#pragma once #include #include "../shared/bool.h" typedef struct { unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int cursor_pos; } w2_s_ui_tty_canvas; typedef enum { W2_UI_COL_BLK, W2_UI_COL_RED, W2_UI_COL_GRN, W2_UI_COL_YEL, W2_UI_COL_BLU, W2_UI_COL_MAG, W2_UI_COL_CYN, W2_UI_COL_WHT, W2_UI_COL_RST, } w2_e_colors; typedef enum { W2_UI_ALIGN_LEFT, W2_UI_ALIGN_CENTER, W2_UI_ALIGN_RIGHT, } w2_e_alignment; extern bool g_w2_ui_enable_color; extern w2_s_ui_tty_canvas g_w2_ui_canvas; /** update terminal props */ void w2_ui_update(); /** clear screen */ void w2_ui_clear(); /** draw complete ui */ void w2_ui_paint(); /** draw status bar */ void w2_ui_paint_statusbar(); /** update and paint */ void w2_ui_main(); /** get ansi color code for foreground color */ char* w2_ui_set_fg(w2_e_colors color); /** get ansi color code for background color */ char* w2_ui_set_bg(w2_e_colors color); /** align `text` `align` with `text` buffer length `length` */ void w2_ui_align(char *text, w2_e_alignment align, unsigned int length); /** * trim spaces from `top` and overlay on top of `bottom` * both strings should be at least `length` long */ void w2_ui_overlay(char *bottom, char *top, unsigned int length);