path: root/src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m
diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2020-05-30 03:19:20 +0200
committerArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2020-05-30 03:19:20 +0200
commitb62d90cbe4c5232f0fe8604bd5e11f8eccd48ba1 (patch)
treebfd0a5e6f30fc382170ec9402adea32f12ebc342 /src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m
parent82302c9bf48598f889d0942340c224852c1378c5 (diff)
parent993048dd241b59747a7b30edfc861eedd4c005c9 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into melonDSi
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m b/src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ceaaa..0000000
--- a/src/libui_sdl/libui/darwin/areaevents.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-// 30 march 2014
-#import "uipriv_darwin.h"
-Mac OS X uses its own set of hardware key codes that are different from PC keyboard scancodes, but are positional (like PC keyboard scancodes). These are defined in <HIToolbox/Events.h>, a Carbon header. As far as I can tell, there's no way to include this header without either using an absolute path or linking Carbon into the program, so the constant values are used here instead.
-The Cocoa docs do guarantee that -[NSEvent keyCode] results in key codes that are the same as those returned by Carbon; that is, these codes.
-// use uintptr_t to be safe
-static const struct {
- uintptr_t keycode;
- char equiv;
-} keycodeKeys[] = {
- { 0x00, 'a' },
- { 0x01, 's' },
- { 0x02, 'd' },
- { 0x03, 'f' },
- { 0x04, 'h' },
- { 0x05, 'g' },
- { 0x06, 'z' },
- { 0x07, 'x' },
- { 0x08, 'c' },
- { 0x09, 'v' },
- { 0x0B, 'b' },
- { 0x0C, 'q' },
- { 0x0D, 'w' },
- { 0x0E, 'e' },
- { 0x0F, 'r' },
- { 0x10, 'y' },
- { 0x11, 't' },
- { 0x12, '1' },
- { 0x13, '2' },
- { 0x14, '3' },
- { 0x15, '4' },
- { 0x16, '6' },
- { 0x17, '5' },
- { 0x18, '=' },
- { 0x19, '9' },
- { 0x1A, '7' },
- { 0x1B, '-' },
- { 0x1C, '8' },
- { 0x1D, '0' },
- { 0x1E, ']' },
- { 0x1F, 'o' },
- { 0x20, 'u' },
- { 0x21, '[' },
- { 0x22, 'i' },
- { 0x23, 'p' },
- { 0x25, 'l' },
- { 0x26, 'j' },
- { 0x27, '\'' },
- { 0x28, 'k' },
- { 0x29, ';' },
- { 0x2A, '\\' },
- { 0x2B, ',' },
- { 0x2C, '/' },
- { 0x2D, 'n' },
- { 0x2E, 'm' },
- { 0x2F, '.' },
- { 0x32, '`' },
- { 0x24, '\n' },
- { 0x30, '\t' },
- { 0x31, ' ' },
- { 0x33, '\b' },
- { 0xFFFF, 0 },
-static const struct {
- uintptr_t keycode;
- uiExtKey equiv;
-} keycodeExtKeys[] = {
- { 0x41, uiExtKeyNDot },
- { 0x43, uiExtKeyNMultiply },
- { 0x45, uiExtKeyNAdd },
- { 0x4B, uiExtKeyNDivide },
- { 0x4C, uiExtKeyNEnter },
- { 0x4E, uiExtKeyNSubtract },
- { 0x52, uiExtKeyN0 },
- { 0x53, uiExtKeyN1 },
- { 0x54, uiExtKeyN2 },
- { 0x55, uiExtKeyN3 },
- { 0x56, uiExtKeyN4 },
- { 0x57, uiExtKeyN5 },
- { 0x58, uiExtKeyN6 },
- { 0x59, uiExtKeyN7 },
- { 0x5B, uiExtKeyN8 },
- { 0x5C, uiExtKeyN9 },
- { 0x35, uiExtKeyEscape },
- { 0x60, uiExtKeyF5 },
- { 0x61, uiExtKeyF6 },
- { 0x62, uiExtKeyF7 },
- { 0x63, uiExtKeyF3 },
- { 0x64, uiExtKeyF8 },
- { 0x65, uiExtKeyF9 },
- { 0x67, uiExtKeyF11 },
- { 0x6D, uiExtKeyF10 },
- { 0x6F, uiExtKeyF12 },
- { 0x72, uiExtKeyInsert }, // listed as the Help key but it's in the same position on an Apple keyboard as the Insert key on a Windows keyboard; thanks to SeanieB from irc.badnik.net and Psy in irc.freenode.net/#macdev for confirming they have the same code
- { 0x73, uiExtKeyHome },
- { 0x74, uiExtKeyPageUp },
- { 0x75, uiExtKeyDelete },
- { 0x76, uiExtKeyF4 },
- { 0x77, uiExtKeyEnd },
- { 0x78, uiExtKeyF2 },
- { 0x79, uiExtKeyPageDown },
- { 0x7A, uiExtKeyF1 },
- { 0x7B, uiExtKeyLeft },
- { 0x7C, uiExtKeyRight },
- { 0x7D, uiExtKeyDown },
- { 0x7E, uiExtKeyUp },
- { 0xFFFF, 0 },
-static const struct {
- uintptr_t keycode;
- uiModifiers equiv;
-} keycodeModifiers[] = {
- { 0x37, uiModifierSuper }, // left command
- { 0x38, uiModifierShift }, // left shift
- { 0x3A, uiModifierAlt }, // left option
- { 0x3B, uiModifierCtrl }, // left control
- { 0x3C, uiModifierShift }, // right shift
- { 0x3D, uiModifierAlt }, // right alt
- { 0x3E, uiModifierCtrl }, // right control
- // the following is not in Events.h for some reason
- // thanks to Nicole and jedivulcan from irc.badnik.net
- { 0x36, uiModifierSuper }, // right command
- { 0xFFFF, 0 },
-BOOL fromKeycode(unsigned short keycode, uiAreaKeyEvent *ke)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; keycodeKeys[i].keycode != 0xFFFF; i++)
- if (keycodeKeys[i].keycode == keycode) {
- ke->Key = keycodeKeys[i].equiv;
- return YES;
- }
- for (i = 0; keycodeExtKeys[i].keycode != 0xFFFF; i++)
- if (keycodeExtKeys[i].keycode == keycode) {
- ke->ExtKey = keycodeExtKeys[i].equiv;
- return YES;
- }
- return NO;
-BOOL keycodeModifier(unsigned short keycode, uiModifiers *mod)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; keycodeModifiers[i].keycode != 0xFFFF; i++)
- if (keycodeModifiers[i].keycode == keycode) {
- *mod = keycodeModifiers[i].equiv;
- return YES;
- }
- return NO;