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--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# client code
+this is the subdirectory for all client code (runs on pc/laptop)
+this page is WIP
+## features
+|view warnings / errors|
+|direct control|
+|enable/disable emergency mode|
+## interface
+the client is a user-facing application that allows control and monitoring of
+the robot in various ways. it primarily works in a command-line way, with the
+user typing commands that get translated to protocol messages, and sent to the
+robot. to start the interface, the user should run `./main <com-port> [command]
+[args]`. by not specifying a command, the interactive shell is launched which
+looks like this (and it's supposed to be in dutch):
+verbonden, 2ms ping (0.0.2-11-g92c394b) batterij 100%
+[huidige logica-modus] 0 waarschuwingen, 0 foutmeldingen
+welkom in de wall-e2 console applicatie! deze client is versie
+typ 'help' om alle commando's te zien in een lijst, of 'doei' om deze
+applicatie weer te sluiten.
+the top status bar is always supposed to be visible, and is sort of inspired by
+[ncmpcpp](https://github.com/ncmpcpp/ncmpcpp). because the client software
+should use no libraries if possible, a custom renderer needs to be implemented,
+though it doesn't matter if it's very primitive.
+going from top-left in reading order the status bar contains: connection
+status, ping time, robot version number, robot battery info, current logic
+mode, warnings and critical exceptions. the version number is aligned to the
+terminal center, and the battery and warning counters are aligned right. when a
+connection hasn't been established between the robot and client, the fields
+containing robot info should dissapear.
+## code structure
+because multithreading is hard, another cyclic system is used. the following
+modules are executed after each other:
+- serial read
+- stdin read (user input)
+- optional control mode handling
+## notes on ascii escape codes
+- color codes
+- terminal echo codes
+- how to read terminal (re)size
+- cursor movement
diff --git a/robot/readme.md b/robot/readme.md
index 31acafc..eb1dd37 100644
--- a/robot/readme.md
+++ b/robot/readme.md
@@ -52,17 +52,21 @@ handling module, which then both handles the error and forwards it to pc
communication for logging purposes). here's a quick run-down of all modules and
what they're supposed to do:
-|module |internal name|author|purpose|
-|hypervisor |`hypervisor `|N/a| backbone of all other modules; stores global variables; controls when other modules run|
-|pc communication|`sercomm `|Fiona| reads and parses incoming serial data; sends all data in the message buffer|
-|error handling |`errcatch `|Loek| receives error codes; controls how errors are handled|
-|i/o read & write|`io `|Jorn & Abdullaahi| reads all inputs to global state; writes all outputs|
-|mode logic |`modes `|N/a| executes the appropriate module for current mode|
-|maze |`mode_maze `|Jorn & Abdullaahi| controls robot during maze portion of map; hands off control to warehouse module|
-|warehouse |`mode_grid `|Loek| controls robot during warehouse portion of map; hands off control to maze module|
-|emergency stop |`mode_halt `|Fiona| stops all execution until emergency mode is reset by software or user|
-|calibration |`mode_lcal `|Fiona| find line by turning on own axis if lost|
+|module |internal name|due|author|purpose|
+|hypervisor |`hypervisor `|done|N/a| backbone of all other modules; stores global variables; controls when other modules run|
+|pc communication |`sercomm `|may 27|Loek| reads and parses incoming serial data; sends all data in the message buffer|
+|error handling |`errcatch `|done|Loek| receives error codes; controls how errors are handled|
+|i/o read & write |`io `|may 27|Jorn & Abdullaahi| reads all inputs to global state; writes all outputs|
+|mode logic |`modes `|done|N/a| executes the appropriate module for current mode|
+|maze |`mode_maze `|may 31|Jorn & Abdullaahi| controls robot during maze portion of map; hands off control to warehouse module|
+|warehouse |`mode_grid `|may 31|Loek| controls robot during warehouse portion of map; hands off control to maze module|
+|emergency stop |`mode_halt `|may 31|Fiona| stops all execution until emergency mode is reset by software or user|
+|line finding |`mode_lcal `|may 31|Fiona| find line by turning on own axis if lost|
+|charge station |`mode_chrg `|may 31|Fiona| go to the charging station transition in the grid, and continue until a black circle is found|
+|direct control |`mode_dirc `|may 31|Loek| respond to [DIRC](../protocol.md#DIRC) commands|
+|wet floor |`mode_spin `|may 31|Fiona| spin uncontrollably (simulating wet floor??)|
+|sensor calibration|`mode_scal `|may 31|Jorn & Abdullaahi| calibrate underside uv sensors|
## some standards
@@ -100,13 +104,13 @@ this list will probably get updated from time to time:
global todo:
-- [ ] add test/simulation mode for wet floor (spinning)
-- [ ] add a manual control mode
- [ ] start robot in calibration mode
- [ ] assume robot starts in maze
-- [ ] maze-grid transition detection in seperate file (used by grid and maze
+- [ ] 'crosswalk' transition detection in seperate file (used by grid and maze
-- [ ] clear global timer at start of cycle instead of just for mode selection
+- [ ] client software architecture
+- [x] mode 'return' buffer
+- [x] clear global timer at start of cycle instead of just for mode selection
module (for last ping time measurement)
- [ ] calibrate (line-detecting) light sensors in setup.c, or manually by
placing the robot and pressing a button (maybe make this a seperate mode)