#include <crepe/api/AI.h> #include <crepe/api/BehaviorScript.h> #include <crepe/api/Camera.h> #include <crepe/api/Color.h> #include <crepe/api/GameObject.h> #include <crepe/api/LoopManager.h> #include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h> #include <crepe/api/Scene.h> #include <crepe/api/Script.h> #include <crepe/api/Sprite.h> #include <crepe/manager/Mediator.h> #include <crepe/types.h> using namespace crepe; using namespace std; class Script1 : public Script { bool shutdown(const ShutDownEvent & event) { // Very dirty way of shutting down the game throw "ShutDownEvent"; return true; } bool mousemove(const MouseMoveEvent & event) { /*RefVector<AI> aivec = this->get_components<AI>(); AI & ai = aivec.front().get(); ai.flee_target = vec2{static_cast<float>(event.mouse_x), static_cast<float>(event.mouse_y)};*/ return true; } void init() { subscribe<ShutDownEvent>([this](const ShutDownEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->shutdown(ev); }); subscribe<MouseMoveEvent>([this](const MouseMoveEvent & ev) -> bool { return this->mousemove(ev); }); } }; class Scene1 : public Scene { public: void load_scene() override { Mediator & mediator = this->mediator; ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager; GameObject game_object1 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1); GameObject game_object2 = mgr.new_object("", "", vec2 {0, 0}, 0, 1); Asset img {"asset/texture/test_ap43.png"}; Sprite & test_sprite = game_object1.add_component<Sprite>( img, Sprite::Data { .color = Color::MAGENTA, .flip = Sprite::FlipSettings {false, false}, .sorting_in_layer = 2, .order_in_layer = 2, .size = {0, 100}, .angle_offset = 0, .position_offset = {0, 0}, } ); AI & ai = game_object1.add_component<AI>(3000); // ai.arrive_on(); // ai.flee_on(); ai.path_follow_on(); ai.make_oval_path(500, 1000, {0, -1000}, 1.5708, true); ai.make_oval_path(1000, 500, {0, 500}, 4.7124, false); game_object1.add_component<Rigidbody>(Rigidbody::Data { .mass = 0.1f, .max_linear_velocity = 40, }); game_object1.add_component<BehaviorScript>().set_script<Script1>(); game_object2.add_component<Camera>( ivec2 {1080, 720}, vec2 {5000, 5000}, Camera::Data { .bg_color = Color::WHITE, .zoom = 1, } ); } string get_name() const override { return "Scene1"; } }; int main() { LoopManager engine; engine.add_scene<Scene1>(); engine.start(); return 0; }