// vim:ft=doxygen
namespace crepe {

\defgroup feature_config Engine configuration
\ingroup feature
\brief Configure default values and global options

Default values and options that apply to the engine globally are read from a
singleton struct named Config.

\see Config

\par Example

Configuration options may be set individually or by assigning a [designated
initializer list][desginit]. All of Config's members have default values and can
safely be omitted from initializer lists.

[desginit]: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/aggregate_initialization#Designated_initializers

#include <crepe/api/Config.h>

int main() {
	auto & config = crepe::Config::get_instance();

	// Designated initializer list
	config = {
		// specify options here

	// Reset default options
	config = {};

	// Set specific option
	config.log.color = false;

\par Options

\noop Display config properties in monospace font
tr td:first-child { font-family: monospace; }

|\ref Config::asset::root_pattern ".asset.root_pattern"|\copybrief Config::asset::root_pattern|
|\ref Config::log::color ".log.color"|\copybrief Config::log::color|
|\ref Config::log::level ".log.level"|\copybrief Config::log::level|
|\ref Config::physics::gravity ".physics.gravity"|\copybrief Config::physics::gravity|
|\ref Config::savemgr::location ".savemgr.location"|\copybrief Config::savemgr::location|
|\ref Config::window::size ".window.size"|\copybrief Config::window::size|
|\ref Config::window::title ".window.title"|\copybrief Config::window::title|
