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1 files changed, 84 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/robot/ b/robot/
index 5e7efb6..b025f7d 100644
--- a/robot/
+++ b/robot/
@@ -1,10 +1,88 @@
# robot code
-dit is de submap voor alle code die op de robot zelf draait
+this is the subdirectory for all code that runs on the 3pi robot
-## make gedoe
+## make
+the makefile in this directory works the same as a regular makefile, with the
+exception of the `make flash` command.
+to upload the compiled robot executable, you need to change the com port
+specified in the makefile in this directory (line that says `PORT ?=
+/dev/ttyACMx`). for windows this should be changed to `PORT ?= COMx`, where x
+is the number of the 'programming' com port on the programmer. this will
+probably change every time you re-plug the programmer, so you should try every
+com port until it uploads successfully. you can find available com ports in
+device manager on windows, or by running `ls /dev/ttyACM*` on linux. once the
+com port is configured, run `make flash` to upload the executable and
+automatically reboot the robot.
+## module hierarchy
+the software is divided into seperate 'modules' for maintenance, testing and
+debugging purposes. the sizes of the blocks in the following diagram are a bit
+misleading, as some of these blocks are mostly organizational and form more of
+a software 'skeleton', while the 'maze' and 'warehouse' modules provide the
+majority of the control logic.
+│ "Hypervisor" │
+│ PC communication ││ Error handling ││ I/O Read & Write ││ Mode logic │
+ ┌──────────┬──────────────┬───────────────┤
+ ┌───┴──┐┌──────┴────┐┌────────┴───────┐┌──────┴──────┐
+ *modes* -> │ Maze ││ Warehouse ││ Emergency stop ││ Calibration │
+ └──────┘└───────────┘└────────────────┘└─────────────┘
+this diagram roughly describes how different parts of the robot software are
+called. most of these modules can talk to each other (e.g. the maze module
+sending an error code to the error handling module, which then forwards it to
+pc communication). here's a quick run-down of all modules and what they're
+supposed to do:
+|module |internal name|purpose|
+|hypervisor |`hypervisor `|backbone of all other modules; stores global variables; controls when other modules run|
+|pc communication|`sercomm `|reads and parses incoming serial data; sends all data in the message buffer|
+|error handling |`errcatch `|receives error codes; controls how errors are handled|
+|i/o read & write|`io `|reads all inputs to global state; writes all outputs|
+|mode logic |`model `|executes the appropriate module for current mode|
+|maze |`mode_maze `|controls robot during maze portion of map; hands off control to warehouse module|
+|warehouse |`mode_grid `|controls robot during warehouse portion of map; hands off control to maze module|
+|emergency stop |`mode_halt `|stops all execution until emergency mode is reset by software or user|
+|calibration |`mode_calb `|find line by turning on own axis if lost|
+## some standards
+this list will probably get updated from time to time:
+- modules shouldn't create any global state variables, they should use `static`
+ variables instead.
+- modules are run cyclically, so they shouldn't take more than
+ `W2_MAX_MODULE_CYCLE_MS` to execute (this is an arbitrary number, and may be
+ changed).
+- documentation comments should follow the [javadoc-style doxygen
+ format]( and be
+ placed in header (.h) files if possible. this only applies to public members
+ (e.g. no local variables or module-internal code).
+- code style is mostly handled by `clang-format` and `clang-tidy`, but you
+ should still follow these naming conventions (`<angle brackets>` indicate
+ placeholders):
+ |symbol type|name|example|
+ |-|-|-|
+ |function|`w2_<module>_<name>`|`w2_errcatch_pushcode`; `w2_sercomm_sendraw`|
+ |variable|`g_w2_<name>`|`g_w2_inputs`; `g_w2_current_mode`|
+ |constant|`W2_<NAME>`|`W2_MAX_MODULE_CYCLE_MS`; `W2_SERIAL_BAUD`|
+ |struct|`w2_s_<name>`|`w2_s_input_data`; `w2_s_output_data`|
+ |enum|`w2_e_<name>`|`w2_e_errorcodes`; `w2_e_serial_commands`|
+ this again only applies to public members. local variables should still have
+ short descriptive names, but shouldn't be prefixed with `w2_*`.
+- arbitrary numbers should be aliased to `#define` statements or `enum`s if
+ part of a series.
+- constants should be placed in `consts.h`
-om de code te uploaden naar de robot moet je de juiste com-poort instellen in
-de makefile in deze map (regel waar `PORT ?= /dev/ttyACM0` staat). deze kun je
-waarschijnlijk vinden in apparaatbeheer op windows (bijv. `PORT ?= COM4`).
-daarna kun je `make flash` uitvoeren om de code te uploaden