
This document contains requirements for all project documentation. Specific LaTeX commands and LaTeX source style requirements are detailed in contributing.md, and example.tex contains a number of frequently used snippets that may be used as a cheat-sheet style reference.

General rules

  • All documentation is written in U.S. English
  • Section headers are in sentence case (i.e. only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized)
  • Section headers should not contain punctuation (e.g. no question marks, "or" instead of a slash, etc.)
  • Quotes are closed before punctuation marks.
  • Do not use contractions, modal adverbs or rhetorical questions.
  • The engine is stylized in lowercase, and is just called 'crêpe'. Additional words describing what crêpe is (i.e. '(game) engine') should not be capitalized, as crêpe is not written like a porper noun.


  • Citations are inserted before the full stop at the end of a sentence.
  • When a library or piece of software is introduced in a document, reference the project homepage using the bibliography.
  • Direct quotations or paraphased text must be cited.
  • Acronyms, abbreviations and jargon reference the glossary.
  • All figures and tables must be referenced in the body text. Don't write paragraphs that 'lead up' to figures, as this forces LaTeX to not break the page between the paragraph and figure.
  • Figures from third-party sources must be cited.


The documents use the following fonts. All of these are free and open source, and are likely available from your system's package manager if you are using Linux.

If the documents fail to compile after installing these fonts, please check if you are using a LaTeX compiler with support for the fontspec package (i.e. xelatex or lualatex). The included latexmkrc file *should* cover LaTeX workshop and VimTeX.

Family Usage Typeface
serif Body text (default) TeX Gyre Schola
math Math TeX Gyre Schola Math
sans-serif Figures Inter
monospace URLs, code listings JetBrains Mono


Non-raster figures are preferred over rasterized figures (where applicable). Please note that LaTeX does not support SVG images, and these need to be converted to PDF (e.g. using svg2pdf on linux).

Raster images should only be used when the source is already in a raster format (e.g. for photos) or when otherwise impractical.

Specific rules

Comma and

In lists, the last element is mentioned using the word 'and', without a comma.

When joining independent clauses, keep a comma before the word 'and'. Usually, this comma can be left out for short clauses, but we keep them in for consistency.

Good examples:

The first, second and last items.

Action X was performed, and this had Y impact.