#include "../api/BehaviorScript.h" #include "../api/Script.h" #include "../manager/ComponentManager.h" #include "ScriptSystem.h" using namespace std; using namespace crepe; void ScriptSystem::fixed_update() { LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer; duration_t delta_time = timer.get_scaled_fixed_delta_time(); this->update(&Script::fixed_update, delta_time); } void ScriptSystem::frame_update() { LoopTimerManager & timer = this->mediator.loop_timer; duration_t delta_time = timer.get_delta_time(); this->update(&Script::frame_update, delta_time); } void ScriptSystem::update( void (Script::*update_function)(duration_t), const duration_t & delta_time ) { ComponentManager & mgr = this->mediator.component_manager; RefVector<BehaviorScript> behavior_scripts = mgr.get_components_by_type<BehaviorScript>(); for (BehaviorScript & behavior_script : behavior_scripts) { if (!behavior_script.active) continue; Script * script = behavior_script.script.get(); if (script == nullptr) continue; if (!script->initialized) { try { script->init(); script->initialized = true; } catch (const exception & e) { Log::logf( Log::Level::WARNING, "Disabled script \"{}\" due to exception in init function: {}", behavior_script.name, e.what() ); behavior_script.active = false; } } try { (*script.*update_function)(delta_time); } catch (const exception & e) { // TODO: discern between fixed/frame update Log::logf( Log::Level::WARNING, "Disabled script \"{}\" due to exception in update function: {}", behavior_script.name, e.what() ); behavior_script.active = false; } } }