

This repository contains:

folder content
lib/ third-party libraries as git submodules
mwe/ minimal working examples and proof-of-concepts
src/crepe/ game engine source code
src/test/ unit tests
src/example/ standalone examples using game engine


This repository uses CMake (the makefile in the root of this repository is for running auxiliary tasks only). See src/readme.md for detailed building instructions.

Installing libraries

The expected library (source) versions are included in this repository as git submodules. Follow these steps for manually building one of the required libraries from source:

  1. Ensure the git submodules are initialized:
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1
  2. cd into the library source folder:
    $ cd lib/googletest
    $ cd lib/sdl2
    $ cd lib/soloud/contrib
  3. Configure the build, run the build and install:
    $ cmake -B build -G Ninja
    $ ninja -C build
    # ninja -C build install


API documentation is done using Doxygen. To generate the docs, run

$ make doxygen

Code style

Please read contributing.md.