	short = {ECS},
	long = {Entity-Component System},

	short = {HID},
	long = {Human Interface Device},

	short = {SDL2},
	long = {Simple DirectMedia Layer},

	short = {SFML},
	long = {Simple and Fast Multimedia Library},

	name = {OpenGL},
	description = {Open-source graphics library},

	name = {Direct3D},
	description = {Graphics library developed by \hbox{Microsoft}},

	short = {API},
	long = {Application Programming Interface},

	short = {pri},
	long = {priority},
	short = {req},
	long = {requirement},
	short = {DoD},
	long = {definition of done},

	short = {POC},
	long = {proof-of-concept},

	name = {fa\c{c}ade},
	description = {Design pattern used to provide an abstraction from other software},

% TODO: delta time