Name | Description | Idle |
aur |
arduino-language-server-git | arduino language server | 3 years |
go-serversdat-git | Jake-E/go-serversdat (minecraft servers.dat parser) | 11 months |
ppd-psn-dp-1820 | Panasonic WORKiO DP-1520P, 1820E and 1820P PPD drivers | 11 months |
qft-bin | TudbuT/qft (hole punching p2p udp file transfer) | 11 months |
fork |
asciidoctor-interdoc-reftext | plugin load fix fork | 9 months |
melonDS | modified version of melonDS used for school/vsr | 3 months |
st | my st fork | 9 months |
yomitan | refold-tools yomitan fork | 7 months |
lonkaars |
advent-of-code-2023 | attempts for first 9 days of the 2023 advent of code | 13 months |
autonyaa | automatically download and symlink new episodes from | 9 months |
backup | simple backup solution using restic | 3 years |
bliss | mirror of co1ncidence's bliss (not available on github/gitlab anymore)
| 4 years |
blog | my blog website hosted on <>
| 3 years |
blubber | light mode fork of co1ncidence's bliss
| 4 years |
brightspace-decsync | convert brightspace calendar events to decsync to-do list items | 2 years |
circrect | exact calculation of the overlap area between a circle and rectangle | 12 months |
coc-khard | autocomplete email addresses using khard and CoC | 10 months |
connect-4 | connect four website
| 4 years |
dots | my dotfiles
| 7 days |
dppt | stupid simple pomodoro timer written in POSIX sh | 10 months |
esp8266-rgbstrip | simple http controller for led strip using esp8266 | 3 years |
hass-esp8266-rgbstrip | homeasssistant integration for the esp8266 http led strip controller | 2 years |
homeassistant-beken | shada / beken led home assistant integration | 13 months |
homeassistant-livingcolors | [WIP] homeassistant integration for philips livingcolors gen1 | 3 years |
jatwis | remotely wipe a device using a simple http server | 3 years |
landing-page | landing page on <>
| 8 months |
largePiPEnergy | betterdiscord plugin that enables pip window resizing
| 4 years |
lingodl | garbage script to download lingo broadcasts from npostart | 3 years |
musicopy | a simple utility that copies music and playlists from a to b | 4 years |
nhbot | discord bot that scans a channel for nhentai id's
| 4 years |
of-api | unofficial optifine download api
| 4 years |
polarlight.vim | vim colorscheme ported from vscode's monokai aora | 4 years |
pressure | turn videos into presentations on the web
| 3 years |
refold-tools | stuff related to refold language learning method | 3 months |
templates | starting points for various plain text formats | 9 months |
trein | janky python scripts for putting dutch public transit stuff in your calendar | 8 months |
typst-metalogo | Typeset LaTeX compiler logos in typst | 4 weeks |
yomikun | [no description] | 18 months |
school |
alga | 24-25 b13 alga: huiswerk | 3 months |
algoritmiek-huiswerk | 22-23 b07 algo: huiswerk | 23 months |
cplus | 24-25 b13 cplus: eindopdracht | 3 months |
dab-huiswerk | 22-23 b05 dab: huiswerk, practicum, eindopdracht | 2 years |
dab2-eindopdracht | 22-23 b07 dab2: eindopdracht | 21 months |
depa | 23-24 b12 depa: eindopdracht | 7 months |
dpa | 24-25 b13 dpa/alga: eindopdracht | 3 months |
drvo | 23-24 b12 drvo: weekopdrachten, eindopdracht | 7 months |
linux | 23-24 b11 linux: practicum, eindopdracht | 11 months |
microcontrollers-p1 | 21-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 1 (stm32 looplicht) | 3 years |
microcontrollers-p4 | 21-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 4 (stm32 timers) | 3 years |
microcontrollers-p6 | 21-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 6 (stm32 stopwatch) | 3 years |
mob | 23-24 b11 mob: huiswerk, eindopdracht | 11 months |
oop-huiswerk | 22-23 b05,06 oop 1,2: huiswerk | 2 years |
os-huiswerk | 22-23 b07,08 os 1,2: huiswerk, eindopdracht | 20 months |
progh-huiswerk | 22-23 b06,07 progh 1,2: huiswerk, practicum, eindopdracht | 9 months |
project-arcade | 22-23 b07 proj09: arcade game | 23 months |
project-domotica | 22-23 b06 proj08: domotica | 2 years |
project-iprj | 23-24 b12 proj13: individueel project | 7 months |
project-kluis | 21-22 b01 proj01: kluis | 3 years |
project-ledcube | 21-22 b02 proj03: ledcube | 3 years |
project-lift | 21-22 b02 proj04: lift | 3 years |
project-puzzelbox | 23-24 b11 proj11: puzzelbox | 7 months |
project-robotrun-software | 21-22 b04 proj06: robotrun | 3 years |
project-simon | 21-22 b02 proj02: simon | 3 years |
project-spc | 24-25 b13 spc: minor project engine | 8 days |
project-stylofoon | 21-22 b03 proj05: stylofoon | 3 years |
project-tunnel | 23-24 b11 proj12: tunnel challenge | 9 months |
project-vision | 22-23 b08 proj10: vision | 19 months |
project-weerstation | 22-23 b05 proj07: weerstation | 2 years |
spc-docs | 24-25 b13 spc: minor projectdocumentatie | 8 days |
swen-opdracht-3 | 22-23 b05 swen: opdracht 3 (git workshop) | 2 years |
vsr | 23-24 b12 vsr: ds pictochat reverse engineering | 3 months |
webs | 22-23 b08 webs: eindopdracht | 20 months |