diff options
4 files changed, 245 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bceacc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+" fix vimtex highlighting for \code{}
+syntax match texCmdVerb "\\code\>\*\?" nextgroup=texVerbZoneInline
+call vimtex#syntax#core#new_arg('texVerbZoneInline', {
+ \ 'contains': '',
+ \ 'matcher': 'start="{" end="}"'
+ \})
+" and \begin{codeblock} ... \end{codeblock}
+call vimtex#syntax#core#new_env({
+ \ 'name': 'codeblock',
+ \ 'region': 'texVerbZone',
+ \})
diff --git a/example.tex b/example.tex
index 843cf38..362ce29 100644
--- a/example.tex
+++ b/example.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+% if the document compiles too slow (likely due to many/large images), try compiling
+% with the [draft] option. this replaces all images with placeholders.
\title{Example Document}
@@ -31,13 +33,30 @@ These don't show up in the table of contents by default
\section{Figures and tables}
-\Cref{fig:example-a} definitely shows something.
+\Cref{fig:example-a} definitely shows something. Referencing multiple things at once
+is neatly handled by cleveref:
- \label{fig:example-a}
\caption{This is the figure title}
+ \label{fig:example-a} % label must be placed AFTER caption
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}%
+ \fitimg{\includegraphics{example-image-b}}
+ \caption{Example image B}
+ \label{fig:example-b}
+ \end{subfigure}%
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}{0.45\textwidth}%
+ \fitimg{\includegraphics{example-image-c}}
+ \caption{Example image C}
+ \label{fig:example-c}
+ \end{subfigure}%
+ \caption{Subfigures}
@@ -55,9 +74,71 @@ These don't show up in the table of contents by default
% booktabs tables look very nice, but it seems the author hates vertical rules with
% a burning passion. please avoid using vertical rules for consistency.
- \label{tab:gate-xor}
\caption{XOR-gate truth table}
+ \label{tab:gate-xor}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lXr}
+ \toprule
+ left & & right\\
+ \midrule
+ This table & fills all available & horizontal space\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \caption{Really wide table}
+\section{Other markup}
+The \code{\emph} command can be used to \emph{emphasize} (i.e.~italicize) text.
+% Note the ~ (non-breaking space) after "i.e.". LaTeX inserts some extra negative
+% space after a full stop, but since the full stop is used to denote an abbreviation
+% we need to tell LaTeX to insert a regular space. This can also be achieved by using
+% "\ ", though this allows LaTeX to break a line after the "i.e." which looks ugly in
+% my opinion.
+The \code{\code} command can be used to insert inline code.
+The \code{codeblock} environment can be used to insert a code block:
+This is all included verbatim: \verb|asdf| \ $%!(*@#&)$
+Unordered (bullet) list:
+ \item Foo
+ \item Bar
+ \item Baz
+Numbered list:
+ \item Foo
+ \item Bar
+ \item Baz
+ \item \begin{enumerate}
+ \item These
+ \item Can
+ \item Be
+ \item Nested
+ \item And
+ \item \label{item:enum-nest-ref} Referenced
+ \end{enumerate}
+(See \cref{item:enum-nest-ref})
+Citations are inserted using the \code{\autocite} command \autocite{rfc:3339}.
diff --git a/projdoc.cls b/projdoc.cls
index cc34f70..02e9542 100644
--- a/projdoc.cls
+++ b/projdoc.cls
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
% frequently used packages
@@ -19,6 +21,8 @@
@@ -32,6 +36,11 @@
% font style
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Schola}
@@ -47,6 +56,69 @@
+% section placement / appearance
+ \@startsection{section}{1}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {1.50em}%
+ {1.50ex}%
+ {\penaltycheck{\sectionpenalty}\normalfont\bfseries\Large}%
+ \@startsection{subsection}{2}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {1.25em}%
+ {1.25ex}%
+ {\penaltycheck{\subsectionpenalty}\normalfont\bfseries\large}%
+ \@startsection{subsubsection}{2}%
+ {0pt}%
+ {1.00em}%
+ {1.00ex}%
+ {\penaltycheck{\subsubsectionpenalty}\normalfont\bfseries\normalsize}%
+% default tight list spacing
+ topsep=\dimexpr\style@itemizemargin-\parskip\relax,
+ itemsep=\dimexpr\style@itemsep-\style@parsep\relax,
+ parsep=\style@parsep,
+% create a label using \customlabel[<creftype>]{<refname>}{<reftext>} that displays
+% <reftext> when \ref{<refname>} is used, or <creftype> <reftext> when
+% \cref{<refname>} is used
+ \begingroup
+ \cref@constructprefix{#1}{\cref@result}%
+ \protected@edef\@currentlabel{#3}%
+ \protected@edef\@currentlabelname{#3}%
+ \protected@edef\cref@currentlabel{[#1][][\cref@result]#3}
+ \label[#1]{#2}%
+ \endgroup
% \maketitle format
@@ -98,14 +170,38 @@
-% always start with title page
+% bibliography
+ backend=biber,
+ bibencoding=utf8,
+ style=iso-numeric,
+ % Technically, Avans University of Applied Sciences requires that we always use APA
+ % style references, but this often results in ugly citations when working with
+ % technical or online resources. At the end of the day, the bibliography is there
+ % to prove we didn't plagiarize or make shit up, so ISO 690 is *probably* fine.
+ autocite=plain,
+% default document header/trailer
+ % start with title page
+ % end with bibliography (if citations used)
+ \ifbool{projdoc@cited}{\printbibliography}{}%
% store figure/table count in macros
@@ -119,7 +215,44 @@
% generate table of contents, figures, tables
+ \label{sec:toc}%
+ \label{sec:lof}%
+ \label{sec:lot}%
+% code
+ \urlstyle{tt}%
+ \def\codebreak{\discretionary{\hbox{~\textbackslash{}}}{\hbox{~~}}{}}%
+ \def\UrlSpecials{%
+ \do\/{\hbox{/}\codebreak}%
+ \do\_{\hbox{\_}\codebreak}%
+ \do\ {\hbox{\ }\codebreak}%
+ \do\-{\hbox{-}\codebreak}%
+ }%
+ \def\UrlNoBreaks{%
+ \do\+%
+ \do\.%
+ \do\[%
+ \do\]%
+ }%
+ \def\UrlLeft{\hbox{\,}}%
+ \def\UrlRight{\hbox{\,}}%
+ tabsize=2,
+ obeytabs,
+% scale down image if it exceeds page margins
+ \adjustbox{max width=\linewidth}{#1}%
+% adjust scale for puml diagrams
+ \fitimg{\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{#1}}%
diff --git a/sources.bib b/sources.bib
index e69de29..b088784 100644
--- a/sources.bib
+++ b/sources.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% bible: <https://tug.ctan.org/info/biblatex-cheatsheet/biblatex-cheatsheet.pdf>
+ author = {G. Klyne and C. Newman},
+ title = {Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps},
+ url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339},
+ urldate = {2023-01-03},
+ date = {2002-07},
+ type = {RFC},
+ number = 3339,
+ publisher = {RFC Editor},
+ institution = {RFC Editor},