#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../api/Camera.h" #include "../api/Color.h" #include "../api/Config.h" #include "../api/Sprite.h" #include "../api/Texture.h" #include "../util/Log.h" #include "SDLContext.h" #include "types.h" using namespace crepe; using namespace std; SDLContext & SDLContext::get_instance() { static SDLContext instance; return instance; } SDLContext::SDLContext() { dbg_trace(); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: SDL_Init error: {}", SDL_GetError())); } auto & cfg = Config::get_instance().window; SDL_Window * tmp_window = SDL_CreateWindow(cfg.title.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, cfg.size.x, cfg.size.y, 0); if (!tmp_window) { throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: SDL_Window error: {}", SDL_GetError())); } this->game_window = {tmp_window, [](SDL_Window * window) { SDL_DestroyWindow(window); }}; SDL_Renderer * tmp_renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(this->game_window.get(), -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); if (!tmp_renderer) { throw runtime_error( format("SDLContext: SDL_CreateRenderer error: {}", SDL_GetError())); } this->game_renderer = {tmp_renderer, [](SDL_Renderer * renderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); }}; int img_flags = IMG_INIT_PNG; if (!(IMG_Init(img_flags) & img_flags)) { throw runtime_error("SDLContext: SDL_image could not initialize!"); } } SDLContext::~SDLContext() { dbg_trace(); this->game_renderer.reset(); this->game_window.reset(); // TODO: how are we going to ensure that these are called from the same // thread that SDL_Init() was called on? This has caused problems for me // before. IMG_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); } Keycode SDLContext::sdl_to_keycode(SDL_Keycode sdl_key) { static const std::array LOOKUP_TABLE = [] { std::array table{}; table.fill(Keycode::NONE); table[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE] = Keycode::SPACE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE] = Keycode::APOSTROPHE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA] = Keycode::COMMA; table[SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS] = Keycode::MINUS; table[SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD] = Keycode::PERIOD; table[SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH] = Keycode::SLASH; table[SDL_SCANCODE_0] = Keycode::D0; table[SDL_SCANCODE_1] = Keycode::D1; table[SDL_SCANCODE_2] = Keycode::D2; table[SDL_SCANCODE_3] = Keycode::D3; table[SDL_SCANCODE_4] = Keycode::D4; table[SDL_SCANCODE_5] = Keycode::D5; table[SDL_SCANCODE_6] = Keycode::D6; table[SDL_SCANCODE_7] = Keycode::D7; table[SDL_SCANCODE_8] = Keycode::D8; table[SDL_SCANCODE_9] = Keycode::D9; table[SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON] = Keycode::SEMICOLON; table[SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS] = Keycode::EQUAL; table[SDL_SCANCODE_A] = Keycode::A; table[SDL_SCANCODE_B] = Keycode::B; table[SDL_SCANCODE_C] = Keycode::C; table[SDL_SCANCODE_D] = Keycode::D; table[SDL_SCANCODE_E] = Keycode::E; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F] = Keycode::F; table[SDL_SCANCODE_G] = Keycode::G; table[SDL_SCANCODE_H] = Keycode::H; table[SDL_SCANCODE_I] = Keycode::I; table[SDL_SCANCODE_J] = Keycode::J; table[SDL_SCANCODE_K] = Keycode::K; table[SDL_SCANCODE_L] = Keycode::L; table[SDL_SCANCODE_M] = Keycode::M; table[SDL_SCANCODE_N] = Keycode::N; table[SDL_SCANCODE_O] = Keycode::O; table[SDL_SCANCODE_P] = Keycode::P; table[SDL_SCANCODE_Q] = Keycode::Q; table[SDL_SCANCODE_R] = Keycode::R; table[SDL_SCANCODE_S] = Keycode::S; table[SDL_SCANCODE_T] = Keycode::T; table[SDL_SCANCODE_U] = Keycode::U; table[SDL_SCANCODE_V] = Keycode::V; table[SDL_SCANCODE_W] = Keycode::W; table[SDL_SCANCODE_X] = Keycode::X; table[SDL_SCANCODE_Y] = Keycode::Y; table[SDL_SCANCODE_Z] = Keycode::Z; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET] = Keycode::LEFT_BRACKET; table[SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH] = Keycode::BACKSLASH; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET] = Keycode::RIGHT_BRACKET; table[SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE] = Keycode::GRAVE_ACCENT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE] = Keycode::ESCAPE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN] = Keycode::ENTER; table[SDL_SCANCODE_TAB] = Keycode::TAB; table[SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE] = Keycode::BACKSPACE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT] = Keycode::INSERT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE] = Keycode::DELETE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT] = Keycode::RIGHT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT] = Keycode::LEFT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN] = Keycode::DOWN; table[SDL_SCANCODE_UP] = Keycode::UP; table[SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP] = Keycode::PAGE_UP; table[SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN] = Keycode::PAGE_DOWN; table[SDL_SCANCODE_HOME] = Keycode::HOME; table[SDL_SCANCODE_END] = Keycode::END; table[SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK] = Keycode::CAPS_LOCK; table[SDL_SCANCODE_SCROLLLOCK] = Keycode::SCROLL_LOCK; table[SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR] = Keycode::NUM_LOCK; table[SDL_SCANCODE_PRINTSCREEN] = Keycode::PRINT_SCREEN; table[SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE] = Keycode::PAUSE; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F1] = Keycode::F1; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F2] = Keycode::F2; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F3] = Keycode::F3; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F4] = Keycode::F4; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F5] = Keycode::F5; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F6] = Keycode::F6; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F7] = Keycode::F7; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F8] = Keycode::F8; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F9] = Keycode::F9; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F10] = Keycode::F10; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F11] = Keycode::F11; table[SDL_SCANCODE_F12] = Keycode::F12; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0] = Keycode::KP0; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1] = Keycode::KP1; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2] = Keycode::KP2; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3] = Keycode::KP3; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4] = Keycode::KP4; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5] = Keycode::KP5; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6] = Keycode::KP6; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7] = Keycode::KP7; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8] = Keycode::KP8; table[SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9] = Keycode::KP9; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT] = Keycode::LEFT_SHIFT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL] = Keycode::LEFT_CONTROL; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LALT] = Keycode::LEFT_ALT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI] = Keycode::LEFT_SUPER; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT] = Keycode::RIGHT_SHIFT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL] = Keycode::RIGHT_CONTROL; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RALT] = Keycode::RIGHT_ALT; table[SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI] = Keycode::RIGHT_SUPER; table[SDL_SCANCODE_MENU] = Keycode::MENU; return table; }(); if (sdl_key < 0 || sdl_key >= SDL_NUM_SCANCODES) { return Keycode::NONE; } return LOOKUP_TABLE[sdl_key]; } MouseButton SDLContext::sdl_to_mousebutton(Uint8 sdl_button) { static const std::array MOUSE_BUTTON_LOOKUP_TABLE = [] { std::array table{}; table.fill(MouseButton::NONE); table[SDL_BUTTON_LEFT] = MouseButton::LEFT_MOUSE; table[SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT] = MouseButton::RIGHT_MOUSE; table[SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE] = MouseButton::MIDDLE_MOUSE; table[SDL_BUTTON_X1] = MouseButton::X1_MOUSE; table[SDL_BUTTON_X2] = MouseButton::X2_MOUSE; return table; }(); if (sdl_button >= MOUSE_BUTTON_LOOKUP_TABLE.size()) { // Return NONE for invalid or unmapped button return MouseButton::NONE; } return MOUSE_BUTTON_LOOKUP_TABLE[sdl_button]; } void SDLContext::clear_screen() { SDL_RenderClear(this->game_renderer.get()); } void SDLContext::present_screen() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->game_renderer.get(), 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRectF(this->game_renderer.get(), &black_bars[0]); SDL_RenderFillRectF(this->game_renderer.get(), &black_bars[1]); SDL_RenderPresent(this->game_renderer.get()); } SDL_Rect SDLContext::get_src_rect(const Sprite & sprite) const { return SDL_Rect{ .x = sprite.mask.x, .y = sprite.mask.y, .w = sprite.mask.w, .h = sprite.mask.h, }; } SDL_FRect SDLContext::get_dst_rect(const DestinationRectangleData & ctx) const { const Sprite::Data & data = ctx.sprite.data; vec2 size; if (data.size.x == 0 && data.size.y != 0) { size.x = data.size.y * ctx.sprite.aspect_ratio; } if (data.size.y == 0 && data.size.x != 0) { size.y = data.size.x / ctx.sprite.aspect_ratio; } const CameraValues & cam = ctx.cam; size *= cam.render_scale * ctx.img_scale * data.scale_offset; vec2 screen_pos = (ctx.pos + data.position_offset - cam.cam_pos + (cam.zoomed_viewport) / 2) * cam.render_scale - size / 2 + cam.bar_size; return SDL_FRect{ .x = screen_pos.x, .y = screen_pos.y, .w = size.x, .h = size.y, }; } void SDLContext::draw(const RenderContext & ctx) { const Sprite::Data & data = ctx.sprite.data; SDL_RendererFlip render_flip = (SDL_RendererFlip) ((SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL * data.flip.flip_x) | (SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL * data.flip.flip_y)); SDL_Rect srcrect = this->get_src_rect(ctx.sprite); SDL_FRect dstrect = this->get_dst_rect(SDLContext::DestinationRectangleData{ .sprite = ctx.sprite, .cam = ctx.cam, .pos = ctx.pos, .img_scale = ctx.scale, }); double angle = ctx.angle + data.angle_offset; this->set_color_texture(ctx.sprite.texture, ctx.sprite.data.color); SDL_RenderCopyExF(this->game_renderer.get(), ctx.sprite.texture.texture.get(), &srcrect, &dstrect, angle, NULL, render_flip); } SDLContext::CameraValues SDLContext::set_camera(const Camera & cam) { const Camera::Data & cam_data = cam.data; CameraValues ret_cam; // resize window int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(this->game_window.get(), &w, &h); if (w != cam.screen.x || h != cam.screen.y) { SDL_SetWindowSize(this->game_window.get(), cam.screen.x, cam.screen.y); } vec2 & zoomed_viewport = ret_cam.zoomed_viewport; vec2 & bar_size = ret_cam.bar_size; vec2 & render_scale = ret_cam.render_scale; zoomed_viewport = cam.viewport_size * cam_data.zoom; float screen_aspect = static_cast(cam.screen.x) / cam.screen.y; float viewport_aspect = zoomed_viewport.x / zoomed_viewport.y; // calculate black bars if (screen_aspect > viewport_aspect) { // pillarboxing float scale = cam.screen.y / zoomed_viewport.y; float adj_width = zoomed_viewport.x * scale; float bar_width = (cam.screen.x - adj_width) / 2; this->black_bars[0] = {0, 0, bar_width, (float) cam.screen.y}; this->black_bars[1] = {(cam.screen.x - bar_width), 0, bar_width, (float) cam.screen.y}; bar_size = {bar_width, 0}; render_scale.x = render_scale.y = scale; } else { // letterboxing float scale = cam.screen.x / (cam.viewport_size.x * cam_data.zoom); float adj_height = cam.viewport_size.y * scale; float bar_height = (cam.screen.y - adj_height) / 2; this->black_bars[0] = {0, 0, (float) cam.screen.x, bar_height}; this->black_bars[1] = {0, (cam.screen.y - bar_height), (float) cam.screen.x, bar_height}; bar_size = {0, bar_height}; render_scale.x = render_scale.y = scale; } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(this->game_renderer.get(), cam_data.bg_color.r, cam_data.bg_color.g, cam_data.bg_color.b, cam_data.bg_color.a); SDL_Rect bg = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = cam.screen.x, .h = cam.screen.y, }; // fill bg color SDL_RenderFillRect(this->game_renderer.get(), &bg); return ret_cam; } uint64_t SDLContext::get_ticks() const { return SDL_GetTicks64(); } std::unique_ptr> SDLContext::texture_from_path(const std::string & path) { SDL_Surface * tmp = IMG_Load(path.c_str()); if (tmp == nullptr) throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: IMG_Load error: {}", SDL_GetError())); std::unique_ptr> img_surface; img_surface = {tmp, [](SDL_Surface * surface) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); }}; SDL_Texture * tmp_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(this->game_renderer.get(), img_surface.get()); if (tmp_texture == nullptr) { throw runtime_error(format("SDLContext: Texture cannot be load from {}", path)); } std::unique_ptr> img_texture; img_texture = {tmp_texture, [](SDL_Texture * texture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); }}; SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(img_texture.get(), SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); return img_texture; } ivec2 SDLContext::get_size(const Texture & ctx) { ivec2 size; SDL_QueryTexture(ctx.texture.get(), NULL, NULL, &size.x, &size.y); return size; } void SDLContext::delay(int ms) const { SDL_Delay(ms); } std::vector SDLContext::get_events() { std::vector event_list; SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::SHUTDOWN, }); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::KEYDOWN, .key = sdl_to_keycode(event.key.keysym.scancode), .key_repeat = (event.key.repeat != 0), }); break; case SDL_KEYUP: event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::KEYUP, .key = sdl_to_keycode(event.key.keysym.scancode), }); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::MOUSEDOWN, .mouse_button = sdl_to_mousebutton(event.button.button), .mouse_position = {event.button.x, event.button.y}, }); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { int x, y; SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::MOUSEUP, .mouse_button = sdl_to_mousebutton(event.button.button), .mouse_position = {event.button.x, event.button.y}, }); } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { event_list.push_back( EventData{.event_type = SDLContext::EventType::MOUSEMOVE, .mouse_position = {event.motion.x, event.motion.y}, .rel_mouse_move = {event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel}}); } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { event_list.push_back(EventData{ .event_type = SDLContext::EventType::MOUSEWHEEL, .mouse_position = {event.motion.x, event.motion.y}, // TODO: why is this needed? .scroll_direction = event.wheel.y < 0 ? -1 : 1, .scroll_delta = event.wheel.preciseY, }); } break; } } return event_list; } void SDLContext::set_color_texture(const Texture & texture, const Color & color) { SDL_SetTextureColorMod(texture.texture.get(), color.r, color.g, color.b); SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(texture.texture.get(), color.a); }