path: root/src/crepe
diff options
authorWBoerenkamps <wrj.boerenkamps@student.avans.nl>2024-12-11 14:33:12 +0100
committerWBoerenkamps <wrj.boerenkamps@student.avans.nl>2024-12-11 14:33:12 +0100
commit68bf20b491b4b7673c2ece7a6497b9faffd44eb1 (patch)
treeec0aa56081bc744b595f1665f048c4d26242884f /src/crepe
parentf64b793ad8e796458c8e175f298e8d13eb3b3459 (diff)
parent78c4a8772526f40c531b5402b56932b0a41e22e8 (diff)
feedback but error after conflict
Diffstat (limited to 'src/crepe')
43 files changed, 1309 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/src/crepe/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/CMakeLists.txt
index da9d492..6cbb9fe 100644
--- a/src/crepe/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ Resource.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ Resource.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/Component.h b/src/crepe/Component.h
index c30419d..eff5a58 100644
--- a/src/crepe/Component.h
+++ b/src/crepe/Component.h
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ class Component {
//! Whether the component is active
bool active = true;
- //! The id of the GameObject this component belongs to
+ /**
+ * \brief The id of the GameObject this component belongs to
+ *
+ * \note Only systems are supposed to use this member, but since friend
+ * relations aren't inherited this needs to be public.
+ */
const game_object_id_t game_object_id;
@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ protected:
* \param id The id of the GameObject this component belongs to
Component(game_object_id_t id);
- //! Only the ComponentManager can create components
+ //! Only ComponentManager can create components
friend class ComponentManager;
Component(const Component &) = delete;
diff --git a/src/crepe/Resource.cpp b/src/crepe/Resource.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b4c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/Resource.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include "Resource.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+Resource::Resource(const Asset & asset) {}
diff --git a/src/crepe/Resource.h b/src/crepe/Resource.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eceb15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/Resource.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace crepe {
+class ResourceManager;
+class Asset;
+ * \brief Resource interface
+ *
+ * Resource is an interface class used to represent a (deserialized) game resource (e.g.
+ * textures, sounds). Resources are always created from \ref Asset "assets" by ResourceManager.
+ *
+ * The game programmer has the ability to use the ResourceManager to keep instances of concrete
+ * resources between scenes, preventing them from being reinstantiated during a scene
+ * transition.
+ */
+class Resource {
+ Resource(const Asset & src);
+ virtual ~Resource() = default;
+ Resource(const Resource &) = delete;
+ Resource(Resource &&) = delete;
+ Resource & operator=(const Resource &) = delete;
+ Resource & operator=(Resource &&) = delete;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp b/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2195249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "AI.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+AI::AI(game_object_id_t id, float max_force) : Component(id), max_force(max_force) {}
+void AI::make_circle_path(float radius, const vec2 & center, float start_angle,
+ bool clockwise) {
+ if (radius <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Radius must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ // The step size is determined by the radius (step size is in radians)
+ float step = RADIUS_TO_STEP / radius;
+ // Force at least MIN_STEP steps (in case of a small radius)
+ if (step > 2 * M_PI / MIN_STEP) {
+ step = 2 * M_PI / MIN_STEP;
+ }
+ // The path node distance is determined by the step size and the radius
+ this->path_node_distance = radius * step * PATH_NODE_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
+ if (clockwise) {
+ for (float i = start_angle; i < 2 * M_PI + start_angle; i += step) {
+ path.push_back(vec2{static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))});
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (float i = start_angle; i > start_angle - 2 * M_PI; i -= step) {
+ path.push_back(vec2{static_cast<float>(center.x + radius * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius * sin(i))});
+ }
+ }
+void AI::make_oval_path(float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center, float start_angle,
+ bool clockwise, float rotation) {
+ if (radius_x <= 0 && radius_y <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Radius must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ float max_radius = std::max(radius_x, radius_y);
+ // The step size is determined by the radius (step size is in radians)
+ float step = RADIUS_TO_STEP / max_radius;
+ // Force at least MIN_STEP steps (in case of a small radius)
+ if (step > 2 * M_PI / MIN_STEP) {
+ step = 2 * M_PI / MIN_STEP;
+ }
+ // The path node distance is determined by the step size and the radius
+ this->path_node_distance = max_radius * step * PATH_NODE_DISTANCE_FACTOR;
+ std::function<vec2(vec2, vec2)> rotate_point = [rotation](vec2 point, vec2 center) {
+ float s = sin(rotation);
+ float c = cos(rotation);
+ // Translate point back to origin
+ point.x -= center.x;
+ point.y -= center.y;
+ // Rotate point
+ float xnew = point.x * c - point.y * s;
+ float ynew = point.x * s + point.y * c;
+ // Translate point back
+ point.x = xnew + center.x;
+ point.y = ynew + center.y;
+ return point;
+ };
+ if (clockwise) {
+ for (float i = start_angle; i < 2 * M_PI + start_angle; i += step) {
+ vec2 point = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
+ path.push_back(rotate_point(point, center));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (float i = start_angle; i > start_angle - 2 * M_PI; i -= step) {
+ vec2 point = {static_cast<float>(center.x + radius_x * cos(i)),
+ static_cast<float>(center.y + radius_y * sin(i))};
+ path.push_back(rotate_point(point, center));
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AI.h b/src/crepe/api/AI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c780a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "Component.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief The AI component is used to control the movement of an entity using AI.
+ *
+ * The AI component can be used to control the movement of an entity. The AI component can be used
+ * to implement different behaviors such as seeking, fleeing, arriving, and path following.
+ */
+class AI : public Component {
+ //! The different types of behaviors that can be used
+ enum BehaviorTypeMask {
+ SEEK = 0x00002,
+ FLEE = 0x00004,
+ ARRIVE = 0x00008,
+ PATH_FOLLOW = 0x00010,
+ };
+ /**
+ * \param id The id of the game object
+ * \param max_force The maximum force that can be applied to the entity
+ */
+ AI(game_object_id_t id, float max_force);
+ /**
+ * \brief Check if a behavior is on (aka activated)
+ *
+ * \param behavior The behavior to check
+ * \return true if the behavior is on, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool on(BehaviorTypeMask behavior) const { return (flags & behavior); }
+ //! Turn on the seek behavior
+ void seek_on() { flags |= SEEK; }
+ //! Turn off the seek behavior
+ void seek_off() { flags &= ~SEEK; }
+ //! Turn on the flee behavior
+ void flee_on() { flags |= FLEE; }
+ //! Turn off the flee behavior
+ void flee_off() { flags &= ~FLEE; }
+ //! Turn on the arrive behavior
+ void arrive_on() { flags |= ARRIVE; }
+ //! Turn off the arrive behavior
+ void arrive_off() { flags &= ~ARRIVE; }
+ //! Turn on the path follow behavior
+ void path_follow_on() { flags |= PATH_FOLLOW; }
+ //! Turn off the path follow behavior
+ void path_follow_off() { flags &= ~PATH_FOLLOW; }
+ /**
+ * \brief Add a path node (for the path following behavior)
+ *
+ * \note The path is not relative to the entity's position (it is an absolute path)
+ *
+ * \param node The path node to add
+ */
+ void add_path_node(const vec2 & node) { path.push_back(node); }
+ /**
+ * \brief Make a circle path (for the path following behavior)
+ *
+ * \note The path is not relative to the entity's position (it is an absolute path)
+ *
+ * \param radius The radius of the circle (in game units)
+ * \param center The center of the circle (in game units)
+ * \param start_angle The start angle of the circle (in radians)
+ * \param clockwise The direction of the circle
+ */
+ void make_circle_path(float radius, const vec2 & center = {0, 0}, float start_angle = 0,
+ bool clockwise = true);
+ /**
+ * \brief Make an oval path (for the path following behavior)
+ *
+ * \note The path is not relative to the entity's position (it is an absolute path)
+ *
+ * \param radius_x The x radius of the oval (in game units)
+ * \param radius_y The y radius of the oval (in game units)
+ * \param center The center of the oval (in game units)
+ * \param start_angle The start angle of the oval (in radians)
+ * \param clockwise The direction of the oval
+ * \param rotation The rotation of the oval (in radians)
+ */
+ void make_oval_path(float radius_x, float radius_y, const vec2 & center = {0, 0},
+ float start_angle = 0, bool clockwise = true, float rotation = 0);
+ //! The maximum force that can be applied to the entity (higher values will make the entity adjust faster)
+ float max_force;
+ //! The target to seek at
+ vec2 seek_target;
+ //! The target to arrive at
+ vec2 arrive_target;
+ //! The target to flee from
+ vec2 flee_target;
+ //! The distance at which the entity will start to flee from the target
+ float square_flee_panic_distance = 200.0f * 200.0f;
+ //! The deceleration rate for the arrive behavior (higher values will make the entity decelerate faster (less overshoot))
+ float arrive_deceleration = 40.0f;
+ //! The path to follow (for the path following behavior)
+ std::vector<vec2> path;
+ //! The distance from the path node at which the entity will move to the next node (automatically set by make_circle_path())
+ float path_node_distance = 400.0f;
+ //! Looping behavior for the path
+ bool path_loop = true;
+ //! The flags for the behaviors
+ int flags = 0;
+ //! The current path index
+ size_t path_index = 0;
+ //! The AISystem is the only class that should access the flags and path_index variables
+ friend class AISystem;
+ //! The minimum amount of steps for the path following behavior
+ static constexpr int MIN_STEP = 16;
+ //! The radius to step size ratio for the path following behavior
+ static constexpr float RADIUS_TO_STEP = 400.0f;
+ //! The path node distance factor for the path following behavior
+ static constexpr float PATH_NODE_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 0.75f;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.cpp b/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3925758..0000000
--- a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "util/Log.h"
-#include "AssetManager.h"
-using namespace crepe;
-AssetManager & AssetManager::get_instance() {
- static AssetManager instance;
- return instance;
-AssetManager::~AssetManager() {
- dbg_trace();
- this->asset_cache.clear();
-AssetManager::AssetManager() { dbg_trace(); }
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.h b/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b1cc4b..0000000
--- a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <any>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-namespace crepe {
- * \brief The AssetManager is responsible for storing and managing assets over multiple scenes.
- *
- * The AssetManager ensures that assets are loaded once and can be accessed across different
- * scenes. It caches assets to avoid reloading them every time a scene is loaded. Assets are
- * retained in memory until the AssetManager is destroyed, at which point the cached assets are
- * cleared.
- */
-class AssetManager {
- //! A cache that holds all the assets, accessible by their file path, over multiple scenes.
- std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any> asset_cache;
- AssetManager();
- virtual ~AssetManager();
- AssetManager(const AssetManager &) = delete;
- AssetManager(AssetManager &&) = delete;
- AssetManager & operator=(const AssetManager &) = delete;
- AssetManager & operator=(AssetManager &&) = delete;
- /**
- * \brief Retrieves the singleton instance of the AssetManager.
- *
- * \return A reference to the single instance of the AssetManager.
- */
- static AssetManager & get_instance();
- /**
- * \brief Caches an asset by loading it from the given file path.
- *
- * \param file_path The path to the asset file to load.
- * \param reload If true, the asset will be reloaded from the file, even if it is already
- * cached.
- * \tparam T The type of asset to cache (e.g., texture, sound, etc.).
- *
- * \return A shared pointer to the cached asset.
- *
- * This template function caches the asset at the given file path. If the asset is already
- * cached and `reload` is false, the existing cached version will be returned. Otherwise, the
- * asset will be reloaded and added to the cache.
- */
- template <typename T>
- std::shared_ptr<T> cache(const std::string & file_path, bool reload = false);
-} // namespace crepe
-#include "AssetManager.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.hpp b/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c0e978..0000000
--- a/src/crepe/api/AssetManager.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "AssetManager.h"
-namespace crepe {
-template <typename asset>
-std::shared_ptr<asset> AssetManager::cache(const std::string & file_path, bool reload) {
- auto it = asset_cache.find(file_path);
- if (!reload && it != asset_cache.end()) {
- return std::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<asset>>(it->second);
- }
- std::shared_ptr<asset> new_asset = std::make_shared<asset>(file_path.c_str());
- asset_cache[file_path] = new_asset;
- return new_asset;
-} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.cpp b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b05cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include "AudioSource.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+AudioSource::AudioSource(game_object_id_t id, const Asset & src)
+ : Component(id),
+ source(src) {}
+void AudioSource::play(bool looping) {
+ this->loop = looping;
+ this->oneshot_play = true;
+void AudioSource::stop() { this->oneshot_stop = true; }
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b20e490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/api/AudioSource.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../Component.h"
+#include "../facade/SoundHandle.h"
+#include "../types.h"
+#include "Asset.h"
+#include "GameObject.h"
+namespace crepe {
+class AudioSystem;
+//! Audio source component
+class AudioSource : public Component {
+ //! AudioSource components are handled by AudioSystem
+ friend class AudioSystem;
+ /**
+ * \param source Sound sample to load
+ */
+ AudioSource(game_object_id_t id, const Asset & source);
+ //! Only ComponentManager creates components
+ friend class ComponentManager;
+ // std::unique_ptr needs to be able to destoy this component
+ virtual ~AudioSource() = default;
+ //! Start this audio source
+ void play(bool looping = false);
+ //! Stop this audio source
+ void stop();
+ //! Play when this component becomes active
+ bool play_on_awake = false;
+ //! Repeat the current audio clip during playback
+ bool loop = false;
+ //! Normalized volume (0.0 - 1.0)
+ float volume = 1.0;
+ //! This audio source's clip
+ const Asset source;
+ /**
+ * \name One-shot state variables
+ *
+ * These variables trigger function calls when set to true, and are unconditionally reset on
+ * every system update.
+ *
+ * \{
+ */
+ //! Play this sample
+ bool oneshot_play = false;
+ //! Stop this sample
+ bool oneshot_stop = false;
+ //! \}
+ /**
+ * \name State diffing variables
+ * \{
+ */
+ typeof(active) last_active = false;
+ typeof(volume) last_volume = volume;
+ typeof(loop) last_loop = loop;
+ //! \}
+ //! This source's voice handle
+ SoundHandle voice{};
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
index ca4edec..35161e4 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/api/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
- # AudioSource.cpp
+ AudioSource.cpp
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
- AssetManager.cpp
@@ -21,10 +20,11 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ AI.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
- # AudioSource.h
+ AudioSource.h
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
- AssetManager.h
- AssetManager.hpp
@@ -52,4 +50,5 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ AI.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Config.h b/src/crepe/api/Config.h
index a9745c3..6472270 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Config.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Config.h
@@ -15,20 +15,10 @@ namespace crepe {
* modified *before* execution is handed over from the game programmer to the engine (i.e. the
* main loop is started).
-class Config final {
+struct Config final {
//! Retrieve handle to global Config instance
static Config & get_instance();
- Config() = default;
- ~Config() = default;
- Config(const Config &) = default;
- Config(Config &&) = default;
- Config & operator=(const Config &) = default;
- Config & operator=(Config &&) = default;
//! Logging-related settings
struct {
@@ -86,6 +76,12 @@ public:
std::string root_pattern = ".crepe-root";
} asset;
+ //! Audio system settings
+ struct {
+ //! Max amount of simultanious voices
+ unsigned int voices = 32;
+ } audio;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp
index a1da8be..4ca9928 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "../facade/SDLContext.h"
-#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "../system/AISystem.h"
#include "../system/AnimatorSystem.h"
+#include "../system/AudioSystem.h"
#include "../system/CollisionSystem.h"
#include "../system/InputSystem.h"
#include "../system/ParticleSystem.h"
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
#include "../system/RenderSystem.h"
#include "../system/ScriptSystem.h"
#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
+#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "LoopManager.h"
@@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ LoopManager::LoopManager() {
[this](const ShutDownEvent & event) { return this->on_shutdown(event); });
+ this->load_system<AudioSystem>();
+ this->load_system<AISystem>();
void LoopManager::start() {
@@ -62,8 +66,10 @@ void LoopManager::fixed_update() {
+ this->get_system<AISystem>().update();
+ this->get_system<AudioSystem>().update();
// will be called every frame
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h
index 2319d65..0110695 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/LoopManager.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "../manager/EventManager.h"
#include "../manager/LoopTimerManager.h"
#include "../manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "../manager/SaveManager.h"
#include "../manager/SceneManager.h"
#include "../system/System.h"
@@ -79,6 +81,10 @@ private:
LoopTimerManager loop_timer{mediator};
//! EventManager instance
EventManager event_manager{mediator};
+ //! Resource manager instance
+ ResourceManager resource_manager{mediator};
+ //! Save manager instance
+ SaveManager save_manager{mediator};
//! SDL context \todo no more singletons!
SDLContext & sdl_context = SDLContext::get_instance();
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp b/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
index 4091fd4..753a9e3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.cpp
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
Script::~Script() {
- Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
- EventManager & mgr = mediator.event_manager;
+ EventManager & mgr = this->mediator->event_manager;
for (auto id : this->listeners) {
@@ -21,7 +20,8 @@ void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<CollisionEvent> & callback) {
void Script::set_next_scene(const string & name) {
- Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
- SceneManager & mgr = mediator.scene_manager;
+ SceneManager & mgr = this->mediator->scene_manager;
+SaveManager & Script::get_save_manager() const { return this->mediator->save_manager; }
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.h b/src/crepe/api/Script.h
index d99ab0e..668e5d1 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.h
@@ -86,6 +86,25 @@ protected:
RefVector<T> get_components() const;
+ * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_id
+ * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_id
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const;
+ /**
+ * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_name
+ * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_name
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_name(const std::string & name) const;
+ /**
+ * \copydoc ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag
+ * \see ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const;
+ /**
* \brief Log a message using Log::logf
* \tparam Args Log::logf parameters
@@ -113,6 +132,9 @@ protected:
void set_next_scene(const std::string & name);
+ //! Retrieve SaveManager reference
+ SaveManager & get_save_manager() const;
//! \}
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp b/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
index 45f1ff1..225a51c 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Script.hpp
@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@ T & Script::get_component() const {
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> Script::get_components() const {
- Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
- ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
- return mgr.get_components_by_id<T>(this->game_object_id);
+ return this->get_components_by_id<T>(this->game_object_id);
template <typename... Args>
@@ -34,8 +31,7 @@ void Script::logf(Args &&... args) {
template <typename EventType>
void Script::subscribe_internal(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback,
event_channel_t channel) {
- Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
- EventManager & mgr = mediator.event_manager;
+ EventManager & mgr = this->mediator->event_manager;
subscription_t listener = mgr.subscribe<EventType>(
[this, callback](const EventType & data) -> bool {
bool & active = this->active;
@@ -56,4 +52,26 @@ void Script::subscribe(const EventHandler<EventType> & callback) {
this->subscribe_internal(callback, EventManager::CHANNEL_ALL);
+template <typename T>
+RefVector<T> Script::get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const {
+ Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ return mgr.get_components_by_id<T>(id);
+template <typename T>
+RefVector<T> Script::get_components_by_name(const std::string & name) const {
+ Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ return mgr.get_components_by_name<T>(name);
+template <typename T>
+RefVector<T> Script::get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const {
+ Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ return mgr.get_components_by_tag<T>(tag);
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
index c278c87..bf9d124 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.h
@@ -66,6 +66,30 @@ struct Vector2 {
//! Checks if this vector is not equal to another vector.
bool operator!=(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ //! Truncates the vector to a maximum length.
+ void truncate(T max);
+ //! Normalizes the vector (resulting in vector with a length of 1).
+ void normalize();
+ //! Returns the length of the vector.
+ T length() const;
+ //! Returns the squared length of the vector.
+ T length_squared() const;
+ //! Returns the dot product (inwendig product) of this vector and another vector.
+ T dot(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ //! Returns the distance between this vector and another vector.
+ T distance(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ //! Returns the squared distance between this vector and another vector.
+ T distance_squared(const Vector2<T> & other) const;
+ //! Returns the perpendicular vector to this vector.
+ Vector2 perpendicular() const;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
index cad15f8..ff53cb0 100644
--- a/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/api/Vector2.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
+#include <cmath>
#include "Vector2.h"
namespace crepe {
@@ -115,4 +117,50 @@ bool Vector2<T>::operator!=(const Vector2<T> & other) const {
return !(*this == other);
+template <class T>
+void Vector2<T>::truncate(T max) {
+ if (length() > max) {
+ normalize();
+ *this *= max;
+ }
+template <class T>
+void Vector2<T>::normalize() {
+ T len = length();
+ if (len > 0) {
+ *this /= len;
+ }
+template <class T>
+T Vector2<T>::length() const {
+ return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
+template <class T>
+T Vector2<T>::length_squared() const {
+ return x * x + y * y;
+template <class T>
+T Vector2<T>::dot(const Vector2<T> & other) const {
+ return x * other.x + y * other.y;
+template <class T>
+T Vector2<T>::distance(const Vector2<T> & other) const {
+ return (*this - other).length();
+template <class T>
+T Vector2<T>::distance_squared(const Vector2<T> & other) const {
+ return (*this - other).length_squared();
+template <class T>
+Vector2<T> Vector2<T>::perpendicular() const {
+ return {-y, x};
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
index 4d3abf5..ad50637 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.cpp
@@ -1,59 +1,13 @@
+#include "../api/Asset.h"
#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "Sound.h"
-#include "SoundContext.h"
using namespace crepe;
using namespace std;
-Sound::Sound(unique_ptr<Asset> res) {
+Sound::Sound(const Asset & src) : Resource(src) {
+ this->sample.load(src.get_path().c_str());
- this->load(std::move(res));
-Sound::Sound(const char * src) {
- dbg_trace();
- this->load(make_unique<Asset>(src));
-void Sound::load(unique_ptr<Asset> res) { this->sample.load(res->get_path().c_str()); }
-void Sound::play() {
- SoundContext & ctx = SoundContext::get_instance();
- if (ctx.engine.getPause(this->handle)) {
- // resume if paused
- ctx.engine.setPause(this->handle, false);
- } else {
- // or start new sound
- this->handle = ctx.engine.play(this->sample, this->volume);
- ctx.engine.setLooping(this->handle, this->looping);
- }
-void Sound::pause() {
- SoundContext & ctx = SoundContext::get_instance();
- if (ctx.engine.getPause(this->handle)) return;
- ctx.engine.setPause(this->handle, true);
-void Sound::rewind() {
- SoundContext & ctx = SoundContext::get_instance();
- if (!ctx.engine.isValidVoiceHandle(this->handle)) return;
- ctx.engine.seek(this->handle, 0);
-void Sound::set_volume(float volume) {
- this->volume = volume;
- SoundContext & ctx = SoundContext::get_instance();
- if (!ctx.engine.isValidVoiceHandle(this->handle)) return;
- ctx.engine.setVolume(this->handle, this->volume);
-void Sound::set_looping(bool looping) {
- this->looping = looping;
- SoundContext & ctx = SoundContext::get_instance();
- if (!ctx.engine.isValidVoiceHandle(this->handle)) return;
- ctx.engine.setLooping(this->handle, this->looping);
+Sound::~Sound() { dbg_trace(); }
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.h b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.h
index ee43d94..85d141b 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/Sound.h
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/Sound.h
@@ -1,84 +1,30 @@
#pragma once
-#include <memory>
#include <soloud/soloud.h>
#include <soloud/soloud_wav.h>
-#include "../api/Asset.h"
+#include "../Resource.h"
namespace crepe {
+class SoundContext;
* \brief Sound resource facade
- * This class is a wrapper around a \c SoLoud::Wav instance, which holds a
- * single sample. It is part of the sound facade.
+ * This class is a wrapper around a \c SoLoud::Wav instance, which holds a single sample. It is
+ * part of the sound facade.
-class Sound {
- /**
- * \brief Pause this sample
- *
- * Pauses this sound if it is playing, or does nothing if it is already paused. The playhead
- * position is saved, such that calling \c play() after this function makes the sound resume.
- */
- void pause();
- /**
- * \brief Play this sample
- *
- * Resume playback if this sound is paused, or start from the beginning of the sample.
- *
- * \note This class only saves a reference to the most recent 'voice' of this sound. Calling
- * \c play() while the sound is already playing causes multiple instances of the sample to
- * play simultaniously. The sample started last is the one that is controlled afterwards.
- */
- void play();
- /**
- * \brief Reset playhead position
- *
- * Resets the playhead position so that calling \c play() after this function makes it play
- * from the start of the sample. If the sound is not paused before calling this function,
- * this function will stop playback.
- */
- void rewind();
- /**
- * \brief Set playback volume / gain
- *
- * \param volume Volume (0 = muted, 1 = full volume)
- */
- void set_volume(float volume);
- /**
- * \brief Get playback volume / gain
- *
- * \return Volume
- */
- float get_volume() const { return this->volume; }
- /**
- * \brief Set looping behavior for this sample
- *
- * \param looping Looping behavior (false = one-shot, true = loop)
- */
- void set_looping(bool looping);
- /**
- * \brief Get looping behavior
- *
- * \return true if looping, false if one-shot
- */
- bool get_looping() const { return this->looping; }
+class Sound : public Resource {
- Sound(const char * src);
- Sound(std::unique_ptr<Asset> res);
- void load(std::unique_ptr<Asset> res);
+ Sound(const Asset & src);
+ ~Sound(); // dbg_trace
+ //! Deserialized resource (soloud)
SoLoud::Wav sample;
- SoLoud::handle handle;
- float volume = 1.0f;
- bool looping = false;
+ //! SoundContext uses \c sample
+ friend class SoundContext;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
index deb2b62..b1f8cb3 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.cpp
@@ -4,17 +4,33 @@
using namespace crepe;
-SoundContext & SoundContext::get_instance() {
- static SoundContext instance;
- return instance;
SoundContext::SoundContext() {
- engine.init();
+ this->engine.init();
+ this->engine.setMaxActiveVoiceCount(this->config.audio.voices);
SoundContext::~SoundContext() {
- engine.deinit();
+ this->engine.deinit();
+SoundHandle SoundContext::play(Sound & resource) {
+ SoLoud::handle real_handle = this->engine.play(resource.sample, 1.0f);
+ SoundHandle handle = this->next_handle;
+ this->registry[handle] = real_handle;
+ this->next_handle++;
+ return handle;
+void SoundContext::stop(const SoundHandle & handle) {
+ this->engine.stop(this->registry[handle]);
+void SoundContext::set_volume(const SoundHandle & handle, float volume) {
+ this->engine.setVolume(this->registry[handle], volume);
+void SoundContext::set_loop(const SoundHandle & handle, bool loop) {
+ this->engine.setLooping(this->registry[handle], loop);
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.h b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.h
index d703c16..d986c59 100644
--- a/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.h
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SoundContext.h
@@ -2,30 +2,80 @@
#include <soloud/soloud.h>
+#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "Sound.h"
+#include "SoundHandle.h"
namespace crepe {
* \brief Sound engine facade
- * This class is a wrapper around a \c SoLoud::Soloud instance, which provides
- * the methods for playing \c Sound instances. It is part of the sound facade.
+ * This class is a wrapper around a \c SoLoud::Soloud instance, which provides the methods for
+ * playing \c Sound instances. It is part of the sound facade.
class SoundContext {
- // singleton
virtual ~SoundContext();
SoundContext(const SoundContext &) = delete;
SoundContext(SoundContext &&) = delete;
SoundContext & operator=(const SoundContext &) = delete;
SoundContext & operator=(SoundContext &&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * \brief Play a sample
+ *
+ * Plays a Sound from the beginning of the sample and returns a handle to control it later.
+ *
+ * \param resource Sound instance to play
+ *
+ * \returns Handle to control this voice
+ */
+ virtual SoundHandle play(Sound & resource);
+ /**
+ * \brief Stop a voice immediately if it is still playing
+ *
+ * \note This function does nothing if the handle is invalid or if the sound is already
+ * stopped / finished playing.
+ *
+ * \param handle Voice handle returned by SoundContext::play
+ */
+ virtual void stop(const SoundHandle & handle);
+ /**
+ * \brief Change the volume of a voice
+ *
+ * \note This function does nothing if the handle is invalid or if the sound is already
+ * stopped / finished playing.
+ *
+ * \param handle Voice handle returned by SoundContext::play
+ * \param volume New gain value (0=silent, 1=default)
+ */
+ virtual void set_volume(const SoundHandle & handle, float volume);
+ /**
+ * \brief Set the looping behavior of a voice
+ *
+ * \note This function does nothing if the handle is invalid or if the sound is already
+ * stopped / finished playing.
+ *
+ * \param handle Voice handle returned by SoundContext::play
+ * \param loop Looping behavior (false=oneshot, true=loop)
+ */
+ virtual void set_loop(const SoundHandle & handle, bool loop);
- static SoundContext & get_instance();
+ //! Abstracted class
SoLoud::Soloud engine;
- friend class Sound;
+ //! Config reference
+ Config & config = Config::get_instance();
+ //! Sound handle registry
+ std::unordered_map<SoundHandle, SoLoud::handle> registry;
+ //! Unique handle counter
+ SoundHandle next_handle = 0;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/facade/SoundHandle.h b/src/crepe/facade/SoundHandle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7925fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/facade/SoundHandle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief Voice handle returned by
+ */
+typedef size_t SoundHandle;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
index 29d6df0..f73e165 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ ResourceManager.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -18,5 +19,7 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ ResourceManager.h
+ ResourceManager.hpp
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
index 80cf8b4..df30d27 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "../api/GameObject.h"
+#include "../api/Metadata.h"
#include "../types.h"
#include "../util/Log.h"
@@ -61,3 +62,13 @@ GameObject ComponentManager::new_object(const string & name, const string & tag,
void ComponentManager::set_persistent(game_object_id_t id, bool persistent) {
this->persistent[id] = persistent;
+set<game_object_id_t> ComponentManager::get_objects_by_name(const string & name) const {
+ return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>(
+ [name](const Metadata & data) { return data.name == name; });
+set<game_object_id_t> ComponentManager::get_objects_by_tag(const string & tag) const {
+ return this->get_objects_by_predicate<Metadata>(
+ [tag](const Metadata & data) { return data.tag == tag; });
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
index 44429d9..19a8e81 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
+#include <set>
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
@@ -134,8 +135,77 @@ public:
template <typename T>
RefVector<T> get_components_by_type() const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get all components of a specific type on a GameObject with name \c name
+ *
+ * \tparam T The type of the component
+ * \param name Metadata::name for the same game_object_id as the returned components
+ * \return Components matching criteria
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_name(const std::string & name) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get all components of a specific type on a GameObject with tag \c tag
+ *
+ * \tparam T The type of the component
+ * \param name Metadata::tag for the same game_object_id as the returned components
+ * \return Components matching criteria
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get object IDs by predicate function
+ *
+ * This function calls the predicate function \c pred for all components matching type \c T,
+ * and adds their parent game_object_id to a \c std::set if the predicate returns true.
+ *
+ * \tparam T The type of the component to check the predicate against
+ * \param pred Predicate function
+ *
+ * \note The predicate function may be called for multiple components with the same \c
+ * game_object_id. In this case, the ID is added if *any* call returns \c true.
+ *
+ * \returns game_object_id for all components where the predicate returned true
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ std::set<game_object_id_t>
+ get_objects_by_predicate(const std::function<bool(const T &)> & pred) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get components of type \c T for multiple game object IDs
+ *
+ * \tparam T The type of the components to return
+ * \param ids The object IDs
+ *
+ * \return All components matching type \c T and one of the IDs in \c ids
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ RefVector<T> get_components_by_ids(const std::set<game_object_id_t> & ids) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get object IDs for objects with name \c name
+ *
+ * \param name Object name to match
+ * \returns Object IDs where Metadata::name is equal to \c name
+ */
+ std::set<game_object_id_t> get_objects_by_name(const std::string & name) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get object IDs for objects with tag \c tag
+ *
+ * \param tag Object tag to match
+ * \returns Object IDs where Metadata::tag is equal to \c tag
+ */
+ std::set<game_object_id_t> get_objects_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const;
+ //! By Component \c std::type_index (readability helper type)
+ template <typename T>
+ using by_type = std::unordered_map<std::type_index, T>;
+ //! By \c game_object_id index (readability helper type)
+ template <typename T>
+ using by_id_index = std::vector<T>;
* \brief The components
@@ -146,8 +216,7 @@ private:
* The first vector is for the ids of the GameObjects and the second vector is for the
* components (because a GameObject might have multiple components).
- std::unordered_map<std::type_index, std::vector<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>>>
- components;
+ by_type<by_id_index<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Component>>>> components;
//! Persistent flag for each GameObject
std::unordered_map<game_object_id_t, bool> persistent;
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
index ffb38ec..9e70865 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ComponentManager.hpp
@@ -95,32 +95,25 @@ template <typename T>
RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_id(game_object_id_t id) const {
using namespace std;
- // Determine the type of T (this is used as the key of the unordered_map<>)
- type_index type = typeid(T);
- // Create an empty vector<>
- RefVector<T> component_vector;
- if (this->components.find(type) == this->components.end()) return component_vector;
- // Get the correct vector<>
- const vector<vector<unique_ptr<Component>>> & component_array = this->components.at(type);
- // Make sure that the id (that we are looking for) is within the boundaries of the vector<>
- if (id >= component_array.size()) return component_vector;
- // Loop trough the whole vector<>
- for (const unique_ptr<Component> & component_ptr : component_array[id]) {
- // Cast the unique_ptr to a raw pointer
- T * casted_component = static_cast<T *>(component_ptr.get());
- if (casted_component == nullptr) continue;
+ static_assert(is_base_of<Component, T>::value,
+ "get_components_by_id must recieve a derivative class of Component");
- // Add the dereferenced raw pointer to the vector<>
- component_vector.push_back(*casted_component);
+ type_index type = typeid(T);
+ if (!this->components.contains(type)) return {};
+ const by_id_index<vector<unique_ptr<Component>>> & components_by_id
+ = this->components.at(type);
+ if (id >= components_by_id.size()) return {};
+ RefVector<T> out = {};
+ const vector<unique_ptr<Component>> & components = components_by_id.at(id);
+ for (auto & component_ptr : components) {
+ if (component_ptr == nullptr) continue;
+ Component & component = *component_ptr.get();
+ out.push_back(static_cast<T &>(component));
- return component_vector;
+ return out;
template <typename T>
@@ -158,4 +151,46 @@ RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_type() const {
return component_vector;
+template <typename T>
+ComponentManager::get_objects_by_predicate(const std::function<bool(const T &)> & pred) const {
+ using namespace std;
+ set<game_object_id_t> objects = {};
+ RefVector<T> components = this->get_components_by_type<T>();
+ for (const T & component : components) {
+ game_object_id_t id = dynamic_cast<const Component &>(component).game_object_id;
+ if (objects.contains(id)) continue;
+ if (!pred(component)) continue;
+ objects.insert(id);
+ }
+ return objects;
+template <typename T>
+ComponentManager::get_components_by_ids(const std::set<game_object_id_t> & ids) const {
+ using namespace std;
+ RefVector<T> out = {};
+ for (game_object_id_t id : ids) {
+ RefVector<T> components = get_components_by_id<T>(id);
+ out.insert(out.end(), components.begin(), components.end());
+ }
+ return out;
+template <typename T>
+RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_name(const std::string & name) const {
+ return this->get_components_by_ids<T>(this->get_objects_by_name(name));
+template <typename T>
+RefVector<T> ComponentManager::get_components_by_tag(const std::string & tag) const {
+ return this->get_components_by_ids<T>(this->get_objects_by_tag(tag));
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h b/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
index ad51cc6..dfb37dc 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/Mediator.h
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ namespace crepe {
class ComponentManager;
class SceneManager;
+class SaveManager;
+class ResourceManager;
class LoopTimerManager;
class EventManager;
@@ -31,7 +33,8 @@ struct Mediator {
OptionalRef<SceneManager> scene_manager;
OptionalRef<EventManager> event_manager;
OptionalRef<LoopTimerManager> loop_timer;
- OptionalRef<SaveManager> save_manager = SaveManager::get_instance();
+ OptionalRef<SaveManager> save_manager;
+ OptionalRef<ResourceManager> resource_manager;
OptionalRef<SDLContext> sdl_context = SDLContext::get_instance();
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c01808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "util/Log.h"
+#include "ResourceManager.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+ResourceManager::ResourceManager(Mediator & mediator) : Manager(mediator) {
+ mediator.resource_manager = *this;
+ dbg_trace();
+ResourceManager::~ResourceManager() { dbg_trace(); }
+void ResourceManager::clear() {
+ std::erase_if(this->resources, [](const pair<const Asset, CacheEntry> & pair) {
+ const CacheEntry & entry = pair.second;
+ return entry.persistent == false;
+ });
+void ResourceManager::clear_all() { this->resources.clear(); }
+void ResourceManager::set_persistent(const Asset & asset, bool persistent) {
+ this->get_entry(asset).persistent = persistent;
+ResourceManager::CacheEntry & ResourceManager::get_entry(const Asset & asset) {
+ if (!this->resources.contains(asset)) this->resources[asset] = {};
+ return this->resources.at(asset);
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84b275d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "../Resource.h"
+#include "../api/Asset.h"
+#include "Manager.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief Owner of concrete Resource instances
+ *
+ * ResourceManager caches concrete Resource instances per Asset. Concrete resources are
+ * destroyed at the end of scenes by default, unless the game programmer marks them as
+ * persistent.
+ */
+class ResourceManager : public Manager {
+ ResourceManager(Mediator & mediator);
+ virtual ~ResourceManager(); // dbg_trace
+ //! Cache entry
+ struct CacheEntry {
+ //! Concrete resource instance
+ std::unique_ptr<Resource> resource = nullptr;
+ //! Prevent ResourceManager::clear from removing this entry
+ bool persistent = false;
+ };
+ //! Internal cache
+ std::unordered_map<const Asset, CacheEntry> resources;
+ /**
+ * \brief Ensure a cache entry exists for this asset and return a mutable reference to it
+ *
+ * \param asset Asset the concrete resource is instantiated from
+ *
+ * \returns Mutable reference to cache entry
+ */
+ CacheEntry & get_entry(const Asset & asset);
+ /**
+ * \brief Mark a resource as persistent (i.e. used across multiple scenes)
+ *
+ * \param asset Asset the concrete resource is instantiated from
+ * \param persistent Whether this resource is persistent (true=keep, false=destroy)
+ */
+ void set_persistent(const Asset & asset, bool persistent);
+ /**
+ * \brief Retrieve reference to concrete Resource by Asset
+ *
+ * \param asset Asset the concrete resource is instantiated from
+ * \tparam Resource Concrete derivative of Resource
+ *
+ * This class instantiates the concrete resource if it is not yet stored in the internal
+ * cache, or returns a reference to the cached resource if it already exists.
+ *
+ * \returns Reference to concrete resource
+ *
+ * \throws std::runtime_error if the \c Resource parameter does not match with the actual
+ * type of the resource stored in the cache for this Asset
+ */
+ template <typename Resource>
+ Resource & get(const Asset & asset);
+ //! Clear non-persistent resources from cache
+ void clear();
+ //! Clear all resources from cache regardless of persistence
+ void clear_all();
+} // namespace crepe
+#include "ResourceManager.hpp"
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5167d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/ResourceManager.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <format>
+#include "ResourceManager.h"
+namespace crepe {
+template <typename T>
+T & ResourceManager::get(const Asset & asset) {
+ using namespace std;
+ static_assert(is_base_of<Resource, T>::value,
+ "cache must recieve a derivative class of Resource");
+ CacheEntry & entry = this->get_entry(asset);
+ if (entry.resource == nullptr) entry.resource = make_unique<T>(asset);
+ T * concrete_resource = dynamic_cast<T *>(entry.resource.get());
+ if (concrete_resource == nullptr)
+ throw runtime_error(format("ResourceManager: mismatch between requested type and "
+ "actual type of resource ({})",
+ asset.get_path()));
+ return *concrete_resource;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.cpp b/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.cpp
index d4ed1c1..691ea2f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
#include "../ValueBroker.h"
#include "../api/Config.h"
#include "../facade/DB.h"
-#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "SaveManager.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace crepe;
+SaveManager::SaveManager(Mediator & mediator) : Manager(mediator) {
+ mediator.save_manager = *this;
+DB & SaveManager::get_db() {
+ if (this->db == nullptr) {
+ Config & cfg = Config::get_instance();
+ this->db
+ = {new DB(cfg.savemgr.location), [](void * db) { delete static_cast<DB *>(db); }};
+ }
+ return *static_cast<DB *>(this->db.get());
template <>
string SaveManager::serialize(const string & value) const noexcept {
return value;
@@ -90,22 +102,6 @@ int32_t SaveManager::deserialize(const string & value) const noexcept {
return deserialize<int64_t>(value);
-SaveManager::SaveManager() { dbg_trace(); }
-SaveManager & SaveManager::get_instance() {
- dbg_trace();
- static SaveManager instance;
- return instance;
-DB & SaveManager::get_db() {
- Config & cfg = Config::get_instance();
- // TODO: make this path relative to XDG_DATA_HOME on Linux and whatever the
- // default equivalent is on Windows using some third party library
- static DB db(cfg.savemgr.location);
- return db;
bool SaveManager::has(const string & key) {
DB & db = this->get_db();
return db.has(key);
@@ -155,7 +151,8 @@ ValueBroker<T> SaveManager::get(const string & key) {
return {
[this, key](const T & target) { this->set<T>(key, target); },
[this, key, value]() mutable -> const T & {
- value = this->deserialize<T>(this->get_db().get(key));
+ DB & db = this->get_db();
+ value = this->deserialize<T>(db.get(key));
return value;
diff --git a/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.h b/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.h
index 3d8c852..61a978d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.h
+++ b/src/crepe/manager/SaveManager.h
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
+#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "../ValueBroker.h"
+#include "Manager.h"
namespace crepe {
class DB;
@@ -18,7 +21,7 @@ class DB;
* The underlying database is a key-value store.
-class SaveManager {
+class SaveManager : public Manager {
* \brief Get a read/write reference to a value and initialize it if it does not yet exist
@@ -63,8 +66,8 @@ public:
bool has(const std::string & key);
- SaveManager();
+ SaveManager(Mediator & mediator);
virtual ~SaveManager() = default;
@@ -89,26 +92,13 @@ private:
template <typename T>
T deserialize(const std::string & value) const noexcept;
- // singleton
- static SaveManager & get_instance();
- SaveManager(const SaveManager &) = delete;
- SaveManager(SaveManager &&) = delete;
- SaveManager & operator=(const SaveManager &) = delete;
- SaveManager & operator=(SaveManager &&) = delete;
+ //! Create or return DB
+ virtual DB & get_db();
- /**
- * \brief Create an instance of DB and return its reference
- *
- * \returns DB instance
- *
- * This function exists because DB is a facade class, which can't directly be used in the API
- * without workarounds
- *
- * TODO: better solution
- */
- static DB & get_db();
+ //! Database
+ std::unique_ptr<void, std::function<void(void *)>> db = nullptr;
} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2e36a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include "api/LoopTimer.h"
+#include "manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "manager/Mediator.h"
+#include "AISystem.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+void AISystem::update() {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ RefVector<AI> ai_components = mgr.get_components_by_type<AI>();
+ //TODO: Use fixed loop dt (this is not available at master at the moment)
+ double dt = LoopTimer::get_instance().get_delta_time();
+ // Loop through all AI components
+ for (AI & ai : ai_components) {
+ if (!ai.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ RefVector<Rigidbody> rigidbodies
+ = mgr.get_components_by_id<Rigidbody>(ai.game_object_id);
+ if (rigidbodies.empty()) {
+ throw std::runtime_error(
+ "AI component must be attached to a GameObject with a Rigidbody component");
+ }
+ Rigidbody & rigidbody = rigidbodies.front().get();
+ if (!rigidbody.active) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rigidbody.data.mass <= 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Mass must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 force = this->calculate(ai, rigidbody);
+ // Calculate the acceleration (using the above calculated force)
+ vec2 acceleration = force / rigidbody.data.mass;
+ // Finally, update Rigidbody's velocity
+ rigidbody.data.linear_velocity += acceleration * dt;
+ }
+vec2 AISystem::calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody) {
+ const Mediator & mediator = this->mediator;
+ ComponentManager & mgr = mediator.component_manager;
+ RefVector<Transform> transforms = mgr.get_components_by_id<Transform>(ai.game_object_id);
+ Transform & transform = transforms.front().get();
+ vec2 force;
+ // Run all the behaviors that are on, and stop if the force gets too high
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::FLEE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->flee(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::ARRIVE)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::SEEK)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai.on(AI::BehaviorTypeMask::PATH_FOLLOW)) {
+ vec2 force_to_add = this->path_follow(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ if (!this->accumulate_force(ai, force, force_to_add)) {
+ return force;
+ }
+ }
+ return force;
+bool AISystem::accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add) {
+ float magnitude = running_total.length();
+ float magnitude_remaining = ai.max_force - magnitude;
+ if (magnitude_remaining <= 0.0f) {
+ // If the force is already at/above the max force, return false
+ return false;
+ }
+ float magnitude_to_add = force_to_add.length();
+ if (magnitude_to_add < magnitude_remaining) {
+ // If the force to add is less than the remaining force, add it
+ running_total += force_to_add;
+ } else {
+ // If the force to add is greater than the remaining force, add a fraction of it
+ force_to_add.normalize();
+ running_total += force_to_add * magnitude_remaining;
+ }
+ return true;
+vec2 AISystem::seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity
+ vec2 desired_velocity = ai.seek_target - transform.position;
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity if the entity is within the panic distance
+ vec2 desired_velocity = transform.position - ai.flee_target;
+ if (desired_velocity.length_squared() > ai.square_flee_panic_distance) {
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+ }
+ desired_velocity.normalize();
+ desired_velocity *= rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity;
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+vec2 AISystem::arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody,
+ const Transform & transform) const {
+ // Calculate the desired velocity (taking into account the deceleration rate)
+ vec2 to_target = ai.arrive_target - transform.position;
+ float distance = to_target.length();
+ if (distance > 0.0f) {
+ if (ai.arrive_deceleration <= 0.0f) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Deceleration rate must be greater than 0");
+ }
+ float speed = distance / ai.arrive_deceleration;
+ speed = std::min(speed, rigidbody.data.max_linear_velocity.length());
+ vec2 desired_velocity = to_target * (speed / distance);
+ return desired_velocity - rigidbody.data.linear_velocity;
+ }
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+vec2 AISystem::path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) {
+ if (ai.path.empty()) {
+ return vec2{0, 0};
+ }
+ // Get the target node
+ vec2 target = ai.path.at(ai.path_index);
+ // Calculate the force to apply to the entity
+ vec2 to_target = target - transform.position;
+ if (to_target.length_squared() > ai.path_node_distance * ai.path_node_distance) {
+ // If the entity is not close enough to the target node, seek it
+ ai.seek_target = target;
+ ai.arrive_target = target;
+ } else {
+ // If the entity is close enough to the target node, move to the next node
+ ai.path_index++;
+ if (ai.path_index >= ai.path.size()) {
+ if (ai.path_loop) {
+ // If the path is looping, reset the path index
+ ai.path_index = 0;
+ } else {
+ // If the path is not looping, arrive at the last node
+ ai.path_index = ai.path.size() - 1;
+ return this->arrive(ai, rigidbody, transform);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Seek the target node
+ return this->seek(ai, rigidbody, transform);
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f8a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AISystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "api/AI.h"
+#include "api/Rigidbody.h"
+#include "System.h"
+#include "api/Transform.h"
+#include "types.h"
+namespace crepe {
+ * \brief The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI.
+ *
+ * The AISystem is used to control the movement of entities using AI. The AISystem can be used to
+ * implement different behaviors such as seeking, fleeing, arriving, and path following.
+ */
+class AISystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ //! Update the AI system
+ void update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the total force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ */
+ vec2 calculate(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody);
+ /**
+ * \brief Accumulate the force to apply to the entity
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param running_total The running total of the force
+ * \param force_to_add The force to add
+ * \return true if the force was added, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool accumulate_force(const AI & ai, vec2 & running_total, vec2 & force_to_add);
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the seek force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The seek force
+ */
+ vec2 seek(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the flee force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The flee force
+ */
+ vec2 flee(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the arrive force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The arrive force
+ */
+ vec2 arrive(const AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Calculate the path follow force
+ *
+ * \param ai The AI component
+ * \param rigidbody The Rigidbody component
+ * \param transform The Transform component
+ * \return The path follow force
+ */
+ vec2 path_follow(AI & ai, const Rigidbody & rigidbody, const Transform & transform);
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1aa0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include "AudioSystem.h"
+#include "../manager/ComponentManager.h"
+#include "../manager/ResourceManager.h"
+#include "../types.h"
+using namespace crepe;
+using namespace std;
+void AudioSystem::update() {
+ ComponentManager & component_manager = this->mediator.component_manager;
+ ResourceManager & resource_manager = this->mediator.resource_manager;
+ RefVector<AudioSource> components
+ = component_manager.get_components_by_type<AudioSource>();
+ for (AudioSource & component : components) {
+ Sound & resource = resource_manager.get<Sound>(component.source);
+ this->diff_update(component, resource);
+ this->update_last(component);
+ }
+void AudioSystem::diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource) {
+ SoundContext & context = this->get_context();
+ if (component.active != component.last_active) {
+ if (!component.active) {
+ context.stop(component.voice);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (component.play_on_awake) component.oneshot_play = true;
+ }
+ if (!component.active) return;
+ if (component.oneshot_play) {
+ component.voice = context.play(resource);
+ component.oneshot_play = false;
+ }
+ if (component.oneshot_stop) {
+ context.stop(component.voice);
+ component.oneshot_stop = false;
+ }
+ if (component.volume != component.last_volume) {
+ context.set_volume(component.voice, component.volume);
+ }
+ if (component.loop != component.last_loop) {
+ context.set_loop(component.voice, component.loop);
+ }
+void AudioSystem::update_last(AudioSource & component) {
+ component.last_active = component.active;
+ component.last_loop = component.loop;
+ component.last_volume = component.volume;
+SoundContext & AudioSystem::get_context() {
+ if (this->context == nullptr) this->context = make_unique<SoundContext>();
+ return *this->context.get();
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ddc443
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crepe/system/AudioSystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../api/AudioSource.h"
+#include "../facade/Sound.h"
+#include "../facade/SoundContext.h"
+#include "System.h"
+namespace crepe {
+class AudioSystem : public System {
+ using System::System;
+ void update() override;
+ /**
+ * \brief Update `last_*` members of \c component
+ *
+ * Copies all component properties stored for comparison between AudioSystem::update() calls
+ *
+ * \param component AudioSource component to update
+ */
+ void update_last(AudioSource & component);
+ /**
+ * \brief Compare update component
+ *
+ * Compares properties of \c component and \c data, and calls SoundContext functions where
+ * applicable.
+ *
+ * \param component AudioSource component to update
+ * \param resource Sound instance for AudioSource's Asset
+ */
+ void diff_update(AudioSource & component, Sound & resource);
+ /**
+ * \brief Get SoundContext
+ *
+ * SoundContext is retrieved through this function instead of being a direct member of
+ * AudioSystem to aid with testability.
+ */
+ virtual SoundContext & get_context();
+ //! SoundContext
+ std::unique_ptr<SoundContext> context = nullptr;
+} // namespace crepe
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
index 95f6e33..0e2db76 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crepe/system/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC
+ AudioSystem.cpp
+ AISystem.cpp
target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
@@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ target_sources(crepe PUBLIC FILE_SET HEADERS FILES
+ AudioSystem.h
+ AISystem.h
diff --git a/src/crepe/system/System.cpp b/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
index f68549b..ecc740d 100644
--- a/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
+++ b/src/crepe/system/System.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-#include "../util/Log.h"
#include "System.h"
using namespace crepe;
-System::System(const Mediator & mediator) : mediator(mediator) { dbg_trace(); }
+System::System(const Mediator & mediator) : mediator(mediator) {}
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.h b/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.h
index 3201667..1b2cb3f 100644
--- a/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.h
+++ b/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public:
OptionalRef<T> & operator=(T & ref);
- * \brief Retrieve this reference
+ * \brief Retrieve this reference (cast)
* \returns Internal reference if it is set
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ public:
operator T &() const;
+ * \brief Retrieve this reference (member access)
+ *
+ * \returns Internal reference if it is set
+ *
+ * \throws std::runtime_error if this function is called while the reference it not set
+ */
+ T * operator->() const;
+ /**
* \brief Check if this reference is not empty
* \returns `true` if reference is set, or `false` if it is not
diff --git a/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.hpp b/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.hpp
index 4608c9e..5e36b3a 100644
--- a/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.hpp
+++ b/src/crepe/util/OptionalRef.hpp
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ OptionalRef<T>::operator T &() const {
template <typename T>
+T * OptionalRef<T>::operator->() const {
+ if (this->ref == nullptr)
+ throw std::runtime_error("OptionalRef: attempt to dereference nullptr");
+ return this->ref;
+template <typename T>
OptionalRef<T> & OptionalRef<T>::operator=(T & ref) {
this->ref = &ref;
return *this;