\documentclass{projdoc} \title{Research document} \begin{document} \tablestables \newpage \section{Introduction} \section{Game engine} \subsection{Introduction} To build a game engine, it must first be understood how it operates. The functionalities it requires and how these functionalities work together must be determined. In this section, the general functioning of a game engine and the different parts required are described. \subsection{Findings} A game engine is not the game itself but a platform with which games are built. It should provide the functionalities with which the game is constructed. The purpose of a game engine is not to create data out of nothing. Instead, data is read, and the correlating features and effects are generated. However, the engine is also used to create these files, referred to as ``assets''. The game engine must be able to accept a certain format of these assets---whether levels, sprites, or textures---and convert them into usable data. \subsubsection{Layers} A game engine is composed of multiple layers, each with its own functions. These layers are divided into the following categories:\noparbreak \begin{description} \item[Resource manager] Responsible for what happens when the engine is launched, including loading data formats. \item[Application] Manages the run loop, time, code execution, and events (e.g.~input events). \item[Window/\glspl{hid}] Handles input and events. \item[Renderer] Responsible for drawing the necessary objects on the screen, usually once per frame. \item[Debugging support] Provides testing for the engine, such as logging or performance profiling. \item[Scripting layer] Runs scripts, such as Lua or Python. \item[Memory systems] Handles and monitors memory usage. \item[Physics] Adds specific physics to objects. \item[Audio] Processes audio. \item[AI] Provides artificial inteligent behavior. \end{description} \subsubsection{Structures} The above mentioned layers should be structured, somehow. One of the requirements is that the game engine's API uses a so-called gameObject (with one or more component(s)). The gameObject is described in more detail at \cref{sec:Gameobjects/components}. There are multiple structures that could be used to structure a game engine. It's of course possible to use inheritance. A major disadvantages of inheritance is that it's not flexible. However, the provided class diagram of the game engine's API already specifies that composition should be used (in stead of inheritance). So, let's take a look at structures that use composition. The Decorator design pattern (as shown in \cref{fig:decorator}) could be used to structure the game engine. A gameObject's propperties/behavior is determined by one (or more) components. The Decorator design pattern allows to modify an object's propperties/behavior by adding one (or more) Decorators. The object that is modified, could be the gameObject and the components could be the Decorators. This is not exactly the same as the required API, but it's very close. A major disadvantage of such Decorator design pattern, is that the interface of all components should be the same (they should share the same methods), because the client (which is the scene in our case) can only call/reach the components through the interface. This would require very general methods (at the interface), which might make the programming harder \autocite{man:DecoratorDesignPattern}. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/DecoratorDesignPattern.png} \caption{Decorator design pattern} Source: \autocite{img:Decorator} \label{fig:decorator} \end{figure} The Extension Objects design pattern (as shown in \cref{fig:extension objects}) could also be used to structure the game engine. The Extension Objects design pattern allows to modify an object's propperties/behavior by adding one (or more) Extensions. The object that is modified, could be the gameObject and the components could be the Extensions. This is quite the same as the required API. An advantage is, that the client (which is the scene in our case) can call all kind of different Extension's methods (depending on the kind of Externsion, e.g.~the method \codeinline{render()} for the sprite Extension and the method \codeinline{update()} for the script Extension). In other words, the interfaces of the different Extensions should not be the same. This is way more flexible than the Decorator design pattern. A disadvantage is that the data and functionality are in the same class (namely inside the Extion's methods), so it's not sepperated. Another disadvantage is that the Extension Objects design pattern can be quite slow, because objects are scattered in memory (and it is very hard to quickly get their memory address) \autocite{man:ExtensionObjectDesignPattern, man:extionsionObjectsStackOverflow}. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ExtensionObjects.jpg} \caption{Extension Objects design pattern} Source: \autocite{img:extionsionObjects} \label{fig:extension objects} \end{figure} Another (very popular) design pattern to structure the game engine, is the Entity Component System (\gls{ecs}) (as shown in \cref{fig:ECS Block Diagram}). The \gls{ecs} is made out of three main subsystems, namely entities, components and systems. Entities are just IDs. An entity is made out of a gameObject and one (or more) components. Components are the classes that hold the data. The components determine what kind of entity it is (e.g.~a sprite, audio, and so on). Systems take care of the behavior of the entities. Systems mainly read and write the enity's components data. The \gls{ecs} clearly distinguishes the data (components) from the functionality (systems), which is an advantage. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ECSBlockDiagram.png} \caption{ECS design pattern} Source: \autocite{img:ECSBlockDiagram} \label{fig:ECS Block Diagram} \end{figure} The \gls{ecs} is normally equipped with a component manager (as shown in \cref{fig:ECS Component manager}). The component manager keeps track of the entities (Alien, Player, Target, etc in \cref{fig:ECS Component manager}) and the connected components (Position, Movement, Render, etc in \cref{fig:ECS Component manager}). The component manager stores two lists (key value pairs). The key of the first list is the ID of an entity, and the value of this list are the connected components. The key of the second list is the component, and the value of this list are the entities that have this component. These two lists make it possible to very quickly gather components or entities. This makes the \gls{ecs} very fast, which is of course an advantage \autocite{man:ECSComponentManager}. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{img/ECSComponentManager.png} \caption{ECS Component manager} Source: \autocite{img:ECSComponentSystem} \label{fig:ECS Component manager} \end{figure} Another aspect that makes the \gls{ecs} very fast, is that a system can handle all components (of the same type) together at once. This is possible because all entities are independent of each other. There are many ways of implementing the systems. Some say that each component type has their own system. This interpretation of the systems does not take the interplay of different component types, into account. A less restrictive approach is to let different systems deal with all components they should be concerned with. For instance a Physics Systems should be aware of Collision Components and Rigidbody Components, as both probably contain necessary information regarding physics simulation. It's best to see systems as ``closed environments''. That is, they do not take ownership of entities nor components. They do access them through independent manager objects, which in turn will take care of the entities and components life-cycle \autocite{man:ECSExplanation}. Sometimes systems, entities and even components need to cummincate with each other. This might be very hard because systems, entities and components are more or less independent. One option is to use an event systems. A system, entity and component can raise an event and other systems, entities and components can react to that event. This is what makes the \gls{ecs} a complicated system (disadvantage) \autocite{man:ECSExplanation}. There are many C/C++ libraries available, completely dedicated to \gls{ecs}. The most popular libraries are shown in \cref{tab:popularECSLibraries}. The popularity is based on the amount of stars on GitHub. \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{ll@{\qquad}lr} \toprule \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Short Description} & \textbf{Stars} & \textbf{License}\\ \midrule EnTT & Fast and reliable entity-component system & 10k & MIT\\ Flecs & A Multithreaded Entity Component System & 6.3k & MIT\\ EntityX & Fast, type-safe C++ entity component system & 2.2k & MIT\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \caption{Popular \gls{ecs} libraries} Source: \autocite{github:awesome-ecs} \label{tab:popularECSLibraries} \end{table} TODO: Add library benchmark to find the best library. It is, of course, not necessary to use a library to implement an \gls{ecs} architecture. However, it seems very hard to achieve the same performance as a library \autocite{github:ecsfaq}. \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Gameobjects/components} \label{sec:Gameobjects/components} \subsection{Introduction} One of the requirements of our customer, is that the game engine's structure is similar to Unity. The customer has created a class diagram of the game engine's API, which is (of course) very similar to Unity. One of the most important parts of the class diagram is a so-called gameObject (with several components). It's needed to understand the exact meaning/function of these gameObjects, that's why this research question arose. \subsection{Findings} A gameObject is the most important concept in Unity. Every object in a game is a GameObject, from characters and collectible items to the lights, cameras and special effects. However, a gameObject itself can't do anything on its own. A gameObject needs to be given properties before it can become a character, an envirnment, or a special effect. \autocite{man:unityGameobjects} A gameObject can be seen as a container for components. Components are the properties of the gameObject. A few examples of components are sprites, animators, audioSources, and so on. Multiple (different) components can be assigned to a single gameObject (e.g.~a sprite and an audioSource). Since we now know that a gameObject needs components to do something, it's obvious that there should be a way to add components to a gameObject. Some components (e.g.~the behaviorScript component) should also be able to reference to its gameObject. Each gameObject always has one transform class. The transform class describes the position, rotation, and scale within the scene. Some component use this information to e.g.~scale a sprite. Other components eddit this information to e.g.~model gravity. \autocite{man:unityTransformClass} A gameObject can have one (or multiple) children gameObject(s). All children gameObjects, of course, also have one transform class. However, the position, rotation, and scale of this class, is always the same as the child's parent. A child can not have more than one parent. \autocite{man:unityTransformClass} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Third-party Tools} \subsection{Introduction} Developing a game engine from scratch requires a significant amount of time, as many different features are necessary. Fortunately, some of these features have already been developed and can be reused in the form of frameworks and third-party tools/libraries. The decision to use third-party libraries, and the selection of which ones to use, directly influences the development process of the game engine. In this section, several third-party frameworks and tools available for use are described. \subsection{Findings} \subsubsection{Media Frameworks} A game engine must have the ability to handle user input, render graphics, and process audio. Several large frameworks are available that provide these features and are already widely used by other game engines. The two most popular and best-supported options are \gls{sdl2} and \gls{sfml}. \paragraph{SDL2} % TODO: ref?sdl2 According to its official website, \gls{sdl2} is \emph{``a cross-platform development library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via \gls{opengl} and \gls{d3d}. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games, including Valve's award-winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.''} \gls{sdl2} is written in the C programming language, and therefore, structs and functions are used instead of objects and methods. \begin{comparison} \pro{Controller support is provided.} \pro{2D and 3D rendering are supported.} \pro{Broad multiplatform support is offered, including older consoles such as the Wii.} \pro{Low-level control is available.} \pro{A large community ensures wide usage.} \pro{Extended libraries can be used to add functionalities, such as SDL\_Mixer for sound.} \con{A limited built-in 2D renderer is provided.} \con{Extended libraries require setup.} \end{comparison} \paragraph{SFML} \gls{sfml} is a simple framework consisting of five modules: audio, graphics, network, system, and window. This framework, written in C++, was designed to simplify game development. \begin{comparison} \pro{Object-oriented design is provided since it is written in C++.} \pro{A built-in 2D renderer is available for ease of use.} \pro{A built-in audio system is included.} \pro{Cross-platform support is available for Linux, Windows, and macOS.} \pro{Networking capabilities are provided for multiplayer or networked applications.} \con{The 2D rendering engine may experience performance issues in large-scale games.} \con{The community is smaller compared to \gls{sdl2}.} \con{No native 3D support is provided.} \con{Not all image formats are supported.} \end{comparison} \subsubsection{Audio} for audio some options could be: FMOD, Wwise, or iirKlang \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Resource manager} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Rendering} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Event manager/game loop} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} % TODO: this entire section \section{Profiling and debugging} % Which profiling and debugging features are wanted? % How to provide those profiling and debugging features? % Can most of the profiling/debugging be handled by external tools? % Ideas: % - flame graph % - watchtable (combine w/ fps/speed control overlay?) % - debug printing utility functions \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsubsection{Callgrind} \begin{comparison} \pro{Source code does not need to be modified for profiling} \con{Execution speed is severely impacted} \end{comparison} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Audio} The game engine is required to have an audio system \autocite[\ref{req:audio}]{crepe:requirements}. Since writing a custom real-time audio mixing engine is outside the scope of this project\mref, this section compares various standalone audio libraries for suitability in the engine. \subsection{Libraries} \label{sec:audio:libs} After searching for libraries (search terms: `dynamic/adaptive audio', `real-time audio', `audio library', `game audio engine'), several libraries were found. These libraries were checked against the audio engine requirements \autocite{crepe:requirements} and then tested by writing the same benchmark-style \gls{poc} using the remaining qualifying libraries:\noparbreak \begin{enumerate} \item Load a background track (Ogg Vorbis) \item Load three short samples (WAV) \item Start the background track \item Play each sample sequentially while pausing and resuming the background track \item Play all samples simultaniously \item Stop all audio and exit \end{enumerate} Of these libraries the following were determined to be unsuitable for use in this project due to various reasons:\noparbreak \begin{description} \item[FMOD \autocite{lib:fmod}] Is proprietary (violates \cref{req:lib:license}) \item[PortAudio \autocite{lib:portaudio}] Does not handle mixing \item[miniaudio \autocite{lib:miniaudio}] With finished \gls{poc}, but dropped due to very limited codec support (WAV, MP3 and FLAC only); Also does not have an \gls{api} reference (only programming manual) \item[YSE \autocite{lib:yse}] Attempted to write \gls{poc}, but CMake configuration in repository is broken; This project seems to have been abandoned \end{description} The only library that remained after these tests is SoLoud \autocite{lib:soloud}. It is Zlib/LibPng licensed and provides a high-level object-oriented C++ \gls{api}. \subsection{Conclusion} \label{sec:audio:conclusion} Due to a severe shortage of libraries that fit our requirements, SoLoud appears to be the most suitable (and only) audio library for use in this project. \section{Physics} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Scripting} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{Audio} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \section{AI} \subsection{Introduction} \subsection{Findings} \subsection{Conclusion} \end{document}