template <typename T, typename... Args>
T & ComponentManager::AddComponent(std::uint32_t id, Args &&... args) {
	//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
	std::type_index type = typeid(T);

	//Check if this component type is already in the unordered_map<>
	if (mComponents.find(type) == mComponents.end()) {
		//If not, create a new (empty) vector<> of vector<unique_ptr<Component>>
		mComponents[type] = std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>>();

	//Resize the vector<> if the id is greater than the current size
	if (id >= mComponents[type].size()) {
		//Initialize new slots to nullptr (resize does automatically init to nullptr)
		mComponents[type].resize(id + 1);

	//Create a new component of type T using perfect forwarding and store its unique_ptr in the vector<>

	return static_cast<T &>(*mComponents[type][id].back().get());

template <typename T>
void ComponentManager::DeleteComponentsById(std::uint32_t id) {
	//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
	std::type_index type = typeid(T);

	//Find the type (in the unordered_map<>)
	if (mComponents.find(type) != mComponents.end()) {
		//Get the correct vector<>
		std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>> & componentArray
			= mComponents[type];

		//Make sure that the id (that we are looking for) is within the boundaries of the vector<>
		if (id < componentArray.size()) {
			//Clear the whole vector<> of this specific type and id

template <typename T>
void ComponentManager::DeleteComponents() {
	//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
	std::type_index type = typeid(T);

	//Find the type (in the unordered_map<>)
	if (mComponents.find(type) != mComponents.end()) {
		//Clear the whole vector<> of this specific type

template <typename T>
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<T>> ComponentManager::GetComponentsByID(std::uint32_t id
) const {
	//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
	std::type_index type = typeid(T);

	//Create an empty vector<>
	std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<T>> componentVector;

	//Find the type (in the unordered_map<>)
	if (mComponents.find(type) != mComponents.end()) {

		//Get the correct vector<>
		const std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>> & componentArray
			= mComponents.at(type);

		//Make sure that the id (that we are looking for) is within the boundaries of the vector<>
		if (id < componentArray.size()) {
			//Loop trough the whole vector<>
			for (const std::unique_ptr<Component> & componentPtr : componentArray[id]) {
				//Cast the unique_ptr to a raw pointer
				T * castedComponent = static_cast<T *>(componentPtr.get());

				//Ensure that the cast was successful
				if (castedComponent) {
					//Add the dereferenced raw pointer to the vector<>

	//Return the vector<>
	return componentVector;

template <typename T>
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<T>> ComponentManager::GetComponentsByType() const {
	//Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
	std::type_index type = typeid(T);

	//Create an empty vector<>
	std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<T>> componentVector;
	//std::uint32_t id = 0;	//Set the id to 0 (the id will also be stored in the returned vector<>)

	//Find the type (in the unordered_map<>)
	if (mComponents.find(type) != mComponents.end()) {

		//Get the correct vector<>
		const std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>> & componentArray
			= mComponents.at(type);

		//Loop through the whole vector<>
		for (const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>> & component : componentArray) {
			//Loop trough the whole vector<>
			for (const std::unique_ptr<Component> & componentPtr : component) {
				//Cast the unique_ptr to a raw pointer
				T * castedComponent = static_cast<T *>(componentPtr.get());

				//Ensure that the cast was successful
				if (castedComponent) {
					//Pair the dereferenced raw pointer and the id and add it to the vector<>

			//++id;	//Increase the id (the id will also be stored in the returned vector<>)

	//Return the vector<>
	return componentVector;