diff options
authorArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-02-23 13:41:51 +0100
committerArisotura <thetotalworm@gmail.com>2019-02-23 13:41:51 +0100
commit93d51b0cbc6ceb012eb95256201bd92908ee6312 (patch)
parent0550d228335571220705c5dfbecb44595232058a (diff)
start work on non-direct mode. reply to DHCP discover frame.
4 files changed, 206 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/ARM.cpp b/src/ARM.cpp
index 429c341..1a5fc3e 100644
--- a/src/ARM.cpp
+++ b/src/ARM.cpp
@@ -176,6 +176,13 @@ void ARMv5::JumpTo(u32 addr, bool restorecpsr)
// R0=DMA# R1=src R2=size
//if (addr==0x02019A88) printf("[%08X] [%03d] GX FIFO CMD %08X\n", R[15], NDS::ARM9Read16(0x04000006), R[0]);
//if (addr==0x02022A5C) printf("[%08X] [%03d|%04X] RENDE SHITO %08X\n", R[15], NDS::ARM9Read16(0x04000006), NDS::ARM9Read16(0x04000304), R[0]);
+ /*if (addr==0x0204BE29) printf("%08X -> recvfrom\n", R[15]);
+ if (R[15]==0x0204BE5E) printf("recvfrom() ret:%d errno:%d %08X\n", R[0], NDS::ARM9Read32(0x217F398), addr);
+ if (R[15]==0x0205038A) printf("sgrecvfrom() ret:%d errno:%d %08X\n", R[0], NDS::ARM9Read32(0x217F398), addr);
+ if (addr==0x02050379 || addr==0x0205036D) printf("morp %08X->%08X, %d\n", R[15], addr, R[7]);*/
+ if (R[15]==0x02050542) printf("calc UDP checksum: %04X\n", R[0]);
+ if (addr==0x0204FC2D) printf("calcchk %08X\n", R[15]);
+ if (addr==0x0204B521) printf("zog check %08X\n", R[15]);
u32 oldregion = R[15] >> 24;
u32 newregion = addr >> 24;
@@ -447,7 +454,7 @@ void ARMv5::DataAbort()
R[14] = R[15] + (oldcpsr & 0x20 ? 6 : 4);
JumpTo(ExceptionBase + 0x10);
+namespace LAN{extern u32 zarp;}
void ARMv5::Execute()
if (Halted)
@@ -505,6 +512,18 @@ void ARMv5::Execute()
+ /*if (R[15]>=0x0204E07C && R[15]<=0x0204E388)
+ {
+ printf("TACHYCARDIE. %08X\n", R[15]-4);
+ }
+ if (LAN::zarp!=0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ {
+ if (R[i]==LAN::zarp)
+ printf("!! TRANSID IN R%d AT %08X\n", i, R[15]);
+ }
+ }*/
// TODO optimize this shit!!!
if (Halted)
diff --git a/src/NDS.cpp b/src/NDS.cpp
index 774c01c..d0b04c4 100644
--- a/src/NDS.cpp
+++ b/src/NDS.cpp
@@ -1532,8 +1532,8 @@ void debug(u32 param)
//for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
// printf("VRAM %c: %02X\n", 'A'+i, GPU::VRAMCNT[i]);
- /*FILE*
- shit = fopen("debug/colourfuck.bin", "wb");
+ shit = fopen("debug/clirc.bin", "wb");
for (u32 i = 0x02000000; i < 0x02400000; i+=4)
u32 val = ARM7Read32(i);
@@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ void debug(u32 param)
u32 val = ARM7Read32(i);
fwrite(&val, 4, 1, shit);
- fclose(shit);*/
+ fclose(shit);
diff --git a/src/Wifi.cpp b/src/Wifi.cpp
index dbe836f..0cab3c7 100644
--- a/src/Wifi.cpp
+++ b/src/Wifi.cpp
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
namespace Wifi
-//#define WIFI_LOG printf
-#define WIFI_LOG(...) {}
+#define WIFI_LOG printf
+//#define WIFI_LOG(...) {}
u8 RAM[0x2000];
u16 IO[0x1000>>1];
diff --git a/src/libui_sdl/LAN.cpp b/src/libui_sdl/LAN.cpp
index da352df..c3f84ff 100644
--- a/src/libui_sdl/LAN.cpp
+++ b/src/libui_sdl/LAN.cpp
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ pcap_t* PCapAdapter = NULL;
u8 PCapPacketBuffer[2048];
int PCapPacketLen;
-int PCapRXNum;
+volatile int PCapRXNum;
+u16 IPv4ID;
#define LOAD_PCAP_FUNC(sym) \
@@ -107,6 +109,8 @@ bool Init()
PCapPacketLen = 0;
PCapRXNum = 0;
+ IPv4ID = 1;
for (int i = 0; PCapLibNames[i]; i++)
void* lib = SDL_LoadObject(PCapLibNames[i]);
@@ -296,6 +300,179 @@ void RXCallback(u_char* blarg, const struct pcap_pkthdr* header, const u_char* d
memcpy(PCapPacketBuffer, data, PCapPacketLen);
PCapRXNum = 1;
+u32 zarp=0;
+bool HandleDHCPFrame(u8* data, int len)
+ const u32 serverip = 0x0A404001;
+ const u32 clientip = 0x0A404010;
+ u8 type = 0xFF;
+ u32 transid = *(u32*)&data[0x2E];
+ u8* options = &data[0x11A];
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (options >= &data[len]) break;
+ u8 opt = *options++;
+ if (opt == 255) break;
+ u8 len = *options++;
+ switch (opt)
+ {
+ case 53: // frame type
+ type = options[0];
+ break;
+ }
+ options += len;
+ }
+ if (type == 0xFF)
+ {
+ printf("DHCP: bad frame\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ printf("DHCP: frame type %d, transid %08X\n", type, transid);
+ if (type == 1) // discover
+ {
+ u8 resp[512];
+ u8* out = &resp[0];
+ // ethernet
+ memcpy(out, &data[6], 6); out += 6;
+ *out++ = 0x00; *out++ = 0xAB; *out++ = 0x33;
+ *out++ = 0x28; *out++ = 0x99; *out++ = 0x44;
+ *(u16*)out = htons(0x0800); out += 2;
+ // IP
+ u8* ipheader = out;
+ *out++ = 0x45;
+ *out++ = 0x00;
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // total length
+ *(u16*)out = htons(IPv4ID); out += 2; IPv4ID++;
+ *out++ = 0x00;
+ *out++ = 0x00;
+ *out++ = 0x80; // TTL
+ *out++ = 0x11; // protocol (UDP)
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // checksum
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // source IP
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(0xFFFFFFFF); out += 4; // destination IP
+ // UDP
+ u8* udpheader = out;
+ *(u16*)out = htons(67); out += 2; // source port
+ *(u16*)out = htons(68); out += 2; // destination port
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // length
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // checksum
+ // DHCP
+ u8* body = out;
+ *out++ = 0x02;
+ *out++ = 0x01;
+ *out++ = 0x06;
+ *out++ = 0x00;
+ *(u32*)out = transid; out += 4;
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2; // seconds elapsed
+ *(u16*)out = 0; out += 2;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(0x00000000); out += 4; // client IP
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(clientip); out += 4; // your IP
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // server IP
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(0x00000000); out += 4; // gateway IP
+ memcpy(out, &data[6], 6); out += 6;
+ memset(out, 0, 10); out += 10;
+ memset(out, 0, 192); out += 192;
+ *(u32*)out = 0x63538263; out += 4; // DHCP magic
+ // DHCP options
+ *out++ = 53; *out++ = 1;
+ *out++ = 2; // DHCP type: offer
+ *out++ = 1; *out++ = 4;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(0xFFFFFF00); out += 4; // subnet mask
+ *out++ = 3; *out++ = 4;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // router
+ *out++ = 51; *out++ = 4;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(442030); out += 4; // lease time
+ *out++ = 54; *out++ = 4;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(serverip); out += 4; // DHCP server
+ *out++ = 6; *out++ = 4;
+ *(u32*)out = htonl(0x08080808); out += 4; // DNS (TODO!!)
+ *out++ = 0xFF;
+ memset(out, 0, 20); out += 20;
+ // lengths
+ u32 framelen = (u32)(out - &resp[0]);
+ if (framelen & 1) { *out++ = 0; framelen++; }
+ *(u16*)&ipheader[2] = htons(framelen - 0xE);
+ *(u16*)&udpheader[4] = htons(framelen - (0xE + 0x14));
+ // IP checksum
+ u32 tmp = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 2)
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[i]);
+ while (tmp >> 16)
+ tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
+ tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
+ *(u16*)&ipheader[10] = htons(tmp);
+ // UDP checksum
+ // (note: normally not mandatory, but some older sgIP versions require it)
+ tmp = 0;
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[12]);
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[14]);
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[16]);
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)&ipheader[18]);
+ tmp += ntohs(0x1100);
+ tmp += (u32)(out - udpheader);
+ for (u8* i = udpheader; i < out; i += 2)
+ tmp += ntohs(*(u16*)i);
+ while (tmp >> 16)
+ tmp = (tmp & 0xFFFF) + (tmp >> 16);
+ tmp ^= 0xFFFF;
+ if (tmp == 0) tmp = 0xFFFF;
+ *(u16*)&udpheader[6] = htons(tmp);
+ // TODO: if there is already a packet queued, this will overwrite it
+ // that being said, this will only happen during DHCP setup, so probably
+ // not a big deal
+ PCapPacketLen = framelen;
+ memcpy(PCapPacketBuffer, resp, PCapPacketLen);
+ PCapRXNum = 1;
+ // DEBUG!!
+ //pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
+ //pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, resp, framelen);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool HandlePacket(u8* data, int len)
+ if (ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0xC]) != 0x0800) // IPv4
+ return false;
+ u8 protocol = data[0x17];
+ if (protocol == 0x11) // UDP
+ {
+ u16 srcport = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x22]);
+ u16 dstport = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[0x24]);
+ if (srcport == 68 && dstport == 67) // DHCP
+ {
+ printf("LANMAGIC: DHCP packet\n");
+ return HandleDHCPFrame(data, len);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
int SendPacket(u8* data, int len)
@@ -310,7 +487,8 @@ int SendPacket(u8* data, int len)
if (!Config::DirectLAN)
- // TODO!
+ if (HandlePacket(data, len))
+ return len;
pcap_sendpacket(PCapAdapter, data, len);
@@ -331,7 +509,7 @@ int RecvPacket(u8* data)
PCapRXNum = 0;
- pcap_dispatch(PCapAdapter, 1, RXCallback, NULL);
+ //pcap_dispatch(PCapAdapter, 1, RXCallback, NULL);
return ret;