#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

#include "FontFacade.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace crepe;

FontFacade::FontFacade() {
	if (!FcInit()) throw runtime_error("Failed to initialize Fontconfig.");

FontFacade::~FontFacade() { FcFini(); }

Asset FontFacade::get_font_asset(const string & font_family) {
	FcPattern * raw_pattern
		= FcNameParse(reinterpret_cast<const FcChar8 *>(font_family.c_str()));
	if (raw_pattern == NULL) throw runtime_error("Failed to create font pattern.");

	unique_ptr<FcPattern, function<void(FcPattern *)>> pattern {
		raw_pattern, [](FcPattern * p) { FcPatternDestroy(p); }

	FcConfig * config = FcConfigGetCurrent();
	if (config == NULL) throw runtime_error("Failed to get current Fontconfig configuration.");

	FcResult result;
	FcPattern * raw_matched_pattern = FcFontMatch(config, pattern.get(), &result);
	if (raw_matched_pattern == NULL) throw runtime_error("No matching font found.");

	unique_ptr<FcPattern, function<void(FcPattern *)>> matched_pattern
		= {raw_matched_pattern, [](FcPattern * p) { FcPatternDestroy(p); }};

	FcChar8 * file_path = nullptr;
	FcResult res = FcPatternGetString(matched_pattern.get(), FC_FILE, 0, &file_path);
	if (res != FcResultMatch || file_path == NULL)
		throw runtime_error("Failed to get font file path.");

	string font_file_path = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(file_path);
	return Asset(font_file_path);