import ws from './socket.js'; function send(obj) { ws.send(JSON.stringify(obj)); } function setPolkaDot(el, bool) { el.classList.remove("on"); el.classList.remove("off"); el.classList.add(bool ? "on" : "off"); } Array.prototype.average = function() { var sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) sum += this[i]; return sum / this.length; } const api = { update: { barrier: open => setPolkaDot(document.getElementById("barrierValue"), open), trafficLights: state => document.getElementById("trafficLightsValue").innerText = state, lights: value => { document.getElementById("lightsValue").innerText = value * 10; document.getElementById("lightsInput").value = value; }, matrix: state => document.getElementById("matrixValue").value = state, photocell: on => setPolkaDot(document.getElementById("photocellValue"), on), cctv: preset => { document.getElementById("cctvPresetValue").innerText = preset; }, carSpeed: speed => { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) document.getElementById(`zone${i+1}SpeedValue`).innerText = speed[i]; }, carCount: count => { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) document.getElementById(`zone${i+1}CarsValue`).innerText = count[i]; }, notifications: msg => { var table = document.getElementById("myTable"); var row = table.insertRow(1); // Insert row at the top of the table var cell = row.insertCell(0); // Insert cell into the row cell.innerHTML = msg.storingBericht; // Add content to the cell with incremented counter var size = table.rows.length; var lastRowIndex = table.rows.length - 1; // Index of the last row if (size > 11) { // Check if there is more than one row (excluding the header row) table.deleteRow(lastRowIndex); // Delete the last row } api.update.sos(msg.statusSOS); }, sos: on => { document.getElementById("sosDialog")[on ? "showModal" : "close"](); }, lfvReady: msg => { var { ready } = msg; document.getElementById("lfvReadyValue").innerText = ready ? "online" : "offline"; var btn = document.getElementById("lfvReadyBtn") if (ready) { btn.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { btn.setAttribute("disabled", true); } }, start: () => { document.getElementById("setupDialog").close(); } }, msg: { send: { connected: () => send({ type: 'connected' }), helloWorld: () => send({ type: 'helloWorld' }), barrier: el => { var open = el.value == "true"; // string to boolean send({ type: 'barrier', open }); api.update.barrier(open); }, trafficLights: el => { var state = el.value; send({ type: 'trafficLights', state }); api.update.trafficLights(el.innerText); }, lights: el => { var value = Number(el.value); send({ type: 'lights', value }); api.update.lights(value); }, matrix: el => { var state = el.value; send({ type: 'matrix', state }); api.update.matrix(value); }, photocell: el => { var on = el.value == "true"; send({ type: 'photocell', on }); api.update.photocell(on); }, cctv: el => { var preset = el.value; send({ type: 'cctv', preset }); api.update.cctv(preset); }, sos: el => { var statusSOS = el.value == "true"; send({ type: 'sosBericht', statusSOS }); api.update.sos(statusSOS); }, start: el => { send({ type: 'start' }); api.update.start(); } }, handle: { helloWorld: msg => console.log(msg), barrier: msg => api.update.barrier(msg.on), trafficLights: msg => api.update.trafficLights(msg.state), lights: msg => api.update.lights(msg.value), matrix: msg => api.update.matrix(msg.state), photocell: msg => api.update.photocell(msg.on), cctv: msg => api.update.cctv(msg.preset), autoPerZone: msg => api.update.carCount(, sosBericht: msg => api.update.notifications(msg), lfvReady: msg => api.update.lfvReady(msg), }, }, }; export default api;