arduino-language-server-gitarduino language server3 years
go-serversdat-gitJake-E/go-serversdat (minecraft servers.dat parser)7 months
ppd-psn-dp-1820Panasonic WORKiO DP-1520P, 1820E and 1820P PPD drivers8 months
qft-binTudbuT/qft (hole punching p2p udp file transfer)8 months
asciidoctor-interdoc-reftextplugin load fix fork6 months
melonDSmodified version of melonDS used for school/vsr9 days
stmy st fork6 months
yomitanrefold-tools yomitan fork3 months
advent-of-code-2023attempts for first 9 days of the 2023 advent of code10 months
autonyaaautomatically download and symlink new episodes from nyaa.si6 months
backupsimple backup solution using restic3 years
blissmirror of co1ncidence's bliss (not available on github/gitlab anymore) 3 years
blogmy blog website hosted on <> 3 years
blubberlight mode fork of co1ncidence's bliss 3 years
brightspace-decsyncconvert brightspace calendar events to decsync to-do list items2 years
circrectexact calculation of the overlap area between a circle and rectangle9 months
coc-khardautocomplete email addresses using khard and CoC7 months
connect-4connect four website 3 years
dotsmy dotfiles 4 days
dpptstupid simple pomodoro timer written in POSIX sh7 months
esp8266-rgbstripsimple http controller for led strip using esp82663 years
hass-esp8266-rgbstriphomeasssistant integration for the esp8266 http led strip controller2 years
homeassistant-bekenshada / beken led home assistant integration10 months
homeassistant-livingcolors[WIP] homeassistant integration for philips livingcolors gen13 years
jatwisremotely wipe a device using a simple http server3 years
landing-pagelanding page on <> 5 months
largePiPEnergybetterdiscord plugin that enables pip window resizing 4 years
lingodlgarbage script to download lingo broadcasts from npostart3 years
musicopya simple utility that copies music and playlists from a to b3 years
nhbotdiscord bot that scans a channel for nhentai id's 3 years
of-apiunofficial optifine download api 3 years
polarlight.vimvim colorscheme ported from vscode's monokai aora3 years
pressureturn videos into presentations on the web 3 years
refold-toolsstuff related to refold language learning method9 days
templatesstarting points for various plain text formats6 months
treinjanky python scripts for putting dutch public transit stuff in your calendar5 months
typst-metalogoTypeset LaTeX compiler logos in typst7 weeks
yomikun[no description]14 months
alga24-25 b13 alga: huiswerk4 weeks
algoritmiek-huiswerk22-23 b07 algo: huiswerk19 months
cplus24-25 b13 cplus: eindopdracht3 days
dab-huiswerk22-23 b05 dab: huiswerk, practicum, eindopdracht2 years
dab2-eindopdracht22-23 b07 dab2: eindopdracht18 months
depa23-24 b12 depa: eindopdracht4 months
dpa24-25 b13 dpa: eindopdracht5 hours
drvo23-24 b12 drvo: weekopdrachten, eindopdracht4 months
linux23-24 b11 linux: practicum, eindopdracht8 months
microcontrollers-p121-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 1 (stm32 looplicht)3 years
microcontrollers-p421-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 4 (stm32 timers)3 years
microcontrollers-p621-22 b03 mc1: opdracht 6 (stm32 stopwatch)3 years
mob23-24 b11 mob: huiswerk, eindopdracht8 months
oop-huiswerk22-23 b05,06 oop 1,2: huiswerk22 months
os-huiswerk22-23 b07,08 os 1,2: huiswerk, eindopdracht16 months
progh-huiswerk22-23 b06,07 progh 1,2: huiswerk, practicum, eindopdracht6 months
project-arcade22-23 b07 proj09: arcade game20 months
project-domotica22-23 b06 proj08: domotica22 months
project-iprj23-24 b12 proj13: individueel project4 months
project-kluis21-22 b01 proj01: kluis3 years
project-ledcube21-22 b02 proj03: ledcube3 years
project-lift21-22 b02 proj04: lift3 years
project-puzzelbox23-24 b11 proj11: puzzelbox4 months
project-robotrun-software21-22 b04 proj06: robotrun2 years
project-simon21-22 b02 proj02: simon3 years
project-spc24-25 b13 spc: minor project engine2 days
project-stylofoon21-22 b03 proj05: stylofoon3 years
project-tunnel23-24 b11 proj12: tunnel challenge6 months
project-vision22-23 b08 proj10: vision16 months
project-weerstation22-23 b05 proj07: weerstation24 months
spc-docs24-25 b13 spc: minor projectdocumentatie34 hours
swen-opdracht-322-23 b05 swen: opdracht 3 (git workshop)2 years
vsr23-24 b12 vsr: ds pictochat reverse engineering7 hours
webs22-23 b08 webs: eindopdracht17 months