#include "EventManager.h" using namespace crepe; EventManager & EventManager::get_instance() { static EventManager instance; return instance; } void EventManager::dispatch_events() { for (auto event_it = this->events_queue.begin(); event_it != this->events_queue.end();) { std::unique_ptr<Event> & event = (*event_it).event; int channel = (*event_it).channel; std::type_index event_type = (*event_it).type; bool event_handled = false; auto handlers_it = this->subscribers.find(event_type); if (handlers_it == this->subscribers.end()) { continue; } std::vector<CallbackEntry> & handlers = handlers_it->second; for (auto handler_it = handlers.begin(); handler_it != handlers.end(); ++handler_it) { // If callback is executed and returns true, remove the event from the queue if ((*handler_it).callback->exec(*event)) { event_it = this->events_queue.erase(event_it); event_handled = true; break; } } if (!event_handled) { ++event_it; } } } void EventManager::clear() { this->subscribers.clear(); this->events_queue.clear(); } void EventManager::unsubscribe(subscription_t event_id) { for (auto & [event_type, handlers] : this->subscribers) { for (auto it = handlers.begin(); it != handlers.end();) { if (it->id == event_id) { it = handlers.erase(it); return; } else { ++it; } } } }