// vim:ft=doxygen
namespace crepe {

\defgroup internal_component Components
\ingroup internal
\brief ECS Components

Components are attached to GameObject instances and are composed by the game
programmer to create specific entities in the game world. While they are
implemented as C++ classes, components should be treated as C-style structs,
meaning all members are public and they do not contain functions.

A basic component has the following structure:
#include <crepe/Component.h>

class MyComponent : public crepe::Component {
	// Add your custom component's ininitializer properties after the `id`
	// parameter. The first parameter is controlled by GameObject::add_component,
	// while all other parameters are forwarded using std::forward.
	MyComponent(game_object_id_t id, ...);

	// Optionally define the `get_instances_max` method to limit the amount of
	// instances of this component per GameObject. The default implementation for
	// this function returns -1, which means the instance count does not have an
	// upper limit:
	virtual int get_instances_max() const { return -1; }

	// Properties
	// ...

Generally, components are "handled" by \ref internal_system "systems", which may
optionally change the components' state. Components' state may also be
controlled by the game programmer through \ref feature_script "scripts".
