#pragma once

#include <cmath>

#include "System.h"
#include "types.h"

namespace crepe {

class Camera;
class Sprite;
class Transform;
class Text;
 * \brief Manages rendering operations for all game objects.
 * RenderSystem is responsible for rendering, clearing and presenting the screen, and
 * managing the active camera.
class RenderSystem : public System {
	using System::System;
	 * \brief Updates the RenderSystem for the current frame.
	 * This method is called to perform all rendering operations for the current game frame.
	void frame_update() override;

	//! Clears the screen in preparation for rendering.
	void clear_screen();

	//! Presents the rendered frame to the display.
	void present_screen();

	//! Updates the active camera used for rendering.
	void update_camera();

	//! Renders all the sprites and particles
	void render();

	//! Renders all Text components
	void render_text();

	 * \brief Renders all the particles on the screen from a given sprite.
	 * \param sprite renders the particles with given texture
	 * \param transform the component that holds the position, rotation, and scale.
	 * \return true if particles have been rendered
	bool render_particle(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);
	 * \brief renders a sprite with a Transform component on the screen
	 * \param sprite  the sprite component that holds all the data
	 * \param transform the Transform component that holds the position,rotation and scale
	void render_normal(const Sprite & sprite, const Transform & transform);

	 * \brief sort a vector sprite objects with
	 * \param objs the vector that will do a sorting algorithm on
	 * \return returns a sorted reference vector
	RefVector<Sprite> sort(RefVector<Sprite> & objs) const;

} // namespace crepe