loek: 2024-09-02 1h project meeting (project kickoff) loek: 2024-09-02 45m project meeting loek: 2024-09-02 1h4m tooling :: repository (scaffolding) loek: 2024-09-03 25m tooling :: repository (scaffolding) loek: 2024-09-03 1h30m tooling :: unit testing loek: 2024-09-04 1h30m tooling :: documentation (add latex example code) loek: 2024-09-04 50m poc :: dynamic library linking test example loek: 2024-09-04 45m tooling :: repository (visual studio code latex configuration) loek: 2024-09-04 20m tooling :: repository (visual studio code cmake configuration) loek: 2024-09-05 15m tooling :: documentation (additional latex contributing guidelines) loek: 2024-09-05 1h40m project meeting loek: 2024-09-05 1h24m tooling :: time report script loek: 2024-09-06 55m tooling :: time report script loek: 2024-09-09 30m review :: style (niels code style guide) loek: 2024-09-09 45m review :: PR review (#5 wouter research) loek: 2024-09-09 25m docs :: style guide loek: 2024-09-10 1h55m project meeting loek: 2024-09-10 25m research :: watch bob's videos loek: 2024-09-10 5m tooling :: repository (update readme) loek: 2024-09-10 12m tooling :: documentation (comparison package & more example latex code) loek: 2024-09-10 30m project meeting loek: 2024-09-11 1h40m research :: profiling and debugging loek: 2024-09-12 15m review :: PR review loek: 2024-09-12 30m research :: audio loek: 2024-09-13 1h10m project meeting loek: 2024-09-13 45m review :: PR review loek: 2024-09-14 45m tooling :: documentation (clean up LaTeX build system) loek: 2024-09-14 1h10m tooling :: requirements loek: 2024-09-15 2h55m tooling :: requirements loek: 2024-09-16 2h30m tooling :: requirements loek: 2024-09-17 1h20m project meeting loek: 2024-09-17 55m tooling :: documentation (cross-platform latexmk filespec bug) loek: 2024-09-17 2h25m tooling :: requirements loek: 2024-09-18 2h20m docs :: requirements loek: 2024-09-18 1h50m research :: audio loek: 2024-09-18 1h05m review :: PR review loek: 2024-09-19 30m tooling :: requirements loek: 2024-09-19 15m project meeting loek: 2024-09-19 1h30m project meeting loek: 2024-09-19 45m project meeting loek: 2024-09-19 15m tooling :: documentation (move to git commit versioning) loek: 2024-09-19 30m review :: PR review (+ style guide update) loek: 2024-09-22 2h15m docs :: research loek: 2024-09-24 1h45m project meeting loek: 2024-09-25 3h implementation :: audio facade loek: 2024-09-26 2h project meeting loek: 2024-09-25 1h20m implementation :: audio facade loek: 2024-09-27 20m review :: PR review (+ style guide update) loek: 2024-09-27 55m tooling :: build system (fix library import structure) loek: 2024-09-28 2h20m implementation :: audio facade loek: 2024-09-29 1h55m implementation :: debug logging facilities loek: 2024-09-29 20m implementation :: audio facade loek: 2024-09-29 45m docs :: design :: audio facade loek: 2024-09-30 1h40m project meeting loek: 2024-10-01 2h20m review :: feedback & discussing software design loek: 2024-10-01 30m implementation :: audio facade loek: 2024-10-03 1h30m project meeting loek: 2024-10-04 15m research :: read others' research loek: 2024-10-04 1h15m project meeting loek: 2024-10-05 1h10m tooling :: unit testing (unify unit tests + update code style) loek: 2024-10-06 3h40m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-07 2h45m project meeting loek: 2024-10-08 40m review :: Max' ECS code loek: 2024-10-08 5m review :: incorporate feedback and merge PR loek: 2024-10-09 25m review :: feedback discussion + code style update loek: 2024-10-10 1h05m tooling :: build system (fix libraries + update readmes) loek: 2024-10-10 1h30m project meeting loek: 2024-10-12 1h15m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-13 1h implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-14 2h project meeting (class) loek: 2024-10-14 1h30m project meeting loek: 2024-10-16 1h40m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-16 40m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-16 20m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-17 40m project meeting loek: 2024-10-17 10m review :: PR review (#5 and #6) loek: 2024-10-18 1h40m docs :: design :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-20 30m review :: PR review (#37) loek: 2024-10-21 1h30m implementation :: global config interface loek: 2024-10-21 10m review :: PR review (#7) loek: 2024-10-22 15m review :: incorporate feedback and merge PR (#7 and #37) loek: 2024-10-23 30m implementation :: refactoring loek: 2024-10-23 2h20m review :: PR review (#9) loek: 2024-10-24 1h20m project meeting loek: 2024-10-24 30m review :: PR review (merge only, #8 and #11) loek: 2024-10-25 30m implementation :: scripting interface loek: 2024-10-25 20m review :: PR review (+errands, merge only, #12 and #13) loek: 2024-10-26 3h20m implementation :: save manager loek: 2024-10-27 4h implementation :: save manager loek: 2024-10-29 10m tooling :: documentation (fix plantuml theme errors) loek: 2024-10-30 30m project meeting (min/max component count constraints) loek: 2024-10-24 10m review :: PR review (#40, #41 and #42) loek: 2024-10-31 3h45m project meeting loek: 2024-10-31 2h50m docs :: design :: POCs loek: 2024-11-01 1h05m docs :: design (log POC & Global configuration interface) loek: 2024-11-02 35m review :: PR review (#48 and #49) loek: 2024-11-03 55m docs :: design :: add full-size class diagram loek: 2024-11-03 1h30m implementation :: save manager loek: 2024-11-03 55m review :: PR review (#15, #50, #52) loek: 2024-11-03 10m review :: PR review (#53) loek: 2024-11-04 20m implementation :: save manager loek: 2024-11-04 4h project meeting loek: 2024-11-05 1h05m docs :: style guide loek: 2024-11-05 1h20m implementation :: refactoring (code standard compliance) loek: 2024-11-05 25m review :: PR review (#18) loek: 2024-11-05 1h40m tech support (help Jaro w/ PR & various other issues) loek: 2024-11-06 20m chores loek: 2024-11-06 20m tech support (help Wouter w/ library/dependency build issues) loek: 2024-11-06 25m review :: PR review (#19 and #21) loek: 2024-11-07 15m implementation :: debugging (script manager segfault caused by 20bb682) loek: 2024-11-07 10m review :: PR review (#23) loek: 2024-11-07 2h05m review :: feedback (event manager design) loek: 2024-11-07 1h review :: PR review (#16) loek: 2024-11-07 20m review :: PR review (#25) loek: 2024-11-07 1h15m implementation :: audio system loek: 2024-11-07 25m implementation :: refactoring (big cleanup) loek: 2024-11-08 50m project meeting loek: 2024-11-08 10m tech support (Jaro w/ old clang-format version) loek: 2024-11-08 10m tooling :: repository (update libraries + readme) max: 2024-09-02 1h project kickoff max: 2024-09-02 45m first project meeting max: 2024-09-03 1h30m first project lesson max: 2024-09-04 1h30m installing and configuring latex max: 2024-09-04 2h reading project info max: 2024-09-05 20m discussing GitHub with Jaro max: 2024-09-05 1h30m second project meeting max: 2024-09-06 45m writing email and fixing clang-format/-tidy max: 2024-09-09 3h10m investigating Unity (in relation to the class diagram) max: 2024-09-10 1h30m third project meeting max: 2024-09-10 20m discussing about class diagram max: 2024-09-10 40m second project lesson (one-to-one meeting with Bob) max: 2024-09-11 1h50m first review of Jaro's Plan document max: 2024-09-12 1h trying to fix LaTeX and VS code settings max: 2024-09-12 1h worked on gameObject research max: 2024-09-13 1h30m fourth project meeting max: 2024-09-16 1h researching self-made ECS possibilities max: 2024-09-16 1h30m researching ECS libraries max: 2024-09-17 1h30m fifth project meeting max: 2024-09-18 4h researching engine structure max: 2024-09-19 20m sixt project meeting (part one) max: 2024-09-19 1h30m third project lesson max: 2024-09-19 45m sixt project meeting (part two) max: 2024-09-19 20m researching facade design pattern max: 2024-09-20 1h30m checking PvA (and fixing LaTeX) max: 2024-09-20 3h researching engine structure max: 2024-09-24 2h seventh project meeting max: 2024-09-24 45m PvA review with Bob max: 2024-09-25 7h30m Creating EnTT POC and considering other ECS max: 2024-09-25 1h wrote email to Bob max: 2024-09-25 2h40m make my own ECS (homemade ECS) max: 2024-09-26 2h eight project meeting max: 2024-09-26 1h wrote email to Bob (after project meeting) max: 2024-09-30 1h30m nineth project meeting max: 2024-10-02 6h15m improved own ECS (POC) max: 2024-10-03 30m tenth project meeting max: 2024-10-03 1h30m fifth project lesson max: 2024-10-04 2h20m creating class diagram of ecs-homemade (and researching other possibilities for the ecs-homemade) max: 2024-10-05 2h made memory efficient ecs max: 2024-10-07 30m sixth project lesson max: 2024-10-07 2h15m eleventh project meeting max: 2024-10-09 2h trying to get clang-format working (ending up upgrading Linux) max: 2024-10-09 30m reviewing feedback of ecs-homemade max: 2024-10-09 30m expanding class diagram max: 2024-10-09 2h50m investigating compiler error options for game programmer when adding too much or too little Components of a specific type max: 2024-10-13 30m preparing 'kennisdeling' and 'functioneringsgesprek' max: 2024-10-14 2h kennisdeling max: 2024-10-14 1h30m twelfth project meeting max: 2024-10-16 30m investigated whether or not EnTT can handle multiple inheritance max: 2024-10-16 3h rethinked scripting (to avoid mutliple inheritance) max: 2024-10-16 20m added new scripting idea to ecs-homemade max: 2024-10-17 1h thirteenth project meeting max: 2024-10-24 2h10m fourteenth project meeting max: 2024-10-25 3h started researching Scenes and Replay max: 2024-10-29 2h worked on UIObjects and Camera max: 2024-10-29 3h15m worked on Metadata Component, Camera and Scenes max: 2024-10-29 30m installing LaTeX on Linux max: 2024-10-29 30m discussing paricles/physics/colliders with Jaro max: 2024-10-30 4h refacting class diagram max: 2024-10-30 1h50m added SceneManager design to class diagram max: 2024-10-30 2h added ReplaySystem design to class diagram max: 2024-10-31 30m discussing with Jaro max: 2024-10-31 3h45m fiftheent project meeting max: 2024-10-31 3h30m creating chapter two of design max: 2024-11-04 1h25m sixteent project meeting max: 2024-11-04 45m assessment (design) max: 2024-11-04 2h sixteent project meeting max: 2024-11-04 1h getting used to/testing new programming environment max: 2024-11-05 30m installing/testing GTest framework max: 2024-11-05 30m added examples to code style max: 2024-11-05 1h20m reviewed componentManager max: 2024-11-05 2h45m changed GameObject according to class diagram max: 2024-11-05 1h30m added SceneManager to the engine max: 2024-11-05 30m replaced crepe::api with crepe max: 2024-11-06 1h30m refactored SceneManager according to new code style max: 2024-11-06 4h big cleanup max: 2024-11-06 1h added topics to code style max: 2024-11-07 45m refactoring componentManager according to new code style max: 2024-11-07 15m added new topics to code style max: 2024-11-07 30m recieve Jaro's feedback max: 2024-11-07 50m processed Jaro's feedback max: 2024-11-07 30m quicly reviewed Wouter's GameLoop max: 2024-11-07 1h20m reviewed Jaro's physics poc max: 2024-11-07 40m called with Jaro max: 2024-11-07 1h seventeent project meeting max: 2024-11-07 1h45m fixing GitHub together wouter: 2024-09-02 1h project meeting :: project kickoff wouter: 2024-09-02 45m project meeting wouter: 2024-09-03 1h reading project info wouter: 2024-09-04 1h setting up working environment wouter: 2024-09-04 1h30m researching 3rd party tools wouter: 2024-09-05 1h30m first group meeting wouter: 2024-09-05 20m setting up research document wouter: 2024-09-05 1h researching game enigne wouter: 2024-09-06 3h researching game enigne wouter: 2024-09-09 2h researching SDL and SFML2 wouter: 2024-09-10 1h30m third project meeting wouter: 2024-09-10 45m project videos wouter: 2024-09-10 40m second project lesson wouter: 2024-09-12 2h researching gameloops wouter: 2024-09-14 3h working on game loop poc wouter: 2024-09-16 4h working on gameloop poc wouter: 2024-09-17 1h30m fifth project meeting wouter: 2024-09-18 3h finishing gameloop poc and starting event manager wouter: 2024-09-19 15m project meeting wouter: 2024-09-19 1h30m project meeting wouter: 2024-09-19 45m project meeting wouter: 2024-09-26 2h eight project meeting wouter: 2024-09-26 3h researching event manager wouter: 2024-09-28 6h researching and developing event poc wouter: 2024-09-29 3h researching and developing event poc wouter: 2024-09-30 1h40m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-03 1h30m discussing event with seger wouter: 2024-10-03 4h developing event poc wouter: 2024-10-03 1h30m creating gameloop design wouter: 2024-10-03 1h30m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-04 2h developing event poc wouter: 2024-10-04 1h15m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-07 2h45m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-08 4h finishing keyboard and mouse events wouter: 2024-10-09 3h intergrating gameloop with events for testing wouter: 2024-10-10 1h30m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-14 1h30m twelfth project meeting wouter: 2024-10-14 2h kennisdeling wouter: 2024-10-15 30m reviewing pull request sound wouter: 2024-10-17 1h thirteenth project meeting wouter: 2024-10-18 2h finished design diagram event manager wouter: 2024-10-21 3h working on design document wouter: 2024-10-12 30m reviewing pull request logging wouter: 2024-10-24 1h20m project meeting wouter: 2024-10-25 2h added collision functionality to event manager wouter: 2024-10-28 2h added iKeyListener and iMouseListener to poc wouter: 2024-10-29 20m discusing api change for UI objects wouter: 2024-10-30 15m helping out with gameloop question wouter: 2024-10-29 4h created diagrams for gameloop/events/inputs system wouter: 2024-10-31 3h45m fiftheent project meeting niels: 2024-09-02 1h project meeting :: project kickoff niels: 2024-09-02 45m project meeting niels: 2024-09-03 1h reading project info niels: 2024-09-04 30m validation app ideas niels: 2024-09-04 2h setting up vimtex on neovim niels: 2024-09-04 1h researching different code styles and c++ guidelines niels: 2024-09-05 1h30m first group meeting niels: 2024-09-06 2h added c++ guidelines in the contributing.md niels: 2024-09-09 1h adjusted code of conduct based on feedback niels: 2024-09-10 1h30m project meeting niels: 2024-09-10 45m project videos niels: 2024-09-10 40m second project lesson (one-to-one meeting with Bob) niels: 2024-09-11 3h researching the different resourches from unity niels: 2024-09-12 3h researching the best option for audio/sprites format and comparing it to sdl2 and sfml. niels: 2024-09-13 1h30m project meeting niels: 2024-09-13 10m weekly update niels: 2024-09-16 1h30m Discussing with jaro about resource manager niels: 2024-09-16 4h programming resource manager POC niels: 2024-09-17 1h30m project meeting niels: 2024-09-18 2h Continued with programming resource manager niels: 2024-09-19 15m project meeting niels: 2024-09-19 1h30m project meeting niels: 2024-09-19 45m project meeting niels: 2024-09-19 15m PvA reviewing niels: 2024-09-22 2h30m Adding spritesheet functionalities niels: 2024-09-23 2h researching and POC tiled library tmxlite niels: 2024-09-24 2h project Meeting niels: 2024-09-24 45m meeting with Bob niels: 2024-09-25 6h integrate the resource manager spritesheet, tmxlite, texture. niels: 2024-09-26 2h project meeting niels: 2024-09-30 1h40m project meeting niels: 2024-10-01 2h design resource manager and making resource manager singleton niels: 2024-10-01 1h meeting loek refactoring resource manager niels: 2024-10-01 1h20m meeting jaro & loek about questions regarding design and ownership pointers niels: 2024-10-01 45m starting refactoring code after feedback niels: 2024-10-01 1h30m try implementating library in git submodule. And refactoring code further niels: 2024-10-02 1h finishing adding git submodule and bugs related to compiling external library niels: 2024-10-02 4h refacting code further so that textures and spritesheet work and fixing bugs. niels: 2024-10-04 1h10m project meeting niels: 2024-10-07 2h45m project meeting niels: 2024-10-09 2h adding the rendering components to api, and making the rendering system niels: 2024-10-09 3h researching and programming,debugging the rendersystem niels: 2024-10-10 3h Test jaro/particels branch to improve sdl functionalities. additionally, researching the necessary components niels: 2024-10-11 1h30m project meeting niels: 2024-10-21 3h design of asset manager and rendering niels: 2024-10-21 1h merging new master niels: 2024-10-22 2h adjusted rendering to new master niels: 2024-10-23 2h merge jaro/poc-physics branch to niels/rendering niels: 2024-10-23 1h finalize rendering niels: 2024-10-24 1h20m project meeting niels: 2024-10-25 2h camera programming niels: 2024-10-25 2h researching camera niels: 2024-10-26 2h merge wouter events branch to niels/rendering niels: 2024-10-26 1h fix my own git camera mistake niels: 2024-10-26 2h programming camera poc with movement and script niels: 2024-10-29 2h30m Helping Jaro with events niels: 2024-10-30 3h fixing camera SDL viewort bug niels: 2024-10-31 3h45m meeting niels: 2024-11-2 3h design document, diagrams and flowcharts niels: 2024-11-3 1h design document, diagrams and flowcharts jaro: 2024-09-02 1h project meeting :: project kickoff jaro: 2024-09-02 45m project meeting jaro: 2024-09-02 1h45m scrumboard(miro), installing dependencies jaro: 2024-09-03 1h project lesson jaro: 2024-09-04 4h15m latex environment, code environment and project plan jaro: 2024-09-05 2h preparing meeting, project plan, discussing github with max jaro: 2024-09-05 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-09-05 1h documentatie review and improving environment jaro: 2024-09-06 30m weekly update jaro: 2024-09-09 1h project plan jaro: 2024-09-10 1h preparing meeting and project plan jaro: 2024-09-10 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-09-10 1h project disussing research jaro: 2024-09-10 45m project videos jaro: 2024-09-10 1h project plan research physics jaro: 2024-09-13 1h project preparing meeting and reading review project plan jaro: 2024-09-13 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-09-13 30m weekly update jaro: 2024-09-16 1h30m Meeting Niels resource manager jaro: 2024-09-16 2h requirements and sdl2 example jaro: 2024-09-16 30m requirements jaro: 2024-09-17 30m preparing meeting jaro: 2024-09-17 1h30m meeting jaro: 2024-09-17 30m requirements jaro: 2024-09-17 2h30m class diagram jaro: 2024-09-18 45m project plan (feedback) jaro: 2024-09-19 1h30m research physics jaro: 2024-09-19 30m project meeting jaro: 2024-09-19 1h30m project lesson jaro: 2024-09-19 1h project meeting jaro: 2024-09-19 30m project plan and class diagram jaro: 2024-09-24 3h45m physics research and poc jaro: 2024-09-24 3h30m project: meeting + delivery project plan jaro: 2024-09-26 2h30m physics research and poc jaro: 2024-09-26 30m preparing meeting jaro: 2024-09-26 2h team meeting jaro: 2024-09-27 45m converting notes jaro: 2024-09-27 2h30m weeklyupdate + Physics jaro: 2024-09-30 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-10-01 3h research physics + collisions jaro: 2024-10-01 1h meeting facade jaro: 2024-10-01 3h15m research physics + collisions jaro: 2024-10-01 1h30m Particels poc jaro: 2024-10-03 2h project meeting + project lesson jaro: 2024-10-04 1h15m project meeting jaro: 2024-10-07 2h particle system jaro: 2024-10-07 30m project lesson jaro: 2024-10-07 2hm project meeting jaro: 2024-10-07 4h30m particle system jaro: 2024-10-09 30m particle system with ECS jaro: 2024-10-10 3h30m particle system with ECS jaro: 2024-10-10 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-10-11 30m weekly update jaro: 2024-10-14 2h knowledge sharing jaro: 2024-10-14 1h30m project meeting jaro: 2024-10-17 1h project discussion jaro: 2024-10-19 15m weeklyupdate jaro: 2024-10-20 3h components + physics + collision systems jaro: 2024-10-23 1h30m samenvoegen collision + physics en rendering jaro: 2024-10-24 1h20m project meeting jaro: 2024-10-24 3h30m physics and collision jaro: 2024-10-24 1h static collision handeling jaro: 2024-10-25 2h collision handeling and onderzoek collision event unity jaro: 2024-10-28 2h30m Mergen rendering + events jaro: 2024-10-29 4h Physics,collision design + latex jaro: 2024-10-30 2h diagrams design jaro: 2024-10-31 30m discusing design questions jaro: 2024-10-31 3h30m discusing design questions jaro: 2024-10-31 1h changing diagrams jaro: 2024-10-31 45m adding diagrams physics,collision,particles jaro: 2024-11-1 15m weeklyupdate # vim:ft=cfg