#include "CoinSystemScript.h" #include <random> #include <crepe/api/CircleCollider.h> #include <crepe/api/Metadata.h> #include <crepe/api/Sprite.h> #include <crepe/api/Transform.h> using namespace crepe; using namespace std; void CoinSystemScript::init() { engine.seed(rd()); } void CoinSystemScript::add_location(const crepe::vec2 & location) { coin_locations.push_back(CoinData(location)); } float CoinSystemScript::preset_1(const vec2 & begin_position) { vec2 top = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - (this->ROW_OFFSET_1)}; vec2 bottom = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y + (this->ROW_OFFSET_1)}; // Add locations for the top row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) { add_location(top); top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1; } // Add locations for the bottom row bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) { add_location(bottom); bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1; } // Add locations for the next set of the top row top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) { add_location(top); top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1; } // Add locations for the next set of the bottom row bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1 * COLUM_AMOUNT_1; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_1; ++i) { add_location(bottom); bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_1; } return bottom.x - begin_position.x; } float CoinSystemScript::preset_2(const vec2 & begin_position) { vec2 top = {begin_position.x + this->COLUM_OFFSET_2, begin_position.y - this->ROW_OFFSET_2}; vec2 middle = begin_position; vec2 bottom = {begin_position.x + this->COLUM_OFFSET_2, begin_position.y + this->ROW_OFFSET_2}; // Add locations for the next set of the bottom row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2 - 2; ++i) { add_location(bottom); bottom.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2; } // Add locations for the next set of the middle row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2; ++i) { add_location(middle); middle.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2; } // Add locations for the next set of the top row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_2 - 2; ++i) { add_location(top); top.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_2; } return middle.x - begin_position.x; } float CoinSystemScript::preset_3(const vec2 & begin_position) { vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - (this->ROW_OFFSET_3)}; // Add locations for the top row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3; } // Add locations for the bottom row location.y += this->ROW_OFFSET_3; location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3; } // Add locations for the next set of the top row location.y += this->ROW_OFFSET_3; location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_3; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_3; } return location.x - begin_position.x; } float CoinSystemScript::preset_4(const vec2 & begin_position) { vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y + (this->ROW_OFFSET_4)}; // Add locations for the top row for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4; } // Add locations for the bottom row location.y -= this->ROW_OFFSET_4; location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4; } // Add locations for the next set of the top row location.y -= this->ROW_OFFSET_4; location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_4; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_4; } return location.x - begin_position.x; } float CoinSystemScript::preset_5(const vec2 & begin_position) { vec2 location = {begin_position.x, begin_position.y - ROW_OFFSET_5 / 2}; for (int i = 0; i < COLUM_AMOUNT_5; ++i) { add_location(location); location.x += this->COLUM_OFFSET_5; } return location.x - begin_position.x; } void CoinSystemScript::frame_update(crepe::duration_t dt) { this->despawn_coins(); this->generate_locations(); this->spawn_coins(); } void CoinSystemScript::despawn_coins() { // Get the current x-position of the CoinSystem's Transform component float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x; // Retrieve all active coin sprites tagged as "coin" RefVector<Sprite> coin_sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>("coin"); for (Sprite & coin_sprite : coin_sprites) { if (!coin_sprite.active) continue; // Skip inactive sprites // Retrieve the corresponding Transform, Metadata, and CircleCollider components Transform & coin_transform = this->get_components_by_id<Transform>(coin_sprite.game_object_id).front().get(); Metadata & coin_metadata = this->get_components_by_id<Metadata>(coin_sprite.game_object_id).front().get(); CircleCollider & coin_collider = this->get_components_by_id<CircleCollider>(coin_sprite.game_object_id) .front() .get(); // Check if the coin is out of bounds based on DESPAWN_DISTANCE if (coin_transform.position.x < position - this->DESPAWN_DISTANCE) { // Find the coin in the coin_locations vector using its name auto it = std::find_if( coin_locations.begin(), coin_locations.end(), [&coin_metadata](const CoinData & data) { return data.name == coin_metadata.name; } ); // If a match is found, erase it from coin_locations if (it != coin_locations.end()) { coin_locations.erase(it); coin_sprite.active = false; coin_collider.active = false; } } } } void CoinSystemScript::spawn_coins() { // Get the current x-position of the CoinSystem's Transform component float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x; // Iterate through the list of coin locations for (auto & coin : coin_locations) { // Skip this coin if it is already active if (coin.active) continue; // Skip this coin if it is not within the defined spawn area if (coin.start_location.x < this->SPAWN_DISTANCE + position || coin.start_location.x > this->SPAWN_AREA + this->SPAWN_DISTANCE + position) continue; // Retrieve all sprites tagged as "coin" RefVector<Sprite> coin_sprites = this->get_components_by_tag<Sprite>("coin"); // Check for an available (inactive) coin sprite for (Sprite & coin_sprite : coin_sprites) { // Skip this sprite if it is already active if (coin_sprite.active) continue; // Found an available (inactive) coin sprite // Retrieve its associated components Transform & coin_transform = this->get_components_by_id<Transform>(coin_sprite.game_object_id) .front() .get(); Metadata & coin_metadata = this->get_components_by_id<Metadata>(coin_sprite.game_object_id) .front() .get(); CircleCollider & coin_collider = this->get_components_by_id<CircleCollider>(coin_sprite.game_object_id) .front() .get(); // Assign data and set active coin.name = coin_metadata.name; coin.active = true; coin_sprite.active = true; coin_collider.active = true; coin_transform.position = coin.start_location; // Break out of the inner loop since we've assigned this coin to an available sprite break; } } } void CoinSystemScript::generate_locations() { float position = this->get_component<Transform>().position.x; if (position + SPAWN_DISTANCE + SYSTEM_POSITION_OFFSET < this->system_position) return; std::discrete_distribution<int> dist(weights.begin(), weights.end()); int selected_index = dist(engine); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> space_dist(SPAWN_SPACING_MIN, SPAWN_SPACING_MAX); float spacing = space_dist(engine); // Call the corresponding function and return the new x position this->system_position += functions[selected_index]({this->system_position, 0}); this->system_position += spacing; }