#include "../ComponentManager.h" #include "api/LoopTimer.h" #include "api/Transform.h" #include "types.h" #include "AISystem.h" using namespace crepe; void AISystem::update() { ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager; RefVector ai_components = mgr.get_components_by_type(); double dt = LoopTimer::get_instance().get_delta_time(); for (AI & ai : ai_components) { vec2 force = this->calculate(ai); vec2 acceleration = force / ai.mass; ai.velocity += acceleration * dt; ai.velocity.truncate(ai.max_speed); // Update the position RefVector transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id(ai.game_object_id); Transform & transform = transforms.front().get(); transform.position += ai.velocity * dt; } } vec2 AISystem::calculate(AI & ai) { vec2 force; if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorType::SEEK)) { vec2 force_to_add = this->seek(ai); if (!this->accumulate_force(force, force_to_add)) { return force; } } if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorType::FLEE)) { // Flee from the target } if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorType::ARRIVE)) { // Arrive at the target } if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorType::PATH_FOLLOW)) { // Follow the path } return force; } bool AISystem::accumulate_force(vec2 & running_total, vec2 force_to_add) { double magnitude_remaining = running_total.length(); double magnitude_to_add = force_to_add.length(); if (magnitude_remaining + magnitude_to_add > 0) { running_total += force_to_add; return true; } return false; } vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai) { ComponentManager & mgr = this->component_manager; RefVector transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id(ai.game_object_id); Transform & transform = transforms.front().get(); vec2 desired_velocity = ai.seek_target - transform.position; desired_velocity.normalize(); desired_velocity *= ai.max_speed; return desired_velocity - ai.velocity; }