path: root/design.tex
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diff --git a/design.tex b/design.tex
index 7b232fe..08ea7cc 100644
--- a/design.tex
+++ b/design.tex
@@ -36,11 +36,133 @@ workflows.
+The scripting interface was designed around a `target' \gls{api} (described by
+An example of this \gls{api} is shown below:\noparbreak
+class MyScript : public BehaviorScript {
+ void update() {
+ // update code here
+ }
+ // init() also exists, but is empty by default
+{ // in scene initialization
+ GameObject & obj = ...;
+ obj.add_component<MyScript>();
+The above call to \codeinline{GameObject::add_component} cannot work correctly
+without significantly increasing the complexity of the component manager, so the
+following restrictions were taken into account when creating the script system
+ \item The first template parameter passed to \codeinline{GameObject::add_component}
+ \emph{must} be a base `script \emph{component}' class, so each derived user
+ script class is instantiated in the same generic script list.
+ \item C++ does not allow passing types (i.e.~\codeinline{MyScript} in this case) as
+ function parameters, so a function call like
+ \codeinline{add_component<BehaviorScript>(MyScript)} cannot be realized.
+The restrictions detailed at the start of this section are mitigated as
+ \item User scripts are split into two classes---
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item a script \emph{interface} class (\codeinline{Script})
+ \item a script \emph{component} class (\codeinline{BehaviorScript})
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item \codeinline{GameObject::add_component} receives the script \emph{component}
+ as template parameter
+ \item \codeinline{GameObject::add_component} now always returns a reference to the
+ component instance
+ \item The script component class has a setter function that takes a template
+ parameter for classes derived from the base script \emph{interface} class
+\Cref{fig:class-scripts} shows the resulting structure as a class diagram. It
+contains the following classes:\noparbreak
+ \item[Script] This is the script \emph{interface}, and is used by the game
+ programmer to create derived script classes. All methods in this class are
+ declared virtual and have an empty implementation.
+ This class' methods are protected by default, and a friend relation to
+ \codeinline{ScriptSystem} is used to ensure only \codeinline{ScriptSystem} is
+ able to call these methods.
+ Only classes derived from \codeinline{Script} can be used with
+ \codeinline{BehaviorScript::set_script}'s template parameter \codeinline{T}. This
+ function returns a reference to the \codeinline{BehaviorScript} instance it was
+ called on so it can be chained after the call to
+ \codeinline{GameObject::add_component}.
+ \item[BehaviorScript]
+ This is the script \emph{component}, and is given as the template parameter to
+ \codeinline{GameObject::add_component}.
+ This class also uses a friend relation to \codeinline{ScriptSystem} to restrict
+ access to its private reference member \codeinline{script}.
+ \item[ScriptSystem] This is the system class that runs the methods implemented in
+ the derivative instances of \codeinline{Script}.
+ \centering
+ \includepumldiag{img/class-scripts.puml}
+ \caption{User script class diagram}
+ \label{fig:class-scripts}
+Since writing a custom real-time audio mixing engine is outside the scope of this
+project\mref and C++ does not provide a built-in cross-platform audio \gls{api}, the
+audio system inside the cr\^epe engine is implemented as a fa\c{c}ade around an
+existing audio library.
+This subsection compares various standalone audio libraries for suitability. After
+searching for libraries (search terms: `dynamic/adaptive audio', `real-time audio',
+`audio library', `game audio engine'), several libraries were found. These libraries
+were checked against the audio engine requirements \autocite{crepe:requirements} and
+then tested by writing the same benchmark-style \gls{poc} using the remaining
+qualifying libraries:\noparbreak
+ \item Load a background track (Ogg Vorbis)
+ \item Load three short samples (WAV)
+ \item Start the background track
+ \item Play each sample sequentially while pausing and resuming the background track
+ \item Play all samples simultaniously
+ \item Stop all audio and exit
+Of these libraries the following were determined to be unsuitable for use in this
+ \item[FMOD \autocite{lib:fmod}] Is proprietary (violates \cref{req:lib:license}).
+ \item[PortAudio \autocite{lib:portaudio}] Does not handle mixing.
+ \item[miniaudio \autocite{lib:miniaudio}] Tested by implementing a \gls{poc}, but
+ dropped due to very limited codec support (WAV, MP3 and FLAC only); Also does not
+ have an \gls{api} reference (only programming manual).
+ \item[YSE \autocite{lib:yse}] Attempted to write \gls{poc}, but CMake configuration
+ in repository is broken; This project seems to have been abandoned.
+The only library that remained after these tests is SoLoud \autocite{lib:soloud}. It
+is Zlib/LibPng licensed and provides a high-level object-oriented C++ \gls{api}.
+\Cref{sec:audio:architecture} describes the fa\c{c}ade written for this library.
\Cref{fig:class-audio-facade} shows a class diagram of the audio fa\c{c}ade. It
contains the following classes: