path: root/scripts/time2tex.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/time2tex.py')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/time2tex.py b/scripts/time2tex.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a5d6802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/time2tex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+import sys, tex
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+def fmt_duration(sec):
+ mins = (sec + 59) // 60 # integer divide, round up
+ out = []
+ if mins == 0:
+ return "--"
+ hour = mins // 60
+ if hour > 0:
+ out.append("%02dh" % (hour, ))
+ mins = mins % 60
+ out.append("%02dm" % (mins, ))
+ return "\\,".join(out)
+def fmt_percentage(fac):
+ return tex.group(
+ tex.cmd('footnotesize') +\
+ tex.cmd('itshape') +\
+ tex.esc(f"({round(fac * 100)}%)")
+ )
+def fmt_member_overview(times):
+ # calculations
+ tracked = {}
+ total_time = 0
+ for time in times:
+ if not time["name"] in tracked:
+ tracked[time["name"]] = 0
+ tracked[time["name"]] += time["duration"]
+ total_time += time["duration"]
+ members = sorted(list(set(time["name"] for time in times)))
+ return tex.env('table', tex.join(
+ tex.cmd('centering'),
+ tex.env('tabular', 'lr@{~}l', tex.join(
+ tex.cmd('toprule'),
+ tex.tabrule(tex.cmd('textbf', 'Member'), tex.cmd('textbf', 'Tracked')),
+ tex.cmd('midrule'),
+ *[
+ tex.tabrule(
+ name,
+ fmt_duration(tracked[name]),
+ fmt_percentage(tracked[name] / total_time))
+ for name in members
+ ],
+ tex.cmd('midrule'),
+ tex.tabrule('', fmt_duration(total_time), ''),
+ tex.cmd('bottomrule'),
+ )),
+ tex.cmd('caption', 'Tracked time per group member'),
+ tex.cmd('label', 'tab:time-member'),
+ ))
+def fmt_weekly_overview(times):
+ # calculations
+ weeks = []
+ member_totals = {}
+ total_time = sum(time["duration"] for time in times)
+ members = sorted(list(set(time["name"] for time in times)))
+ time_start = min(time["date"] for time in times)
+ time_end = max(time["date"] for time in times)
+ week_start = time_start - timedelta(days=time_start.weekday()) # round down to nearest monday
+ week_end = time_end + timedelta(days=7-time_end.weekday())
+ week = week_start
+ week_num = 1
+ while week < week_end:
+ week_times = [time for time in times if time["date"] >= week and time["date"] < (week + timedelta(days=7))]
+ week_entry = {
+ "num": week_num,
+ "members": {},
+ "total": sum(time["duration"] for time in week_times)
+ }
+ for member in members:
+ week_entry["members"][member] = sum(time["duration"] for time in week_times if time["name"] == member)
+ weeks.append(week_entry)
+ week_num += 1
+ week += timedelta(days=7)
+ for member in members:
+ member_totals[member] = sum(time["duration"] for time in times if time["name"] == member)
+ return tex.env('table', tex.join(
+ tex.cmd('centering'),
+ tex.cmd('fitimg',
+ tex.env('tabular', r'l' + r'r@{~}l' * len(members) + r'@{\qquad}r', tex.join(
+ tex.cmd('toprule'),
+ tex.tabrule(*[
+ tex.cmd('textbf', cell)
+ for cell in [
+ tex.esc("#"),
+ *tex.explist([ member, "" ] for member in members),
+ "Subtotal",
+ ]
+ ]),
+ tex.cmd('midrule'),
+ *[
+ tex.tabrule(*[
+ str(entry['num']),
+ *tex.explist(
+ [
+ fmt_duration(entry['members'][member]),
+ fmt_percentage(entry['members'][member] / entry['total']),
+ ]
+ for member in members
+ ),
+ fmt_duration(entry['total']),
+ ])
+ for entry in weeks
+ ],
+ tex.cmd('bottomrule'),
+ )),
+ ),
+ tex.cmd('caption', 'Tracked time per week'),
+ tex.cmd('label', 'tab:time-weekly'),
+ ))
+def duration2secs(duration):
+ out = 0 # output (seconds)
+ cur = 0 # current figure (unknown)
+ for c in duration:
+ if c.isdigit():
+ cur = cur * 10 + int(c)
+ continue
+ if c == "h":
+ out += cur * 3600
+ cur = 0
+ continue
+ if c == "m":
+ out += cur * 60
+ cur = 0
+ continue
+ if c == "s":
+ out += cur * 1
+ cur = 0
+ continue
+ raise Exception("invalid duration format")
+ if cur != 0: raise Exception("invalid duration format")
+ return out
+def line2data(line):
+ # parse fields from input string
+ data = {}
+ next = line.find(':')
+ data["name"] = line[0:next].strip()
+ line = line[next+1:].strip()
+ next = line.find(' ')
+ data["date"] = line[0:next].strip()
+ line = line[next+1:].strip()
+ next = line.find(' ')
+ data["duration"] = line[0:next].strip()
+ line = line[next+1:].strip()
+ data["description"] = line
+ # deserialize parsed fields
+ data["name"] = data["name"].title()
+ data["date"] = datetime.strptime(data["date"], '%Y-%m-%d')
+ data["duration"] = duration2secs(data["duration"])
+ data["description"] = [el.strip() for el in data["description"].split("::")]
+ return data
+def parse(content):
+ # split content at newlines
+ lines = content.split("\n")
+ out = []
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith("#"): continue
+ if len(line) == 0: continue
+ try: out.append(line2data(line))
+ except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"line {i+1}: {e}")
+ return out
+def fmt(times):
+ return tex.join(
+ tex.cmd('section', 'Overviews'),
+ tex.cmd('subsection', 'Members'),
+ fmt_member_overview(times),
+ tex.cmd('subsection', 'Weekly'),
+ fmt_weekly_overview(times),
+ )
+def main(input_file):
+ content = ""
+ with open(input_file, "r") as file:
+ content = file.read()
+ try: parsed = parse(content)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"{input_file}: {e}")
+ exit(1)
+ output = fmt(parsed)
+ output_file = input_file.removesuffix(".txt") + ".tex"
+ with open(output_file, "w+") as file:
+ file.write(output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print("usage: time2tex.py time.txt")
+ exit(1)
+ main(sys.argv[1])