use webs; drop function if exists cart; drop function if exists add_to_cart; delimiter $$ create function cart(user_id int) -- get current order for user_id (cart order id) returns int begin set @order_id = (select id from `order` where status = 1 and user = user_id); if @order_id is not null then return @order_id; end if; insert into `order` (`user`) values (user_id); set @order_id = (select id from `order` where status = 1 and user = user_id); return @order_id; end$$ create function add_to_cart(product_id int, user_id int) returns boolean begin set @orderproduct_id = (select id from orderproduct where product = product_id and `order` = cart(user_id)); if @orderproduct_id is not null then update orderproduct set count = count + 1 where id = @orderproduct_id; return true; end if; insert into orderproduct (`product`, `count`, `order`) values (product_id, 1, cart(user_id)); return false; end$$ create function cart_sum(order_id int) -- get cart sum for order returns int begin return ( with precalc as ( select product.price, orderproduct.count, promotion.count_buff, promotion.price_buff, floor(orderproduct.count / promotion.count_buff) * promotion.count_buff as qualify_count, mod(orderproduct.count, promotion.count_buff) as remainder_count from orderproduct join product on = orderproduct.product join promotion on promotion.product = where `order` = order_id ) select sum(price * qualify_count * price_buff + price * remainder_count) from precalc ); end$$ delimiter ;