% bible: @techreport{rfc:3339, author = {G. Klyne and C. Newman}, title = {Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339}, urldate = {2023-01-03}, date = {2002-07}, type = {RFC}, number = 3339, publisher = {RFC Editor}, institution = {RFC Editor}, } @misc{miro:scrum-board, author = {Loek Le Blansch and Wouter Boerenkamps and Jaro Rutjes and Max Smits and Niels Stunnebrink}, title = {Scrum Board on Miro}, url = {https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKjtdM64=/?share_link_id=303851465474}, date = {2024-09-10}, } @misc{crepe:code-repo, author = {Loek Le Blansch and Wouter Boerenkamps and Jaro Rutjes and Max Smits and Niels Stunnebrink}, title = {Crepe Code Repository}, url = {https://github.com/lonkaars/crepe}, date = {2024-09-10}, } @misc{crepe:docs-repo, author = {Loek Le Blansch and Wouter Boerenkamps and Jaro Rutjes and Max Smits and Niels Stunnebrink}, title = {Crepe Documentation Repository}, url = {https://github.com/lonkaars}, date = {2024-09-10}, } @misc{crepe:docs-standard, author = {Loek Le Blansch and Wouter Boerenkamps and Jaro Rutjes and Max Smits and Niels Stunnebrink}, title = {Crepe Documentation Standard}, url = {https://github.com/lonkaars/crepe-docs/blob/master/contributing.md}, date = {2024-09-10}, } @misc{crepe:code-standard, author = {Loek Le Blansch and Wouter Boerenkamps and Jaro Rutjes and Max Smits and Niels Stunnebrink}, title = {Crepe Code Standard}, url = {https://github.com/lonkaars/crepe/blob/master/contributing.md}, date = {2024-09-10}, }