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(width), 1);
- height = uiNewSpinbox(INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
- uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(height), 1);
- fullscreen = uiNewCheckbox("Fullscreen");
- uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(fullscreen), 0);
- uiSpinboxOnChanged(width, sizeWidth, w);
- uiSpinboxOnChanged(height, sizeHeight, w);
- uiCheckboxOnToggled(fullscreen, setFullscreen, w);
- uiWindowOnContentSizeChanged(w, onSize, NULL);
- updatesize(w);
- checkbox = uiNewCheckbox("Borderless");
- uiCheckboxOnToggled(checkbox, borderless, w);
- uiBoxAppend(page15, uiControl(checkbox), 0);
- button = uiNewButton("Borderless Resizes");
- uiButtonOnClicked(button, borderWindowOpen, NULL);
- uiBoxAppend(page15, uiControl(button), 0);
- hbox = newHorizontalBox();
- uiBoxAppend(page15, uiControl(hbox), 1);
- uiBoxAppend(hbox, uiControl(uiNewVerticalSeparator()), 0);
- return page15;