This document contains
that you can click on to open them.

# Git

- Please do the following *before* sending a pull request:
  - Merge upstream code (if any) back into your own branch
  - Run formatters/linters
- Push as often as possible
- Development is done on separate branches, these follow a pattern of
  `name/feature` (i.e. `loek/dll-so-poc` or `jaro/class2`)
- The master branch is considered stable, and should always contain a
  working/compiling version of the project
- TODO: tagging / versions

# Code style

- Formatting nitty-gritty is handled by clang-format/clang-tidy (run `make
  format` in the root folder of this repository to format all sources files)
- <details><summary>
  ASCII only

  // crepe startup message
  std::string message = "Hello, world!";

  // crêpe startup message
  std::string message = "こんにちは世界";
- <details><summary>
  Class names are always singular

  class Foo {};

  class Cars {};
- Source files (`.cpp`, `.hpp`) contain the following types of comments:
  - What is the code supposed to do (optional)
  - Implementation details (if applicable)
- Header files (`.h`) contain the following types of comments:
  - [Usage documentation](#documentation) (required)
    > [!NOTE]
    > Constructors/destructors aren't required to have a `\brief` description
  - Implementation details (if they affect the header)
  - Design/data structure decisions (if applicable)
- <details><summary>
  Comments are placed *above* the line(s) they are explaining

  int add(int a, int b) {
    // add numbers
    int out = a + b;
    return out;

  int add(int a, int b) {
    int out = a + b; // add numbers
    return out;
- Header includes (at the top of files) are split into paragraphs separated by
  a blank line. The order is:
  1. system headers (using `<`brackets`>`)
  2. relative headers NOT in the same folder as the current file
  3. relative headers in the same folder as the current file

  > [!NOTE]
  > When using libraries of which the header include order is important, make
  > sure to separate the include statements using a blank line (clang-format
  > may sort include statements, but does not sort across empty lines).


  #include <SDL2/SDL.h>
  #include <iostream>

  #include "api/Sprite.h"
  #include "util/log.h"

  #include "SDLContext.h"

  #include <SDL2/SDL.h>
  #include "SDLContext.h"
  #include "util/log.h"
  #include <iostream>
  #include "api/Sprite.h"
- <details><summary>
  If there is one, the matching template header (<code>.hpp</code>) is included
  at the bottom of the regular header (<code>.h</code>)

  #pragma once

  template <typename T>
  void foo();

  #include "Foo.hpp"

  #pragma once
  #include "Foo.h"

  template <typename T>
  void foo() {
    // ...

  #pragma once

  template <typename T>
  void foo();

  #pragma once
  #include "Foo.h"

  template <typename T>
  void foo() {
    // ...
- <details><summary>
  <code>using namespace</code> may not be used in header files (.h, .hpp), only
  in source files (.cpp).

  namespace crepe {
  void foo();
  #include "example.h"
  using namespace crepe;
  void foo() {}

  namespace crepe {
  template <typename T>
  T foo();
  #include "example.h"
  using namespace crepe;
  template <typename T>
  T foo();

- <details><summary>
  Getter and setter functions are appropriately prefixed with <code>get_</code>
  and <code>set_</code>.

  class Foo {
    int get_speed() const;
    void set_speed(int speed);
    int speed;

  class Foo {
    int speed() const;
    void set_speed(int speed);
    int speed;
- <details><summary>
  A singleton's instance is always accessed using a getter function that
  instantiates its own class as a static variable within the getter function
  scope, instead of storing the instance as a member variable directly.

  class Foo {
    Foo & get_instance() {
      static Foo instance;
      return instance;

  Foo Foo::instance {};

  class Foo {
    static Foo instance;
    Foo & get_instance() { return Foo::instance; }

- <details><summary>
  Member variable default values should be directly defined in the class/struct
  declaration instead of using the constructor.

  class Foo {
    int speed = 0;

  class Foo {
    Foo() : speed(0) {}
    int speed;
- Use of the `auto` type is *not* allowed, with the following exceptions:
  - <details><summary>
    When naming the item type in a range-based for loop

    for (auto & item : foo()) {
      // ...
  - <details><summary>
    When calling template factory methods that explicitly name the return type
    in the function call signature

    auto ptr = make_unique<Foo>();
  - <details><summary>
    When fetching a singleton instance

    auto & mgr = crepe::api::Config::get_instance();

- <details><summary>
  Only use member initializer lists for non-trivial types.

  class Foo {
    Foo() : bar("baz") {}
    std::string bar;

  class Foo {
    Foo() : bar(0) {}
    int bar;
- <details><summary>
  C++-style structs should define default values for all non-trivial fields.

  struct Foo {
    int bar = 0;
    std::string baz;

  struct Foo {
    int bar;
    std::string baz;
- <details><summary>
  Declare incomplete classes instead of including the relevant header where
  possible (i.e. if you only need a reference or raw pointer).

  class Bar;
  class Foo {
    Bar & bar;

  #include "Bar.h"
  class Foo {
    Bar & bar;
- <details><summary>
  Template functions are only <i>declared</i> in a <code>.h</code> header, and
  <i>defined</i> in a matching <code>.hpp</code> header.

  template <typename T>
  T add(T a, T b);

  #include "add.hpp"
  #include "add.h"

  template <typename T>
  T add(T a, T b) {
    return a + b;

  template <typename T>
  T add(T a, T b) {
    return a + b;
- <details><summary>
  Where possible, end (initializer) lists with a trailing comma (e.g. with
  structs, enums)

  enum Color {

  enum Color {
- <details><summary>
  <code>#pragma</code> should be used instead of include guards

  #pragma once

  // ...

  #ifndef __INCLUDED_H
  #define __INCLUDED_H

  // ...

- <details><summary>
  Variables that are being moved always use the fully qualified <code>std::move</code>

  using namespace std;
  string foo = "bar";

  using namespace std;
  string foo = "bar";
- <details><summary>
  If possible, classes and structs are passed to functions by (const) reference

  void foo(const Point & p);

  void foo(Point & p);
  void bar(Point p);
- <details><summary>
  Follow the rule of five

  class Foo {
    Foo(Foo &&) noexcept;
    Foo & operator = (const Foo &);
    Foo & operator = (Foo &&) noexcept;

  class Foo {
- <details><summary>
  Ensure const-correctness

  class Foo {
    int get_value() const;
    void set_value(int new_value);
    const std::string & get_name() const;
    void set_name(const std::string & new_name);
    int value;
    std::string name;

  class Foo {
    int get_value();
    void set_value(int new_value);
    std::string get_name();
    void set_name(std::string new_name);
    int value;
    std::string name;
- <details><summary>
  Files should be named after the class/struct/interface they implement


- <details><summary>
  Implementations are not allowed in header files, except if the implementation

  - is `= default`
  - is `= delete`
  - is `{}` (empty)
  - only returns a constant literal

  class Foo {
    int get_value() const { return 42; }

  class Foo {
    int calculate_value() const {
      int result = 0;
      // complex calculation
      return result;
- <details><summary>
  Use angle brackets (<code><></code>) only for including system headers and
  double quotes (<code>""</code>) for including other engine files.

  > [!NOTE]
  > Only files in the examples folder should include engine headers with angle
  > brackets

  #include <iostream>

  #include "facade/Sound.h"

  #include <iostream>
  #include <crepe/facade/Sound.h>
- <details><summary>
  Ensure exception safety by using RAII classes

  auto foo = std::make_unique<Foo>();

  Foo* foo = new Foo();
  // ...
  delete foo;
- <details><summary>
  Do not use C-style memory management APIs (<code>malloc</code>,
  <code>calloc</code>, <code>free</code>)

  Foo * foo = new Foo();
  delete foo;

  Foo * foo = (Foo *) malloc(sizeof(Foo));
- <details><summary>
  Prefix all class members with <code>this-></code>

  void Foo::set_value(int value) {
    this->value = value;

  void Foo::set_value(int new_value) {
    value = new_value;
- <details><summary>
  Assigning booleans should be done with the
  <code>true</code>/<code>false</code> literals instead of

  bool foo = true;
  bool bar = false;

  bool foo = 1;
  bool bar = 0;

## CMakeLists-specific

- Make sure list arguments (e.g. sources, libraries) given to commands (e.g.
  `target_sources`, `target_link_libraries`) are on separate lines. This makes
  resolving merge conflicts when multiple sources were added by different
  people to the same CMakeLists.txt easier.

# Structure

- Files are placed in the appropriate directory:
  |`crepe/`|Auxiliary, managers|
  |`crepe/api/`|User-facing APIs|
  |`crepe/util/`|Standalone utilities and helper functions|
  |`crepe/system/`|(ECS) system classes|
  |`crepe/facade/`|Library façades|
- Do not (indirectly) include private *dependency* headers in API header files,
  as these are no longer accessible when the engine is installed
- All code is implemented under the `crepe` namespace.
- Header files declare either a single class or symbols within a single

# Documentation

- All documentation is written in U.S. English
- <details><summary>
  Doxygen commands are used with a backslash instead of an at-sign.

   * \brief do something
   * \param bar  Magic number
  void foo(int bar);

   * @brief do something
   * @param bar  Magic number
  void foo();

# Libraries

- External libraries should be included as Git submodules under the `lib/`
- When adding new submodules, please set the `shallow` option to `true` in the
  [.gitmodules](./.gitmodules) file