path: root/src/example
diff options
authorLoek Le Blansch <loek@pipeframe.xyz>2024-11-20 14:58:51 +0100
committerLoek Le Blansch <loek@pipeframe.xyz>2024-11-20 14:58:51 +0100
commitc52742e049e68d5ad0beabf8647f543bc2497596 (patch)
treeeea3ed84183725f10236342fab846b13b2df3d89 /src/example
parent22a7e9f3c40b4b6eb68a5343e4870e76c4bfcf63 (diff)
parentfb35ca64eee9afdd72f2cf8d279c4e745444baf9 (diff)
merge `master` into `loek/util`
Diffstat (limited to 'src/example')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/src/example/CMakeLists.txt b/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
index 3a5b543..30432e5 100644
--- a/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/example/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ function(add_example target_name)
-# add_example(components_internal)
@@ -26,8 +25,6 @@ add_example(physics)
diff --git a/src/example/components_internal.cpp b/src/example/components_internal.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a232a9..0000000
--- a/src/example/components_internal.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/** \file
- *
- * Standalone example for usage of the internal ECS
- */
-#include <cassert>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <crepe/Component.h>
-#include <crepe/ComponentManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Rigidbody.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Sprite.h>
-#include <crepe/util/Log.h>
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-#define OBJ_COUNT 100000
-int main() {
- dbg_trace();
- ComponentManager mgr{};
- auto start_adding = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- for (int i = 0; i < OBJ_COUNT; ++i) {
- GameObject obj = mgr.new_object("Name", "Tag");
- obj.add_component<Sprite>("test");
- obj.add_component<Rigidbody>(0, 0, i);
- }
- auto stop_adding = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- auto sprites = mgr.get_components_by_type<Sprite>();
- for (auto sprite : sprites) {
- assert(true);
- }
- auto stop_looping = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- auto add_time = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(stop_adding - start_adding);
- auto loop_time = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(stop_looping - stop_adding);
- printf("add time: %ldus\n", add_time.count());
- printf("loop time: %ldus\n", loop_time.count());
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/example/ecs.cpp b/src/example/ecs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ba51b..0000000
--- a/src/example/ecs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <crepe/ComponentManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Transform.h>
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-int main() {
- ComponentManager mgr{};
- // Create a few GameObjects
- try {
- GameObject body = mgr.new_object("body", "person", Vector2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject right_leg = mgr.new_object("rightLeg", "person", Vector2{1, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject left_leg = mgr.new_object("leftLeg", "person", Vector2{1, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject right_foot = mgr.new_object("rightFoot", "person", Vector2{2, 2}, 0, 1);
- GameObject left_foot = mgr.new_object("leftFoot", "person", Vector2{2, 2}, 0, 1);
- // Set the parent of each GameObject
- right_foot.set_parent(right_leg);
- left_foot.set_parent(left_leg);
- right_leg.set_parent(body);
- left_leg.set_parent(body);
- // Adding a second Transform component is not allowed and will invoke an exception
- body.add_component<Transform>(Vector2{10, 10}, 0, 1);
- } catch (const exception & e) {
- cerr << e.what() << endl;
- }
- // Get the Metadata and Transform components of each GameObject
- vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata = mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
- vector<reference_wrapper<Transform>> transform = mgr.get_components_by_type<Transform>();
- // Print the Metadata and Transform components
- for (auto & m : metadata) {
- cout << "Id: " << m.get().game_object_id << " Name: " << m.get().name
- << " Tag: " << m.get().tag << " Parent: " << m.get().parent << " Children: ";
- for (auto & c : m.get().children) {
- cout << c << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- for (auto & t : transform) {
- cout << "Id: " << t.get().game_object_id << " Position: [" << t.get().position.x
- << ", " << t.get().position.y << "]" << endl;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/example/scene_manager.cpp b/src/example/scene_manager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index accec7d..0000000
--- a/src/example/scene_manager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <crepe/ComponentManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/GameObject.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Metadata.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Scene.h>
-#include <crepe/api/SceneManager.h>
-#include <crepe/api/Vector2.h>
-using namespace crepe;
-using namespace std;
-class ConcreteScene1 : public Scene {
- using Scene::Scene;
- void load_scene() {
- auto & mgr = this->component_manager;
- GameObject object1 = mgr.new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", Vector2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object2 = mgr.new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", Vector2{1, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object3 = mgr.new_object("scene_1", "tag_scene_1", Vector2{2, 0}, 0, 1);
- }
-class ConcreteScene2 : public Scene {
- using Scene::Scene;
- void load_scene() {
- auto & mgr = this->component_manager;
- GameObject object1 = mgr.new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", Vector2{0, 0}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object2 = mgr.new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", Vector2{0, 1}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object3 = mgr.new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", Vector2{0, 2}, 0, 1);
- GameObject object4 = mgr.new_object("scene_2", "tag_scene_2", Vector2{0, 3}, 0, 1);
- }
-int main() {
- ComponentManager component_mgr{};
- SceneManager scene_mgr{component_mgr};
- // Add the scenes to the scene manager
- scene_mgr.add_scene<ConcreteScene1>("scene1");
- scene_mgr.add_scene<ConcreteScene2>("scene2");
- // There is no need to call set_next_scene() at the beginnen, because the first scene will be
- // automatically set as the next scene
- // Load scene1 (the first scene added)
- scene_mgr.load_next_scene();
- // Get the Metadata components of each GameObject of Scene1
- vector<reference_wrapper<Metadata>> metadata
- = component_mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
- cout << "Metadata components of Scene1:" << endl;
- // Print the Metadata
- for (auto & m : metadata) {
- cout << "Id: " << m.get().game_object_id << " Name: " << m.get().name
- << " Tag: " << m.get().tag << endl;
- }
- // Set scene2 as the next scene
- scene_mgr.set_next_scene("scene2");
- // Load scene2
- scene_mgr.load_next_scene();
- // Get the Metadata components of each GameObject of Scene2
- metadata = component_mgr.get_components_by_type<Metadata>();
- cout << "Metadata components of Scene2:" << endl;
- // Print the Metadata
- for (auto & m : metadata) {
- cout << "Id: " << m.get().game_object_id << " Name: " << m.get().name
- << " Tag: " << m.get().tag << endl;
- }
- return 0;