#include #include #include #include "protocol.h" void ws_protocol_parse_byte(ws_s_protocol_parser_state* state, char input) { switch(input) { case WS_PROTOCOL_C_NEWLINE: { if (!state->valid) return; break; } case WS_PROTOCOL_C_SPACE: { if (!state->valid) return; state->arg_len++; return; } case WS_PROTOCOL_C_NULL: { state->valid = false; return; } default: { if (!state->valid) return; state->cmd[state->cmd_len++] = input; state->args_len[state->arg_len] += 1; if (state->cmd_len == WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_BUFFER_LEN) state->valid = false; return; } } // arg_len is used as an index while parsing, so add 1 to get length state->arg_len++; // parse cmd into argc and argv ws_protocol_cmd_init(state); // create response ws_s_protocol_response* response = ws_protocol_parse_finished(state->target); //TODO: send response free(response->msg); free(response); return; } #define WS_CMD_MAP(parsed_cmd, name, code) \ if (strlen(parsed_cmd->argv[0]) == strlen(name) && strncmp(parsed_cmd->argv[0], name, strlen(name)) == 0) return code; static ws_e_protocol_cmd ws_protocol_get_cmd_code(ws_s_protocol_parsed_cmd* parsed_cmd) { WS_CMD_MAP(parsed_cmd, "last-records", WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_LAST_RECORDS); return WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_UNKNOWN; } ws_s_protocol_response* ws_protocol_parse_finished(ws_s_protocol_parsed_cmd* parsed_cmd) { ws_s_protocol_response* response = malloc(sizeof(ws_s_protocol_response)); response->success = WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_RETURN_ERROR; response->msg = NULL; ws_e_protocol_cmd cmd_code = ws_protocol_get_cmd_code(parsed_cmd); if (cmd_code == WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_UNKNOWN) goto ws_protocol_parse_exit; if (cmd_code >= WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_AMOUNT) goto ws_protocol_parse_exit; void (*ws_protocol_res_handler)(ws_s_protocol_parsed_cmd*, ws_s_protocol_response*) = g_ws_protocol_res_handlers[cmd_code]; if (ws_protocol_res_handler == NULL) goto ws_protocol_parse_exit; (*ws_protocol_res_handler)(parsed_cmd, response); ws_protocol_parse_exit: if (response->msg == NULL) response->msg = ws_bin_s_alloc(0); return response; } void ws_protocol_parse_bytes(ws_s_protocol_parser_state* state, char* input, unsigned int length) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) ws_protocol_parse_byte(state, input[i]); } ws_s_protocol_parser_state* ws_protocol_parser_alloc() { ws_s_protocol_parser_state* parser_state = malloc(sizeof(ws_s_protocol_parser_state) + sizeof(uint16_t) * WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_MAX_ARGUMENTS); parser_state->cmd = malloc(sizeof(char) * WS_PROTOCOL_CMD_BUFFER_LEN); parser_state->valid = true; parser_state->cmd_len = 0; parser_state->arg_len = 0; parser_state->target = NULL; return parser_state; } void ws_protocol_cmd_init(ws_s_protocol_parser_state* state) { state->target = malloc(sizeof(ws_s_protocol_parsed_cmd) + sizeof(char*) * state->arg_len); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state->arg_len; i++) state->target->argv[i] = malloc(sizeof(char) * (state->args_len[i] + 1)); state->target->argc = state->arg_len; unsigned int head = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < state->arg_len; i++) { strncpy(state->target->argv[i], &state->cmd[head], state->args_len[i]); state->target->argv[i][state->args_len[i]] = 0x00; // terminate argument with null byte head += state->args_len[i]; } } void ws_protocol_parser_free(ws_s_protocol_parser_state* state) { if (state == NULL) return; if (state->target != NULL) ws_protocol_cmd_free(state->target); free(state->cmd); free(state); state = NULL; return; } void ws_protocol_cmd_free(ws_s_protocol_parsed_cmd* cmd) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cmd->argc; i++) free(cmd->argv[i]); free(cmd); cmd = NULL; return; }