path: root/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
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1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp b/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3f118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/LoopTimerTest.cpp
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+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <thread>
+#define private public
+#define protected public
+#include "api/LoopTimer.h"
+using namespace std::chrono;
+using namespace crepe;
+class LoopTimerTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ LoopTimer loop_timer;
+ void SetUp() override {
+ loop_timer.start();
+ }
+TEST_F(LoopTimerTest, EnforcesTargetFrameRate) {
+ // Set the target FPS to 60 (which gives a target time per frame of ~16.67 ms)
+ loop_timer.set_target_fps(60);
+ auto start_time = steady_clock::now();
+ loop_timer.enforce_frame_rate();
+ auto elapsed_time = steady_clock::now() - start_time;
+ auto elapsed_ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(elapsed_time).count();
+ // For 60 FPS, the target frame time is around 16.67ms
+ ASSERT_GE(elapsed_ms, 16); // Make sure it's at least 16 ms (could be slightly more)
+ ASSERT_LE(elapsed_ms, 18); // Ensure it's not too much longer
+TEST_F(LoopTimerTest, SetTargetFps) {
+ // Set the target FPS to 120
+ loop_timer.set_target_fps(120);
+ // Calculate the expected frame time (~8.33ms per frame)
+ auto expected_frame_time = std::chrono::duration<double>(1.0 / 120.0);
+ ASSERT_NEAR(loop_timer.frame_target_time.count(), expected_frame_time.count(), 0.001);
+TEST_F(LoopTimerTest, DeltaTimeCalculation) {
+ // Set the target FPS to 60 (16.67 ms per frame)
+ loop_timer.set_target_fps(60);
+ auto start_time = steady_clock::now();
+ loop_timer.update();
+ auto end_time = steady_clock::now();
+ // Check the delta time
+ double delta_time = loop_timer.get_delta_time();
+ auto elapsed_time = duration_cast<milliseconds>(end_time - start_time).count();
+ // Assert that delta_time is close to the elapsed time
+ ASSERT_GE(delta_time, elapsed_time / 1000.0);
+ ASSERT_LE(delta_time, (elapsed_time + 2) / 1000.0);
+TEST_F(LoopTimerTest, getCurrentTime) {
+ // Set the target FPS to 60 (16.67 ms per frame)
+ loop_timer.set_target_fps(60);
+ auto start_time = steady_clock::now();
+ // Sleep for 500 milliseconds
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+ loop_timer.update();
+ auto end_time = steady_clock::now();
+ // Get the elapsed time in seconds as a double
+ auto elapsed_time = duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(end_time - start_time).count();
+ ASSERT_NEAR(loop_timer.get_current_time(), elapsed_time, 0.001);